Goalcast's Top 10 Most Epic Inspirational Speeches | Vol.4

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[Music] he knocked my mom out at the top of the stairs I could see him coming down the stairs just dragging her and she was kind of lifeless and that's when I got the couch scared to death jumped up my father and he beat the [ __ ] out of me we never went to school hardly at all because we were bruised up he also believed in just us working the family business so going to school really didn't happen for me at all not only took a back seat also had a learning disability I'll never forget in third grade there was this teacher that was extremely rough on me and this time my life I did not need this and she believes I need to be in a special school because of my learning disability and this Aurora's talked about people are taught manage your expectations this teacher manage my expectations she's trying to learn disability she saw I was socially enabled to survive in this world she saw it was messed up so she managed my expectations she said really put David Goggins in a special school I came from hell and when you come from hell not knowing how to fight this is what happens to you what happens to you is you become a [ __ ] up kid that cannot survive in society I never forget one time during a basketball game there was this coach mr. trout he knew me when I was a kid in that school when I was in third grade getting set back mr. trial always loved me this white man loved his [ __ ] out I mean I don't know why he did but he was my JV basketball coach my sophomore year the visiting team was at our home stadium who's at the end of game and the business started chanting I was only black person in the whole daggone stadium they started chanting Nick Nigar Nigar that's all I remember at that time of my life that's all I remember but not 42 years old I can look back on that time with clear eyes in a clear mind and see what mr. child did for me he went in that locker room while I was crying upset and he cried with me this white man cried with me but that time I didn't see that all I saw was red I saw hate this whole talent hated me everybody's against me my mind lost it and for some reason I couldn't sleep on my bed until this day I don't know why the floor felt so comfortable and at 22 21 years old I went from 175 pounds to 297 pounds fat out of shape insecure I was everything everybody said I was going to be that's what I was and it makes you feel like [ __ ] so I got job spraying for cockroaches at night I'm not saying it's a bad job but I didn't want to do it so for about six months I went around to your local eateries spraying for cockroaches this one night I came home the first thing I do I walk in my living room turn the TV on first thing I do then walk back to the to take a shower and I would listen to the TV I was I was trying to take a shower this day changed my life it held me accountable for what I wasn't facing in life they're going through Navy SEAL training and I sat down I I came out of shower and I sat down something brought me back to sit down and watch these guys going through hell I saw a ton of them quittin ringing the bell ringing the bell means you quit Navy SEAL training I saw him putting their helmet down this went on through the whole show and it finally got to the very end there's about 15 to 20 guys to the very end and there's one statement changed my life they were all sitting there and they're dressed whites and this CEO this commanding officer stands up in front of these men and he looks sharp and he I could tell you stood for something and he said we live in the world where mediocrity is often rewarded these men up here detests mediocrity when you hear a statement like that it forces you to think about yourself I wouldn't even [ __ ] mediocre I wasn't anything I was at the bottom of the barrel of life I chose the four-lane highway for my life the easy route the route that has gas stations throughout that has [ __ ] signs that say 20 miles to the next service stop all this [ __ ] I chose that about most of us choose the four-lane highway when I was born it was also a shovel over here in the [ __ ] corner laughter no one wants to go to the shovel they were to choose the four lane [ __ ] Howard that's it that's the nice rap the shuffle means you're gonna [ __ ] hurt the stubble means you're gonna suffer just supper means you're gonna hit Rock a lot of time and we all know what digging through Rock is like when you hit a [ __ ] roof you got to [ __ ] get some more tools out if I had a little more tool just a [ __ ] shovel I was choosing the four-lane highway this is my decide to pick up that [ __ ] shovel that we all decide not to take I had to make a change in my life so I say you know what I have to join the military I went on a Navy SEAL training became the only person I believed in history to go through three Navy SEAL hell weeks in one year I completed two of them home because I heard thirty hours of continuous training you might get two hours of sleep the first few weeks get you ready for this hard-won week of training I had to become obsessed no matter what was in front of me I catch to figure out a way to overcome it so when things hit you in life that you're afraid of or you're not good at the first thing you're gonna say to yourself is why am I here anyway this isn't for me the water is too cold the sun's too hot I'm getting up too early why am I doing this to myself that's what the normal mind says I had to start training my mind to think about how the [ __ ] can I get through this not giving myself a way out never give myself creating a wall around all the [ __ ] ways out in my mind and a slowly starts to build this [ __ ] wall so my mind knew this [ __ ] is not gonna give himself a way out of here in my first time we had a huge setback I was broken my legs were broken I had double pneumonia I get rolled back to day one week one of Navy SEAL training I got through that second hell week during the second hell week I actually broke my knee I continued to limp around for a couple weeks I couldn't make it anymore got rolled back to day 1 week 1 I'll never forget standing there in front of Captain Bollinger he was a co in charge of Navy SEAL training at the time and he had no mercy on anybody if he believed in managing your expectations I wouldn't be here today he challenged me again I was challenged my whole life not by the mindset of managing expectations by exceeding expectations not by managing them I'm standing there with crutches I'm sitting in his office he looks at me he goes jogging this year last time we're gonna push you through Navy SEAL training this would be your third hell week in one year we're not gonna put you through a fourth so this is your last time I'm saying thinking how am I gonna get through this I'm badly jacked up my legs are broken my knee is messed up and he goes even a couple of months to get better a couple of months isn't gonna do it I won't get healed up in a couple of months but I realized I'm gonna get through this [ __ ] I'm gonna find a way to get through it cuz why put barriers in my mind so my third hell week I went in there with pretty much I would put a black sock on first I would get duct tape and I duct-taped my ankles all the way up to my calf every single morning then I put another black sock over it and what that did that prevented me from moving my ankle so I didn't really I wasn't flexing my shin as much and I started running with just my hip flexors in this hell week it was a bad Hilary and a guy died on Thursday morning of hell week I went on to become a Navy SEAL greatness is not something that you meet once it's something that you meet thousands of [ __ ] times in your life and you don't reach it if you're not constantly in constant [ __ ] pursuit of [ __ ] greatness so if my mom were to say right now I'm great I just lost we're gonna grow we're not going to triple down on our strengths we're not going to do that crap we're gonna work on our