God's On My Side Part 2

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Psalms 124:1, "If it had not been the Lord Who was on our side, now may Israel say," he said it again in verse two, "If it had not been the Lord Who was on our side, when men rose up against us: Then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us: Then the waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone over our soul: Then the proud waters had gone over our soul." We would have been overcome, overwhelmed, washed away. "Blessed be the Lord, Who has not given us as a prey to their teeth. Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers," we have missed trap after trap that the devil has set for us. Our soul has escaped as a bird of the snare of the fowler, "The snare is broken, and we are escaped." We got away. "Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth." Somebody say: "The Lord is my Helper." If you back up to the hundred and eighteen Psalm, Psalm one hundred eighteen, he says very similar thing. Psalms 118:6 says, "The Lord is on my side," what's the result of that? "I will not fear." Now, if we are full of fear, then it's because we don't know that He's on our side. The presence of fear indicates the absence of being fully persuaded, that God is really with us, that He is real and that He is with us to help us. I won't fear. "What can man do unto me?" You know the Lord told people, "Don't be afraid of man that can kill your body and after that there's nothing else he can do." Didn't He say that? Somebody said, "I'm going to shoot you. I'm going to kill you and blow you away." You should say, "I'm about to see Jesus? Right now? Well! But before you pull that trigger, are you saved? I mean, I'm ready to go. But you don't act like you are." "So just a minute here." The absence of fear shows the presence of faith. A faith that knows God is real, He's right here with me right now, and He's not just here to watch me while I spiral down the drain, He is here to help me. Help me. Somebody say: "The Lord is on my side." He went on to say in verse seven, "The Lord takes my part with them that help me," glory to God. Psalms 54:4 says, "Behold, God is my Helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul." I believe we should meditate on this week after week as the Lord has us on this series. You should just go long every day, as people would say out of the blue, you say, "God is my Helper. The Lord is with me. He helps me. He's on my side. He is for me." Don't assume you know that. "Oh yeah, I've heard that, I know that." If you knew it, you would be excited beyond words, if you really knew it. If it's ho-hum to you, you don't know it, it's just some information stuck in your head. It's not living and real inside of you. No, the Almighty, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is also our Father. Is that right? And the Creator, Who can do anything power wise. Knows everything. He is for me. He's on my side. As we like to say, "He's got my back." Skip over to Romans, the New Testament. Romans the eighth chapter. We looked at this last time. Romans 8:31, "What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?" And the implication is successfully. We know we have an enemy against us, we're going to talk about that in a minute. But who can successfully be against us? If God is on my side, then in order to beat my side, you have to beat everybody that's on my side. And you might think you could take me, but can you take Him? Is He really on my side? Just like a team, a ball team: baseball, basketball, whatever, dodgeball, whatever it is. You may have a couple of players that are not that strong, but if you have a superstar on your team - is that right? While y'all are running to keep up, he's already made forty points. And we got us a great team. Yeah, He's doing most of it, but we have a good team. Still on the team, is that right? A win is still a win. Halfway through the game you'll be going, "That's right. Get sixty-eight points, that's right, do it. He's got it." But if your team won, your team won. That's exactly how it is with us. There's so much we don't know, our flesh is so weak, we have made so many mistakes, but we have a Superstar on our team. The Superstar. Hallelujah. And in order to beat us, our team, you have to beat Him because He's on our team. And then ain't nobody ever beat Him. Nobody has ever beat Him. I'm just elaborating on if God is on our team, who can beat us? If God is for us, who can successfully be against us? Somebody say: "Nobody. Nobody. Go with me over to 1 Peter. God is on my side. He takes the part with those that help me. He is among those that help me, the greatest One Who helps me. First Peter 5:7 says, "Casting all your care upon Him; for He cares for you." Well, that's another way of saying He is for you, right? Cares about you. Keep going. "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil," now, what does "adversary" mean? "Adversary" means the opposite of being for you. It means "to be against," "to be opposed to," "opponent," "opposed against." There is someone who is against us. But there is Somebody Who is for us. Right? And if God is for us, who could successfully be against us? And yet, He is still against us. And He is going to continue to be against us. And it doesn't help to try to pretend