What if Everyone did Nothing in Mario Party Superstars?

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gamers welcome to my boulders today we're rock and wild luigi are we facing off against mario luigi and wario and today we are on a quest to play every mini game while doing absolutely nothing and seeing what happens so really fun fact before we start on the first one you can actually play this game with an nes controller because i have four human players turned on and look at that that's actually really cool in case you ever want to play mario party with this thing go for it anyway let's go ahead and check out mushroom mix up i have a feeling things aren't going to go too well for any of us okay look at that draw now it's time to try out some bombs away honestly this is anyone's game it depends where the bomb lands and oh waluigi survived okay he survived oh my god we are all no oh hold on hold on well everyone survive no okay so i guess wario wins that one congrats to you i guess look how strong he is i wish i was as freaking ripped as he was it shy guy says i don't know what else you're expecting here shy guy throws up a flag we kind of all get the choppy choppy you want to know what's crazy about crazy cutters is that none of us are going to get any points and it'll be another draw this ought to be interesting how is this one gonna go okay so look here's the thing if we all just teamed up together without moving we might actually solve the entire puzzle except no not really we're all in like corners so uh yeah dizzy dancing well we're certainly going to be dizzy and that's about it unfortunately the music note is a little too far away for any of us to reach it so guess we're just not getting that we're just going to be jamming oh yeah look at that john can you like make a song and have the characters jam out with their head bopping just make that edit and it will be really cool i promise everyone in the comments will say thank you john for that really cool music video edit bumper balls nobody moves did you really expect anything else if you did what's wrong with you i'm actually concerned my question with hot rope jump is is one person gonna technically lose first is it gonna be all of us or is it gonna go in a row let's see i think we all lost the same time all right well that's just how it is now we know tread carefully they said well guess what there is no treading so we don't have to be careful boy i sure would be intimidated by the spikes on these cars but i'm not for some reason i don't really know why just wonder why the chain chomp is definitely hungry he always is he has a never-ending stomach however he doesn't get to eat today because he's been a bad boy he's gonna pop his bubble i'm assuming it'll be like food but then no one's there no one's in the barrel he can't tell and it'll be like that for the rest of the 45 seconds you don't have to watch it you're welcome now i'm pretty excited for mecha marathon to just watch all the shy guys go plop it's gonna be hilarious they're just all face palming together in a group and yet another mini game where nothing is going to happen their time is going to run toes can be waving his flag once he only does one cycle of waving that's kind of weird now this is where things are gonna get interesting bowser's big blast because i think we're gonna be forced to pick something so really it's anyone's game in terms of who's gonna win let's see how this one goes does waluigi survive of course not i never survive this one i can't win no matter what but who is gonna end up winning my vote is on luigi because he's luigi let's just be honest and here we go switch pushed is luigi safe no luigi loses oh i can't believe it well you know what it's got to be wario i feel like he's got this in the bag here we go here we go and that is the game so mario actually won that time i think we already know what's gonna happen with roll call but i did go ahead and make the decision to pick stage two so we can marvel at these beautiful boulders i mean just look at them oh so nice i want those in my collection and here we have another mini game where it's actually really hard to tell who's gonna win and it's gonna take a long time because there's a 10 second timer it's gonna be quite a while before this mini game is over and wario picks a one so i'm curious if it's always gonna be a one if that's the case it's gonna take quite a while because that means yeah it would just take like the longest amount of time possible so another one if we get a one again i think every single roll is going to be a one and this is going to take like 10 minutes yeah so i think every time it's a one wow really makes you think about life doesn't it you're just sitting here doing absolutely nothing just waiting for this game to finish and here we go mario is dead who's gonna die next i can count this out too see one two three four five six seven eight nine ten yeah waluigi's gonna be dead next okay while we're waiting for this to happen shout outs to john check this out i have him on discord look at this epic toad gif shout outs gg man i feel bloated today i ate way too many sticks oh i hate it when i eat like you know two pounds of sticks like it feels great nice and raw you getting all those vitamins but the stomach lining does not like it and this is the moment of truth remember that game show that really awful one that caused like divorces and stuff that's basically this right now luigi's gonna get a divorce with wario because wario made him take the beehive and luigi's allergic to bees wario wins now snowball summit no one's making a snowball oh boy ice