weaknesses so we grow we need friction to do that without friction there's no growth without friction this confusion confusion is David God is how did you become who you are today I put a bunch of [ __ ] friction in my life and I grew that's how I did it you ought to get mentally tough it's a lifestyle instead of hitting that [ __ ] snooze button in the [ __ ] morning and not making your bed and not cleaning your house you don't get this news button you get up you don't want to go run you go run you don't want to go swim you go swim you wanna make your bed you make your bed you know we wrap in your house and clean your house you don't want to study you [ __ ] study that's how you start to callus your mind so that became my life if we say you're gonna wake up at four o'clock in the [ __ ] morning to go run wake up at 4 o'clock enough it's gonna suck it's not gonna be fun do something that sucks every single day of your life that's how you grow embrace this up I will never forget that cup of coffee well a couple years ago I was traveling when my schedule worked out on Christmas Eve I thought the airport was gonna be the zoo so I got there a couple hours early it wasn't it wasn't crowded at all so for me that means coffee so I get that into my terminal terminal D and I see the green sign and when I travel these days I always wear earbuds you know so I'm I'm rocking out to Coldplay and I see the sign I get in line and there's one woman in front of me and she's having a very animated conversation with the barista she's gonna wave in her arms and they're both smiling and laughing so I wasn't in a rush but out of curiosity it popped out my ear buds and sure enough know they're going on about their holidays and their plans and the kids and presents and she starts to move down the line so it's my turn to order and I was greeted with this very warm and sincere welcome this woman said to me hi my name is Lilly what's your name set him right she said Ryan what can I make for you today that's why I want a grande pumpkin spice latte she said you want whipped cream on that don't ya ya ya want the whipped cream she said I'll tell you what I'm gonna do she said I'm gonna make an extra hot loaded up with whipped cream sprinkle little nutmeg on top that's how I like it you're gonna love it it sounds great so where you going Cleveland she said are you going back to Cleveland to spend the holiday with your family I said yes now this point I started looking around for the camera right and then I'm trying to get a latte so I move down the line and the conversation continues and she's funny she's asking me questions about my family and her holiday tradition she's laughing and I'm laughing and she hands me my drink and says to me right have a safe trip back to Cleveland go create some extraordinary memories with your family when you come back through the Minneapolis Airport I want you to stop here and tell me all about it there's a my drink I start walking away and I stop and I look back at this woman and I think to myself you know it's it's Christmas Eve most people would rather be anywhere else in the world and serving coffee and an airport not her it was like she was meant to be there and I couldn't help myself I had to go back so I did I walked back and I said excuse me Lily you know she jumps around right is everything okay at the latte I said no I said the latte is perfect I just had to come back and ask you well what is your secret to making such a meaningful connections over serving coffee well she correct to me she's Brian not serving coffee so okay what are you doing she had thought about this she thought about this what she told me was I'm pouring happiness into people's lives I said you're pouring what like what is pouring happiness and her definition of pouring happiness she wants to be happy in her life she wants to be around happy people she cares about her customers she wants him to come back so she chooses even on Christmas Eve to smile to have fun to help people to just be happy instead of just focusing on how to be successful focus on how to be helped full the other thing is she understands and masters straight away is the very specific and intentional decision around how she chooses to show up even on Christmas Eve you know this a lot of things happen in work and in our lives that are beyond our sphere Vincent she doesn't control the weather in Minneapolis trust me I live there all she gets them all is how she chooses to respond to those things decide how you show up you know it's interesting when I when I met Lilly and she would have had no way of knowing this but I uh I was pretty heavy in the heart had a lot on my mind that my parents both retired schoolteachers married 45 years about three months before that holiday I got a call from mom we got some really tough medical news about that it was a terminal diagnosis and who knew we probably weren't gonna have a lot of time so I was sitting in that Airport on Christmas Eve not in the best place in the world I will never forget that cup of coffee when you decide to show up consistently as the best version of who you are it gives you your best opportunity to meet people who have bail and you never know when someone needs you to be your best I was the 19 year old kid and I was miserable I was in love with my high school sweetheart we were that couple that was really annoying so we went to school together we signed up for classes together we shared a u-haul on the way to school together we lived in the same dorm together we walked to class we walked to breakfast in the morning and walk to class I mean we were just joined at the hip and we were completely crazy infatuated in love and then halfway through the first year of college she discovered beer and other boys on the same night and she cheated I completely fell apart I stopped going to class I barely ate anything certainly nothing healthy I stopped studying I just stopped caring about the world literally couldn't get out of bed and I never thought about until years later at reading changed my life because I was still reading there's one thing that's brought me through everything and I happen to pick up the school newspaper and I opened it up and there was this full-page ad it was this perfect white sandy beach turquoise water big green palm tree and across the top of the ad it said escaped students needed for summertime jobs in the Dominican Republic so I escaped them went down there and one night my friend Kevin and I we hopped into a car after dropping off a client so we're going down the road 85 miles an hour in this car and the windows were open in that air was coming in that amazing humid if you've been in the Caribbean that just gorgeous amazing humid air is coming in and then we came upon a corner we take that corner 85 miles an hour in that corner became the turning point to put my feet on this stage for you today Kevin grabs the wheel he goes hold on and I brace and the car starts sliding sideways and that weird slow motion thing happens Kevin's gripping the wheel trying to make the corner and all sudden smack when I came to I looked over and Kevin is screaming the top of his lungs get on a car burn the Calla car and I look over and a whole big chunk of his head is open so I pull myself out of the windshield this car and he's screaming over here and I stand up eventually on the hood of the car and I looked and I noticed all this blood on me and I remember just looking down and that slow motion things happening I just thought did I even matter I start seeing all these images of my life when I'm surrounded by people that I care for there's a cake in front of me here's my friends singing my mom leading him in that goofy song there's my sister just swinging and smiling right next to me and it makes you wonder did I love did I love openly and honestly and completely or did I hold back cuz that one time I got hurt and just those about to pass out I notice a glint like a sparkle something shiny a reflection in the blood going off