Going for an antique airplane ride

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is a j3 club owned by a few of us here this is a 41 this plane 1941 wow it's uh it was actually this airplane was that has a little bit of uh training time in the navy for uh before well during world war ii up there are the rudder pedals okay and the um brakes those are heel brakes you come out during one of the show when we're doing shows yeah it's a lot of fun all these airplanes you see around here come out really yeah we got the oldest flying airplane in the world right now [Music] [Music] [Music] so wow [Music] so so so that was awesome so turn around try to see and then grab these straps here yeah and then swing that left leg all the way over yes in you did better than me perfect [Applause] [Music] [Music] a lot bigger than the cob it is yeah yeah you can't lift up that tail yeah um well yeah it's a 1929 d25 new standard bi-plane it's really designed to to give people rides like this we had there was a fuselage back here a while back that had actually a hopper in the front for like crop dusting what engine is this clay this is the right r 760 760 of displays a j6 of valve overlap so you got like that rough idle you know um but uh 235 horsepower 235 yes sorry i was thinking of the continental and they were they're sandbagging that number it was actually if you put them on a on an engine test stand they usually turn some closer to 240 850 horsepower this is a navy right the engine was manufactured by wright aeronautical but this one was manufactured by the navy at naval shipyard philadelphia because the navy used these engines on uh trainers there prior to world war ii kind of fuels this you putting in here so it's it's aviation 100 octane it's 100 low-level one compression yeah that's it [Music] [Music] so [Music] yeah yeah that was great cool very cool great yeah yeah know for you it's a badge of honor it wasn't as cold as i thought it would be up there though that's the one if people came want to do rides that's the one they'd be going in probably going everyone knows that's available for for rides oh boy [Music] [Music] all right [Music] so so here we go oh i see it so this has like an exhaust uh decompression it's down here so so [Music] [Music] it's no it's all the way down you want it up uh it's down yeah yeah put it swing it out to the right swing it up yes please okay [Music] see that yeah it's on fire so so ah this is your fuel that's your clutch okay like clutch in first gear plenty of fuel all right it whew in the ticket booth and now he's the head the head honcho over here so playing this all on cover here this is this is basically it this is what the pilot said the the cub looks just like this actually a lot less bracing but when it's steel tube fuselage you know welded construction and uh turn it around you know carefully designed and engineered to be as light and strong as possible you know 220 worst v8 from 1918 and this one in french world war one fighter aircraft the spads very modern engines for the time period like super reliable overhead cam all enclosed and oiled um [Music] i wanted to join the courtyard look at the radiator on this one yeah the back of the engine yeah it's pretty neat yeah and they have a big fan in the back as well to sort of get that air up in there and a few engineers went in a hotel and used a napkin to draw out a design and i don't know within two or three weeks they had a prototype but this said this uh to have one dh something like that a pretty big airplane but um you know after the war they would uh you know make small modifications of these engines and put them in those you know those mahogany speedboats and stuff but they just have that on the other way around and uh fly like that this one would have this one would originally have a um a mercedes 296 same engine that's in the d7 yeah he keeps all the mice away after the porthole nice and clean in this shop huh oh yes that's that's for you yeah it's a very organized uh likes to keep the shop clean he built this uh spirit of st louis with with help from a lot of other people what was the story time we had the engine uh the right engine yeah the race j5 once he had that engine he said wow you know that's the same engine that lindbergh used across the atlantic and the spirit of saying those who felt that it would be nice to um to build a reproduction of it and these coal panels started to build the airplane back in the 80s i think but other projects got in the way so he put it aside they allowed him access to the original spirit which was hanging up at the national air and space museum and was able to take some measurements and photos and things to make sure they got everything accurate this first flew in 2015 just a few years ago we've been flying here on saturdays during the air shows the history of flight air shows and they knew they needed tons of fuel right this thing carries 450 gallons of fuel and the best way to do that is to carry that right underneath the center of lift because as you lose your fuel your your weight changes right and if you were to change your weight after the center lift or four to the center lift it sort of makes the controls you know just it won't fly as stable and whatnot so they put the uh the huge fuel tank the main fuel tank right from the pilot and put the pilot behind the fuel so the pilot is sitting that wicker in that wicker seat right there so you can't see in front of them exactly at all however okay if you look at this little uh opening right here uh-huh and you put this knob out to the side this is actually a periscope oh oh that's fine when you look in there there's a couple of mirrors and you could see out the side but you know the first time ken was saying in here he looked through it i think he just put it back in thinking like as far as replicas go um this one is like very very accurate it's called an era era that's right and it was built in 1933 and they had a few different ones they never built two that were the same before you know there's a model of it basically a flying wing that's pretty different than any of the other planets yeah and it had really good performance i think it the range of speed is like craftsmanship