God Goes Undercover! - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] i want to talk to you this morning out of the gospel of saint luke chapter 1 verse 31-35 and let's stand and read it together and as we turn to it let's understand let's understand that we're eavesdropping that we are sneaking into the room and overhearing a conversation between divinity and humanity between the celestial and the terrestrial between an archangel and a woman of which we have not heard even the mention of her name until the prominence of this conversation brings her into a spotlight that goes on and perpetuates itself throughout time but now at the time of the conversation she's just a girl called mary and verse 31 says and behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and his name shall be called yahshua jesus he shall be great and shall be called the son of the highest and the lord god shall give unto him the throne of his father david and he shall reign over the house of jacob forever and of his kingdom that shall be no end good god almighty can you imagine being some young girl trying to conceive the magnitude of what is being said to a girl who has not had any relationship at all you're going to have a baby period is mind-boggling the baby's going to be great it's still more mind-boggling the baby is god that's my head just popped off and of his kingdom there shall be no end then say mary angel this is too much for me how shall this be seen i know not a man see that's what gets us is because when we start hearing god talk we start talking about what we don't have [Music] you can't bless me i'm too old you can't do it it's too late you can't do it you can't do it i don't have a degree in that you can't do it god can do whatever he wants to do whenever he wants to do it because he's sovereign and the angel answered and said unto her the holy ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the highest shall overshadow me therefore also that check this out holy thing this is this is the first time in scripture that christ is referred to as a thing that holy thing and it's not so much that he is an object and i don't want to objectify him as much as he is unexplainable said what i'm getting ready to do is shine it's a holy thing you're not even going to be able to explain it [Laughter] we shall be born of thee and shall be called the son of god can you say amen i want to use this headline god goes undercover god ghosts those are the headlines that came out in the angelic press that morning god goes undercover that's what we are celebrating in this season and at this time but in deeper ways we are celebrating it in our own lives as just to understand that god disguises himself that god disguises himself i don't want to get ahead of myself but god disguises himself and god goes undercover i want you to type on the line or yell at somebody and holler god goes undercover you may be seated [Music] those are the headlines god goes undercover headlines are designed to catch your attention so that you can get into the article and begin to read and i have been thinking about this for some time because because the holy spirit dropped it down into my heart and i was watching my wife as a christmas person you know she she's i'm a christmas person but she is like mrs santa claus and uh and everything in my house is blinking the toasts the bacon everything is blinking and flashing and all of it you can't touch nothing that ain't an angel or something flying in the air you know you're all in the bathroom and everywhere stuff just flying around guards everywhere christmas balls everywhere all lit up and it's beautiful it's beautiful it's amazing but what really shocked me is when we got ready to celebrate christmas and we downsized we did it very small normally we had a lot of friends and people and different ones over and we do a big hullabaloo but we just had just our family it's been an unusual christmas for us but it was safe and it was good and it was wise and we had a good time together and it was wonderful what surprised me though is that everybody in my family is so sneaky it's not like they just went to the store they have been hiding stuff for months stuff started coming out of the attic out from under the bed in closets up on the drain stay things tucked away and i got i even did okay all right i did a little bit of hide myself i did a little bit of hiding my self and when i was reading the text and looking at the family and everybody started bringing stuff out of hiding i thought to myself every person in this room is hiding something you you you cannot deny it i i hear you there's two generations having a conversation my generation what goes on in this house stays in the house my children's generation is keeping it 100. but then they got older and they found out 100 ain't so cool so they don't say that as much as they used to be because the truth of the matter if you say everything you think you won't have anybody or anything if you tell everything you know you will self-destruct and it's not always good to to keep it 100 at the expense of the absence of privacy because some stuff just ain't your business [Applause] [Music] it just ain't your best it's just none of your business some stuff you it's not time for you to know some stuff you'll never know people people people go through all kinds of things in their lives and and it causes them to hide something all of them are not negative and you hide your will you hide your insurance papers you hide the deed of trust and hiding isn't necessarily evil sometimes we hide for different