Breaking the Power of the Leviathan Spirit - Dr. Francis Myles & Katie Souza

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god is looking at three generations ahead  some things god angle move until you learn   who you want the power of god to  do signs wonders his word is so   powerful mighty to save breakthrough  says with his tribes ye were healed   you cannot cleanse your own life and heart only  the word of god can cleanse you but you gotta   give god something to you his word for david  says in your book my days were written about   me but in order for me to enjoy those days there  has to be a cylinder that can receive the days   and that cylinder is time obedience is more  important than sacrifice you must obey the   word of the lord and god speaks the word  to you you must obey the word of the lord   truth dominate over facts i mean the fact may be  that you have some physical illness illness in   your body but the truth says with his stripes  ye were healed and we got to take that glory   where we just gave god the praise and that was  wonderful they told us to lift our hands heaven blind and crippled they make you so you can't see  in the spirit here in the spirit don't speak the   prophetic word and walk your walk with the lord  it affects your gifts deliverance comes when you   renew your mind and the mind renewal takes time  he's been preparing us because we're not satisfied   with the altars of worship that we've known  in the past see jesus didn't come to make   you a better human being first he came  to make you a superior spiritual being praise god listen i cannot tell you how  important this conference kings is going to be   kings is going to be a life-changing uh conference  i've never felt the anointing like i feel you know   we have got i mean my case speakers kerry suzer  being one of them as you know this girl is as   global as you can be you know she carries herself  well but millions of people around the world   watch katie every week on television bishop to the  bismarck you know head of the jabula international   network of churches over a thousand churches under  bishop to the bismarck and my god if you've never   seen him speak for bishop td jax juanita bynum  wrote parsley b winston you are in for a treat   at the this powerful upcoming uh conference  october uh 28 to the 31st pastor benny my   god you know getting i mean benny hinn is going  to be with us i mean one of the fathers of the   of the healing movement you have to give it to  him and when i was interviewing him on facebook   he spoke to me and he said he really feels  like kings is going to be a place where he   can larry the animal of god for the last days  so it's going to be an amazing time eddie james   is going to be singing ron cannoli he's going  to be there dr avida kings and so many other   amazing speakers are going to be with us so  again i want to encourage you to register at the live livestream of the  livestream option is now available you can like   register if you cannot make it there physically  but i'm telling you this is one of those meetings   where you want to be there physically now we have  a gift for you you know compliments of kerry suzer   uh it's get uh we have a discount code that's  gonna allow you to get twenty dollars off your   registration you know but it's not gonna last long  you know this air is gonna expire in the next 14   days so you got about 14 days to act and get that  this particular discount code to work for you   uh it is kt tv ktv is the discount code you can  use for this particular conference if you want   to get that discount so we're excited about being  downtown atlanta october 28 to the 30 first praise   god amen now with that without without wasting too  much time now i want to welcome a powerful woman   of god a dear friend of mine and a pastor of the  healing of the soul that's what i call kedi suzera   you know god has given an anointing like nobody  i've ever met who understands the realms of the   soul and how to unlock the soul how to heal it and  then release the miracle signs and wonders and so   uh she is of course the head of katie susa  ministry unexpected end ministries uh ghost   means us to thousands of prisoners every year so  i mean there are very few people in the u.s today   who are focused on on touching prisoners  on the level that kerry souza is doing   it at that's why i love her so much uh we we  co-authored a book recently called idols riot   that is just really helping so many people  so without much to do i'm going to bring my   friend to talk to us about breaking the power of  the leviathan spirit you know i may come in and   out just maybe to throw in some fire but today  i just said okay you need to teach us because   nobody can teach on the leviathan spirit like  katie souza i want you to have that and at the   end of the thing i've asked her to pray for you  and break the power of the devil but i believe you   are going to another dimensional breakthrough  in jesus name kerry suza welcome welcome dr miles my friend i love you and your wife  carmela so much grateful to be able to come   and talk about uh our subject today leviathan  before we get started though dr miles i   i do want to make sure that on your end your  technical guys are are posting this on my facebook   page because we're checking my facebook page and  we don't see it on the page so we want everyone to   know that we're going live today we don't want  anyone to miss it so can we do a check on that   so that we can make sure that everybody has  access because this is such a vital crucial   teaching that we're going to go into and you  know honestly um i'm going to dig in today but   i'm even going to save some stuff for the king's  conference because this is such an expansive topic   um that i want to make sure i give it good justice  and make sure i i do it thoroughly so i'm going to   i'm going to unpack as much as i can in our a lot  of time today but i do invite everybody to join   us at kings so um can we check again dr miles on  the facebook on my page because we so far are not   seeing it there i'm gonna have um ellie double  check right now and uh i'm not seeing it yet so   there is that it no that's not it okay all right  so let's make sure we try to get it up and then   i invite everybody to share the broadcast because  this is important we are going to be talking about   leviathan today and i'm going to open up with a  scripture that is from luke 10 this is verse 19   and jesus is saying this he says behold i've  given you authority and power to trample upon   serpents and scorpions and over all the power of  the enemy and nothing shall in any wise harm you   okay so here jesus gives us power to trample on  serpents and scorpions is he talking about snakes   and scorpions in the natural well that could be  part of it we do see in an acts 28 where paul gets   into a shipwreck that he's bitten by a poisonous  serpent he shakes it off it's a deadly viper and   he's left unharmed the uh islanders that witnessed  it were so shocked that he didn't keel over and   die because they know how deadly the serpent is  that they thought that paul was actually a god   okay so this is incredible um and it shows that  we do have dominion god can give us dominion over   serpents in the natural but when we look at  the luke 10 scripture we're seeing that jesus   is actually talking about serpents demonic powers  that are operating against us that are trying to   harm us in the supernatural realm how do we know  because if you look at that scripture in luke 10   in context jesus had just sent out 70 of his  disciples to go from town to town and minister   ahead of him two by two in every place that he  was about to go and they came back and they were   so excited so they returned with joy and they  said lord even the demons are subject to us in   your name and then jesus responded by saying i saw  satan fall like lightning from the sky while you   were ministering behold i have given you power and  authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and   over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall  anyways harm you so in context jesus was talking   about demonic powers that these serpents come  the mind powers sometimes manifest in the form   of serpents and scorpions i mean why should we be  surprised the very first demonic manifestation on   the entire planet was satan in the garden as a  what serpent and even in the end of the book in   revelations satan has called that old serpent that  old serpent okay so demons can come in the form of   serpents and we see the bible talking about many  different kinds of serpents like in acts 16 the   woman with the spirit of divination who god for  masters much gain that gains earned money for her   masters that word deviation there has a one word  meaning in the greek it's python she was being   controlled by a python serpent and that serpent  is what enabled her masters to get illegal gains   so it controlled the money it controlled the money  there's also in romans 3 where it talks about how   the venom of asps is under the lips of those  whose mouths are full of bitterness and cursing   i.e if you are a bitter if you curse if you if you  complain if you grumble if you gossip then you'll   have what the venom of ask the venom of these  demonic serpents under your tongue and you'll be   releasing demonic activity in your life upon other  people and also having demonic activity attack you   because of the use of your mouth okay in in psalms  24 i mean excuse me 54 talks about the death adder   that's the serpent that stoppeth the ear there are  snakes that stop you or prevent you from hearing   the voice of the lord but also can cause deafness  can cause issues in the ear i mean the list is big   about how many kinds different kinds of serpents  there are and what they do even the pharisees   were called by jesus and john the baptist oh you  brood of vipers meaning john the baptist and jesus   were both saying that these men these religious  spirited men were controlled by viper spirits   by demonic spirits and that's that is what we see  with sometimes people who are having a religious   spirit that religious spirit is actually a serpent  okay so we're fighting many different kinds of   serpents today we're going to specifically talk  about leviathan the word leviathan means dragon   but the leviathan comes in many different forms  his name means dragon but also isaiah 27 calls him   the twisting fleeing serpent the twisting  fleeing serpent joe 41 calls him the   crocodile the alligator okay so he comes  in many different forms but one of them is   as a serpent and we're going to talk about  this this he is actually a principality   how do we know he's a principality  because job 41 says that he's the king   of the children of pride meaning he is indeed  he's a king he's a strong man he is a principality   he's one of the strongest serpents in the bible  okay and we're going to be talking about him   and we're going to talk about what he does and how  he gets the legal right to attack us remember what   jesus said back in that luke 10 scripture  that that these serpents we've been given   power to trample them and over all the power of  the enemy and nothing shall anyways harm us these   serpents are trying