Godzilla Minus One: Is It a Top 10 Film of All Time???

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hello everyone and welcome on in this is dead Cinema society today we are going to be covering Godzilla minus one I am Tyler this is my co-host I'm Nick um Nick I I was very excited about this film when I first saw the previews I only watched it once because I just I still wanted to go in fresh but this film blew me away uh we're going to we're going to hold off on the spoilers for a little bit we'll get into the details later but for now what was your general first impression um it was incredible um probably a top 10 movie all time for me I was amazed by just not the fact that it was an amazing Godzilla movie but amazing Godzilla movie with an amazing movie too um you know great story along with the big lizard messing stuff up so that was uh that was really impressive for me the visual effects were incredible the sound design was unlike anything I've ever seen before and great score great acting just all around amazing movie I would agree top to bottom this is the best film I think we've had come out since top gun Maverick I I know there was Oppenheimer I I loved Oppenheimer but this one stuck with me so much longer I I've seen it twice in theaters now and I cannot stop thinking about it dude same I mean you told me the other day that you're listening to the soundtrack at the gym I'm doing the same that's that's a first day Blu-ray by yes no I I'm with you there and so I I've grown up a um I would say a somewhat strong Godzilla fan now I have no gotten nowhere close to watching all of the films um but I've always loved the franchise and I just kind of I didn't expect that we would get a Godzilla film that was actually um top to bottom a quality film regardless of whether or not like the monster was you know just messing stuff up as as you put it and so this was extremely refreshing to me to watch it's uh it's really the first one I can think of where you're not rooting for the lizard by the end of it yeah and and that's a common thing I've heard I I've heard a lot of people say that it's like man I wanted that dude to die yeah yeah I mean like you're wanting the lizard to crush the people because you know the lizard's awesome yeah but but not in this movie this one you're like that dude's a bastard it's like why why you doing this to them Godzilla they've already been through so much and so and so that's one of the things like without getting into spoilers here this is one of those few movies um like Godzilla side really any um franchise where almost from the beginning you get sunk like deep into empathy for these characters you really feel what they're going through so um our main character Shiki Shima he's just he's going through it he's having a time uh yeah I don't want to get more with the spoilers but yeah he's a he's having a time and you really feel for him um and it it was such a subtle introduction too like to his character when he first started off I I really appreciated that especially on the second watch I was like okay they're not just throwing a bunch of like Exposition out at you but you get to watch and feel um when his story UN unravels in front of you yeah before before you really learn anything about him you know you kind of get him more emot you get to know his emotional state more than you get to know just random facts about him he doesn't show up and say oh I'm shikishima I'm from here this is the people I know hahaa yeah and so I wanted to I wanted to mention that like similarly for me this and and this was completely unexpected but this did jump into my top 10 uh films of all time so it is up there with the likes of Jurassic Park and Blade Runner 2049 and I I'm kind of going to lump the entire Star Wars original trilogy together as like a single film but it up there with Star Wars now too and I just this movie had no business being that good and you know it kind of reminded me of my favorite movies of all time The Lord of the Rings trilogy in the use of CGI um because they had such a small budget you know you could tell they were very intentional with all the CGI and it seemed I I don't know anything about the production because you know we haven't had all the behind the-scenes stuff yet but it seemed like they were blending a lot of practical with the CGI um you know it seemed like maybe they were using some Miniatures and stuff like that just based on the look of it and if they weren't then that's completely Next Level CGI and I wouldn't even know how to deal with that that would break my brain yeah so this I feel like you and I have talked about this before but like with regards to Jurassic Park and how like that CGI just holds up today even though it was it was groundbreaking in 199 4 or 93 when it was released this similarly feels like it will age like fine wine and it's never going to look bad to us this film was gorgeous Inge punching you in the face with the CGI they're just giving you little nuggets like here's a here's a little beautiful bit here's another little beautiful bit and then you go see something like a Marvel movie and you're just getting slapped upside the head with it and it's like am I playing a PS2 game over here oh man yeah I I just loved it visually there was a lot of great uh camera work um which I I want to point out one scene in particular like when we get into the spoilers with that but the CGI was great it was so well done especially for their budget which we've we've since heard the director um say l 15 yeah I I I'm probably gonna