reasons i'm going to talk about that it's not always about shame or guilt or or something hideous or heinous that leads us to a place of hiding now shame is an emotion that occurs when you evaluate or judge yourself in a negative light and and when you do it for example you might experience shame if you view yourself as worthless weak bad or useless guilt is when you are upset about something you did a person you owe or you borrowed money you didn't pay him and every time you see him you feel guilty and guilt is in that way a healthy emotion because sometimes it will lead to repentance and make you change and it'll make you pay me back but shame isn't about i did something bad shame is about i am bad and you have to understand that with that comes a certain degree of trauma and pain and feelings of condemnation and so when we start talking about things that make people want to hide something we we have to talk about i i picked out four prominent things that stood out to me that make people hide a thing a thing anything number one is hidden out of our shame sometimes there are some things that we hide because we are ashamed and we don't want anybody else to know because we personally live with the shame of something we did or something we said or something that happened or something that we can't do or something in some area are dysfunctional and instead of dealing with that issue we become shame ashamed of it and we don't want anybody to know and it could be something as simple as being dyslexic or or something or somebody's anorexic or has eating disorder whatever it is the devil makes sure that there's always something you can accuse yourself of and if you give ear to him he will talk you not into what i did was bad but i am bad and when you get in a place of shame you will find a way to reject any other opinion of you people who live in shame are often impossible to love because if you love them they will drive you away because they disagree with you and anytime somebody thinks highly of you and you don't think highly of you you will think something is wrong with them because the companionship of your shame has become so all-engulfing that there's not room in your life for anybody to contradict and challenge how you see yourself even though you don't say it anything good you push it away shame comes often with ptsd post-traumatic stress disorder and all of a sudden we have all of these issues exploding in us at the same time [Music] and when we get in this state of beating certain beings some people are not safe to love then not safe to love because they don't know how to receive love that they don't know how to be open to love because they don't feel themselves worthy of loving the definition of shame is to feel worthless and so when i think you are valuable you will say i don't like him because i disagree with your framework of thinking it's not always the way we see ourselves because number two leads us into we hide things out of the disdain of others for fear of being shamed publicly to be shamed publicly to be humiliated publicly is one of the most devastating things that can happen to an individual guilty or not [Music] right or wrong the public is so harsh that whether you're guilty or not there are going to be consequences when you have public shaming and people hide things because people are cruel to each other we are better at inflicting pain than we are receiving it and so anytime your life gets into the public domain and everybody starts weighing in on it even the people who did something themselves [Music] will come along and attack you because it's kind of like a group mob mentality everybody just starts throwing stuff and throwing they don't really even realize what they're doing but they and all of a sudden you are victimized you might as well stone me in the bible they stoned me everybody picked up stones and started stoning it i mean jesus stopped the stoning by making them remember that they themselves were also guilty i wonder are you a rock thrower because i get a lot of amens when i talk about what's being thrown at you but i know that some of the people that that have had rocks thrown at them are also rock oh i see you you're not going to talk to me i'm not going to bother that because i'm just getting to the point but but i do want you to be as open to admitting that sometimes you are not just the victim sometimes you're the perpetrator you can be both you can be the victim of somebody else's ire and you can contribute to someone else's pain because you jump into conversations and start acting funny toward other people based on things that a ain't your business two you don't know it's true three you didn't hear the other side of the story but [Applause] can i work on this a little bit and then number three we hide things out of love a proposal of a wedding ring a surprise uh we hide things out of love uh sometimes we make bad decisions in hiding things out of love maybe we don't want the the child to know they're adopted we we hide things out of love we try to keep to protect them from pain we hide things out of love sometimes addictions we hide them out of love we don't want to hurt anybody and sometimes we hide out of love number four we hide because something is significant a document a will a treasure a sentimental value doesn't even have to be uh the normal value but a sentimental topic if something is valued they laugh at me because at christmas time when they give me all the gifts i take mine and put go away and put them away because in the hoopler they might fool around throw away my stuff and