Friday - Faith For Healing, Your Faith Will Make You Whole

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[Music] [Music] this ain't no time to turn back [Music] good morning class hi i'm keith moore and this is faith school the place where my spirit is fed my faith grows stronger and i learn how to be an overcomer it was what you were born to be in the new birth is not a defeated one not a victim not one who's overcome but a victor an overcomer one who triumphs over and over get your bible and something to make a note with come into the class with us we saved you a seat right here in the front by faith just come right on in here with us and let's agree in faith for the answers for help for direction for right now the lord knows what you're dealing with and he knows exactly the right thing to say and do to come right out of that to come right over it and declare a victory and be a witness and let others see what god can do in your life and theirs too father we all of us join together asking for the anointing the utterance the moving and working of your holy spirit manifesting here and everywhere that people are receiving this we ask you for it and we give you the praise thanks for it in jesus name amen amen would you look please in our great textbook the bible in matthew 9 again to scripture that we've been looking at all week we begin a new series this week that we're calling faith for healing and we have talked about how that faith is the same it works the same in every area but it must be developed in every area just because you've got strong faith in this area doesn't mean that you have faith and strong faith in every area you can be strong in faith in one area and actually have no faith in another area and the reason you'd be strong in faith in one area is because you've been fed on it you've heard it you've seen it you've thought about it you've talked about it you've been fed repeatedly you've used your faith in that area but if you never hear anything about this other area your faith can't help but be weak or non-existent there and so this is faith for what faith for healing so uh matthew 9 we see with the woman that had the the hemorrhage or the issue of blood in matthew 9 21 that she pressed through the crowd and touched jesus clothes and she said within herself if i may touch but his garment i shall be and we saw that this word whole is translated from the greek word sodzo which is also equally translated saved saved talking about people being saved from their sins when you say i'm saved you want to realize there's a there's something after the word saved you're saved from what well we have been saved from the penalty of our sins and judgment and hell but jesus also talked about people being saved from disease saved from mental anguish saved from torment saved from death saved and made whole so when it says if i may touch but his garment i'll be so zoed i'll be saved i'll be healed i'll be made whole and jesus turned him about when he saw her and said daughter be of good comfort your faith has made you saved healed whole sojo and the woman was made so from that hour she was saved from that debilitating hemorrhage that she had been through so many operations and so many treatments and spent all her money mark said and and was nothing bettered after 12 years now you get tired of that right after 12 years not only was she no better as a result of all her operations and treatments and everything she was worse and yet in a moment oh somebody say praise god in a moment the power of god came into her instantly her hemorrhage stopped and she could feel in herself that she is sodzo'd can anybody else be sodzo'd today should oh it's happening not for everybody because not everybody believes it what did what did the lord say was the determining factor here with her he said daughter be of good comfort your faith sozod you your faith saved you your faith healed you your faith made you whole he said the exact phrase to a woman that was called a sinful woman in another passage where he said your sins are forgiven you and then he said your faith has saved you he's talking about from her sins is it true that you can be saved from disease sickness just like you can be saved from sin according to jesus it is the same look with me we saw this earlier but go back in luke the fifth chapter let's look at it again today luke chapter 5 and verse 17 is the case of the man who was paralyzed and could not get into where jesus was teaching and preaching and his four friends got him up on top of the house made a way where there seemed to be no way made a hole and let him down and the bible said in verse 17 that jesus was teaching there luke 5 17 and the power of the lord was present to heal them did you know that the power of the lord is present here today to heal why because we're speaking his words on the subject does he have any words that are not anointed to be fulfilled there is no word of god without power or incapable of being fulfilled just like when we talk about that jesus will save you and you can be born again and forgiven the power of the lord will be there to manifest that with anybody that would dare to believe it and receive it well when we're talking about the healing power of god do you how many believe this is not some fairy tale that there was a day where jesus was in this house and he was teaching and there were people the house was full and there were people all around about it how many believe that as he was speaking the power was there do you believe it the power was there to what very specific to heal the power was there to heal and yet if you stop right there nobody's being healed even a couple of verses later still nobody healed yet now are we going to think that in a house cram full of people that nobody in there needed to be healed except the man from the outside no you know you know that virtually everybody in there had had something that they could have been healed from and and the power is there and yet until somebody comes in from the outside and acts in faith we see no manifestation and so you have people that try to say well if it's god's will for people to be healed they'll be healed that's just simply not true you you have to apply it across the board why not say if it's god's will for people to be born again they'll be born again well it's not true it is true that it's his will for all to be saved it's not his will that any should perish but are people perishing without god it's one of the worst tragedies there could ever be there are billions of people on this planet right now that do not believe in the one true creator god they do not they have not accepted the one and only access to god jesus his son and they are lost and if they die in that condition the bible says they die in their sins and