to harm us and that includes  leviathan what does leviathan do to us so much   it's hard to list but i'm just going to give you  a few things number one he's called the twisting   fleeing serpent that again is isaiah 27. what does  that mean twisting fleeing okay this spirit twists   he twists your doctrinal beliefs you twist  other people's doctrinal beliefs remember   the brutal viper serpents right um they were they  were the religious parodies pharisees he twists   people to believe wrong doctrines he twists facts  he twists conversations he says he's the twisting   fleeing serpent the word fleeing doesn't mean that  he runs away from us he's he's a principality he   doesn't run away from us the word fleeing there  means to dart back and forth that's how a snake   crawls across the ground right it darts back  and forth back and forth back and forth and   that's what this serpent does as people are having  battles and strife within and against each other   as they argue back and forth back and forth this  twisting fleeing serpent is darting back and forth   between them twisting the words twisting the way  the person says it twisting away the way the other   person hears it and you may think oh so what  does that mean this serpent is behind divorces   he is he is such a divisive serpent that  causes so much strife and twisting of words   and interpretation of words that husbands and  wives are are at each other all the time and this   serpent constantly twisted their words and the  way they hear them and it ends up breaking up the   marriage that serpent does the same thing between  friendships between family members between you and   your boss you and your pastor and your leaders um  you and other people in your life many times when   you see divorces happen relationships breaking  out people leaving churches churches splitting   people quitting their jobs and leaving a really  good job it's because they've let themselves get   offended and bitter and and prideful remember  leviathan is the king over the children of pride   prideful and they they get they get so attacked  and controlled by the spirit of leviathan they end   up bailing out of a good job they end up they end  up divorcing a really good a good person a good   spouse they they there's so much argument between  each other this serpent is a huge strife maker   and his job is to split up covenant marriages  churches uh friendships families amen he's the   twisting fleeing serpent you know in that isaiah  27 scripture in fact i'm going to go to it   and i'm going to show you something a statement  that's in that chapter and you're going to see   that this serpent is in activity across the  world i'm serious he he is affecting people   all over the planet so don't think  oh you know he might be just here   there he's everywhere and the proof of that is  in this isaiah 27 it says in that day the lord   will deliver israel from her enemies and also  from the rebel powers of evil and darkness his   sharp unrelenting and great and strong sword will  visit and punish leviathan the swiftly fleeing   serpent leviathan the twisting winding serpent  and he will slay the monster that is in the sea   when you see seas and oceans in the bible it  represents what seas of people oceans of people   meaning populations countries mass  numbers of people as an ocean of people   he's that monster that is in the  ocean of people all around the world   he is an activity everywhere that's why we  have to be aware of what his strategies against   the church against the people of god  and against us personally amen look   this this serpent though can only attack you  if you've given it a legal right to do so so   now we're going to talk about the legal rights of  leviathan number one pride remember what job says   he is the king of the children of pride meaning  he's king over everyone that is acting prideful   now you may think oh i'm not prideful you know  i'm i'm a nice person i'm a good person but when   you have an argument with someone do you act  like you know you're right and they're totally   wrong do you raise up and and like push your  point no and and deny the person their their   thoughts and their opinions on something no you're  wrong no i'm right no you need to listen to me   you don't know what you're talking about  remember he's the king over the children of pride   if you let yourself get in pride and you are  arguing with people and you always have to   have the last word ever have an argument and  you march out of the room and slam the door   but as you do you have to say one more thing as  you're walking away right because you have to have   the last word it's like that is pride you know are  you a person that when you're talking to someone   and and they they're they're sharing their life  and you know i catch myself cutting people off all   the time because i'm excited and i want to share  stuff but you can always tell when somebody's   in pride when somebody's talking about their  life and the other person can't wait to jump in   and turn the subject back towards them that's  pride all right are you one of those people where   you're only happy if the conversation is about  you you don't sit and actually listen to other   people if so then leviathan could be at work  in your life okay uh do you take pride too much   pride it's okay to be proud proud of your kids  proud of the accomplishments that they've made   proud of your church for its great outreaches  and all that but do you get prideful about those   things so much so that you start dissing other  people's children dissing other people's churches   dissing other people's businesses and what they  do there's a difference between being proud and   being prideful well leviathan is the king of the  children of pride and as we go through today's   teaching you need to ask yourself do i have pride  in my life seriously do i have pride in my life   you need to ask the lord to show you areas where  you would become arrogant and prideful where you   think that your opinion is always right and  everyone else is wrong or maybe you have a   particular friend it's like you cannot agree with  what they're doing hey i'm not asking you to agree   with sin if they're in sin but maybe their point  is just as valid as your point and you need to   slow down and humble yourself and listen to it  all right so leviathan is the king of the children   of pride so if you have prideful words prideful  thoughts prideful actions anything else like that   you are inviting leviathan to come in and attack  you what else does leviathan get is legal right   from believe it or not trauma trauma which  leads to bitterness we're gonna look at that   it's in job three now this is as i unpack this  this is a this is an incredible revelation you're   going to be like oh my god this is this is  crazy okay now if you remember in the book   of job joe went through a lot of trauma remember  he lost all his sheep his herds his flocks he lost   his uh children all died when the whirlwind hit  their house okay he he he got attacked on his own   physical body uh when by satan attacking him and  making all of his body covered with painful boils   you know he lost all his servants everything  i mean he went through a lot of trauma we   all go through a lot of trauma and you know  sometimes like satan put that trauma on job   the enemy puts trauma on us for a particular  reason why because he wants to wound us   you know pride and things like bitterness and  trauma are things that live in our soul realm and   servants are always looking for two legal rights  the soul and the courts of heaven that's where   they bring their accusations and we'll talk about  that in just a bit but the first legal ground is   your soul do you have pride in your soul okay your  pride in the way you think the your actions that   you take your emotions but also trauma trauma  will wound our souls and you can tell that   is true without i mean i could teach on that  for an hour but i want to get to the parts just   specifically about leviathan but trauma wounds us  we know the trauma wounded job okay how do we know   because like 23 times in the book of job he says  stuff like my soul is bex my soul is mourning my   soul is bitter my soul is poured out and he  always said those things about the condition   the painful condition in his soul when he was  talking about the trauma he went through so here   what happened is here's job he goes through all  this trauma in chapter one and chapter two and   guess what that trauma wounded his soul and then  unfortunately he took the next step he got bitter   he got bitter from all the trauma how do i  know chapter three after he'd been through   all that stuff he went through chapter three  the entire chapter is job saying stuff like   i i cursed the day i was born i cursed the moment  i was conceived i wish i never saw the light of   day i curse my mother's breast and her womb  he's cursing his day he he's so traumatized   everything he went through he's actually wishing  he was never even born he said why wasn't i not   stillborn why did i not give up the ghost when  my mother bore me i mean he goes on and on and on   he's inviting death to take him out he doesn't  even want to live and then he says this verse 20   why is light of life given to him who is  in misery and life to the bitter in soul   do you see that well i'm going to highlight  that i love that so much because it's going   to tell us something beautiful here he  had let all the trauma he'd been through wound him so bad that now  he'd gotten bitter about it   so bitter he was cursing the day he  was born cursing which he was never   never even saw the light of day cursing his  mother's breast and her womb i want you to   ask yourself something because you're about to see  that those curses allow the viathen to attack him i said it in fact i'll read it ready after he says  all that stuff about cursing he says this he says   let those who are skilled at cursing that  day meaning the day he was conceived the day   he was born loose leviathan on that day that's  verse eight i'm gonna mark it love it job three   you see that he said look those are  skilled and cursing that's witchcraft   loose leviathan on that day i'm gonna talk about  that more but which is cursed and guess who   carries it out leviathan but he only gets the  legal right to do it if you have let yourself   get so traumatized by events you've lived  through that you've gotten bitter about them   and you start to complain you start to curse  it i wish i was never born man i just want   to die i just want to go to heaven i just  want to give up i'm done i'm done i'm done   i want you to chat in right now how many of you  have been through so much trauma that you have   let yourself get bitter about it seriously some  of you may have been saying stuff to other people   or yourself or to god like i cursed them day i  wish i was never born i wish that i would die   curse my mother's breast and her womb and by  the way he did curse his mother's breast and   his woman and her woman here and leviathan he's  the one that carries out the curse because he says   let those who are skilled in cursing loose  leviathan on that day he carries out the curse   he's the muscle he's the muscle behind the curse  