I found gold in a river

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well we made it up here again and I'm gonna see if anybody was digging in my spot that I made if they watch the video and came down here hey they're not good my spot looks not too messed up either looks like there's been people down here though anyways let's get down there and get some gold beautiful so beautiful up here really hard work to dig to drive up here it took an hour and something and then James had my bucket I left it in his car here's my Snuffer bottle so we can still pull it off though let's go I don't see any signs parking on this side of the roads uh maybe right here I see see can't park here obviously there's a sign right there and then on that side of the road anytime so I got a park a ways away but I'm gonna go to the end see if I see any of my friends that are up here anyways see you when we get on the river all right we got all set up um hike down here all that shovel same hole gonna continue on with it all the way up to there I'm just kidding I wish I could do that much and got our bucket set up we'll be washing our our rocks with actually water this will be full of water and if you wash out the Rocks that's what we were doing last time it worked we got gold back and remember to bring this I noticed I was scraping a lot of rocks with my hands now I can just use this just scrape it right under the shovel or whatever I want to do I have it uh set up the sleece box running okay not perfect you can't set it up perfect here unless you spent a lot of time you could see these big waves and stuff out here and it creates ways that come in here and just go splash splash splash remember I noticed the river goes up and down a little bit too snow is melting so uh this should get it done got it done last time and it's running a little better than last time actually although it is running a little bit slower so I could probably raise it up a little but let's just do it get it done all right I'll see you guys when I get my first uh whatever bucket first nugget first shovelful who knows all right I can't remember if I showed you guys this before last time I mean um I started digging in my hole you can see I dug around that side of the rock there we're gonna get that rock out of here under there I'm hoping there's at least one piece one small fly food tiny nugget uh I don't need my shovel what am I doing I was going to show you guys how I classify some guys don't know what classifying is it's uh I'm classifying with water so I don't really need this but so I'll pour water on here and then I'll just shake I check the nuggets and through discard your rocks you can discard them in a place where you want them so I want mine right there if I threw them back up over here well next week I might be digging over there you know or over there you just never know where you're going to be digging next so you don't want to throw your rocks on where you're going to be digging especially not in your home but that's kind of common sense but I know that some people do that they'll throw them like right beside their hole and then all of a sudden they'll get blocked out of their hole from big boulders or whatever and they'll have to dig that way and then they have to go through all those rocks again anyways I had to discard these already and then I just take my shoulder here I don't want to go much deeper the reason I don't want to go much deeper is because I'll run into water I'm just trying to get the top just throw that in there throw that in there fill that up again and then we'll do the same thing sift it all up and throw the gravel so that's what we're doing look for uh point where I can start prying The Rock I don't have one yet I could make one that's it's moving hello I don't know if you can tell but that rack is moving I brought a different shovel today too it's a heavier one but I like the ones with the wooden handles you know how to use your pressure points properly you won't break them this one I could probably with it like a pry bar anyways that Rock's almost out one hand so I'll need two hands to get it the rest of the way well just pull it out slide it down and Roll It Off into the water my little place I'm making for a swoosh box right here I want to make a better spot than that I figure I'll do it this time while I'm digging you see last time somebody came here look they made a little Dam right there I may have done that but I think they did and then it was blocked off down there again so I opened it back up so somebody was here a day use person you know they like using this River they like leaving their trash here pretty clean down here right now though at least this spot uh this isn't where they usually come though I think I'm only going to get one can today we'll get gold and aluminum today hopefully we have these birds called swallows and there's one flying around here if you ever heard that song when the swallows come back to Capistrano I live right down I mean that's not too far from here San Juan Capistrano a metal detect on that direction sometimes I love it here put a chair right here and just sit here eat hamburgers relax Ed hamburgers anyways I'll see you guys on the next clip there it is the rock we got out of there uh foreign I'm just going to leave it right here now let's see got a seat to sit down I think you dig and sit down uh see right here the water that's what I don't want to go below that level right there I noticed right at the water level uh years ago I would notice I'd start getting gold right about that level within an inch you know like the gold stopped at the water for some reason should go deeper uh I also noticed right here there's some I've been noticing it already there's like a a sand layer I dug a bunch out of where the water is but yeah it's almost like clay because it's Sandy though