Inflection Point! - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] to come to pastors and leaders conference i think the most important thing is to find out that you're not alone the relationship that you build here people that come from different backgrounds from all over the place i can feel the anointing literally the moment we walked into the building tears falling from my eyes it's a heart issue it's a life changer you need to be here you don't want to miss it come see for yourself i want to invite you back to the book of judges chapter number 16 verse number 20. i cannot seem to pull my spiritual attention away from samson chapter number 16 verse 20 through 30. you're watching online do not miss this opportunity to join us as we delve into the integrity of god's word it is our custom to stand for the reading of the word if you would honor that we would appreciate it you can sit the rest of the day in the book of judges chapter number 16 verse 20 through 30 and she said the philistines be upon these samson and he'll walk out of his sleep and say i will go out as at other times before and shake myself and he wished not that the lord was departed from him how can you lose god and not know him but the philistines took him and put out his eyes and brought him down to gaza and bound him with feathers of brass and he did grind in the prison house oh be it i'll be it i'll be it the hair of his head began to grow again after he was shaving then the lords of the philistines gathered them together for to offer a great sacrifice unto dagon their god and to rejoice for they said our god had delivered samson our enemy into our hand and when the people saw him they praised their god for they said our god have delivered into our hands our enemy and the destroyer of our country which slew many of us they came to pass when their hearts were married they got drunk that they said call for samson that he made that he may make a sport so we can make fun of him this is for everybody who's been laughing at you and they called for samson out of the prison house and he made them sport and they set him between the pillars and samson said unto the lad that held him by the hand suffer me that i may feel the pillars where upon the house standeth the the load-bearing pillars i want to put my hands on the load-bearing pillars the pillars that hold the roof up that i may lean upon them now the house was full of men and women and all the lords of the philistines were there and there were upon the roof about three thousand men and women that beheld while samson was being made fun of and samson called unto the lord and said oh lord god [Music] hey god hey lord god remember me i pray thee and strengthen me i pray the only this once oh god that i may be at once avenged of the philistines for my two eyes and samson took hold of the two middle pillars upon which the house stood and on which it was born up and of the one his right hand and on the other with his left and samson said let me die with the philistines and he bowed himself with all his might and the house fell upon the lords then upon all the people that were there and all them that were laughing so the dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life i want to talk to you this morning about inflection point inflection points inflection points i'll make it clear in a moment let's pray for a moment spirit of the living god fall fresh on us today endow us with the kind of anointing that allows us to communicate and articulate your word with such synchronization that i do not deviate from that which the holy spirit would have delivered to this waiting congregation and not these alone but to all the thousands around the world that are watching right now let it be such a rhema word that it hits every last person in this room eluding no one touching everyone ministering powerfully and specifically to the continuity of where we are right now in jesus name we pray amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord i am fascinated and i keep driving my eyes back to samson because reading about him now with mature eyes i see things that i did not see when i was younger and i did not see when i was a child when i was a child and taught about samson i was my vision was on how muscular he was and how strong he was and how miraculously he moved and how he took little things and did a lot with them that's how you know you're anointed when you can take little and do much the jar bone of an ass and kill ten thousand philistines tying foxes together and setting their tails on fire and burning up fields he he didn't he didn't use strong weaponry but whatever his hands found turned into a weapon and i was i was amazed by that later i began to realize that samson was not as muscular as he was in my sunday school book for had he been as muscular as they depicted him in the sunday school class then it would have been foolish for delilah to ask where does your strength lie if you saw arnold schwarzenegger in his heyday you wouldn't ask me how come you're so strong where does your strength lie but if you saw pee wee herman and he was lifting weights like arnold schwarzenegger you would say where does your strength lie which lets me know that god will give you strength that is not visible he will cause you to be successful when the odds are against you when there is no outward evidence that you are as strong as you are and yet you can do feats that succeed people's impression of you because of the anointing that is upon your life god can do it and then say how can a woman like that end up in a position like that and how can a man like that end up over there and how can a former inmate end up with a job like that and how can a girl like her end up married to a guy like him and how did he get her that kind of crazy supernatural stuff that has something to do with something beyond yourself that you begin to realize that wherever you are whatever station in life you have entered into that you did not get there by yourself you you got jobs for which you don't have credentials you got doors open for you that you can't even explain you can do stuff and you don't even know how you can do it you weren't trained for you're just gifted in it you can go beyond the books because there's an instinct down in you that enables you to know what to do in a way that passes understanding and it blows the minds of your peers that you just know what to say and what to do when to do it and it's because the anointing of god is on your life and i i look at that and i in the middle of my ministry i was amazed by how god could take somebody who seemingly had no outer strength and yet they were throwing gates and and killing with jaw bones of an ass and turned making weapons out of things that were not weapons and being effective but but on closer observation i began to understand that samson was quite dichotomous he was he was he was he was strong and weak he was he was good and bad he was powerful and passive and i began to understand that he was quite complicated that it was difficult to understand that the trajectory of his life was not one straight line not one extension between point a and point b that there were there were hills and valleys and ups and downs and ridges and and not only him but all of us when you tell your