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it's farming montage time [Music] down [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we're back ito is god mode level uh level eight eight talons let's just take a quick look i guess oh with of course his redhorn stone thresher definitely one of the hardest characters i've had to raise uh mainly because my gold and xp books have been uh not very healthy lately but yeah um we also do have to get him back in his set i think i gave this to noel previously because i was trying her out with the red horn as well we will of course check if we have anything better but i don't have a ton of hope you know because i've been having to spend most of my resin in getting actual resources but i highly doubt we'd actually be able to raise anything either because we're also struggling with mora we did get a couple of plumes since then some pretty big crit damage ones we have 24.9 here and 25.7 neither of them have def except for this flat def here um but even so i think it's gonna be better than the one he had on previously so we're probably gonna go for the seven crit rate 25 crit damage just looks a little better overall we were able to get a couple more death percent sands but neither of them were really that great so either we're sticking with this one or we'll make it our off piece as for geo damage goblets i believe this one isn't the worst ever since it is on the right set but we also do have this one with 14.4 crit rate and since uh his weapon has so much great damage on it i think we will actually need to get quite a lot of crit rates that's probably gonna be our off piece honestly and we'll probably need a crit rate circlet as well if we want consistent criticals so probably just gonna stick with this one unfortunately did roll a couple times into elemental mastery but we got death percent and crit damage um so yeah it had a lot of potential got ruined but that might be him for now a couple points shy of 2500 defense there 19k hp 76 crate rate to 17 crit damage i think that's nice and healthy he'll crit most of the time um so it's not crazy or anything like tin crit rate and 400 grit damage he is still see zero we might do like a super god mode for him if we go for goro and get a couple more ito's uh get him to like c2 or something c2 sounds really good c2 they all sound good honestly i'd probably stop at c2 though because c3 is just his e which is fine too but it's not as important as anything else again his talents are all eight eight eight this is kind of my minimum requirements for god mode if we do end up getting him a couple more constellations and doing like a super god mode we'll probably get like at least his burst and basic to nine or ten probably keeping this at eight though i haven't done a proper goro showcase yet but we will be taking him with us because i just think he's like the best companion really we did raise his talents a little bit not much so i'm not really gonna be looking at goro too seriously i'm just gonna be using him and then for the showcase we will get him up to standards and take a closer look at what he's doing but basically we just want one more jio character to add crunch for that uh 15 geo damage bonus so that'll probably be zhong li and then we're going to finish the team off with binny he can provide us with healing attack boost for god modes i typically want abyss to be the sort of main showcase content because it is like the hardest stuff we haven't even gone through the easy ones this week yet so we can start off just by looking at what he's doing uh in his current stuff and then you know for like 11 and 12. we can really test this strength seems like 9 and 10 are still the same abyss um i assume 11 and 12 are still like the recently updated ones also if you don't have zhang lee noel would be a good replacement not only because it's also a shield but she can also heal so i think that'd be quite good actually i think we'll go ahead and try that save zhongli for the second half for 11 or 12 we'll probably swap it back to zhang li but for now let's give it a try i think we're gonna start with pulling them all together dropping the goro thing down sure let's get a shield with noel um probably should have got a few stacks with him first oh but i already did see they're all dead okay couldn't see much i saw some 20k basics though let's go and pull them all together again restart the little cycle here um yeah there was a 19k just from putting his e out we're not in burst mode yet because they're all just dying too fast let's go and try it uh on this little uh big midatrol charge attacks uh he's blocking okay that was unfortunately no crit he does have a good amount of crit rate actually unlike most of my characters but just getting pretty unlucky i guess here we have the uh fatoui dude so let's give that a try i think we're just going to go straight away into burst here hate them a couple times and then start doing some charged oh 52k from the ending one there i only had one stack unfortunately or maybe two stacks because he could eventually do the uh other one but damn son those elemental dudes now have their shields which is kind of annoying with you know only geo in our team of course getting rid of the geo guys shouldn't be too much of a problem but uh let's just go into burst mode here while we're getting blasted with ice so his uh thing might you know uh yeah of course geo isn't the best to get rid of these maybe benny wouldn't have been so bad actually i mean we