if you treasure something sometimes you had it it's valuable you put it away you don't put your valuable stuff and leave it laying around just anywhere not just anywhere i had almost had a heart attack the other day my wife said where's your ring and when your wife says where is your ring and you look at your finger and it's gone and you don't know exactly where it is you panic because even though she didn't say it loud there was something in her eye that was red and i knew i had better find that ring really quick or move and the weird thing about it is i almost never take it off because it's valuable and when i do and when i do have to take it off i'm careful to remember where i put it because i value it i'm not talking about it's worth its value but that way but i'm talking about it's valuable in sentiment when something is valuable you often hide it whether positively or negatively everything hidden is important that's what all four points have in common everything hidden is important to us or we wouldn't hide it whether it's based in shame or whether it's based in the fear of gathering the ire of other people around us or whether it's based in protecting somebody or whether it is based in personal value everything hidden is hidden because it's important whether it's if it's hidden treasure it's important if it's hidden documents it's important if it's in secrets it's important it has to be important to be hidden and what you have to realize when we begin to grapple with this text is that what gabriel is telling mary has been hidden it is god's secret he announces god's secret to a virgin not a prophet not a priest it is god's secret how do you know it's god's secret because paul said great is a mystery of godliness for god was manifest in the flesh if it is a mystery it had to be hidden the word mystery comes from the word apocalypse to be to unveil which means it was there all the time but it was hidden the lamb was there all the while because the bible said that the lamb was slain from the foundations of the world but nobody knew because it was hidden a few times he may have shown up but they called him the fourth one in the fiery furnace about his name was hidden they didn't say anything about him or he wrestled uh with jacob and he wrestled with jacob and jacob said tell me thy name and he never answered that question he told jacob who he was but he didn't tell jacob who he was because it was [Music] god knows how to hide a thing some things that god has for your life he doesn't tell you because if he had told you you couldn't handle it and it was hidden from you the prophet elijah says surely the lord hath hidden this from me and he was a prophet and yet god hid it what would make god hide something he and drop hints about it because in genesis 3 15 he says i will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shall bruise his heel it is the first messianic prophecy in the book of genesis and every woman thereafter wanted to fulfill that prophecy have you noticed that the women in the bible are crying out for something that women today are not [Music] give me a child lest i die every woman gave birth to a child remembering the messianic prophecy as it passed down from generation to generation that what if what is going to save me i am going to birth it that went right over top of your head that didn't touch nobody nobody got that but you because you've been waiting on somebody to come and save you but the premise is what comes out of you is what delivers you oh god y'all don't hear what i'm saying and this is what made the first family have so much turmoil because eve was taught he thought she was the one and she thought well it's gonna be able and they killed abel and then she looked at cain and they sent him to the land of nod and then god gave herself and the bible said another seed have god appointed me in the place of the one whom cain's flu because she's trying to have the seed that is going to stop this conflict between hell and earth between demons and flesh between carnality and spirituality she's trying to fix this thing and cain hated abel you have to realize when god has something over your life people are going to hate you they're going to hate you they're going to want to destroy you and eve wanted to fulfill this promise but eve was not the one rachel said lord give me a child lest i die and she had significant children but none of them redeemed her hannah scammered into the church like a drunk woman and fell out on the floor and it started moving her mouth though no words came out of her mouth and eli thought she was drunk but she was not a drunk woman she was trying to burst something that would do something and anytime you're trying to burst something that will do something you're gonna have to go into labor to do it you're not gonna get it through divine osmosis you're not going to get it by hanging around the right circle you have to go into labor and travail in order to do it hannah had to empty out all of her shame and all of her guilt in order to be eligible to be filled with samuel you can't get pregnant with the promises of god while you hold on to the pain of the past thousands of generations passed down down through the ages and down to the period and yet we have not seen the emergence of that which was hidden until we find out that eve's prophecy is mary's promise eve's prophecy is mary's promise mary never met eve eve never met mary they come from two different worlds and eras and time and yet god spoke something to eve that came to pass for mary sometimes the god the word god gives you