butcher it but Takashi yamazaki um sorry to anybody in the comments about our pronunciation you know we're we're doing our best over here humble gyin um but yeah he said it was less than the reported 15 million so he said he wished he had 15 million which I wish he did too because I want to know what he would do with it yeah so I think it goes to show sorry to cut you off there just to just to put that in perspective the American uh Godzilla in 20 uh the first of the monsterverse movies 2014 2014 yes that had a budget of 150 155 million so a tenth of the budget of that and if you go by screen time I would say Godzilla gets just as much if not more screen time in this film than in the 2014 yeah so you know that's really making the most out of it yeah I think the the mutos would account for a large uh use of CGI in Godzilla 2014 but still this um this was a barebones budget you can tell those actors and actresses did not get paid a whole lot the CG team did not have a huge budget to work with but they maximized every single dollar that they that they spent if you um if you go on to the imdp IMDb page for the film under the visual effects buy there's only 13 people listed so maybe there's something to be said for that yeah I mean I think there is because it's you know the the fact that they had a very specific vision in mind and uh you know a lot of planning goes into it when um you don't have a big budget that's how the Lord of the Rings movies were able to get done for you know still 150 million for the three of them but that's tiny for compared to most movies of that scale so they had to do years of pre-planning and it looked like a lot of pre-planning went into this Trilogy you know pre-production um uh you know stuff like that yeah I think um one of the things that you'll notice in a lot and and I hate that we keep picking on Marvel but they're they're just kind of they deserve it right now they deserve they screwing up some stuff yeah but what you see at the end of those films is like lists and lists of CG companies uh VFX companies who have all worked together and it's not necessarily all their fault but like Marvel's just uh one they like doubled the amount of content they put out since endgame and also they're in constant re-shoot yes you can have the best CG artists in the world but if you tell them at the 11th Hour hey I want you to redo this to look like this it's not going to look good yeah and so so when you have 24 different teams working on the same film like you just can't maintain like consistent continuity yep but anyways um what else do we want to say before we get into the spoiler I think I think storywise this is something that like whether or not you are a fan of Kaiju Big Monster films Godzilla franchise at all this is a film that anyone can enjoy yeah it's very much a great movie first and a great Godzilla movie second the closest com comp or comparison that I have for this in my mind is Jaws it felt jaws and it felt like once we get into the spoilers there was a very specific scene that was definitely heavily inspired by Jaws oh yeah um but hey that's what the best directors do they take inspiration from others who have done it before and uh you know they put their own twist on it but um yeah I'm ready to get in spoil I'm ready to get into spoilers too let's go okay so fair warning yep exit off if you haven't seen it and if you haven't seen it by this point because we're doing this late what are you doing go go to the theater right now go to the next showing but uh all right spoiler talk let's go okay so from the Geto when we see um shikishima landing on Odo island with his plane he's visibly shaken you can kind of tell something's up and then you slowly very subtly you come to find out the shikishima is a kamakazi pilot and it's like okay kamakazi who didn't die um this dude chickened out and you learn that you know he was basically faking that his plane was having issues y um so so right from the get-go we have established okay this man is is a coward or he's fearful at the very least yeah he doesn't want to die and then we have godzillasaurus show up yep and I liked how um the you know the smaller Godzilla moved in a much more raptor-like fashion but the larger Godzilla after it became you know the big Godzilla it moved more mechanically it was almost like it was a fusion of mechanics and nature especially in the atomic breath which we'll talk about later but the way the plates went is very mechanical um and you know because Godzilla the embodiment of war the machine of War you know turning nature into something violent yeah the bastardization of nature um but that um the introductory scene with godzillasaurus on Odo Island when he starts attacking the crew members there and they're turning to shikishima like hey you're a gunner like go gun it yeah go shoot it go kill the thing and he fails again um and so like this is going to be a consistent theme he's too afraid to shoot and and he ends up being the only one who survives along with the mechanic during this Rampage some of the best music I have ever heard in a film oh yeah it was absolutely terrifying I fre it was um it it really took you into the moment the sound design in general as well like when he's throwing the guard post like that also really helps with the CGI because it sounds so real and then it looks real and it kind of brings you into it um yeah now one more thing I did want to point out about the Odo Island sequence it does two things to very St subtly establish shikishima skills as a pilot um and not