like there's no adversary. You know, people have some goofy ideas - they may not express them completely, but they live like okay now devil, I won't mess with you, you don't mess with me. I'm not going to cause you any problems, and you don't cause me any problems. Deal? You know what he will say? "Deal. And week after next, he will nail you if he can. "Be sober," so you don't need to be 'head in the sand' and you don't need to be foolish, you need to be sober. Sober is the opposite of being drunk and being out of it. You need to be awake, alert, and on the watch because somebody is out to hurt you. And you don't want to give him any opportunity or any place. So important. We shouldn't just bump along. Much of the world, much of the world is living like there is no God, there is no devil, there is no heaven, there's no hell, there's nothing after this life. They are living in a dream. They are living in a fantasy. They're living like they're going to be down here forever. They don't want to talk about death. "Oh no, no, no. Just enjoy life. Enjoy life." It's this long. I said, it's this long. Our days are doing like this... We just finished another week of them. Is that right? Like Thom was saying, another half a year. How many remember when it was the year two thousand? How long ago was that? Nineteen ninety? How long ago was that? Nineteen eighty? Decades are going... Is that right? You're not going to be here much longer. If you live another fifty years, if you live another seventy-five years, whatever, it's going to come and go so quickly. You want to live like you are ready to go now. Is that right? You do not want to live with your head in the sand, don't want to talk about death. Fifty-five million people will have died and left this earth before the year is over. Fifty-five million. Just about a little over a second, just a second plus, two people leave the planet. Every second, just a little over. It's not something we should dread as believers, it's actually something we should look forward to. But we want to stay and do our job and finish up what we are down here to do. See how quiet it is? "I don't like talking about that." Well then you need to grow up. Because it's going to happen. It's happening all around you, right? It's going to happen. Just depends on when and how. How many people left from the seventeen hundreds? How many? So in another hundred years, how many of us will be around? Lord tarries His coming, another two hundred years, how many of us will be around? But is that a bad thing? Is that a scary thing? This is reality. We are here for a very, very brief time. As a believer, Somebody is for us. Our God. We also have an enemy, an adversary, is against us. And we need to be on the watch about our adversary and give him no opportunities. And we need to be in full faith and cooperating fully and completely with the One Who is for us, so He can keep us and do for us and with us what He desires. What His will is. One of the biggest lies and deceptions that the church has bought into is that God is controlling everything. And that everything is happening exactly as it is supposed to. That's not true. That's not even close to being true. There's a select group of people that everything is going to work out for their good. It's those who love God. Those who love God are going to do what He says. And it's going to also give Him access to prevent what the enemy would do. For instance, tithing. So many people fuss and fight about it. "Oh, that's under the Old Testament." It was before the old covenant and it's during and it's after. Jesus talked about it. It's in the New Testament in the Book of Hebrews. We have teachings on this if you care to know. A lot of folks don't want to know; they'd rather be ignorant. And it's not about what they really believe, it's about the money. We don't even teach that you are supposed to tithe to us or to the church. Shocker. We preach that the tithe belongs to the Lord. It's His, not yours. Anyway, if you believed that and you honored Him, it's not just about money, it's about honor, and it's about access. According to Malachi if you honor Him with that, the tithe and the firstfruits of all your increase, He's going to pour out blessings on you, is that right? And He's going to rebuke the devourer for your sake. But can you see your act of honoring Him allows Him to get between you and the enemy, where your finances and material things are concerned. Glory to God. We had several things happen in the ministry this week where no doubt in my mind thousands of dollars were saved. The devourer is rebuked. We are tithers. It looked like we might had to spend it, but we don't. Glory to God! Don't need to. That's like somebody giving you a bunch of money into the ministry. Right? That's not just for ministers or churches, that is for every tither. Right? We do have an adversary. He is out to consume and devour and steal and kill and destroy. So when you see stealing and killing and destruction, how ignorant it is to blame God. And yet, many do. "We just don't know why God's done all these things, but He must have some reason." How about you messed up and let the enemy in? And it wasn't God and it wasn't His will at all. So many things are that way. Selah. Think about it. Religion. People have made the Scriptures of no effect