Great Finds In The Garden

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[Music] [Music] two two welcome back friends and thanks for tuning in to another episode of dirt fishing dug this video will feature a variety of interesting and historical finds I made while metal detecting during the winter and spring months of 2023 my detecting escapades include a brief hunt at a Florida beach as well as a few different yards in Central Illinois while finding silver coins and gold jewelry is always nice I think finding items that Trace back to a specific time or event in our country's history is absolutely fascinating well let's get on with it I hope you enjoy the show thank you thank you all right got my first hit on the beach here 25 26 dug that hole put the extra sand here see what we might have suspecting a dime a dime all right got paid to be at the beach today not a lot of signals out here at the beach today but I do have one here 22 21 23. it says only two bars down I'm not gonna get my Sands I'm guessing a penny [Music] moved it [Music] right here all right it is not sure what that is oh it is a penny I see Lincoln Memorial but it's been out here a while look how thin that thing is that's razor thin well maybe not razors in but it's very thin all right so this afternoon's hunt I'm doing this they can property I knew the previous homeowner here and they donated the property in the old house to Habitat for Humanity so I've searched around the foundation but it's just it's really just too trashy so I've moved my search to the grass area there's uh some Contracting workers doing some work near the street anyway I focused my energies on uh detecting this old Garden which is pretty large and so hopefully I'll find a couple things in there I'll do this grassy area too I have been here before I haven't really found much but you know it's a beautiful day mid-February in Illinois and so we're going to have a little bit of fun today see what we can find so stay tuned I'll Loop you back in if I find anything good okay I'm by a major road so if you're some traffic noise I apologize for that I'm going along with my Equinox Dig Down got a decent signal kind of choppy it dug that hole it's probably six inches down chased it and I found this it is the size of a nickel and it's a trade token good for something in trade maybe five cents three cents not sure on the back it looks like it says Moe's m-o-s-e so I'm not sure what this is I'll have to get it home clean it up a little bit do some research all right that's a cool find let's dig another hole run along this old garden and got my Equinox got a 2122 and I see something right here there's a round Edge right there round Edge right there not sure what it is all right let's see what we got okay that's what it is like it's got a hole in the middle all right let me see if I can brush that off sure what that's going to be let me uh brush it off and if it's anything decent I'll Loop you back in stay tuned all right got a good signal here [Music] not deep there's only one one bar down oh that's the edge of it right there see the edge of it right there all right let's see what we got here oh that's looking like that's a watch fob and it's got an eagle looks like an eagle on it all right let me get my two thrush out brush it down and I'll show you a better shot of it stay tuned all right well I don't want to put any water on it I'm going to clean it up better at home but that's what the front looks like the back definitely has riding on it I can't make out what it says you might be able to in the video but I'm gonna get it home and clean it up much better and then I'll have a picture for you definitely a watch fob that is really cool find I'm happy to have it let's dig another hole the front of The Medallion features the Seal of the state of Illinois it has an eagle emblem and in the Eagle's beak it's clutching a banner which reads State sovereignty National Union the back of the Medallion says McLean County Illinois USA honors her Soldier then there's an undeciphered name in script writing followed by servwell September 4 1917. after making this discovery I learned the grandfather of the property owner had served in World War One it is highly likely this Medallion belonged to him and that it's his name that is etched into it I plan to get The Medallion professionally cleaned in hopes that the name will be able to be read and the item returned to the person's family all right had a solid 1920 on the equinox dug that hole through the dirt over here I've already identified it I definitely know it's an Indian head penny an even head penny focuses in better definitely an Indian head I just don't know what year it is there's the back let me see if I can get a year for you nice green one okay you guys can probably see the year but I cannot looking through the viewfinder all right having some fun having fun in the garden let's dig another hole all right got a 27-32 dug this hole down deep I'm probably a good eight inches down kept looking looking didn't find it finally dug it out and there it is some kind of an old padlock key section right there it's got a chain to it says something on it I'm not sure I'll clean it off when I get back