and you know he will actually attack the breasts   and the womb i have seen people that had cancer  of the breast cancer of the womb endometriosis   excessive bleeding problems with  their period um uterine ovarian cancer   tumors in the breast and it was leviathan  that was behind it but the start listen to me   listen to me but the start of it was that  that person and look i'm not dissing anyone   i'm just saying this is this is what happens  to us if we're not watchful over our soul   which is the first legal landing strip for  feasts like leviathan and that is we go   through so much trauma that we then  allow ourselves to get bitter by it   and bitter at it and then we start to complain  we start to criticize we start to get angry we   start cursing ourselves we start saying  we don't even want to live we want to die we're we're inviting oh boy wow we are inviting leviathan   to attack us and look somebody just chatted it's  so hard to keep going sometimes look guys i get it   we we had already been going through so  much before covet hit we were going through   stuff every day divorces you know uh moving um  our children having problems at school uh fighting   with our family um not having enough money to pay  our rent we were already going through stuff and   then coven hit and then you know our churches had  to close their doors our ministry stopped getting   donations because people got afraid we you know we  lost our jobs we couldn't pay our mortgage uh we   lost our cars because we couldn't bear car payment  i mean the lit people died our our loved ones died   we prayed our butts off it looked like it didn't  work because they they passed and and they didn't   come out of it i mean you know people got sick  we got sick we spent money trying not to be sick   i mean there was so much and that is the  enemy it's the wearing down of the saints guys   he will put trauma on you he'll create a storm  remember satan created the whirlwind that   killed job's children knocked down the house they  were in satan drove the enemies of the sabians to   steal his blocks and herds and kill his servants i  mean satan created the storm of sickness on job's   life by putting boils on his whole body and then  joe got so traumatized and then he let himself   remember what i said there let himself  get bitter by it look our fight our fight is to recognize when  the enemy is making a storm   last year and even this year now he made a  worldwide pandemic storm don't even think   that the enemy wasn't behind that okay  he made a worldwide pandemic storm   so that he could wound all of us either kill us  if he couldn't kill us gonna wound us so much that   then we get better and either between the trauma  and the wounds in our soul or the bitterness   that we let ourselves get into boom leviathan can  carry out a curse against us even cause us to die i hope you're hearing me i hope you're hearing me so look we're going to  do an activation and then i'm going to teach some   more how do we get healed look the fire of god  the fire of god you have the holy spirit holy   spirit is fire he's doing his power he's light  he lives inside of you there's angels of fire the   bible says the fire of god drives out serpents and  heals us of serpents how do i know of this heals   our soul of everything they have in common with  serpents and it drives them out into out of their   hiding place okay so let's talk about healing the  soul with the fire of god okay so go to matthew 3. lord god so powerful so powerful  thank you jesus so matthew 3. the baptist is baptizing people at the jordan as  he's doing it people are confessing their sins as   he's doing it verse 7 says and when he saw many of  the pharisees and statues he's coming for baptism   he said to them oh you brew to vipers remember we  talked about this earlier he said oh you brewed   a vipers who warned you to flee and escape the  wrath of god okay so he just called people snakes   brutal vipers why he was saying and jesus said  it later too he called the pharisees the same   thing he was saying that these men were being  controlled by serpents demonic viper spirits   okay so then he says to them bring forth fruit  in in in consistency with repentance let your   heart prove your change then he keeps on going  he says verse 10 the axe is lying at the root of   the tree and every true tree does that not bare  good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire   then he talks about jesus he's talking to the  pharisees the brutal vipers right now and he says   i indeed baptize you with water because repentance  and that is that that you would change your mind   but one who is coming who's mightier than  i he will baptize you with the holy spirit   and fire his winnowing fork is in his hand and he  will thoroughly clear out and clean the threshing   floor and gather and store his wheat in the barn  but the chaffey will burn with unquenchable fire   okay so look here john the baptist is talking to  men who he says are being controlled by demonic   serpents and he says this this is how you can  get healed of these serpents guys you can repent   and you can be baptized by the holy  spirit and fire because the fire is   going to come and it's going to burn up the  chap inside of you with unquenchable fire   so he said two things repentance and holy  spirit and fire repentance and holy spirit   and fire repentance and holy spirit and fire okay  just briefly let's talk about repentance first   look remember it's it's it's bitterness it's  pride it's trauma that got you wounded in the   first place that's allowed uh leviathan to come  and attack you legal ground is in the soul so what   do you do repent if you've gotten bitter because  of a trauma if you're bitter at somebody that   was involved in your trauma you need to forgive  them you need to repent for being angry at them   if you caught yourself getting bitter because  you've been so traumatized don't continue to hang   on to the trauma and don't let it turn you into a  bitter person instead repent ask god to heal you   ask god to heal you and then and look when we go  to the cross and say look i repent for getting   bitter about this trauma jesus heal me i repent  for pride heal me jesus you know what we're doing   we're fulfilling the very first prophecy about  jesus in the whole bible genesis genesis 3 when   the serpent is in the garden makes eve falls for  it eats the fruit so does adam and god comes and   he curses the serpent and he says the seed of the  woman that's jesus will crush the head of the seed   of the serpent okay so the very first prophecy  about jesus was that he was going to crush the   head of the serpent where did the crushing happen  on the cross that's why you go to the cross   where the seed of the woman crushed the head of  the seed of the serpent and you repent of your sin   then you ask the holy spirit to you ask jesus  holy spirit baptize me with fire because john   the baptist is talking to the pharisees  the brood of vipers and he said hey repent   and get baptized with the holy spirit and fire  and i love how he says this this man jesus who's   going to come and baptize you the holy spirit  fire his winnowing fork is in his hand and he   will thoroughly he will separate the chaff and the  wheat and he'll burn up the chap with unquenchable   fire what's he talking about look inside of  you inside of every believer is chaff and wheat   the wheat is the good stuff the chaff is the  waste the stuff that they throw away stuff that's   no good it actually was the the seed around the  good the good wheat inside of you is good stuff   and bad stuff some behaviors you have are really  awesome they're aligned with the fruit of the   holy spirit but others things aren't like pride  like bitterness like trauma okay jesus comes and   he takes his threshing fork and he separates the  chap from the meat and he says oh i'm gonna store   up this wheat in the barn and save it it's good  good behaviors holy spirit-led stuff fruit of   the spirit but that chaff i'm separating it out  and i'm gonna burn it up with unquenchable fire   remember who he's talking to the brood of vipers  pharisees serpents so we want to when we want to   get rid of leviathan the first thing to do is get  rid of what's in here your soul because that's   the first legal landing strip that's through  repentance and asking for the baptism of fire and   when you do that you know when you soak yourself  in fire that fire will not only heal your soul   but it'll drive that serpent out of hiding so you  can actually see it you can see it in a vision you   can you'll have a scripture that'll come to you  how do i know that remember paul in the shipwreck   he gets out you know shipwreck on the island of  malta picks up a bundle of sticks he's carrying   it around little does he realize he's carrying  around a poisonous viper in that bundle of sticks   he doesn't know it but when he throws it on the  fire the heat of the fire drove that serpent out   of hiding it fights him he shakes it off he's left  unharmed look a lot of you are like paul you're   walking around carrying a serpent and you don't  know it because serpents are crafty beasts that's   what genesis 3 said that they're their craftiest  beasts of the field meaning they're tricky they   are masters of camouflage just in the natural  snakes their scales blend into their environment   you come to arizona the scales on the rattlers  they look like sand and stone you don't even know   you're near rattler until it shakes the sail at  you and you can hear it okay you got other snakes   on the east coast that they hide in leaves because  their scales are the color of fallen leaves   you can't even you don't even know they're there  and all of a sudden you'll be walking through   the pile of leaves and the snake will take off  they're masters of camouflage you're walking   around carrying them but when you repent when you  release the fire it's like paul you're walking   around carrying this bundle of sticks there's  a poison swiper in it you don't even know it   throw it on the fire it'll drive that  serpent out of hiding and it will heal   your soul because it will burn up the chaff in  your soul with unquenchable fire okay so now we're going to go through  the first activation okay so i want you to focus on do you have pride in your life because  he's the king of the children of pride have you gone through trauma and have  you let that trauma get you bitter   like job because then the curse can land on  you and leviathan will carry out the curse   remember it says let those who were skilled  in cursing loose leviathan on that day   the day i was born he's the muscle behind the  curse i want you to right now chat in on the chat   right now have you let yourself get prideful come  on let's we're family here get real put it in   you can even put some details like are you getting  prideful in your arguments with your husband or   your wife do you have a friend who you think  is totally wrong you let yourself get prideful   but right now i'm thinking stuff for  myself right now if i could chat it in   okay like i'll be repenting with you okay have you let yourself have you gone through trauma   what is it and if you let yourself get  bitter about it i want you to chat in the pride the traumas