by their traditional beliefs. Somebody say: "Not me. Not me. By the grace of God I'm going to believe the truth. And the truth makes me free." Put the scripture back up. Do you have an enemy? Yeah, you do. Do you need to take it seriously? Do you need to be afraid of him? No. But do you need to take it seriously? Yeah, you do. How do you take it seriously without being afraid? He didn't say be afraid, He didn't say go hide, He didn't say tremble, what did He say? Be on the watch. The scripture says we're not ignorant of his devices. Be on the watch, just know that the enemy is trying to work up something against you. I know it's not a nice thought, but it's true. He's trying to find some kind of access to get to you. And that's why we need to be vigilant. What do we need to be vigilant about? We want to make sure we follow our good Shepherd real close. Because that's the safety zone. Is that right? We want to stay right under that great big rod and staff, is that right? Under the secret place of the Most High. We want to stay real close, follow Him, that's where it's safe. We want to do what He says, when He says, how He says. It gives Him access into the earth on our behalf to help us. He said, "Your adversary," the one who is against you, who is opposed and against you, the devil, "as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour." So there are some he may, and there are some he may not. And we should be greatly interested in how we become those he may not. Are you? We already see the top of the verse. What does the top of the verse say? "Sober, vigilant," we need to be on alert for the enemy trying to get to us and not let him have any access. Go with me to the Book of Revelation and we'll begin to talk about how the enemy works against us. It's revealed in the word of God. In the twelfth chapter, Revelation twelve. It's revealed in numerous places in the word. It's not just all a hidden mystery. It seems like where the devil is concerned as with so many subjects, people tend to get in one ditch or the other. They either talk too much about the devil and they are scared of him, or they don't talk enough about him and it's like he doesn't exist. There is a rightly dividing of the word of God. In Revelation 12:7 the Bible said, "There was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels," this is not a fairytale. This is reality. Keep going. "And prevailed not," who prevailed not? The dragon, the devil. "Neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan," who is your adversary. I know you like to think that everybody likes you. He is not for you. He's against you. And he is a killer. He's a liar, he is a thief, he is a murderer, he is a destroyer. He's not even human. He's not even terrestrial. We would call him an alien. This is real. And those that are with him. And they don't care about human beings. We are nothing to them. He has a God complex. He wants to be God. He thinks this planet is his. He wants everything. He wants us out of the way. And the ones he hates the most are the ones who have been born again. Who are the sons - oh, somebody say: "The sons." Because it's something he could never be again. He has forfeited - he hates us. Among the reasons why is because he envies us. We are beloved of God. Now compared to him and all these beings, we are preemie babies. We've been in existence that long compared to them, and we just don't know anything, compared to what they have seen and what they have heard and known throughout the eons. And yet, God, the Creator has claimed us for His own and has made us a permanent part of His family and has predestined us to develop and rule and reign with Him throughout the ages. It's what He and those that defected and rebelled with him, it's what they wanted. They wanted dominion. They wanted authority. They wanted to be gods. And they never will be. There are still trying to be, but it's already done. Have you read the back of the Book? It's already done. God has spoken the word. It's just a matter of time. But us - they are fading. Their life and their orbit is smoking. We are just beginning. Hallelujah. And our future is so bright. So the Bible said we're going to shine like the stars in glory. It doesn't yet appear who and what we are, you can't tell by looking at us right now, but it's going to be evident. Because of who is for us. The Bible says that the Master Himself will claim us in that day. That we are His brethren. Phew. He's going to claim us before all beings and all realms. The devil didn't and is not going to prevail. Satan, "Which deceives the whole world," that's his primary effective weapon is deception. Just like the truth will make you free, lies will imprison you. Lies blind and lies bind. He deceives the whole world. It's happening right now. Billions of people are in total spiritual darkness on this planet. Worship rocks and stars and count beads and spin wheels and billions of them do nothing at all. They act like there is no God. They are deceived by the god of this world. "He was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night." This is insight into how he is against us. How he is our adversary. I know some of this is involved, but I'm just reading scriptures. Right? How does your adversary function against you? Yeah, he's against you, what does he do? How does he