God's Timeline and the Jews

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all right I've got a message prepared for you today that I've been working on for literally several months now I've been trying to get all this together in such a way that hopefully I can present to you the importance of knowing your Bible and reading your Bible in thinking about the sign of the times the days we live in a lot of people that I know that claim to be Christians are looking for the return of Jesus Christ and that's great but I mean a lot of other people who claim to be Christians and say oh no Jesus isn't coming in our lifetime and and I said really well can you can you show me that in the Bible you know when Jesus showed up the first time there were prophecies that said he was coming and it narrowed down exactly when he would show up and people knew was wise men knew within two years they wouldn't found Jesus so don't you think that it's possible that we might know the sign of the times of when Jesus is coming again so what I'm going to do today I'm going to talk on God's timeline and the Jews I'm going to show you the people called the Jews which by the way I'm talking about Israel I'm going to show you how God has chosen those people and has revealed through them by the way the Bible is written by Jews and has given us his timeline God has not left us on this earth without any knowledge whatsoever everything he wanted us to know he put into the Bible and it will simply read it will find what God would have us to know so let's look at this message today God's timeline and the Jews let's begin in Deuteronomy chapter 7 deuteronomy 7:6 God is speaking to the nation that he has called the nation of Israel and he says for thou art a holy people unto the Lord thy God the Lord thy God has chosen me to be a special people unto himself above all people that are upon the face of the earth so from the very beginning of the Bible God says these people these Jews this nation of Israel are my nation above all other nations of any nation on the face of the earth God says that's my nation those people Israel if it's something that we live in a day and age today where so many people attack Israel and hate Israel put them what is that such as an attack on God they don't love God they don't love the Bible so they don't love God's people so they attack them that's kind of a shame it better on me 14 - we read God's speaking to his nation for thou art a holy be blunt unto the Lord thy God and the Lord has chosen me to be a peculiar people unto himself above all the nations that are upon the earth so again God says I chose you to be holy but peculiar a lot of people look at Israel they going to kill your place why is everybody talking about Palestine today why is it everyone's trying to broker a deal between the Palestinians in Israel why is this little piece of dirt over there in the middle of a desert so important that so many people talking about and why are people so angry and hateful toward the nation of Israel well it's not just something physical there's a spiritual battle going on there as well it's the battle between good and evil between Satan and his people and God and his chosen nation and when you read the Bible you clearly see that so God's chosen nation above all nations on the earth are the Jews and God told these people to choose that they would be his people but he also saw them and he said that they are stiff-necked people and he called a guy named Moses one time to go preach to his people he said Lord they won't believe me they got to see a sign or they won't believe so we're going to talk to me about today is God's timeline and the Jews I should have put up here also and signs because I'm going to show you that God made it very clear to the nation of Israel certain things and he gave them signs in fact in first Corinthians chapter 1 in verse 22 the Bible says for the Jews require a sign and the Greeks to capture with them so the Jews require a sign so God's chosen nation upon the earth above all nations is a nation which says to God you better give us a sign or we won't believe you did God give them a sign oh boy did God give his nation a sign he gave them the Bible and it's full of signs it's full of prophecies it's full of things in which you cannot help but see the God is real and by prophecy but by saying this is going to happen hundreds sometimes thousands of years before and it happens that proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that God is God so in the very beginning of the Bible Genesis chapter 1 in verse 14 we read these words and God said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and for years so when God created the world he put up some lights in the firmament of the heaven so up in heaven he put some lights there called stars and he cooked them up there and God said he put those up there for signs and he said if you look up there you'll see some stuff because I made some signs up in the stars now don't believe in the horoscope and I don't believe in astrology I don't believe we follow the stars and make our life and base our life above what the stars tell us to do I don't believe in that but I do believe that the stars paint a picture that prove that God is the creator and he did some things up in heaven that you can deny what how well God made some signs up in heaven so that people would believe that he is the creator I have a message on YouTube about the constellations the gospel in the Stars it's called get a chance check out that video it'll really open your eyes to how God has in the Stars shown the gospel of salvation shows that he's the Creator over Matthew chapter 16 and verse 3 Jesus Christ shows up to his people Israel and when he shows up he looks at him because what is wrong with this people why are they like this and Jesus says in Matthew 16 3 says that in the morning it will be foul weather today for the sky is red and lowering oh ye hypocrites Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees lost religious people that use their lips the name of God but their heart is far from him and Jesus says though ye hypocrites you can describe discern in the face of the sky but can you not discern the signs of the times so Jesus says hey don't you know the sign of the times let's go look at today we're looking God's timeline and the Jews and we're going to look at the sign of the times I get people emailing all the time and say brother breaker man we are definitely in the last days they can discern the times I mean Wars rumors of wars people going around trying to hurt others people try to nuke other nations I mean we're definitely in the last days that the whole world is ready to go to fight and battle and even blow itself up the love of many is waxing cold and if you have a Bible you read the Bible you understand we are discerning the times when we read the Bible because we could say wow this is close to the end I mean wow but it's even more than just that not how evil and wicked the world is proving that we're in the last days or end times but it's the Bible gives us a calendar the Bible gives us a timeline the Bible is God's Word to man and God literally gives us the days and the hours and the sighs and shows us what's going to happen and he does it in many different ways but one way is through the Stars now if you remember when Jesus was born I put here the birth of Jesus in the Bible it talks about a certain star that appeared at the birth of Jesus what would that that was a sign God gave a sign you know what those Pharisees didn't in it the Pharisees denied to the very end that Jesus Christ was their Messiah so they chose not to obey that sign that God gave well I've got a video about this I don't have time to get into it but over here in September 2015 that same star appeared up in heaven again it's called the Bethlehem star you can go to youtube and look up a documentary on the Bethlehem star and they say that that star appears just about every two thousand years and it showed up on 2015 September 23rd well when they showed up the first time it was a marker and there was something about two years from when that star first appeared - when the wise men finally found Jesus when he was born 2015 that period that star hears again and September 23rd 20 17 is two years after when that star kind of interesting there's