Katie Souza Interpreting Dreams & Visions for the Soul

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hi everybody it's Katie Souza was expected in ministries and it's another live webstream I love these these are my moments to share with you what's on my heart and I love it because we do like not only teaching but activations and prayers and decrees and people have been getting miracles while watching these web streams so it's been really super fun so I'm glad you tuned in and and you should tell your friends to watch the replay because they can go to our YouTube channel and watch the replays of all of our web streams including this one okay before we get started I want to let you know about August 19th and 20th that's coming up here we're going to be doing a full conference in Chicago at the Chicago Hilton two days of teaching about the serpent and the soul I know you guys have probably heard a little bit about that revelation but I'm telling you what it has grown exponentially and I've seen amazing miracles okay I had a lady in Atlanta Georgia when she got delivered of a demonic serpent because jesus said in Luke 10 that we can trample on serpents and scorpions and nothing shall in any wise harm us when she like took ahold of that Scripture and listened to the teaching that I presented she was healed of stage four breast cancer she had a walnut sized tumor in her breast and it completely and instantly disappeared during the meeting it was terrific oK we've been seeing tons of miracles I removed a snake from the finances of the ministry and two weeks later we received $100,000 donation oh my gosh okay this stuff is crazy and it really works and I'm going to be doing four sessions on just this topic in Chicago August 19th and 20th at the Chicago Hilton you need to come it's going to be super fun we're going to be having worship and I'm going to be doing all kinds of teaching and we're going to do healing activations in every single session so you're going to have amazing time and plenty of time to get healed and delivered of stuff you didn't even know that you had amen okay awesome tonight we're going to talk about dreams and visions okay now you know my main theme is wounded soul the wounds in the soul that come from sin and trauma in our life the traumas we've lived through the trying circumstances the situations the sins we've committed and sins that people have done against us and even our ancestors sins okay all that stuff wounds the inner man because our inner man is not made perfect when we're born again and then the stuff we live through actually leaves wounds and scars inside of us now when that happens oh it can affect everything it can affect the way you think the way you talk the way your emotions are feeling whether or not you're in balanced motions or not I mean we have to get healed of these wounds in our soul because they're controlling our soul they're making us act up they're making us be upset they're making us anxious and they're allowing demonic spirits to afflict us okay like the woman bowed over with the spirit of infirmity remember what it was at 18 years bowed over oh my gosh right what happened how did she get bound over by a spirit of infirmity it was a demon that was doing it bending her back her spine over well it was a specific kind of demon it said it was a spirit of infirmity well that were infer me means infirmity of the body but it also means this in the Greek infirmity and weakness of the soul see that woman had some uh Neil area in the soul and it was allowing a demon to attack her see we got to get healed of this stuff so that these spirits can no longer assault us and believe me they're assaulting us in every area of our lives okay our minds our emotions our finances our ministries our businesses our children our marriages everywhere oh we need your soul healed oh there it is okay you are going to have major major breakthroughs I've had countless miracles countless miracles because I've gotten my soul healed now here's the thing when I talk about this to people they go okay that's great but I know what these wounds are in my soul where do they come from what are they connected to what do they look like well many times God will actually show you specifically what it is you're dealing with to a dream or a vision right let me prove it to in Scripture okay this is from job 33 listen to this is says for God does speak now one way now another the men may not perceive it in a dream in a vision of the night when deep sleep falls upon men as a slumber in their beds he may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings to turn men from wrongdoing to keep now this without see he's speaking to you dreams of visions the night way sleep to do what to turn you from wrongdoing to keep you from pride and to preserve your soul from the pit and your life from perishing by the sword did you hear that wow that's really cool ok right there it's saying that God will give you dreams of visions he wants to give you dreams and visions ok why so that you can you could turn you away from wrongdoing turn you away from the path that you might be on that can destroy you that can ship wreck you to keep you from pride because well you know after pride is the fall ok and to preserve your soul from the pit and keeping from perishing from the sword wow that's interesting that that that dreams and visions according to this preserve your soul from going to the pit remember how he just talked about demons get their right to attack you from what's in your soul I mean that one demon was bending that woman's spine over for quinta almost two decades because of what was in her soul see but see God will give you a dream and a vision to preserve your soul from going to the pit where demons live ok so God wants to speak to you and show you what's in your soul so that you can get a healed and then the demonic spirits won't be able to attack you anymore and also it says to keep you from perishing by the sword see the enemies is out to steal kill and destroy he wants to take your life he wants to take your life with sickness and disease and many times the way he does that is by using what's in your soul an opening in your soul wounded air in your soul to be able to salt you to give you disease or affliction to cause you to perish by the sword but God will show you through a dream how that sickness came upon you what's in your soul that's allowing that sickness to try to take your life injure you hurt you afflict you torment you okay so dreams and visions are like super important for everyone in the body to move in and people some people say well I don't dream and you know that's not really my gift you know what I think God wants to give it to everyone everyone and if I were you and you don't dream you can press in for your ability to dream for a breakthrough and we're going to talk about that and I'm even going to pray that prayer over you at the end of