Blood River (1991) Wilford Brimley | Ricky Schroder - Western HD

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[Music] my [Music] me all right here we go pearls he took something that belongs to me bucky [Music] it's nothing personal who's told to just following orders put your guns on the table bucky you and your friends look at pearls i got no quarrel with you we nearly growed up together oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so i'd appreciate it if you'd come in under this shelter or move on down the stream you're making a lot of noise out there and you're making me nervous and i can't even play my harp now come on in here put one foot in front of the other lower that rifle come on in here and set my stars and gargets you ain't nothing but a boy you're soaking wet sit down here and wrap yourself up some of these hydra ain't gonna shoot me are ya put that gun down get yourself warm and dry here boy have some of this hot coffee maybe throw you out a little bit i never been around nobody's touched before it's done you ain't got enough sense coming out of the rain lucky thing you run into me ordinarily i'm out there on that river storm being like it is i thought it's a good idea to pull this boat tip it upside down get the rain off of me i'm kind of glad you come along you feel better now you know there's a couple of reasons a man like me has to fella like you in out of the rain i wouldn't want to see you get the deep cough and stand out there and die and maybe in the morning you'd help me put my boat back in the water it's a hard job for one man i know that you see because i brought it up here myself you're touched i never been around nobody that was touched before [Music] [Music] it was a kid she said he was carrying that fancy handled rifle he's got a good three hours on us my men as many as you may need you want him dead or alive i want him dead but don't shoot him in the face i want to see that it's him get a poster out by morning all over the valley dead you heard the man what do we do with their horses get them back to mr logan's ranch get out get out your son's in there mr logan he won't feel anything well there then that's it can i go with you well i'll be down to talks i'm asking if i can go with you mister i'm answering you no sir you can't listen i need to get out of this valley now if i went with you it'd be easier for me it's gonna be easier for you too you see i can help you could you well thanks for the offer but no thanks last night you wouldn't make a peep today you won't shut up i wouldn't be no hindrance i appreciate the offer son but the answer is no i wouldn't be no trouble mister touched [Music] any sign of it no nobody in sight close to the bridge you two head down river keep your eyes open there's a bridge up ahead mr about a half a mile with men on it now i'm gonna be under here okay with some of these hides pulled over me and we're gonna go through there and no one's gonna know i'm here oh so then you wouldn't want me to say nothing to him that's right cause this is about head level on you all the time this horse up here you just gonna float away and leave this good horse if you so much as frowned at those men on the bridge mister i swear well i'll just keep smiling then how about that oh up there that's a nice afternoon ain't it florida yeah where are you going i'm going downstream i got a load of hides here to trade hi tom yeah hides you seen him he's carrying a fancy winchester nope i seen him you sure like i said i ain't seen him besides i'd never forget a fella with a face that ugly good day to you sir [Music] you can come out now is anybody around i said you can come out there's nobody around hey is there any more bridges for nightfall paris bridge is a day and a half downstream does this mean you're coming with me and i guess this time you're telling me you're not asking me i guess i'll just play my mouth harp i guess i guess i won't play [Music] say what's the route of this river old man where's it go let's have a look put it out well i can't see without it put that thing out there's people on the shore they're going to see it mister someone on this boat can't read the map without it gee what would you hurry up then well we go downstream about a mile come to a big bend then she splits in two north forks the green river the other is the blood river well what's the fastest way out of this valley blood river is there any towns or bridges lots of them lots of people but that's the way we're going even if she runs right through the center of the saloon you're going where i tell you to now put that light out you don't need no maps anyway you know these rivers better than the fish themselves son you can't go by the river anyway everybody in this valley is on to you no matter which way you go they're going to snare you all right all right pull this thing over i said pull this thing over to shore now aye aye captain [Applause] now you just stay on the river old man and mind your own business now if anyone asks you you ain't never seen me you ain't never heard of me no one like me why don't you just kill me i mean why don't you just raise up that gold rifle of yours shut up shut up you don't even carry a gun do you oh i got guns sure i got guns i got a couple of scatter guns and then i always got this gun with me for hunting purposes you know you could have shot me whenever you wanted to [Applause] oh i got no reason to shoot you i'm just a peaceable old man floating down this river living the good life i ain't looking for trouble [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] no