story you might tell it like it was a straight line but you and i know the real deal [Applause] there were moments you thought you were going to emerge and then you had a setback and and then you started up again and then you went down again and and and your life began to look a little bit like samson's like samson's life looked like this it had it had it had it had moments of power and moments of failure moments of strength and and then just when you thought it was about to get there it would all fall down again it had moments of deviation and and moments of aggravation and ups and downs and ridges and valleys and and moments where just when you thought you were getting somewhere everything went down they tricked him they deceived him they lied on him they betrayed him they hurt him they denied him he fell backwards he became prey to his enemy he was attacked by the philistines he was taken down and blinded and grinded at the mill and down to nothing and about to die and then all of a sudden all of a sudden all of a sudden he started going up in this final thrust of power this thrust of power is an inflection point it is the point in your life that everything turns completely around never to go back to where it was before you see an inflection point my friend is an event that results in a significant change in the progress of anything a person a company an industry a sector an economy a geopolitical situation and can be considered a turning point after which a dramatic change occurs in our life which could be positive or negative it results in an expected result that is amazing and contradicts all of the fluctuations of the past that inflection point is the point that breaks the routine and the pattern of being that the old folks hit it like this sometimes up and sometimes down almost level to the ground but the storm is passing over hallelujah i begin to see that in samson's life in an amazing way the fluctuations in his life and i began to understand that in most of our lives life has not been a crystal stairs there's been hills and valleys and mountains and ridges and ups and downs and sometimes we had the privilege of being able to go down privately while we look good publicly and so your name remains untarnished but your memories are filled with indiscretions and misdirections and mistakes and happenstance and chaos and confusion and and then you begin you begin the reason it's important for me to track samson's ups and downs and and ridges and twists and turns is is because trends are important and data is important and understanding how things work is it but whether it's in business or or just just in the home budgeting it doesn't matter what it is trends help you to determine a pattern if you watch people long enough they'll never surprise you because people have patterns and the best prediction of future behavior is past experiences the same thing that tripped samson up the first time tripped him up the next time he is fighting against the philistines and yet in love with their women the first girl he chooses is is a woman who is his enemy think it was his first mistake with her that he chose a wife uh from gaza that that that tipped the philistines off that he's he's strong in war but he's weak in relationships so we don't need to hire chariots we need to hire delilah we talk a lot about delaila but delilah was not samson's first mistake she is a repetition of previous indiscretions because you see the enemy can't use anything new on you because he's not a creator so he's just coming the names have been changed but the weapons are still the same oh y'all don't hear what i'm saying [Applause] and if you trend anything and track anything you can overcome anything by by watching your trends that's why when you go on a diet they want you to write down what you eat because they want you to see your trends and your patterns and that sort of thing that you go to the doctor he wants you to take your blood pressure and write it down and send him the blood pressure results after a month because he's watching how it trends up in the morning and in the evening and after you eat it after you did this and after that the easiest place that we see friends is in weather we understand that weather in part is a result of seasons but almost every day or so the climatologist confers with the meteorologist in pursuit of a forecast they can predict the forecast by watching the trends of the past and every now and then something breaks beyond the past and they said this is the hottest day in the history since we have been trending and recording gathering data is important so you can understand how to protect yourself or you will be defeated imagine how much better your personal finances for example would be if you gave them that kind of attention and you really started writing down how you spend money and why you spend money like some people have what they call shopping therapy they get depressed and spend their rent money as if you're not going to be more depressed when you get evicted they go out and they they want to other people want to look prosperous rather than be prosperous other people love depreciating assets rather than appreciating assets so they drive a bentley but they drive it up to a project so as long as i catch you driving you look good [Music] but if you own a bentley and don't own a garage there's something wrong with your thinking but i'm not gonna bother that first thing a doctor does is check your vitals to determine changes that might be headed to an inflection point they want to catch it before it gets too far your numbers are going up your numbers are going down your numbers are going this way that way and yet we do not pay enough attention to the trends in our lives and the trends in other people's lives to come to an inflection point an inflection point is where you break out of the prison of patterns some people do everything the same way they eat at the same place they go to church the same way they go to the same grocery store and anytime somebody's trying to do a hit on you it's easy to do a hit on you when you have a pattern and sometimes breaking the pattern is breaking the vulnerability to have an infection point where you get out of the reach of your attackers y'all don't hear what i'm saying let's let's apply this premise theologically to people like joseph joseph's dream gave him the data to devise a plan that led to the survival of all of egypt he has a dream and he interprets the dream the king has a dream the pharaoh has a dream and he interprets the dream and joseph's gift enables him to collect data that cost all of egypt to survive the famine because he understood patterns he was able to prepare for what was coming next and here we are on the precipice of a new year without a new plan we think that january 1 is a magic number that we can use and immediately everything's going to be new because of the calendar change but if the calendar changes and you don't change then you don't have a new year you just got another day you got to watch the patterns of the past to determine what needs to be broken so that you can really have a new year and not just another day on the calendar you must hear what i'm saying to you there there comes a point where enough is enough you you watch this