two here's something to do about that I have a video on that called the threefold work of God on YouTube going on more about that star thing check it out but astronomers say that this star shows up pretty much about every two thousand years so you go back about two thousand years when that star showed up and you find a guy named Abraham yeah there's a book called the book of Asher and I don't know if I believe that book it's an extra canonical book but the bible does mention the book of Asher I try to stick only with the 66 books of the King James Bible but somebody sent me the book of Asher and the book of answer sure nuff says at the birth of Abraham there was a sign in his star in heaven now what was Abraham Abraham was what the Jews called their father they say he's the father of the Jews was interesting in God's timeline with working with the nation that he's called above all nations he had a star in heaven and the star marked the birth of Abraham if that story is true we know this story is true that a star marked the birth of Jesus who was who the King of the Jews and now this star is back is there something that's going to take place for the Jews very shortly that's a good question here we are in 2017 and that star is there again now they call this the Bethlehem star it was a sign and it marked the juice and it marked the people so I'm going to look at each one of these stars very quickly before I get into God's timeline because this is important to see the timeline of God the first time that start now you can go back another 2,000 years and somebody emailed me this the other day and I thought it was interesting you can even go back to here and that star pretty much was around the time of Adam and Eve so there's at least four times that the Bethlehem star has appeared in heaven as the creation when God created about two thousand years later when Abraham showed up about two thousand years later when Jesus was born about two thousand years later in our time today so do you think that God maybe have the timeline and he has a way that he set up the stars does the stars mark certain of the well that'd be a pretty powerful God would have been a pretty smart guy to do something but that sounds just like Jesus doesn't God has created things to run like clockwork it's God's timeline so let's look at the first one here Abraham what does Bible say about Abraham well we saw earlier that God chose Abraham and that he was to be the father of many nations and God told the nation that Abraham started the Israel that they were his shows that nation above all nations upon the face of the earth in Genesis chapter 12 verse 1 through 4 God says to Abraham now the Lord had said unto Abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that I will show thee and will make it be a great nation I will bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing and I will bless them that bless thee and curse them the Kirstie Kirstie and indeed shall all the families of the earth be blessed who is Abraham is the father of the Jews so if you curse Abraham you're cursed all these people today that are cursing the State of Israel they're asking God to place a curse on their head not Cohn sad Genesis chapter 18 Justice chapter 18 verse 17 through 19 we read in the Lord said shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do God said you know Abram is the guy that I called to be the father of a mighty nation the nation that God said is the nation of Israel that God said is his nation above all nations hey God says shall I hide something from Abraham you know the whole Bible is to give us the truth from God God doesn't want to hide truth from us he wants us to have true so God gives us as much truth and so we can handle and it's all in the Bible he said shall I hide that thing which I do verse 18 seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him and then he says where I know him that he will command his children and his household after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he had spoken of him so God says I know this guy Abraham who I gave a sign to mark when he was born and I know that the people that come after him God would use in a mighty way and that's what we read in the Bible is that Abraham was the father of a mighty nation which God called the nation of Israel which God says was his nation they put kill your nation in a nation above all nations upon the face of the earth so if you see why I'm talking about God's timeline and the Jews it all ties back into the nation of Israel according to the Bible so we have this first star here actually the second if you count the one who showed up at Adam and Eve but we have this star here of Abraham now that the others appearing of this star is the appearing of Jesus Christ and when Jesus Christ was born I told you that in Jesus's birth there was that star called the Star of Bethlehem what does the Bible say about this star looks going to look at Matthew what is this star well this star up here as a marker as a sign in the hopes that the people of Israel would see hey this is the Messiah so each time these stars appear from Abraham on it's always a marker or a sign to God's people Israel of something important back here was the birth of Abraham the birth of the nation here was the birth of Jesus who is who the Messiah so God to say hey here's your king the King of Kings the Lord of lords what are you going to do with Jesus well we know according to history they rejected Jesus Christ that's a shame but what does the Bible say about matthew chapter 2 verses 1 & 2 now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the King behold there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem verses saying where is he that is born King of the Jews for we have seen his star in the east and come to worship him they saw a sign and they said that sign is marking a king of the greatest nation is the nation of God the best nation above all nations the Jews so there's a sign it marked the timeline of God in which Jesus Christ came now who is Jesus Christ well go to matthew chapter 1 verse 20 through 23 matthew chapter 1 verse 20 but while he thought on these things behold the angel of the Lord appeared unto Him in a dream saying Joseph thou son of David fear not to take them to be married a wife for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost verse 21 and she shall bring forth the son and I shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins now all this was done which it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord of the Lord by the Prophet saying verse 21 behold a virgin shall conceive or shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Emmanuel which being interpreted is God with us so here is a marker a star in heaven connected with the birth of Jesus Christ who is God manifested in the flesh so before God created the heavens and the earth God knew someday I'm going to be coming as a meaning to be born into this world and God set up all the stars in heaven in clockwork so that it would mark when he was coming to be born and he wanted to be born of a certain lineage of a certain line in a certain nation so he says that star to show up at the beginning of that lineage of that nation notice that he wasn't born of Ishmael he was born of Isaac and of Jacob if you study the Bible you find out was Abraham Isaac Jacob and the twelve tribes of Israel so that was the lineage that would God manifest in the flesh decided to come through not through Ishmael not through ISA but through Jacob according to the Bible so when Jesus Christ came when did he come well let's go to Galatians chapter 4 I want to get all this background information because what I'm going to give you today just might blow your mind but we got to be on the same page you've got to have the same understanding before I can get to God's timeline in the Jews so I got to kind of give you this background information Galatians chapter 4 verse 45 speaking about Jesus galatians chapter 4 verse 4 5 says but when the fullness of the time was come God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law so God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law who was that that God said Jesus Christ so we've got God manifest in the flesh it says that were five to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons so when