and the bitterness because  it's an open door for the spirit of leviathan   as you're chatting it in what  happens is you're confessing your sin you're confessing your sin and what does the  bible say 1 john 1 9. when we confess when   we freely confess our sin god is faithful  to forgive us and in the amplified it says   and dismiss our lawlessness and cleanse us of all  unrighteousness since you're chatting it in your   beginning the process of confession okay and this  is going to start the cleansing process remember   what john the baptist said to the  fruit of viper pharisees repent   and be baptized with fire all right so i'm going  to let you chat in right now thank you lord   there's a lot of chatting happening right now yeah  people are really responding to what the lord is   saying saying my god so please keep shutting  in before kerry souza does this face activation   she'll continue to flow in the holy ghost  you know but i'm telling you i want you to   um continue to chatting because god is about to  move see the whole purpose of this bible study was   to to walk away from this experience having broken  any residue of the leviathan spirit in your life   that being the case kerry while you are talking  you know um i did i did do the lord reminded me   i did do a teaching on leviathan on the leviathan  spirit when i used to live in arizona and i just   wanted to bring out a couple of things i just add  to the fire of what you are saying you can even   take it further than that i'm doing it you know  but i just i just have to say this because you're   getting ready to pray uh so that uh somebody who's  out there believing god for deliverance does not   leave anything out that could be used as a legal  right but the enemy or anything that you know the   devatan could be hiding behind so this is in the  book of job in the book of job in the book of job   in the book of job 41 the book of job 41 uh he  says verse three to five he says will will he make   he's talking about leviathan this is the whole  chapter by the way we encourage you me and kerry   you need to go and study job 41 because it is the  most detailed scripture in the whole bible chapter   on leviathan for the bible to dedicate an entire  chapter to a spirit it shows you it's more it is   the most it's it is the spirit uh uh that is  most uh uh behind many of the human events   and the calamities the broken relationships  because why would god dedicate an entire chapter   to dealing with the issue of leviathan but let me  just give you a couple of things and i'm going to   throw it back to katie so she can activate what  she needs to do and can you do teachers but this   is amazing stuff in job chapter 41 he says will  he make he's talking about if the father will we   will level that makes applications to you which  means supplication has to do with prayer so he is   showing us that leviathan spirit is the one behind  prayerlessness that means when leviathan begins to   take a hold of your life one of the things that  vathan does is he stops your supplications towards   the lord that means the leviathan spirit hates  prayer it hates prayer to god you know so if   you're finding yourself you've been suffering  lately to spend time with god but you could   spend hours in front of a movie but you couldn't  spend time with god it could be leviathan that is   behind it he says this will he speak softly to  you it means leviathan here is also the spirit   behind harshness a lot of people are very harsh  you know especially you know you know some of   you uh some of your bosses are i mean you you  you're thinking of quitting your job because   your boss is very very harsh very very i mean  doesn't care what they do that could be leviathan   you know but but the goodness the good news is  today god is giving us the anointing the grace   to be able to deal with this spirit because god is  more than capable to be able to help us deal with   this with this and then finally i want to just  read this he says will he make a covenant with it   that's about the va we leave mega covenant with  you that means leviathan is behind many of the   covenant breaking in marriage covenant breaking  in relationships this is not the vatican is a   spirit does not believe in covenant so whatever  leviathan is people begin to break covenant they   begin to break relationships so i tell you this i  i'm so glad you are here today because there is a   very powerful anointing on katie as she  is teaching us today so carrie over to you so good such good points about the harshness the  covenant breaking that's what we basically talked   about in the beginning okay so um can you do  that one too or not all right and so look so now   um we're gonna activate now i love  it you guys are so awesome right   you guys just opened your soul and poured it out  in the chat all right so now what we're gonna   do is we're gonna repent together okay and  then we're gonna release the holy spirit and   fire we're gonna ask for a new baptism of fire to  burn away the chaff and our soul okay this is the   first part okay so i just want i want you to pray  with me right now just say lord jesus i repent   for any and all pride in my life  for having to have the last word   i didn't have the last word for needing to be  right leaving to be right lord for allowing myself to control everyone around me for needing to be the center of attention for having excessive pride in myself my  job my ministry my intellect my giftings for being prideful and thinking that my church is  better my house is better my business is better   that i'm better than everyone  else in jesus name cleanse my mind   will and emotions with your blood of all  pride i run to the cross i embrace the cross   the very place where the seed of the woman jesus  christ crushed the head of the seed of the serpent   you know say this say lord god i also  repent of letting trauma make me bitter i repent for wanting to give up for  being angry for getting judgmental for gossiping about people and be and complaining and murmuring because my soul was wounded from trauma i want  you right now you've been through a lot of trauma   i'm going to pray for god to heal that but i want  you to first forgive anyone that was involved in   your trauma think about a situation that was  traumatic for you was there a specific person   that was inside of that that situation that maybe  hurt you or was part of you being traumatized   i need you to forgive them right now   go ahead brother thank you lord just thank  you people release do it out loud please   right now release forgiveness towards that person  involved in the trauma right now in the name of   jesus now thank you lord right now thank you  lord right now god just say their names out loud say lord i release my forgiveness towards them now   in jesus name say lord i repent for talking about  them complaining against them gossiping about them   judging them and being critical to them wash me  clean lord with your blood in jesus name amen now   i also want you to do this remember job said i  wish i would die i cursed the day i was born i was   i was never conceived cursed my mother's breast  cursed the womb i want you to break your agreement   your covenant with death right now to stay with  me say lord god i break my covenant with death   i break my i will not agree with dying giving up  wanting to quit because i've been through trauma   say lord god dissolve that covenant with death now  in jesus name now now i want you to put your hands   up in the air i want you to start praying in the  holy spirit right now because we're gonna ask the   lord jesus to come and baptize us with the holy  spirit and fire so that he can burn up the chaff   so that the chaff in us won't  become that legal landing strip for   any demonic serpent so just start  praying the holy spirit right now in the name of jesus right  now now everybody pray with me come right now afresh with the holy spirit and fire say it  again lord jesus baptize me afresh with the   holy spirit and fire say burn up the chaff burn  up the chaff burn up the chaff burn up the chaff   with unquenchable fire unquenchable fire nothing  to put it out guys keep on praying in the spirit of god fire of god by jesus burn up all the trauma fill my soul with fire lord fire lord fire  lord fire lord fill their soul with fire   lord fire lord fire lord fire lord fire lord  holy spirit baptize them afresh with fire   come on call on the holy  spirit right where you are   to baptize you with fire fire fire fire fire  fire fire fire holy spirit fire fire fire fire jesus name jesus jesus fire driving i know at that  fire right now on decree the fire is healing soul   trauma all bitterness all all pride and it's  driving that serpent out of hiding many of you   are going to have dreams tonight where you see  surface where you see leviathan where you see   python because the fire fire fire is driving  those serpents out into view so you'll see   them you'll have a dream about them you'll get a  vision about them because you're filled with fire   right now fire right now fire right now fire right  now fire right now fire right now say it with me   fire right now fire right now fire right now  fire right now fire right now fire right now   fire right now fire fire right now fire right now  fire right now fire right now fire right now fire   right now fire in the name of jesus fire in the  name of jesus burning up the trap burning up the   chaff with unquenchable fire thank you jesus thank  you lord thank you jesus thank you lord thank you   jesus thank you thank you jesus thank you thank  you jesus thank you lord thank you jesus thank you   thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you  jesus thank you thank you look guys i i'm   sure dr miles won't mind me saying this but i  have a fire soaker on my website katie   i'm not trying to sell you anything and i'm  not trying to interrupt or get into this   this um feed of dr miles but if you think that  you're having this issue you need to get that disc   because then you can play it at night you  can soak to it you can repeat after it's   all fire scriptures all fire scriptures and  that way you can drive these serpents out of   hiding in jesus name now i have one other  thing and i'm going to make it quick because   i really want to unpack this at the king's  conference but look do not do not rebuke   leviathan don't cast him out don't bind him  don't rebuke him don't ever do that this is how   i'm going to close this and then you'll hear the  rest at the conference all right going to joe 41. the whole like dr mel said you  have to read this this is important   the whole chapter is about leviathan okay can  i put that there it's about leviathan okay   can you draw out leviathan  the crocodile with officials will you make uh verse two can you  put a rope in his nose or pierce   his jaw through with a hook or a spike  answer is no guys he's a principality   number three will he make supplication to you  begging to be spared we speak software to you   so and coax you to treat him kindly answer  is definitely not he's a principality   it goes on like that will he make a covenant  with you will you play with him like a bird   can you fill his skin with harpoons no no no  the answer is no this guy's big he's