up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and back and forth and there comes a point where you get sick and tired of not being able to trust up i was up on sunday i got bad news i was down on wednesday i came up a little bit by friday i went down saturday night i went back to church on sunday i was on a mountaintop somebody got on my nerves sunday night i fell down again and you there comes a point that you get tired of being on the roller coaster of life always up and always down and you don't need to come to church to get high [Applause] i don't need a motivational speech i don't need somebody who's going to titillate my emotions i don't need somebody who's going to thrill me for a moment only for me to be cast back down again i need you to preach me to an inflection point to get me to the point that i finally break the pattern and finally come out of it never to return again if you look at joseph whole life oh y'all don't hear what i'm saying am i talking to anybody in the room look at somebody say i need an inflection point yeah yeah where i completely go through a metamorphosis never to be who i was again i need to reach a point of change where i can be stable and steadfast and unmovable and always abounding in the work of the lord i need to be go from fruit to less fruit to more fruit to much fruit i want to enter into that i want to get in my zone y'all don't hear what i'm saying if i get in my zone i am unstoppable if i get in my zone you can hate me but you can't stop me if i get in my zone demons have to back out of my way if i get in my zone witches can't curse me if i get in my zone i am destined to win i gotta get in my zone i gotta get in that place where enough is enough look at somebody saying enough is enough you take joseph's life in general joseph gets a coat of many colors and the next thing you know he's down in the pit he's thrown down in the pit and told they told his father he was dead he ends up in potiphar's house he goes up again he goes all the way up in potiphar's house potiphar's wife lies on him he goes back down again he ends up in prison he starts operating his gift and he goes up again and all of a sudden while he's in prison locked up in a dark place in a dark place things begin to change in his life until he finally reached an inflection point where he came up and brother keon once he came up that last time he never went back down again y'all don't hear what i'm saying to you see the church is always talking about how he went up and down and up and down and was in the pit and in the potiphar's house and then in the palace but they don't tell you that there is a place where you can have such an inflection that you never go through what you went through ever again in your life i want to talk to somebody in this room who is ready for an inflection point if i'm talking to you make some noise holler at your board let me hear you talk back to me i want to hear you say something an inflection point an infection point i'm tired of being up and down in love and out of love in one relationship and then on another i want to get to something stable something i can trust something i can lean on something i can put my weight on something i can relax or something i can trust or samson said i want to lean on a pillar i want to get to a place where i can rest in who i am and whose i am and not let my emotions be up and down and up and down and up and down and all the drama that comes along with loving you some of you are hard to love cause we don't know which one of you we're gonna meet from day to day you're one way on monday you're another way on tuesday you're another way next friday your next day on saturday we don't even know which one to love we have to take your temperature before we come in the room because you're not stable you're not consistent you're not steadfast and you can't help it but god is about to lead you to a place where a yoke is broken in your pattern and you are set free somebody shake yourself i'm shaking myself loose from my pattern i'm shaking myself loose from my normal i'm shaking myself loose from my routine i have got to break this pattern there is an inflection point [Music] see we need to teach this to bullies because you can only bully a child so long i don't care how big you are and how small the child is and how many times you're sitting home crying with your nose busted there comes a point where the child gets sick and tired of being sick and tired you can only bully me on my job so long and once you bully me long enough i'm gonna turn into some we have recent inflection for when i reach an inflection point you're not dealing with the guy that went home crying anymore now you got to fight somebody who has gone slap crazy on you because you won't leave me alone and you won't stop and there's got to be a breaking point and if there's somebody in here you're on the verge of an infection you have been beat you've been slapped you've had your eyes black your lips busted lost the tooth and now you're learning how to fight back in the holy ghost because enough is enough give him 30 seconds of praise if i'm coming up your street [Applause] [Music] the year was 15 sit down i'm just talking to you i feel something though i feel good i feel good in my soul i feel good in my spirit i feel like something is about to break it here i i feel like hell is nervous i feel like demons are trembling i feel like satan is upset because he wants to keep you going up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down unstable and then unrest and in turmoil uncertain and unsure but the devil is a liar he's a liar he's a liar he's a liar because the holy ghost has been telling me all week tell my people there is an inflection point they are the point of change [Applause] the year was 1517 the the country was germany the the the place was wittenberg castle when martin luther decides to deliver the 95 thesis the 95 thesis was not just the illumination of a revelation regarding justification of faith it was it was that place in his life of inflection where he got tired of the roman catholic church of that time imposing and imparting more and more and more asking for more tariffs against poor people he just got sick and tired of it sick and tired of it he put up with it for years he was a part of it for years he didn't say anything for years but it had reached an inflection point the combination of the oppression of his leadership and the illumination of his revelation gave birth to the 95 thesis from which he decided to protest against the fluctuations that were happening in his life it was so serious that history says that the german pontiffs got together and and passed a decree that said if you anybody who kills martin luther will not have to do any kind of time see the enemy will threaten you when you want to be free as long as you don't want to be free hell don't have no trouble with you but the moment you get sick and tired of being sick and tired hell will put you on a hit list to terminate you what they didn't know is that martin luther would not be threatened by these gregarious threats that they had released against him to the general populace so that they wouldn't have to bear the guilt and shame of murdering him they a lot of people don't have the nerve to attack you but they'll get somebody else