Genshin Impact, but I force Eula to be a fire character

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today i guess we're doing pyro-ula as i'm one of the few people dumb enough to c6 my bini this is actually possible this has been requested in my discord several times one of the ones i saw more recently was by mia oh [Applause] myula is already raised godmoded i did that a while ago her talents aren't exactly like totally maxed out mainly her burst it doesn't really matter this is mostly gonna be a meme build i mean maybe i'll be surprised if it works well i actually wanted to give her a crimson witch uh i think she could get the full bonus here her e skill has a pretty short cooldown when you tap it and then you know i think her burst resets it as well i'm not super familiar with eula because i don't play with her that often but i think it works something like that in terms of weapon we're probably going to stick with the traditional wolf's gravestone red horn stone thresher massive 88 crate damage but the passive doesn't do much eula has a very high base attack and this would help this obviously you can see it here at 950. she has pretty much no artifacts right now of course we're going to change that as a little side note just yesterday after spamming the crimson witch of flames domain for the last like month straight uh we finally got a decent hp sans for our hutau seven crit rate 12 crate damage 58 elements of mastery didn't touch flat death uh three very important stats for our hutao there and uh yeah she she is kicking ass now unfortunately we will need an attack sans and on hp sans that could potentially be our off piece but i know our one pyro goblet is also bad so let's go ahead and start with the flower this one is quite good 14 crit rate nine attack six energy recharge nothing wrong with it it's not even equipped on anyone currently so next we got the plume i think we got to steal who towels tin crate rate 21 crit damage it's like a very very good plume by far my best one i believe so um yeah i'll just have to remember to give that back eventually then we have the sands i would prefer to stick to on piece for this so we can have a better uh goblet i kind of don't want to raise one just for this meme but we'll see i'm sure there are some other characters that can use a better attack sans like my bini or whatever so yeah we have 13 attack percent stands here they're all pretty bad this one does have potential if it rolls a lot into crit rate but that's always a big ask yeah just more flat attack at eight so i think we're gonna give up on that one i'm also quite sure her burst will always do physical regardless of bini boost or not so uh this is again not gonna be the most effective but here we have the same scenario we just have a one crit rate sub there just praying it kind of goes into it a lot but yeah nope flat attack followed by hp percent so we're going to give up on that one here if we happen to get crit rate we will raise it probably to 20. it's elements of mastery i really would like crit rate there now we got to use five stars so this is gonna take forever fourth sub is def percent so yeah i kind of don't want to deal with that one anymore and then this one rolled flat attack so yeah i think we're pretty much out of crimson stands that had potential which means we're just gonna take this one with seven crit rate so i'd say her unbuff stats are actually not horrible 2600 attack 67 crit rate 145 crit damage um 100 elements of mastery we are going to try and get some vaporizers off in there 61 fire damage yeah still has wolf's gravestone maybe i will try red horn just to see if there's a big difference we'll see if 88 crit damage beats out 80 attack here from this and this and then of course an additional 60 percent uh once you know she hits someone with under 30 so i guess we're just gonna start this little showcase with some dailies probably won't see much on most of them to be honest yeah like benny's burst would just kill these slimes but i have to do my dailies anyway so yeah i have a defense monolith here let's go ahead and start with a jungle i remember on my last video where if i said obviously i'd i'd have to summon and uh and there are a lot of people saying it should have been let's start with the jungle shield and a bini boost because that's how i always start my showcases if this guy comes over here fast enough maybe hurry up all right here we go pyro eula yeah we couldn't see much you know a couple of decent hits in there though we would definitely have to do something harder we're gonna hit up rock frog first he's just like a big dude that doesn't really move around we're obviously not gonna be able to get you know wolf's gravestone proc till the end but all right here we go oh it didn't even hit all right what are we doing with basics here uh well he's going into his mode and then he'll have a pyro phase next so this might be a bit of a pain yeah i didn't even really want to waste bursts for his pyrophage so we're just moving on to cryo also we are waiting till he stands back up here all right let's get this started again i suppose let's just go ahead and do her burst for fun here [Music] yeah i'm seeing not really big numbers at all benny's boost is gone now what did her burst do probably nothing because it was a physical attack yeah that was kind of weird well then mr massanori it is all right here we go oh yeah there we go just saw 26k 30k 30k yeah 30k basics all right of course red horn probably would be at least more impressive when we're fighting someone like massanori because he's a single target by the time he's under 30 he's basically dead anyway so just out of curiosity we're gonna just straight up switch it it was an attack so our crit ratio should still be we just gained crit damage and lost attack all right let's give it a try here um yeah i'm seeing much lower numbers somehow did any of those vaporize i think they were critically and vaporizing i mean yeah she has much lower attack like a thousand lower that's insane how much gravestone is doing here yeah nearly a thousand attack i still would assume 88 crate damage would like kind of make up for it at least i want to try it again of course maybe there was something different going on 20k i saw a 20k in there she's not criticaling all the time but yeah 24. okay yeah it oh and then there's 29 at the moment i am just mainly basic attacking with her not doing ease very often not getting those stacks up all that stuff she should have the full stacks by now i'm going to check real quick 84 pyro i think that's about right let's go ahead and give it another try i suppose oh but jeez our zhongli shield ah now he's dead the setup was finally finished and then he died also i guess as a little side note holding her e is basically pointless for pyro eula uh