Bread of Heaven - Bishop T.D. Jakes [July 29, 2018]

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[Music] [Applause] for the last three weeks I have been the last two weeks this will be the third week an installment on teaching primarily about the furniture of the tabernacle I have done it from the perspective that it is very important that you understand this because I believe it is impossible for the last three weeks I have been the last two weeks this will be the third week an installment on teaching primarily about the furniture of the tabernacle I have done it from the perspective that it is very important that you understand this because I believe it is impossible to fully appreciate who Jesus is until you understand the tabernacle or you'll know Bible stories you know a lot of Bible stories but you won't really know what they mean you know that Jesus went to the cross and then he died for your sins but you won't really understand the efficacious impact of his blood was a business transaction that bought you off of a slave table of sin and released you and liberated you so you'll use terms like redeemed but you don't really think about it it is only when you go into the tabernacle and you see the the blood on the altar of the brazen altar the price that was paid that brought about your Redemption and then you begin to consider that when Jesus went away in the cloud he went up in the clouds through the bail into the Holies of Holies of which this is just a pattern are you following what I'm saying the tabernacle was erected in about 1450 BC it is erected in the wilderness exactly one year after the Passover so a year ago to the date the children of Israel were slaves and God has sent Moses down into Egypt to tell Pharaoh let my people go we know that but he says let them go that they may worship me God is in the worship let my people go that they might worship me the tabernacle a year later is the beginning of the fulfillment of what God meant by worship God didn't necessarily mean take him out in the desert Moses and start dancing and shouting and clapping and sing joy bells ringing in my soul he didn't necessarily mean wave your hand and say Hosanna worship for him was comprehensive because the word worship means worth-ship it is a Latin word the combination of two Latin words worth-ship show me what I'm worth let my people go them that they may worship me in the wilderness worship in God's mind isn't doing your own thing how you want to do it God is specific about how he wants to be worship and in great detail he begins to lay down right down to the cubic-inch what he wants how it's to be built how is to be established and what is to do you must understand that from the book of Genesis forward all God everyone who wants to be with you I wanted that to sink in from the book of Genesis from the creation all God ever wanted wants to be with you he created the Garden of Eden so you would have a place to hang out all he ever wanted was to dwell with you he created you in his likeness and in His image that he might have relationship not religion most people have religion but they don't have relationship God wants you to have a relationship with him and he built this planet and the Garden of Eden specifically so y'all would have some hangout places and when he came down in the garden and he looked for man man was not in the place that he said where are you are we had a date and we had already run off with Satan into sin now there were visitations from Genesis forward who were God at different times and in Sundra our manners met with prophets and revealed himself but this is the first time that we see a massive return of a meeting place from Eden to now in the tabernacle where God has set up a place for us to hang out somebody say a place literally the term means a place of meeting and I want you to understand in the book of Exodus and then you can drop this now Exodus 25 verse 8 Exodus 25 verse 8 I my pastor to read it for me Exodus 25 verse 8 there make me a sanctuary that I might dwell among them the whole reason he wants him to build this is because this is gonna be our hangout spot this is gonna be our rendezvous play he said I want you to build it then I may dwell amongst you since you can't come up I will come down and dwell amongst you since your car break done it since your car broke down I'll come over and pick you up since you can't rise up into the heavenlies we'll build a pattern of what I have for you up there and I want to come down and I'm gonna hang out with you God says build me a sanctuary that I may dwell amongst them now there's another scripture that I want you two to read over in Psalms 91 I'm just going to read the first verse and the ninth verse that whole Psalms is amazing but I want to read the first verse and the ninth verse of Psalms 91 this is going to help you to grow as a Christian and as a believer if we stop coming to church as a social club and start coming to church to learn the tenets of our faith and who we are so that we are not tossed to and fro with every strange doctrine and you're not being picked out of the house of God by every person you meet in the grocery store who tells you all Christianity is the white man's religion it's a lie it's all men's religion or they tell you it doesn't matter what you believe as long as you believe it that's a lie too so now you got good Christian talking about I prayed to the universe why would you pray to the creation when you could pray to the Creator if you read the book of Romans you will find out quickly that the first problems that the heathens made is that they did not glorify God as God but worship the creation rather than the creator and now we're praying to the universe guess who made the universe are you with me read Psalms 91 1 he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty he that dwell he that dwelleth he that dwelleth he that dwelleth he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow shadow of the Almighty notice they're 2 different things we're talking about build me a sanctuary that I that I may dwell among Zim but in Psalm 91 he's talking about us he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High it's not enough for God to dwell if you don't dwell it makes me think of John chapter 8 where it tells about abide in me and I in you and over and over about seven times the losses are bad I buy a bad about there are some things you get by dwelling that you don't get by visiting you have to get beyond just visiting God when you're in trouble because the real benefits come from dwelling in good times in bad time when I'm strong when I'm weak when I'm right when I'm wrong when all hell is breaking loose when nothing is happening ordinary day spectacular day boring day sick days oh y'all don't hear what I'm saying I will dwell he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty read that ninth verse for me because thou has made the Lord which is my refuge even the most high thy in a habitation the habitation because you have made the Lord your a habitation and not your visitation a Thousand shall fall is our right side and ten thousand shall fall about letsa and this should not combine you that's not