the hood the car and it made me look up and there was this bright big beautiful moon that night and I just immediately felt this connection if like I knew I was gonna be okay and I felt like the big guy upstairs reach down to me and handed me life's golden ticket he reached down said here you go kid you're still alive you can still love and matter but now you know the clock is ticking mortality motivation I got is a 19 year old kid people say why you so successful Mike I got mortality motivation when I was 19 that's a blessing most people don't get that til they're 60 don't worry Kevin and I we both survived see I'm still here yeah it's okay I made it but the one thing that I took away from that entire thing was that moment and those questions because I remembered them and I thought about them as I was healing I said what was that about why did I feel so unhappy with that moment because I thought you know in the last moments of life there must be this transcendence and I was not happy and I realized it was because of how I'd been living my life and I wasn't living to my questions I knew I got those questions did I live did I love did I matter as soon as I got those were the questions I'm gonna evaluate myself with at the end of the life it gave me the power of what my late mentor Wayne Dyer taught the power of intention that breath you just took feel it what a blessing that is you got that life what a blessing is you got that breath that means you still got something inside you got to work for it you got to contribute for it you got to give for it you got a lead for it you got a love for it cuz you still have something not just in you you're still here for a reason and now you just got to earn that blessing I was becoming very good at becoming the invisible kid I was born in Hong Kong I emigrated to Canada when I was 14 years old first day I didn't even go out the door I was so afraid I was one of the only three Chinese in my school I was getting Baldy I was getting beat up I was gonna push around he'll never ask questions they'll put up my hand right after school I would just grab my backpack go to my locker not looked at anyone not make any eye contact and just go on Shirley after them my mum and I got divorced when I was 16 years old one day when I came home from school my mom was staying in the bedroom but she was talking on the phone with somebody and then after after the phone call she opened up the door and I could see like she was crying it's a mom and everything okay just like well you know I was talking on the phone we did with a dad and he just told me he would it went bankrupt just filed bankruptcy he couldn't send us money at him my mama is always a very positive it's just like an angel to me but that's the first time in my entire life that I looked at my mom now in a country where she doesn't speak the language son doesn't kind of going through high school her face the hopelessness I said I don't care what I've heard it takes I never want to see that again I know father figure I know role model my father quanto father figure was when I watched it was late night I was watching a Bruce Lee movie it was way of the Dragon where he fought a Chuck Norris and it was a guy who couldn't speak English when it went to Rome and got criticized and then suddenly he was kicking ass and protecting people so he became a hero in a way virtually he became their father figure I never had that strong muscular strong like kick-ass kungfu master right right after that near my house there was a karate school so I signed up for the karate school that gave me the confidence that gave me courage and then from there I just made a commitment whatever it takes unless I don't need my dad I'll take I'll be the man of the family I'll take care of my mom so that's when I started thinking about okay how can I do something to make some money and I was mowing lawns for people I was delivering you know paper anything that would make a buck really I was trying all kinds of business ideas and then afterwards I started my own one-man advertising agency and that was my first taste of success was me being able to provide for my mom finally now I can't I could go to a grocery store and not have to go to the x-pyr almost expire sex sessioned buy fruit and vegetables that was really very much the turning point so afterwards so I haven't talked about there for number of years right because I was angry at him until I had my chew a little bit then I call him and then we talked about what happened and he could see me you know being doing very well I was making about 10,000 a month as a young guy six-figure year I knew he was just getting by and it was worrying about a place of live so at that time I was I went back to Hong Kong and I would I was walking down the street this city in Hong Kong we stopped I said I said I loved it there you see that window updates yeah I reached in my pocket a horse had a keys I put in sense that my dad looked puzzled said there about that unit for you you got a place of living this yours it was balling all he could say was son let's go get lunch dad look made everything worthwhile at a time he we talked I said you know next week son I'm going to into the hospital for a regular checkup and then I know the date after he did a checkup I didn't get the call I thought was a bit strange um the next day I got a call from my aunt I pick up the phone was like 3:00 a.m. very late at night yeah there's an emergency so what happened well he found that he needed surgery immediately we need to operate him but at the time I was chasing the biggest deal the biggest deal I've ever done in my life I said I had to be in the u.s. I gotta finish this before I would come back I guess it's just very important to you I had your little video conference with my dad I could see him in the hospital here all grey you had this tube you couldn't speak so yeah once as soon as I finish I will come back and see you right and I thought well make him proud I thought would close the deal I go to Hong Kong I never thought about it and there was the last time I talked to him that was it I never got to say goodbye I never got a say it's it's the biggest regret it's truly the biggest regret and I wish I had knew I had and from that point on I will I something that I was chasing achievement was chasing all these things and what something my dad was gone suddenly all this stuff means a lot less sunny means a lot less to me about Fame money wealth all this stuff I think I believe in life you go through kind of four stages the first stage is what I call survival which is where I was when I was very young and then go from going from survival to security you paying the bills you've got a roof over your head you've got a car you're taking care of your family and then a percentage of the people would move to what I call stage three which is success when you're successful you don't just have everything you need you have everything you want and I operate in their face at that stage for the first I was at ten years of my career and then after that incident after my bad there passed away then I shift from successful significance when you shift from successful significance is no longer just about you it's no longer just about hey here's what I want he's what I want the half is what I want at home from a poor immigrant boy who couldn't speak a word of English now my work is impacting people in a hundred countries it's sounds so cliche but it is what's your legacy what's your impact what you want to leave behind what do you want be known for after you got our society we we don't take a time to just slow down a bit to be grateful and find a little things to believe the people around me my family my friends my team my students everything every little thing all the tragedy all day all the mistakes all the headaches all the hardship you might not like it you would probably hate it but you will look back and that would be the greatest thing that ever happen to you all depends on how you