could still do it i'm sure if i played that a little differently we could have just killed them before they got their shields um but i digress he can get through them still relatively quickly and here we have the stone dude that should actually be not much of a problem honestly i'll just start with a couple basics before we go into burst now we're gonna go into burst and uh do these charge attacks yeah okay i mean that is damaged like through his shield you know so it's already quite impressive their damage is quite reduced while they still have a shield um obviously we're not doing much here before we have our thing going but it's going to go back into burst we should have full stacks more or less yeah there we go now we're gonna try and do the last one over there we're gonna have a bit more trouble with the ice one because yeah geo is only okay at removing everything besides geoshields we do got another burst ready so let's give that a try yeah i mean oh no don't move ah jeez there goes all my stacks where's that guy go oh he's following my little cow so there's chamber nine anyway we're moving on to floor ten we're gonna go ahead and stick with noel because there's the uh hydro abyss herald in second half and i want to take ganyu and chongli together let's just go ahead and start it off we're gonna go straight after the uh the main guy on floor 10 the one with the green around him obviously just his basic attacks are also quite insane here his burst lasts a little longer than i thought it did all right we're gonna go ahead and try uh if we can get it going try this again uh oh yeah there we go 68k we i think we did still have bini boost there but yeah now we also have binny to take care of this well i mean his hp is almost gone anyway so final floor tin chamber i'm probably just gonna go ahead and uh use his burst straight away i kind of want to get binny's first honestly though well he unfortunately got fully healed from those uh minions i was trying to take care of them first but it didn't really work work out back to bini boost uh do we have another goro yeah all right that honestly just didn't turn out that well now we just got to stay with binny and uh keep blasting him yeah it took almost two minutes which uh the pyro one is usually the faster one yeah i think i'll be able to do it all right so floor 11 obviously we've got some nice geo damage buffs here 60 damage so i think this will be the one we go ahead and take zhang with us of course goro still i think we're going to bring zhang li along again put gore in there but this time since we are starting off with a uh monument uh floor we're gonna have to take some cc in both teams i would like to take albedo as well but i haven't farmed enough sets for ito goro and him yet so we're just gonna have to go like this let's go ahead and grab a jungle shield real quick throw that there nice 28k from the e let's just keep it going um not gonna use his burst yet probably after next venti burst here going to throw it in that direction shield real quick and then let's go ahead go go into burst mode here oh yeah we got a big dude let's oh was that it dude that took like 15 seconds i don't remember it being that short what is our progress at 98 we did really well i was not prepared for it to end that fast though um but yeah regardless let's go ahead and did they make it easier perhaps i don't i don't remember it being that fast maybe this is the harder one maybe this is the one i should have had vinty yeah we're already down to 83 percent with uh a few more left here let's go and drop kazua burst ah just one left shame no one has their burst now a 30 death bonus that must be like one of the first times i've seen that but i guess it makes sense got a bunch of pyro slimes over here uh ito i don't know if he yeah let's go and do his burst boom 85 what how did that do 85 oh well of course that's why i did 85 we have a 60 damage bonus here uh so i don't know we can't really pay attention to the damage numbers too much here let's go and go back into burst anyway let's just do these charge attacks they're all dead why is everyone so weak let's go and try his burst again i suppose um here we go gonna start oh yeah there we go that tore through him really quick all right final chamber here for 11. oh the specters the specters never end and vinti won't even help me here guess we'll throw it over there anyway just for fun go ahead and get a jolly shield i put goro's thing on the ground already and here we can go uh yeah there goes some specters i saw a 97k over there just his basic attacks are already so insane here we go some charged i'm still not great with like the whole rotation and knowing when to do his charge attack and all so bear with me a little here but uh yeah now we got the water dudes i still don't think uh vinti helps too much here uh actually let's just do his burst and back to ito burst we should have pretty much full stacks we're just going to keep going all right i think he'd be way easier to use at like uh c1 you don't really have to like build up stacks beforehand oh man what are these guys doing way over here that took a little longer than i wanted it to i'm not sure how much time we have left uh one minute we'll see if that works i'm gonna go and do raiden's burst here these guys are blocking oh i think these are the only ones though this last floor so let's just waste a burst there yeah okay that wasn't too big of a deal floor 12 uh let me refresh my memory that's right we have the rift towns everyone