a promise for visitors that's the promise for dwellers consistent stable staff and people who dwell in the presence of the Lord God doesn't want a one-night stand with you stop seeing Sunday morning as you're young I went to church on Sunday I paid Ghana God doesn't do one-night stands he wants Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday and Saturday [Applause] [Music] some of you the blessing you're just now starting to accrue enough interest to have power with God you just not having enough time invested in to see the benefit and you ever notice these people that come in and they try god and they tried him for a weekend they tried him for three months they are trying it it didn't work for me oh that's why it didn't work for you he has designed it is there the booby trap for imposters and you have to dwell with him you have to dwell with him that's how he we serve the Saints from the age you have to dwell with him he said after you suffered a while I'll establish you and make you perfect I will do it when you want it done I want to see can your brains be broke can your praise be sick can your praise meet the boys can you praise me single can you praise me too lonely can your brains be in the layout can you place me in a crisis wellif secretly in the secret place o touch everybody you can reach it tell them there's a secret place there's a secret place there's a secret place the Bible says the secret of the Lord is with them that fear him and he shall show them his covenant there are some things that God will show you until you dwell the secret of the Lord is with him that fear him and he shall show them his covenant the word fear is respect and honor continually he said if you honor me I whisper in your ear I'll tell you my secrets I'll tell you why your mama didn't raise you I'll tell you why you grew up with me grandma I'll tell you why you had to move to Texas I'll tell you why you have to go through a setback the secret of the Lord is with him to fear him and he oh my god did you feel that and he shall show them his covenant Oh hallelujah such a mess I am gonna dwell I might be in a bad season but I'm gonna well I might be going through a tough time but I'm gonna dwell I'm not going to visit God and go to dwell if he was to dwell with me I want to dwell with him except ye abide in the bad if he abide in me and my words abide in you ye shall ask what you will and it shall be given unto you it's breathing where I want to be I want to talk to you about the degrees of dwellings and I want to illustrate it by the tabernacle put up myself my shot with the tabernacle is it's right in the middle of the 12 tribes of Israel they're camped all around them they're everywhere all of them everywhere you look it's a car and Dan nepo lie all of them gather around on every side you can see them all around and the tent is the tabernacle in the midst of them where is the tabernacle it is in the midst of them and he is dwelling amongst his people are you hearing what I'm saying now even before the tabernacle was built number one they were dwelling under the cloud everybody they were dwelling under the cloud they didn't move to the cloud move you do realize that God brought them through the desert but he was a cloud by day because it's hot in the desert so he shielded them from getting the bulk of the heat and then he turned into a pillar of fire by night because it's cold in the desert so that they didn't get too cold look at how God regulated wilderness yes you went through the wilderness but he didn't let it get to lunch for you he said I'll be a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night and that since they were already dwelling amongst him but then he comes closer in the tabernacle step 2 and he dwells amongst them through the tabernacle so now God is coming closer not in the cloud he's on the ground number 3 now you see a lot of you see a lot of the tribes are still in the tent but their heads of households have gone into the yard they're coming closely from the cloud to the tabernacle - now they're in the outer Court which I'm calling it the yard with the country that has no theological value at all but it does give you some picture of what the outer court means there in the yard there are people in here right now that are in the yard yeah you're in the yard that's ok there is a time to be in the yard for the last two weeks I have been teaching in the yard I haven't even gone inside yet I'm in the yard I'm in the outer court what is called the outer court that's where you see the brazen Laver and that's where you see the brazen altar you see it in the yard that's where we take care of our sin business in the yard that's where the animals are slain it's in the yard that's why you see all the animals all around because man and animals are all in the yard paying the bills the bills of sins the bills of iniquity the bills of humanity the bills of shame they are paid through the sacrifice of innocent animals who gave their life instead of see Redemption basically is about substitution Adam the day you eat of this tree thou shalt surely die now when God comes down in the garden he either has to kill Adam or find a substitute because if he doesn't kill Adam then God his life and he cannot lie so he goes and burns an animal and uses him as a substitute and the animal dies in Adams place so that Adam can live in the place of the animal substitution this is the picture of Calvary Christ died for you so that you could live for him it was your sins that nailed him to the tree and mine I'm not important at you like I hain't done that me enough don't want lightning me hit me this morning glory to God but it was your sins that put him on the cross he didn't die as Jesus Christ he died as TD jakes he died in my place so I could live in his and I so much live in him I live the Bible said anything I move in him I had my big I so much live in his place that he said none listen when you go to my father don't use your name he can't see you I covered you so whatsoever you ask the Father in my name that will I do because when he saw your sins on the cross he I was smitten of God I was wounded I was bruised because I was you you are free you are healed you were whole because you were me so won't like me talk like me think like me live like me Yano here from saying walk like me talk like me live like me think like me hallelujah we traded places you remember that movie Trading Places years ago that's what you did with Jesus you traded places you didn't just get saved because required could sing that Sunday and the sister hit a hot note and you got goose pimples and that's how come you know you say no that you don't say you cold bring a sweater bring the sweater it does get a little nippy in here bring a little sweater with you just because you got goose pimples doesn't mean you got Jesus I've got goose pimples in the nightclub [Music] well what class that you saw that you come to do business at the altar you come to cast your sins on him and ask him to place his righteousness on you are you following what I'm saying now this is what I want you to get I want you to get this clearly we have been in the tabernacle we have been under