just you know the fact that he can't take the shot but his skill as a pilot One landing on that Runway that had been bombed out that's a pretty hard thing to do so you see that as the first thing him coming down into that bombed out Runway that establishes his skill in one way and then the other way is the mechanic saying to him I remember you at the Academy you know uh I forget exactly what he said but it was along the lines of You're a Good Pilot yeah um so was good way to establish that for later without being too heavy-handed with it like another character walking up to you and just straight up saying wow you're so good at everything no and to be honest I hadn't caught that but that's a really good point and that does lend credibility um in in the latter portions of the film there there was one particular part of the Odo Island sequel sequence um there was just a shot that I thought was absolutely phenomenal so Godzilla after like stepping on somebody just crunching him into the ground there's another guy's running he bites him and we watch the camera as this dude gets bitten and then like flung overhead and so the camera pans from like down yeah up and over goes with him yeah and I don't know what it was about that shot but just the way it looked in theater I was like oh my God it's like oh and also this is something we probably should have said in the non-spoiler section but this is a movie that needs to be seen in the theater oh yes like absolutely does from the sound to the visuals needs to be seen in a theater for sure I would agree with you there especially just getting enveloped like you said have mentioned so many times by that sound design and that score by naoki sat just over and over again that were were moments where I was getting Goosebumps and I knew it was because that music just fit the scene so perfectly oh yeah no it's a master class in uh composing like you know it's the kind of soundtrack that you listen to on your SoundCloud or not your SoundCloud what's it Spotify Spotify yeah but okay so after he survives this and he ends up going back to uh the mainland I think he's just outside of Tokyo but he he comes home well yeah he comes home to the Tokyo region and it's been absolutely obliterated what a lot of people don't realize especially in American culture we we tend to focus on um Nagasaki and Hiroshima because that's where we dropped the bombs but Tokyo got the hell blown out of it with firebombing oh yeah I mean you know most of the buildings there were made out of wood so firebombing and wood buildings do not mix yes and so and that's a large part of the reason why you know the US didn't drop a nuke there is because they'd already completely leveled Tokyo and so as a lot of other people pointed out and you know the the reason for the name Godzilla minus one is because after World War I um Japan was at a state of zero and then in comes Godzilla and now it's like all right we're the Nega father yeah um and yeah but when he gets back to Tokyo the fact that very first person from his old life that he sees calls him a coward and says it's his fault for losing the war yes you know that takes him to an even darker place and finds out his parents are gone so he has really no one yes um and so he's lost he's lost his biological family there and then he falls into like uh some sort of makeshift family that like he fails them too and so this is one of the things I wanted to point out like so he fails as a kamakazi and then he fails his team on Odo Island um at least in his mind and then you know he has failed his biological family back home because you know he didn't fulfill his duty he didn't die like he was supposed to and you know help with the war efforts and now um with his new makes shift family he's not able to commit to them because of his fears again he can't pull the trigger he can't take the shot and so just consistently he is failing over and over and over again and then all of this is wrapped up and embodied in Godzilla and so that is my my absolute favorite part about this film the best thing about any monster film that works is when your main character is able to internalize their own issues in the form of whatever monster they're facing and this film has done it better than any other film I've ever seen oh yeah I mean the the monster shows up like when he's in you know certain emotional states it very coincides with his emotions you know right after he has his moment where he you know he doesn't know if he's real or if he did die in the war because he's having a complete breakdown that's when Godzilla shows up again Godzilla shows up again after um um sorry I'm blanking on the name right now but his um his adopted wife kind of yeah noro uh noro yeah when norico goes to get a job and it's like oh well I didn't pull the trigger and now I'm losing her too and Godzilla shows up again to make things even worse so Godzilla really becomes the embodiment of his issues his struggle the you know the reason he can't pull the trigger yeah one one of the things that I really enjoyed about this film and I haven't really thought about it much until just now but there is a a small part I guess like right in the first third of of the film where okay things are starting to pick up for shikishima like he's got his adoptive family and you know he's found this decent job which at first it seemed out pretty suspect but you know he's got the money coming in and it worked out and he made some good friends out of it too yeah his crew is incredible I love those guys everybody needs boys