interpret it and that's why people they keep chasing and chasing and chasing next thing they're never happy if you're not grateful with what you have you're not going to be grateful even you have more so I say it's be grateful with what you have while you strive for more people ask me all the time what is the secret to success and I always tell them but the short version is you got to have a 22 inch biceps and you got to be able to kill predators with your bare hands and of course you got to have this charming Austrian accent that's a given the long version is that I actually always had five rules you don't need to be a bodybuilding champion you either need to want to be an action here or anything like that if you want to excel in whatever you do those rules are for you so my first rule is find your vision and follow it if you don't have a goal if you don't have a vision you just drift around you're not gonna be happy I grew up after the Second World War Austria right along with Germany lost the Second World War there was of course depression there was a terrible economic situation I wanted to get out of there I wanted to escape and luckily one day in school I watched the documentary about America I knew exactly that is where I wanted to end up the question was just how do I get there how do I get the America no one had the money to travel or anything but one day I was fortunate enough to see a bodybuilding magazine and on the cover was this very muscular guy mr. universe becomes Hercules star his name was rich Park I read the article as fast as I could learning about how he grew up in Leeds in England poor in how he trained five hours a day every single day and trained and trained and trained then he finally became mr. Great Britain then became mr. universe then he won a second mr. universe title in the third mr. universe title and then all of a sudden he landed in Rome in jindo Jeddah doing Hercules movies in as I read I became more and more certain I had that vision very clearly laid out to be a champion on that same stage where he wanted mr. universe and then to move to America then get into movies from that moment on everything that I did no matter how hard I had to work or how much I had to struggle it didn't matter because I knew what the purpose was and I found my passion always discover your vision and the rest will follow now my second my second rule is never ever think small you have to go and shoot for the stars I didn't you think about being in movies no I wanted to be a movie star I wanted to have above the title building I wanted to become the highest paid entertainer I basically wanted to be another John Wayne what's wrong with that never think small thank big a third rule is ignore the naysayers I think it is natural that when you have a big vision and big dreams and you have big goals that people are gonna say around you I don't think it can be done I think it's impossible I mean it started right away when I was 15 years old and I became a bodybuilder right and if that happened I said I want to be a world champion in bodybuilding I want to be mr. universe they immediately said are you crazy bodybuilding is an American sport forget about it it's nuts attend men I wanted to go into show business after I won 13 World Championship titles in bodybuilding I said I want to be like reg Park I want to be a Hercules I want to get into movies well I tell you when I met those agents in managers their reaction was oh that is so funny you want to be what a leading man oh come on I mean look first of all let's start with your body you're gigantic you're like a monster and then your axe and oh it gives me the chills just listening to your German [ __ ] come on now have you ever seen an international movie star with the German accent it doesn't happen forget about that and then you name what is it Watson she needs stool or something like that people are gonna storm the field and the movie houses because what's in schnitzel is starring in a movie oh yeah I can see that already imagine that everywhere I turn they said no it won't happen it's not gonna happen and forget about it luckily I did not listen they said of taking acting classes English classes even accent removal classes I ran around all day saying lines like a fine wine rose and a bind all of a sudden I got a little break all of a sudden I got a TV show a little part then another little part and then pumping on and stay hungry and then of course I landed the big role as Conan the Barbarian so finally I got the big big break and you know what was so interesting about it was the director said that the press conference if he wouldn't have had Schwarzenegger with those muscles we would have had to build one and then when I did terminator James Cameron said the alpi backline became one of the most famous movie lines in history because of Arnold's crazy accent because he sounded like a machine so as you see everything that the naysayers said was a liability became an asset ignore the naysayers the fourth rule is group your ass off you never want to fail because you didn't work hard enough it doesn't matter in what area you in no pain no gain listen man I came to the United States I remember that I trained five hours a day every day and I was managing a construction business that was a bricklayer and I went to college also and and took acting classes from a to target nights to 12 o'clock midnight every day at the Dutch work your butt off that's what I always believed no matter what you do work work work but my fifth and last rule is don't just take give something back tear down that mirror that makes you always look at yourself and you will be able to look beyond that mirror and you will see the millions and millions of people that need your help and this is why I tried to take every opportunity that I could to give something back I started training Special Olympians I started after-school programs for the most vulnerable children for inner-city children to make them be able to say no to drugs no the gangs and no the violence we all can create change whether it is now neighborhood or in our local schools because the bottom line is it is up to us have a vision thank big ignore the naysayers broke your ass off and give back and change the world because if not us who if not now when [Music] my grandmother became my first hero growing up my grandmother never used an alarm clock but every morning my grandmother would wake up at 4:15 and at 4:16 her feet would hit the floor usually right in front of my face and that's what would wake me up but I would lay there and I would pretend like I was still asleep because me and 4:15 really didn't get along but grandma would look at the back of my head I could feel her staring at me and then finally she would say now sugar grandmama know you ain't she you just want to go on and get on up and get ready for school my grandmother was known for saying things that would kind of make you a little angry because they made so much sense you can argue with it parents you know there's things that you when you become parents you start to say to your own kids my grandmother would say now son you knew when you lay down there last night that you had to get up this morning I don't know why every single morning you lay there and act surprised he ought to be thankful that the Loess all fit to wake you up this in you're right MA but what my grandmother was encouraging me to do was simply to be grateful for the opportunity in spite of all that I had been through in my life she just wanted to make sure that I understood the opportunity that I've been giving my life got started it was a little rough a little rough start I was born two months premature my mother was walking up a flight of stairs and she had noticed at the time but a woman she had had an argument with earlier was standing above her holding a pot of boiling water as my mom made her way up those stairs that woman dumped that water onto my mom and since her tumbling down the stairs need to premature