you lose the grim heart stacks which increases her death and resistance interruptions and the enemy has their cryo and physical res reduced she's not doing cryo or physical i mean technically she's doing both but not a lot oh there we go i saw one hit of 30k before he moved me out of vineyard all right let's give this another try if you would stop blocking oh yeah there we go um i saw a really big hit i mean of course different strikes will have different multipliers her fourth hit for example has 178 and then on three and five hit she divides it up into two little attacks so the numbers there of course won't be as big yeah i mean i think i think we can get up to 30k when we have like all the stacks of um you know the set about 30k but i was getting 30k with wolfe's gravestone without even trying so i'm probably just going to stick with that honestly i mean i'm going to go back to it at least for now it is r3 so it has a bit of an advantage uh 28 yeah oh and then we got the boost come on one one critical damn it yeah i saw 31k there after getting the wolf boost i don't know they are very comparable oh well we just got a 35k there before the boost as always when i'm trying to compare stuff like this i have to mention that there's just way too many variables to keep in to keep into consideration and of course there will be in a real game as well but i mean it should be vaporizing more or less every hit she doesn't attack that fast yeah i think the problem is not all of her attacks are vaporizing and when one of the little like uh half hit like that there if one of those vaporizes and then like her forehead doesn't vaporize because it happened too fast um yeah it's gonna change numbers a lot i guess we do have to do her burst at least once in this video so let's let's go ahead i did her burst hopefully he stays in bini ring for a little bit we will go and use our grim heart stacks as well since yeah i couldn't see let's go ahead and try it again i suppose uh 182 i saw that was definitely a critical i mean all things considered i'm surprised it did that much so do i even need to say it's not a viable build for her i mean mainly because you would have to see six year benny for it so i mean i guess like if you already see six year bini and eula is your only like dps and you need pyro then yeah i i don't know i mean yeah it went about as i expected she can definitely do some decent damage uh with bini boost there and vaporizing and everything but she's definitely not meant to be a pyro using her grim heart stacks are basically useless her burst isn't as strong as it should be but yeah her basics were kind of popping off there there is one other thing i want to do before we wrap this up and that is obviously get a click bait screenshot of uh doing some massive pyro damage i mean it will be a real screenshot i'm not just going to photoshop numbers or anything but but it'll be damaged per screenshot but it's not my fault thumbnails are in fact a screenshot so you know what what can you do man this is actually going to be a pain in the ass if i give her like 5 crit rate and 300 damage because even getting like a 30 35k hit was a little hard uh because the right hit needed to vaporize and it wouldn't do that all the time i was still definitely seeing bigger numbers with wolves gravestone versus uh redhorn by a bit do you even have any crit damage crimson i know we have a lot of unbuilt ones like this garbage yeah i don't know something like that maybe a 330 crit damage i don't know though i'm still thinking wolf's gravestone actually we still have a nice 240 crit damage although now we don't even have a two set it's all off pieces uh because these have a lot of crit damage on them we lost 15 crit damage for the 15 pyro for the two-piece i think that's probably worth it honestly i mean she sells 30 crit rate it shouldn't be that hard to get a crit and then the question is floor 11 with the normal attack 50 percent increase or not abyss and we can use food and potions and stuff we're going to try floor 11 first see what we can do but also i guess uh we could get more damage from someone besides zhong li uh maybe mona or something still would like water dude there for the vaporize and of course bini for the pyro infusion we kind of need that let's see here 30k what the heck that's not even more than it was before ah there we go we got a 43 that's something 48 uh if this dude was just over here and yeah 44 28 44 55 i saw a 55 in there i don't know maybe that's good enough i'm sure she can do a lot more in the perfect scenario 55 yeah i don't know i feel like there should be more well now we're bringing out the big guns 25 pyro damage bonus and i guess whatever food item sounds the best probably just adeptus or whatever do we even have anything once upon a time in monastat this seems like a kind of a special dish i kind of don't want to waste it it's create and crit damage it's mostly crit rate which i don't really care about and i'm pretty sure potions and food do go together uh so we're gonna use both of them and see yeah you see we have a potion and a food icon down there going over here we have 86 pyro and 41 crit rates so yeah we also have a little over 3k attack now i don't think that's gonna make a huge difference of course morally the 25 pyro damage let's see what we can do here i guess 47 all right 31 he's already dead 49 yeah it's gonna be a little hard to compare with abyss's 50 to normal attack damage i guess whatever we're gonna finish this off with something cryo eula uh well i guess it's physical eula isn't it what is physical bad at i mean pyro might actually be better than physical for ice cube because you know melts and stuff wouldn't really need uh water dude there is physical actually bad for anything well i can't think right now let's do cryo cube by the time i do everyone's burst though he's gonna get back up so i'm just gonna do uh bennies and go to eula no buffs or anything and yeah you know it died uh pretty quick it's pretty cool but yeah whatever just a little meme build anyway i'm done trying to get a big piece damage per screenshot number for the thumbnail 55 i think was the largest we saw i mean it's not even that impressive considering without any effort or setup i'm getting like 70 75k charge attacks with my who towel literally just water dude and go ham that's it don't even need benny but whatever guess that'll do it make sure to tell me what you think i guess in the comments below liking or subscribing to the channel is greatly appreciated if you enjoyed thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 194,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, pyro eula, eula, eula genshin impact, genshin impact graphics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2022
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