like them these are the most memorable characters we've ever had in a Godzilla film oh yeah like every single one of them too they all have their own little arcs and yep you know they're all very welldeveloped and fleshed out yeah no uh doc um akitu I forget the the other ones named the youngest one of the group I forget too that's just cuz they always call him the kid but man I I loved these characters so much and so like to get to see that like little bit of heartwarming um just display of The Slice of Life for these characters where you know they're rebuilding and things are going good and then we know like it's it's going to turn soon but it helps us to get so invested in those characters yeah it's like you know it's coming but it's like can you stay in the ocean a little longer buddy they're trying to have a good time speaking of the ocean so when things start to go south um the boat crew I'll refer to them as they're out there pulling mindes and you know we've caught wind that Godzilla is you know on a path for Japan um they start to realize that they've been sent out to stall and so shikishima in essence has been sent on another kamakazi mission um to stall Godzilla um from Japan so that I I forget the name of the ship uh but the other like the battleship can come in yes I forget the name of the ship as well um but either way this this is another chance where like Shiki Shima is failing again because I remember he's like we have to flee just before that I think it was akitu who said you know this country never changes perhaps it can't and so that was highlighting like one of the main themes of the film of that they um the characters later Express themselves is that yeah they want this nation yeah has like treated life too poorly and so they realized that they're they're basically bait for Godzilla right now yep and uh that leads to the scene that we talked about earlier which is extremely Jaws inspired in a great sequence yeah why why don't you tell them about that so the Godzilla comes uh the warship is fighting it and uh actually does the warship show up before or after they this the mines yeah so they've they've only got the two mines at this point yeah they only have the two mins and Godzilla is chasing them in the water and it looks incredible I'm not sure if that was completely CG or a miniature that was being dragged through water CU it did look incredible and Godzilla's design in this one is just top tier I mean it takes the best of the classic Godzilla puts a modern Twist on it and honestly the the way Godzilla's face is a he just looks so angry like this is Godzilla is not the balancing Force coming out of the ocean to fight another monster Godzilla is there to mess up your day yeah um Godzilla is very much the villain but the the face it kind of reminds me of an old school samurai mask that you know like uh in in its design with the eyes and everything yeah he looks like a demon like one of the Samurai demon masks yeah um but back to back to the sequence so they're in the boat they are trying to speed away from Godzilla they only have two mines so they drop the first mine on him and uh it explodes but it doesn't explode near enough to him so they drop the second one and it ends up in his mouth but it um doesn't detonate because it's been disconnected so shikishima has to take the shot again but this time he does and it explodes in Godzilla's mouth and it blows off about half his face yeah like we see Godzilla take damage which isn't really something we see in most other Godzilla movies and uh you think oh maybe they got him maybe uh maybe the rest of this movie is going to be a happy fun time then he starts to regenerate and uh man I I wasn't so the very first time I watched this I wasn't like thrilled with the way it looked during the Regeneration scene but on my second viewing I was like no never mind I was thinking kind of crazy that actually that looks good it hold looks good I mean you know it's nothing insane but it it looks good I think it'll hold up you know 10 years time I think the only nitpick I had at the time when I first watched it I was like whoa that was really fast yeah but still I I think it like once I when I went to watch it the second time it was more of like holy crap this thing is terrifying like you can't kill him um but another moment I loved was right before shikishima was you know up to shoot the the mine and Godzilla's mouth you see him like look at his hands and he's shaking again oh yeah paralized by fear but this time he takes that step he's like yeah he takes one step in the right direction he's like I can do it this time he grows he grows a little bit here and he takes the shot and so like this is a great character moment because okay his confidence is building he's trying to change who he is and you know be a man of courage and he takes the shot and he like as a character he wins but in the scenario it's like he still loses yeah it did nothing yep and then now they're just in full on we've got to get out of here as quickly as we possibly can and then the the Destroyer shows up yep and Godzilla wrecks Destro oh man he he uses it as a chew toy oh gosh it was just stunning watching that it was like watching my dog Fred when I get him a new uh toy from the toy [Laughter] store uh yeah it was uh that was a that was a chilling scene yeah they did get away that's the important part I guess and you know they did uh they did somewhat succeed in delaying Godzilla until the Destroyer got there so that's kind of a win for them yeah no it was I mean