money no liquor no guns i i ain't got nothing except my horse well it ain't your horse i know my own horse mister ah i'm sorry i had to rough you up but i want my horse back mister ain't you a horse listen we just went through this it is my horse i left him by the river yesterday if you left him he is your horse he's mine now but he's for sale you want me to buy my own horse how much fifty dollars my god it's 15. well that ain't enough but for another 10 i'll throw in the saddle yeah well this will have to do thanks pleasure doing business with you mr [Music] pearls teach him a lesson he tried to kill me yeah i want to see you bury that kid [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh no i'm sorry [Music] [Music] it's in the boathouse take cover nobody do anything stupid [Music] oh [Music] get back here stop shooting at him take your spots and hold we know where he is he ain't going anywhere listen up kids sooner or later you're gonna have to come out of that boathouse and we'll be waiting for you [Music] good afternoon afternoon i'm winston patrick culler i'm jake hello jake so you got that young desperado pinned up in there have you snared up like a rabbit so you'll just wait him out huh just until then what do you do will you take him alive jake don't want him alive you know you're a nosy old buckskin asking all these questions just who are you well like i said winston patrick culler i thought maybe you fellas might need some help with that desperado what's his name pearls uh huh well we don't need your help old man we got him and the reward so when the action starts you just step back out of the way i'll do that sir good luck to you that's the way of it man gets a little long a tooth nobody needs his help anymore [Music] keep your heads down boys open the door open the door he stole my horse you crazy old man open the door what are you doing in here i just come to visit hey that fellas out there trying to kill you yeah i never thought i'd get a trial mister how'd you find this place [ __ ] well you call it what you will i'd call it something else to turn this whole valley upside down looking for me mister who the blazes are anyway oh there's a law and they want me dead i'll tell them then you see that wanna post you stupid old coot they do have away with you especially when the fellas in here trying to save your life hey listen i didn't ask you to come in here mister you came in here on your own free will plus i don't need your help all right i can take care of myself just fine oh hey i like it i can sure see that that's enough stop wasting ammunition what are we gonna do now logan already is asking why it's taking so long well we got his one young rabbit and one old rabbit just relax it'll be dark soon eat your fill there young man you're gonna need your strength before this night's over promise you that mister there's something doesn't quite add up i don't want a straight answer what's that why are you helping me cause you need help that's why well then why didn't you help me yesterday well see yesterday i kind of misjudged you yesterday i thought you could take care of yourself well now since you're taking care of everything for me mister how long do you think we should stay in here well i'll tell you we're gonna stay in here can we figure a way out or tell them fellas come kill us well you are going to figure something out right i'm working on it that was the first time you ever killed anybody wouldn't it what makes you so sure i ain't killed no one else before mister well i got this deep burning sense about things like that and you called me touched living alone has pushed you over the edge old man see you're not evil you're scared to death but you're not evil see you've been shooting out that window for half an hour and you ain't killed anybody you don't want to kill anybody you just ain't evil kid i ain't never known no one's seen river derelicts before insane river derelict huh well this conversation is plumbed right up time we got the heck out of here if you knew anything you know we have to wait till nightfall no sir you see that's what they're doing hey squints you're killing the grass [Music] come on up [Music] [Music] where did you learn this one indians oh all right kid end of the line you crazy old man you're right behind us yeah yeah there's a horse down there let's go learn this from the indians too oh i made that one up myself kind of a spur of the moment kind of thing now would you please tell me what we're gonna do they're gonna be coming back here as soon as they find a horse i know and they'll go upstream looking and downstream looking and upstream and down again and by the time they get here we can hit the river we can't go by the river you said so yourself well i changed my mind ain't no other way we're like sitting ducks on that river well we may make it if we travel at night we better get hey what is this we using our stuff why are you helping me mister look first you want to get out of this valley on my boat then you don't know which is it i just don't like this interference interference honey boy i saved your life come on all right all right i'm coming with you hello you're coming with me we better get some sleep sleep it's the daytime i know and we're traveling by night you know it's a full-time job just keeping up with the way you think old man sleep where we gonna sleep anyway [Music] [Music] how did you let that little pissant get away eh well we had it it wasn't that we didn't track him i'm telling you we had it that is past tense well