DPS SHOWDOWN! Ningguang vs Razor vs Xinyan! WHO'S THE STRONGEST 4★?!

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hello and welcome to my channel i went to lose gaming throughout my channel's history i've generally focused on the newer five star characters especially for dps showdowns but now i'm proud to announce my very first four-star exclusive dps showdown our contestants today are going to be ninguang razer and xinyan but before that let's hear a quick word from a very generous sponsor today spray shadow legends rainshadow legends has millions of players and dozens of tough bosses let's talk about one of the most challenging bosses the fire knight phyro the infamous after committing regicide at a peace summit with the frost king the once proud knight of vulkar was bound by his own people to guard volkar's treasures now i'll talk about how to take volkhar's treasures for yourself just keep on hitting him the fire knight's shield makes him immune to debuffs and damage so champions that can do multiple hits on each attack and start hurting him heroes like arbiter apothecary rosin scar height allure and cold heart can all do tons of damage to the fire knight and did you know the fastest way to level up your champions is through farming the campaign you can grind loads of exp and silver all at the same time with tons of quality of life features and grade you'll be able to farm tons of resources super efficiently this month raid is jam-packed with events they've got a bunch of brand new champions coming out like the hellborn sprite siege hulk and a freaking hippo man man there's also a new doom tower rotation with tons of new floors tons of new bosses and most importantly tons of new loot if you want to get a huge head start in raid all you have to do is hit the link in the description or scan the qr code right here new players will get an epic hero chinoro who is amazing in doom tower 200 000 silver one xp boost one energy refill and one ancient shard so you can summon an awesome champion as soon as you get in game just look at this cool champion you'll get all for free you will find your rewards here in your inbox for the next 30 days only seriously guys i wanted to thank all of you for your support as well as raid shadow legends for their generosity in sponsoring this video [Music] let's familiarize ourselves with our contestants in the rich and famous corner we have the residential rock thrower ninguang ninguang is salty that she got her geovision because she was actually trying to sell it for some extra maura but ended up resonating with it instead commonly heralded as the strongest 4 star dps character today we will see if she can live up to that expectation in a head-to-head dps showdown my ninguang throughout this video is rocking a refinement 5 lost prayer to the sacred winds and the two-piece archaic petra plus two-piece gladiators for artifacts unfortunately my archaic petra pieces are pretty much doo-doo but despite that her damage potential is actually pretty rock solid at 73.66 but next there is a bit of controversy in my opinion due to her damage potential calculations and that is the geoparty resonance throughout my past dps showdowns i've always used party resonances to normalize character stats for overworld performance however geo resonance buffs ninguang to about 91 of her damage potential if you include the additional 20 resistance shred that it provides however if we end up normalizing it by removing the resistance dread then she's at 78 of her damage potential i decided that geo resonance is basically assumed to be used by any geodps character and thus ignoring the resistance shred from it and not treating it as an additional bonus helps even out the damage potential calculations so as such for most of this video my ninguang is around 78 of her damage potential and next in the lonely orphan corner we have razor the good natured young lad raised by wolves is known as one of the better 4 star dps characters flying away at his opponents with vicious melee claymore attacks my razer is wielding a refinement 5 song of broken pines and will be rocking a 4 piece pale flame set with pyro resonance razer's damage potential is around 77.58 which is remarkably close to ninguang 78 damage potential from earlier there's something interesting i'd like to point out though and that is despite the fact that my pale flame set as leagues better than my archaic petra pieces the damage potentials are actually incredibly similar this my friends is the power of the crit rate substat on ninguang's lost prayer to the sacred wind anyway i digress let's move on and finally in the most neglected corner we have xinyan instead of throwing rocks like ninguang xinyan makes rock music for all her adoring fans xinyin is by far the most neglected character in genjen impact having no role in the story and the least amount of trailers for any post-release character but today xinyan will be going head-to-head with two of the most popular four-star dps characters now unfortunately for our neglected musician xinyin's scaling is split between defense and attack her shield and her charge attack rely on her defense at least at constellation 6 but the rest of her kit relies on attack through my personal testing i think xinyan does more damage overall if you scale her with attack percent so we'll be going with an