and i do mean everyone brought it to my attention that you use geo on the uh rock dudes and electro on the thunder ones contrary to logic they are weak against their own element so we'll definitely be using our geo team in second half because they are in pretty much every floor except oh well we will be using our geo team for the magu kinkys as well oh no well we definitely need zhang li there i remember the second half being really annoying as well because there's the rocks on the ground and i didn't have zhang li with me while i was doing that it was quite a quite a pain we probably still will need some form of healing because yeah there's a lot of bleeding and corrosion i haven't raised a clam set for kokomi yet i really still want to get around to that honestly we might just go barbara she is a nice solid dependable healer when you need some healing she's there for you all right we probably won't see as big damage because there's not really any boost or anything going on but whatever we should be able to get through the floor that's the most important thing starting with three little dudes here this isn't really uh the ito team so i'm not gonna say much about this i still think my shogun team is gonna be quite a bit stronger than the ito team just because my shogun is quite whaley but uh hopefully we can get through this in about a minute so it gives me time for the ito team we're just gonna go and throw another burst there yeah that was about a minute and all right here we go let's just start with barbara i suppose get some uh healing before we need it and uh start getting some stacks for our ito and then burst time i guess starting with charge attacks oh he's still doing so much though yeah there we go the three one oh oh wait why is the big one here already i thought the big one only comes when the little ones die i just did a panic barbara burst uh let's get a new zhongli shield i think everyone's decently healthy still uh do we need a burst yeah we're gonna do a burst let's do a couple basics first his basics are still doing so much that's insane we have like no buffs here at all basically i mean goro well no we didn't even have goros his was somewhere else let's do his burst actually so that it stays with us and uh another barbara healing another goro just to be on the safe side i think it lasts quite a while though but i'm not super comfortable with this team yet and i think now we're just going to because we still have 50 seconds we're gonna try and get everyone's burst back more or less do a couple goro things here all right yeah we're just gonna take it slow and steady i think everyone more or less has their burst back which is good all right that actually went way better than i thought it would we should have a decent amount of time here to manage that oh no yeah that's right we have the uh goro team okay well there's a retry there maybe you should start with zhang li shield before going to my level 70 10k hp goro might be a good idea oh wow okay shogun just one shot of them basically as soon as she did her burst let's try this again just gonna go to zhang li straight away i forgot which one i tried to kill first probably the uh blue one let's just go ahead and go straight to uh do a couple things here yeah i mean that's doing a lot of damage unfortunately we're getting frozen barbara i forgot one of these is is doing ice damage oh we we should actually just get out of here honestly why did i take barbara we probably gotta focus on getting rid of the water one first we still have two minutes though so we're looking okay oh he's doing his thing again let's just burst with let's just hope we can survive and do some attacks here that's still oh my god but he's taking no damage though there the other two are over there doing nothing basically ah there goes my goro again dang it in a clump although it's a lot more dangerous as well no god it's looking a little better this time around i gotta really pay attention to like everyone's health though okay yeah like they're all taking damage one more burst can we do oh no no get get out oh my god now my young lady i think we can do barbara burst without getting frozen that's about it though green one is almost gone i think go oh no the main one is gone let's go ahead and do another burst we only have a minute left anyway yeah okay funnily enough it is actually the uh the cryo one that is left at the end i don't think we are allowed to uh save burst actually we only have 40 seconds let's just go ahead do as much as we can here yeah unfortunately we won't really have many bursts for the last but uh let's cross that bridge when we come to it oh god there's the bridge please be close enough uh was she oh god these things are tanky as hell i remember here we go with another raiden burst one is down we're at 8.50 oh no i don't know if half time is going to be enough for my others although maybe we'll see we should be able to do barbara straight away now let's just go ahead and do goro i suppose yeah no one has their burst though which is really annoying all right we do have uh ito burst now so let's go ahead hopefully all these are dead by the time it's done although this big one i kind of doubt uh i mean close-ish i think yeah we still have two enemies after this though so we can thankfully more or less ignore the rocks on the ground now all right let's go ahead and get some stacks on this guy's remaining hp and then spin them on the ruin guards there we go yeah didn't do too bad we only have 40 seconds