this rasty old buckskin came riding in name a culpepper well yeah and anyway he he got the kid out of there it wasn't so rasty then was he you know i'd like permission to head up this next search party myself because i know them two are out there in the woods of foots you wouldn't know it if a bear married your sister i want this valley sealed up tight set up a camp by the river border pearls gets out of this valley he's gone for good er mr logan give us another chance at it that two thousand dollar reward is still mighty tasty wouldn't make any difference if i made it 20 000. none of you would collect it it's an old store you want something done you do it yourself saddle them up my lead is possibly myself you heard a man well one thing's for sure pearls and that old buckskin would have been a lot better off dying in that boat house like to hear about it what i say i'd like to hear about it about what about how you kill that boy i killed three of them well then i'd like to hear about how you killed three of them why didn't you ask me before well see before i didn't have a burning desire to know now i do my mom paul owned a little ranch up on reed flats that came on it 30 years ago when it was a pile of choke weeds they was fresh out of st louis they built it into a proper homestead too house and garden my daddy he gave me this carved it all by himself it matched the one his paw carved him he said it was good as giving me his name nobody could ever give me nothing better mister the only problem was i wasn't meant to be a farmer i was always looking for excitement and my daddy used to say i'm like this wild stag there so i'm setting you free so i left them i started roaming around cowboying when i could before i know it a few years went by so i sent telegram home but i didn't get an answer so i started going home see henry logan he bought up all the other farms and ranches of warbonnet valley he wanted to buy my paws place for a long time but he wouldn't sell it to him see it was all we ever had mister that's all we ever wanted to own so logan sent his son and he sent two other men to visit them one night and when i got home i found my house burned down and i found my parents bones in the ashes mister i'm sorry well there's only one thing i'm sorry about i wish to be mr logan himself instead of his boy that i killed i know [Music] uh [Music] split up take some men back up river the rest of you follow me all right you heard him let's go oh who's your fellow on the big white horse that was logan himself i want you pretty bad don't they kid they'll criss-cross this river all day ain't gonna be safe here i'm sure you got something up your sleeve as a matter of fact i do i got an old friend lives just off the river we can hide out there for the day yeah friends are nice to have especially when you need one well we got to appeal to his better nature we'll try not to insult him right away i'll do my best [Music] squats here they you like color you know i don't lie come in then oh smiling knife been too long since we smoked we have never smoked together you calling the wenatchee for serious i'm dead serious anything to get free your hot we need to rest in your hut how long tell sun down you can sleep in a hot sun down you leave get paid kid put the gun down you ain't gonna shoot nobody in here go to sleep you're keeping me awake i can't sleep mister why not i don't know i can't quit thinking about gunning down those three men tell me they drew on you first yeah well then it's self-defense isn't it i guess but it still don't feel right yeah i know how can you possibly know what i'm feeling mister well i'll tell you kid i don't know you well enough to bear my immortal soul at this time but you're not the only one who knows what it feels like to kill somebody for revenge but you're right don't feel good don't bring nobody back i know about one son of a [ __ ] that ain't gonna kill nobody else's pretty little indian wife [Music] go to sleep kid go to sleep [Music] i think you did live with indians color yeah but there's something about you that just doesn't add up to me what's that well you shoot a darn good rifle you ride a horse pretty good for an old man well thank you very much and you track like an indian so what the heck you doing out here besides floating down the river collecting debts from smiling indians well i'll tell you kid i don't know what that has to do with anything but before i met you i run into this preacher on the river he told me about this cold downstream little church there and a big graveyard outside inside one of them organs you know the kind with pipes pipes yep pipes some time ago a little oriental lotus blossom taught me a song she didn't know the name of it but when i get to that church kid i'm gonna play that song on that organ it's the last thing i do well now i know you're running me through the woods mister okay that's too hard to believe why because only people who are cultivated can play pipe organs you have this way kid you insult a man and right after he's opened up to you beethoven stone death you know kind of like you great bend bridge five miles to town from here get some food there we're about out i'm running low on bullets how you think oh i i got six left in my pistol and a couple left in my repeater well i guess our best chance is to wait a night falling go in load up on food and shells and try to get back to this river before daybreak well just how are you figuring on doing that damn if i know well i bet you they'd never suspect a sauntering right into town in broad daylight