this broadcast okay that you'll start dreaming and that you will have a breakthrough in that area if you haven't been dreaming before or if you've been stopped down temporarily by the enemy and I'm telling you what I prayed this prayer oh my gosh so many times in so many meetings and people report back that Wow I started dreaming after that prayer so we're gonna do that at the end so hang on for that but let's go into more of this so you can build your faith to receive it and understand why God wants to tell it to you okay you know it's it's really fun for me I love dreams and visions because it's this like mystery game that God plays with me okay like it's a mystery game that God plays with me you know God speaks and these weird symbols right he will he uses symbolic language to talk in dreams and then it's up to us to kind of like unwind what he's trying to say you know it's really weird you'll have a really weird dream about dogs floating in the sky or no eating spaghetti with a knife or something like very strange and you'll think that stuff doesn't make any sense at all what is you know what is God trying to do why can't he just tell me straight out what the problem is or what is going on well the Bible says that it is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to unwind it you see God loves concealing stuff not to hide it from us or to keep it from us but to actually like draw us closer to him that's why he speaks in these symbol in these signs instead of just telling us straight out this is what your problem is see when he does that it makes us have to run after him and and dig and look and like look up what that symbol means in the dictionary or in the Bible and see exactly you know what does it mean here in this scripture what does it mean there in the scripture and how does it you know how does it apply to me and what's the Holy Spirit saying to me right now as I read all this stuff you see the more we do that it's more like we're on it Easter egg hunt you know when you're a parent you understand that you you hide Easter eggs right not to keep them from your children but to create this game to create this fun adventure to create this this you know joyful moment when that children are playing with the parents and the parents are joyfully standing there watching while you're searching for the egg you know that's how father God is right it's like Christmastime with presents you know God wraps a truth inside this beautiful wrapping paper with a bow and he presents it to you and you know it when you're a child and your parents do that and they put that peasant under the tree you pick it up and you shake it you feel around the edges you listen to the sound how heavy is it you're you're making all these guesses you're you're estimating what could be inside that box right well that's what father God is doing with us with these dreams and visions and instead of him just coming straight out and telling us oh it is this he's talking in symbolic language in our dreams so that will like shake the box and see how heavy it is and chattin like well maybe it's maybe it's that and an unwrap it you know slowly and then open it up and I'll big surprise it's it's the thing we always wanted and have been asking for okay and he delights in that process and we need to delight in that process too we need to learn how to steward our dreams and our visions we need to learn how to steward them correctly when you get something in the night even if it makes absolutely no sense which I'm telling you 90% of the time when you first get it it won't it'll be like what was that crazy dream I mean what was that one time I was dreaming about hot dogs skiing down a mountain slope and I woke it on wet excuse me God will the craziest ever craziness never end now you're having me dreaming about hot dogs skiing down a snowy mountain what does that mean but when I looked it up I realized that something majored happened in my life okay the mountains Aruba bail-ins Aruba Belfort aux about how that when they were building the temple that they came up against the mountain of human obstacles so that mountain is all the stuff in here in our soul that prevents us becomes an obstacle to us building our temple to us building our businesses just building our ministries right so God was saying there's a mountain in your life and it's been an obstacle to me and I need to get it out of the way and I'm like okay so the mountain is talking about my soul my problems my issues but what about the snow what about hot dogs what does all that mean and then I looked up the word snow and there's so many scriptures about the snow and the hail are used for the times of war and battle that's in job and how God used the hail to punish the demonic gods of Egypt in one of the plagues of Egypt and so I'm saying okay wow so there's a mountain of my soul all the stuff that's in God's way it's covered with snow and God uses the snow in the times of war and battle so God is making war and battle against the mountain of my soul and all the demons and all the you know the enemies that were attached to it and then there was hot dogs skiing down this mountain I'm like what about hot dogs I mean come on god that's like seriously hot dogs but I looked it up and a hot dog it's not just the hot dog that you eat but it can also be a word you used to describe like a really excellent sports person especially it said this was the dictionary now especially one that is like an expert skier an expert skier is in skiing down oh my gosh a snowy mountain okay so was like guys saying okay you've been working on these problems and now you finally reach the breaking point I brought you deliverance of those mountain of issues in your soul I covered your mountain of soul problems with my snow I'm doing war in battle and you're skiing down that thing like a hot dog showing up you're getting deliverance you getting breakthrough you have been freed and I'm telling you what I woke up that morning and I felt like a different person and that dream and when I looked it up I stewarded it by looking up the words in the Bible and finding it as Rubel about the mountain looking at the words in the dictionary and finding out what hot dog means looking up the words snow and finding out that God uses it for the times of war in battle and I was like wow no wonder I feel terrific because I got delivered of that problem I've been dealing with it was like this confirmation to me you got a kid you've been praying you've been soaking your soul you've been going for and you got it you meant so we need to really we need to steward our dreams but don't let anything go to waste even if it seems so ridiculous you know like hot dogs and stuff it's like don't let that make you discouraged and go home that dream didn't make sense at all I'm not even gonna bother looking it up no take time the god of the universe your Papa daddy is speaking to you in the night like it