but it's Clay can't explain it not really clay clay like muddy clay but it sticks sticks like clay so we were digging this stuff last time I was here yeah it's maybe it's just a mixture of clay with sand well that's what it is ah yeah anyways I hope that stuff has gold in it I mean I'm not used to digging in right on the top like this I'm getting gold but that's what we did last time so we're do it again uh so nice take a break yeah moving that rock with no uh easy beat pretty big it actually bumped up against this rock and it was so heavy it moved that rock down a little and that is a bigger but if I do want to move it I'm going to move that one and then flip it over I don't know I might just keep it there for a chair I like that idea all right back to work all right here we go our hose twice the size now and I only got one bucket went ahead and moved that big rock down here let's get the shovel yeah our hole was only like this size now I've opened up all this but you move a big rock there he is right there that takes a lot of room in here that makes a Hole by itself when you do it all right first scoop I always think when you classify wet like this uh the goal ends up at the bottom of the bucket so if you're gonna do this make sure you empty it real good at the end but I could be wrong you never know what that goes well it pretty much goes to the bottom this is the heaviest it's even heavier than the black sand from what I understand so when I find a ring on the beach it's so heavy besides tungsten and uh Platinum it goes pretty heavy all right that's moving actually at a really slow pace which I like it's a little crooked I can tell see how the dirt goes to one side it usually means it's a soft balance a little bit really not bad the way the water is ready like I said it's running better than it did last time we got gold we might have just hit one little spot with gold though you never know it's kind of hard to do with one hand [Music] all right that could get boring watching so I'll show our our view every time I turn on the camera or there down there nothing exciting is happening the snakes no deer no bears it's just me and the rocks that's it all the trees are looking at me saying what's this guy doing so they don't know what gold is all right all right it's cleaned out now I kind of wanted to see put a couple buckets in there and see how many shovels in there see if anything yellow pops out not yet but we only put that much in so what do I expect I'm kind of messing up my area here where I'm trying to build it I'm trying to build a trough like but all I have to do is push those out a little more and we'll have our trough back and eventually it'll start running smooth and we can uh put this loose box in there real quick and just start going and I'll make it keep going up all the way up the bank there as we come up and clear out this whole area if that's possible um in case you guys didn't know I used to do this a long time ago in fact you went back on my videos you can see so I kind of know what I'm doing I might not act like it but I kind of do dig a lot of dirt and get some gold my theories are not the same as everybody else's I go by the inside bin and all that behind rocks you know but a lot of times I'll just dig on a bank and get gold so what that works for me then yeah I have a sniper bottle I even have a little snuffered bottle it's not a bottle it's just a tube the snop sniff out the little stuff so I loaned my Snuffer bottle to James we don't have that today I noticed somebody said you need to get a Snuffer bottle well I have one I have everything almost that I need uh and when I used to dig up here all the time uh I figured it out in a year's time I get like an ounce of gold so that's if when I find a good spot and I'm getting like half a gram between half a gram and three grams each in time I come it's uh the fact that I gave away a few little specks that's nothing uh yeah I get it you save a little here and there you're I'm broke whatever uh that doesn't help me right now though in the long run it will uh but we're saving our gold for now on and besides when I talk about I'm broke I'm just telling you guys my situation I don't want to sit here and act like everything's good and I'm happy and all this when I'm down you're gonna feel it in the video when I'm up you're gonna feel it out too uh it's just it's just me uh I put it all out there like I'm doing right now the only reason I'm doing this right now is because you guys said in the comments stuff and it doesn't bother me but just so you have a little understanding I'm not good at explaining stuff I'm not good at videoing I'm not like this perfect talking person uh that knows it all I know a little bit and I'm sure what my adventure with you guys that's what I'm doing sure just taking you to these beautiful places but I love going like the beach you know what if I didn't have a metal detector I think I'd still go to the beach I love it down there I love it up here there's nobody around saw me all me and the birds and the water and these trees I know I'm a weirdo all right that's enough talking back to digging actually back to running the dirt here all right we're still digging over here they're gonna wear uh so I walked over here by the bus you know it's too wavy to really tell if there's anything but there's one piece that does look like it did I get it I don't think I'm gonna be able to get it on camera that's not even it all right that's that's annoying but on the other hand I by the way I don't like the uh my V matting on the top of my sluice box I bought some at the gold show last year and I really don't like it uh I'm gonna try to get some more for it this rock here look it's it's like sticking up right here so and I just dug all behind it remember I said about rocks dig behind a rock well this is one of those and it's