the cloud we have been in the outer court today we're going under the tent we're moving in we're moving in with God now I want you to see something before we move further the closer you get to God the smaller the crowd becomes everybody can gather around the outside a few people can get in the yard but when you get ready to go in you got to be a priest to go in the closer you get to God the smaller the crowd becomes I want to break this down into praise language into his gates with thanks and his be faithful unto Him and bless His name so when we praise Him we get him to the outer court see anybody can praise in that right let everything that have praise either so anybody breathing you don't have to be right you know hard to be holy now had to be saved no I had to be anything anything that got breath your commanding to praise the Lord if you believe in some other God just feel commanded to praise the Lord everything that have brought praise ye the Lord all right then why did Jesus say God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth watch this and the father seeketh such everybody can praise but everybody can't wash it the criteria for worshipper goes higher than appraiser the closer you get to God the more intimate the expression becomes in three praise praise is determined I thank you lord from a car thank you for my house thank you for my watch lord thank you for my wife thank you for my children thank you for this day praise the thinking God for what he did worship is worshiping God for who he is it's not whether the song is fast or slow got a beat or doesn't have a beat it is the subject matter that determines the depth of the worship praise is about doing worship is about being and people who worship God for who he is saying if I don't have no car if I don't have no job if the emerg falls apart if my body just sick I get you a whole day your name is holy I worship that's for sure [Applause] glory to God we will have some fun today I'm excited touch the neighbors say God's got you covered [Applause] okay God's got you covered means we're going under the tent now it's becoming more intimate you have to be a priest to go under the tent okay this this is a place where the priest will you can't you can't you can't eat in there if you're not a priest but that's okay cuz you're a royal priesthood and a holy nation you remember you remember that scripture that you shall be called the peculiar people a royal priesthood and a holy nation so let's go in touch your neighbor say let's go in now when we go in we have left the daylight we have left the daylight and we're going into revelatory light where we have left the the blazing fierce intensity of the Sun and we're going in because being covered gives you three things it gives you power it gives you protection and it gives you provision it gives you power it gives you protection and it gives you provision being covered it gives you power it gives you protection it gives you provision I say this with all humility but when my wife married me she got power she got protection the breath will go off on you a brother will door but make a brother go off she got protection you got my credit card you got provision all of that comes with being covered being married is the covering but guess what she's a covering to me too I wouldn't have made it without her she gave me power she gave me provision thank you Jesus lord knows to give me protection anytime I need protection I bring her with me sometimes she's like my third girlfriend see certain things people don't say when your wife is with you Oh No so being covered gives you power it gives you protection it gives you provision when somebody covers you when you stayed in your parents house you had power you have protection you had provision if they were if they were good parents if they were good parents that's what that's power you got power you get things done because you because you're covered if you're covered by our ministry you get power you get protection you get provision when the priests go in they get power exclusivity the priests were a chosen group that had access to the inner sanctum that differentiated them from all other people and set them in a category all by themselves this power is with God and man they have power with God and man when the priest walked amongst men they represented God when the priest walked amongst men they represented God when they walked amongst God they represented men they had power either way hear ye the word of the Lord let me show you how much power a priest has if the Roman soldiers would have crucified Jesus without ke office nodding his head it would have been an execution it would have been a crucifixion but it would have never been an offering when Kay office the priests enters in to the crucifixion story he turns crisis execution into an offering because Christ could not be an offering without the priest so what they meant for evil Joseph [Music] we're gonna let this one God made it good do you hear what I'm saying to you from an earthly standpoint he passes all the criteria that is necessary to be an authoring now the Romans say it was an execution but God says it is an offering from heavens perspective Hebrews writes about from Heaven's perspective Jesus offered up himself he is both the offer roar and the offer ring can you prove it pastor yes I can no man takes my life I lay it down and if I lay it down I'll pick it back up again well if he did that as a priest you say we are priests how do we do that is there any Bible for that yes there is I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that she what present your body a living what oh he's talking to you like priests he wants you to do like Jesus and offer up yourself as an offering to God here's my cup load I lift it up Lord that's that's that's that's priestly singing I'm offering up myself I'm not gonna make you take it from me I'm gonna give it to you here's my life I offer it up to you touch your name and said let's go in we got protection we talked about power we got protection there's another layer of covering from the pillar of fire by night and day we got protection we're on the inside I'm in when I say I'm in low ready go I mean I wrote a piece one time that's a good parents are like shade trees you never realize how much they covered until they're cut down the full power of Who I am will not be realized until I did how many of you have deceased parents don't you wish you could talk to them and tell them as long as they're standing see you never really realize how hot it was cuz you lived in my shame when I get cut down use oh my god I didn't know I didn't know that I didn't know that had to be now I didn't know that I didn't know let's see I protected you from that that's what it means that's why you got to be careful who you pick ladies be careful who you pick because some of y'all shade trees don't have no leaves [Applause] see even when we were struggling and even when I lost my job and even when we didn't have any money and even when they were cutting off our utilities and even when I was wondering how we were gonna make it from day to day and even when we were going on to pick apples to feed the kids I