doesn't job so that your soul won't go to the pit so that you will not perish by the sword so that you will not go in the wrong way okay and he's trying to give you a message and if you'll just take the time to figure out what that message is by looking up the words that you see in the Bible or looking them up in the dictionary then you'll figure out what God is trying to tell you amen and it will confirm stuff to you and it will raise your faith I mean to me it raised my faith just that one silly hotdog dream raised my faith to know that the way I do soul healing which I've taught many times on these broadcasts and if you haven't seen it you should go check it out in other broadcasts that the way I the processes that God showed me that are in the Bible actually work and it was like it made me it spur me on more to go oh man I can get the next problem then and the next problem I got this one this is a big mountain of stuff in my soul I can get the next one and the next one in the next one and then I was even given so much faith through that dream that's simple but silly dream that I can help other people because I was like wow it worked for me and you know what it can work for other people too so it was really cool so you know I always say people say well you know can you recommend a good prophetic dictionary I am NOT saying anything bad about any of those choices but here's the problem I find I like to use the universal translators and that's the Bible and the dictionary okay you can look them up in the Bible look up words in the dictionary and there are universal translators a lot of the prophetic dictionaries are very good but many of them have different meanings for different stuff so you look over here in this one and a hot dog might mean one thing but you look over here on this one will mean another so it's kind of like there's a little bit of inconsistency there unless you found a dream interpreter that teaches that you trust and you think that you're connecting with them and that they're their particular prophetic guide is helping you then I would stick with the universal interpretation tools and that is the Bible and the dictionary okay it is so cool how God solves problems you know and gives you answers through your dreams and visions I can mean I can remember back in 2008 this is a simple but fun story um it was when the economy crashed and at the time you know the ministry hadn't really taken off it was just starting my husband you know he had a big business and it crashed overnight I was unemployed because I was working for the ministry free for volunteer for like a few years at that point and we were broke okay we were like oh my gosh what are we gonna do we have this house we gotta pay low payments the car all this stuff and God gives me a dream that night and I dreamt that I was walking down this road and I got to a well-stocked farmhouse it had just everything in it but the one thing I noticed the most was this prescription bottle sitting on the counter okay and I I went over to and I picked it up and had a friend's name on it that we hadn't talked to for years and years okay so I wake up and I go what does that mean I'm in a well-stocked farmhouse he goes yes that's what you need right now right well-stocked farmhouse I'm like yes it is and like what else he goes go ahead do what I taught you look up the words so I looked up the word prescription for the prescription bottle and a prescription means a remedy to fix a disease or lack or a problem and so I was like oh wow okay so you're saying I need to be in this well-stocked farmhouse and you're going to give me the remedy for that problem that the prescription for my problem and part of that is what the the name of my friend on this bottle and he's like yeah okay and I'm like wow that's kind of weird we haven't talked to him forever what am I supposed to do my supposed to call him and you know what do I say and you know I just stepped out in faith I said all right I'm gonna believe right so I actually looked through my phone and found his number I couldn't believe it and we called him my husband and I and we talked to him and you know we just like shooting the breeze and saying stuff like what he been doing and he said well you know I haven't been working on like and we were like yeah we haven't either you know economy's crashed and we're unemployed too and then my husband says to him well what did you do how are you making it he goes well I applied for an employment and then my husband said well you know I I did too but they never answered me and he goes well what you didn't get the card my husband goes the card what are you talking about my husband I never applied for unemployment before and you know we'd been prison for a long time so we really didn't know all the processes and so our friend says well you know when you when you apply for unemployment now and you get it they don't even answer you they just send you a card and my husband goes our cards like what he goes what looks like a credit card and then you go and you put the card in the bank and it gives you your monthly your monthly um check and my husband goes looks like a credit card he goes yeah he goes oh my gosh dude I'll call you right back King Isabel right he goes running over to the counter where there's a stack of junk mail you know how people send you like credit cards that really hurt credit cards are just like yeah sign up for our card but they put it a hard fake card inside the envelope I mean there was all kinds of those kinds of things and everything in this pile of junk mail that my husband was one day gonna shred and throw away and in it was a letter from the unemployment department with a card in it that had a thousand dollars a month on the card it had been sitting there for three it had been sitting there for three months we had the answer to our problem in the house the whole time we had an unemployment that we used temporarily for like six months until we got got jobs it but it was there we didn't even know my husband was going to throw it away but because God gave me a dream and because I took time to look up the words in the dream and to unpack the dream and then to step on him faith and take action on the dream by calling our friend even though we hadn't talked to him for years and was kind of like weird oh hey dude how are you Oh doctor in years had a dream you know but because we did that we found out that we had the pod had already provided us with the provision we needed okay so you need to really press in to get dreams and visions because I bet everybody watching right now has an issue you have a problem you have like a child that's wayward or a sickness that you've been battling and you can't get rid of it or you've got financial difficulties and you you've tried everything you don't know what to do you don't know how to break through or you have a situation at work and you and you don't know how to deal with