Genesis 1:1 The Hebrew Aleph Bet

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easily welcome back to part 2 of Genesis 1:1 in the beginning the first part we covered time space and matter and we introduced the most famous if not the most profound seven words ever which is Genesis 1:1 or is very sheet 1:1 and we'll go over them here Bereshit bara Elohim it Hashem I am but how audits now before we get into some of the nuts and bolts of this and all that God is hidden in there I want to introduce you just to a some very basic Hebrew alphabet and don't worry about the word Vermont Rios it's another level of jazz's one one will get to soon but there's 22 letters in their alphabet and we're going to talk about a few of them we olive is the first bet we've already talked about bet in fact we get the word the alphabet comes from the Olive bet the first two letters of Hebrew given was the third we've already talked about evolved and remember the sixth word there it's but the vog it looks like a nail it's the Hebrew word for nail and it means is nail and it's nails connect and we talked about the mem if it ends in M it's plural three or more and we've talked about the Lamb ed it's the tallest of the Hebrew letters and two others we want to introduce today is the resh and the tall we did talk about the taw it's the last of the Hebrew letters so there there are 22 letters Jesus is your what is your name begin with oh yes the hood there's the hood I really this the smallest letter it's not an apostrophe it's a very small letter when Jesus said in the New Testament said don't change so much as a jot tittle he didn't say jot he said a good don't even change the smallest letter because it will affect everything as you will see so let's look at the Hebrew alphabet just of the first three very easy sort of the ABC here here's the olive and in Hebrew each Hebrew letter has a picture associated with it historically or ancient times okay so the LF it was originally its shape was the head of an ox and you can see the snout and you have two ears and two horns this is an olive it's this and it represents the strength okay followed by a debate and here's the ancient picture of a bait a bait is it looks like a tent and the word bait and the letter bait it represents a house you've probably heard of it you have heard of it here you know this is in Hebrew this luckam bread and if you have bait lesson that's Bethlehem anyone here born in Bethlehem yes I am Yahweh y'all ways that he was anyway so Beit is a tent or a house gimel is it looks like a man walking away from the house to do good deeds and that's ancient picture it was it could be a man walking it could be also a camel the the Hebrew word for camel was Jamal it's in its the long neck and there are some parallels there we're not going to cover them all today or gimel but you can see like on the debate if we spin this that's where we get our letter B right and the same with the olive if the olive if you spin that in your head you can see that it's really be the letter A okay but it's originally just a head of an ox but it represents the strength remember that now here's a little another little board here that gives you an example of this here you have this mush right here is a Hebrew word olive bait is pronounced ABBA it's the word well let's let's figure out what it means it's that this is the strength because it's the Allah fits the head it's the all head of the Ox the strength and a bait is a house or a tent so the strength of the tent that's an Abba that's the father and that's the word in mark Jesus is praying and he says Abba Father please ask me about letting the cup pass so we see there's a word there interesting this much is a word the first the two middle the debate and the rush and we haven't talked about a rest yet but it's ancient picture is a head here a head looking in this direction Hebrew goes in this direction so the letters go in that direction so if that's the ancient picture of a rash is a picture of a head imagine turning that head around looking the other direction putting legs on it and you have the letter R that we currently use think of rash as head you hear it in in the rosh hashanah that's there that's the new year or since it's Rosh Hashanah its head of the year Rosh head okay so if we know rush is head then we have a word right here there's two middle ones of bait and a rush bait rash comes out to be bar and you've heard the word bar before in bar mitzvah and what is a bar well it is the head of the tent or head of the house and that would be the son mmm very clever he's got the father here he's got the Sun here we already learned the mem if it ends in M that means three or more we've already talked about that so here you have Abram this is before God changed his name but it's Abram AB that's father of sons many and that's was his promise that God made him but we're getting ahead of ourselves but you can see how all this ties together so beautifully so if we held it Genesis 1:1 we see it starts out Bereshit it's a bait a rush and an olive and then the second word is also a bait a rush and an olive well we know bait rush that much alone is bar that son and then there's olive olive his God so you have son of God and in the second word you have bait rash son of God he starts out the Bible saying son of God son of God and he starts with a bait why doesn't he start with olive if God that that's God's that's his letter the olive but he doesn't start his Bible with an olive he starts it with a bait and bait also is used as a an abbreviation to mean son you've heard it in the first president of Israel was David ben-gurion they would abbreviate been as with a bait so he starts out with a bait he's pointing to the son he says son of God son of God and he starts out with the bait if you look at the baked notice it's closed to infinity past life is an infinity past now things start it's also closed to things above heaven it's also closed to things below the earth we are to go that way it's open to infinity that way very very clever of all the minutia that God puts every letter how all going to fit in all these words like olive bait meaning ABBA the strength of the tent all Hebrew words do this it's unbelievably cool just it had to be written by some some someone outside of our time and space it just had to be anyway we'll see you back here in part three in just a moment let's recap first okay what a relief I don't my pens drying out see you soon
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Keywords: +Genesis, 1:1, +Dutch, Uncle, +Bereshit, +Big, Bang, +In, the, beginning
Id: HR3frupmwxw
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Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2012
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