was never laying in the bed I was never comfortable I was always going after it I was digging every day even even laying down I had bought a lawn mower and started a grass cutting service and started cutting grass because I was determined imma bring home something it might not be fancy it might not be pretty it might not be mighty imma bring home some it's your birthday we're going out I don't care we have to go to McDonald's and get a hot apple pie and put a candle I'm going to do something I will get some the Knicks in I'm gonna fight back you don't know how / no to mess with me you don't know I was here then I am power I am protection I am provision say that I am power I am protection I am provision everybody in this room needs to say that everybody in this room needs to be that to somebody you need to be somebody's power you need to be somebody's protection you need to be somebody's provision oh god I thought that make me want to go to run in it it made me want to go to run in I am power I am protection I am provision that means if you get me you get an asset if you get me I got you if you get me I'm a protection you will never feel the heat cuz I'm gonna take the heat and hold it back above you I am power I am provision and I am protection [Music] we're going into that provision thing touch your neighbor say let's go in when we when we go in when we go into the tent we run into provision provision this is the place of bread inside no bread outside no bread on outside the bread is on the inside this is a place of breathe provision is always first and foremost when God starts talking about provision he's first and foremost talking about salvation he's not talking about big houses and fancy cars when God said I'm Jehovah Jireh the primary thing is that I provide a scapegoat a substitute a sacrifice for your sin I provided a price for your sins so you can sit where you're sitting right now I paid the price so that justice couldn't execute you I took your execution so that you could take my liberation do you understand what I'm saying but secondly it does get down into my god shall supply Oh what Almighty God said I will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory are you hearing what I'm saying so so I want to talk about this going in thing but but I want you to understand what we're leaving so you understand where we're going we're going to the bread tell some I said we're going to the bread [Music] here's my make me if that's what I'm going to what am I going from put my graph up I wouldn't want to see my graph with with the tire yeah that's what I want to see I've been out here in the yard I was handling this sin business this this bloody business this bloody business at the labor I'm washed away the guilt and the shame of it of all of the dead works this is a killing place all the animals knew when they walked them in here they wouldn't not walk back this is a place of execution of judgment of substitution of slain issues a bloody place a smelly place smelling a blood the grunting of animals collapsing on the floor throat slit blood gassing everywhere this is a bloody place that's why we have the labor out here so the priest could wash away this bloody business and get ready to a cleansing ceremony of going in you follow what I'm saying this is what Hebrews six means when it says read it from it says Hebrews 6:1 that's alright she would really yes sir therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ let us go on unto perfection therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ leaving that mean forsaking it means you've completed it let us go on unto perfection the problem with the church for a lot of people is we're stuck in the yard we're either fightin about doctrine arguing about baptism arguing about what their the week your worship or arguing about whether you really saved or not are you pre-trib mid-trib post-trib tied up in the front yard there comes a point that you need to leave the principles of the doctrine of Christ you need to go the problem with the church is we're still in the yard we're still wrestling with our sin and our guilt and our shame as if the blood were not enough to pay the price you're still worried about what happened when you were five what happened with you was teared what happened when you were 21 you feel struggling with stuff that should have been slayed at the brazen altar and washed away at the brazen labor and we need to go on to perfection read it again therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ let us go on unto perfection uh-huh not hold it touch it let me say let's go on to perfection it's time to go on you've been mad long enough you've been guilty long enough you've cried you worried about it long enough it's time to go on I gotta get out of this yard I gotta wash this off for me I gotta get it off for me I got this shut out huh Oh almost forgot preacher rise up I gotta get it all forgot to get it all forgot to get it all I got to get it off that's up on that balcony over there you got to get it all for you you got to get it off for you it's been on you're too long God brought you here to bathe you to wash you you got to get it off for you you got to get it off you got to get it off let us go on to perfection read on not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God not laying again the foundation of repentance doesn't want you to keep having to come back out here over and over and over and over and over again let us go on to perfection are you hearing what I'm saying let us go on to perfection in the text the writer is trying to encourage people to move away from the foundations and the fundamentals let us go on to perfection and he warns him because he's writing the Jews that if they do not do so you crucify the Son of man of fresh and bring him to an open shame you understand what I'm saying I want you to give this because this is important this is this is a group of Jews that have started believing on Jesus and persecuted because they have believed on Jesus and they were starting to doubt again and Apollo is writing to them saying that if you start once you have believed him once you have been a partaker of the heavenly gift and tasted the good works of God that if you lay again the foundations of repentance you crucified the Son of man afresh and bring into an open shame he's trying to get them to hold on hold on span fast in the Liberty wherewith Christ made you free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage he's trying to get don't go back up under the law don't go back in the circumcision don't go back into cleansing don't go back in the ceremony don't go back in the warship don't lay the foundations again a dead works works works get away from the works gone into the fullness of the grace of God are you getting this are you getting this this is important that you understand this it's important that you know your Bible tell somebody say let's go on to perfection we're gonna go from grace to glory we're gonna go from grace to glory we're going we're going to another level this is that another level of maturity and spirituality we're getting ready to go in the tent we're going in we're going in and and