Godzilla Minus One Is A Masterpiece

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last night I went and watched the new Godzilla minus one movie and I had heard people saying how good it was in Whispers you know they were giving it the old reach around saying how amazing this movie was just you know glazing it and I went into it lowering my expectations because I didn't want to pump it up too much and then be disappointed but I got to say I don't think my expectations could have been high enough to be disappointed by this movie it was genuinely amazing easily one of the best movies of this year probably the best movie of this year and just straight up one of the greatest films I've ever seen it does everything that the previous Godzilla movies done good but then expands upon it and somehow does it even better while implementing new elements that just take the story to another level all on a $15 million budget the budget for this movie was $15 million and it's far leagues better than the Godzilla 2014 movie that was a Hollywood movie made for $160 million even Godzilla versus Kong for a very similar budget these upwards of $200 million movies have nothing on this japanese-made $15 million Godzilla movie and I'm going to be getting into spoilers in this video If you haven't seen this yet I highly recommend you go watch it I actually can't recommend it enough if there's any movie that I would say you should watch from this year it's Godzilla minus one it is God it's it's It's [ __ ] amazing never did I think I would go into a Godzilla movie and tear up this movie Godzilla minus one had me getting emotional that's how good of a story this thing has I was enjoying the parts of this the movie that had the human characters interacting more than I was when Godzilla was on the screen destroying everything and wreaking havoc like that doesn't happen in Monster movies in those kind of movies you're just suffering through the human parts typically because they're so unbearable they're not lockable relatable or anything and you're just waiting for the monster to pop up you know that's the whole reason you went to the movie was to see Godzilla but in this movie I was enjoying the human story more than I was Godzilla's story which I never thought that would happen ever which that only made the parts where Godzilla actually did show up far more impactful because there are genuine consequences as to what he's doing and they're not doing that [ __ ] anti-hero thing where Godzilla's on The Human Side he's literally in this movie what Godzilla is supposed to be what he was made to be he was made right after the World War II the bombings of Japan and all or the nuking of Japan and all that just like the the absolute tragedy that that befell upon the world after World War II Godzilla came right after all of that as like a representation of all the disaster and the wreckage that Japan faced and then Hollywood tried to turn him into this weird anti-hero that's now going to be teaming up with Kong in this new movie coming out and that's just weird it's strange Godzilla isn't supposed to be relatable you're not supposed to F for Godzilla he is a Monster who just does nothing but evil things like wrecking entire cities devastating people's families killing people for no reason besides him just being an absolute freak of nature and this movie Godzilla minus one displays that masterfully it starts off the movie and this it takes place right at the tail end of World War II at the late 1940s and we follow our main character shikishima he was a kamakazi pilot in World War II but obviously a failed one because he's still alive in this movie which um in Japan culture brings immense shame upon him because he didn't do the only thing he was meant to do he didn't go out with honor so this whole time we're following him and his uh little journey his War until his war is finally over and honestly the way they set up the whole battle between shikishima and Godzilla is awesome like how exactly would you go about creating a beef between a human and a Godzilla but this movie somehow does it in a way that makes perfect sense because we find out that he landed on this mechanic repair shop Island that was you know made to repair kamakazi planes he was acting like his plane was uh you know needed repair but it really didn't he was just scared and he didn't want to go through with his mission so he stopped there and then Godzilla emerged on this island and started stomping on everybody and the way they shoot Godzilla also is masterful really just puts in perspective how scary and just how hopeless everyone and everything is when Godzilla comes out to play like there's really nothing you can do he comes out on this island Odo Island I believe is what it's called and he starts stomping on everybody he even like [ __ ] Bots people like personally attacks them just Chomps him picks him up like a T-Rex and flings him and he pretty much massacres everybody on this island except for shikishima and one other mechanic that I can't remember the name of right now Tachi bana his name's Tachi bana and then after that event happens on that Allen Tachi bana forever pretty much hates shikishima he blames shikishima for everything that happened he says if he would have shot the gun on the plane instead of freezing up when Godzilla was in front of him none of the people would have had to have died but as we soon find out it wouldn't have made a difference nothing can kill Godzilla he has this freakish Deadpool regeneration kind of thing going on to where he pretty much can't [ __ ] die uh even at the end of the movie I'll get to that later but it's just he's got some he's un he's an Unstoppable force of nature that's that's what Godzilla is that's what he's meant to be and this movie does it great it it really makes you feel like everyone's helpless and there's really nothing they can do against Godzilla but they do their best regardless the way they handled Godzilla in this movie was actually just perfect they took him back to his roots of him being like a metaphor for post-war grief and anxiety and all that kind of stuff and it's just a a very refreshing take after seeing the Hollywood [ __ ] that they're doing with Godzilla