shoved down in there and I dug all of it underneath there and the dirt looked really good so look aluminum so if we don't get one precious metal we'll get another haha so yeah this isn't full yet I can't wait uh so the kids came by and had tadpoles in there uh here they come I'm gonna try to get I'll show you guys just a minute I'm gonna stop them all right check this out you guys they got tadpoles in here look at that no swimming around did you get any fish little fish look at this the kind of car that they're gonna eat it that's no crowded but anyways I hope you guys find your mosquito fish thank you that is what we're trying to find but I mean too I'm trying to find them right now because I need them in my pond so I won't get mosquitoes yeah all right just asking me if I found any scared the crap out of me that's all the way up the cliff up there and I could hear him like he was right next to me uh we got a pretty good hole here see water is getting in there and stuff I started classifying right here and then the water's drained out and got down there mistake now I got water in my home so we're gonna come back again next time keep on going well this is kind of a test also like last time uh there's no gold coming in this way we may have found all our gold when I first got here right in this ditch here when I was throwing rocks over here trying to make a spot for my sister uh I had shoveled I'd like move a rock you know I'm not a shovel out the dirt underneath it so if that's where we got our goal though we might have not found any today I'm gonna pull this loose box right now we're gonna find well see if there's any showing I think I'll pan it out at home we'll have a better chance that way or nothing I won't lose any gold everything could be re-ran I don't really see any in the top part so who knows that might have been a fluke last time I kind of hope it was because I don't like digging here I mean it's nice but it's not a I'd rather hike in a little bit you know what I mean let's go to a real spot and then I can experience more of the river I was thinking about doing this see all this little stuff this was part of the river during the floods I'm sure and if I brought a rake or something raked all these little rocks away and just scooped out the dirt it just goes right back into this River we can start down there even that's the low spot oh wow that's where my car is so smoke up there well it's more like dust well yeah I think I better go go see if my car is getting messed with because they're doing road work up there on the way in I had to wait but they weren't that far out trying to walk over the river goes here and then it goes that way down I think I remember he's going straight through but I don't remember that yet it could have turned remember this part of it that's right Dug Dug for a lot a lot of days all right uh maybe I'll drive to the end see what I'll show you guys up there what it looks like other than that let's try let's see in the let's see what we can see in this fleece box all right well I don't see much in there but I do see some uh see if we can find it now there's a piece there well there's a piece there and there's some little stuff down here I don't know if it'll show I don't even know if I can find it there so let's go over to this bigger one over here there it is wow and there's another one down here right there let's go anyways there's a another one here another one here those little ones and up at this top part I don't see any that's why I don't like this v-madding up here this top part I don't like it it's like Square not V Lan so it all got caught in the v matting well there may be some in here luckily there is hope there's a lot in there I see something here already straight there see it right there so we know there's some down here oh this makes me want to dig more let's clean that up and it's going to keep digging but I don't want to sit and trap major traffic I want to just get out of here that's why I don't even want to pan it here I just want to go pack up my stuff and just get out of here real quick I don't know if I should fill my hole in or what well I'll just come back to it we'll see how the wrap-up goes well I'll see you at the wrap up what I might see you at the top of the trail I said I'd show it so let's do that all right the window went up to the top at the trailhead up there and I didn't get out and I didn't take I forgot I was gonna film but so I came down here it looks good down here I mean like actually like a lot of uh a lot of stuff moved I'll bet this River was just you see how it's how short it is from here to there I'll bet it was all the way across at one point Maybe not maybe just over here but even so I thought it was flowing pretty good it's probably yeah I can see where it's flowing up under those trees there see I bet that's good digging down here and by good I mean you'll get a little bit of gold just like the spot I was at if I hike in you know you know we could probably find a much better spot shoot it looks nice down here look at they damned it up already these people they made one there there and down there probably each crowd made their own pool one two three four I like this one the best oops one two three four look how the waters goes right against that Cliff there pretty cool like if I was the first one ever up here just probably you could probably walk down there just fine gold on the ground from what I was understand I did some research on this place much better go back in the day and it still wasn't one of the good spots up Northern California all right just wanted to show that this is uh right by the picnic area if you want to look it up Oaks picnic area San Gabriel mountains I'll see you guys in the wrap up look it's raining I left just in time let's get out of here oh geez this is what all that smoke was from uh oh