we're gonna go in I didn't know which one to pick first but I picked the table of shewbread I picked the table of shewbread and that's where I'm gonna lay my focus and I'm gonna lay my foundation for the next 15 minutes or so and and I'll be through how y'all doing y'all doing good you're doing good if you love this word shout at me [Applause] Flo Rida go low ready go I want to make sure I've given you everything I miss something that I yeah I'll do it now when we go in when we go into the tent keep it right there when we go into the tent when we go into the tent we've left the altar of sacrifice we left the labor both of which were made out of bronze or brass remember that the woman's looking glasses making the labor both of them were made out of bronze when we go into tent everything is made of gold so it doesn't make a difference we're moving from bronze to gold okay we're moving from bronze to gold we've gone from bronze to go gold of the metal that maintains its composition even through the fire its value will always exceed bronze so when we go in like Hebrews we are going to better things with when you start talking about gold when you start talking about gold it has been through the fire it has been through the fire and it becomes a representative of God it will liquefy but it will never be anything but gold if it was gold when it went in the fire oh it hit me only that once just to heard what I was saying that you heard what I was saying did you if it was gold when it went in the fire it's gonna be glow when it comes out of the fire I will say that again if it was gold when it went in it is going to be gold when it comes out if he was saved when you went in the fire you're gonna be saved when you come out if you had the Holy Ghost when you're within you ahead though oh y'all don't hear what I'm saying the Lord knows the way that I take and when he has tried me I shall come forth look at that look at that you ought to get a picture that you're on the posters you ought to put it on your website y'all put it all in square out I put it on Facebook and y'all to tell the devil that's how I'm coming out yeah I'm coming out I'm coming down I'm coming out as pure glow the only thing you don't do is take any impurities that's the only thing you can burn up is impurities you cannot burn go I shall come forth as pure gold glory to God that's some shout and stuff right there glory to God that's what you ought to say when you go in the hospital I shall come forward as pure gold that's what you ought to say when you're up on the attack I shall come forth as pure go if you don't know what you were when you went in you won't know what you are when you come out so the thing for those of you might not realize that the theme of the book of Hebrews is called the book of better things the reason it's called the book of better things is that the writer of Hebrews is comparing the Old Covenant with the New Covenant and in essence we have gone from bronze to go okay now we're at the table of shewbread okay the table of shewbread literally means the bread of presence the bread of the presence in the King James Version is called shewbread in a biblical or Jewish context it refers to the cakes or loaves of bread that are laid on top of the tables shewbread this is the table of shewbread this is the table of shewbread and before I get to the bread I want to make the table because the table has to be made a table has to be made see there with me when you get in the car and you're halfway down for a that's gonna hit you that's what children don't know they just come and eat they don't know what table has to be made a table has to be made they don't just use it now prepare us [Applause] so the table had to be made the table had to be made and it was made out of wood according to Exodus 25 23 through 24 it was made out of wood so all the carpenters got busy sanding and fouling and shaping and spinning to make the wood it's about three feet not a big table by one and a half feet in in a rectangular shape it wasn't a big table because it had to be carried it's important that you understand that the bread had to be mobile yeah and if it's made out of what the King James Version calls shittim wood which is really acacia I did cause a case you gotta add a little humor into it makes it better acacia wood acacia wood is a wood that it grows in in dry climates that exists in desert places it is strong it is resilient it is tough because there's little to feed it it naturally has a propensity to withstand the elements it is strong it is resistant it is tough but it is wood and it can be cut and it can be shaped and it can be sanded and before the table was gold it was wood so it was made out of wood and then overlaid with gold [Applause] if you get down to the good stuff haha this is a good acid cuz we're coming into covenant we're coming into covenant we're coming into the strange paradoxical covenant relationship that is established in this table between the would a perishable substance see if the wood would have went through the fire [Applause] the wood would have burned up so you're taking a perishable substance and you're marrying it to a eternal substance so the wallet represents humanity and the goal who represents divinity oh we will dress this table out in a minute and and the ward would have perished but it was covered yeah by the gold and this table this table this table of a wood and gold that Shah eternal she gave the table that was wood and gold this table that was humanity and divinity is made to be mobile it's made to move is made to move this wood and gold this human and divine this man and God this God man this God man is made to move and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld the wonder of his glory are you hearing what I'm saying we're at the table of shewbread we got bread moving somebody hollow the bread is moving the bread is moving the bread is moving I want you to see that the bread is low the the B of my mind slipped the this stage thank you this phase are the wooden sticks that were made so the priest could carry it it was made to be carried it was made to be carried it was made to be carried so that they could move it when it was time to move and let it stand when it was time to stand this is the table of shewbread one table two elements one man two elements he couldn't redeem me if it weren't for the wood the wood is what made him Kim to me the wood made him kinder me in order to be a kinsman redeemer he had to come in a perishable form so he could be touched by the feeling of my infirmity if he would have come on goal it would have messed up my prayer life because he wouldn't know what it was like to be a man to be tired to be weak to be hungry to be sleepy to be thirsty so he took on the form of a servant and God made a table out of wood so that he could redeem us because of wood and yet he thought it not robbery to be equal with God because he's overlaid with gold this is the table of shewbread oh my god Jesus was born in Bethlehem Bethlehem is the house of Oh Bethlehem is the house of bread can I go deeper am i helping anybody the bread was to never leave the table the bread was to never leave the table it is it