vicious   you don't touch him and the proof is in this  next verse ready this is the warning god said   to job remember job was calling for oh curse the  day i was born loose lebanon god was telling joe   about foolish he was by making that statement by  letting himself get so bitter from the trauma and   wishing he was dead and calling forth leviathan  on it he says this lay your hand on him   meaning leviathan remember your battle and  never do such an ill-advised thing again hello   lay your hand on him remember your battle with him  and you will never do such an ill-advised thing   again look guys you don't cast out bind or rebuke  leviathan he's the only spirit that you don't   do that to and you think well wait a  minute we've got jesus why can't we do it this warning is real and i'll show you what  you do instead and then i'm going to pray again i've had people that rebuked leviathan before  i had a couple that were pregnant they rebuked   leviathan and guess what they miscarried remember  joe got traumatized and bitter and then he cursed   his mother's womb wishing that he had never  seen the light of day wishing he was stillborn   losing leviathan on that day they lost their baby   i had another man him and his partner would get  together every tuesday and pray they decided   to go after leviathan for a month so every time  they came in they rebuked and they bound and they   cursed and they cast down leviathan within a week  or two his friend died and that man had a stroke leviathan's nothing to play with so if you can't rebuke and bind and  cast out leviathan and if you have   you need to repent because there's probably a  curse on you and we're going to break that curse so what do you do yeah go ahead i just want to  say as you continue somebody i wrote here and said   uh they there was a teresa in the comment section  and said they did it and and they suffered a   massive attack this is this is what i was really  hoping that when you close if you didn't go there   i was going to go there but i'm so thankful  that you are being thorough i know there's a   lot you're going to say at kings and other other  things god is giving you for king's conference   but but the what you need to understand  the essence of what kate is saying you know   uh is that when if you look if you look at the  context of how god reveals leviathan to job is was   god trying to tell job nobody is like me can you  deal with leviathan so if you look at the whole   context god is telling he's saying to us you know  that we're not even we're not even in the same   class to point our finger at god because we can't  even touch leviathan that is what god does so   when you're dealing with levathan you have to  use the principle that michael the archangel   used with lucifer when they were fighting over the  body of moses when he did not bring against him   a reading accusation even though he's satan and  instead he said to him the lord rebuke you so   you when you're dealing with the levath and  you always have to invoke the lord because   according to job god takes credit for being the  one who destroys aviation so carry over to you   look guys this is real and people get cocky i'm  just gonna say it sorry from the street hello okay   and say what do you mean we can we can bind and  rebuke any spirit jesus gave us the right look we   have authority over every spirit but we have to do  it the right way we have to execute our authority   the right way what's the right way number one what  we've just been doing you have to take care of   the legal landing strip and hear your soul okay  you got to get healed of all the pride all the   bitterness all the trauma in here that's allowing  leviathan to curse you to enforce the curse   against you okay but then number two you have to  take care of the legal lending strip in here but   then you have to take care of the legal landing  strip in the courts of heaven look these demonic   serpents they go into court remember satan satan  he's that old serpent that's what revelation says   genesis remember he appeared as a serpent that  serpent that stinking serpent goes into court   and accuses you night and day night and day he  the accuser of the brother and accuses you of   stuff like you're bitter you're prideful you you  you have all the stuff in you you're doing it   all that's in common with leviathan so you have to  take care of the legal landing strip and your soul   but then you have to go into court and you have to  deal with the accusations of the serpents in court   now look can you take snakes to court yes you can  i'm going to show you the proofs and then that's   how we're going to close we're going to go back  to luke 10 where jesus said the old i've given you   power to trample on serpents and scorpions and  over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall   in any wise harm you okay so the word harm  there according to strong's it means ready according to fairs it means this to be a  criminal who has violated the law in some ways   so jesus says look i've given you power to tremble  on these serpents and they won't harm you because   they are what the word armies they're criminals  who have broken the law they go into court and   they accuse you of breaking the law oh they became  prideful oh they became better and they do all   these accusations but because jesus has died for  us because jesus on the cross crushed the head   of the seed of the serpent when we activate  in that truth we go into the court we repent   and we release we release on the fire of god in  the court then what happens is they become the   quote criminal who has violated the law in some  ways where do you take a criminal you take them to   court where do you take people or beings spirits  who have violated the law in some ways you take   them to court okay you these serpents are in court  and you have to meet them in court okay now look   this is why we don't just bind leviathan  rebuke leviathan cast leviathan down   so what do we do instead of doing all that listen  to me guys remember what joe 41 says lay your hand   on him remember the battle and never do such  an ill-advised thing again okay so it says here   if we take him to court this is luke 10 that  we have been given power to trample on them   guess what the word power there means it's exosia  that's the greek word exoc and it means this ready power and authority power for judicial  decisions power of judicial decisions   jesus is saying look i've given you power  to make judicial decisions to trample every   serpent and scorpion and over all the power  of the enemy and they won't harm you those   criminals who've broken the law against you and  they're accusing you of breaking the law on the   court won't harm you because i've given you  exosia power power to make judicial decisions do you hear that when jesus said i've given you  this excellency power he's saying i've given you   power to work in the courts guys and that's how  i want you to deal with these serpents you gotta   get your soul healed but you've got to go into  court that's why see you don't people say well we   have the new testament we combine the rebuke that  was job when he said don't lay hands on leviathan   that's old testament yeah jesus himself in the  new testament is telling you how to trample on   these serpents and scorpions including leviathan  you take them to court you exercise your exoc   authority to make judicial decisions against these  criminals who have broken the law in your life does everybody get where i'm going now this  includes leviathan let me prove it to you   okay we're going back to isaiah 27 this is good stuff you guys this changes  lives i'm telling you this is real it calls the vibe in here i'm  gonna go to the king james now in that day the lord with this sore and great in  that day the lord with his score and great and   strong sword shall punish leviathan do you hear  that right here it says it's the lord with his   strong and great unrelenting sword that's going  to punish leviathan not you the lord you take him   to court and the lord does the work he punishes  them for you it says he will punish that leviathan   that piercing serpent that crooked serpent he will  slay the dragon that's in the sea okay the weird   the word piercing there in the hebrew it's the the  genesis hebrew lexicon it means this a fugitive a fugitive leviathan is a fugitive where do you  take fugitives to court to court you arrest them   you have the court arrest them and they're taken  to court now look why is leviathan a fugitive   why what makes it what makes  him a fugitive i'll tell you why   because job three john three here's job bitter  and and from all the trauma and he's cursing   the day he's born he goes let those who  are skilled in cursing that's witches   loose leviathan on that day meaning that which is  cursed leviathan carries out the curse that's what   makes leviathan a fugitive because jesus christ  has already fulfilled the curse on our behalf   curses anyone that's hung on a tree jesus already  became a curse for us but here's leviathan he's a   fugitive from the law because he's broken the law  by enforcing a curse against you when jesus has   already fulfilled the curse on your behalf that's  what makes him a fugitive you can ask the court   to arrest leviathan don't touch him don't rebuke  him don't find him don't cast him down you do what   jesus told you to do in luke 10 you exercise your  exosity authority exosia means to release judicial   decisions you do that in the court you ask the  court to arrest him and bring him in okay and that   way he can't harm you because he's harm means  a criminal has broken the law he's a fugitive   you bring him in you repent for everything that  you have in common with him the bitterness the   pride letting yourself get traumatized letting  yourself get bitter out of the trauma all that   stuff and then you say court now you take care  of him he's a fugitive and my testimony is jesus   already became a curse for me so leviathan has  been illegally carrying out the curse against me   because jesus already took those curses to the  cross and that's your testimony in court that's   why the bible says that we overcome by the blood  of the lamb and our testimony hello okay so look   we are going to go to court amen and that's how  we're going to end up today's session and please   come to the king's conference so that we can  unpack even more okay all right so look let's   pray in tongues for a minute before you  you you take us to the court of heaven   i just want to add a piece i just  i just feel that i need to uh   do we need to add i need just talk  about the offering very quickly   and it becomes part of the activation because you  as you know you cannot go into the court of heaven   especially when you're dealing with principalities  of this nature there is a protocol the code of   heaven and i want to read it uh read it read it  here and then those who like to so i want to i   want to give people an opportunity uh also to give  a peace offering even after the conference is over   but to to see what you're about to do with them  in the courts of heaven so in psalm 96 verse 8   psalm 96 verse 8 it says for all the gods of the  people are idols but the lord made the heavens   honor and majesty are