right now with him and Kong creating this like almost superhero Cinematic Universe type of thing because everything has to be connected everything has to be a universe at this point all of that is nothing compared to how great this Godzilla movie is but anyways that's the event that starts shikishima little Redemption Arc him trying to find his purpose for living on when he wasn't supposed to he ends up meeting this girl named norico uh she's like a thief and runs into him on this island once he goes back to his home Island and she ends up kind of just forcing herself into his home with a child that isn't hers but they end up raising her together and then they form this little Bond they're not like a in a relationship but they're living together helping raise the little child AKO and it's just it's wholesome it's very it's very a it's just very good storytelling like I said the the human characters in this movie it's not something you would expect in a monster film but they have some of the best human characters I've seen in really any movie in quite some time like honestly I was getting lost in the human interactions and the characters interacting that I forgot it was a Godzilla movie until he popped up and started destroying cities once again and also I believe in one of the times like one of the it's maybe one of his first appearances where he comes out on Mainland and starts like stomping through the town that they play the I believe it's the original Godzilla theme or at least it it sounds like the original Godzilla theme and it's just it's honestly said it gave me chills because it's like what you would it's like what you imagine from Godzilla from those old movies but done in this new movie as a great call back to it and also the way they they deal with Godzilla in this movie is very impactful it makes everything much more meaningful because he's not on the screen the entire movie it's not just like Godzilla walking around the whole time fighting and breaking and destroying stuff they use him sparingly but he's he still he has a lot of screen time but they make it to where his screen time actually means something and it's not just meaningless time of having Godzilla on the screen because it's a Godzilla movie every single second of this film has a purpose and a meaning and it all connects together in the this beautiful story that I cannot recommend that you need to watch this movie I can't recommend it enough you have to see this movie but anyways the good chunk of the beginning of the film is obviously introducing the characters making you care for the characters because it's very well-developed characters and then shikishima gets a job working on this boat that searches for landmines that were left over from the war which is where we get introduced to the three other somewhat main characters the three uh friends of the main character which uh they're called the kid the doc and the captain and they end up forming this little rag tag crew which kind of for some reason reminded me of like the straw hat crew with the just a bunch of goofballs on board all of them having different personalities just very polarizing uh personalities all working together to do this job to WIP out the landmines from the ocean that were left over and then they get paid for it but it's when they're doing this job that they have that shikishima has his second encounter with Godzilla after Godzilla's all grown up he's a big boy now and also has the ability to shoot [ __ ] nuclear lasers out of his mouth which you know giant reptilian lizard that can't be stopped added in with nuclear blast out of his mouth and also I think the nuclear blast is what gave him the rad like the the healing abilities yeah he's he's really overpowered now but they have this encounter with him out there which kind of sets up shikishima Redemption Arc where he finds out that his purpose is to take down Godzilla he needs to get revenge so his War can finally be over and me rambling about this cannot begin to actually portray how well how well this movie is laid out from the characters to the Godzilla moments and all that stuff but I really just wanted to ramble about this because it's very rare that I see a movie that makes me want to talk about it like this like I don't really do movie reviews unless it's a really bad movie like the Grinch movie or the winie the Pooh movie but this is just such a good movie that I I have to talk about it to tekashi yamazaki you made a masterpiece as Eric Cartman would say if I was if I knew where tekashi yamazaki was I would be on the floor sucking his balls right now but while I'm talking about yamazaki I wanted to show you this clip from him about uh how he went about showing Godzilla on screen before dig so he said he made it a point to show Godzilla up close and I think that works perfect because you really aren't used to the angles that you see Godzilla in this movie and it in my opinion makes it more uh makes it a better viewing experience because you actually feel like you're a bystander like a a civilian looking on at this monstrosity that's Unstoppable that everyone's calling Goa it just puts in perspective the helplessness of the the humans is what I'm trying to say I guess but also the cast you know I got to give a shout out to them every single actor in this movie played their role perfectly like the acting in this movie is amazing you know it's nothing short of spectacular and I know this is all over the place but I didn't feel like writing things down I just wanted it to be a genuine review of the movie of my thoughts and opinions about this thing but uh to hop back into the story after we get introduced to all our characters we're we're well familiar with him at this point it leads up to the big climax of the story which is them hatching this big elaborate scheme to take out Godzilla but right before the big climax there is like the the heating up point I guess you could call it where uh shikishima and NOA are in uh they're in [ __ ] I forget the name of the town but they're in the town that she is working in because she got a job there she travels there it's like a little bit away from where they live and they hear of Godzilla making his appearance in that town or the