Jesus Christ came the Bible says he came under the law so he was born during a time period of what is called the law well the law was given by an an man named Moses and when you get into the Old Testament begin to read the law you find some rather amazing things the law is all about Jesus that Old Testament law given to Moses was all the rules that God's nation Israel had to follow but God hid within that law itself so many different things about him let me show you what I mean let's go to Luke chapter 24 in verse 44 here is Jesus Christ speaking in Luke 24:44 Jesus Christ says these words this is so amazing Luke 24:44 Jesus is speaking and he says these words and he said unto them these are the words which I speak unto you when I was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the Psalms now what for Jesus says concerning me so Jesus Christ God manifest in the flesh the Messiah of Israel said all the things written in the law of Moses written by all the prophets and written in Psalms by David all pertain to me Jesus Christ so this should really be called Jesus's timeline and the Jews but Jesus Christ is God so it's included in the statement God's timeline so Jesus Christ says everything that you read in the law it's all about me alright so let's go to that Old Testament law what's in that law well there's all these different things that they say you have to do in Old Testament law but the law had seven feasts and there were seven feasts of Israel and in that law God told them to keep these seven feasts and he told them there were certain things they had to do in each feast and each one of these seven feasts this is incredible is Jesus Christ fulfilling something on the timeline of God in the Bible the first piece of the Jews was the Passover what I'll do if I go ahead and write up here all the names of the feast first feast was Passover then was unleavened bread that was part of the feast it was actually part of it but it was also a little different there were two separate feasts then it was the feast of firstfruits then there was Pentecost which was to take place 50 days 85 Pentecost after this time I think it's 50 days after Passover there were these other feasts there was a feast called the Feast of Trumpets then there was the Day of Atonement so this would be the feast of atonement then there was a feast known as the Peace of Tabernacles so these are the seven feasts of Israel and what is so amazing is that each one of these speeds up with Jesus Christ and as we see the Bible each of these feasts is a prophetic event of something that Jesus was to do and that Jesus did now notice how I have them separated for over here and three over here these are the spring feasts the spring feasts these first four feasts all took place in the spring these are the fall feasts now if you're a creature than you look at that you have your mouth good bone because you know what I'm talking about Jesus Christ when he came the first time he came to be offered up on cross and to die for the sins of man be shed in blood and the Bible says that Jesus Christ died for our sins was buried and what did he do he rose again according to the scriptures what did he do he sprung forth from the grave from the grave he arose he sprung forth grave did not keep him there now you look at these fall feasts which will correspond to future these have all past these are future what takes place in these feasts is first the rapture and if the rapture Jesus Christ comes down from heaven to receive the church so he comes down he falls down from heaven a little ways and takes up his bride and goes back up and then he returns at the Battle of Armageddon so he falls back down and comes down and then he sets up his Millennial Kingdom do you think maybe God had a little bit of foreknowledge when he knew what these feasts were the spring and the fall it's just interesting it's quite interesting our English language kind of shows us a little bit of extra nuggets in the Bible if you will so here we have the first coming of Jesus Christ and in his first coming He fulfilled these four feasts and then we have the second coming of Jesus in which in this time he will fulfill these three feasts and they are future let me just briefly read you some purses from the New Testament to prove what I'm saying that I'm not making up some new doctrine this is New Testament doctrine that the disciples understood of Jesus which were Jews by the way in their time first of all Jesus came and he was sacrificed on the Passover and Jesus Christ is the Passover lamb he's the one who died John the Baptist said that Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God and taketh away the sin of the world first Corinthians 5:7 says purge out therefore the old leaven that you may be a new lump as ye are unleavened for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us so the Apostle Paul says that Jesus Christ is our Passover lamb I'm just go ahead and put lamb there the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was foreknowledge of God Jesus knew I would have to come and die as a lamb for the sins of the world and he had it all planned that he would die on the Passover which was a feast in which the children of Israel were told they hadn't sacrificed a lamb and that's exactly what the nation did when they sacrificed Jesus Christ can't make this stuff up next one is in the book of john john chapter 6 when Jesus was here Jesus was very adamant about this he told us over and over and over and over again that he was the bread well this is also called the feast of unleavened bread so what does it say here in John chapter 6 and verse 33 Jesus speaking and he says for the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven and giveth life unto the world verse 35 and Jesus said unto them I am the bread of life he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never thirst look at verse 38 48 I am the bread of life Jesus says and again verse 51 I am The Living bread which came down from heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread which I give is my flesh which I give for the life of the world Jesus Christ is what's called the unleavened bread God told the children of Israel when you have this feast you cannot put leaven in that bread yeast you can't put something in that bread that will make that bread corrupt and get mildew there or what does the term have that that growth on it you cannot put something in that bread that will make it go bad Jesus Christ died was buried placed in a grave for three days and three nights the mostess he saw no corruption you know what's interesting to me my wife and I we don't like processed bread we don't like bleached wheat bread so we go to the store we try to find the bread that's whole in all natural and has freshly been ground and we take that bread home and usually within three days that bread goes bad and you see the little mold growing on it isn't that interesting it takes three days for real bread to go back Jesus Christ was three days and three nights and agree maybe there's something there too maybe there's not but it's just quite interesting three days if you don't eat that fresh bread within three days it's going to go bad well they got Jesus got out of the gray D on the third day now that's unleavened bread what is unleavened well unleavened bread is you make the bread without anything that could corrupt it's like hardpack if you ever studied a civil war they what was called hartack they made a bread that would last forever without going back it was an unleavened bread I saw a guy one time he he had heart attack from the American Civil War and he ate it and it was a hundred and fifty year old piece of bread and he was eating over us not too shabby not to me why because it was an unleavened bread it was a bread that could not corrupt or see corruption what did Jesus do he was the bread of life that did not see corruption up from the grave he rose without any corruption of any kind oh I'm getting goose bumps what a blessing now go to first Corinthians chapter 15 so you see how Jesus fulfilled these feasts and you have to be blind not to see that Jesus Christ is the one that the law of Moses was talking about any speaks first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 20 speaking of Jesus Christ were going to the next one first groups and in