in in progress uh you know strips of wood steam them you know in a tube with the steamer there you you put them in a jig to bend them there's there he's got the jig sitting right there in the vise and you know i see him with that sander going and fitting these in there nice and gusset some glue the other sort of reverse engineer the original drawings were have been able to locate now he's been making steady progress and he did most of this in the last year and a half or so mm-hmm first airplane to fly across the english channel whoa really yeah with an engine an anzani engine just like that except the cylinders were arranged up in the top it was a motorcycle engine does this one still work this one flies this is the oldest flying airplane in the world today really yeah have you ever flown it i have not i've taxied it yeah i i probably you know the next couple years i think i'll uh i'll get the opportunity oh awesome yeah it's really neat this one has you know it doesn't have yellow rods it says what's called wing parking where the whole ring flexes you see that he'd race the stain you race the cars around there they'd race those high wheel bikes all over the place and he was a motorcycle driver right yeah so when you sit in the seat you're strapped in with these heart this these these you know cushions right here on either side of your ribs yeah and you lean back and forth the yellow runs on either side whoa yeah this is all original 1918 141. wow you don't get to see that very often right and we just did a full restoration on this i mean you know one of our one of our volunteers here who works on the cars and this and uh he had the tracks off he had the rollers off you really did a full real nice job painted the whole thing that's really cool it's one of those engines where they were having issues with uh engines overheating because they were trying to you know use cooling fins and whatnot and you know water cooled engines added a lot of weight so they knew they were on the right path to get some air cooling working but uh they had trouble with overheating problems so what they did is they bolted the crankshaft to the firewall so the crankshaft was fixed and that whole engine would spin really yeah and uh and they were able to balance that properly too yeah i mean it was enough yeah enough balance and and uh well that'll keep it cool though yeah exactly it's been you know 1200 rpms like the max german design this has an original mercedes inline six engine up front a big old eight foot prop on it actually a little less filter this has quite beefy wing ribs on it i mean you got your main spar apps [Music] rather [Music] [Music] they call we call this the history of flight museum and it covers everything from uh the pioneer hero up through the golden age of aviation and then on these other three buildings covered specifically the three years of pioneer one original from 1908 called the it's a french design but this one was built in the united states and it was one of the first uh airplanes to use chrome molly steel tubing in its construction but you could see as you spin it the crankshaft is offset see that yeah and the engine spins around it so you're getting your stroke just from the crank from going off shut yeah wow yeah so obviously you see it's going there's a compression stroke there and at the bottom it's that top dead center down here and it fires and then uh yeah this is an original uh newport well it's a newport 83 this was owned by a pretty famous pilot's name is charles number sir he was a world war one ace but this was part of the smithsonian collection for a while and this was also at roosevelt field and cole palin acquired the other six airplanes this was one of the three that he didn't get and the smithsonian got it this was used for uh for uh transporting mail back in the in the 20s and 30s all sorts of weather all sorts of you know you name it this is kind of like the arrangement that's in the cub here's a continental this is a 65. once pusher coal flew this quite a bit during the shows funny story of this is he kept on banging up the prop like little bits of engine parts should fall off once in a while and it would you know nick the prop and apparently an old timer came to one of the shows and said yeah i see you got some nicks in your prop there how come you don't have chicken wire on it and sure enough cole put that chicken wire on the back there to see if any little bits of the engine fell off it wouldn't damage the propeller oh now the bits of the engine falling off sounds like a big deal on your phone yeah right i have a lot of time in this model t this this model seems to be on field so 13 now you know 30s and 40s and you can see the you know just in 10 20 15 20 years the you know difference in aerodynamics and you know sort of closed cockpits somewhat yeah there's there's pictures of clay's father in this airplane warming it up this one was found in like the rafters the wings of this airplane are actually down on the field this is uh world war one uh 1915 this is a stag display that our good friend uh tom polo paint did and this is how this airplane was shipped to the front lines they had these special hooks on the fuselage for the wings this is a 16 gnome rotary engine coming in on final to land this and he lost one of the cylinders because this is one of those rotary engines and it came you can see the catch on the gallon somewhere up here it started you know so off balance it it shook so bad he couldn't see but luckily he was on short final and he was able to get it on the ground nothing wasn't found we do 19 weekends two shows a weekend every saturday and sunday and um and you know there's really another other place like that in the world keep an eye out on on what next year brings and you know just keep an eye on the website it's www.oldrineback.org yeah we'll see what happens all right cool yeah i'll definitely look looking forward to coming back
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 212,259
Rating: 4.9153457 out of 5
Id: tPMA9KowTeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 39sec (2199 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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