labor she was seen thirty degree burns over 25 percent of her body and when we were finally allowed to leave the hospital as you can imagine my mom was in a great deal of pain those burners to just nearly barely missed her face and covered most of the front of her body so when we got home she began taking a heavy sedative pain medication to help her recover when she took that medication it was very difficult for her to watch me so I would bounce around a lot I'd stay with my mom for a little bit and I'd go stay with Grandma now I stay with some neighbors of aunties and then back to my mother's house I did that for the first three years of my life I was three years old I was back to her mom's house and I got to her person I found that medication I swallowed everything in the bottle when they found me they rushed me to a hospital and my heart would stop and eventually I went into a coma but because of that accident because of that incident the state of California they did an investigation and the conclusion that they came to was that it wasn't an accident they removed me from my mother's home made a ward of the ward of the state and eventually I went into a foster care system shortly after I arrived to one of my foster home so my foster mom her name is Miss Alexander miss Alexander began locked me inside the closet in a light she'd opened the closet door she kicked me hitting me with a stick or a strap or would ever see you whatever she had it was while I was in that foster home that I was sexually abused for the first time oftentimes people ask you know if that has to be the worst thing that could happen to something I have scars on my body that you can't see have a burn here in my hand that she would deal with an iron but all that pain went away were steen that mrs. alexandar would do is she open the closet door and she was standing over me she would say it your stupid Mountain nothing that hurt me more than any other physical kicks on the physical PE because I believed it for a long time I believed that that I would never amount to anything just like she said I didn't notice at the time I found out a little bit later but my grandmother my healer she had started going back and forth to court trying to prove that she could take care of an active handsome little Ward and eventually the state of California they granted her full custody of me and I'll never forget I was I will never forget standing on this Alexander's front porch waiting she had my little belongings everything that I had I remember standing there you may have only been a half an hour but it felt like an eternity and I can remember thinking maybe no one's coming after a while at the end of the block I see the ugliest car I've ever seen in my life and the car pulls up right in front of the porch and I remember all I can see these two big glasses bifocals and I found out later that grandma had glaucoma she wasn't supposed to be driving but she gets out of that big car and she's got on this white floppy hat with this it was a flower right there in the middle and I remember she had on this long white dress that came all the way down to her ankles and I found out later that you know that was grandma Sunday best it was not fit that she only reserved for special occasions I can remember four months of my life feeling like I was some special occasion [Music] I remember jumping into grandma's arms and squeezing her and I remember her whisper and saying to me everything's okay your family and everything was okay just like grandmother said and I had a lot to look forward to I found out that my mom was going to court trying to prove that she could take care of me and I could remember sitting there with my mother and we talked and we had a lot of different conversations one thing I can remember saying mama you know one day when I get big I'm I buy you a nice house with a fireplace said mama one day I'm gonna buy you a nice car not like Grandmama's and get you a nice one but the truth is I just really wanted to become a family again and that's what I looked forward to when I was 12 years old I was asleep on my grandmother's floor was about 4 o'clock in the morning we get a knock on the door it was my mom's roommate miss how I miss how I come quick miss how was my grandma she said come quick it's Ruth Ruth was my mom so I can't wake her up I think she's dead I can remember laying on that floor you know kind of wishing it was thinking hoping but it was maybe a dream but it wasn't and that's how I found out that all the hopes and dreams and things that I had to look forward to weren't gonna happen I became very angry I became confused I was hurt and really understand was happy I started acting out hanging out with wrong people breaking in houses start stealing cars I remembered not really caring what happened to continue that behavior until I was 19 I was 19 I was very myself standing in front of a judge I was handcuffed had a chain around my waist and her handcuffs were attached to that chain the judge looked at me since the state of California sentences you 15 years in prison for armed robbery and assault that day when that door closed behind me for the first time as a convicted felon I remember standing in that empty cell remember I need started to get weak and I start to shake uncontrollably and I collapsed I fell to the floor I just started crying alone I remember hearing voices heard a voice of my foster mom saying you're stupid me whenever about to nothing heard a voice of family members and friends of family I said that boys end up just like his father my father was a career criminal he died in prison I can remember laying there thinking to myself that this is where I'm gonna die but here's what happened that would change my life shortly after I arrived to that prison there was an educator there his name was Charles Lyell's 63 ex-marine and I don't know what it was about me but every time he saw me he said hey mr. Humphrey he had his big smile on his face I smile that my kids would say that's creepy but he's smiling he said hey mr. Humphrey how are you doing he always called me mr. Humphrey you gave me that respect he walked into my cell he looked at me he said mr. Humphrey says Prison doesn't have to be your life he says you can get out of here and you can do great things he started to walk away and before he walked out of my cell he turned around one last time he says mr. Humphrey I said yes sir he says I believe in you he walked out of myself [Applause] and if he had continued to stand there he would have seen the tears running down my face because no one had ever said that to me I remember thinking to myself I'm gonna make some changes and I'm gonna change my life in a little over four years after the day I could really collapsed and fell to the floor I walked out of that personnel room that was over 18 years ago I've never been back over than the mentor and help other people but here's what I know I know that when you've had a rough life when you feel unwanted I know that when you have hopes and dreams and when you have things that you can look forward to and when you have people in place that support you and push you I know that that gives you a reason to live it is a great day to be alive and that's something that I haven't always said but now it's something that I say to myself every single day at some point if I'm having a great day or a bad day that's something that I say but what I also understand is that what my grandmother was taking her higher power for each and every day was for the opportunity that she'd been given and she never missed an opportunity to tell anyone that would listen especially me it's a great day my earliest memory is my father hitting my mother in the face as hard as he could and I remember seeing her on the floor and then looking at him this giant of a man who I thought my god he says he loves her what is he gonna do to me and all I could think I want to protect her I want to protect her and I'm wrong it was and I said I got to be strong and