city and he's absolutely wreaking havoc to it right after they just rebuilt everything from the war Godzilla is now tearing everything down once again and he's just killing everybody and in the ensuing Panic sorry now that I can breathe again in the ensuing Panic of everyone trying to run away from Godzilla shikishima finds ntico nordico but while they're running away Godzilla launches up one of his nuclear blast laser beam attacks out of his mouth he shoots it out and the shock wave from it of him shooting it in like the opposite direction obliterates everyone it sends everyone flying and right before it gets to the two main characters he um uh noro pushes shikishima out of the way into an alley to where he would be safe and at the time I thought it was a stupid cliche that they did that up until that point everything was perfect and I was like damn why' they have to do that cliche of her pushing him out of the way she could have easily just tackled him into the alley and they both would have been safe but then at the same time there was this whole theme going on with her about him having to live on and uh finish his war and all that and um you at the time it it's very heavily implied that she's [ __ ] dead because she got sent flying very very hard very far away he couldn't find her afterwards and it's very heavily implied that she's dead like I said so then that leads us to shikishima even more so winning revenge on Godzilla at this point so he goes gets in contact with the mechanic that was the only one that survived the initial Island attack with him they end up repairing this plane and he is he's going to be flying This Plane as part of the big final battle the final showdown with Godzilla to take him out once and for all so they all all the characters the main characters and even a bunch of Side characters formulate this plan that they think is going to take out Godzilla they're going to try to sink him to the bottom bottom of the ocean and R him back up and let the pressure of the ocean be what takes him out so you know skipping a bit of the the plot points here they do that it doesn't end up working he's still alive they end up pulling him back up to the surface and then now it's time for shikishima to shine it's time for him to actually get revenge so now we're at the point of the movie that it's built up to this entire time shikishima has been living with this survivor's guilt he says his war is not over yet and it's all implied that he's about to actually kamakazi into Godzilla's mouth explode the plane that has some bombs in it and take out Godzilla and himself in a blaze of redeeming Glory but uh as he flies the plane into his mouth we realized that uh you know him and the mechanic they made up the mechanic wanted him to live and there was an ejector seat in this plane to which he ejected at the last second and then the plane exploded in Godzilla's mouth leading Godzilla to sink to the bottom of the ocean imp that Godzilla Was Defeated once and for all so they're all celebrating they're going woohoo shikishima is not dead his war is finally over you know he can finally sleep without having nightmares of all the people that he feels like he was responsible for getting killed with his Survivor guilt and then while they're having this big hurrah after they defeat Godzilla defeat Godzilla uh the lady that's like their neighbor that he knew before the war that's uh the aunt to the kid that they fostered she's like one of the important well somewhat important Side characters she comes and hands him a note and at this point in the theater I was like there's no way that that's there's absolutely no way that they're going to say that nyco is actually alive and lo and behold that's what it was she actually survived the blast the the shock wave of Godzilla's attack and she was in the hospital with a bandage covering her eye her arm and a cast she was in pretty bad shape but she was alive and then he goes to the hospital to see her he breaks down and c and hugs her while he has Akiko with him and it's this big happily ever after moment where they're all back together in their happy little family and presumably he actually you know is going to marry her now you know because he didn't before he said his War wasn't over yet so he couldn't bring her into it and it also does this thing where it zooms into noro's neck at the the end of their reunion there which is also the end of the movie um and it shows this like black mark which it kind of seems like maybe is implying that when she got hit with Godzilla's attack and the radiation from Godzilla that she gained the ab like potentially gained the Regeneration ability that Godzilla has which would explain how she survived that initial impact that killed that should have killed her and it could be setting setting up for something to happen in like a sequel to this movie because like a post-credit scene well it's not really a post-credit scene it's like at the it's the end of the movie the main end of the movie uh it shows Godzilla at the bottom of the ocean after he sunk down when they blew him up and he's slowly regenerating and like his eyeball opens I believe it was but he's regenerating once again like he did before and they blew up his head showing that Godzilla's just not actually stoppable which I'm not even really going to complain about that because it I would love to see a sequel to this especially under the same Studio the too Studio same Direct I would love I would absolutely love to see a sequel to this Godzilla movie so everything that you've seen about this movie about it being great about it being impactful it's all right you know every bit of hop of this movie is worth it every bit of glazing that this movie gets it deserves it it's nothing short of the perfect Godzilla film and honestly just the perfect film in general I would easily give this a 9.5 out of 10 and I would 100% want to watch it again but other than that I will catch you in the next one
Channel: Luneist
Views: 4,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godzilla minus one movie review, godzilla minus one is perfect
Id: ttshp9CCa9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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