take action to put that into effect? Something he does without stopping night and day. Is what? Accuse you before God. He accuses you to God. Now the more you learn about this, the more you're going to hate him. Why would he do that? Why would it be an issue? He is a created being and a fallen being. He cannot just come destroy you when he wants to. If he could, not a one of us would be breathing in here tonight. He would've taken us out a long time ago, and everybody like us. The reason he hasn't already taken you out, he has not been able to. God has kept you. Is that right? And he hasn't been able to get access to you. But that's what this is about. This is about getting access to you. Getting judgment against you. So he can get to you. That's what the accusation is about. Didn't we just read this in Job not too many weeks ago? Well, go back there. Job one. Let me finish reading this. I'll finish reading this verse. The accused, our brethren, the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before God day and night and they what? And the devil destroyed all of them? No! They what? "They," the brethren, that's you and me. The brethren, "Overcame him," the accuser of the brethren, the devil, the dragon, "by," two things. Two things. Somebody say: "Two things." Not just one, two things. One of them, we didn't do. One of them, we do. Two things. They overcame him, the adversary by, "The Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony." Oh, hallelujah. How are we sober and vigilant where our adversary is concerned? Know he is accusing you. He's trying to build a case against you. He's trying to get judgment against you. He's trying to get access to you. So what's important? What's important is that I know what's been done for me by the Blood of the Lamb, and my testimony is in agreement with that. His accusation is a factor, the Blood of the Lamb is a factor, and my testimony is a factor in whether he can get to me or whether he can't. Go with me to Job and let's remind ourselves of how this works. Who is against whom? God is for me. Right? The devil is against me. Shouldn't be scared about it, but I shouldn't be dumb about it either. I should realize he's trying to get - he's always trying to start something. He's a sorry cuss. I'm not going to shed a tear when he gets thrown in the pit. You talk about evil sorry, him and all his cohorts, that's what they do. Why? He wants to steal from you. He wants to destroy you. He wants to kill you. "Why doesn't he just do it?" He can't. Unless he can get access. Didn't the Bible tell us, "Neither give place to the devil," in Ephesians, did he say it? Don't give the devil any opportunity, any space, anyplace, what does that mean? It means you can give him place, and it means be on the watch and don't. How do people give him place? Well, go to Job, the first chapter. Job chapter one. We actually get a behind the scenes look, it's interesting, of activities of angels and the enemy and God. And Revelation just got through telling us that the enemy does this against the brethren night and day. In Job 1:6, "There was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan," or the Hebrew there, the word literally is "adversary," the adversary, "came also among them. And the Lord said to Satan," the adversary, "Whence comest thou? Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it." Does that sound familiar? Just read that in 1 Peter. What is he doing? Going to and fro. Is that right? What is he doing? We can put Peter with this - what's he going to and fro in the earth and up and down in it, what is he looking for? Those he can destroy. Devour. Verse eight, "And the Lord said to Satan, have you considered my servant Job," now the King James is a little bit rough on this. If you look in the margin of my Bible it says the Hebrew literally says have you set your heart on? The way some people read this it's like God brought Job up and said hey, how about Job? Have you thought about attacking him? That wouldn't be somebody that is for you. That's not what happened. Look up the Hebrew. Like I said, it's even in the margin of my Bible. Have you set your heart on him? It's like always. God is always ahead of the enemy. He knows the enemy has been doing his best to get to him. Have you set your heart on him? "That there is none like him, a perfect and an upright man, one that fears God, and eschews evil? Satan answered the Lord, and said, Does Job fear God for nothing?" What is he doing right now? He is beginning to accuse Job to God. And to question Job's faith, question Job's heart, question Job's motives. What is he saying? Well, keep reading. "Does Job fear God for nothing? Have you not made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side?" How does he know so much about that? Because he's been around it a thousand times trying to get to him. And cannot. He can't do it. Oh, he would've killed Job a thousand times over, but he couldn't get to him. That's what he's trying to do right now. How can he get to him? Get judgment against him that would allow him access. Now if you haven't understood this, don't throw it away. Did you hear those phrases I just mentioned to you? Judgment against that allows access to. "You have blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land. But," if You will, "put forth Your hand