first Corinthians 15:20 the Bible says but now is Christ risen from the dead and become the firstfruits of them that slept huh and it says there as you read down for sits by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the Dead who who rose from the dead Jesus Christ up from the grave he sprung forth and he says there verse 22 for as in Adam all die even so in Christ shall all be made alive verse 23 but every minute is on order Christ the firstfruits afterwards they that are Christ's at his coming so Jesus Christ fulfilled the Beast the firstfruits because he was the first fruit of the resurrection from the dead and whenever a person gets saved today the Bible says you are bearing with Christ but risen with newness of life you will have a spiritual resurrection when you get saved because you're born again in your spirit is reborn you're born again through Christ you are part of the firstfruits but Christ was the very first that rose from the dead with eternal life salvation today is eternal life so there you have those now what about Pentecost well Pentecost is 50 days after the Passover and we have here in the book of Acts in the New Testament the time of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came and they were filled and they began to preach and this Jews were able to get the Holy Spirit as well so Pentecost has been fulfilled so the spring feasts in the Bible that is under the law that was given to the Jews all refer to Jesus Christ and they have all been fulfilled by Jesus Christ because when he came the first time in his death burial resurrection he fulfilled these feasts they all refer to him in type now we have some feasts over here called the fall feast this would be to beat the trumpets the Peace of Atonement and feast of tabernacles these feasts so far have not been fulfilled so these are the future feasts that Jesus will come and will fulfill in the future that's what I want to talk about today a little bit about the timeline of God now don't have time to get into this too much but if you get a chance I've got a video on YouTube entitled the two comings of Jesus Christ and I show how the first time Jesus came he came in two stages he did two different things and the second time Jesus comes he comes in two stages the first coming of Jesus he came born of a virgin he rose from the dead went up to heaven and came back and was here on earth for about forty days and then he rose back up so two times Jesus came in his first coming the second coming of Jesus Christ becomes twice the first time Jesus comes he comes at the rapture of the church so the next big event on the calendar of God is the rapture of the church what would that correspond with in these seven feet hmm trumpets trumpets and then when Jesus takes up the church he comes back at the Battle of Armageddon so our mana gedan would be the second part of the second coming so the first part of the second coming he comes in the clouds to get his church and raptures them out the second part of the second coming he comes literally down to the earth and he rules for a thousand years in his Millennial Kingdom so the next big event on the calendar of God is the rapture of the church and what feast what feast does that correspond with trumpets I used to always say well the Holy Spirit came down on Pentecost so the rapture has to be very Pentecost but the more I studied these feats and why I said well that's already covered he passed it looks like trumpets has got to be when the rapture of the church will take place what does the Bible say you think the Apostle Paul knew about these seven feasts I think so if you go to first Corinthians chapter 15 the Apostle Paul tells us about the mystery of the rapture in verse 51 he says behold I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye verse 52 at the last Trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed if also Paul in the context of the rapture says at the last Trump at the last Trump what does that mean the last Trump in the context of the rapture he uses the term Trump why Trump is a sound that a trumpet makes so it's looking really good that well the rapture if it takes place and it will because we're promised that the rapture is coming and it's a future event it's a pretty sure bad that it's going to take place on the beats of trumpets because these beasts to pay a bigger place these beasts have yet to be completed by Jesus Christ but people say we'll help out this you know the Bible says no man knoweth the day or hour what you say and you're saying is it that the rapture has to be in one of the feasts oh there's actually a feast on the calendar you can look and see where the rapture is I don't understand that I think you're wrong the Bible says no man knoweth the day or the hour well here's something interesting and this is very very interesting there's one feet okay all the feasts are based upon the moons and so the people of Israel had to follow the moons and when the moon came a full new moon was the first day of the feasts but there was one day in the year round about the September area in which the moon they did not know they could not put on the calendar months or even years in advance the day of that of that feast because the moon it could have been this day or this day and until they actually got within 24 to 48 hours of that feast they did not know it would be this day or the next day so they called that feast the Feast of Trumpets listen to this they called that the Jews called it the day that no man knoweth the day or the hour so when Jesus and his ministry is preaching and they asked when he come in Jesus he says no man knoweth the day or the hour was Jesus saying that no man will ever know what day he was coming back or could Jesus have been referring to well there's the feast that I've yet to fulfill and guess what treats it is it's the one they call the peace that no man knows the day or the hour and still we don't know the day of the out within 24 hours of when that feast comes we won't know so still but you really don't know it could be this there that but it's most likely that the rapture has to take place on the Feast of Trumpets now you look into the Feast of Trumpets you have the Jews what do you guys do on that feast Paul says Jesus comes on the last Trump what does that mean the last Trump the Trump is the sound of trumpet makes what does it mean well you go and you study the Jews you study Israel you study their feasts on the Feast of Trumpets they blow a trumpet 100 times according to what I've read and when they look blow that trumpet 100 times threw that big huge long horn it sounds like imagine doing that a hundred times you'd be completely out of breath but when they get to that very last blow on that trumpet that is called the last Trump could it be that the Apostle Paul was telling us that the rapture of the church is going to be as Jesus fulfilled all the beasts he's going to be a continuation of him fulfilling a beast and the Beast that is next in line that has not yet been fulfilled is the beasts of trumpets and so Jesus and Paul are telling us if you want to look for the rapture look for the phone and look for the Feast of Trumpets because it's going to be around that time who getting goosebumps thinking about the Hat but it was I would I mean I'm not a betting man but if I were to bed I would be betting on yeah around the Feast of Trumpets is what I'd be looking for the rapture what year well that's a question we'll get to that in a minute so then you have after the Feast of Trumpets which looks like it really corresponds with the rapture Jesus getting his bride coming back from the body of Christ then comes the Day of Atonement the day of atonement is the day in which every year the people of Israel would come together and they would all come together for what's called the Day of Atonement and it was a National Day of Atonement and they would offer a one sacrifice for all of the nation for all of the people you see all throughout the rest of the year the law says if a man sins that he'd have to bring a sacrifice to the temple for his sin but there was one day out of the year which God says now I'm just going to have a little extra grace if you will and just in case somebody for God to give a sacrifice for that sin I'm going to take one sacrifice for the sins of all of the entire