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hi moglitz today we are revisiting god mode xiao i was streaming a few days ago and i got a lot of requests to play with xiao so i decided i'm finally going to get him to 90 and do a proper god mode showcase i am making this special intro because after the stream highlights i'm going to get back to you and we're going to finish it off with something you'll see have to give the stream highlights though but again i'm passing it off now okay i i don't know if it's one person asking me over and over you shall or there is some some rejuvenated interest in xiao but okay we'll throw him in my team he's only 82 maybe we'll finally finally do that okay we'll finally get our shout at 90. i i get called out called out for that every time we're gonna finally get him to 90 okay he's been 82 for like a year solid or ever since he came out i guess i i that must mean i never actually even did a a a god-mode show but i thought i did maybe my god modes were less strict back then i don't know he did have the sixth star but no 90. we can give him homa i guess his artifacts are probably trash usually for all animals i'm just giving them the iridescent two varidescent two gladiator oh yeah of course the two piece for animal damage that's probably what i had him on as you can see gladiator and iridescent but other people have slowing his things by now uh i think i have some pretty good viridescent pieces honestly just i'm going to pick the biggest creatine crit damage i think it's this one on my jean for some reason why does jean have my best best plume well not kazoo is probably the better one because it has also eight crit rate this one's on no one i'm just going to give him the one no one's wearing it's pretty good also creak damage attack and energy recharge doesn't get much better i guess here i guess we want attack uh we only have the one on kazuha and i think vintage is slightly better actually well this could be an oh i know what am i doing it's two-piece start with a gladiator see if we got anything good only two pieces wow this one on coke is that kokomi oh it's hp that's why this is the only attack gladiator sans we have i mean you probably have others just not raised but this is apparently the best one well let's check shimanawa first although i probably don't have like any attack shimanawa so we only have one attack yeah whatever we're gonna take this i guess he already has this gladiator i guess we're gonna keep that it's not really that great it has a lot of hp though and then we can go off piece circle it do you have any crit rate nope i mean this one but it's not raised and it's not that great anyway we need more quick damage actually even though he has staphoma i don't know i mean it's okay definitely don't need crit rate though more of it anyway what do we have currently it would be nice to get like another crate damage with both oh wait no i have one of those hold on hold on this one on jungle we don't need no jeanly i swap around this circlet so often because it's like crit damage but 18 crit rate it's so versatile i think i would still need more some more crit rate though so i'm going to sort by crit rate here see what we got all right he doesn't need to be totally perfect i guess let's just keep him as he is he now has two piece of gladiator two piece of iridescent there he is we can take a quick look at his final stats what the hell that's actually looking pretty good 70 crit rate 206 crit damage 2300 attack wow our style is actually looking pretty pog i was expecting not that good stats but all right um i think the team needs to be changed a little bit here though benny i think is good uh although it's kind of weird with him jumping but i think benny benny's boost will last until he gets back down i like to go double pillar gotta time it kind of though oh i would also have to start it i guess we can just sit back relax watch it go kazuha for battery oh yeah we do kinda need a battery sucrose for energy and thrilling tails yeah i think my sucrose is pretty bad though it probably would be enough and yeah she might even be a better battery but my cause was just stronger primo govishap so we'll go to him a little bit annoying to get to but it's fine all right here we go i remember like my best this shot was maybe like 30k plunges with with bini boost i'm hoping to see maybe some 40ks now that would be nice i gotta get everyone's uh stuff first ooh shaw needs all of his burst that's right we were just uh we wasted his burst on that event run we're trying to see if he ju if he jumps way higher we'll go ahead and do kazuha just because binny burst and then uh shout shout and burst with xiao and start i can't see anything oh we got a 52 52 k's let's go that ain't bad at all 54. oh wait okay yeah no yeah the 52 is definitely with benny burst because now he's doing 38 but that's that's actually really impressive way more than i uh what was expecting um unfortunately yeah we definitely do need a battery i might raise sucrose just for that purpose honestly yeah 52. i'm surprised about that why i don't need rock frogmats oh yeah new boss yeah we can try a new boss just for fun so yeah we can't really well i mean his burst prize isn't gonna be all that useful until we we can actually hurt the plant let's see if kazuwa can damage him i don't think so nope still at full health jean lee cam though at least with his held e i don't think with anything else though not with the eprocs yeah we would need like a bow character all right here we go here we go here we go oh wait xiao still doesn't have his burst come on all right we'll just go ahead and use this again for whatever reason and burst time oh 48 49 49 definitely not bad i think i'm doing pretty pretty short plunges as well that should be pretty much it for the plant there yeah definitely not bad i was expecting maybe 40k because you know when i originally did like my i don't know if i even really did a god did i do a god mode maybe it wasn't like a real god mode because usually i get them to 91st for that but yeah uh that was that was really nice yeah i definitely need to get a you know a battery in there sucrose i think would probably be the best option all right we'll wrap it up with oceanid i suppose obviously a bit of a slow start here oceanid ocean is probably not the best boss to showcase him honestly because it comes in