is stacked on the table twelve loaves of bread twelve round loaves of bread to represent the 12 tribes of Israel are you hearing what I'm saying to represent the twelve tribes initially there we are that's the picture I want I went right there it stacked up there God gave specifications on how everything was to be made even the crown around the table has symbolic value and worth crown with honor and glory it has power that the the artifacts were preserved the plates the cups everything look at that bless my soul don't they look like a chameleon table setup getting ready to be sir [Applause] so it is not so much that God is giving us new ideas is that God is unveiling the word revelation apocalypse means apocalypse literally means unveiling unveiling as if an artist painted a picture and he unveiled it slowly the part you saw you didn't see it because he painted it it was already painted it you saw it because he's revealing it what God is revealing to you is not new it was always there he's just revealing it can I go deeper with this now this is where it to me it gets really good it gets really good because this thing about bread is not new Jesus is born in the house of bread this thing about bread is not new this thing about bread is not new he is the true bread he said your father's ate manna in the wilderness in Paris I am the true bread I am your provision now the provision of God was so strong that when the children of Israel were going through the wilderness and they ate manna the provision was so strong that it protected their clothes from wearing out they went through the wilderness 40 years in the wilderness without a new dress 40 years and never needed a new pair of shoes I will say it again 40 years walking in the wilderness and the soul that their shoes never wore out I want to talk to somebody that God is sustaining it might not look like you getting ahead but you ain't going down either you might not have got out but you never went under I want I wish I had a witness [Applause] make it away out of no way opening doors for you glory to go squat somebody said that was God kept my car running raggedy as it was that was God kept my coke together when I couldn't buy a coat that was God held my head together when I was about to break down that was gone [Music] that's a baby's head look at me I don't look like what I've been through if I call you what I've been through it would blow your mind if I call you about the hair I have the thing is that blow your mouth not welding it you wouldn't even believe it look at me run our attention by the sound still here cancer didn't get me leukemia didn't get me diabetes didn't destroy me the witch didn't hates me the haters didn't get me sit down tonight I got some more for you guys to move for you got some more for you oh my god I feel something coming in the world it must be somebody gone sustained have you have you ever had somebody leave you and they thought when they left you that you wasn't gonna make it send them a picture do a selfie so because of what I've been eating I've been sustained you thought I couldn't make it without you but God kept me to God be the glory [Applause] be the gold I want to talk a minute to some of you that have been diagnosed with illnesses and by all rights you should have been you are a shout this place down yes you wanna shout this place down you might be in the wilderness [Applause] slap somebody and tell them I'm still here to all of you that the witch tried to hatch and they crush you and the one-pound manner of evil against you and the more they crushed the more God bless you you are a crowd in this place [Music] the dominant big you still be standing here the devil didn't expect you to withstand what you went through but look at you you got a right to praise [Applause] when I quit Fasil [Applause] berries see Oh [Applause] sit look I'm sorry I'm sorry my mic right this time [Applause] you oughta just look at somebody just go - laughs y'all just look at him just go - laughs you are to give look at him go to laughing with the joy of the Lord look what the Lord has done there was time to thought of what [Applause] you'll understand when I'm talking about slander 61 years old I've been preaching 42 years started our preaching at 19 had no idea that I would survive everything I've been through all my brush hair did turn white and I'm still standing preaching the Word of God [Applause] look at you and what you've been through Oh God [Applause] [Music] anybody can be great for a minute anybody can be strong for a moment but to have survived years 40 years they've been wearing the same pair of shoes God sustains you there are people in this room but don't count yourself divorces deaths traumas adversities rejection heart a pain trauma abuse surgeries misfortune dysfunctional families crisis on the right prices on the Left crisis over here crisis over there and there you standing up jumping and dancing in church you know hell is mad you don't said I'm gonna be good this time really really really I'm gonna be good sit down I'm like right am i right am i right [Music] all I can say to the sinners and bike riders in this room you ought to eat this bread this freighter take you through stuff that you thought you'd never be able to go through his friend will sustain you when your back is up against the law this bread will keep you with you they don't want to be kept this granite makes you get up out the bed in the morning and shake choke them whoo yes sir yes sir I heard my mama and them talking I never forget never sitting in my on sister's house in Marion Alabama she and her sisters was sitting around the table and I would come down the hallway I heard them talking and they called my mama too and and my mother's oldest sister they called her nickname was sister our sister said to my mama she said to where all the old people she said Miss Annie Mae in them and Miss Foster Jones and all I'm saying we're getting the we're all old people and I was coming down the hallway I laughed to myself I said Lord they don't know [Applause] that they are old folks [Applause] the Dogon if I wasn't sitting up with my sister yesterday we talked about chana can you believe how we are Amy shocking [Applause] yes sir you believe you bleep don't make fun of all people you everyone tomorrow morning I'm telling you it's just that quick [Applause] but we stand as a testimony young people that you can survive human you can't you you can survive we're not here because we were perfect we're not here because we didn't make mistakes we're not here because we did everything right we're not here because we dotted every I and crossed every team but the fact that God could bring us through everything we've been through that alone ought to make you eat your Grandmama's bread your mamma's grid under hain't change of religions I will stick to what I got if it let me get on in Israel just like there are two types of materials that make up the table there are two messages to be gotten from the bread because the truth of the matter is God didn't make this bread at this table the bread at this table was made by men and it was made by God's recipe so the making of the bread is a collaborative