nation of Israel now what is that well the rapture comes first now according to the Bible God's not done with the Jews but the Jews rejected their Messiah so before Jesus can go back to dealing with the nation of Israel they need to make atonement for the fact they rejected their Messiah they need to apologize any have a sack right they need to say or do something to say hey we're sorry that we killed you our Messiah and I believe that when the rapture takes place in the Tribulation Period the nation of Israel as a whole will rebuild their tabernacle will rebuild their temple and they will make a Feast of Trumpets a beast of atonement in which they will take one sacrifice and sacrifice it in their temple and they'll say we have not done this for over 2,000 years and we can finally obey the law again Lord accept this for the entire nation and Jesus will look down from heaven and say we'll finally finally the Jews finally son after me again the way that I told them to back here and then God will begin dealing with the nation of Israel again after the rapture in this feast of atonement so it's pretty amazing now the last one is the Feast of Tabernacles the Feast of Tabernacles is a time and I don't have time to even get into this one but Feast of Tabernacles was the last of the feasts of Israel by the way you going to hear something interesting from the very beginning of this first feast all the way to the very last feast was nine months long my months is the gestation period of a human being that's quite interesting how does that have anything or doing anything well yeah as we get along a little farther you just might see why I mentioned that but as you're going through and you're looking at these feasts the last one is the Feast of Tabernacles and now in the Feast of Tabernacles they were to come together and according the Old Testament law they were to build booths they were to build little buildings and they were supposed to just dwell together and since they're in Jerusalem and just think about how great God is and enjoy being together with one another according to the Bible at the end of the Tribulation Period when Jesus returns at Armageddon to destroy the end of Christ he comes that he sits on his throne in Jerusalem and he rules any reigns for a thousand years and he Tabernacles among me he sets himself up in the tower an apple and he sits up in this earth and enjoys his people Israel and he's just there with him literally on earth so here we have the seven feasts of Israel God gave us a timeline of sorts of these feasts of Israel and it was God's agenda of what he would do for and with men during the time of history but that's not all he not only laid out what he would do but when he would do it God is a God of numbers he uses numbers not only does he tell us well this is my agenda I'm going to hit all these feasts and do all of them but he tells us in the Bible when they were going to take place you know there's a book in the Bible called the Book of Numbers the Book of Numbers God is a God of numbers God doesn't just tell you well I'm going to do this and I just blatantly just leave it out there and not tell you when it's going to take place God called some people called prophets and he literally told those prophets here's my timeline this will take place this many years later this will take place this many years later this will take place this many days later and God literally not only told us what he's going to do in the feasts but he literally gave us days and years of how long things would take place that's what we have in the Bible the Book of Daniel and the book of Revelation and I will get to that in a minute but in the Bible God used what we call Jubilees go to Leviticus chapter 25 God was a God of numbers and he always liked to do things on time you know somebody said one time they thought the smartest man that ever lived was this guy named Albert Einstein somebody asked Albert won Einstein one time they said mr. Einstein you believe in God and Albert Einstein said well I could never believe in a God that's not mathematical poor Albert Einstein if he would just study the Bible it would have seen just how mathematical God really was and you will see through this video how mathematical God is God is a God of mathematics he put the stars in the heaven in a mathematical pattern to where they correspond it with the things he was going to do he was going to do what a mathematical God poor little Albert Einstein didn't even want to look at the Bible to see God Leviticus 25 verse 10 and 11 we read and you shall hallow the fiftieth year and proclaim Liberty throughout all the land at 12 and habitus thereof it shall be a jubilee unto you and you shall return every man unto his possession and ye shall return every man into his family a jubilee show that fiftieth year be unto you so God set up a system of 50 years which he called a jubilee and so God said every 50 years something's going to happen and that was God's Way of remembering the people remembering the land and letting it rest and everything else so God would always use numbers God would always use the number 7 I don't have time to go into that so people that read the Bible and look at numbers go through the Bible and they say hey there's a number mention here does this mean anything well yeah a lot of times in the Bible when you read a number it means something and the Jews knew that and realize that they believed in what they call gematria in which you know numbers have meanings so let's go back to Genesis chapter 6 and verse 3 back in Genesis 6 and verse 3 the Bible says then the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he also is flesh yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years now people say well ups translated wrong I don't believe the King James Bible is translated wrong but people say well this 120 years that could be 120 Jubilee years so they take that 120 and they say what if we make that not 120 years but what if what God is saying here and I know this is a stretch but this is what people have done and it's interesting it makes sense they say what a fifth hundred and twenty here that Jesus is talking about is one hundred and twenty two billion years so you would take 120 and multiply it by 10 feet and what do you come out with six thousand six thousand so what if people say God is saying here that I will not always strive with man but man's time line the time that I get to man will be fifth be 120 Jubilee years or 6,000 years now does that jive that does that meet the Bible talk about that well if you go to st. Peter 3:8 in 2nd Peter 3:8 the Bible says the day with the Lord as a thousand years 1000 years is it one day if you go to the book of Genesis you find out that God created all things and guess how many days six days and the Bible says on the seventh day God rested so let's make a formula let's make a mathematical formula if you will and let's make that formula one day equals 1,000 years and let's do 1,000 years equals one day according to second Peter 3:8 well if we do this you know what we just might find we're a little bit smarter than Albert Einstein who didn't believe God was mathematical because God said one day is a thousand years on years one day okay in the beginning of Genesis it says God created everything in six days and on the seventh day God rested when you go to your Bible and you read and you know what the Bible has the Bible says God created that everything and Adam and Eve and then it says an Adam be God and He begotten he begot and there's genealogy in the Bible that tells you who is born from Adam how long they live and when they die and if you go through that genealogy you can literally add up when Adam and Eve were until the time of Jesus Christ did you know that it's exactly four thousand years from Adam and Eve to when Jesus Christ was born or four days so here's the first day the second day third day the fourth day the fifth day the sixth day the seventh so that the history of man the history of mankind corresponds with the seven days of Genesis where God created all things in six days and on the seventh day what did God do he rested according to Bible on the seventh day God is going to rest on the earth in the Millennial Kingdom for a thousand years which is a type of one day so Jesus was born on a 4000 year of human history and