rink risk someone's definitely gonna win this one but who will it be oh okay oh mario mario watch out oh i guess it's fine right now but things are gonna get spicy when the other spike comes in why are you loses first okay second will i win finally no no i think we all know how bounce and trounce is gonna go we bounce and we're gonna trounce storm chances ought to actually be interesting cause yeah we're gonna actually run into the the water at some points so far only luigi and wario have gotten some water can i please get something wow everyone except me has gotten some water that's just that's sad it's purposefully avoiding me what the heck wow i just don't deserve the water i guess can i just give it my own rainwater hello please now for mush pit normally you'd grab the mushroom and grow big but no one feels like doing that today we're all just chilling out yeah this is not going to go well it's not going to go well cheap cheap gonna eat them up that's it i'm actually really curious if um the game gives you like an automatic swing for chip shot challenge or if just nothing happens i guess we have to wait 10 seconds once again oh yeah yeah it's gonna automatically swing so i guess we're all going to get the exact same score right or is there like some sort of rng element to this actually really curious so 3.92 yards we'll see if i get that next because there very well could be rng elements to his let's see i don't think there is all right so we're gonna tie 3.92 yards rockin raceway i think we're gonna get a tie here cause oh wait we're just not gonna move i mean it's messy memory you know things will get a little messed up and we're supposed to put the things in the right spot but since no one's gonna do that [Music] yeah trace race well we're all gonna get pushed and that'll be pretty cool it'll be great i'm actually curious what score we're all going to get i mean i know it's going to be a tie but what will the score be well actually that's really interesting the way that it pushed us to push wario first then mario then luigi then waluigi so does that mean i'm not gonna get pushed to the end and what's the score that we get i'm gonna guess like 30 no 25 points 25 27 i was very close we technically all win wait i get a star yay i won a mini game finally it's not going to go well i think we're all just dead yeah i mean maybe wario will survive no the only peril is that no one wants to take any of the paths look at them doing their practice swings oh they must be so proud well guess what they're too scared to swing now they're all gonna get zero points that is pathetic from all of you wow look at that thing grow whoa leaf leap but guess what no one's leaping pushy penguins ought to actually be interesting since there's gonna be a little bit of randomness to this oh i'm dead first of course i'm gonna die first wait will i oh maybe not luigi died first okay well of course wario wins who's even surprised at this point is anyone even gonna get a single scoop that's what i'm most curious about here because there's a possibility of that happening oh wario almost got one i almost got one okay this might actually happen oh come on at least one person of course wario of course wario the last second gets a freaking scoop of orange ice cream it looks very unappetizing looks like we all just want to get really dizzy this is the real dizzy dancing it's not bill blasters light fright everyone's scared the night they're scared to use their light and everyone's about to get a little bit of fright because these chain chomps are coming in hot and it is random so luigi's dead first then of course i am in wario surviv oh wait oh we just all lose later skater might be the name but these fellas they got no shame there is a teeny teeny tiny chance that someone will pick up a letter and shy guy will also run into them luigi got a letter okay but will shy guy grab it i'm gonna laugh if he actually gets it oh there goes more letters oh mario's so close to grabbing one oh oh oh my god luigi got a point i can't believe it i oh oh come on give me the love letter please no i can't believe luigi actually got a point that's so funny this is gonna be totally random who wins i mean really it could be anyone because i think it just drops automatically at zero oh it's not looking good for me i got the gold one but mario got like eight thousand so it doesn't matter at least wario didn't win what goes up we'll never know what goes up because we're staying down are you ready to see the least impressive snowboarding of all time here we go while we just going in hard oh yeah zero points baby monty's revenge is gonna be a very interesting one because i think you have to hold down a oh wait oh no sorry you have to put you have to hold a to push your head up okay really this is anyone's game but as we can already see luigi's gonna win at least wario dies first then i'm gonna fall to my death and then there goes mario congratulations luigi you win another game oh this one's always so painful freaking pokey pummel we can't get we don't get to score man now if i'm not mistaken for this one i'm pretty sure we're all just going to be chilling up here because we're not going to automatically go through a door wow goomba spotting no one's going to spot anything wow this is a little rigged flash forward i don't get to move luigi amari get the spotlight what the heck man actually kind of curious who is gonna win this like is it gonna be a tie between mario and luigi i guess do i even get points damn all of us are intimidating poses it's just that's it one of my favorite minigames it's sad to see that we're all gonna