it you've done everything you could think to do to fix it and nothing happens you everybody I'm I'm betting everybody has a problem like that or maybe even multiple problems but see God is so good he loves us so much he wants to listen to me he wants to tell you the answer to your problem he does that's why it doesn't job that God speaks and he speaks in a dream and he speaks in a vision so that you will be turned away from wrongdoing you it will keep you from pride to preserve your soul from the pit and to keep your life from perishing by the sword he wants to tell you and so you can position yourself for these kinds of encounters you know before I go to bed I like to just say some simple decrees I'll do stuff like okay you know I believe tonight then I'm going to have what job 33 says I'm going to have that you're going to speak to me in a dream and a vision and says that he opens their ears and seals in his instruction I'll say that I'll say that out loud I'll just create I'll say Lord tonight you're going to open my ears and seal in your instruction in a dream through a dream and a vision I'll make that decree then I'll make a decree like okay and I cover this house with the blood of Jesus I cover every opening with the blood I use the blood to break every curse the enemy would put upon me and I use the blood against every demonic power that would try to torment me tonight and try to block me from getting a dream or vision from God so I'll make like a decree like that then I'll even like read Psalm 91 over myself I remember one time the Lord quickened me one night said read Psalm 91 because the enemy is going to try to attack you tonight and stop me from visiting you and I did I read Psalm 91 I'm under the shelter of the most time to the shadow of his wings no plague she'll come near my dwelling no pestilence at night no darkness the angel the angels are here to guide me in and pick me up Leeside strike my foot against a stone and I just read that and I played it and a spirit actually walked in my room and tried to attack me and had to turn around and leave I had to turn around leave and then I had a visitation when the Lord after that you see so I'll do decrees like that to set myself up and position myself to receive a revelation an answer to my problem through a dream or a vision that night amen and I get it every time you know it's so fun how God does that okay sometimes I've had seasons of dryness or seasons of torment but I'll just keep on pressing through it I remember one time I had a season of enemy torment for a while so I just kept wondering Psalms 91 and I kept on taking communion before I went to bed and after a while it broke it completely broke so if you're in a season of torment right now do what I just said make decrees decree the Bloods over every opening that the enemy would use to attack you it's breaking every curse release Psalm 91 or your household command the angels to come and lift you up leash you strike your foot against a stone and take communion and do that every night until it breaks because it will break the enemy has to bow the enemy has to bow and then the revelation can come flooding in amen revelation can come flooding flooding in I love dreams of visions too because a lot of times something will be happening and it's a combination of stuff that's going on that you would never guess and shouldn't guess with your own limited wisdom okay it's really cool I'll give you an example okay like in the beginning of the ministry I went and did a meeting in Washington in a rehab facility that had a lot of X coke addicts that were there getting rehab okay on the way to the meeting I was getting assaulted I mean I had a headache a backache I felt resistance in the spirit I felt like a choking on my throat and everybody's in the car playing praying like crazy and we get there and everyone's praying praying praying even while I go to the pulpit and preach and it was a really good message right but I got assaulted and the next day woke up I had the worst sore throat I had like the shakes I felt really bad and I had to preach like three sessions that day and there were long ones I was prophesying over people and oh by the end of the day I was like oh my god terrible I don't think I can go out and preach again tomorrow what do I do God and I said I did what I've been telling you to do I said you know what I just I know dome 33 says you speak in a dream and envision you open my ear you seal your instruction to my ear that you're going to make sure my soul is not going to the pit and then I don't perish by the sword and I put my faith in that I made decrees and I went to bed and I had a dream I had a dream that I was had big piles of coke and I was selling it and just to let you know on the streets of course I did coke okay and I sold coke alright so then in the stream then this is where it gets strange and God's so you know how he does this does that strange stuff so you'll dig in and you know glory of God to the school to conceal matter and it's our glory to to unwind it to unwrap it okay so I'm cutting this I have this big pile coke I'm selling it and I'm cutting it with xylitol which is a natural sweetener then that dope dealers used to cut their coke and make it stretch so they can make more money I'm cutting it was a little and peanut butter huh and and I'm doing this while all while I'm standing at this French door and I'm like I woke up from that dream I'm still in pain still having an attack and I'm like okay God another one of them crew their dreams well part of it was easy to figure out I knew I just gone to the rehab center where a bunch of ex coke addicts were trying to be rehabbed and I myself had once done coke and been a dope dealer and sold coke so I thought okay you know this was in the beginning of my ministry I'm just starting to get soul healing I'm like oh that's a duh obvious one obviously I had wounded my soul by doing the coke and selling the coke and that caused me to have something in me that was in common with that meeting and the demonic powers could come and assault me and attack me and give me a sore throat and a headache and resist and everything else so I said okay so the first thing I need to do is get soul healing but what's the rest of stuff in this dream and what does it mean so the Lord says okay unpack it so like okay I cut the coke with xylitol which is a sweetener and peanut butter and he goes what does peanut butter mean to you and I said well peanut butter to me see a lot of times it's a dream it's the word God uses in the dream is what it means to you not maybe somebody else to somebody else it would mean something else but he's talking specifically to you in the dream I go to me it means protein protein source the protein he goes yeah because what are you doing right now and I thought about it and I thought at that moment I was on a 21-day vegetable fast and I thought oh are you saying that my