essentially they accomplished their mission um Japan lost a a destroyer out of it but you know they sto for time um and then where do they go after that that's um see I'm trying to remember the order of events yeah so I think after this part we've got Shiki Shima back home on the mainland um is he is this when he's in the hospital yes this is when he's in the hospital because the Godzilla does bite off the back half of their boat yeah um and it injures him and it injures the kid too but it injures him worse yeah but so again I want to touch on the fact that like the government made the decision not to tell the public um we see again the disregard for life with you know the kamakazi hey we're going to send these guys out on a boat to go andall Godzilla um and now we're not going to tell the public that Godzilla is on his way and you know we're not going to try to evacuate yes yeah no it's just like over and over again we'd see or we see that like Japan as a nation and I think this is part of the critique from the director um just on you know the way Japan was at the time yeah it's like they did not value the life of their citizens no I mean no ejector seats in Planes kamakazi attacks Bonsai attacks mhm um but yeah and then um because and I think that really leads up to it because it's not the government who ends up putting together the plan at the end it's just a group of dudes who come together and say hey we got to get this done we got to get it done the right way yeah and so like when we get to Godzilla attacking the guinza District of Tokyo this is when norico is on her way to work she's on the train she's in the train that was a really cool sequence too with the train yes that was very very well done that looked so real yeah when he takes a bite out of that train just like man like he looks like everything I'd ever hoped Godzilla would look like just yes electrifying watching this and so we get the buildup like norico obviously you're invested in her you don't want anything to happen to her and she's hanging on for deer life onto this uh you know metal pole inside the train until eventually she gets over water and she's able to drop down but man this is just like it it's hitting so close to home on so many levels because you've got these characters that you really care about now yeah and you know shikishima is not yet there but he's like you know how much he loves noro and I think we as the audience love norico Yeah and we don't want anything to happen to her and on top of that we've just got we've got Godzilla just absolutely wreaking havoc on Tokyo and it just looks amazing it's incredible the music is great they bring in the old Godzilla theme yeah the incorporation of the original 54 theme into the score is absolutely amazing like yeah I will say if you're not familiar with that theme um like if you haven't seen the um 1954 version it may feel like a shock from the rest of the score but yeah on my second watching I was like this feels right it just feels good it it does it's very much like big monsters here oh no uh very suspenseful yeah so another one of the only nitpicks I have it just felt like really convenient and maybe this was um due to some editing Cuts I don't know but Shiki Shima finds noro a little too easily in middle of the crowd I I feel like they could have used a few scenes in Cut there where he's like searching through the crowds um and then that does lead up to my only other nitpick which is um just something that kind of annoys me in a lot of movies that I love so I'm not going to be too mad about it but uh after the atomic breath when she kind of pushes it him instead of just like you know tackling him that that always kind of bothers me yep um but you know it was it it worked um yeah and the atomic breath oh my god dude yeah that scene that that was the most powerful Atomic breath we have seen out of Godzilla like that was he dropped a nuke he dropped a nuke no he he literally shot a nuke out of his mouth and this was my favorite Atomic breath that I have ever seen in a Godzilla film um it it's up there the only other one that compares for me is in Godzilla 2014 with the mwo at the end when he rips open the mouth and oh yeah and then she breath down the throat that was cool dude but this was absolutely incredible to watch especially the charge up sequence very mechanical it um weird thing that it reminded me of was Iron Man 1 with the suitup sequence like it was very mechanical it was almost like gear porn um which is what we talked about earlier with it like being the bastardization of nature mechanical iing it I think I think tolken would have liked that because he's all about the you know talking about destroying nature and making it industrial um but yeah no it uh it was a very neat sequence the CGI is perfect like it's going to hold up it looks so good it just the the shade notes everybody in Hollywood yeah the way the air moves around it the shade of blue um the the shock wave and after effect after you know his breath lands and also I think if I'm not mistaken this is the is this the first time we see it in the film in Tokyo or did he okay I believe so yeah I can't remember if he used it on the Destroyer or not but no I think he just bit the destroyer and toss it around like a chew toy um I don't know I guess I gotta go watch it again tomorrow yeah I I wouldn't be opposed part of me feels like he might have shot Atomic breath while underwater but I I don't know either way this is the first time we see it like in full force and oh yeah and then the lead still not