they perish now i know that's not popular people don't think it's politically correct but you either believe the bible or you believe something else you believe men's fabrication no just because it is god's will and just because the power is there to make it happen does not assure it will happen he really has given human beings a completely free will and he will not take over and force us to receive what we should if god was going to make anybody do anything he would make people be born again he would make them receive jesus because that's eternal nothing's bigger than that if he's not going to make you do that he's certainly not going to make you do any lesser thing so no the power was there but nobody's being healed until they come through the man's let down through the hole in front of jesus and verse 20 he he said man your sins are forgiven now this sets off a whole chain of other things for one thing you know you got to picture it now this this is not a fairy tale this happened this man is coming down they're lowering him down on his mat this disrupted the service right first of all there's the noise and then there's the debris falling down in your hair and everything else you what is going on and then there's this cat on a mat why is he there he's paralyzed why did his friends do all this he's paralyzed they they've been hearing about the miracles in jesus ministry and they are so sure it can happen for them they're willing not just to get there but when it looks like there's no way they can get in they make it happen right they get on top they tear a hole maybe they're hollering we'll fix it later i don't know what they're doing but they they were so convinced that a miracle would happen that they went to these links to get him that's why it says he saw their faith in what in what they're doing in the extreme effort they're making to get this man here you see faith jesus saw it and so he looks at the man and says your sins are forgiven what huh we we came for healing and then this sets off something among all the theologians what you can't forgive sins he's blaspheming and jesus perceived their thoughts he said what reason ye in your hearts whether is easier which is easier to say your sins be forgiven you are to say rise up and walk we need to camp here faith class because like we've already gone over you know i read this day before and i read it i may read it again later why most of the church when i say i'm talking about pentecostal so-called faith people most people maybe they know what they should say but let's talk about how it really is you say you believe god would forgive me i really messed up this morning what would they say almost everybody yes well i don't know what if it's not his will what that's why jesus went to the cross it is his will are you sure yes it's his will maybe i should wait no you don't need to wait you need to receive you think i could receive forgiveness right now right now yeah but i messed up pretty big i mean it's pretty big sin what would almost anybody in any church that preaches from truth would they try to convince them would you quit god will forgive you right right now but i don't know if i could receive it you can receive it all you got to do is just believe it and receive it right almost any i don't care what label is on the door almost any church people will full confidence but if somebody's paralyzed huh where's the confidence there it's not there in many cases people immediately begin to go oh i mean you know we don't we don't necessarily preach those things we don't uh now we believed it happened you know and god can do it but you know the apostles they had power like that and when the last apostle died you know all that ceased said who where what are you talking where'd you get that jesus words have passed away things have he has changed faith has changed his will has changed no no no humans have gotten away from god and they've concocted their own things to believe and their traditions have made the word of god of no effect in their life but listen to what jesus says they want to wrestle about can the man be forgiven right now or not can he pronounce it he says well [Laughter] which one is easier oh somebody say which one which one which one's easier between what to say your sins are forgiven and of course he's got to receive it or to say get up and walk and of course he's got to receive it which one he didn't say which one's harder which one's easier why would he say it he proves the answer to the question he says but that you may know that the son of man now there's a whole teaching here he didn't say son of god and he said it on purpose son of man has power or authority on earth to forgive sins he said to the sick of the palsy i say to you get up take your couch and go to the house why did he say that because jesus thinks it's easy oh come on i said because jesus thinks that this is just as easy as the man being forgiven now if i was doing it both of them would be hard right if you were doing it both of them not just hard impossible but thank god i don't have to do it i don't have to make myself forgiven with god and i don't have to heal myself either all i got to do is receive it by faith receive it by faith and here is such a wonderful thing have you ever faith student have you ever received some forgiveness huh i want to see a hand i'm going to see hands out there in the camera too have you have you ever received forgiveness you have proved you have proven you can receive healing huh according to jesus you have already proven many times over you know how to receive a healing amen all you got to do is in the place of forgiveness put healing receive it exactly the way you receive forgiveness do you know how yes but sin we've done it so much until we stop questioning it and that means our faith came up right and when you quit questioning about healing it'll be just as easy oh praise god i don't have to you know work things out make myself righteous in god's sight jesus did that yes i don't have to heal myself jesus did that he took my infirmities he bore my sicknesses he carried my pains he did that too did he do it he did it which one's easier they're the same one is as easy as the other it's just as easy to receive healing from paralysis as it is to receive forgiveness we need to remind ourselves what a big thing it is to receive forgiveness i mean we've done it so much until it's easy to take for granted but the highest price that's ever been paid for anything was paid to give us access to the throne right the precious blood of the spotless lamb the bible said silver and gold couldn't buy you there's not enough natural material wealth in the universe to pay for the value of one soul or to redeem one's soul from sin and loss but the blood of the lamb has done him oh