we read in the Bible that there's about 2,000 years of the church age that takes us right over here to 6,000 years which means the last thousand year of history will be when Jesus rests on the earth in his throne in Jerusalem just as prophesied in the Bible now you can't make this stuff up God said I will not always strive with man in their days will be 6000 years and you look at the history of mankind in 6,000 years until Jesus comes at Armageddon and sets up his Millennial Kingdom when he reigns the last thousand years oh you're just you're just you know Doug Doug yeah yeah yeah you won't see some more if I stop there and be very easy to doubt wouldn't it and say man I don't really believe what you're saying okay well let's let's get some more stuff done gave us some prophets and one of those prophets was Daniel in the Book of Daniel chapter 9 specifically in chapter 9 verse 24 God said to Daniel Daniel seventy weeks are determined upon my people israel now seventy weeks that's a week of years so he said seventy weeks are determined upon Israel so you take seventy and you multiply that set by seven you get 490 years so when God gave this prophecy to Daniel he said in on giving you a prophecy and he says from this time when this happens there'll be 490 years until this happens now don't you tell me that God is not specific and that God is not a mathematical God God makes timelines and he tells his prophets exactly to the day what's going to happen on the timeline now over up over here I got the book by clintons Larkin the greatest book on dispensational truth in all the world that's an amazing book and Clarence Larkin he goes through the entire Bible or most of it and he has God's timeline being 490 years the 490 years the 490 years and it's pretty amazing how there's all these different time periods in the history of man of 490 here and then something happens 490 years later and then sometimes 490 years later and it's something 490 that's pretty amazing he has here the birth of Abraham 490 years later the Exodus when the children Israel were in captivity in Israel and they were Exodus are they left and then he has 490 years after that was the dedication of the temple in 490 years after that was the Edict of artaxerxes and it's all tied back into Daniel and so God said to Daniel all right there's 490 years determined upon my people Israel now no time whatsoever to get into that but the doctrine or the the prophecy that God gave was there'll be 70 weeks and God's enemies was 70 weeks he said I'm going to divide it up into 69 weeks and then something's going to happen before the last week okay so 69 plus 1 equals 70 but God says they're going to be 69 weeks and that last week of seven years will be later in the future as we invite will students study our Bible we see that when Jesus showed up and died it matched exactly the Book of Daniel 483 years from when daniel said this is going to take place so that took place the 69 weeks of the book are 69 yeah I wrote years 69 weeks in the Book of Daniel so there is a future week that's missing in the Book of Daniel that's still future and we apply that out here the one week of seven years and we call that the time of Jacob's trouble with all that the time of the Tribulation Period and it all adds up now people say well why would God do that well here's the reason he fulfilled these feasts and he was ready to fulfill these two but the nation of Israel rejected them aside so Jesus Christ said alright so what I'm going to do is since the Jews don't want me I'm going to go to the Gentiles and I'm going to save some people and I'm going to have what I call a church age I'm going to go save a bunch of Gentiles since the Jews don't want me and then I'll come back to dealing with my people Israel according to the prophecy of that last week which is still out here now people though I don't know can you can you prove that from the Bible I'm glad you asked let's go to Jose a chapter six I'm glad you asked it's all in the Bible if you would just believe the Bible and read the Bible you would be so amazed how there's so much in that book that gives us the timeline of God and there's no excuse no excuse for anyone to not understand the sign of the times and know what's taking place on what's happening Hosea chapter 6 verses 1 & 2 Jesus is prophesying to his people Israel and he says come and let us return them to the Lord for he I porn and he will heal us he has smitten and he will bind us up after two days now remember a day with the Lord the thousand years those years as his one day so after two days or after two thousand years will he revive us who the Jews are talking and they say God will revise us revive us after two thousand years in the third day he will raise us up and we shall live in his sight so the thirteen thousand tear the Jews rejected their Messiah over here when they did they lost their nation and they went into what many called the dysphoria they were scattered throughout the whole earth how long was the Jews scattered throughout the whole earth how long did that take place until they came back and became a nation again close to 2,000 years or two days and they didn't get back into the nation until the 1900s Israel literally became a nation in about 1947 248 so for almost 2,000 years they haven't been able to do what worship in the temple and offer an atonement to God so for two thousand years the Jews have been without a temple and without an opportunity to serve their God and worship Him according to the Old Testament law by offering a sacrifice for their sins you can't get away from the Bible the Bible is God's timeline and God tells us exactly how things are going to come to pass and how things are going to happen so this brings us to so this brings us to this second star we've looked at this star and how it marks Jesus and then we looked at who Jesus was and how he's all that the Old Testament law was talking about with Jesus now what about this star the first star mark Abraham who was the one that God chose to be the nation of Israel the second star mark Jesus Christ who was God manifest in the flesh but now the same star almost 2,000 years later and back up into heaven it's a marker what is it a marker for well many people are saying it's a marker for the Jews it's also a market for us the church that our time is about done because the Jews rejected them aside they God went to the church and it's has been saving people through the New Testament and we're saved by grace through faith in the gospel but that's got it in so that God can go back to fulfilling what he said was to be taking place here in the Book of Daniel that last final missing week so the church has got to leave at the rapture so that God can go back to dealing with Israel again and here we have the star huh isn't that interesting let's look at some interesting things here because remember I read you that verse where God deals with Israel in Jubilee years so every 50 years God says ballistas your Jubilee this is your Jubilee you want to see some interesting things you go looking at the dates of things that have happened in the last hundred years or so to Israel and you start finding some amazing things why it's almost like God is still the God of Israel and he's still dealing with his people in 1897 they had what was called the first Zionist conference in Switzerland so from the Jews being scattered all over the world in 1897 the Jews got together we need to start thinking about who we are and where we come from and try to work toward getting back into our land which is hard by the way cuz God promised it to them in 1917 at the end of World War one the land that was not the Jews but there was given to a different people was taken over by England and England did what they called the Balfour Declaration around that time in which they said hey let's let's give this land of Palestine back to the Jews 1947 the UN voted to make Israel a nation now a lot of people say well Israel didn't become a nation till 1948 yes that is true they did not literally become a government until 48 but the vote I've read on YouTube and many other places on Wikipedia I found many other sources that said many of 1948 Israel became a nation but they said but the UN vote took place six months before well may his gender very marginal in the fifth month so six months before