to attack you the old folks used to say hide and so that they can still be in your company but secretly they seek your demise who am i talking to [Applause] uh they they they they put him out they got they got rid of him upon leo the 10th issued a papal order that caused him to be excommunicated but there comes a point when you when you reach an inflection point you can't threaten me you can't threaten my life you can't take away your fellowship you can have your credentials back here's my collar you can have my collar when i get ready to break loose here's the ring take the ring back take the roses back take the cards back and here's that dress you gave me and you can have this tie somebody knows what i mean to reach an inflection point where you make up your mind i'm not taking it anymore is there anybody in this house that's reached an inflection point in your life and you made up in your mind enough is enough and i'm ready to make a change holler at your boy you see my brothers and sisters inflection points are the moments in which things shift not just temporarily but permanently with the life of jesus the inflection point was a raising of lazarus from the dead everything was kind of cool until he raised lazarus from the dead campus got so upset when jesus raised lazarus from the dead that he knew it was no stopping him because jesus had evidence to point to that nobody could deny they knew lazarus was sick he had been sick a long time they knew lazarus had grown worse they knew lazarus had died they had attended the funeral jesus didn't show up until after the funeral he waited four days until lannis was taken there was no doubt that he was dead there was no doubt that he was decaying there was no doubt that he was deteriorating and then jesus had the audacity to say show me where you laid him down they took him to where he was stinking have you ever brought god to where it stinks i know you bring god to the roses but you need to bring god to the stinky places to the place where it don't smell good to the place where there is decay to the place where there is decadence to the place where there is trouble and jesus had the audacity to not let the stink stop him he said roll the stone away you'll never get better until you show god what it is stop pretending to be better than you are stop pretending to be more than you are if you're broke you're broke if you're depressed you're depressed if you're crying you're crying god is the only one who can stand the stench of the decay because when god gets ready to give you an inflection point no devil in hell can stop him from being able to bring that infection point in your life and so the bible says that they rolled the stone away and when they rolled the stone away jesus called him by his name and when he called him by his name he had to be careful because if he had just said get up everything that had been dead for thousands of years would have got up out of the grave but he only needed one witness to be an infection point so he said lazarus come forth to prove my point jesus told the disciples that later sickness is not unto death but for the glory of god in other words i'm going to use his death as an inflection point to tip k off his hands to expose chaos hatred because k office is trying to act like he's really behind me but i'm going to have an inflection point when jesus raised lazarus from the dead all hell broke loose k office said we've got to do something we got to shut it down watch out for success as long as you're failing you got a lot of friends but when you start to succeed all hell will break loose i don't know who i'm talking to but i got to warn you because god is getting ready to take you to a place that hell is upset about that and all kind of plots are going to come against you but greater is he that is in you then he that's in the world facebook somebody and tell them something's about to happen in this place tell somebody else something's about to happen in this place i feel it in my hands i feel it in my feet i feel it in my soul something is about to happen in my life something's about to happen in my spirit i feel the power of resurrection i've been in a dark place a long time i've been in a down place for a long time but i see the stone rolling away i see light in my graveyard i will not stay like you met me a change is on its way i'm getting ready to get out of here tell all my dead friends i got to go see ya i wouldn't want to be the moment i get a chance to escape i'm not going to let your friendship keep me in my grave the devil is alive i'm gonna get out if i gotta hop out if i gotta come outbound i'm coming in my hands are tired i'm coming in my feet of time i'm coming if i got to hop out little by little the moment i get a breakthrough i'm coming out let me tell you something the moment the anointing hits you don't worry about what nobody else is doing you need to come out if it's right now if god touch you right now if you got a leap leap if you got a run run if you got a holla holla because this is your inflexion point the holy ghost told me if i preached this while i was preaching it people were gonna leap out of their prisons they were gonna leap out of their trouble they were gonna leap out of their storms they were going to leap out of their chaos somebody giving 42 seconds of praise [Applause] praise him like you're coming out praise him like your mean business praise him like you're tired of being locked up praise him like you're tired of the fluctuation praise him like you're tired of the drama well i'll look at your name and say i'm coming out of this you can do whatever you want to do but i'm coming out of this stay here if you want to stay here stay here with the asses me and the lad are going under the worship i got to get my breakthrough when i can i gotta get it if i gotta get it in the balcony i gotta get it if i gotta kick off my shoes and run i gotta get it if i gotta shake down my hair i got to get it if i gotta pull off my eyelashes i need a breakthrough i need an inflexion point i need a change i don't need a date change on the calendar i really need a new year is there anybody here that needs a new year from god be radical about it be ruthless about it be tenacious about it and make some noise [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i was reading over in the gospel of saint john 18 10 verse 10 through 14. check this out then simon peter having a sword druid and smoke the high priest servant and cut off his right ear the servant's name was malcus then said jesus unto peter put up thy sword unto the sheep the cup which my father had given me shall i not drink it then the band and the captain and the officers of the jews took jesus and bound him and led him away to anna's first and he was father-in-law to chaopis who was a high priest that same year come on now okay office was he which gave counsel to the jews that it was expedient that watch this that one man should die for the people in other words it's better to offer up jesus than for the romans to turn and kill us all and he said one man will die for the people but what chaofus didn't know is that he was prophesying that jesus would die for the world that god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him shall not perish but have everlasting life