I got to get strength so that I can protect her and every time he came home we were scared we didn't know I literally wet the bed till I was 14 years old because I didn't know what was gonna happen I would wake up - glass breaking sounds people screaming and it was a nightmare we lived a nightmare for years and I remember come into our room and saying we're leaving pack our stuff we're out of here and we will grab everything we had we put it in garbage bags and we're tired up and we wait to go then she come back in and she say we can't go can't be and I just remember Billy let's go anywhere I don't care we could be a street terrorizing us terrorizing it's clever and it was like what could we do you have to understand that people in the situation feel entirely we were hopeless so many thing I thought I'll never be like that I'll never do that but then I picked up a lot of other damaging things that come from that trauma a lot of other things that had been assimilated into my life here I as a man I felt like hey it's my way or the highway I remember times with my daughter Adria and I would yell at her as if she was a thirty year old man I constantly apologize constantly call them and say sorry I'm sorry daddy missed it catalyst I change my life because here I was a very successful man very successful but we have to realize is that success is the warmest place to hide does not matter what you look like you know the man anyone anywhere can be victimized and no man woman or child should ever put up with being treated that's less than a human being ever how did we get that far off when people are looking for the way when the whole thing is geared where you can't ask for help are you or if you bring it up how in the world are you gonna afford an attorney in order to fight this game you need three things I'm going to come forward with a lot of your damage of the things that happened that you need this that's emotionally you need distance financially and you need distance physically coming out with your story is probably one of the hardest things ever and this is what they love about what's safe horizon bys is a safe haven place to go the services that you need but I'm telling you this is my this is more valuable to come up open the movies TV shows about this this because it's fixable understand this is something that you we can be deeper where this is we have to speak up you can see it but you have to show people you are changing if you want to change the world start off by making your bed if you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day it will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another and by the end of the day that one task completed will have turned into mini task completed making your bed will also reinforce the fact that the little things in life matter if you can't do the little things right you'll never be able to do the big things right and if by chance you have a miserable day you will come home to a bed that is made that you made and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better to pass SEAL training there a series of long swims that must be completed one is the night swim before the swim the instructors joyfully brief the students on all the species of sharks that inhabit the waters off San Clemente they assure you however that no student has ever been eaten by a shark at least not that they can remember but you were also taught that if a shark begins to circle your position stand your ground do not swim away do not act afraid and if the shark hungry for a midnight snack darts towards you then summons up all your strength and punch him in the snout and he will turn and swim away there are a lot of sharks in the world if you hope to complete the swim you will have to deal with them so if you want to change the world don't back down from the Sharks over a few weeks of difficult training my seal class which started with 150 men was down to just 42 there are now six boat crews of seven men each I was in the boat with the tall guys but the best boat crew we had was made up of little guys the Munchkin crew we called him no one was over five foot five the Munchkin boat crew had one American Indian one African American one Polish American one Greek American one Italian American and two tough kids from the Midwest they out paddled out ran and out swam all the other boat crews the big men and the other boat crews will always make good-natured fun of the tiny little flippers the munchkins put on their tiny little feet prior to every swim but somehow these little guys from every corner of the nation in the world always have the last laugh swimming faster than everyone in reaching the shore long before the rest of us SEAL training was a great equalizer nothing mattered but your will to succeed not your color and not your ethnic background not your education not your social status if you want to change the world measure a person by the size of their heart not by the size of their flippers the ninth suite of training is referred to as Helwig it is six days of no sleep constant physical and mental harassment and one special day at the mud flats the mud flats are an area between San Diego and Tijuana where the rough water runs off and creates the Tijuana sloughs a swampy patch of terrain where the mud will engulf you it is on Wednesday of hell week but your paddle down in the mud flats and spend the next 15 hours trying to survive this freezing cold the howling wind and the incessant pressure to quit from the instructors as the Sun began to set that Wednesday evening my training class having committed some egregious infraction of the rules was ordered into the mud the mud consumed each man till there was nothing visible but our heads the instructors told us we could leave the mud if only five men would quit only 5 mins just five men and we could get out of the oppressive cold looking around the mud flat it was apparent that some students were about to give up it was still over 8 hours till the Sun came up 8 more hours of bone-chilling cold a chattering teeth and shivering moans of the trainees were so loud it was hard to hear anything and then one voice began to echo through the night one voice raised in song the song was terribly out of tune but sung with great enthusiasm one voice became two and two became three and before long everyone in the class was singing the instructors threatened us with more time in the mud if we kept up the singing but the singing persisted and somehow the mud seemed a little warmer and the wind a little tamer and the dawn not so far away if I have learned anything in my time traveling the world it is the power of hope the power of one person the Washington a Lincoln King Mandela and even a young girl from Pakistan Malala one person can change the world by giving people hope so if you want to change the world start each day with a task completed find someone to help you through life respect everyone know that life is not fair that you will fail often but if you take some risks step up on the time through the toughest faced down the bullies lift up the downtrodden and never ever give up if you do these things the next generation and the generations that follow will live in a world far better than the one we today and what started here will indeed have changed the world for the better I [Music] had to feed 22 horses every morning before I earned the right to have breakfast imagine an eight and a half year old kid getting up in the dark in Canada and going outside and opening the barn door and I remember there would be like 30 rats every time I opened the barn door and they would scurry around and I would hope that none of them would stay around and one time I went back to the house and I said dad can you come with me and he locked the door and he says go out and do your chores and don't come back until they're done it was kind of the beginning of me realizing that I wasn't in a supportive environment and I learned one thing and one thing only is that if I was willing