there goes my windows probably wow I'm glad I turned on the camera when I did and I'm just gonna leave it on for now I wave to that guy and here's our little cafe store right here a little cafe and that's it all right we're on our way out of here here's what the road looks like and I wanted to show you guys this Lake drained it check it out I'm so glad I stopped I've always wanted to see what this would look like if it was drained pretty cool looking what's that noise I hear I'd love to go down there so it's pretty much just a little river right now but I think they did this because just below here there's a dam and they're probably repairing it because they know they got the the water to refill this was no no problem right now so probably a good time to do repairs this is a that's where this is all water usually surprised there's no cars down there anyways uh pretty cool see the other side there you can tell that's how deep it looks even down here all right see you guys in the wrap up all right we are home and I'm setting up a little panning station here chair I'm gonna pan it right on that but I gotta move all this black sand what's funny is that's all black sand I got from years ago from gold mining just getting that much at a time made that whole thing that's not all backstand this mostly black sand but there's rocks and stuff in there so I got their two pans there we'll set them on there and I'll pan it out and we'll see what we get I'll show you guys alrighty um there it is I already did a couple handfuls I'm just gonna do a little bit at a time because my panning situation that great anyways we've got some on our first pan look at that well look at that you piece there can you see it there might be more too I just stopped real quick and then one two three pieces there and this piece I don't know it looks like copper could be a set of stuff uh you know that's Mercury could be Mercury on gold I've got it up there before and I put it in a spoon burned it and sure enough it it was gold but we'll just put that aside for now so yeah uh we're doing okay if we found that much I have two handfuls I took out of there you know the Gold's usually on the bottom so hopefully we find that much in every pan all right real quick this is pan number two uh you can see the gold in there so not bad see some floating I guess that's cool but if it's floating I don't really care I don't want it yeah it's flowing going floating gold there's even a little piece right here two pieces piece there piece there there there there there there those are the main two right there but all those little ones I'll grab those too and we still got more to pan out maybe one more pan I'll try to do it too because I just realized I did a big one this time and it was kind of hard that black sand is really hard to I don't know it's like if you do a pan if you dig a pan out of the side of the bank and you pan it out it's pretty easy except the rocks um then you try black sand and you go wow now it's not so easy all right let's get to the next one on here is their bottles looking like if I can grab it great got black sand all over it anyways there's gold in there you can kind of see it uh yeah right there there's gold that's from our first pan four pieces all right I'm gonna scoop this up and I'll finish the rest of it and then we'll look again because it'll make for a long video if I stop every time all right finally finished there it is see a little bit of gold but you know what we found gold that's always nice uh there's still a little bit more in here there's like four little tiny pieces I'm Giving Up on but well that's not even where they're at they're over here they're like in this see if you can see them see him right there anyways they're in there I'm leaving those I think I'll I have a I have a two vials in my room with I had the same problem I sucked that with a black sand and put it in so this is my suction thing right now right here and two of the pieces did not fit through this hole so that's pretty good two of the pieces of our gold was too big for the hole um all right I'll see you guys next time I'm gonna go to Costco now as soon as I get home they want me to start doing stuff for them to change the water so I'm all sore and I walk in there like change the weather like all right things heavy a quick look at the Garden I might wear out at this point these are just getting how big these are gonna get you think they'd be getting a flower by now but they're not I looked online and I've seen some that were just tremendously huge uh Tomatoes starting to turn colors finally it'll be our first one I bet maybe that one who knows but I have been eating the cherry tomatoes so and they're really good uh yeah here's an update remember we just took the clip the suck Lanes off of these and I stuck them in here but here's one from our our giant tomato and it is doing really good it just I transplanted it and started taking off um I actually don't want it to get that big because it's a giant it has tomatoes that can weighed like two pounds or a pound between a pound and two pounds so I'm gonna try to keep that one small like stunt its growth somehow stunt like these these are cherry tomatoes and those that's too big all these are too big I'm not complaining I'm just saying uh yeah I think I'm gonna pick some and eat some for dinner there's some inside there but yeah look at the leaves on this thing there's my hand they're huge carrots are getting huge too all right I'll see you guys in the next one I probably forgot something let me see here gold no wrap up okay that's it bye
Channel: robert ferguson
Views: 2,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AJfZEP7nNn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 40sec (2380 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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