the lord told me to tell you the trouble you've been in is for a purpose the pain you've been in is for a purpose the nights you've cried is for a purpose the loneliness you've been doing is for a purpose god is bringing you to that point of transformation in your life i want to talk to the people that have been in a dark place i want to talk to the people who have been shut up and shut down and laying in the dark and you wondered where was god i want you to know that if you got in trouble you're not in trouble by yourself for the bible said that god is a present help in the time of trouble if you're in trouble you got a praise that other people don't have i want everybody that's been in trouble to give him the kind of praise that only people who've been in trouble know how to give god [Applause] [Applause] let's talk about samson a minute he is physically strong but emotionally weak his weakness allowed him to be captured by people that were weaker than himself his weakness allowed him to be captured by a people that were weaker than himself he was a poor leader but he was anointed you can be both anointed and still have a deficit [Music] just because you're anointed doesn't mean you don't have a weakness just because you're anointed doesn't mean you don't have a problem just because you're anointed that me you don't get depressed sometimes just because you're anointed doesn't mean you don't go through emotional upheaval just because you're anointed doesn't mean you're abundant or not of under attack just because you're anointed doesn't mean that you don't have a deficit something that you're not good at i can be anointed to sing and bad at business i can be anointed to do business but bad at bible study you can be anointed in one place and a failure in another place that's why you never get so high that you don't need god the deficit will make you pray a throwing in your flesh will make you pray paul i'm not gonna move the throne out of your flesh to humble you to keep you on your knees and every now and then i'll let someone hurt you to bring you down not because you're not anointed but because you are anointed and the more anointed you are the more hell you go through because god wants to bring you down to your knees so that you can bear the weight of glory where are my anointed people back me up in here [Applause] [Music] let's talk about samson he was brought down from a judge to a beast to a beast in a prison grinding at the meal how low do you have to go to make the change that is necessary to finish your divine purpose all of us have had people in our lives that we wanted the best for them while they kept seeking the worst for themselves no matter how much you want somebody to get up they can't get up until they have reached an inflection point it's hard to watch it's painful to endure it could be your parent it could be your father it could be your mother it could be your daughter it could be your son but people can't get up until they've had enough of being down see many of you think that the inflection point for for samson was when he brought down the coliseum but if you think the inflection point was when he brought down the coliseum you were wrong it was while he was in prison in his dark place that he said wait a minute i'm blind and i'm bound i've gone as low as i care to go if i ever get a chance to get out of this situation i'm gonna get double for my trouble i'm gonna avenge the enemy for what he's done for me if the inflection point happens in the dark place everybody who's seeking the spotlight doesn't understand the power of the dark place some people think that christ got the victory on the cross but i beg to differ with you christ got the victory in the garden of gethsemane while his friends had fallen asleep when he prayed to great drops of blood came through the pores of his skin the transformation moment happens in your dark place in your lonely place yeah though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i shall fear no evil for god with me you're with me in the dark place you're with me in the lonely place you're with me when i'm out of money you're with me when my friends fall asleep you're whipping when i'm being whipped you're with me when i'm being crushed it's what i endured in my dark place that makes me anointed in my high place if i don't break it in the garden i can't perform it on the cross but when jesus got to praying he told him sleep on it's already done i don't know who i'm talking to but whoever i'm talking to you need to tell the devil it's already done that last test i went through was my inflection point that last tier i shared was my inflection point that last debacle i went through was my inflection point i may go through something else but it'll never be that again i made up my mind i'm coming up and hell can't stop me i'm coming up and the wish can't stop me i'm coming up and the haters can't stop me i'm coming up and my enemies can't stop me lord i wish i could preach to somebody who reached an inflection point somebody who's out of the foolishness somebody who's tired of the instability somebody who's tired of the chaos and you made up in your mind this time i'm not going back slap somebody and tell them i'm not going back i'm not going back i'm not going in that hole again i'm not going in that prison again when they brought samson out he made up in his mind i'm not going back in that hole again and he put his hands on his pillows and he began to push look at your neighbor and say puss on the line and say i got a puss i'm close to my inflection point and if i push i'm gonna bring down the whole system that kept taking me up and down i'm gonna bring down the whole strategy that kept taking me up and down i feel a breakthrough i feel deliverance coming in this house somebody's gonna bring the whole system down the bible said we will have to deal with the wows of the devil the word wilds means the strategy of the enemy the enemy has a strategy that he's always used to stop you from reaching your potential but i decree and declare that his strategy is broken over your life his strategy is broken over your finances his strategy is broken over your mind his strategy is broken over your praise his strategy he's broken over your revelation his strategy is broken over your relationship the strategy the plot of the enemy is broken right now in the name of jesus you don't believe it because if you believe it i wouldn't have to tell you to praise god you don't believe it because if you believed it i wouldn't have to tell you to clap your hands you don't believe it because if you really believed it i wouldn't tell you to leap for joy the struggle is over the yoke is broken the enemy is destroyed somebody better get my coat tail i feel like preaching this morning i feel like preaching i feel like preaching this morning i feel it in the air this is the moment this is the point this is a point of no return this is the point of breakthrough somebody give god a crazy praise in this place give him a praise give them a praise give them a praise this is your inflection point everything that's been chasing you is about to break loose everything that's been on you is about to come off everything that's been pulling you back is about to break off of your life the gravitational pull of your