Getting a lab puppy

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hey Levi what are we gonna go get we're gonna go get right now Levi what's this what's that right there Levi what do we have everybody lunch stairs watch these dogs do it Ranger buddy did it right up those stairs you like ready to snowmobiling with Cody makeshift dog blanket there is every little better is this like this the whole way I mean they should be fine I'm towing a trailer and like I don't have any studs so I think all those guys have studs wow there's a liquid-cooled that's fine they're cooler so it doesn't let them cool down like since we were riding on not snow yeah cuz it's gonna cool down right yeah yeah alright Levi all the new sleds overheated but with the Proudfoot [Music] I got broken motor mount on this thing it's like yeah I should ever its what still but it's like grind in a lot so it's a Cody it's funny when I jumped the back of the key switch it stays running but if I turn the key then won't I have to hold the gas to keep it running yeah oh they got it going [Music] your first snow I wonder why it's up on a skid like this yeah that's all I mean that's like 30s it's a pretty big axle on this thing would be jealous you're a little big to ride my coat he was dad but I can try alright oh you don't like your toesies cold [Music] I catch to the ground so it looks like it is and then they were just using it as like a winch yeah now let's chuck allis-chalmers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is like day three with Cody Cody Cody go get a drink [Applause] no I'm how'd you it hold it we're all right you ready guys little clumsy I'll even keep them all right Cody you see how alright Levi is up there all right Cody did you see how that was done did you see how clear I did that not to you're not chewing to it here let's go here's do it with stairs are easier so let's do all the way outside cuz you got like a whole step come on easy easy stairs yeah alright next come on you go next one see if you're here now you got to go somewhere stuff huh little push little push now put your head up over what do you think Levi Cody revisit this you're gonna learn these stairs by the end of this video alright hey Cody tomorrow you turn two months old you know that you like pizza Labrador Retrievers like pizza [Music] [Music] [Music] you yes what's hairy there got it you got it I'm Kyle Levi show us how you catch right it's it Levi sit sit Levi sit sit okay watch this watch red easy boy see Levi catches every time let's see if Cody can catch Cody you like cream puffs I like cream puffs Cody okay sit sit sit Cody sit okay ready that's not a catch it ready sit sit yeah sit yes sit dude you got to catch it you gotta catch it we're teaching them we're teaching them ready sit sit - all right you got that one but you do you gotta catch this Cody sit sit yeah good boy Levi say all right you got two so Levi gets to leave me ready Levi can catch Labrador Retrievers like cream puffs look how big Cody's gettin Cody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Levi come here Levi Levi Levi don't go where it's deep you don't even break the ice it's both you guys get it yeah [Applause] [Applause] lazy clear coat of yours you're almost as tall as Lacey yeah [Applause] put you to the dear walk there once yes [Applause] all right so Cory the puppies just over three months old now check out this mint exciter I got 1978 look at that thing things like perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you watching yeah Cody's waiting for the boulder [Music] look at those feet look how big your feet are look at that giant foot he's got look at that I know you want to bite something Cody what's this what's that right there what's that what's this what's that what is that go get that what is that thing get it Cody look at you guys like the same height Cody you're gonna get bigger though [Music] [Music] we got to get Cody Cody come here Cody Cody can't go down these stairs yet he goes up and fine and then with he gets in the thing like he starts running up him and never stops and then he gets stuck you get stuck up here all the time you've done it like 50 times come on come down the stairs no you keep getting stuck up up on this roof let's go down the stairs buddy come on let's learn these stairs come on come on you guys just do it just do it all right now you have to do it come on do it out here where there's less steep come on come on Cody you gotta learn these stairs right here no no you they're gonna carry you got the roof just finished all this sheet metal I still got a weld everything but I mean it's mostly welded Cody let's go down the stairs come on buddy see he wants to go up I'm gonna carry you I'm gonna carry you guess what we got pizza let's go check out the pizza situation [Music] all right what do you want guys my pizza you'd help me eat this pizza a real good way to get pictures of a dog is have food in your hand and I can make them up look anywhere I want see I'm holding this food so I'm look down over here over there all right I'm teasing you all right another great feature about dogs they will do all the dishes never have to do dishes if you have a dog Cody you're missing out on the dish cleaning I guess that's always Levi's job oh that's why I leave my gets it that you better in dishwasher leave my turn all right so check it out Cody's finally Levi showing him how to do the stairs good job Cody Cody's a little annoying all right Cody dude Cody doesn't look he doesn't want that happiness do more stairs hi Cody show us over go down the stairs Cody come on Cody your friend Sadie's coming hey Sadie [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Sadie you're soaking wet and leaning on me what are you doing I haven't seen you in a while good girl Sadie you got a haircut you don't need haircuts they say do you want to show Cody how to fetch you see that you ready to go get it go get holy this is like your first time swimming what do you think [Music] [Music] Lacy's sleeping right now I'll call he's gonna end that oh you were so I was like touching her and she was like sleeping sitting up so you're pretty like relaxed with the situation let that puppy just biting you constantly alright Levi do you like we're not puppy bites you