though so i'm not sure if that's gonna work let's go and get another okay we can't get any more barbara let's put that down we need one more ito burst maybe maybe that would be enough he has full charges let's go ah 26 seconds oh we did it actually i think that was even less close than last time i mean that's got to say something you know ito is our only damage dealer here by a long shot we have a very very poorly built koro at 70. uh zhang li isn't mine isn't built for damage he's just shields and then it's just ito ito is okay built i mean he does have his talents his his signature weapon everything c0 r1 whatever and uh we got through it in pretty good time so that's really impressive and that was our first try at the last chamber there as well did need a couple for the mag of kinky's that wasn't even a time-related issue though that was a dying related issue mostly um but yeah that was really cool there we go i mean jean-lee's really op support but besides that really bad goro and a barbara as the other two supports that really is something i didn't even bother giving zhang li the uh staff of houma either you're still holding on to favonia this year could have since i wasn't taking uh hutao i'm not gonna bother doing my daily quests as i usually do for showcase because i just figured out they're way too weak and it doesn't show anything but we can try senora weekly bosses have reset see what we get we'll need some to raise his talents further anyway here we go with this burst some charge attacks here without any abyss boost ah that last one unfortunately did not crit but she's already going into her ice phase not even one full burst that is actually really impressive let's see how the pyro phase does though pretty much ready to go i guess oh wait ito's burst i'm not sure exactly how to get that faster it could just be a matter of energy recharge or uh whatever it's not that slow honestly it's just i guess i should have been trying to get it during the ice phase there but uh all right here we go i suppose let's just hope she doesn't move like she just did oh well no bini boost for us let's see what he can do without starting with the charge attacks there still some very nice solid damage why does the final one never crit and here we go some more charge attacks please crit this it didn't again i swear i swear he has 75 crit rate 76 even i guess if it's not a hundred percent it's not a hundred percent pyro ito let's go although that's like the worst boss to do that on yeah i didn't bother using another burst because she was already almost dead let's see what we get here gladiators intoxication very pog uh not actually pog at all and nothing else it looks like but all right can also go ahead and try rock frog and then i think we're gonna wrap it up with a child run thankfully no geo resistance this week all right let's see if we can get him into the next phase here uh yeah that actually should work out i'm not sure why he went into uh cryo so early he sells like half of his hp i was gonna do like the tail test i think the only one that that can really uh get him down to zero hp before he comes back up is my uh very chunky hutao uh but i guess we'll try it here anyway i mean he is doing still quite a bit of damage yeah he's already coming back up we didn't have anyone's burst ready so that was a big issue as well we can still continue to do some damage though since he's still in burst mode all right there that goes yeah it wasn't the smoothest rock frog ever but uh we got through it without too many problems gladiators nostalgia i could be worse um got three pieces i don't know if i even need these anymore but okay all right here we go on child i guess we forgot to get benny burst obviously there goes child without like he is so squishy it's crazy yeah i really need to find a way to get ito his burst a little quicker uh if you have any suggestions in the comments i am definitely free to hear them but that seems to be the main issue i have with him right now when he gets his burst he is a freaking monster but outside of his burst not so much he reminds me quite a bit of shogun actually the more i play with him i mean he still can do decent damage outside of burst with his basic attacks his physical basic attacks here you know it's not horrible but it's definitely nothing compared to his burst uh here we go speaking of which didn't really get benny again but it doesn't seem to matter that much honestly there was a 50k ending strike there any prototypes any of these crystals these dream solvents uh yes in fact we did get one i would have forgotten what they were called without having gotten one in the death goblet you know it's kind of cool in the meantime although only on that one set basically uh but yeah okay i think that will pretty much do it for the god mode went through all levels of abyss did some weekly bosses went over his build and stats all the good stuff if you have any questions or remarks or whatever drop them in the comments uh final thoughts for me he is still very much a beast as i exclaimed in my in my initial raising video uh he is just doing more damage than he did before yeah once again any thoughts drop in the comments down below leaving a like or subscribing to the channel if you enjoyed he's always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 584,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, itto, itto build, itto gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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