past is about to be broken you're about to break the poor and come into a change where you're going straight up if i was my young self i tell you get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready you're getting ready to go up and when you go up nobody can reach where god is about to put you whoever i'm preaching to praise him like you lost your mind praise him like you escaped the gravity praise him like you've gone to another dimension praise him like the whole system has come down and your enemy has become your footstool you're gonna step over the rubble you're gonna step into your destiny i feel a deliverance in this place i feel a deliverance in this place i feel the release in this place i feel a breakthrough in this place somebody's changed just came off your feet you can move again you can dance again you can leave again i dare you to open your mouth and give god yes yes yes yes yes yes yes it's me lord i'm loose it's me lord i'm free it's me lord strengthen me one more time strengthen me i'm gonna bring it down i'm gonna bring it down with the praise and the whole coliseum came tumbling down everybody that's been fighting a system i want you to give him a praise until you bring it down and i want you to pray them right now until the whole system comes down bring it down are you ready are you ready are you ready are you ready i'm a count of three and when i get to three everything that ever made you fluctuate i want you to bring it down are you ready one enough is enough i'm part of the foolishness i gotta change my life i'm getting too old for this foolishness i'm getting too old to go through the setting stuff over and over again too there's enough anointing in this room that if i gather this anointing i can break it once and for all are you ready three [Applause] bring it down bring it down bring it down bring it down bring it down bring it down bring it down bring it down [Applause] gotta come down gotta come down it's gonna come down the whole thing has got to come down god told me to tell you the whole thing can come down you won't have to put your back into it you're gonna have to put your weight on it you're gonna have to open up your mouth and speak against it but the entire system [Applause] it's gonna come down the entire system [Applause] down the entire the entire system is gonna come down [Music] it's gonna come down it's been tormenting you it's gotta come down it's been disturbing you it's got to come down it's been limiting you it's got to come down it's got to come down your mama can't do it your daddy can't do it your bishop can't do it you got to do this put your weight on it and bring it down once and fall it's got to come down [Applause] as i come to the close [Music] as i come to the close as i come to the close of this message the greatest point of the text is not when the colosseum came down the inflection point came when they put him in prison and he's grinding at the meal and he's coming to himself you i read it but i must have read over it the bible said in the dark of the prison his hair [Music] his hair began to grow back not on the stage not in the light not in success but while he was at his low place his hair began to grow back you do your best growing in your worst moments you do your best growing in your dark place in your prison place so that when god brings you to the stage they may be laughing at first [Music] when they see the inflection point that god is going to do in your life it's going to blow them out i'm saying this up close imagine a up that didn't go down didn't hear me imagine and up [Music] [Applause] jesus got up from the grave to die no more joseph became the prince of egypt and never went down again job got doubled for his trouble and never got attacked again there is an up [Applause] that never comes down i'm gonna go a little bit deeper some of you are in it now but you don't trust it because you are so use to this that when god gives you an inflection point you going up but you braced for it to fail god said [Music] [Applause] believe me [Applause] this isn't up your shutter court because shashank and no sign this is it that will not it will not come down all of that other stuff was preparation all of that struggle was preparation so that you would develop appreciation for your inflection point this is the point of your inflection the weird thing about this service [Music] i got all kind of pastors in this room who didn't know each other were coming say we just don't get away and spend a service with you not knowing that of all the sundays they pick the same sundays you gotta believe that god knew that you were the most shy as a leader needed to hear this word [Applause] this particular word next sunday wouldn't work last sunday whenever this particular word speaks to god is going to pay you for all that time you spent in the dark place that you preached in the dark place that you prayed for people in the dark place that you ministered to people in the dark place that you felt empty and isolated alone and you wondered would your hair ever grow back you gotta believe that because of your consistency up under fire up under attack in pain in loneliness in despair that god brought you here to tell you that this right here [Music] this right here preacher this move right here [Applause] is an inflection point it's an inflection point judge faith it's an inflection point it's an it's a shift indication it's an inflection point do you hear what i'm saying to you dr jill it's an inflection point you will never go back to being who you were before your practice will never be what it was before this endeavor this is an infection point do you hear what i'm saying to you i i decree and declare my brother this is an inflection point you can't run from it you can't hide from it you can't negotiate about it where god is getting ready to shift you this is an up that won't go down you can't go down your spirit can't rest it down your soul gets irritated and down because god is calling you up and whatever gravitational pull that was pulling you back it can't hold you you're about to break out of the gravitational pull of your past this queen mother this is this is this is it's an inflection point i prophesy to every one of you [Music] i prophesy every one of you that this is an inflection point a shift is coming out of your dark place out of your dismal place an inflection point is coming those of you that came in late i'm glad to see you the devil didn't want you to get here but you fought him back and you made it into the room because this is your inflection point every one of you that logged online this is a word in due season after you suffered a while hallelujah [Applause] after you suffered a while after you've been up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down god said i will establish [Applause] and i will make you complete this an is point i want everybody who receives this word to open lift your hands and open your mouth and receive the word of the lord receive it [Music] receive it receive it for your house receive it for your business receive it for your finances receive it for your property receive it for your spirit this is an inflection point put that doubt out put the doubt out put the doubt out put the doubt out this is an inflection point