get hit by the spikes and it's the same pattern for everyone so gonna be a tie fellas facelift bowser doesn't need a facelift he looks great already quite frankly anyone could lose dark and crispy really depends how bowser's feeling of course go for me first why not have wario win again just get mario just do it what are you doing bro yep not even surprised oh no pit boss mario's dead oh oh maybe i'm dead first oh i don't know well i guess we're gonna have to wait for the uh the collision any time now wait do we all win oh no i didn't think so wario loses first it's a miracle but then of course i lose not even a surprise this is not gonna go well for me it's it's just not it's just one of those days you don't get the blister no one gets the blister we're all happy except the piranha plant he's still kind of hungry can someone give him a scooby snack john can you edit and give him the snack thank you and on to arch rival which this one's great for me well great for the computers i mean because they're all going to survive i don't even get a shot i'm just analyzing their pictures are you ready for the most boring game of look away you've ever seen here we go wow i won that one yay you can do it waluigi ground pound with the with your mind powers come on he won't he won't he won't do it i guess i technically win boulder ball right because they're not even going to attempt to climb up insane for coconut conch even though luigi could very easily just do a little little ground pounder but uh no spotlight swim they'll never find me actually pretty curious about how this one's gonna go because you know they're forced to hide somewhere right and i'm forced to pick something oh wait oh they oh oh oh i'll take this victory as well man look at that 8-bit mario art so pretty actually really curious how this one's going to go too oh you know what oh i gained some speed oh come on waluigi yes okay we got wario finally some revenge the skiing shy guy we love him he's the best now what oh i think that's it unless they run into me they have to run into me on their own oh come on i'm right there just just a little to the left dang well i tried i at least got wario we've done this before we already know how this works oh hell yeah i get to keep the football as a souvenir that's what i'm talking about wow another mini game where everyone just stands there doing nothing but at least waluigi is going for that high five and just doesn't get it that's very sad are we gonna move at all in bobsled run probably not imagining the same deal in handcar havoc there is not even a hill to go down and no one moves in dungeon dash who could have seen that coming now speed hockey ought to be interesting so it's going to move on its own oh do we got it oh come on come on oh oh god this is gonna be scary oh jesus anyone could get it let's go we got the first point is it gonna be the same pattern every time it's not okay who knows who knows who could win this one oh hey hey no get out of there get out of there no ah damn it we lost a point i like that it's random every time though that's kind of nice it adds some suspense come on you can do it waluigi yes you got it just keep hitting it like that you'll eventually get it in maybe maybe not oh god i don't like this i don't like this at all no oh no no no no i don't like this just score again not on our side though the blue one go towards the blue stay away from us while we're on a time limit what happens for the time limit finish that's it i genuinely had no idea what do you expect honestly can we get an f in the chat for all these beautiful luscious cakes and strawberries just not being used everyone's gonna either get strawberries or cakes no strawberry shortcake i'm actually okay here's the thing with sky pilots i mean yeah we don't get to move but we automatically go forward don't we yes technically okay technically we are going forward i guess we're kind of in the lead but are we gonna hit the rainbow circle that's my question oh we're gonna miss it and wario and mario are gonna get it oh that sucks oh that sucks are they even gonna hit it yeah they're gonna hit it for sure yep that sucks so much oh they get the other one too oh wow we've caught right up oh my god we're in the lead again let's go this is just horse race horse bat racing that's all this mini game is oh but that cannon's definitely going to hit us no it's not it hit them oh my god this is insane oh god another cannon oh but hit him if you hit him we have a chance because he's getting the circle and we're not hit him please why didn't you do that what the heck man come on cannonball hits how did you avoid that how did he freaking avoid that give me my rain water absolutely despicable absolutely despicable we want to etch and catch but we can't etch so no catch picking panic there's no panic outside of the fact that we are hanging on a rope by our dear feet and if we fall we're gonna break our freaking necks man that pizza is looking delicious too bad we don't get to eat any of it another great mini game we just don't get to play so sad oh boy reversa bomb who's gonna lose uh i think it's gonna be a tie actually yeah cause we both lose three points at the same time it's gonna be a tie straight up i mean i'm assuming that's what's gonna happen yep right oh we all win we all get points that doesn't make sense but okay probably because the game assumes it's impossible to get a tie no one ever actually tries it now this is just unfair i mean come on i think we all know why this is the best challenge for this mini game because the boulders don't get hurt well look at those pretty little goombas