immune system is weakened because I have not had enough protein and he goes yes he goes you were cutting the coke with xylitol which is a sweetener and peanut butter I want you to sweeten your vegetable fast with a little protein your immune system is down and so this isn't just a spiritual battle as far as it being in your soul your physical body needs ministry too I was like oh that makes sense I'm like okay what about that French door that was next to me now let me see if I can find it so unlike a French Court what does that mean well look up the word look up the word right so I went in the Bible and looked up French door and it wasn't there and I kept on digging and found out that in in the Bible a French door is called a lattice a lattice okay so I was like oh and this is what the lastt means listen and opening through which cool air is admitted okay so I was standing next to the French door it means an opening that cool door is admitted and it just so happened that the the room I was staying at during that whole visit had a French door on it and it was freezing cold and I would have to do the blankets like this every night it was winter and it was making my throat worse in order was saying you got too much cold see oh my gosh he was saying you got too much cold air in and it's making your throat even more aggravated and sore so you see do you see what happened there in that dream God told me all kinds of different stuff in one dream so it wasn't just like oh it's just a demon no it's your soul and it has a demon on it from that cocaine use okay you are on a vegetable diet and it's lowered your immune system so you need to sweeten that guy with little protein and you need to go get a heater turn the heat on because you're letting all this cool air coming in it's making it work so that night that day I ate protein I went to a Walmart bought a heater turned it on next to my bed and the next end and I worked on my soul i repented for the coke use for selling the coke and everything else and I commanded my soul to become excellent and you know what the next day I was perfectly healed and fine but see that dream did to me it gave me specific instruction so I didn't have to guess what to do God wants to give you specific instruction even stuff in the natural he wants to tell you I mean I remember once I didn't even realize it that I had a severe case of skirt viii scurvy is severe vitamin C deficiency and I didn't even know it and God kept giving me these visions of me drinking a glass of orange juice and I'm like finally I was like okay I've seen that for like two or three times now God what are you trying to tell me and he said the word scurvy to me so now believe it or not yes I know this sounds ridiculous but I didn't know what scurvy meant at that time because I've been on the streets you know you know you know words like that I looked it up and it said someone who has a severe vitamin C deficiency I'm like no wonder hello that you told me to drink that vitamin C okay see oh my gosh you guys happen to this thing your answers hmm I'm waiting for you in the night they are the answer to any problem like you might have an iron deficiency right now and not even know it in your body I had that I had a time but like three years four years back when I was bleeding like a stuck pig during my monthly I'm just letting you know don't turn down the don't shut off the phlegm stream I'm just being transparent here and it was really bad I mean I was having black circles on the miles was crazy one day I wake up and I see a vision I mean eating a bowl of cream of wheat and I'm like why you showing me eating me a bowl of cream of wheat God and he goes look it up so I go on the cream of wheat website and this picture comes up cream of wheat fortified with iron and I'm like iron and the Lord says these words to me mine you have anemia and I was like what's anemia I look it up iron deficiency from excessive bleeding I was like oh oh my gosh I love you Jesus Holy Spirit you rock this is incredible I mean it's like mm-hmm I hope you guys are getting from saying again what I'm saying okay guys the answers to your problems are in the dreams and visions in the night okay all right you need to start positioning yourself every night with these decrees you need to start believing God's going to talk to you you need to start believing God's gonna give you answers to problems you didn't even know you had I didn't know I had a new yeah I hope yours come here come here oh it's the baby dog how'd you chew hi he came to visit during the preach he wants his dream and vision tonight too yes that's so you can kick and growl while you're sleeping car run you know how dogs run when they're sleeping because they're chasing rabbits and things like that okay now I'm gonna let you down I'm gonna hand you over to Heidi that's what I'm gonna do there you go bye bye bye bye bye okay isn't it cute it's Luke Luke Luke okay so are you with me and what I'm saying okay terrific you know and here's the thing now hey let's talk about this a little bit more okay so God speaks in symbols right and I think it's important that we use those Universal translators I talked about like the Bible and the dictionary instead of maybe a prophetic dictionary and I'm not saying I'm against anybody's prophetic dictionary but because the universal translators are better because God will give a symbol to you and you might look it up in the dictionary you'll be 15 meetings meanings of that one word and you'll be like oh God so what do you do right okay you read it through and as you do you let the Holy Spirit point it out to you which one is for you sometimes all even because you know that the meanings are numbered a lot of times in the dictionary I'll live and go which number is a God and he'll tell me and I'll go look and as soon as I read it I get a witness but it's the main thing is for you to stay in contact with the Holy Spirit while you're unpacking listening very careful you know how you know the Bible to have a kick talks about write down the vision so a messenger can run with it okay we are to write down a we need a journal the dreams and visions God are giving to us and then the meanings of the words were finding or you know do it electronically or whatever because what happens is as you write down the vision as Habakkuk is instructing us to do what happens is this is the Holy Spirit begins to interject you can speak to as you're writing it down I mean I'll be writing down something then I saw the and I'll be writing it down and he'll speak a scripture into my mind or another word and it will connect me to the next piece in that revelation or I'll be writing down okay and I got this meaning and you'll say look up meaning number 12 and I look it up and I'm like I just then I'll write it down I just heard God say look up meaning number 12 in the dictionary of this word and it means this and boy does that make sense see Holy