this is an inflection point this is the praise that kills 3 000 of your enemies this is the praise that's going to shut up the mouth of the people that's been laughing this is the deliverance that the lord brought you here to get some came all the way from arizona some came all the way from uganda some came all the way from north dallas some came all the way from houston but we all came to eat this same bread this is a certainly little shire dr phillips this is a significant word this is an inflection point the you you are becoming has nothing to do with the you you wear this is an inflection point [Music] um [Music] god is going to lift you up to a place where all can see his glory [Applause] in your life i know you've been inconsistent i know you've been unstable i know that you had strengths and weaknesses fighting for territory all at the same time i know that you've been powerful in public and wrestled at home but the lord told me to tell you this is an inflection point this is the moment that changes the trajectory of every other moment you ever had in your life you had to deal with your devils you had to fight through your issues you had to hold on to the inconsistencies you had to be instant in season and out of season but god is bringing you out of seasons [Applause] y'all don't hear what i'm talking about god is bringing you out of seasons [Applause] into stability [Applause] i'm getting ready to go to nigeria and i asked them what was the weather like they said we don't have seasons all we have is dry seasons and rainy seasons so even though you all are having winter over there bring your summer clothes over here because we don't have seasons they are the place in god that goes beyond seasons [Music] a place in the holy ghost that you don't have to check the weather because the seasons are over the seasons have been broken this is the place this right here is the point now i was gonna say everybody stand but almost everybody's standing you at home that are listening this word is for you this is an inflection point the word is for you but honestly i don't know what it means to you because for somebody it's about the business and somebody else is about the marriage and somebody else is about their ministry see the mailman delivers the mail but he don't open the envelope i brought you the letter but i can't read the print whatever area in your life that's been fluctuating god says this is an inflection point i didn't open the letter i just brought it to you whatever he's talking to you about he said this time i'm gonna bring you straight up straight up the other day they they went for a ride up into past the atmosphere out of this gravitational pull they just went just to do it just to break the pool and to see what it was like and it only took a few minutes break the pool i wish i had the kind of praises that weren't just church praises [Music] because [Laughter] the kind of praises that would forget they were at church you ain't got to be elon musk [Music] to take a few moments and break the orbit and break the atmosphere if i had i'd settle for 300 radical crazy relentless i don't care what you think of me people that would jump out in the aisle and just take a ride out of the galaxy out of the atmosphere if i had 300 people that would jump out in the aisle and say i'm going up into orbit i'm going straight up in the air i'm going up i'm going i'm gonna break it i'm gonna break what i've been struggling with i'm gonna break what's been holding me down if i had 300 online if i had a thousand people online that would go into a crazy holy ghost module that went up past the stratosphere out of the atmosphere beyond the reach of the gravitation that keeps pulling you down that would go into a shown up holy ghost your breaking praise and if they would praise it right now i want the musicians to give me everything you got every note you know every glory you got cause we're getting ready to break out of gravity we're getting ready to break the pool we're getting ready to go in the hobbit are you ready buckle your seat belts let's go up [Music] let's go up let's go up let's go higher [Music] let's go higher [Music] [Applause] [Music] up break free let's go break free let's go up break free [Music] right on your computer right on your ipad right on your phone break free break loose break loose it's an inflection point inflection inflection inflection inflection inflection [Music] [Music] everybody is [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody in here [Music] [Music] yes that's right run me holla yeah scream dance [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's three people that said i broke it i broke it i broke it i broke it i broke loose i broke loose i broke loose [Music] [Applause] higher [Applause] [Music] give him a praise glory to god glory to god [Applause] [Music] i'm going to do something i don't normally do on a sunday morning i'm going to give you an opportunity to sow into this inflection moment no no no no not just everybody just people who believe it just just people who believe it just people i don't want nobody given just to be given just people who perceive that god has given you an inflection point i want you to sow into this moment just just people who believe it because your faith and your seed need to come into alignment your faith and your seed need to come into alignment i believe it i sow it seed to the soil bread to the eater i sow into it i sow into it right now and i want you to get it in your hand honey write a thousand dollar seat i got a soul i got to sow into this moment i gotta sew into it i gotta sew into it there may be a hundred or so others that can sow that somebody can so beyond that somebody this is not a contest it's a sensitivity to the unction of the holy ghost that this is an inflection point by the way i'm too old to keep going up and down how many folks feel like you're too old to keep going up and down and up and down and up and down like you had six flags six faxes for kids i don't find it fun to go up and down it makes me sick i'm going up i'm going up i'm going up in my mind i'm going up in my thinking i'm going up in my vision i'm going up in my leadership i'm going up in my goals i'm going up in my strategy i'm going up in my focus everybody ain't gonna be able to go with me because i'm going up i'm going up i'm going up i'm going up there's a lot of people been loyal but can't go up with you i'm going up i'm going up because i'm going up cause this is an infection point god wouldn't let me see up and not take me up [Music] quickly quickly quickly quickly you're watching online quickly don't miss this moment quickly quickly quickly quickly right online right online in this moment i believe that god is going to make you a thousand times more than you are and bless you as he's promised you i believe it an inflection point this is bigger than money this is your circle this is your society this is your friendships this is your connections this is your attitude this is your mentality this is the way you think this is a generational blessing samson had the strength but he couldn't see where to lay his hands the young boy could see where the lady has but he didn't have the strength this is a generational release it's going to take boomers and millennials and exes