that's what he does you just could you just cool if that happening huh Levi help Sadie Sadie okay check out the deal Sadie was clean pretty clean then and she went rolled in the mud I gave her bath she's fine she's clean again just wet and she comes outside rolls in the dust as she's soaked and now she's Sadie come on girl come on I got you look I gotta give you back to your owner clean if we want to hang out again head up kody man I don't know I mean she seems to be cool if you bite her in the car the concrete's clean just stay here Cody what are you doing to this dog Sadie I'm very impressed with your patience with this puppy all right maybe bitter enough Cody dude greed laughs dude dude hang on hang relax relax relax take it down on a bunch of levels Levi is he bugging you he's a little psycho isn't he hey Cody what are you chewing look what he's got something but I know he's got something let me see that let me see that Cody this is what he was showing his teeth on teeth of that I'll put it right there Cody where's your teeth look at that come here will you chewing teeth from curry come here Cody you like teeth huh you like chewing on teeth all right you little crazy so Cody's a little bit wound up right now there you go all right stair progress Cody so Cody has mastered come on come on Cody has mastered that spiral staircase but he doesn't know how to do this one Levi okay so Levi you guys show Cody how to do this come here okay come on buddy leap go Chester go go Levi show Cody head do it come on go Levi's a little tired he just went on a long hike oh look at that very impressive Cody [Music] [Music] [Music] hey hey Cody what's this over here Cody alright one thing I was kind of leaving out of this video but it's it's worth mentioning there's a bit of a learning curve when getting a puppy as far as far as training them you know going to the bathroom outside and and he's doing pretty good with that now thinking that you're six months old but one thing I'm still working on is chewing because he definitely you always make sure I always try to make sure to have what's this Cody I always try to make sure to have plenty around for him but he definitely has broken some stuff look at he doesn't even care okay what's this right here right is it a mess are you oh you broke that look at that what's this Cody what's this Cody look at that ad you don't even care not one bit like what you could do about it you to buy another one that's what you're gonna do right well just we'll just buy another one right Cody right let's stop all right he's a good boy now he's a good boy yes you are yes you are but don't but try not to chew stuff that's not dog toys please okay play with your dog toys please please your snake you can play for snake that snake used to squeak wonder how it doesn't squeak anymore how'd that happen how why doesn't that squeak anymore Cody yeah before this video makes a million people go out and get dogs they do some annoying stuff so you know it's just part of it right but you're learning we're learning you're not gonna read that too much longer we'll just buy another set at your mops right just buy another one so I just installed this new trailer brake controller on my truck and got to pick up my pliers and notice they have a new textured finish to him Cody do you know anything about this how did that happen all right buddy you chewing a lot of stuff you know what else he got a lot of chords on power tools like he's like I've put like for replacement chords on power tools like hang on like I remember this one here I was using that one day all of a sudden I got to pick it up and there's no cord on my cake oh did you make you make this thing cordless early right you made it cordless but so I haven't changed in a lot of cords lately no more chewing live electric cords all right you don't even care you like electricity or taste good delicious electric cords [Applause] [Music] Kelly where's your buddy Levi let's find him is he in here oh he's down I didn't see him down there he was down here you see Levi anywhere see if we could find Levi come on Levi buddy you in here oh you missing Levi where is he well there he is oh he's way down you want to go see Levi again let's go buddy I see him down here let's take the shortcut you know why things are shortcuts cuz they're hard let's take the short areas let's go again let's take the shortcut [Music] [Applause] Cody what's this what's that right there ready we go get out of the water ready go get it go get it ho d Cody come over here come on buddy he's doing it good boy Cody good boy that's that's a retriever that's what your job is you see that Levi [Applause] Levi are you doing Levi ready you ready to go jet skiing you ready to a jet ski and Cody what's this what's that survivor ready Cody wants women [Music] what do you think buddy are you a jet skiing dog what I think we should have brought Levi - you could have been right here Levi suggesting dog [Music] [Music] he does was that so bad [Applause] [Applause] that little good boy you are you just naturally know how to do that [Music] you have a good time first time on the jet ski yes [Music] he jumps up all the stairs even touch him he just jumped right to the top come on you're pretty fast Cody pretty fast we flew up the hill you right they're not even tired let's go see Levi there's your buddy Cody he loves you he's your best friend a puppy too to that look how big you got there almost Nick he's almost the same size as Levi so he's 7 months old now and uh today's actually Levites birthday - we're doing some birthday stuff but but look for a Cody and you know plenty other I got real lucky with him he's a really good dog you know one of the best things he does I can bring Cody to work with me in he doesn't disappear like he's oh you always know where he is some sometimes of Levi he'd bring him somewhere and he'll be like all right maybe I'll see you later and he'd be gone for hours I mean you always come back but you go explore I'm pretty good [Music]
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 604,007
Rating: 4.8992038 out of 5
Id: CLRrP7KmFfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 16sec (4456 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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