Spirit will guide you through the process of unpacking your dream while you're doing it but you actually have to do it I notice that if I'm just like I get up and I go and I think about the dream and then whatever I don't get like that interaction with the Holy Spirit it happens when I take time to sit down and log it okay I dreamt about this and this is what I saw and as I'm writing it out as I'm doing what Habakkuk says then the Holy Spirit's doing the interaction he's bringing more revelation he's bringing more insight he's giving me words that you know I won't even know what they mean I'll look him up and they'll be about what was in the dream and you know and what that does for me is it brings total clarity it gets me from this wide well it could mean this - it means this where I know exactly what it means and exactly what to do I remember I was ministering to a woman who had this is a very difficult situation she had been molested like fiercely as a child and as a result she was very angry and bitter about it and you know it's hard to minister to people like that because they have been victimized horribly horribly inexcusably okay but then what happens is what happened to them is wounded their soul so much that it that sometimes people will let themselves get bitter and this is what this woman had she let herself get better and angry and when we went to go minister to her I didn't know what to do first right it's like you know can you make somebody repent when they're bitter and angry and they don't want her a pen I mean what do you do so I prayed for her to receive a vision so that she see whence people get it themselves and they want to do it okay so I just like I prayed God to show her what it means and show her what we need to do to stop this attack because she was oh and I forgot to add this because of this she was cutting fiercely she had razor mercs all down her arms blood on the sheets it was terrible okay so I'm praying for her to receive a vision and God shows her a vision he she says I just saw my heart and it was black and full of worms and I'm like okay I wonder what worms means in the Bible let's look it up I already knew but I was you know trying to be gentle so I looked up the word worm because I didn't want because she wasn't going to receive at her stage she wasn't gonna receive hey you need to repent for your sin of being offended and bitter and then you're gonna because whenever I'd said that before she'd be like I'm the one that got molested I'm the victim here I'm the one you know and I I agree with that all that but she was letting that prevent her from getting healed so I look up worms and it says this listen I hope I can find it it says mark 9 where the worm dieth not and is a symbol of the wounds inflicted on the man himself by his sin she was saying what worms are symbols God speaks in symbols and dreams and visions of sins that wound our soul gosh see she had had people sinned against her and it wounded her soul but now she was sinning her heart was black and full of worms and those sins were wounding her soul and then those ones were driving her to cut and cut and cut and be even more angry so I said wow I read that too and I said Wow worms represent sin that can wound us and she goes wow they go yeah I think if you ask God to just you know forgive you then he will and it'll go away and she did now she wanted to he has gotta chill to this dream and we looked up the symbols in the dream in the Bible found a scripture and now she understood it and she believed God over me you Jesus okay I've been telling her to do it for weeks but when God told her and she understood it because of the vision oh my gosh she grabbed ahold of it okay and then she repented and then I really sealing on her soul and you know what she said I just saw it I saw I was all tattered and a mess and in a torn-up dress and got threw me in the bathtub and scrubbed me up and I came out wearing this bright white clean fluffy beautiful dress and I feel the oppression of that spirit leaving me and she stopped cutting see that oh it's soap I love dreams of visions it's they're so cool okay they're are so cool and they'll clarify and show us what to do see I went there and I was stuck I didn't know what to do anymore I'd already tried to ask her to repent and to lean into the cross she wouldn't receive it and so I said God you give her vision or a dream and then I'll help her in the packet and that's what happened and it worked so oh my gosh if you don't know what to do you do know what to do ask God to tell you what to do through a dream in a vision tonight or wherever you may be and like I said if you're not a dreamer it's no big deal you can position yourself to break through that resistance and get dreams and visions okay so now let me do a time check Amy I have 20 minutes okay okay so I could keep on teaching but let's hear what the chat has to say the look it up thing okay yeah okay um you know what you're gonna honestly you're going to find everything you need in the Bible or the dictionary I I can't tell you how many times God has answered questions like that for me I can remember when I was in prison and I had the strangest dream I dreamt I was I had just gotten sentenced 151 months in prison okay and it was the beginning of my sentence and I was following God and really believing he was going to do a miracle and this dream came right after a head come out of court 151 months is like almost 13 years it's like 12 and a half years okay I had this dream I went to the casino now on the streets oh my gosh I was in the casino all the time I was a gambling addict so the dream about being in a casino was totally like normal but I went up to this machine and I had these strange-looking odd shaped tokens and I had two of them and I put two into the machine and then I reached my hand in my pocket and it was a quarter in there and I took it out and as I did it flung away from my hand I had to kind of go get it bring it back and when I put in the machine I won 151 coins which is the exact amount that I was sentenced to so welcome I said oh my gosh what does that mean and the Lord says look up look up where they say look up the story of the baker and the and the wine maker so I went to where Pharaoh has the dream you know Pharaoh has his Baker and his wine server and they've been thrown into prison because they stole something of his and you know they did something against him so he threw him into prison and Joseph was there and they both have dreams they both have dreams and in each one of their dreams is slightly different but they actually kind of represented the same type of thing the winemaker has dreams that he's got all these great bunches of grapes and Vine City in a basket he takes them and he squeezes the grapes into a company gives he's got three clusters of grapes three clusters of grapes he takes and he squeezed one of them in no company gives it to Pharaoh