to work hard then I could get my dad's attention I remember waking up I was about 13 or 14 years old and this was the day my dad had promised me it was going to be yes this was the day we were gonna play together we're gonna throw the football back and forth and I was super excited I walked out of my bed and I ran down the stairs and I saw my father where he always is his ankle is chained to the desk but as I got closer I knew something was wrong it was like I could I could feel there was a heaviness in the air and I started to get nervous I know dad yes I mean you ready to go play and the weirdest thing happened is he turned he looked at me and I felt myself shrinking down and he stood up and this shadow cast over me but he goes do you have any idea what it takes to put food on the table do you think that this roof just puts itself there money doesn't grow on trees you know one day you're gonna have to work hard for money now get out and play on your own before I put you to work and I walked out and I never asked to be bended I don't have one member you playing with my dad not one the only way I connected with him was when he was working around the house through chore I'd say dad can I help you I hand in the nails or I'd hold the measuring tape does he only what never once he never came to my hockey games he dropped me off in the car and stayed in the car all the other parents were tying their skates I was there alone I would try to score as many goals as I could so I could go in and tell him how I score the winning goals so he'd want to come and look but never did I remember winning honors in school for academic achievement looking out in the crowd hoping to see my dad he was never there so the only solace I had was to work hard so I doubled down on that and I worked hard and I'd call him out to look at the task being done and invariably it was never good enough so I doubled down again and work harder it didn't feel good at the time but in life what you do if you do what is easy why it'll be difficult but if you do this difficult I feel be easy I got the difficult part upfront and I got really good at it by the time I was 14 I saved up enough money to get a scooter but I was 16 I had my first car what time I was 17 I thought you know what I'm out of here this sucks I mean I could go out and make four times the amount of money living on my own even if I have to pay rent I don't care so I moved out I drove a taxi I did carpentry I cut lawns I washed windows I did anything that was hard work because that's all I knew and then my life changed I got a call from my stepmom and she said your dad has cancer so I jumped on a plane and I did everything I could I took care of the house he said to me he had some back taxes from Canada that were unpaid I said yes I'll pay them for you I did everything I possibly could and I remember the day I had to leave to go back to take care of my family I had a young son at the time and I had nothing left asked my dad well he was probably 98 pounds sitting lying in the bed and I said dad can you think of a time when when I made you proud and I'm thinking to myself there's a whole bunch I I was almost a millionaire by that time I had done so many things I've risen up I'd opened a restaurant I've new learned a new language done so many things this was the time he's gonna go of course son let me read from the list but instead and I don't know if it broke my spirit or if I thought I had hit rock bottom I hit another layer but when I got back home actually I was fired for my job my marriage had fallen apart I had no money left at it that I'd paid to support him so I got evicted from my apartment and I moved back at my mom with my mom at the age of 30 so there I am 30 years old working 16 hours a day for 20 years and I have absolutely nothing to show for it except maybe a skill set on how to work hard but I'll tell you what when you're down there and you think there's nothing left it's the foundation to grow from I thought what am I gonna do now and some little bird mentioned real estate so I thought I'd get into real estate I got into real estate and that's when I met my first mentor that transformed my life I was in my office one night really late and I was having a conversation with my mentor and he walks in and he leans against the door and he goes just still here and I said yeah and because you really have a great work ethic when I'm talking to me he was I'm talking to you because you're awesome like he's still talking to me it's like I never had anybody tell me that they believed in me my father certain was always you to do better you can do better you could do better yeah it drove me but it didn't make me feel confident and I doubted it at first and we start to talk and he goes oh so you've labeled yourself stupid as a loser and the skinny little kid he goes how do you feel about that and I said I still feel that way says you're 30 years old I go yeah I know but I still felt that way inside he says okay we're gonna change it who's an idol that you have and said well one my favorite is is you know like Clint Eastwood he's like rugged I'm kind of rugged I feel rugged just perfect how does that feel when you say that so that feels pretty good because that's it I want you to say that a thousand times a thousand times every day or more if you want loser out ruggedly handsome in so now what we're gonna do is gonna reprogram your brain your brain is like software we're just gonna reprogram it said how did I do that he goes just every time you have a chance to say I'm ruggedly handsome handsome - the words that follow I am follow you you just didn't know it you had shitty programming but now we're gonna change that and change that forever and I remember driving home I was so excited I was so excited because I get changed my program didn't know it I thought it was stuck that way my whole life and all I had to do was have the energy to put into changing the way I see myself and it was I just said it over on him for screaming in the car really ruggedly handsome Anson I'd get up in the morning I'd say it over and over and over again I'd say it as much as I possibly could and then spontaneously one morning I was in the shower and I said I'm the greatest real estate agent in my area I'm the greatest real estate agent in my hair and I went from one sale on my first year to a few years a hundred sales at broke every record there was and then I bought the freaking company went from from farm boy to financially free I became resourceful I became capable of doing things I didn't know I was going to do the most powerful force in the human psyche is how we describe ourselves to ourself who's giving you labels you too short you're too tall you're quiet you're introverted and you take on those labels and you wear them like a bear your persona and then you live in to them like a role that you were given in life you can rewrite that you can make it whenever you want insert it and then program it I am I am you are what if that guided grateful powerful passionate playful sexy central sense of a blessed what are you today is the first day of the rest of your life and you get to redefine yourself so who are you and who do you want to be the words that follow I am following [Music] the wisest person I ever met in my life a third-grade dropouts why is this and drop out in the same sentence as rather oxymoronic like jumbo shrimp mm-hmm like fun run ain't nothing fun about it like Microsoft Works y'all don't hear me I used to say like country music but I've lived in Texas so long I love country music now I bet ya I hunt I finish I have cowboy boots and cowboy y'all I'm a black neck redneck do you hear what I'm sayin no longer oxymoronic for me to say country music and it's not oxymoronic for me to say third grade and drop out that third grade dropout the wisest person I ever met in my life who taught me to combine knowledge and wisdom to make an impact was my father a simple cook why is this man every man in my life just a simple