now, and touch all that he has, he will curse You to Your face." The adversary has done this with your name instead of Job's. Did we read Revelation or not? Accused who? Brethren. How often? Day and night. Some of it he might not of all done personally, but those that are under him have done things too. He has accused you. What is he saying? "Well yeah, no wonder. Sure, he serves You. You made him a rich man. But if the riches weren't there, he wouldn't be there. And if he lost all of this, he would curse you to your face. His faith in you is not real. It's not there." Accusations. Accusing. The language, in fact in the Greek and Hebrew, it's like a courtroom scene. It's like a prosecuting attorney presenting a case against the defendant, accusing them of crimes. And to get a judgment against, if you are found guilty, what is supposed to happen next? Punishment. Is that right? Punishment. Somebody said, "Yeah, but Brother Keith, that's all Old Testament." No, it's not all Old Testament. We already read scriptures of the New Testament, but somebody said that. Hold your place. Go to 1 Corinthians. First Corinthians eleven. Well, let's go back to chapter five first. We're getting something to chew on tonight. Not just skim milk. Something to chew on a little bit. A little bit stronger. That's good. I said, that's good. You're not supposed to be on a bottle your whole life. Is 1 Corinthians in the New Testament? I want everybody to go on record. Is 1 Corinthians in the New Testament? Is it for believers? There's a whole lot of folks nowadays are taking Books out of the New Testament and saying they don't apply to us. Don't you believe it. But in case you're confused about that, how about 1 Corinthians? Do you feel good about 1 Corinthians being for believers today? Are they a part of the same church so truths and the way that things were happening with them would be the same way things are happening with us. Yes or no? Good, good. We have something to work with. In 1 Corinthians 5:1, "It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his Father's wife." Now this wasn't his mother, but it would be his stepmother. And this guy and his stepmother, the stepmother left his father and they are living together, and they are also part of the church at Corinth. Why would that be? I won't go into all this, but if you read this and 2 Corinthians, you will see that there were perversions of the message of grace going around even then at the church in Corinth and other places that all things are permissible because of grace. It's quiet in here. He got his father's wife because of course, they must've been in love. What are you laughing about? And verse two, "And you are puffed up," well, what would they be puffed up about? The church has got no problem with this? Why? What would they be puffed up about? They think they are enlightened. They have a greater revelation of grace that other people haven't gotten that allows you to do things like this and still be okay. You, "Have not rather mourned, that he that had done this deed might be taken away from you. For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that have so done this deed," hold on Paul, that doesn't sound like grace to me. "In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, to deliver such an one to Satan," huh? Huh? That sounds like Old Testament. But yet you told me it was New Testament. Deliver such a one to Satan, "For the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus." He's talking about some things transpiring that would result in the enemy having access to these individuals. And if he does have access, what's going to happen next? Destruction. But apparently the hope is that even if some flesh things are destroyed, they will repent, and their hearts will be right with God, and they will be okay in the end. Can you see this? But part of what he warned about, if this is not dealt with, it will go through the whole church. Is this New Testament or not? Almost sounds foreign the way some people think nowadays. Go to the eleventh chapter. In 1 Corinthians 11:26 he said, "For as often as you eat this bread, and drink this cup, you do show the Lord's death till He come. Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord." Now, what they were doing is they were being disrespectful of communion and of the body and Blood of the Lord. They weren't just coming in like we do and taking elements and honoring the Lord, they came in and had a full meal and people were being gluttonous and they were being drunk, and they were people there that didn't have much going hungry. And it was just a big mess. And they were being disrespectful. And they were making light of the blood that saved us and washed us. They were making light and trivial of the body. Verse twenty-eight, "Let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup." It's about respect and honor. I'm convinced a lot of folks have gotten too casual. It's not about being stiff and formal, it's about respect. It's about honor. Our God is a great God. He's an awesome God. The Blood of the Lamb is amazing. It is eternal life giving. Sin cleansing. None of that should be handled foolishly or haphazardly like it's nothing. And yet you hear a lot of people say God doesn't care, God doesn't care. God doesn't care. To hear people talk, he doesn't care