mister we're not going to do that kid i got plans for the future now don't bring that rifle we're going to have a tough enough time sneaking in and out of that town covered up with them hides and let's make a move come on anytime okay kid you stay right here dark then go get the food i'll take care of the ammo well you're talking about stealing the food right unless you want to buy it you got your money well why do i have to get the food oh i just thought you should no i want to get the ammo what's the difference kid the ammo is much more important all right i'll get the fruit now the gun shops right down the street okay so so what do you need all right i need some buckshot and some flints and some hard-nosed 44s lots of them okay we'll meet back here no no there's an alley right behind the gun shop you get what you need and wait for me there hey it's not dark yet i know and my face is not on any wanted posters so i don't know why i'm flopping around there like a trout on my way in here i can walk through this town anytime i i feel like a beach toy hey do you mind getting the food shut up quit your barking good evening you're you're him no you got me mistaken for someone else mister no you are i'm sure but you're jimmy pearls you are you're worth two thousand dollars that's what i call a lot of what's wrong down there i'm just playing leapfrog over here keep quiet now shut that dog up goodnight you want to go to dog heaven shut up so so randall uh hey icon did it pearls i got him in the gun shop [Music] geez color i'm around the side come on i asked you to be quiet he's in the hotel i saw him first [Music] [Music] trying to kill i knew i should have sent you for the food [Music] back money's mine get the horses [Music] you know that bridge which bridge one down over blood river about a mile down the road yeah yeah i know that when we get in the middle of it jump in the water it's only five feet down i ain't doing it mister yeah now the team in the backboard will keep it going the possibility will follow them you know sometimes you're saying and then sometimes you say things that are completely out of your mind throw that food and that ammo and them bushes over there we'll come back when the policy's gone didn't you hear me mister i said i ain't gonna do it throw it right over there good shot kid now get yourself ready you only get one chance at this how do you know how deep it is you ever measured it nope get ready kid i can't i told you i ain't gonna do it all right kid get ready jump now what i can't jump take a hell of a time to freeze up [Music] huh five feet huh well round it off well now that was darn right accelerate now scurry around see if you can find that food and ammo we need to get out of here that pocky's coming back old man you put your hands on me again and i'm gonna break your jaw go get the food kid go on [Music] oh mr logan this is mr randall randall this better be good it is oh [Music] [Applause] oh rough and gentle at the same time just like always you need a manicure manicure i wish i could oh now haven't i been treating you right georgina come out nice and slow palms up it's me color it's me ah well then come on in here well i just don't want this woman to shoot me put the gun away man this is him i'm afraid so well you ought to teach him some manners like how to knock on a door might save his life i darling i'm afraid it wouldn't work she don't take no directions from me what are you doing here can't you see i'm gathering information in the middle of a of a boarding house my boy you sure get around for an old river out mister it was his choice of words that first drew me to it and being upwards in age like you are i didn't think you could know someone like this huh it's a pleasure to feel a man withdraw the gratitude and plunge you in the knife mr pearls this is lori is there anything she can do to put you more at ease you can go watch out that window for him stand guard i'll watch out this one it kid's all business we do go back a long time don't wait winston we do riders are coming [Music] that's logan he's got an army with him too put the rifle down kid you get all these ladies killed now listen get out the back get my clothes off the line head for the river wait for me there i'll be along well i hate to leave a man with his pants down get it he got here a lot sooner than you thought they did ladies can you find me something to wear go to the space closet quick rescue you get dressed business as usual so you three check around back youtube check the wood shed stay awake good afternoon good afternoon georgina oh it's been a long time mr logan you have quite a battalion with you out there hello sheriff oh yeah if you'd uh given me more notice i could have been prepared the only thing i want now is him i've never seen him before i have information that he's headed here with an old trap thanks for the bath makes the man feel spiritual hold on you're not going anywhere you mind sir anybody else here no are you sure there's one thing i'm always sure of mr logan that's when there's a man in my house where's the house and uh who are you dick calhoun i uh i'm a musician i play the piano for my meals and my baths and my entertainment hmm here we go would you play now well sure i'd be more happy too old sir racetrack five mile long doo-dah doo-dah the camp town ladies sing this song oh good all day all right like i said mister i ain't seen him see for the last day and a half i've had my eyes full of these ladies every single one of them just who in the hell are you mister i said i'm dick calhoun