Pharaoh drinks said okay and then the Baker has a dream that he's got three baskets sitting on top of his head with all kinds of baked goods but all the birds were coming and eating the baked goods off the top of his head so they both tell these dreams to Joseph both had a dream with three different types of symbols the wine maker three grape clusters the baker three baskets of goodies and so a Joseph gets the interpretation he says to the wine maker hey in three days because those three wine grape clusters represent their symbolic and they represent amounts of time in three days Pharaoh is going to lift your head up and restore you back to your position and you will hand him his cup again then the baker says well what are my three baskets on the top of my head mean he goes well the three baskets are also three days but the birds came down to eat the bread out of your baskets off the top of your head it means in three days Pharaoh is going to cut your head off and you're going to die okay so as I'm reading this I'm like what are you trying to tell me now here's the part where you interact with the Holy Spirit I'm reading this and I'm saying okay what are you trying to tell me you told me to read this I'm interacting with you now to unpack this dream okay and I'm listening to you and what are you showing me and the Holy Spirit tells me notice how these three these different symbols represented time amounts I said yes he goes that's what the coins in your dream dream meant time amounts they go oh so then I looked at I said well I had two strange coins very odd he goes yes because you've been in this facility that you're in now for two years next month he goes that's going to end then you're going to go away remember I got a quarter on my pocket you're going to go away to prison I took it out remember the quarter and it flew away and you're going to serve a quarter of the entirety of the rest of your time and that's exactly what happened the next month with two years I'd served in that place they took me out of there I went to prison and I served three more years approximately because that was a quarter of my entire sentence so see in my dream those certain things those symbols that God would show me represented time just like the three bunches of grapes represented three days and the three bread baskets represented three days also it's all listen to me it's all about taking time to look up words in the Bible taking time to look up words in the dictionary but interacting with the Holy Spirit while you're unpacking the dream people always ask me how do you get these revelations that you get how do you get these miracles that you get so I've gotten oh my gosh hundreds of personal miracles for myself and I've seen thousands and thousands for other people and you know what part like 70 plus percent is because I dreamt about it and God showed me how to do it showed me how to fix a problem how to heal the time I had breast cancer down to heal the time I got attacked in my ovaries how to heal the times I had chronic bladder and yeast infections God would systematically show me in a dream and the more specific I got by looking up the words looking up the scriptures they were in meditating on the Scriptures decreeing them because you know when you look up the scripture that those words are in there in your dream and you read the whole chapter oh my gosh it's like telling your story that's happening to you right at that moment you'll be like oh my gosh this is exactly what's going on with me you know and and also by tuning into the Holy Spirit being quiet right out your dream type it out and as you do the Holy Spirit will interject words he'll interject words he'll interject scriptures he'll interject statements he'll give you auctions he'll give you feelings I'm supposed to do this now you you okay you need to do this you need to do this the answer to your problem is in this is in this process it's in this process and you know trust you know sometimes you'll you'll ask somebody else what does that mean ask yourself you ask the Holy Spirit you ask the Holy Spirit what does it mean because a lot of times different things will mean different things to different people okay like I'll ask somebody was mean when you dream about a dog they'll say something completely different from what my experience with the Lord is see look at the Baker and look at the example of the baker and the winemaker they both got symbols that represented time but each of them got a different type of symbol one that each one of them could totally like appreciate I mean the wine maker gets grapes okay the baker gets baked goods see God's going to specifically talk to you as an individual and if you're paying attention then you'll be like okay so so-and-so might think this means this but to me and what I see in scripture about that word or the or the dictionary about that word it means this because remember dictionary will have like 15 different different meanings sometimes but one of those meanings is specifically for you at that time okay so you need to tune in with always but I'm going to pray that right now in fact ready just everybody just get quiet lord I ask that everyone watching have a heightened sensitivity to the presence of the Holy Spirit and to his voice as they are pursuing answers to their problems through dreams and visions that you release to them in the night lord I ask that you would give everyone a spirit of faithfulness to sit down and log right out type out their dream or their vision that they would obey what it talks about an advocate write the vision down so a messenger can run with it okay and as they as they take those steps it's like as the priest stepped into the Jordan then the Jordan water stopped flowing as they step into obedience to write down the vision you will run with it you'll begin to interject holy spirit speak more words give more detail so that they can have a laser point accurate specific answer detailed detailed answer to their problem or itechriot I release the mantle I'm caring for unwinding knotty problems and for unwinding dreams and for getting specific detailed instruction and revelation through those dreams in Jesus name I decree and declare it now now receive it just sit there receive it just say I receive that mental say I receive this anointing say I receive wisdom revelation and insight say I receive the ability to discern the voice of the Holy Spirit say I receive your instruction in my ears Lord I receive auctions in my heart and my spirit say I receive words in my mind in Jesus name I I'm I'm like Daniel I'm a captive Daniel's captive Babylon and what it said he had a anointing to solve knotty problems dreams and visions okay I give you that right now I in part listen to me I impart to you what I am carrying I can do that jesus said when he gave the anointing to the disciples he said freely you have received now freely give okay so I would freely