about anything. It doesn't matter how you do it, show up, flop it down, give it a pass. Whatever. If we want to. No respect. The reason I'm saying this, this can give the enemy access. Not my idea. Keep reading verse twenty-nine. He said, "For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep." Sleep means they have died prematurely. Sickness, weakness, premature death in the New Testament church. Verse thirty-one, "For," what? What's the solution? "If we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged." How did they overcome the accuser? Two things. The Blood of the Lamb, word of their testimony. If we judge ourselves we should not be judged. "But when we are judged," why? Because we didn't judge ourselves, "We are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world." Go with me to Exodus please. I'll explain it as you go there. Exodus twelve. When people read things like this, especially reading the King James and even other translations and with some people's doctrines, they think God did it. God did it. Because the Scripture will actually say especially in the King James, God did it. But, notice this in Exodus twelve. And you get some insight as to how this is happening. We'll just go ahead and give you both barrels tonight. What do you think? He told them in Exodus twelve to keep the Passover. And He had warned Pharaoh and his household that He was going to pass through and smite all the firstborn of the land. King James language. Are you there in Exodus twelve? Exodus 12:11, "And you shall ye eat it," the Passover, "with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat it in a hurry: it is the Lord's Passover." This is a faith meal. What is He saying? Eat it with dressed, shoes on, bags packed, why? We're leaving. You are slaves, you are Egyptians, you are property of the Egyptians, why would you think you're going anywhere? This is a faith meal. God said I'm taking you out, pack your bags, get ready. Put the blood on the door post. Take the body of the Lamb, two things He told them to do. Apply the blood and eat the body. Sound familiar? But eat it in a hurry and eat it ready to go. Glory to God. Oh man, things happen when you do it in faith. And when you're in faith about something, you are ready for something to happen. He said it's the Lord's Passover. Verse twelve are you there? "For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute," what? What? "Judgment: I am the Lord. And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where you are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt." Now in the King James and English, it says it as plain as you can say it. I'm going to smite the firstborn, God says. But read just a few verses later. Verse twenty-one, "Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said to them, Draw out and take you a lamb according to your families, and kill the Passover. And you shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason; and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning. For the Lord will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when He sees the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the Lord will pass over the door, and will," what? Will what? What's actually going to happen? Who is actually doing the destroying? It's the destroyer. And He's telling them to do this so that what? So that He can prevent the destroyer from getting to them. Oh, can you see it? Can you see it? And yet in the previous language He said I'm going to do it. He didn't actually do the destroying. Are you reading the scripture or not? The Lord will pass through to smite the Egyptians. When He sees the blood the Lord will pass over the door and will, "Not suffer," that means allow, "the destroyer to come in to your houses to smite you." And yet both of them are accurate. So why did the Lord say He did it? Well, did you see that word in verse twelve? I will execute judgment. He is the righteous Judge of all the earth. And what happened because of Pharaoh and his house and their defiance and God's word, covenant word to Abram centuries before? This is going to happen. Right? And God has an obligation to keep His word and to do what is right and fair. Did He give them a chance to repent or not? Did Pharaoh and his house? They had all kinds of chances to repent and what is shown here is that they never were going to. If they would've lived that long, they would still be saying no today. So what did He do? He passed judgment. It allowed the destroyer access. Except for the people that obeyed Him. Oh come on, can you see that? And for those people the destroyer couldn't touch them. There were some the enemy could devour, but there was a whole bunch he may not devour. Oh, can you see it? Can you see it? Oh, hallelujah. In Lamentations 3:32, talking about God. "Though He cause grief, yet will He have compassion according to the multitude of His mercies." Verse thirty-three, "For He does not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men." God is perfectly right, and perfectly fair, and perfectly just. No matter how much He loves you, He's not going to lie for you, He's not going to pervert justice for you. He's perfectly just and righteous and true and pure. And when people don't listen to Him and they don't judge themselves, what's going to happen next or eventually? You're