i play the piano maybe i'm not satisfied what a pity ladies a man in your place here's not satisfied nobody in the house but women mr logan you sure i'm positive call jake yes well i'd like to stay and visit but i'm late for an engagement in russellville you'll excuse me did you find anything mr mother wants to see you goodbye my love you take care of yourself mr calhoun i always do i hope i get the chance to entertain you someday could be please who is that he's the music man come on kid it's me come on we got a lot of hauling to do sorry i couldn't help you mr logan one way or the other where'd you get that how bad there's nothing in it i checked belongs to culpepper fella has been riding with pearls yeah that's his all right i'm disappointed in you georgina [Music] where did they go i let you stay in business all these years nobody's bothered you or your operation now is it too much to ask for some information hmm [Music] where did they go [Music] oh what happened here what happened i found your jacket well where's georgina oh my darling oh winston who did this to you a man himself logan that son of a [ __ ] i told you to tell him darling i did i said you were floating down the river well then why why this my own fault i stalled i wanted to give you more time you didn't take too kindly to that i'm so sorry you better get out of here they think you're on the river they're all over the valley we'll go but you'll get better and you heal your pretty face you know you still owe me a manicure i'll see you soon you get her to a doctor i really messed up by dropping that jacket didn't i yep how much further it's a little ways all right put her down here we're there where are we well we're out of that valley and then i made it mister i'm free all logan sheriffs and deputies and judges they can't touch me right here ah you hear that logan i'm free you dirty pick-up tree i guess by rights you are but there's no border going to stop mr logan that's his only son you killed you did it mister i don't care i can't believe it you got me out of the valley what now well i don't know i keep heading south i guess until i don't feel logan breathing down my back can you i've got to go back upstream i got some unfinished business you look after yourself watch your top nut there you go feel good are you hunting rabbits quiet get out please thought you might like some company i was hoping you'd think that i figured out why you came back yeah right that's a little matter of beating up women so that's logan's camp huh that's it my boy he set her up here because he didn't want you to get out of this valley alive i thought you didn't know anything about logan logic you got to watch yeah now for the big one can you tell time [Music] yes [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] what's it gonna be jake don't arrest me don't rush i don't know what you're surprised hell is cold out there all right i'll call you jake oh my god john all right get him up and don't do nothing foolish boys how'd you get past the guard culpepper providence co-paper in the flesh that's calhoun the traveling musician that's called pepper now where's this logan fella which tent's he in that one over there why'd you tell him look at his arm shaking jake tie him up tight [Music] easy boy easy boy easy boy mr logan ain't gonna like this and i ain't gonna forget it neither i hope you don't and you tell him he can find me in the young pearls boy at the church by blood river and when he finds you have him see to him sheriff one peep out of you and you're a dead man [Music] it's about time [Music] thanks for the use of your horse mr logan where okay that's where i quit you what are you just gonna leave me like that well you're going south and i gotta get back to the river i'm going downstream to that old church i told you about yeah well what should i do with this horse keep him no need to be in a foot well that's stealing mister nope that's the spoils of war keep the horse so i guess you don't want me around no more huh that ain't it kid when i throw in with you it's kind of like grabbing an iron by the hot end now am i beholden to you for anything else listen you were never beholden to me for anything mister good luck yeah good luck to you too mister [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] hahaha it ain't easy for two men to pack that phone let alone one how'd you man we used an old indian carry well then your experience did come in handy marshall you sure did marshall color now put that gun away there'll be no bloodshed in this parsonage all right that's mr pearls mr pearls i'm congressman howard k adams from washington d.c marshall color united states marshall winston patrick color and this is parson carpenter and mrs carpenter want some vic for some he looks tired what he needs is a warm bath and a little bed rest well thank you man well i spent the best part of last night trying to figure things out mister now that badge clears everything up for me you mean you never told him no if i'd have told him do you think he'd be standing down there looking at me like that then there's something you should know mr pearls for years i have worked to get enough evidence to run henry logan out of the montana territory but no judge in the territory will prosecute he owns them all so i sent marshall culler from nevada city he's been working incognito trying to get logan out of the territory long enough for us to arrest him and i was your bait wasn't i you just kept dangling me in front of him showing me to him right in the town and at that uh boarding