and wise coming together and seizing this moment we want to see you go up before we die we want to see you go all the way up there's a reason that jacob blessed his sons before he died he decreed a blessing he couldn't go to sleep till the next generation was blessed there's a reason there is a collaboration between the young man and old samson and it brought the whole house down they're the reason that the disciples had to partner with a little boy with two fish and five loaves of bread it's a generational religious it's not us against you and you against us it's us together that feeds the multitude you don't have to walk it up here pass it all the way down to the left use us online give online use a given on the phone give over the phone i'm gonna pray one blessing bless and i ain't got time for you to walk this is a moment this is a moment this is an inflection point this is an inflexible point i'm going to pray a strange prayer i'm not going to pray for things i'm going to preach for thought [Music] the lord told me not to talk to him about things he said to talk to him about thought because everything came from thought though in the beginning what's the longest said the lord house was with god and the logos was god us is more than word is thought it's the intelligence of god god said he wants to change the way you think yes you won't have to ask for things if i pray for thought create a thought innovative thought out of the box stop shutting down course god told me to pray for thought get your seed in the ground get your seed in the ground because i'm praying for the redemption of your thoughts no longer will your thoughts be born out of your past that's the gravitational pull we must break we got to break steady and backwards thinking backwards playing in backwards it's going to happen in your head and when it happens in your head it's going to happen in your life some of you can receive this word there are some things that jesus said that everybody couldn't receive and that's okay i'm not running for office i don't need popularity but he that had an ear let him hear what the spirit is saying to the church god told me to pray for your thought life that it's going to come out of your thinking the transformation is going to come in your head ebola there are some things that god has offered you you you pulled back from you thought it was too big for you too much for you too high for you your your thinking needs healing god wouldn't show it to you if he couldn't give it to you he wouldn't offer it to you if you couldn't handle it every seat giver get in on this and get ready to think some new thoughts those thoughts are going to separate you from old folks the thoughts are coming so fast that gravitation will not be able to pull it back and put you back in your place and tell you no not for you you don't belong there devil is alive we're breaking it we're breaking it right now we're breaking it right now god's going to give you thoughts commensurate with your favor [Music] [Applause] [Music] you got favor to do exploits but you got thoughts to play it safe father god in the name of jesus have been well instructed i've been clearly informed i hear you clearly i understand my assignment the transformation that the body needs will not happen in the dancing of their feet or the clapping of their hands alone for if we move our bodies and don't move our minds we will always be where we've always been many other times we've danced all the way out the church and went back to normal today we shift our thinking i pray for the mindset of every person in this room the leader of families the leaders of households the single mothers in leadership the business women in leadership the men that are running companies and businesses the staff the department leaders all the leaders all the pastors all the elders everybody logged on in this room who has been weighted down with the responsibility of other people's expectations their expectations has been our gravitational pull our past fluctuations has been our gravitational guilt our failures have been our gravitational shame but we don't have no room for shame guilt or human expectations liberate our minds so that our minds are free to think on the level of our favor you have given us favor to move up hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah lord let this be the message that gives us the passport to go into orbit with the time we have left we can't go by bus i ask you to do a quick work and a mighty work and to strengthen our minds so that they're not so frail and so fragile and we have to keep bringing our life down to our mind let's bring our mind up to our life many things you would give us but we keep bringing our life down to our mind bring our minds up to our life let this mind be in us which was also in christ jesus who knew he would be crucified and still knew he would be raised from the dead who knew he was going to raise lazarus before he ever even went on the journey let us know what's next before it happens [Music] let us know about the famine in the seven years of planet and let us have a strategy that comes out of our head that lets us eat in the middle of a famine joseph thought thoughts that fed all of egypt and the hebrews too let thoughts be born concepts ideas creativity in the sowing of the seed let relationships be established mind-boggling relationships relationships that have nothing to do with where we came from that we never even saw coming because you are going to use those relationships sampson doesn't even give us the little boy's name but it was a significant relationship that showed him where to put his hands to bring it down bring people into our lives that will place our hands in the right strategic place to bring down the things that fought us and even if they're small let us receive them and even if they're young let us receive them and even if we have more degrees let us receive them and even if they're a different race let us receive them because we don't care who you use to place our hands on the pillars that are going to bring the whole thing down this moment of inflection is what we sow into and we don't just sow into it that means we're going to walk out of this door looking for moments and opportunities and relationships that are out of character with our norm and we will not run from them resist them and lord over them but as we started out singing when the service began we will follow you we will follow you to come to pastors and leaders conference i think the most important thing is to find out that you're not alone the relationship that you build here people that come from different backgrounds from all over the place i could feel the anointing literally the moment we walked into the building tears falling from my eyes it's a heart issue it's a life changer you need to be here you don't want to miss it come see for yourself [Music] you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 1,169,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village, turningpoint, inflectionpoint, Judges 16:20-30 (KJV), moving past my struggle, point of inflection
Id: AHwPHwBrZjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 57sec (5457 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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