over it yeah dude same um in the leadup to that and you know him just like in the Black Rain screaming at the lizard as the Black Rain that's what happened after they dropped the nukes on um you know Hiroshima and Nagasaki so you know he's at in the black Lane just looking at Godzilla just having his entire life destroyed and that's when he's finally ready to say hey I'm going to pull the trigger down to his lowest moment I'm glad you bring that up because that was such an emotional moment for shikima and I think you're right that is the point where he he changes like he finally takes that step towards the point in overturn where he's like I have to do whatever I I have to do to defeat Godzilla and that's when it's like okay I am done being a coward yep he's like he he makes the decision that this lizard is going to die whatever it takes yeah and that's when it because it was always personal between him and Godzilla but that's when it became extremely personal you know became his main driving force as a character yep and so then we get the plan the plan to defeat Godzilla I thought the plan was super clever I did too I loved it it definitely feels similar to the um original 1954 Godzilla plan but this is new enough it's fresh enough that it feels like a different movie yeah and I thought it was very well thought out and you know I've been thinking about it since the first time I saw it and I'm like if I'm in Japan in 1950 is uh when does when does the plan take place is it 4850 so I yeah I think this is 47 48 I I don't remember exactly I know there's a Time skip in there but I'm not sure how long it is because Kiko goes from a baby to a little girl but anyway if I'm Japan in that time with the technology they have available how would I fight Godzilla and I can't think of anything better yeah no using the power of the ocean which also is another like it's a great um I don't know if I call it a metaphor but just another great thematic element they're going to use the power of the ocean to defeat this creature that comes from and rules the ocean yeah yeah I they they couldn't have thought up a more unique or not unique but a better I think way of trying to kill Godzilla in that time period because you know like the Conventional Weapons aren't going to do anything yeah if you hit him with another nuke you might triple charge him I'm wondering if that um if that undersea implosion had anything to do with the idea for this film to use that against Godzilla when they were riding I'm curious I mean but uh yeah and then I like how the secondary plan is to just bring him up really fast because you know I'm a scuba diver I love the scuba dive so I'm always thinking about don't come up too fast so but uh so during that sequence when they fail to get him up and I'm just sitting there watching like okay he's at 800 meters um like stuck at that and I'm like oh crap this isn't going to kill him like this isn't going to work and that sense of red starts to build up build and build and build and then the kid shows up and you're like oh the calvary's here yes they're going to do it and then he comes up and you're like did they do it nope and then so go ahead my favorite moment of the film though I know we're skipping towards the end here with how incredible the score is that like minute of Silence right as Godzilla charges up his Atomic breath and you're just like oh no yeah yeah no it's absolutely Dreadful during that that like minute or so of Silence you're just like man you're gripping your seat just like y oh because a you don't want everybody on the boat to die but you also don't want shikishima to kamakazi himself because it's like dude you have a daughter come on yeah no for real and so I think it says a lot about the character of his friends in their bond that their initial reaction to seeing him fly in wasn't oh yeah he's going to do it it's like no don't do this because they didn't want it to be done unless it was done the right way because if it wasn't done the right way then that means the way of throwing Life Away was the right way and they didn't want to do that anymore yeah and what you mentioned on earlier was that like each of these characters has their own arc and so for me when the kid comes in with the tugboats and he completes his Arc like okay he's not useless you know yeah like he was he was struggling with that he was upset obviously about being left out of the plan and I loved that line that um akitsu said it's like you know we leave you the future but he still was determined he was GNA help in some way and so the tugboats come in and they pull up Godzilla and man the look of Godzilla at this point where it's like At first I wasn't sure if it was like seafo foam but then I was like oh no it's like damaged it looked like he might have even been a little bit Frozen from the cold of that depth yes yeah I whatever they did there I loved it I was like man this just looks so good yeah he looks messed up Y and it explains why he was you know going kind of slow on his Atomic breath so you know works out yeah and so with that sequence that you know kamakazi Atomic breath sequence I want to back up just a little bit to the mechanic oh yeah we do need to talk about about him that's a yeah cuz uh when shikishima was first like so intent on finding this one mechanic I was like you know there are other mechanics because I thought it was going to be the Classic Hollywood thing of we have to force in the person from before um but no very good reason for needing that particular mechanic because he needed