is not for you it could be for your children and for your grandchildren sometimes the only reason god gave you the promise is to set it off you you you are the ignition switch you are the place that gets it started you are the place that changes the trajectory of the family that causes them to want something better sometimes god opens up a door to cause your family to want something better it's not even about you but you set it all there are some set it off people in here you may not finish the work but you see it and you set it off and every generation is going to take it to the next level to the next level to the next level to the next level to the next level because it's not all about you boo [Music] it's not about eve it's not about rachel it's not about hannah the prophecy has landed like the dove the prophecy has landed on this daughter the prophecy has fallen on mary and behold i shall conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and thou shall call his name jesus this this text is startling because from heaven's perspective from earth's perspective jesus is an immigrant he's an outsider coming in his kingdom is not of this world he has to seek legal entry into the world and legal entry into the world for him to abide in the world as the son requires that man born of a woman has but a few days and he has to come in through the woman because the woman is the door but when he comes through the door he can't come through the door as god because he would blow up the womb from heaven's perspective what are you doing in heaven we there you are pouring out yours yourself your pre-existing glory your your omnipotence your omnipresence your omniscience you're pouring out your pre-existing glory and reducing yourself to your lowest common denominator and then coming down and going under cover jesus is god undercover [Applause] you you know how the police officers when they go undercover jesus is god going undercover jesus is god reducing himself because he had to reduce himself to incarnate himself because had he come in the fullness of himself she couldn't contain all the glory that it couldn't be housed in her body and so he he he he laid aside his garments and girding himself with a towel it's nothing but god going undercover watch me i'm going somewhere you got to go with me somewhere you got to think with this one or you're not going to be able to get it god is going undercover and the angels are shocked that god is pouring out his omnipotence and omnipresence and our missions and that god would be made flesh that he would put on a meat suit and become incarnate as human is so startling that angel that gabriel has to come and announce to the suit god is getting ready to put you on and when god goes undercover you're going to access him by calling his name y'all don't hear what i'm saying paul says without controversy great is the mystery of god it was mystified it was with hell for if the princes of this world would have known what god was up to [Applause] it would have changed everything so god hid it i wish i had time to work with it but the same bible class god hit it he never lost it but he hit it he hit it i want to talk to some people that have hidden some things you never lost it but you hit it you put it out of sight because you knew they couldn't handle it you knew they weren't ready for it there's some things i have for my children that they still haven't got yet because i know they're not ready for it but when the time is right i'm going to unveil little by little that's why i have a will and testament y'all don't hear what i'm saying you hide some things and space them out can i go deeper listen to what paul says in first corinthians 2 4 through 11 and with and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit and the power that your faith should stand in the wisdom of men and and but not in the wisdom of men but in the power of god howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world nor of the princes of this world that come to not because the people who pretend to be smart and wise in this world are absolutely foolish but we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which god ordained before the world unto our glory god hid it before the foundations of the world he hid it because he values it which none of the princes of this world knew for had they known it they would not have crucified the lord of glory [Applause] but this principle brings up something but as it is written eyes have not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things that god has prepared for them that love him because god had stuff you can't see stuff that god has in store for you that's why you can't take your life that's why you can't say i'll never be nothing that's why you can't say i'll never get up because god has some things that he hides for you and eyes have not seen and ears haven't heard oh y'all don't hear what i'm saying but god's going to do it i don't know who this is for but god is going to shock somebody there won't be any wind there won't be any rain there's just going to be water you're not going to see it coming you're not going to feel it in your spirit it's just going to suddenly immediately come upon you because god is masterful it was yours when you didn't see it it was yours when you didn't hear it it was yours because it was hidden under cover there's some of the stuff you're walking in now that shocks you but god knew before your mama had you you were gonna be right here for such a time as this he couldn't tell you that sooner because you couldn't handle it sooner but in