before him strength  and beauty are in his sanctuary verse seven   give to the lord of families of the people give to  the lord the glory and strength and then he says   in verse 8 give to the lord the glory do his  name bring an offering and come to his courts   i said again verse 8 says give to the lord the  glory due his name bring an offering and come into   his courts so when we are breaking the leviathan  spirit is very important to have every voice every   instrument you can use that can work for you in  the court of heaven one of the powerful tools of   the kingdom particularly in the court of heaven is  the voice of the offering and so i want you to be   able to make sure that before after this you know  we are keeping it on on on site right now there   are different ways to give you can take a picture  of that you know so that it's available to you uh   after the fact so that me the lord can talk to you  about sealing this uh when when me and kerry sues   are off air but for now i just wanted to take your  phone and take a picture of the different ways you   can give but when you do give i want you to put in  the comment section of your of your offering write   in the comment section you know uh write in the  comments comment section you know either call it   uh uh put it peace offering for breaking the vibe  breaking leviathan so peace offering for breaking   leviathan so i would like you to put that  in the in the uh uh comment section of your   giving uh be so that me and kerry can  continue to pray for you after the fact   in jesus mighty name but that's a principle of the  kingdom we're not going to be coming before the   court of heaven it's one of the most important  protocols you know when i'm trying to break   difficult things in my life i do not go in the  court of heaven without an offering i'll give you   to another ministry before i go so i can just have  a testimony that i've already satisfied the the   the commandment of god in psalm 96 verse 8 amen so  with that kerry you can continue praise god amen   okay i want to bring up something before we go  on look people online are saying isn't this like   endless repentance okay look guys this is what  it is if you don't feel like you're bitter right   now or prideful then go into the court but you  think you're dealing with leviathan maybe he's   been residual you still never got rid of him going  to the court and and testify to the truth of where   you're at right now i'm the righteousness of  god in christ i went down in death with jesus   so my sins have been washed away you can also  testify in that way you can say jesus became the   righteous for the unrighteous the just for  the unjust i stand in my in my position of   righteousness you know if that's the language  that is going to work for you then do that   decree all the scriptures about how christ  already took your sins okay that's totally   that is totally another lane but if you sense  guys that's a totally i i love that's where i go   but if you do sense if you do sense that you have  allowed yourself to get bitter or angry at someone   then you should repent you should honestly  it's like if i get angry if my husband hurts   my feelings i want him to tell me sorry how much  more a holy god so yes there are times when you   need to release your repentance in the court and  there's other times that you just need to remind   the enemy with your testimony about how you are  already the righteousness of of god in christ   i hope that helps anybody who thinks that  this is an endless cycle of repentance   you just have to go with the flow of the holy  spirit that moment of what's going on in your soul   and getting so now i want to say something the  lord just gave me a word of knowledge right here   because i really i really feel that to say this  one more time you know um because i know some   of you uh i i know a lot of people who really  strumble over that fact that you uh under the   new testament cannot come after leviathan and  the lord said to me francis the reason this is   the the reason leviathan is the only spirit in  the bible where god tells you you know that you   don't have to try to bind him or come directly at  him he says to me the main reason is because of   what the god testifies about the vata and which  is this that is the king of the children of pride   and the lord said to me fans he said francis i  am the only one i am the only one on earth in   the universe who can tell you when you don't have  pride you can't even tell that you're to yourself   at the moment you think you don't have pride that  could also be pride so because he's the king of   the children of pride he can smell pride from  a mile long i don't care if it's five percent   i don't care if you're so godly but you still  got five percent of pride because you know you   can even be pride in your spirituality and that's  enough for levathan to hit you if you try to cut   that's why the lord says leave that to me but  address levathan indirectly through the court   of heaven and you still get delivered because  at the end of the day you know all you want   is to be delivered you know you know and so  that is important you understand that because   i do know some people that uh uh you know you know  not on this particular call but just this was very   interesting you know uh uh somebody my wife came  to me with a particular situation they said hey   say honey what do you think about this like this  person what they were really really offended by   this particular uh person you know that you know  because they said you're not supposed to come to   uh directly against salvation this person got  offended uh i at least got disturbed thinking ah   you know uh how can she say how can  he or how can this person say that   you know i'm in the new testament and they  really got offended and she told me honey   what do you think that was a key that was about  it was about three weeks ago and i said well that   preacher was right i said if they want to really  cause trouble in their life let them go off the   leviathan so i'm glad you brought it up today  so i felt like i need to emphasize this it is   because leviathan is the king of all children of  pride i love jesus i've written amazing books but   i can tell you with certainty i am not over all  of my pride because you don't know how deep pride   is in fallen adamic nature until you meet he jesus  who is all humility then you don't know pride   until you've met jesus that's why when when  isaiah made god he thought he was doing good   until he met the holiness of god and then he began  to cry undone i'm undone i'm a man of unclean lips   he never said that about himself five chapters  before until chapter six so this is why god says   don't even touch the king of pride because you  don't know how much pride is in every human being   until you meet face to face with he who's humility  jesus of nazareth so that's why this issue is so   important so kerry you know finish it out but i  had to really say that i was very that was really   been uh the lord has been saying you gotta hit it  on this because i really believe kate it may be   it may be that some of the people you're about  to pray for are having problems in their life   right now because they're already they're already  guilty of coming after leviathan in the realm of   the spirit the good news is we can go in the court  of heaven and reverse that transgression okay yes   so let's do it and you know if you guys feel  like you're an endless cycle repentance like   somebody else mentioned you ask the court to  bring up the repentance you've already done   and then you can start decreeing things like  i'm justified in the right standing with christ   because of his death on the cross the written  regulations that have been you know written   against me colossians 2 have already been nailed  to the cross then you can start putting those   things as your testimony because you overcome by  the blood of lamb and the testimony okay so look   are we ready i want you to pray in the spirit  we're going to go into the court right now thank you thank you thank you thank you okay now  let's repeat after me say lord god i step into   this court to face every accusation from every  kind of spirit every kind of serpent spirit   including leviathan and i ask that this  court exercise its judicial authority   to call into its presence every serpent spirit  including leviathan lord god i begin my testimony   by asking the court to pull up my record  of repentance that i've already prayed of everything that i put under the blood that i had in common with leviathan and other serpent spirits  another clip in the spirit lord lord god   lord god righteous judge righteous judge   in jesus name in jesus name i decree to this  court i decree to this court that jesus jesus   gave me exosia power give me exosya power  according to luke 10 19 according to luke 10 19.   it means power of judicial decisions it means  power of judicial decisions jesus himself jesus   himself has given me power has given me power to  make judicial decisions to make judicial decisions   against my enemy against my enemies jesus said  whenever i do this jesus said whenever i do this   i will have power to trample our power  to trample on serpents and scorpions   serpentine scorpions and over all the power of  the enemy and of all the power of the enemy and   nothing shall in any wise harm me and nothing  shall be anyways harm me lord god lord god   righteous judge righteous judge these  serpents are harming me disciplines are   humming me they are doing what the word harm  means they are doing what the word harm means   they're breaking the law they're breaking the  law they're criminals they're criminals because   i'm a blood-bought child of jesus christ  because i'm a blood-bought child of jesus   christ they're breaking the law by attacking  me they're breaking the law by attacking me   their attacks are illegal yeah attacks are  illegal including leviathan including leviathan   he's enforcing witchcraft curses against me  he's enforcing witchcraft crisis against me   that makes him a piercing serpent that makes him  a piercing serpent isaiah 27 says isaiah 27 says   the word piercing means a fugitive the  way they are piercing means a fugitive   he's a fugitive from the law  he's affirmative from the law   because he's carrying out the curse on me  because he's cutting out the curse on me   but jesus already became a curse for  me jesus became a curse for me already   jesus already took the handwritten requirements  jesus took away the hundred reading requirements   and nailed them to the cross and nailed it to the  cross and made a public spectacle the enemy and   penny the public specter of the enemy at the cross  he crushed the head of the seed of the serpent   at the cross see christ the head of the seed of  the secret this makes leviathan a fugitive from   the law this makes levat and a fugitive from the  law lord god lord god i will not touch leviathan i   will not touch leviathan according to the warning  in job 41 according to the working in job 41   i will not touch him i will not touch him but i  have the legal right but i have the legal right   to request that this court will request a  discord we judge him we'll judge him arrest him   