receive this anointing to unwind dreams and visions to understand them to get revelation from them to get strategy from them now I freely receive and I freely give it to you receive it with your faith exercise your faith right now pull pull on this impartation right now pull on it right so you can receive this mantle in Jesus name right now I saw the enemy and he is furious he is he's got smoke oh my gosh he looks like a cartoon character coming out of his nose and his ears because he doesn't want you to have this he knows that this is super key to you breaking every strategy has against you I actually saw him right now - oh wait we oh yeah god yes God yes God give it to everyone and make the enemy so mad that he will have to leave them alone we put the blood of Jesus between them and him we break every curse he would bring against them right now we slather i slather their homes right now with the blood of jesus to cover every opening that the enemy would use to try to stop them from receiving the information they need to break his assignment or release angels over them so they'll be under the shadow of the wings under the secret place and the angels will lift up their foot so they will not strike their foot against a stone right now right now I break every curse against them with the blood and I bind the enemy and Jesus name now you can no longer stop them from receiving visitation dreams and visions in the night in Jesus name I decree and declare it now yes and for those of you that forget your dreams in the morning I command that you would remember and that you would remember details you would remember it specifically with clarity and I and I and I encourage you to get up and write down those details right away so that you don't forget and that you'll have the strength to awaken just enough to log them down put a pad and paper by your bed and then you can go back to sleep again in Jesus name I decree it amen amen and amen everybody said amen whew okay Wow I'm telling you yeah somebody's asking about what to do with bad dreams nightmares - exactly what I just did exactly what I just did blood of Jesus on any opening blood of Jesus breaking every curse you're under the shadow Most High God read Psalms 91 of yourself to create believe it and you know say well I've tried that before keep on doing it until it breaks take communion every night before you go to bed and it will break those bad dreams will stops did you take communion you say I will not have another bad dream again I only receive the dreams of the Lord I do not receive any information any torment any assignment from the enemy during the night I sleep and just pound that community and it will break it will break but the game is looking for another question okay so I think I only have a few more minutes so what I'm going to do is I guess there's a quite a few amount of people who are sick okay and are asking for prayer okay uh I can remember I'll just encouraging I remember I was and when I first got out of prison I was sick for eight months with a vertigo like crazy verdict crazy vertigo okay spinning so violently I could barely move my head if I moved it just slightly would spin I couldn't get up a layup or lay back it was terrible I was sick and I went and got a test at the doctor and they found signs of lupus lupus is where disease is a disease that attacks where your body attacks itself because something has gone haywire and then attacks itself so fiercely that eventually your own body turns against you and kills you it's very serious disease okay and I was like what is this God and God gave me a dream he gave me a dream about my father who I at that time I had not seen for 20 years and in this dream there were all these tombstones and so I woke from the dream and I'm like what is that and see I'm interacting on the Holy Spirit I got the dream first I asked God to give me a dream what is causing this loop is I get the dream I wake up I go what is that and he goes it's mark five and he gave me a specific verse like I don't know seven or not but I went on it we talked about the man the the demoniac who dwelt among the tombs in my dream with tombs later on his I unpacked because that's what you do with a dream so you can find out why you're sick okay I look at okay what a tombs mean and it says he dwelled among the tombs well the word dwell means powers that are said to control the soul C Legion was controlling that demoniac man because he had a wound in his soul and it was forcing that man to live among the tombs well the word tombs means a monument set up to remember something you know a tomb is set up to remember person's life or something well that's what happens though when you're wounded in here that wound inside here it becomes a monument set up to cause you to remember the painful event or the thing the trauma that you lived through that wounded you okay so God was telling me the stuff you went through with your dad and you haven't seen it for 20 years has wounded you and now you're like the demoniac you're living among the tombs and those tombs those wounds in your soul allowed Legion to attack you and give you lupus see right there I had my answer I have a deadly disease because I have a wound in my soul and a demon Nick called Legion is causing the disease causing the disease so I went through the soul healing steps and if you I have no time to teach on them now but they're on every other web stream practically that I've taught on go there all right and it gave me the answer and I was healed healed of that lupus okay right now I decree you every sick person you will get a dream you will receive a dream I command you to dream God says he gives gives freely really gives dreams and visions in the night to prevent your soul from going to the pit and your life from perishing from the sword your life you will not perish you will not your life will not be taken you will be healed because God's going to tell you exactly what is causing it and exactly what to do about it I decree this thing over you right now in Jesus name and say it with me a men okay we're out of time I just got the flag okay terrific all right I love you guys make sure you know tell your friends to watch the replays if they're having trouble this will help them okay and like us on our Facebook page all right and make sure that you even give testimonies if you had a testimony message me at Facebook or email the office events at katiesouza.com or what would it be Heidi for them to email a testimony info at katiesouza.com all right I want to hear about what dream you got and how you got the miracle breakthrough okay love you and see you again next month by
Channel: Katie Souza
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Id: YT0uC4at59Y
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Length: 59min 43sec (3583 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2016
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