the fullness of time god reveals himself all i'm saying is that god goes undercover with your destiny undercover with your purpose undercover with your will under cover with himself but god have revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit searches all things ye to deep things of god i can only spend a minute there i want to spend a minute right there that's why you get healed in your spirit before you get healed in your body y'all can't handle it [Applause] you get prosperous in your spirit before you get prospered in your bank account prosperity is a spiritual thing it's not a natural thing if you don't have it in your spirit you'll never be able to call it into your account you know why jesus could call peace in the middle of the storm when the boat was rocking because he had peace in his spirit if you have peace in your spirit you can speak peace on the boat you can't speak peace if you're in conflict i'll prove it to you the storm was raging and jesus was asleep he spoke peace because he was peace you cannot speak what you are not if you don't have it in your belly you can't have it in your life oh somebody shot me down i feel the holy ghost for what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of the man which is in him even so the things of god no it's no man but the spirit of god you're asking god for stuff that he can't tell you because it's undercover look at somebody say it's undercover [Applause] i don't think they heard you find somebody else and tell them it's undercover how you gonna get out of this is undercover how god is gonna work this out is undercover how things are going to end up is undercover who am i talking to the way that god's going to make for you is undercover god's got some stuff for you that he can't tell you right now that's why you don't see it coming that's why you don't hear it coming because god is going undercover [Applause] if we can't celebrate christmas the incarnation of god himself without realizing that god has his propensity to go undercover to hide stuff and if you get it you're going to get it in your spirit before you get it in your life if you get something in your life that's not in your spirit you're going to lose it you can only receive commensurate to what is in your spirit let me break it down another one as a man thinketh in his heart so is he the word heart there is fear as a man thinketh in his spirit so is he you're healed in your spirit let me say it another way woman thou art loose i don't look loose i don't feel loose i'm bent over i've been bent over for 18 years jesus said don't go by the outside i hid it down inside of you i'm telling you in spite of what you see on the outside woman thou art loose when she receive what he said look from thy spirit of infirmity it's a spirit that's got you sick and it's going to take a spirit to make you well give me 30 seconds of a deliverance phrase [Applause] [Music] the reason i come to church is not to see you the reason i come to church is not so you can see me but i have learned that my sunday morning affects my monday morning that if i can receive it in my spirit it can happen in my life if i can get peace in my spirit i can get peace in my life if i can break out in the holy ghost i can break out in my life and when the anointing comes upon me it's a sign that god just broke something in my life if i had 10 people that the anointing was touching right now every time god touches you in your spirit it is a witness that he's touching you in your life if i'm talking to you give god a praise [Applause] when god goes undercover we start asking questions how can these things be seen as i know not a man seeing senses my senses do not validate what the angel is telling me how can these things be seeing as i know not a man there is not a man in the earth that can stop what god has spoken over your life they can't stop it nor can they make it happen when god gets ready to open a door no man can shut it when god shuts the door no man can oh i want to talk about god i want to talk about god i want to talk about god i want to talk about god as a ruler of the universe i want to talk about god as being the sovereign mighty god i want to talk about god as being el shaddai the all sufficient god i want to talk about god as being jehovah gebra the provision is already made while you're walking up the hill you haven't seen it yet because it's hidden but when the time is right look over your shoulder [Applause] look over your shoulder i already got a ram tied in the thicket i knew you were gonna get here before you ever got there but i didn't tell you about the ram i told you about the place cause if you get in the place i'm gonna show you the provision oh my god i rebuke every devil that's trying to get you out of the place some of us haven't even got the provision yet we're just shouting because we're in the right place we finally got ourselves lined up in a place to receive something from god everybody that feels like you're on the verge of a breakthrough give him a 30 second [Applause] [Applause] do you see how all this word is fitting together remember a few weeks ago when i told you you're at an inflection point things are getting ready to shift you're getting ready to go into another dimension you see how all of this is tied together god is now telling you i hid it because you couldn't handle it but all the while you were coming up this side of the hill the ram was coming up the other side of the hill and even though the devil told you you waited too late i tied the ram in the thicket because what god has for you [Applause] oh i'm preaching better than yourself what god has for you is for you can i go deeper with this thing i feel like something's about to happen in this place i feel like handcuffs are falling off somebody i feel like chains are coming off of somebody i feel like god is renewing somebody you've been through all kind of stuff this year but god brought you through it stop talking about what you went through and start talking about what you're going to [Applause] you cannot drive forward looking back so as long as you're belly aching about what you've been through you're not ready for where you're going to let me ask you a question do you think god would have brought you through all of that if he didn't have something in store for you [Applause] what i'm trying to teach you respectfully is that god can be sneaky he can have a king hidden in a kid god went undercover as a baby who would be looking for a baby but somebody heard that god might be going undercover named herod and tried to kill all the babies because he couldn't tell which baby was the baby what that was god undercover because god was undercover he wasn't really trying to kill babies he was trying to kill [Applause] and so god [Music] came as a baby a helpless innocent baby and nursed at the breasts of his mother daughter [Music] he made the milk he drank god went undercover and said we can't stay in a hotel because they would expect me to be in a hotel i can't stay in a penthouse because they would expect a king to be in a penthouse i can't stand in the middle of a royal entourage because it'll blow my cover so we got to do this thing in a barn and so they put him in a barn and they put him in a manger and the only thing that lives in barns his animals but the reason god could do it is that he'd become the lamb of god [Applause] so while shepherds were grazing in the field it makes sense that the lamb would be in the crib because anytime they're shepherds there's got to be sheep but the sheep is god undercover [Applause] [Music] that holy thing [Music] this land in the milk rags he is the milk of the word laying in milk rags born in the manger swaddling clothes of milk rags and he's laying there and the government is on his shoulders and of his kingdom there shall be no end [Laughter] and of his kingdom there shall be no end look at the oxymoron he is undercover to the point that he is born in a barn in a manger which was a trough wrapped in swaddling clothes which was milk greg's in the night in the poorest of abject poverty with nothing at all and yet three wise men are coming bringing gold frankincense and myrrh look at the oxymoron between the gold the frankincense and myrrh and and and the manger and the rags and the barn that means you can't get so low he's not kin to you and you can't be so high that god cannot reach you either way you go god is always there he's the king of kings but he's a kid in a manger y'all don't hear what i'm saying to you i'm gonna mess with you a little bit [Applause] i was thinking i'm almost done i was thinking this [Laughter] brother said you don't have to be i was thinking this when we look at the story of of the disciples feeding the five thousand and the bible said that after they took the little boy's lunch and gave it to jesus he took it and blessed it and broke it and gave it to the disciples and the disciples gave it to the people and the people did eat so jesus is close enough to the disciples to feed them and they know it is jesus they know it it's jesus and then jesus goes apart to the mountain to pray and they get in the boat and start on the water and then jesus comes walking on the water and we preach about jesus walking on the water but so far as practicality is concerned i'm 65 years old and i've never needed jesus to walk on the water it is nice to know that if i'm ever in the middle of the atlantic and i need to be rescued that jesus can walk on water but for 65 years i have avoided the calamity of being in a situation so bad that god had to walk on water to come get me nor have i been like peter and had to get up and walk out of a safe place and walk out on water and walk out on the water literally to meet jesus so what is the usable content of the text there's many things you could use any of it but i'm gonna avoid all of it and i'm gonna use the obscure thing that's hidden the hidden message is in the 11 who were close enough to be fed by him but then didn't recognize him when he comes undercover the god who wrapped up in the meat flesh in the meat coat is now walking on water and the disciples who just got through eating out of his hands do not recognize him because he he is coming in the storm [Applause] [Music] you recognize god in the anointing [Applause] but the question is can you recognize him in the storm you recognize him in the praise service but can you recognize him in the storm you recognize him in the preaching but the real test of your discipleship is to recognize him in the storm because god goes undercover in your storms that's why you can't rebuke it that's why you can't plead the blood that's why you can't bind it that's why you can't stop it because you cannot use god to rebuke god god is hidden in your trouble i'm talking to you and you and you and you what you're going through right now is god in disguise the wind is blowing the lightning is flashing the thunder is erupting the boat is tossed to and fro and there ain't a demon nowhere it's all god is not a storm that jesus rebuked this is not a demon this is not a witch this is god undercover which means sometimes the greatest manifestation of