arrest him restrain him restrain him and imprison  him and imprison him on my behalf on my behalf   i decree he will have to let go of my life  i decree or have to let god of my life   because of judicial order from this court court of  judicial order from this court so i thank you lord   thank you lord i once again asked this court  i once again asked this quote to heal my soul   to heal my soul of every legal landing strip  of every legal on this trip that would allow   curses to come upon me that would allow  christians to come upon me and to arrest   every single demonic serpent and to arrest every  single demonic serpent that's attacking my life   it's attacking my life in jesus name right now  thank you lord and let's just start praising the   lord thank you lord some of you are having  like a headache right here it's that's a   that's the sign of the presence i call it the  leviathan headache it's the headache that he   starts squeezing your head if you have that right  now chat in because he's going to be removed by   the officers of the court right now we don't  have to rebind him or rebuke him or cast him down   now if you if you feel if you have said that you  uh bound or rebuked or cast down leviathan if you   ever went at leviathan i want you to repent right  now say lord god i repent for not using my exosia power of judicial decisions part of the decisions  anointing anointing to deal with leviathan to deal with leviathan instead i laid my hand  on him i cast him down i rebuked him i bound him   i repent and i ask that this court  break that curse that was put on me   for doing that in jesus name i'll keep  praying in tongues because the court is   going to work for you right now to reboot  remove leviathan thank you lord jesus see a lot of people are saying headache five to  ten minutes ago headache on the sides of the eyes   pressure on my head yawning have the headache  the eyes pressure headache i've had the headache   started when this started felt tingling see that  headache that's what i call leviathan headache   that's where i discern the presence of levathan  on people and i just started to have it meaning i   was discerning its presence on you father i thank  you as an officer of the court dr miles and i come   into agreement that right now everyone online is  having their souls healed of the witchcraft curses   of the landing strips in their souls right now  and leviathan is being arrested by this court and   being restrained and imprisoned and removed from  everyone's life by the power and the authority and   the officers of the holy court of heaven we're  not touching him we won't lay our hand on him   because if we did we remember the battle and never  do such a foolish thing again so we thank you lord   that as we are praying in the presence of the holy  court that people the headaches are going to start   leaving now as a sign that leviathan is being  dealt with remember god with his great unrelenting   sharp sword will slay leviathan that monster  that's in the sea god is the ancient of days   we come before the ancient of days court right  now where fire comes out from among the throne   to burn up every wound inside your soul right now  fiery judgments and the ancient of days himself   is going to take out his sword and slay leviathan  on your behalf now everybody keep praying in the   spirit right now right now because you're going  to start getting healed right now right now he's coming off because the the court is   adjudicating against him and removing him  off your life keep praying in the spirit thank you lord you're healing the womb you're  healing the breath you're healing bodies right now   you're releasing power right now as you remove  and this court removes leviathan off of people   your healing bodies your healing relationships  right now you're healing marriages you're   removing strife you're removing division  right now in the name of jesus right now   right now right now inflammation is leaving right  now pain is going right now because leviathan is   being taken out right now in the name of jesus  in the name of jesus i command those tumors to go   i command that disease to go i command  cancer to die right now go i command   breath to return right now in the name  of jesus now now now keep on praying for some of you are going to have your  eyes watering you're going to be yawning   you're going to be feeling  the the feeling of deliverance   the headache's going to lift  off of you bye bye keep praying and we just want to remind leviathan and  everything in the court that we are the bloodball   children of jesus christ we stand righteous  and acquitted of guilt and deliverance of guilt   because of him and his blood and his grace  right now in jesus name we have the fire   of god filling our souls right now to heal us  where all the chaff is burning up right now we   are the righteousness of god in christ we thank  you lord all accusations are under the blood   they're illegal these spirits are criminals who  have broken the law against us they are fugitives   from the law but jesus became a curse for us so  every curse i break the curses right now in the   name of jesus because of what jesus accomplished  on the cross i decree curses be broken now   curses be broken now curses be broken now curses  be broken now curses be broken now curses be   broken now curses be broken now curses be broken  now curses be broken now curses be broken now thank you thank you jesus thank you thank  you jesus thank you lord thank you lord people are saying that their headaches left  people yawning people having water coming out   okay people are having um choking some people are  still people having watery eyes some people still   have the headache that means you still need  to pray in the spirit and honestly guys i'm   not trying to get you spend your money but your  seed speaks for you in the court so if you are   not feeling like you have enough breakthrough  more fire more decreeing that you will stand   righteousness be righteous before god that you  are cleansed and more more more more more seed put   your seed in because your seed is going to speak  to you it's going to speak for you in the court   pressure over the sinuses and eyes headache is  easing off i feel a release i feel a lightness   in my entire body amen people are starting to  have the breakthrough keep praying in the spirit   tightness is loosening up headache is now gone  and these are all different experience deep   yawning more eye more um more um eyes watering  somebody said i still have a slight headache okay   constantly yawning tingling around the ankles um  right now the achilles pain that has been the heel   uh is leaving on the right foot thank you right  now tightness in the chest and breathing keep   praying in the spirit yawning yawning these  are all different answers another yawning   another deep yawning right now can i see the  way to sew again somebody's asking to see the   way to sow again let's put that up on the on the  screen right now in the name of jesus right now somebody said burping somebody said  yawning somebody said pressure is left   yawning nonstop somebody  says it's slowly going slowly somebody said the pressure is gone their  eyes are watering uh somebody said their   spine still hurts but the pressure is gone  i decree healing in the spine healing in   the spine healing in the body creating  miracles right now right now right now   right now right now right now right now right now  right now right now right now happening right now my arm started to shake like i was  shaking off a snake somebody said   i decree all cancellation some things burning  under my feet somebody said another yawning   another burping said somebody said manifestation  and yawning somebody said the grip is lessening   becoming less keep on praying in the spirit god that this court is arresting leviathan on our  behalf thank you god that they're capturing that   you fugitive and you're removing it from people's  lives thank you jesus for becoming the curse for   us already thank you god you're healing our souls  so the causes curse cannot alight thank you my   almighty god that you're causing the child right  now you're burning up the chaff with unquenchable   fire right now right now right now right now  right now right now right now thank you god for   arresting the criminals who have broken the law so  those serpents can't harm us thank you jesus for   giving us exosia judicial power to make judicial  decisions authority thank you jesus thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord   somebody says it's leaving my body i have  another person said i have release in my eyes thank you lord says somebody said  pressure in right side of neck is gone   legs feel light especially around ankles and knees lots of deliverance is happening  right now tingling in the body thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord  thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord   thank you lord thank you lord somebody  said the pressure in my head is less   jesus said another person said i feel lighter thank you lord somebody said i'm feeling the  release feeling clearer feeling less pressure   you know this pressure a wave of peace  and comets come over me a cold breeze   in hot summer pressure in my head is lesser  pressure on my head i see i don't feel the   headache now chest is still tingling even after  sewing still tight okay father i right now you're   you're you're resting python squeezing out that  breath you're resting that spirit of python   that's squeezing out that breath in the name of  jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus   right now mucus from eyes and throne is still  coming up thank you lord okay somebody needs to   see the giving slide again the giving slight again  they're asking to see the giving slide again right   now thank you lord somebody said my throat is  feeling better somebody else said lord thank you   lord headache is gone and i feel peace thank you  lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord   somebody said it broke and i can breathe it broke  and i can breathe thank you lord thank you lord   i wonder if that's the same person that just said  their chest was still kind of tight let me see um i'm not sure pressure no keep going back down like  the other way the other way other way   okay all right squeezing in chest yes ma'am  okay that's yes that's kyle okay great awesome   thank you lord that was that was python  then that was python thank you lord thank   you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank  you lord yes yes yep people are still getting   uh miracles here thank you lord we praise  you we praise you jesus we praise you jesus yeah prayers and the naturals are okay if you  don't pray in the spirit just keep on praising   the lord because he became the curse for you  amen just keep on praising him that he's already   taken your sin to the cross thank you lord so  you know you guys when you said you know it's   endless repentance we're just reminding  the court and reminding the enemy that   we're forgiven and if we are in sin we should  repent if you're angry or offended or bitter   okay just saying okay excessive yawning  runny nose that's you're getting delivered   yep pressure and headache