effort like the making of the table is a mixture of wood and gold God gave the recipe but man made the bread you must understand this bread what made cuz they went down to Walmart and picked up some flour this bread had to be made by the thrashing by the growing of wheat and then the crushing of wheat [Applause] now y'all don't want to make homemade bread with you buy flour these folks are in the wilderness they'll have no dough maker and and here's the criteria the bread is to be presented before God and the criteria in the recipe now I cook how many people cook in the room the criteria in the recipe is not just that it might be flour but it must be fine flour in order to be in here it has to be flour that has been pulverized totally crushed there's a difference between all-purpose flour and cake flour cake flour is father if you know anything about cooking you know what I'm talking about it weighs out different God says make this bread from fine flour this bread represents the 12 tribes of Israel this bread represents people God says I will make bread out of you after you've crushed [Music] [Applause] you're not grant because you want a title you're not bread because you want to position you become bread through the machines you're gonna say what I'm saying now you can go online and get you some credentials and call themself a minister but what you call yourself don't make yourself different I call myself a car don't make me a Cadillac [Applause] God says in order to get in this bread must be made of fine flour so when God is getting ready to make you bread I don't know who you are the joy of you enjoyed the word he has a better time than I am over there crushing you [Music] [Applause] shattering you breaking down your pride break it down your stubborn wheel bringing you down the asses making you humble yourself making you say yes to his wheel and yes to his word it yes to his way this is fine flower cried all night long weeks of emptiness and loneliness and gossiped lara not to trust you I would find flower Mardis would be that wheel pass this critical not come on finish i want fine flower let me show you what fine flower is paul writes - Karissa - a brother who has been sleeping with his father's wife and the Corinthian church was in trouble because his brother is having an affair with his father's wife and Paul sends a letter of judgement condemning this brother and telling them how to handle him and they bring him down they humble him because he wouldn't change it he wouldn't stop that he wouldn't repent but when he repented he says if a brother be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual restore such a one you're not supposed to keep your foot on nobody I don't care what they did you are not supposed to keep your foot on nobody because of what they did if a brother be overtaken in a fault overtake it means all of us got phone but that means that phone has taken over then ye which are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness you said it considering your cell so that means in order to bees which are spiritual you have to have God do something yourself I don't understand how you can be so judgmental and self-righteous and you have forgotten yourself that's why you need to be beat some more because you still hateful and judgmental and self-righteous but with God just to beat you behind you'll get mercy cuz you got mercy I would rather get to heaven and hear God say you was too merciful then they get to heaven in here God say you were too judgmental cuz I don't have a right to be judgmental I did too much myself God is beating us to find flour [Applause] now that's whose spiritual that's who spiritual people who have been beaten to find flour can be trusted to make judgments because they consider themselves hear ye the word of the Lord I am NOT taking you through this test to destroy you I have taken you through this test to refine maybe shall come and eat from your wisdom because of the crushing I allowed you to suffer tini the word of the Lord is fastly no longer put away your bitterness toward me it is true I have beaten you but I beat you to make you bread [Music] I will draw people to you that I could not draw before because I could not trust you but because you are now fine flower I will draw people into your life for you to feed and not me Sandor push it hard a double chasey I feel the glory of God there are many of you in here who have endured the chastening of the Lord and God has set you on a path to make you bread you are not in that office for the pay you are there for bread and God says I will send you in two places and give you opportunities because I have prepared a table and I have laid you on the table as bread I don't know who that's for maybe it's you watching on the internet maybe it's somebody up in the balcony right there maybe it's somebody who's been through a painful series of crushing zs-- and loneliness and isolation and death and turmoil and you've cried and your flower has gotten salty with tears and the Lord brought you here today to make you understand he's making bread he's making bread he's making bread he's making bread there's no other way for you to know what you know there was no other way for you to have the wisdom at your head you couldn't read this in a book you couldn't get this out of tape you have to go through this so that you would know that you know that you know that you know that you know that I am your God and it says hey [Applause] so when the when the when the 12 loaves were laid on the table of shewbread it was from 12 tribes who had been walking a year in a desert and they presented the bread before God so there this is what I want you to see and I'm gonna stop [Music] the thing that amazed me is dead it is not just God presenting bread to us it is that we present ourselves to him I present myself a living sacrifice so the first thing I want you to understand is you're on the table you're on the table of the Lord and every crushing and every breaking in your life made you eligible to be meat for the Masters use [Applause] there was never to be a time that the table was to be without bread the bread was laid up before God all weekly and changed out on the Sabbath and on the Sabbath in the instance of prayer the brand was exchanged and the priests ate the bread in the most holy place but the table was kept with bread on even when it was moving you better believe it the table was never to be Lord don't let my table ever be without bread don't ever let anybody come and find me a breathless table I don't mind you know that's okay I understood that when I got here but don't ever let my table be empty this if I live to be a hundred keep bread on my table Lord don't ever let people come to this church and find us breadless a lot of noise and no bread you got to know the difference between noise and brands the church has lost its discernment we mistake noise for bread just because somebody's loud that mean they're anointed real brand team suit real bread sticks to you real bread you'll be talking about over dinner tonight real breads presents you real bread stabilizes you real bread fortified shoes instead of being bitter and frustrated and upset and