somebody who'd be willing to put the bomb in yeah yeah no for sure and just like I loved the growth between those two characters that ended up coming out of that um with him being on Odo Island obviously being pissed off that like in his mind the whole island you know got wiped out because because shikishima didn't pull the trigger yeah exactly and so like now we're bringing him back in to do this favor in a sense for shikishima but also um at least from the audience standpoint he gets to help um in a sense take revenge on shikishima by like you know building his death trap there and you know making sure that he can follow through on his mission and finally complete his kamakazi um Mission there but the installation of the ejection seat yeah that was uh that that was a really good moment and then the moment after he learns that he's okay where he's just like so relieved those were huge even the mechanic has an arc everybody in the movie gets an arc so for me when when he ejected from the plane I genuinely was surprised now I'm sure a lot of people probably saw it coming for me I was um I got fooled by the movie I thought that the note um you know please take care of Akiko and then like the telegram uh for whatever reason I was thinking that um I I want to say her name is Sumo his neighbor who was initially like really upset with him but um the one has been taken care of AK y it is suo um I got the cast list pulled up great great yeah but yeah I think that telegram that Sumo got for whatever reason I was thinking that was like another note from shikishima like hey I'm not going to make it back um or something to that effect and I was fully prepared for the idea that Shiki Shima was at least going to try and follow through on the kamakazi mission I didn't I didn't expect the ejector seat I I wouldn't have been surprised if something else had happened but my point is it was not like it was not so in my face that I thought very subtle like on second watch you pick up on it pretty early um no cuz I remember seeing him pull the lever at the very end and I was like he had an ejector I caught it I I caught it before you see him in the parachute because I saw him pull the lever and I was like well that's an extra step to what he was explained was that an ejection seat or something and then you see him in the parachute and you're like oh my God thank you yeah yeah I was just point being for me is like I was not convinced that was going to make it through the film yeah I I wasn't either um it would have been yeah no I I wasn't convinced either I thought maybe he was gonna have to finally finish his mission um but I'm glad they went the way they did um yeah there was there was one quote during the movie um and I'll paraphrase it here but it was when the guys were putting together the plan they had said you know the next battle is is not one waged to the death but one fought to live yeah that the quote that the doctor says and so that one just hit home so much for me because his whole little speech there about you know what they had done in the war and about throwing away lives and yeah yeah and they're just driving home the point of life is valuable life matters and then this is in contrast to shikishima who is like up until I think that moment where the mechanic showed him the ejector button I think he was ready to kill himself I think he was very ready and I think it that's also why it had to be that mechanic because he needed somebody who blamed him as much as he blamed himself to forgive him to show him it was possible yes no that is such a great point and I hadn't thought about it until you just said it that is amazing yeah see and that's theme building that's that's story building and character this is just again this movie fires on all cylinders oh it's it's Immaculate and then that this will take me to probably the most emotional scene in the film for me when he gets news um about norico in the hospital and he shows up he rushes over Y and I see norico for the first time and I'm like she's alive and then when she says is your War over yet yeah and then he's the whole audience yeah he is the whole audience just throwing down and so good I mean usually it's so I'm not like an overly emotional guy like you know good relational moments do get to me but this one like I definitely teared up in theater I was like oh man only thing that hit Me Harder was Lord of the Rings ending I'm not going to spoil that in case somebody out there hasn't seen it it has been 20 years though it is the 20 year anniversary so if you haven't seen it go see that one too man it hit me it hit me real hard I was I was just so pleased with this movie um what do you think the black thing on her neck was oh so I feel like we need a whole another episode to speculate on that I'm leaning towards some form of radiation poisoning but it looked like a living thing it did I'm leaning towards have you seen Shen Godzilla yes I'm leaning towards an almost Shin Godzilla like thing yeah where it's like part of Godzilla mutating I don't know I'm just the actress did say recently um in an interview I don't know if you saw it this was like today I think MH um but the actress did say recently in an interview maybe in the next movie if there is a next one I'll be stomping around destroying the city oh God uh I don't know how much she knows about the actual meaning of it but it's it seemed too alive to be radiation sickness yeah no I am with you there I I really don't know what to make of it but I think they are setting it up to where they could