over eyes and head gone  fire fire fire lord all consuming fire excessive   yawning all pride gone thank you lord thank you  lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord   thank you lord oh okay dr miles uh yeah people  are still chatting in they're getting a miracle   oh wow praise the lord thank you jesus man this  was amazing listen god is going to continue to   move even after we end the broadcast but before we  end the broadcast there's just a uh there's just   one one one question uh kelly that came in for you  i've been answering a lot of the questions on the   q and a there's been some pretty good ones but i  just wanted you to answer one and then we i think   one or two and then we're going to talk about  i want you to talk about the king's conference   uh where you're gonna be doing  a whole lot more before we close   uh and then we're going back and forth but for  those who are asking can we watch this amazing   teaching again the answer is yes we're gonna  have a post edit tonight and then by tomorrow   it's going to be available on my facebook on my  youtube channel francis miles international and   then we're going to upload it to facebook today we  had some glitches on the live feed for facebook so   we're just going to upload the youtube and  uh also give a copy to katie sudas ministry   so you'll be able to see this amazing  teaching again now kerry somebody was asking   and they said um you know uh i think i know  the answer but i would let you do it he said   you know i i said yeah i she said yes i said so we  don't have to rebuke or confront the vathan does   that include other uh serpent and speed like like  python uh what do what what do you say to that   i i don't you take you take every it's the same  formula right and i don't mean to say formula   like because we can't put god in a box right  but you you can use the same biblical precepts   and that is to uh repent of anything you have in  common in your soul like python would be money you   know like the the poisonous viper under your mouth  would be cursing bitterness from your lips i mean   religious spirit would be rooted vipers it's on  and on you know i have a whole teaching on it   on my website and we're going to be building  a new product but so you it's just you want to   get healed in your soul and then you go to  court you take them to court now for other   spirits like um python uh any other snake you  can actually jesus said in the great commission   and matthew 16 or mark 16. i'd have  to look at it sorry that we would um   go out and baptize the nations heal the sick  drive out demons take up serpents so he's that's   a great commission that that's like jesus's will  for everyone so we're all supposed to take the   serpents the word take up their miss ira means  to remove anything that's attached to anything   so you can actually grab other serpents if  you see them especially if you see the head   if you don't see the head you need more fire  because they haven't been fully exposed yet   but if you see the head or you feel it you can  grab them and you can unwind them from your body   and throw them into the fiery pit but don't do  that with leviathan okay but no matter what take   them to court take them to court and ask the court  to arrest them for you amen okay one last one and   then we are going to move on because we amen thank  you katie for just coming tonight you're amazing   uh he said he said can inflammation parasites and  cancer in my body be caused by serpent and spirit   yeah well remember joe cursed his mother's  breast in her womb so a lot of cancers   come from that spirit i had a lady  that had a tumor the size of a walnut   and when a serpent came off her breast the tumor  completely disappeared so a lot of cancers are   and then as far as parasites when you look  into a magnifying glass a lot of parasites   actually look like little serpents so i would  not be surprised i don't have a biblical   scripture to prove that but the thing that's  closest i would say is that you know we have this   authority and power to trample on serpents and  scorpions and nothing shall in any ways harm us   so parasites harm us so i definitely think that  it's quite possible that that they're microscopic   demonic serpent spirits that is possible and i  forget the last part which you said to me dr miles   you you kind of answered it but anyway we're  going to put up the king's uh conference uh   uh poster now katie can you talk about just  because i know you are one of our people you you   you're going to hit it hard at king's conference  downtown atlanta just talk to the people about   about about uh this conference and  what god is putting up on your heart yeah um i'm gonna go after it um with this  because i feel like this spirit is on everyone   and i'm probably how many sessions do i have dr  miles one or two two so i'm probably going to   build so please do me a favor don't just show  up for the last session that i'm going to do   because i'm going to get i'm going to work on the  soul first in the first session and then work on   the course in the second session so you need  to come to bowls uh don't just show up for you   know the evening miracle service because every  service i do is always going to have miracles   we're always going to administrate the miraculous  so please show up for both because we're going to   go after this and we're going to get rid of  more than leviathan we're going to get rid   of a lot of these serpents including ones  that are on your finances thank you lord praise the lord amen amen praise the lord yeah so  uh again the the discount code uh uh is kt kt tv   katie's name uh and the way tv or kings now both  those you can use each if both of those discounts   kings now you know k-i-n-g k-i-n-g-s now in  ow you can use it you can use it okay that's t k-a-t-i-e-t-v t v uh you can use that  to get a 20 discount off coming to the   live there's no discount for the live streaming  but there's a discount that you can you can get   for the next 14 days and it's gonna just disappear   uh but i'm telling you it's going to be amazing  people are coming from all over the world   it's going to be an amazing time of the god  encounter so i want you to really join me   join me pastor benny hen k de souza bishop to  the bismarck dr avida king bishop wellington   born apostle dwayne hadding pastor frankie vegan  apostle jackie tyre and then of course eddie james   ron cannoli prince the dead girls it's gonna be  an amazing time since you really want to be there   now uh next uh this coming saturday at two o'clock  uh here eastern time uh we're going to have an uh   one of our sp a very powerful bible study on on  you know on restoring the power of the cross and   the kingdom you know uh it's gonna be amazing  this man flows in an amazing prophetic word of   word of knowledge healing ministry you know and uh  this is one of our speakers apostle dwayne hudding   you the the number you use the zoom number you  use today is gonna repeat uh this saturday at 2   p.m eastern standard time but we are also going  to send out emails to you guys and we'll put up   the flyer for this particular bible study on our  facebook page again thank you for coming tonight   it's been amazing i am amazing amazing amazing  amazing katie i thank god for you i thank god for   our our covenant friendship in the name of jesus  you know that uh you know a man from africa and   a woman from maricopa could from america would  come together and do just kingdom for the lord   it's been amazing to work with you katie and uh  so the woman of god i know you went beyond the   time you're gonna give me but see that's  the thing about uh my friend katie since   she really cares for the people she's one of  the few ministries that refuses to leave the   room without praying for people i don't care if  it's live or virtual katie will not leave a room   if there's ministry to be if there's people to be  prayed over katie i really really appreciate that   about you but why do you think that's such  a big deal in the culture of your ministry   um because i you know i gosh i i don't  want to sound as i say this i'm not   sounding trying to sound prideful and i don't  want to be but i just feel i i get frustrated   if i hear a teaching that doesn't lead to some  sort of deliverance healing activation miracles   or something because it's like i i don't  want to just stand up on the stage and you   bring a great message anybody can do that  the message is only great if people actually   get a breakthrough so i have kind  of like this rule that i've lived by   you know that i will never preach unless i can  do an activation even on my you know like my   things i do on the phone sometimes and  stuff like that i i i always do something   some and not just like the 30-second or 33-minute  obligatory prayer i think that the level of   warfare we're dealing with in the planet today  requires that we go for it and so i really um   that's just my own conviction my own moral  conviction it's like why would i come on   and just to talk that's ridiculous who cares what  i have to say honestly who cares to me it's like   i want the holy spirit to take over and i want  everybody that's watching have something happen   that changed their life and that's when i  feel like i did the job god sent me to do wow   scary thank you that is uh listen wow that's  amazing katie listen that's that's the kingdom   that's jesus style jesus never left the room  without doing that so i love that for you that's   why you and i connect very very well guys he  talked about the sock a fire soaker that she   has on the vast and on our website  you are very much free i mean kerry produces some   of the most anointed as uh soakers for soaking  yourself sometimes some of these things are so   deep you soak yourself in it you know you just  need to talk in the presence of god after three   four days the devil and his mother-in-law  they start running out of any part of your   body while they're hiding so these soccers are  really powerful so again i have no problem kerry   people coming to your website kelso and  getting that fire soaker that you talked about so   they can just suck i love the music around it i  love the the fire scriptures that you're you're   releasing so between that it's an amazing thing  to have but again since uh go to events dot mouse and join us for october  it's coming up quickly and the seats are filling   up really quickly amen come and join us don't  forget to use the discount code katie souza   benihin uh keno keri tv ben hin and kings now  so you can those are some of the discount codes   but all of them are going to expire within  about the next 14 days benny hinn katie souza   carey tv and kings kings now amen so we  love you so much thank you for coming   we are gonna edit this video clean it up and  then we're gonna upload it to youtube and then   on facebook so you guys can share share share and  enjoy it love you so much shalom shalom bye bye you
Channel: Katie Souza
Views: 9,039
Rating: 4.9432049 out of 5
Keywords: Leviathan, Deliverance, Katie Souza
Id: bl-fmy-75jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 32sec (6812 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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