god in your life is your storm let me bring this up i told the lord i was praying one of my children was going through a storm i was praying told that i don't like that i need you to fix it i don't like that i need to straighten that out you know my nerves you need to straighten this out before i straighten it out if i straighten it out ain't gonna be good i need to straighten it out he said you need to shut up have you lived this long and not understood that i know how to raise your children [Applause] you got to trust me even when the lightning is flashing even when the thunder is erupting even when you can't see no way out you can't let the devil tell you it's a ghost when it's just me undercover working out my will in your life i know exactly what kind of trouble to put them through to bring out the power that lies inside of you you'll never find out who you are until you get in trouble i want to spend my last minute talking to somebody that's in trouble [Applause] god is in your trouble sharma the lord is a present help in the time of trouble that means god is there in the trouble but he is [Applause] yes undercover [Music] in disguise you walk in the floor you're all upset you're worried you're in turmoil your food indigestion you're not resting well all hell is breaking loose suppose this happens suppose that happens suppose this thing happened supposed to other happen i don't know what to do where is god where is god i'm looking for god i'm looking for god i'm looking for god they were looking for god they were looking for god but they were looking for god to look like what he looked like when he fed him they didn't know that the god who came down out of the mountain was under cover in the storm god says i am the same god that feeds you on sunday [Music] even though you go through trouble on monday and i don't look like what you heard on sunday but i'm gonna do what you heard on sunday through the trouble that you're going through on monday who am i talking to listen there's not a person in this room that somewhere in your life you are not in trouble [Applause] [Music] there's not a person in this room who was shouting a minute ago that wasn't shouting over top of trouble if you don't learn how to shout over trouble you won't shout at all the lord said the reason he hadn't stopped the trouble is that he's using the trouble to work out his will in your life and he said what i want you to do is trust me when i don't look like myself [Applause] when i come in another form when i show up in another way peter started drowning in the trouble he began to sink in the trouble but the jesus he was walking to stretch forth his hand how did his hand get to peter when peter was walking toward him his hand is a present help in trouble while you're yet going after your goal god isn't just in your destination he's in your immediate dilemma the dilemma that's in your life right now is just god under cover one more thing you're not gonna drown in it the bible said that he began to think but he never finished you might feel like you're sinking but you're never going to sink because god is in the trouble right with you i want to talk to somebody who's scared and you're feeling the water getting in your nose before you go under god it's going to reach out his head and snatch you out of the trouble because god is in your trouble if you avoid the trouble you will miss god there was no way for peter to have an encounter with jesus and not have an encounter with the storm and god says there is no way for you to raise your children and pray against the storm because the storm is what raises you can't ask me to raise something and then scream because they're off the floor am i helping somebody you prayed it looks like god didn't answer because his answer doesn't look like what you had in mind they were looking for the fish and bread jesus they weren't looking for him undercover in the storm but i declare unto you there's not a storm in this room that god is not in with you stand on your feet there's not a storm i'm gonna say it again there's not a storm in this room that god is not in it with you he is not just the god of your bible and the god of your bishop and the god of your church he is the god of your storm he will make your storm serve his purpose [Applause] you said you wanted patience so he said something to get on your nerves you said you wanted power so he sent pressure you said you wanted resilience so he gave you some pain because god knows how to raise you too the problem with how we raise children today is that we give them whatever they say god is not in the business of spoiling his children god doesn't give us everything we ask for he gives us what we need [Applause] let me tell you what brings peace accepting where i am that i am right where i am supposed to be doing exactly what i'm supposed to be doing and it is not about whether it works or not because even if what i'm doing doesn't work it still worked [Applause] the goal is not your goal it is his goal and if you can accept where you are right now and just trust him that the only thing that matters is not the lightning or the thunder it is his presence that he is there undercover [Music] you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 746,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village, God Goes Undercover!, Luke 1:31-35 (KJV), god is among us, are we watched over by god
Id: 6j1sXX8rW_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 37sec (3697 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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