not getting a single coat of paint and now on to the dual mini games i'm thinking i'm gonna lose first just because i'm closer well that's fun that's just great oh it's a tie they still counted as a tie fine with me except no one's gonna bind look at those piranha plants they look so happy man if the routes are exactly the same which i think they are we're gonna get a tie however i'm not sure if anyone's going to lose like we both could win theoretically but i don't really care to find out and i believe the meteors for mass meteor are both also the same they sure are gonna get the exact same score hit every balloon every balloon every boulder balloon they're actually balloons but they're look like boulders yeah spin doctor too dizzy can't do it nah actually here's the thing anyone can win this one although it is just a money mini game yo five i'm actually getting good rng i got another money bag let's freaking go let's freaking go dude a third money bag yes i'm feeling good this game i mean wario has 12 but i'm rocking 20. let's go finally some good rng i actually won i actually won a mini game fair and square dude i can't believe it that's insane look at all that free money we're not gonna get and this is another one that's anybody's game i like where that money bag's going let's freaking go like those free five coins can i get something else another money bag yes oh i am so much in the lead wario only has four coins right now oh we are rocking it out with the 20 points all right we won another mini game two in a row an x-ray payday it doesn't matter we can no pick up box sad i think they're all just gonna die i mean can they even get points if they're sucked in no i get all the money i like this the revenge of waluigi after losing like 80 mini games in a row finally finally i get my revenge and we're capping off at 37 to zero coins now for river raiders this one is really anyone's game again i honestly think i'm gonna lose this one just because they have more traction for grabbing coins i did what because i got hit i missed the money back that's some bull crap wow that is some serious bull crap the freaking log is always in the middle what the heck is anyone even gonna get points here like there's a small small chance that maybe we get coins wow still zero not looking too good really not look except luigi oh luigi almost grabbed that one it was very close but still a tie so puddle paddle please be nice thank you let's go hammer bro give us some more cons please yes all right more coins please we are in the lead but let's be real are any of us happy four coins two coins who cares i'm guessing this is gonna be the exact same score [Music] yeah it's just gonna be the same score as far as i'm aware which what will the score even be the score will be eight winner or dinner hell yeah luigi let's go taking the coin i'm happy if we just get that one coin because it's pretty unlikely that wario or mario are gonna get anything wario gets a spike up the butt mario gets a freaking coin come on we'll give us one give us another one yes thank you for feeding me that was delicious tasted like victory but hey we got two coins they got one i'll take it now i'm pretty sure i'm gonna be forced to score which is good because it should go to the other side which means we're going to win we're gonna get a a blowout here let's just score one more point for the team this will not be nearly as interesting it's ice hockey you know no one's gonna get the puck we're just staring at its beauty if the shell moves this could potentially be interesting it doesn't move i'm no longer interested dang we're all going to lose at the same time i actually don't know what happens when we always at the same time it won't take very long so let's see do we tie or we get a oh it just keeps going oh snap the real question though okay i was gonna say are we gonna score any combos here we're gonna get some points from the pink dude wouldn't it be funny if we all won at the exact same time like legitimately got wait a minute why did warrior get more points oh what is okay everything got randomized i guess who knows this is actually kind of suspenseful who the heck is gonna win this one i mean mario's kind of killing her right now but really it's anyone's game yo luigi coming in with the clutch though 88 points it looks like i'm about to lose oh or oh i caught up 80 points come on can i win this game by doing nothing when i normally can't win come on let's get some points 90 oh this is so close 91 92 yes yes i actually won that one oh that feels good can i pull out another victory though in block star let's see i'm thinking nothing's gonna happen and on to our final mini game here we go oh it's a little oh it's gonna be random oh it's not gonna be the same okay well i'm really hoping i can clutch this one out the only problem is that um well you know i can't really move my pieces so and also this is gonna take eight years but wow this is a problem i think we're both gonna lose at the same time actually i'm honestly what we got a tie and stick and roll we got a tie in stick and spin it's called stick and spin that that's just crazy to me
Channel: Bathaniel Nandy
Views: 192,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, mario party, mario party absolutely nothing, mario party superstars doing nothing, luigi, mario, super mario, mario party 10, mario party 9, mario party the top 100, super mario party, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party all minigames, bathaniel nandy
Id: dDmawdS-u0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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