we put it in 1947 so 1947 was when the UN was voted on or let's say there was an edict for them to become a nation just like back here Cyrus made an edict for them to go back into the lane 1967 was when Israel gained their land back by war they won the land by war it was called the six days war why was it called the six days horrible because under the Old Testament law they can only work six days and on the seventh day they were supposed to rest so God allowed Israel to gain back their land in a war a God honored his law and says you know what you're going to win in six days so that you can rest on the seventh day just like them the Sabbath is supposed to be how many one cannot believe the Bible and be against Israel I can't understand because that's being against God 1997 something took place the first ever pan Arabic conference in which the a rafts said we deserve the land we want to kick out the Jew so the Arabs came along and they when it gets the juice now let's look at this 1897 to 1947 it's 50 years well that's that's a jubilee 1947 to 1997 is 50 years that did you believe 1917 to 1967 well that's 50 years that's a jubilee is there anything that might have taken place safe from 1967 if we counted another 50 years what would be the next Jubilee for Israel 2017 why that's that's this year if God is really going back to dealing with his people is Israel and is doing something for them every 50 years then 2017 would be the next big year on the calendar of God on his timeline for the Jews and guess what it just so happens there's that star up there again and each time that star shows up from Abraham and to Jesus it's always aside to the Jews so what is the sign that God is trying to show them how that's a good question my thought is possibly they get to rebuild their temple I would think that would be an interesting and excellent sign so here we have this date of 2017 2017 what happens in 2017 67 50 years later they won the land by war 2017 what could literally happen in 19 and 2017 a lot of people are saying well we we're doing the math and we're doing the numbers and we're going through the Bible we're trying to figure that out because we're trying to look at the signs we're trying to go through the prophets who give us the time and everything else and they are saying today many are saying hey you know about the revelation Paul signed September 23rd 2017 they say the revelation 12 sign shows up on that date now if you think September 23rd 2017 and you look at that you say well that's that's interesting now what's even more interesting remember the Feast happen within a nine-month period I just that's amazing if you look at what happened on December 23rd 2016 you see an interesting thing as that guy Obama was leaving office he chose to not stand up for Israel he allowed the United Nations to come together and cast a resolution resolution two three three four two three three what is two three three three let's call them bones if I remember right but anyway two three three four was the resolution number in which the United Nations got together and they said we do not believe that the that the people of Israel have any right to that land whatsoever we believe that land is for the Palestinian people the Arabs and they said we vote against Israel 14 to zero December 23rd 2016 that is exactly nine months before September 23rd 2017 so people say so what does that have to do with anything but let's go to first class alone in Chapter five people say no you can't know the date of the rapture and yet the date of all the other things that God did fell on the feasts so guess what it here's another interesting thing that's when the Feast of Trumpets is of 2017 around September 21st to out to 24 some say no it's going to be on the 23rd of 2017 just so happens this year to fall the bon Feast of Trumpets would it be great if the rapture happened in 2017 around the Feast of Trumpets sure would be nice I'm not saying it will but I'm just saying it's quite interesting how God always gives us a timeline something to look for and that's what we're Christians are supposed to do doesn't the Bible say looking for a blessed hope in the glory are we supposed to be looking for the return of Jesus in first Thessalonians chapter 5 the Apostle Paul says but at the time so is the seasons brother and you have no need that I write unto you he's been fit awaiting if you're a Christian you should know God's times and seasons you should know is I'm line and what's happening what's taking place for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night the day of the Lord is the Armageddon when Jesus comes and he says for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them who's that those are the people that are in this tribulation that work for the Antichrist sudden destruction comes upon them not as Christians and it says as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape quite as a woman with child will one with the child for nine months and you look at the human you and has what they call the Security Council and the UN was set up to bring in peace on the earth and Paul says when they talk about peace and safety peace is safety that's all the UN tries to talk about peace and safety he says well around nine months that's when you'll be looking for return of Jesus verse 4 but ye brethren are not in darkness that they should overtake you as a thief so it's like a woman intranet so I'm not saying that September 23rd 2017 is the day of the rapture I'm saying it's it's quite interesting that God put signs in heaven revelation 12 which I don't have time to get into check out my video revelation 12 sign learn about that but I am saying we have the timeline we have the Bible we have Daniels prophecies we have the feasts we have all these things that are all pointing to something big taking place around September for Israel if something big is going to take place for Israel around September then wouldn't stand the reason that it's time for the church to leave so God can go back to dealing with Israel and the time of what the Bible calls Jacob's trouble so either Christians we look at the Bible we say wow wow wow there's so much in the Bible but people say no you can't know anything if you're a Bible believer and now the Bible is so vague you know it's just like any other book oh really really Deuteronomy 29:29 says the secret things belong to the Lord our God but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever that we may do all the words of this law Amos 3:7 says surely the Lord God will do nothing but he revealed his secret unto his servants the prophets the Apostle Paul says in Ephesians 3 3 through 5 how by revelation God made known unto me the mystery which in other ages was not made known as that some demand as it is now revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the spirit what does God say in the Bible that surely he reveals to his servants the prophets all of his secrets the rapture for many many years was a secret but God doesn't want us to have secrets all the time he wants us to know some things is it possible that we can know when the rapture is coming well let me show you this this is quite amazing here there was a guy many years ago named the Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel this Jewish rabbi ben-judah Ben Samuel who lived 1140 to 1217 made a prophecy from studying the Bible of what would happen and his prophecy he prophesized some eight hundred years before it happened Deuteronomy 18:20 to warns us about a prophet he says something it doesn't come to pass he's a false prophet well what if he says something and it does come to pass then it must have been the Lord well this guy he said that someone will conquer Jerusalem and rule for 8 Jubilees or four hundred years in 1517 alrighty ready for this the Turks conquered Jerusalem and took over now this Jewish man said that for 8 G beliefs what is 8 times 5 40 so that's 400 in years so for a Julie is this Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel said from reading the Scriptures everybody said he said I read the Bible and then I realized yeah yeah God uses numbers and from reading God's number she said I figured it out here's what's going to happen for age in Belize four hundred years there's going to be people that are taking over Jerusalem but he said at the end of