chunks so we're not going to use this burst for these guys oh but we just wasted bennies oh well we did need some healing anyway xiao should be able to get his burst here but i don't know if we can have benny boost oh jesus well we need to go go get some orbs from this guy first we'll at least get jongley shield but i don't think binny can get his burst all right let's give it a try here oh no can we not hit the birds well if we time that right we can kind of but yeah he can't hit them from up in the air it looks like that's sad dang xiao needs way too much energy i think c1 or c2 helps because he gets an extra like e to use might be c1 all right let's try this again i guess just for the last bird here 15 no crit 48 crit all right all right yeah sucrose definitely i think sucrose would help a lot here maybe i actually will turn this into a god mode xiao so that the last half an hour of stream or whatever and um i'll i'll i'll edit in some xiao sucrose action hello it's me again bringing you the promised xiao plus sucrose action i mean i guess that was also me but this is a different me so sucrose as our battery uh we're gonna take pretty much the same team we had before except instead of i believe it was cause i we're gonna have sucrose instead we're gonna make sure she is at least okay that doesn't look okay to me at all just uh i wanna make sure she has a good amount of energy recharge that's the main thing i also don't think like four piece viewer veridescent will be very useful for her in this case because showers are main dps sucrose has a really nice passive talent that increases everyone's elbow to master by 20 of her elements of mastery um but we won't really need that because xiao won't really need elements of mastery being how he is she's really mainly gonna be there to make sure xiao has his alt all the time that's the main thing i struggled with uh while we were showcasing him is that his alt takes forever to get so we're just gonna make sure she has a lot of energy recharge i guess i really just don't want to spend too much time on it because this isn't a sucrose showcase i think 228 should be fine as for the weapon i believe she will go ahead and take well dang i don't know hard choice between sacrificial and the barbara book thrilling tales here but i think for now we're going to try throwing tails and if we still need more energy then we will also try sacrificial i know sucrose is a really good battery and also you know them having matching elements definitely helps so they might be the perfect team why every day do i have transport balloon shell already has his burst so we're just gonna go ahead and use it with no buffs i don't think we really looked at that too much either he's gonna die here in a second he's on fire 33k with no buffs at all that's actually sick already we actually do not have shower bursts anymore we're gonna go and do his ease real quick and then uh see what's going on with sucrose we're gonna just do both swap to show real quick and he almost has his burst back all right so i mean i assume after like doing bini burst and stuff and then like going back to xiao and doing one e there we go we have his burst again already definitely a very cool combo does it compare to zhang li plunge that didn't actually do anything all right sucrose do the stuff go back to xiao i don't even need to use two crosses burst that's uh that's cool i don't need to bother without a best mage either though uh we already have shao's burst because uh sucrose so we're just gonna go ahead i don't know let's go ahead and do her burst just for fun and then go to xiao do his ease real quick and then start plunging let's see if like just sucrose's burst could maybe nah sucrose's burst isn't enough her ease really are a nice uh orb generator because she has two of them and they just generate a lot of orbs anyway and you know shouting animo takes full advantage of those i think we're just going to wrap up the daily quests here as there really isn't too much to say about this combo it's very nice xiao has his burst pretty much whenever he wants it let's go ahead and do sucrose again just burst them both real quick drop xiao and boom also i should go to sucrose before going to xiao um before i do xiao's burst actually because she has thrilling tales i kind of forgot about that so we have like an attack boost there but there was that final daily quest we'll wrap it up with one masanori to try and like actually do a good rotation so in this case sucrose is kind of like sarah don't swap to sarah until you're ready to go to your main dps so in that case i'm gonna go ahead and do that binny oh i'll need vinnie's boost let's just go ahead and do shao's ease real quick to get some orbs go back to benny to get the rest of his boots there we go two sucroses real quick xiao is that enough oh so close wait here we go we should have the the attack boost now 53 59 holy hell we almost got a 60 there that was crazy we don't have binny's boost anymore we almost got a 60 though on masinori that's crazy let's go ahead and try that again i suppose i'm gonna go to drunk lady refresh that shield first uh let's go ahead and do her burst as well one more e ah benny's boost might might already almost be gone nah well i thought we could maybe break 60k i mean we probably could it's just an arbitrary number anyway about 60k for one of those plunges i'm very impressed considering like our cap was around 30k before the real god vote i guess but yeah i guess that will pretty much do it i don't usually do half stream half normal video kind of videos but uh there you go first time for everything i guess make sure to tell me what you think in the comments down below dropping a like or a subscribe if you enjoyed the content is always greatly appreciated we're getting somewhat close to half a million subscribers that's crazy thank you guys very much and uh but yeah that's where i'm gonna leave you thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 226,801
Rating: 4.9696546 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, xiao build, xiao gameplay, xiao genshin, xiao genshin impact, god mode xiao, genshin impact game, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact 2.3, genshin impact graphics, genshin impact 2.4, geshin
Id: rz6wdEIKsos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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