hallelujah he has done it and his blood has paid the price and his blood doesn't just cover but washes away all sin and ungodliness and unrighteousness and all you've got to do is receive it is that right i mean the worst sinner in the world can they be saved can they be saved what do they got to do they don't have to climb the highest mountain across the biggest ocean what do they got to do well they don't have to study and learn greek and hebrew for 20 years what do they got to do just believe it and receive it is that right rece take the forgiveness take the cleansing take the washing this is really a bigger miracle than the healing of the body because the new birth is recreation it's a new creation not the fixing of the old one healing is just repair work done on an existing structure can you see that i know it seems like it's the bigger thing it's not the bigger thing the forgiveness the cleansing the washing of the blood but the receiving of it which one's easier they're the same you receive one just like you receive the other can you say amen and so the man got up took his couch and went home and basically jesus said there's the answer go to james please if you would the fifth chapter which one's easier they're the same and what the it shut the mouths of these skeptics and these scoffers and mockers because they couldn't do either one and they couldn't forgive him they couldn't heal him they didn't know how to help him get either one and when they saw the man rise up and is no longer paralyzed and hal he came in on the bed the bed went out on him that's turning your captivity right they're turning it around and um when they saw him leaving what are you gonna do with that everybody saw it they saw when he came in they saw when he went out what does that prove it proves there is a solution for sin amen right and if he can be healed that means he was forgiven and he received both in james 5 james 5 and verse 14 he said is any sick among you now this is the spirit of god through james writing to believers is any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church so we know he's talking to the church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the lord and the prayer of what faith shall save reagan what word that is there so so the prayer of faith shall sojou the sick sojou the sick there is so so the lost and there is so so the sick save both of it means saved but you're saved from different things the prayer of faith because he's talking about is any sick among you that's how verse 14 started out the prayer of faith shall sow joe the sick and the lord shall raise him up and and and while it's going on if he's committed sins what they'll be forgiven him you don't even have to have separate prayers can you see this you can receive healing and forgiveness in the same prayer at the same time why because there would have never been any sickness if there had never been any sin and when the lord took care of the sin problem he also fixed the sickness problem oh come on can you see that and the same sacrifice that was made for sin also took care of sickness and oppression and poverty i mean it's all in there because everything that was result of sin and fall has been taken care of in the substitutionary redemptive work of christ he went to the cross spirit and soul and body he redeemed us spirit and soul and body and if you believe it you can receive for the body as quickly and easily as you can receive for the soul oh hallelujah praise god and i may say it another hundred times why because faith comes by hearing and see we've heard this other stuff most of you have heard it the other stuff your whole life you're dealing with 40 50 60 years of wrong input that you've got to overcome and so it'll keep trying to creep up it'll keep trying to jump up but jesus said i want this to just resonate in you the rest of the day the rest of the week the rest of the weekend which one's easier which one's easier who are you quoting jesus which one's easier what they're both the same they're both the same they're both the same and he says the prayer of faith shall sow zoe the sick the lord will raise him up if he's come if if he's committed or she's committed sins they'll be forgiven him confess your faults one to another pray one for another that you may be healed the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much let's just act on it right now what do you say right now we've been hearing this all week come on just close your eyes lift your hands say it out loud lord i believe i believe sin was taken care of sickness was taken care of i receive forgiveness i take it by faith and i also receive healing i take it by faith into my body into my organs into my bones into my skin from the top of my head to the soles of my feet i believe that i receive healing i take it now be healed be saved be made whole in jesus name praise god hallelujah do you need to believe you're forgiven yeah when now do you need to believe you're healed yeah when now it's the same praise god and our time's up again today we're not done with this we're going to be going on from grace to grace and faith to faith we'll see you again next time right here in faith school praise god i've enjoyed being with you this week in faith school getting into this faith for healing i'm excited it's going to be really good if you're just joining us there's 150 some lessons that came before this on hebrews 11 go back there and take advantage of that all of this is brought to you all the faith school by our faithful partners god has always ordained that his ministries be supported by his people and there's information on the screen if you want to become a partner not to pay for anything but if you want to help send what has helped you to somebody else you can become a word sender partner today as well check in on the information there you can call the office and check but we are sending faith around the world jesus said when he comes back shall he find faith in the earth i want you and i to be a part of him finding some strong faith in the earth throughout the earth and that faith will be rewarded that faith the scripture said will be praised so we're just getting into some things we're going on from grace to grace faith to faith our faith is growing stronger and that's what pleases god hallelujah we'll see you again next time here at faith school thank you for joining us at faith school classes dismissed for today but you can watch this and other episodes of faith school free of charge at for more information visit our website or call us at [Music] 941-702-7390
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 6,273
Rating: 4.9448276 out of 5
Id: wVCXL13eoUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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