attack percent build also xin yin is able to dragon strike let's see if it's worth considering fortunately for me and the making of this video it doesn't appear to be any better than xinyan's regular spin to win play style machining will be rocking a refinement 5 song of broken pines with the two-piece gladiators and two-piece peel flame i decided that this combination was better than the four-piece pale flame mostly because with her being built with attack percent it's actually very difficult for xin yin to keep her level 3 shield up for the pale flame procs with 2 pyro and two geo xinyan is at 77.77 percent of her damage potential very close to the aforementioned 78 targeted damage potential in summary all three of these characters are very similar in damage potential all three of them have very well leveled talents and all three of them are at constellation 6. before starting the showcases though i always need to point out that any and all of these runs can be improved upon these are just my best attempts within a reasonable amount of time for each of these characters and scenarios [Music] let's start off with everyone's number one favorite volunteer the regis vines [Music] ah yes the cryo empire regis lines are too little hp having but always willing volunteers ninguang's rapid burst damage was unsurprisingly able to quickly and effortlessly dispose of our poor plant friend now as for razer while using the pale flame set he needs to first use an e then burst then e again this actually wastes quite a bit of time on a low hp target like the bridge is fine but once he got his two stacks of pale flame up our plant friend is no longer with us razor truly does hate his vegetables and lastly xinyan's birth chunked a very large portion of regis vine's hp then xin yin turned herself into a salad spinner and thus turned our regis fine friend into chopped salad overall the regis fine fight is a fight that favors quick burst damage so characters with longer ramp up times like pale flame razor fall behind a bit here this fight has been and will always be my favorite appetizer to the rest of the meal our next volunteer is the always belligerent 11th saturday harbinger [Music] harbingers me [Music] [Music] yep is not having a good day here first having countless rocks thrown at his face by a local business woman ninguang doesn't even pride herself on her combat capabilities instead resorting to dropping palaces on her opponents but despite that child was no match to a common child strategy of throwing rocks during a fight thanks to the loading time between fights ninguang screens are back and she is able to get her burst again to quickly dispose of third form oh yummy there's been a persistent theme of child losing to children and razor happens to be a homeless child razor's burst lasts for quite a long time and as such he is able to effectively dispose of child's form 1 and form 2 with a single burst [Music] this puts him in an awkward scenario of not having his burst ready for third form child with a bit of time to get a couple extra ease razer got his burst again in order to quickly then dispose of third form child [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] huh our third volunteer is the local fauna primo giovicia hmm [Music] interestingly the primo geofish app resists both geo and physical damage equally so in that sense this fight is actually equal in that regard however this does boost the effects of geo resonance more than the other fights against an enemy with a larger hp pool the times are much closer since ninguang needs to rely on a much lower charge attack dps to gap fill in comparison to just relying under high burst damage to immediately eliminate the target razer's relatively high sustained dps helped him close the gap in this longer fight when compared to the previous fights i'm honestly not entirely sure if my skill rotation is optimal here but i tried to use his e as often as possible to both maintain two stacks of the pale flame set and to gain energy for his burst once his burst was over it was all about trying to get as much energy as possible to refill his burst in order to finish off the primo geo vishal lastly we have xinyan's performance when it comes to rock versus rock xin yin's coveted strategy of spinning herself silly seems quite effective here however for longer sustained fights against enemies with larger hp pools chenyun actually runs out of stamina and needs to resort to her ursoth normal attacks regardless this fight was still relatively effortless for a local rock star and with a new boss comes another potential volunteer despite many of the previous additions such as the angry giant rock frog and a literal ice cube not being the best of volunteers for dps showdown the puppet samurai magu kanki is a great new addition [Music] [Music] [Music] yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] is a unique addition with the player being able to register hits as it shifts into its first and second phases however that unique mechanic doesn't really come into play for any of these three characters ningbong's burst is extremely reliable for disposing a single enemy at a time now i realized that i should have used ninguang's elemental skill near the end to speed this up a bit but oh well after watching this razer fight i ended up debating with myself as to whether or