going to be judged. But if God passes judgment that allows the destroyer access, it is not His will, it does not please Him, and He didn't even pass the judgment willingly. Can you see this or not? This is true about what has happened, it's true about what's going to happen even in the end of all things with all the judgment. Brother Jesse Duplantis tells of an experience he had gone to heaven and he said he saw the Master and he said there are many wonderful things he talks about, if you heard his testimony, but he said one of them at one point the Lord looked at him and He looked sober, serious. And He told him He was not looking forward to that day, the day of judgment. He is Love. Can you see this? In 2 Peter 3:9, do we really believe this verse? Second Peter 3:9, "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward," what? Read it out loud. What? Congregation: "Not willing," we just got through reading not willing, He does not willingly afflict. What does that mean? Pass judgment that allows the destroyer access. He doesn't do that willingly. Why? Because He's not willing that the enemy should have access to anybody or steal from anybody or kill anybody or destroy anybody. Some folks are going on, actually unbelievers on TV one time talking about if God is real and God is Love, how can Love send people to hell? Especially some people talking about us, "Stupid people they talk about believing and eternal hell. And then they turn around and say God is Love. How can Love do that?" I asked the Lord. I was sitting there thinking and said Lord, how do I answer something like that if it came up with me? What do I say? Just like that it came up right in my spirit. He said, "Keith, it's not My choice." Do you believe that or not? "It's not My choice." He gave that choice to us. Is that right? And if people are judged and people go to hell instead of heaven, it was not God's will, it was not even His choice. What did the Scripture say? He is what? He is not willing that how many? He's not willing that what? "That any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." Without taking time to look into it, if you've read the Book of Job, Job actually did pretty good in the first couple of chapters. They had no idea there was a devil. No clue. Apparently these writings go way, way, way back. And they were not aware of the enemy coming and accusing Job like he did, and of all these things. But at one point Job cried out prophetically. He said, "Oh, that there was a daysman betwixt us. Somebody that would take my side. Somebody between me and God." He's prophesying. I said, He's prophesying. Oh, go to 1 John two, because that prophecy has been fulfilled. He said, "Oh, that there was a daysman," that means a mediator. If there somebody that is against us, if there's a prosecuting attorney, what do we need? What do we need? We need an attorney for our defense. We need somebody that's on our side looking out for us, pleading our case. Don't we? Job knew he needed it. Didn't believe he had it. And at that point, he didn't. Jesus hadn't come yet. Oh, but are you in 1 John? First John, makes me want to get ready to run right now. First John 2:1, "My little children, these things write I to you, that you sin not." Now there's a lot of folks to try to tell you it doesn't make any difference what you do, nothing really is sin, and if it is, it's already been paid for, it's already been taken care of. Well, it has, but if you violate your conscience and you don't do what you should do, the enemy can get access to you and stuff can get destroyed in your life. It doesn't mean that God doesn't love you, it doesn't mean that you are no longer His kid. But it means you didn't listen. He said, "And if any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father," we have a what? We have a what? We have a what? That's a legal term. Advocate. Somebody say: "I have representation." Now say this: "Jesus, represent." Represent what? He represents me. Come on, somebody didn't get this. "If any man sin we," we, it's not the whole world, those that have believed on Him, received Him, we, "Have an Advocate with the Father." What's His name? "Jesus," the, "Christ," the Son of God, "the righteous," One, "and He is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." If they would let Him. Hallelujah. Phew. Every day of our lives the enemy, if it's not him personally, it's those that are under him, somebody he has assigned to your case and mine. I know it's a nice thought, but we need to be awake. We need to be looking at this. And what are these imps, these spirits, trying to do? Anything that you say can and will be used against you. Not just in a court of the law of the land, in the High Court. Didn't Hebrews say that He is the Apostle and High Priest of our confession? What does that mean? He works with what I say. I don't care what kind of attorney you got, you can have the best attorney in the world, you take the stand, the prosecution comes and hits on you and pressures you and you go, "I did it. Yeah, I'm guilty as sin. I did it." You are done. Is that right? I don't care who your attorney is, you are done. You are done. And if the judge is not crooked, I don't care if he likes you, you are done. If he's a righteous judge, what does he have to do? He has to rap the gavel, is that