in turmoil and angry because things didn't go the way you wanted it to be hear me good since God was gracious enough to bring you in here this morning he said you need to lay yourself up on my table and offer yourself up as bread before me and I understand that the crushing bless you listen the crushing made you wiser the crushing wage is stronger the crushing gave you discernment the crushing turned a girl into a woman the prescient establish of going in and coming out the question made a man out of a boy this shot top don't block this shot doc tofu shot doc you're not a man cuz you had a lot of birthdays you're a man cuz you've been through hell and you stood up against it and kept on going you are the lows presented before God and I want you to see the duality of this text lord have mercy who I'm family I want you to see on one hand the bread is offered to God and on the other hand it is God offering bread to us because he's saying I will never leave your table without bread I will always feed I will always make away I will always be your provider I would always be your resource I will always be your strength I will always be your provider all I ever wanted was to be with you the whole a virgin shall bring forth a child and his name should be called Emmanuel Emmanuel literally means the dwell amongst us God God said all I ever wanted was to hang out with you I wanted your company and I wanted your attention I wanted you to talk to me when nobody else was in the car I wanted you to sing before me in the morning and I will always put bread on your table if you watch the Manchester I don't know say if you worship me I will always I will always make a way for you I will always provide for you I want to dwell amongst you I wanna be with you I want to be with you I want to be with you I want to be with you I want to be with you leave him alone leave him alone I want to be with you I want to be with you I want to be with you I will always make a way if you take me seriously we will live together we stay together I will be with you in the wilderness I will be with you in the store I will be with you in the prices I will be with you in the tests I will be with you when your parents are gone I will be with you when your children are gone I will be with you when your friends forsake you I will be with you when all men leave you lo I am with you always and with the old way and with your hallway I am the Lord my God I am the bread [Applause] shut up let him go home let it go this is what happens when glory comes in a roll God breaks jokes and barriers and bondages his heart out while the word is being preached when real word gets loose in a place in a drive out stuff in a heal stuff people to get filled with the Holy Ghost while the Word of God is being preached the power of God don't put too much on the power of God is calling the anointing of God is here where the Spirit of the Lord he is various Liberty where the spirit of Oh sad where the Spirit of the Lord is if I had a cloud of Awesomeness [Music] [Music] [Applause] nothing like an answer ah nothing like an answer nothing like an answer nothing like an answer nothing like an answer from God nothing like an answer from God for long question years of turmoil and test and all of a sudden you hear God speak to you the glory of the Lord is in this flame the anointing of God is here the mana is falling down from heaven God is feeding his people he's feeding us in our inward parts in our it would pass God is feeding us in our belly bread of heaven sit bounds from heaven [Applause] [Music] [Applause] then he is to dwell amongst us God he isn't well a monstrous God do you have any idea who dwells amongst us who dwells amongst us do you have any idea who dwells amongst us he is the dwell amongst us God the bread of life the bread of life the bread of life the bread of life that I am the mighty God the bread of life why do you want the leeks and the onions of Egypt I am the true bread why do you walk past me looking for somebody else to feed you have a lots of bread have a lots of food have a macho substance [Music] oh yeah puffs I'm gonna bow throw [Applause] see real word real word real word don't need no help don't need no foolishness don't need no theatrics real word of walk the floor at his church and take on every devil in real word will break yokes and bondages and barrier and set the captive free real word a sin delivers all the way up into that balcony it'll knock you out up under the power of the holy book real word will break shackles and change ugly your life somebody said yeah only I don't need nothing I don't need nothing but the word I need the word I need the word I need the word I need the word I need the word I need the word all I need is a word the devil is of food [Applause] he's a fool think of it think of it he's foolish he's foolish how dare him has Jesus if thou be the Son of God turn this stone to bread why would Jesus turn the stone to bread when Jesus is bread you gotta know who you are if you don't know who you are you mistake a rock for dinner [Applause] why should I seek what I already am [Applause] thank you lord thank you lord I'm trying to stop thank you lord the children of Israel went to sleep and the Bible said in the morning there was bread in their tents it fell upon the do the manna fell in the morning God says while you're sleeping I'm making ways while you're sleeping I'm opening up doors while you're sleeping I'm revealing myself when you wake up in the morning the answer will be waiting on you I don't know who I'm talking to I don't know who I'm talking to but when I see you lift your hands I see manna falling down from heaven I see bread coming into your house I see bread coming into your heart and into your spirit I see bread coming on your table almost shut up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is homeschool church it just happened some of y'all don't know what to do because she used to be an entertainer and if somebody don't entertain you you don't have a power yo but when I did no teaching this word you ain't need nobody to sing you have to hope to get you happy but suckers go start leaving up and down inside your belly when I can't do prison its word your soul is go kisser loud right now you getting a contact high but the boys over you will learn how to draw the glory when it starts falling down whosoever will let them come [Applause] [Music] this is the sound of a church this is what trap sounds what all praise and honor to God to the Lamb that was slain foundation of the world all praise and all harder to god the saint of actual dress then led about to descend about sister littles all praise and honor to God praise and honor to God Hey dip into it put some bread on the table what's up bread on the table what yeah hee hee [Applause]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 848,921
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Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, td jakes 2020 motivation, bread of heaven
Id: MgdYIy04l8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 46sec (5986 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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