Metal Detecting Rehoboth Beach after the Beach Sand Replenishment 28 May 2023

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again we're supposed to have rain come in for three days right now we're doing okay the beach replenishment is done we've got plenty of sand now I saw lots of people on it yesterday it looks like it's already been swept by the machine so we'll see what they left and oh one note on the beach replenishment when they're pumping it up they have little cages which the sand has to go through because it looks like they put ammunition after World War II into the belly there just to get rid of it so now they're worried about pumping it up and putting it on the beach so let's hope we don't find any of that we're about there [Music] it's still down there dig deeper oh I think it's out that time likes this area I think I see something got a dime getting in the bag here okay interesting signal feel something big right there it's like I got me a can yep got me a can throw away somebody likes AMW this looks like the closest can oh foreign let's start over I've never seen such a small one little Winkle shell yeah grandkids will love that oh that's easy somebody likes screwball looks like a sheep huh throw that away round right trash can hit okay see if it's right on the surface there and it is it's a quarter we can do a quarter uh Beach replacement did good I'm not hitting the uh steel pipe from that outlet there they've got so much sand on top of it you know I can't even register it doesn't seems like it's happy there [Music] in that area no longer there okay I moved it still in that area oh okay look see how exciting it is ah quarter yep I have to tell you I was just walking in Lewis Street and I saw something it was five to twenty dollars oh my gosh I walked up and down the street I thought if it was me I'd be retracing my Scouts yeah nobody came I feel bad oh yeah it happens yep yep another piece for the trash can I guess is the rest of it in here nope you see something red oh somebody's foil packet from their food something else will throw away somewhere in there oh I just hit something I thought I'd get it with the first scoop I guess not okay so that's right foreign okay you tell me what it is don't look like a soda camp it looks like a wallet with cards oh somebody gonna want that back I'm not going to show the name or anything but I will probably be trying to contact this fella let me go put this away I almost gave up on it see if we can fit my bag there we go okay one more shot nothing else okay I knew the cars wouldn't ring up [Music] I found a Doubloon or anything fancy I just found a wallet yeah oh dick yeah like I haven't looked at it yet I'll look at it at home and see if I got a credit card or something called a credit card company good uh reward for that yeah just got to find them yeah [Music] [Applause] I don't know see what it is uh so yeah that's one of them all that for a bottle cap huh I did hear a little bit of iron in it [Music] oh gee whiz you know the trash cans are right there folks yep yep we go take a walk to a trash can some sort of Mexican beer or something I don't know I don't know what the heck it is sailor stuff oh I guess that machine doesn't find everything then it sweeps the beach must do something well it's metal I'm sure it's on Tim Lucian yep and they couldn't make it to the trash can amazing yep and the trash cans are metal assistant I guess not that's nothing okay there's something there somewhere right in there all right that's not so yet let's go deeper and it's starting to rain and there's a quarter I can see it yeah that's three quarters for today and a dime I usually find a dollar or less so I'm way above my quota who knows what's in the wall uh that's getting returned thank you what are you doing flip over there you are well you're not feeling good something's wrong with you come on get straight boy somebody step on you or something bracelet with dolphins huh pretty cool interesting signal okay somewhere in there oh that explains that I guess we don't want that around for the kids it's only time all thank God now let's find a trash can oh look somebody lost the freaking straw that things just blow around here 65 I have no idea what a 65 is because we're gonna find out no it's out here uh something right there okay I got a 65 it looks like it's a bezel to something yeah it looks like it's machine for that oh well and it's got an iron sound and I think I've got a bottle cap here not there anymore oh I called that one tomorrow it's not beer I guess oh I better throw this away before it gets caught in the rain life again before it unravels oh 83 and I don't hear a growl of iron but I just felt something must have been a stone because I didn't get it it's out okay what is it it's a big hunk of metal oh you know what it is it's a World War II bullet without the thing thank God yeah but yeah something tied to it but yeah that's a World War II anti-aircraft bullet they used to practice on this beach and shoot them but I didn't expect to find that that must have came with the uh Beach replacement signal trying to get off the beach call it a day but somewhere in here yeah whatever it is it's trash somebody's coming up okay get rid of the comment all right well that's a wrap for today I kind of quit swinging it oh I can see it my reward for picking up the conduit pack of quarter okay that makes a buck ten that's more than I normally get if I get a dollar you know I'm really doing good so it's a good day but it's time to stop I'm repairing my dad's model airplane I lost elevator control because the servo popped out poor pre-flight and lost the whole nose so it's got a whole new nose now but I'm gonna go and see what's in my bag here and that wallet don't need that I don't need that we gotta look at it that's trash a lot of trash yeah it's always trash on the beach how's that the lamp like that yeah even found a bullet yep welcome to my world okay so it's this thing it's all bungee cord feels like okay well Safeway Club I don't want to see a name fun Club Capital ones okay we'll find it all right okay let's finish up here I took the wallet over to the police it's a Guatemala National and a female it looks like a male and a female but uh I was afraid to be a language barrier if it was somebody local I would have just tried to call him but no so let the police handle it uh the bullet I have I think was dredged up you know with the sand you know it looks like it's got a hole in the back which may be for a century it may be uh like a tracer I guess I should say not a century Tracer you know so whatever was in there is all burned out or rotted out but that's what's there two bottle caps thing some niceties for the grandkids this has little sparkles around the edge like it was a piece of bling jewelry at one time I'm not exactly sure I think it's just glued on Sand or glass or something but it's there you know um Let's see we got a 20 2000 I believe two thousand and uh no 2021 so this is a 2020. going here we have a 1982 which is the winner for age and we got a 1987 dime so that's the fine let me go put it together as a video and I'll send it out to you take care
Channel: A Retirement well wasted
Views: 936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Metal Detecting, Rehoboth Beach, Beach, AT Pro, Garret
Id: tPtrLggLp70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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