right? Find you guilty. You know in those days there was no jury. And in this case, there is no jury either. That's something we have developed. The judge makes the call. Period. And there is no appeal. If you are dumb, if you're dumb, the enemy comes and says, "You said such and such and you did such and such. You didn't obey the Lord and then you yielded to the flesh and you did this, you deserve to be sick. You deserve to be broke. You deserve to be destroyed." And you go, "I know it. I know I am the sorriest excuse for a Christian you ever saw in your life. I'm a miserable sinner. I've done all that stuff and worse. I know I did. Yeah." You are done. Come on, help me out. You are done. Done. Because even though you have a good Advocate, you have to listen to your Advocate. If you get attacked, the enemy is trying to set something up against you, He never leaves you, He will never forsake you, He'll show you up even though you feel like you've been thrown the cell He'll show up and go, "I'm with you. I got this." And slip you a book and says, "Now, this is all you say. I don't care what the enemy pushes you about, I don't care what you feel, this is all you say." Now practice it with me. 'I'm innocent. Washed by the blood. I deserve no punishment.'" I don't care what he brings up, come on, let's do it one more time. "I'm innocent. I'm washed by the blood. I deserve no punishment." Revelation twelve, how did they overcome the accuser of the brethren? How? How? "The Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony." You won't see all that happens behind the scenes, but the enemy is trying to build a case against you so he can get judgment against you, so he can get access to you. And you need to play it cool. You need to stay with your Advocate. And if the enemy pressures you, "You lied, you did this, you messed up. You yielded to the flesh." You go, "I'm innocent." "How do you plead?" "I plead innocent by the Blood of the Lamb." "Yeah, but we have video of you doing this and we have..." And they'll go to play it, and it will be blank. Washed by the blood. Washed by the blood. "Yeah, but we have audio." And they'll go to play it and it's just hiss. It's just static. Why? Washed by the blood! Washed by the blood. Say, "I told you, I told you I'm innocent. Washed by the blood." "No, you said this, you did this, you have been disobedient, you have failed, you didn't do what God told you to do, you hurt these people, you were mean, you're ugly, you did all this." You go, "I'm innocent. I'm innocent." Come on, help me out. I'm innocent. What did your Advocate tell you to do? I'm innocent, washed by the blood. I deserve no punishment. No punishment. And the righteous Judge will only let that go so far. Then He will say, "Enough." "The Attorney for the defense?" "Yes, Your Honor, My Father." Are you feeling good about this already? "The accused, My brother, Your son has testified that they are innocent and they deserve no punishment. I present Exhibit A: My blood on the mercy seat." And the Father says, "The court has accepted that evidence." "You've heard the accused, My brother, Your son, testify they deserve no sickness. Innocent. I present for the court evidence, Exhibit B: My stripes." The Father says, "The court has accepted that evidence." And just like that it's all over with. No judgment, no access, come on, are y'all with me? How did you overcome? Come on, how? But that's not just the Blood of the Lamb. You have to work - if you start talking unbelief, "I'm not going to make it... This is not going to work... I don't deserve it..." Well, it's true, you don't deserve it. It doesn't mean you can't get it. It's already been bought and paid for and given to you. It's not about you earning anything. Practice it again. How do you plead? Come on, help me. How do you plead? Innocent. By the Blood of the Lamb. I deserve no punishment. Now that's only because of the Blood of the Lamb, but it is true, because of the Blood of the Lamb, you deserve - why? Because He was punished for that. Is that right? Yeah, you messed up and yes I have, but He was punished for that. He was judged for that. And the sentence was given, and the adversary actually took Him into the heart of the earth, are you listening? And we don't know what He endured and dealt with for those three days and nights, but we know that justice was satisfied, and the Father spoke from on high, and the enemy had taken Him unlawfully, because He had committed no sin. He was worthy of no punishment. What resulted was He was raised from the dead without sin, that was our sin. That was our sin. Come on, are you listening? Oh, hallelujah. And now He is our Advocate, at the right hand of Majesty on high where He ever lives to make intercession - that's not prayer, that's a legal term. Make intercession for us. The reality is more in-line with what we been talking about tonight. He speaks on your and my behalf at the throne. He stands up for those who identify with Him. Is that you? Stand on your feet everybody.
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 5,137
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 1Jso1mlbBO8
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Length: 71min 3sec (4263 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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