cook left school in the third grade to help out on the family farm but just because he left school doesn't mean a jezic education stop Mark Twain once said I've never allowed my schooling to get in the way of my education my father taught himself how to read taught himself how to write decided in the midst of Jim Crow ISM as America was breeding the last gasp for the Civil War my father decided he was going to stand and be a man not a black man not a brown man not a white man but a man he literally challenged himself to be the best that he could all the days of his life I have four degrees my brother is a judge we're not the smartest ones in our family it's a third grade dropout Danny a third grade dropout daddy who was quoting Michelangelo saying those boys I won't have a problem if you aim high and miss but I'm gonna have a real issue if you aim low and hit a country mother quoting Henry Ford saying if you think you can or if you think you can't you're right I learned that from a third grade drop simple lessons lessons like these son you'd rather be an hour early than a minute late we never knew what time it was at my house cuz the clocks were always ahead my mother said for nearly 30 years my father left the house at 3:45 in the morning one day she asked him why daddy he said maybe one of my boys will catch me in the act of excellence I want to share two things with you Aristotle said you are what you repeatedly do there for excellence ought to be a habit not an act don't ever forget that I know you're tough but always remember to be kind always don't ever forget that never embarrass mama mm-hmm yeah if mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy if daddy ain't happy don't nobody care but you know tell you next lesson lesson from a cook over there in the galley son make sure your servants towel is bigger than your ego ego is the anesthesia the deadens the pain of stupidity y'all might have a relative in mind you want to send that to let me say it again ego is the anesthesia that Denton's the pain of stupidity pride is the burden of a foolish person John Wooden coach basketball at UCLA for a living but it's calling was the impact people and with all those national championships guess what he was found doing in the middle of the week going into the cupboard grabbing the broom and sweeping his own gym floor you want to make an impact find your broom every day of your life you find your broom you grow your influence step way that way you're attracting people so that you can impact them final lesson son you're gonna do a job do it right I've always been told how average I can be always been criticized about being average but I want to tell you something I stand here before you before all of these people not listening to those words but telling myself every single day to shoot for the stars to be the best that I can be good enough isn't good enough that it can be better and better isn't good enough if it can be best let me close with a very personal story that I think will bring all this into focus wisdom will come to you in the unlikeliest of sources a lot of times through failure when you hit rock-bottom remember this while you're struggling rock-bottom can also be a great foundation on which to build and on which to grow I'm not worried that you'll be successful I'm worried that you won't fail from time to time person that gets up off the canvas and keeps growing that's the person that will continue to grow their influence back in the 70s to help me make this point let me introduce you to someone I'm at the finest woman I've ever met in my life mm-hmm back in my day we have called her a brick house this woman was the finest woman I'd ever seen in my life there's just one little problem back then ladies didn't like big old linemen The Blind Side hadn't come out yet they'd like quarterbacks and running backs breathless dance and I find out her name is Trina Williams from Lompoc California and we were all dancing and we're just just excited and I decide in the middle of dancing with her that I would ask her for a phone number she Katrina was the first one Trina was the only woman in college who gave me her real telephone number the next day we walked to Baskin and Robbins ice cream parlor my friends couldn't believe it this has been 40 years ago and my friend still can't believe it we go on a second date and a third date and a fourth date mm-hmm we drive from Chico to Vallejo so that she could meet my parents my father meets her my daddy my hero he meets her pulls me to the side and says is she psycho but anyway we go together for a year two years three years four years by now Trina's a senior in college I'm still a freshman but I'm working some things out I'm so glad I graduated in four terms Nixon Ford Carter Reagan so now it's time to propose so I talked to her girlfriends and it's California it's in the 70s so it has to be outside have to have a candle and you have to have you know some chocolate listen I'm from the hood add a bottle of Boone's Farm wine that's what I had she said yes that was the key I married the most beautiful woman I've ever seen him I y'all never been to a wedding and even before the wedding starts you hear this world and it was coming from my side of the family we get married we have a few children our lives are great one day Trina finds a lump in her left breasts breast cancer six years after that diagnosis me and my two little boys walked up to mommy's casket and for two years my heart didn't beat it wasn't for my faith in God I wouldn't be standing here today if it wasn't for those two little boys there'd have been no reason for which to go on I was completely lost that was rock bottom you know what sustained me the wisdom of a third grade dropout the wisdom of a simple cook we're at the casket I'd never seen my dad cry but this time I saw my dad cry that was his daughter Trina was his daughter not his daughter-in-law and I'm right behind my father about to see her for the last time on this earth and my father shared three words with me to change my life right there at the casket it would be the last lesson he would ever teach me he said son just stand you keep standing you keep spitting oh man how rough the see you keep standing and I'm not talking about just water you keep standing no matter what you don't give up and as clearly as I'm talking to you today these were some of her last words to me she looked me in the eye and she said it doesn't matter to me any longer how long I live what matters to me most is how I live - all one question a question that I was asked all my life by a third-rate dropout how you live in how you live in every day asked yourself that question how you live in here's here's what a kook would suggest you to live this way that you would not judge that you would show up early that you'd be kind that you make sure that that servants town is huge and used that if you're going to do something you do it the right way that that cook would tell you this that it's never wrong to do the right thing that how you do anything is how you do everything and in that way you will grow your influence to make an impact in that way you will honor all those who have gone before you who have invested in you look in those unlikeliest places for is enhance your life every day by seeking that wisdom and asking yourself every night how am i living may God richly bless y'all
Channel: Goalcast
Views: 170,991
Rating: 4.9002891 out of 5
Keywords: Goalcast, goal cast, life-changing speech, inspired speech in english, speech to change the world, most inspiring speech ever, top 10 motivational speeches, goalcast top 10 motivational speeches, new goalcast speech, rick rigsby make an impact, goalcast top 10 speeches, goalcast top 10, top 10 speeches, top 10 inspirational speeches, top speeches, top speeches 2019
Id: oZP92KUUw_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 59sec (4439 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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