those four hundred years in the beginning of the night you believe Israel will come back to take over the land so if you take 1517 when the Turks went in and took over for four hundred years by the way they just so happen to own the land in the Turks for exactly four hundred years you take four hundred years guess what the date is night four hundred would be 1917 what happened in 1917 if you know your history 1917 general Allenby defeated the Turks who for four hundred years exactly ruled Jerusalem and he came in and he took over Jerusalem and that led to the Balfour Declaration of Jerusalem being called the time of the land of the people in the land of the Jews and that the Jews could have their land back well this guy in 1200 something rabbi ben-judah said now in that night you believe that the next fifty years he said that's going to be no man playing nobody's really going to even live there so you add 50 to 1917 you get 1967 he says but in that Jubilee from there on the land will belong to Israel and at the end of that Jubilee Jesus Christ will return back to his people the Messiah will come back to dealing with his nation and they will see who the Messiah is Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel prophesied 1200 ad over 800 years ago there will be eight Jubilees in which Israel won't have a Jew in it be taken over by another people at the end of that eight hundred four hundred years then the land will for ones you believe be in no man's land and in the end of that you believe they will take back their land and the next you believe God will come back to dealing with that nation as their Messiah here we are in 2017 everything that Jewish prophets said eight hundred years ago came to pass to the year from fifteen seventeen to nineteen seventeen and fifty years later the six days war 1967 all that was right and he was right about that could he be right about 2017 I can't wait til September and see if anything happens because it all seems to line up with the Bible now they say what are you going to do we note that happens is September 2017 I'll say women let's wait for 2018 amen I know one thing the Bible is true I may not always have the dates right but I know what God said will happen is going to happen these feasts have happened these feasts will happen but I do believe that God showed us in the Bible his timeline and that we can see now I don't even have time to get into this I didn't want this video to be this long but I do want it to be an encouragement to those that are Christians but the Bible gives us days you go to the Book of Daniel it says now there will be this many days and blessed are those that reach this many days and they reach 1260 days and some will reach 1,000 through 335 and Daniel is literally writing down all these dates and all these days and saying from this state to that date something's going to happen don't you tell me that God doesn't give us the day or the hour doesn't tell us when the rapture is I believe you can find out when the rapture is you can understand because God gave us a timeline and he marked the day telling us there'll be this many days from here to here now one thing I know is I'm not smart enough to know but if you have have time and can go to youtube you can find some exciting and interesting things there are people that have literally sat down and they have gone from the Feast of Trumpets to the Feast of Tabernacles and they've added from 2013 to 2025 how many days there will be between the Feast of Trumpets and the Feast of Tabernacles between when they think the rapture should be and when Armageddon with it and they've gone to the Book of Daniel and book of Revelation and saying well there's supposed to be this many days from this to this and here's what they came up with even know if you can see that but there are only one two three four years on these calendars in which the days would actually match 2014 was one of the years but that is past 2017 is another of the years 20 22 and 20 25 and so they literally get deep into their study of the Bible and they try to figure it out now people say well no man will ever know the day or the hour okay that's possible but the reason that no man can know that they are the hours because the Feast of Trumpets is called today but no man knows the day or the hour but don't you think we can know about its like a woman in travail when a woman is pregnant you cannot say oh you're going to have that baby on June 20th you don't know you can know about land you figure out would you get pregnant right in Jenin you arey okay so sometime in September you're going to have that baby you can't say the day or the hour but you can guess around what month because you know it's nine months as we study the Bible I may not be able to stand up here and tell you the exact date of the rapture will be this day but I can get as close as I can by saying it's most likely going to be on the Feast of Trumpets and it's most likely going to be very very soon God chose the people and a nation above all the nations of the earth and he gave them a book Bible says the Oracles of God were given to the Jews that book is the Bible and if you read that Bible that Bible is full of information it shows you look to the heavens for the signs and it tells you look at the prophecies because God gives the day and tells you to look at the 50 year intervals of things happening if you look at the Bible I don't see how anyone could deny the fact that we certainly are in the last days God even gave you that how many thousands of years he was going to deal with man and we're very close to the 6,000 year so I've got a question do you discern the time do you know what they were in we're very very close toward the end we're very close to the time of the rapture of the church we're very close to the tribulation period the Bible says in the Tribulation Period the Antichrist gives people the mark of the beast and no man can buy or sell except they have that mark we have the technology now it's a little RFID chip they put it under people's skin they're already injecting it under people's skin and you can go to a scanner and beep scan it over it and record how much money you have on that chip those chips are used in credit cards and it shows you how much money you bought or sold on that credit card everything's ready to fulfill the prophecy in Scripture and as soon as the rapture takes place the mandate comes down from the Antichrist take this mark take this RFID chip in your hand or your forehead the Bible's true folks the Bible is real are you saying do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah if you're a Jew that's what you need to believe if you miss the rapture if the rapture hasn't taken place yet and you're watching this video let me ask you a question are you saying the way to be saved is to come to Jesus Christ and trust the gospel trust the blood that Jesus Christ shed the Gospels 1st Corinthians 15 1 through 4 I pray you read it I pray you read the gospel understand the gospel believe the gospel and then you'll go at the rapture of the church but if you miss the rapture and you're left behind you'll be in this seven-year time period of the tribulation and the only way to survive is do not take the mark of the beast because if you don't do the Bible says you're a tournament eternally damped God will not be happy with anyone who takes the mark of the beast come to Jesus before it's too late thank you for watching I hope this has been an encouragement to Christians I hope it will open your eyes adjust how close we are to the return of Christ and I hope it will get you off your rear end and go out witness to people I'm in because I want people to be saved I want more people to go with us at the rapture because that's one less person that the Antichrist will have to rule over in the Tribulation Period thank you for watching God's timeline in the juice we'll see you next week on YouTube
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 52,437
Rating: 4.7977209 out of 5
Keywords: God's Timeline and the Jews, God's Timeline, End Times, Prophecy, End Time Events, Rapture, Soon coming of Jesus Christ, last days
Id: Kspwiv-fTAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 16sec (4516 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2017
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