home all right no padlock let's dig another hole all right I'm on this little pathway that leads to that school back there and I just got a solid 20. wasn't very deep dug that hole I mean that's less than two inches I got that fine and right here it's definitely a ring kids size ring could be a junker probably is a junker but still a ring all right be really nice if that was an actual gold so let me brush it off and see what I can find out stay tuned all right definitely not give me the wow factor of a gold ring but it's a ring nonetheless so I'm thankful to have it good fine that's my third ring in less than a day I found two yesterday and one today so all right let's dig another hole all right it's turning into a fun little hunt at a 2021 same little path leading to the school dug that hole got this maybe the world's smallest lock don't know if it's the world's smallest but it is a teeny tiny lock but that's cool that'll be a nice display piece yep hopefully there will be some writing on it and I can identify the company that's a cool little padlock here we go knock some of the dirt out so you can see it a little better very cool let's dig another hole all right I'm searching the backyard of this home it was built in 1927 just found junk so far I've been here about 15-20 minutes and I was just going along with my Equinox 800 I had a 24-28 signal loud I expected it to be a can it's not a can it is this some kind of a toy so that's better than a can not sure if I have the whole thing or if it's missing part of it so if it's missing part of it maybe I'll find the rest of it all right let's dig another hole I had 1920 on the equinox dug that hole not very deep look at this all right that is a Mazuma play money mizuma was a bubble gum company apparently so I'm a Zuma play money and I think it's got probably a profile some famous person on the other side so once I identified it I'm like let's not do anything so I will clean it off the camera and let's see who it is as far as I know they all had somebody on the other side I don't know that's just why watching other people's YouTube videos I could be wrong okay I'm not recognizing anything so far we do a pant wipe okay well there's what the back side looks like I can't read it through the viewfinder but it's a mizuma bubble gum play money dime 10 cents that's what it looks like let me get my brush out and I'll get it cleaned up and I'll give you a better shot stay tuned all right that's the best I can do out in the field it definitely says Buffalo Bill on it and I think it says 1846 and 1917 so that's probably his lifespan but hopefully when I get it home I can get rid of some of that corrosion and Salvage it if you look closely you can kind of see the tail end of his beard so Buffalo Bill mizuma gum company token first one I've ever found so it's pretty cool all right let's dig another hole all right head of 2122 on the equinox got this coin it's a wheat penny don't know the year cleaned it up some already obviously but I can't see the year and I don't want to spend time cleaning it here in the field so I can keep hunting so wheat penny very cool where there's Wheaties there's a chance for silver and I'm hoping to find some let's dig another hole 19 on the Equinox this one popped out real easy after I opened the plug see that line up my plug right here right here that's what was in there stainless steel knife probably not very old all right you never know what you're gonna find let's dig another hole all right I'm gonna live took this one I got a good signal here [Music] side might be too good might be a can [Music] this area I didn't really see how deep it was pay attention hoping for that elusive silver here [Music] saw it but it's not silver I don't think okay it's a coin we can get an identity probably a wheat nope Memorial bummer let's dig another hole okay it's about 51 degrees here in Central Illinois today so I decided to go out and do a little bit of detecting decided to use my gear Ace 400 machine today and I like the machine so I just got a penny signal and then I dug that hole and the object was about the size of a nickel I'm like what that doesn't make sense well here's what it is a token like an arcade token it said Namco on it there's Namco on it and there's some kind of design on the back I'll have to clean it up a little better get you a better shot but all right I actually like that and I like it better than a penny so all right cool little fine brings back some memories I'm a child of the 80s arcades were a big thing when I was much younger all right let's dig another hole all right five minutes later from finding that Namco token I'm just going along this row of trees I dug that hole it was an 80 to 83 signal [Music] it is a toy some kind of a toy Cannon so it looks like maybe the wheels are broken off so I'll check the hole to see if I can get the wheels all right a little toy probably Howitzer not really a cannon all right cool let's dig another hole [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dirt Fishing Doug
Views: 194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cYCGZF5oJc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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