house yeah even at logan's camp you used me mister to leave a trailer blind man could follow you kept me going with your mule pumping lies you know that you could have got me killed no no no no no you'll get yourself killed i'm the one that got you out of that valley if you think back yeah it's not the same thing because all along you're trying to do something else well you might say our meeting each other on the river was rather serendipitous you know you should have told me what's the difference i mean you're out of there now and what's the difference which reminds me gentlemen we got things to do in places to go no hard feelings no no hard feelings whoa you know one can never spot el temper turning inside a man well that bed sounds great man give me a hand there what i know you can hear me come on i know you're in there where the hell are you i know you can hear me jimmy pause so come on out of there oh we're coming in carefully jimmy falls i have 20 men you don't stand a chance in hell no come on out of there without your gun you're completely surrounded if i have to burn you out i will dang you color [Music] gave you a run for you money didn't i log you had no right to kill my boy i didn't kill your boy logan you did see you sent bucky to kill my mom paw no right and now you don't have that old man to help you you're all alone and for what you did to my boy i'm gonna take the top of your head off get in there so stop that noise well one man's noise is another man's music [Music] unbuckle that gun belt and leave it on the bench pepper let's go well jake over there i don't like this something's up haiti to interrupt your performance marshall just glad i got to entertain you a little i know it's nothing like beating up women and stuff oh really that was uh wasn't bad for a thin star i'm glad you enjoyed it how about a dance i dance you know i never did learn to dance nothing to it the rope around your neck mr logan that's harsh talk for a man standing on hallowed ground amen marshall color they got guns pointed right at you you make one move we'll take the top of your head off you did it to me again be still kid mister i end up like a piece of bait for you all the time i'm like this little worm squirming on your hook i'm getting sick of it what's it gonna be logan you feel lucky maybe i don't think these are such bad odds you ain't got a chance in hell i'm sorry ma'am marshall you promised to be no bloodshed parson you take that woman and step back inside the house no i want everyone to just put their guns down get down [Music] god goodbye pearls burning hell logan you all right man i think so you okay kid yeah wait for me though ma'am could you help me out listen man where's the stairs go up to the bell tower there's only one way out of there logan that's by me i'm going to be a lot nicer to you if you come now i'll open the door open up car car open up i can help you don't be an old fool caller by golly i think he's out of bullets are you out of bullish mr logan it's a very dangerous assumption marshall i'm gonna make it here luke all right all right all right you win i'm hit don't move a muscle see i ate out of bullets never thought i'd get undone by traveling music kick it right over here sir [Music] ah are you all right why don't you look down i mean it helps if if you can see what's [Music] coming car car coming ugh [Music] color over here kid color well hello there marshall color can you help me here yeah yeah well just wait a sec why'd you lock that stairwell door on me mister took me a few minutes to bust it down i didn't want you to mess things up anymore can you help me you pick a heck of a time to compliment him man okay can you reach my arm no i can't let go if i do a fall well you gotta help me here swing your legs up over that eave swing him up ah i can't kid it won't work can you help me why should i put my neck out for you anyway mister after all you've done to me go to break my neck well you lived with the indians right what would they tell you about a situation like this flap your arms and fly like an eagle you're looking for an apology [Music] bicolor never thought i'd see him speechless hey mister wait a minute wait a minute where you going well hiya kid where you going mister going georgina's gonna get a bath and a shave maybe maybe get my fingernails looked after by the way kid how's your fingernails they're just fine thank you very much i don't need no money to mess with my dang fingernails mister you decide it's free country when once in a while a gentle touch of a woman helps soothe the savage beast within a man yeah yeah yeah anyway where are you going after georgina's i'm going home got a little place in the hills up above snake river well i suppose you got all the help you need up there huh oh once in a while i need a fella do the milking grease the windmills or make jerky [Applause] dang it color i was offering you my help but listen to me i don't milk no cows and i don't grease windmills and i don't jerk beef if i can't do it on horseback mystery i don't do it i'm a cowboy well you shoot yourself kid it's a free country come on brownie [Music] you
Channel: Jesus wept. Movies
Views: 426,370
Rating: 4.6941895 out of 5
Keywords: blood river, 1991, ricky schroder, wilford brimley, texas ranger, old west, frontier days, winchester rifle, showdown, fur trapper, revenge story, red dead redemption, HD
Id: NW_W3zaYWiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 56sec (5276 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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