not i should actually use razer's burst for the first form of maku kanki but didn't take that long for razer to get his burst up again in order for him to quickly knock out the second form of magu kenki and again xinyan can reliably spin away her competition as usual i'm not sure if conserving her burst here was the right thing to do but alas it is what i did and this was the best run out of the multiple xinhan runs that i did as future videos continue to include this magukenki fight i will be able to improve on various strategies against it so in summary we have these respectable times for their overall performances when focused almost entirely on these individual characters damage outputs they are all able to comfortably dumpster the overall content ninguang definitely has an advantage though thanks to the somewhat low hp pools of overworld monsters and her quick burst damage output although razer and xiunian are surprisingly close to each other i'd like to point out that this whole showcase was done without super condom of which razer has a huge advantage only needing a single choir teammate to apply super conduct in comparison to xin yan however i did want to put these performances into perspective if you've seen my previous dps showdown between ganyu yula and hutao you'll have an inkling of how well those five star characters did while these performances with these four star characters are very respectable compared to a five star character at max potential like eula these four stars are unfortunately very very far behind but on the flip side fortunately no content in this game is so incredibly difficult that it can't be completed by 4 star dps characters like ninguang razer or even xinyan and now finally we will be seeing how these four star characters perform in abyss 12. for this showcase it's not entirely an abyss 12 gauntlet for the interest of time i started each floor with full energy besides this is a very pragmatic way for any player to 9 star abyss 12. also i did not pick any damage boosting cards throughout these runs i'm also using the same venti and zhongli builds across all three parties fenty has the elegy for the end with the viridescent veneer four piece and zhong li has the four piece tenacity of the mililith with the fuvonius lance now the flex support slot differs between the three characters ninguan can make use of my constellation 6 bennett but unfortunately for the other two characters consolation 6 bennett ruins razer's build and chin hands build instead razer will run with rosaria who unfortunately isn't at consolation 6 yet as for xinyan i decided to try something a little bit different by using eula as a support character eula's whole e has very low cooldown and also reduces physical resistance by a pretty substantial 25 percent however i do think xinyan will do much better with burst damage mona as support but i figured if i used burst damage mona that would be more of a mona showcase than the shenyan's showcase anyway let's finally move on to the biz 12 dps showdown [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] change oh [Music] in the end all three characters were effortlessly able to 9 star abyss 12. the interesting thing about this new abyss is that the supports are honestly the most important factor in it and really the dps character in these situations was very replaceable and let's definitely talk about the nemo characters right now 12 2 without venti is basically light and day without venting the group of these treasure quarters abyss 12 2 takes so much more time as for 12 3 the nemo characters and swirling pyro onto the abyss selector is absolutely crucial to clear this quickly since a huge amount of time of these runs was actually taken up by support abilities the actual dps windows are much smaller and so is the variance in time between these runs despite all this ninguang's higher damage output did have a tangible gain in the time saved especially for 12 3 where she was able to knock the abyss electors out much faster than the other two [Music] so there you go my first dps showdown between three four star characters now i didn't mean to neglect four star characters all this time on my channel it's just that i've finally gotten around to building them with the extra resources i've accumulated over the months i've finally been able to allocate some of them to not just maxing out the new five stars that appear how do you think these three four-star characters perform i regularly make gentian impact content like this ranging from c0 character showcases guide videos dps showdowns and more so be sure to smash that subscribe button as it's the easiest and best way to support my channel thanks for watching and thank you raid shadow legends for sponsoring this video as always i appreciate every single one of you this is i went to lose signing out
Channel: IWinToLose Gaming
Views: 503,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact xinyan, genshin impact ningguang, genshin impact razor, genshin impact dodoco tales, genshin impact venti, genshin impact zhongli, xinyan, xinyan build, xinyan dps build, xinyan dps, ningguang build, ningguang dps build, razor build genshin impact, razor dps, genshin impact dps, genshin impact maguu kenki
Id: Jw501gITeh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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