take it in a bunch of different directions and I really hope they do give this guy all the budget and movies he wants I almost want them to just give him a $30 million film and like force him to kind of make the yeah force him to keep being creative yeah that would be nice um has he did say he wants a Star Wars which I don't know if I want him anywhere near the people at Lucas film currently because they'll find a way to make it that yeah I mean they made James Mangold make Indiana Jones in the dial of Destiny so I've stayed away from that one oh it's it's bad yeah I've not heard good things uh it makes crystal skull look like Raiders that's rough I saw Crystal Skull in theaters that was I did too that was a bad time uh I I I liked it on the first viewing because I was fairly young at the time and it was Indiana Jones but uh I recognize its flaws yeah so with all of this I I do want to kind of try and wrap it up yeah we have been going for a bit yeah I'd like to give my rating on this film and as we mentioned before this is one of the best movies I've seen um so much so that it is one of only I think four or five films that I've ever rated above a 95 out of 100 um and so like my metric for for our listeners here I go by a 10-point system so I rate by Visual and I have this in front of me now I go by visual audio which includes Like You Know audio effects as well as your score um character plot acting technical so your effects and your pacing things of that nature the the the themes throughout the movie the concept of the movie like you know how fresh or original is this idea how interesting is the idea if it's not original um the rewatch value How likely am I to want to rewatch this obviously and then lastly impression so impression for me is like when you first leave the theater um and then the week after and the week after that like how long do you keep thinking about this film um how how much does it grip you and grab you th this is very rare rare but every category but two got a 10 um so on the visuals I gave it a nine and for the acting I gave it a nine um the acting was superb but it wasn't something where it was like I I was watching it and I visibly found myself just being blown away by the performance but it was so good that nothing ever detracted from the film nothing took me out of it um visually really the only time I think I'd mentioned the nitpick was I felt like the um the Regeneration sequence um when they blew like his mouth off it it felt a little too fast and it kind of had me thinking like actually thinking about the visual effects at that time but other than that um I love this film it is what I would consider a perfect film it's just in enjoyable on all fronts I could rewatch this anytime with anybody and I have been thinking about this film nonstop since I watched it in theaters it has stuck with me for several weeks now I love it absolutely love it so yeah 9.8 out of 10 this is such a great film and everybody needs to see it uh what about you nick uh I would agree with the 98 yeah I mean there's like maybe a nitpick or two but overall it is it is a perfect film um it's right up there with for me with Lord of the Rings the Star Wars original trilogy you know alltime great incredibly rewatchable I could rewatch it any day of the week I'm buying the Blu-ray the second I can yeah and probably gonna add it to my very frequent rewatch list Yeah you mentioned in in our personal text messages the need to upgrade your sound system for this film yeah yeah no I'm going to be I'm going to be upgrading the old home theater yeah no I think I might need to as well and that's that's just a testament to like how powerful and how well done this film was where we're considering sinking hundreds of dollars just to appropriately enjoy this film at home hey and it deserves it yeah it is if you guys have not seen it and you've stuck with it this long please just go see it just yeah go see it please do it's so good um before it's out of theaters because I don't know how long it's going to still be in we were a little late on the video yeah I think I think first week of January it is exiting well it keeps getting pushed back because it keeps doing so well so we'll see but um hopefully it can get an even longer run Let's uh let's pump those numbers up yeah I I would love it I would like to go see it a third time for sure yeah I'm uh I'm definitely going to try to go see it sometime between Christmas and New Year's yeah should do that yeah well thank you to anyone who's uh stuck with us till the end here I've enjoed an hour hey we got we got on a roll there for a little bit no for sure I mean this film earned it though this film definitely we could probably talk for three hours about this film and not run out of things to talk about yeah right with that I'm signing off here um really enjoyed it guys thank you for
Channel: Dead Cinema Society
Views: 2,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godzilla Minus One, Film Review, Movie Breakdown, Cinematic Masterpiece, Film Analysis, Top 100 Films, Dead Cinema Society, Godzilla Movie, Kaiju Genre, Movie Discussion, Film Critique, Best Films of the Decade, Top Movie of the Year, Godzilla Franchise, Godzilla Minus One Review, Film Appreciation, Dead Cinema Society Podcast, Film Podcast, Minus One Analysis, Godzilla Minus One Breakdown, Godzilla Minus One Analysis
Id: eyUCx_kWEWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 31sec (3151 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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