Best of Eric Thomas | Powerful Motivation

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you can't make me walk what I don't want you can't dangle something in front of my face this I don't want that and many of you are taking anything if you don't know what you want and so if I can do one thing for you when you leave this room I don't want nothing from you but for you to leave this room and know what you want what do you want in your marriage what do you want with your son and your daughter what do you want in your health what do you want financially like how much money do you want to make a year what do you want to drive how do you want to live stop just waking up like an accident what do you want and then once you find out what you want spend the rest of your natural life waking up and going after it the reason why I speak with so much passion et why do you speak with so so much authority because I'm talking about my life not something that I read I ate out of trash cans I had no business eating out of trash cans I lived in abandoned buildings I had no business living in abandoned buildings but et your daddy wasn't your life your mom was a teenage mother you grew up come on eat look at your shirt that's not an excuse there is no excuse for not living up to the fullest potential no excuse I told you I didn't get a new daddy I didn't get a new mama what changed I changed and I stopped being a victim I stopped saying I've gotta wait for good things to happen to me and I said I'm gonna grind I'm going to fight I'm going to work I'm going to press forward I'm going to learn I'm going to do everything in my power every single day I'm going to do everything in my power to become a Victor and not a victim now let me say this before I move forward and I can't explain it but you better feel me winners win and losers lose I can't explain it any better than that I don't know how it happens but winners win and if you create a culture of losing if you keep being a victim if you keep letting losing happen to you if you keep letting people do you and treat you any kind of way it's going to become a culture all right I'm gonna tell you the story I got to get out of here and the stories about you guys have probably heard about this before it was a it was a young man who you know he wanted to make a lot of money and so he went to this guru right and he told the Guru you know I want to be on the same level you are and so the Guru said if you want to be on the same level I'm all I'll meet you tomorrow at the beach at 4:00 a.m. he liked the beach I said I wanna make money I don't want to swim guru said if you want to make money I'll meet you tomorrow 4:00 a.m. so the young man got there 4:00 a.m. he all ready to rock and roll got on the suit he should have wore shorts the old man grabs his hand said how bad do you want to be successful he said real bad he said walk on out in the water so he walks out into the water watch this when he walks onto the ward it goes waist-deep so he like this guy crazy up a dream like I want to make money he got me out here swimming I didn't ask to be a lifeguard I want to make money he got me in so he said come on a little further walk that look further then he had it right around this area the stove the area so this old man crazy he's making money but he crazy said come on out a little farther he came out a little farther it was right at his mouth my man like I'm about to go back in here this God is mine so the old man said I thought you said you wanted to be successful he said I do he said walk a little further he can't drop his head and held him down hold him down my man getting scratching holding him down I got you I know you brushed it out but I got you you had him held down I need you for illustration he had him held down just before my man was about to pass out he raised him up he said I got a question for you somebody answer the question for me he said when you were under water what did you want to do Lee I'm looking for a different word doesn't it what's that were said I wanted to breathe he told the guy he said when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful I don't know how many y'all got asked me here today but if you ever had an asthma attack before you sure to breath and so be shortness of breath you wheezing the only thing you trying to do is get some air you don't care about no basketball game you don't care what's on TV you don't care about nobody calling you you don't care about a party the only thing you care about when you're trying to breathe is to get some fresh air that's it and when you get to the point where all you want to do is be successful as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful and I'm here to tell you number one that most of you say you want to be successful but you don't want it bad you just kind of want it you don't want it badder than you want a party you don't want it as much as you want to be cool you most of you don't want success as much as you want to sleep some of you love sleep more than you love success and I'm here to tell you today if you're going to be successful you've got to be willing to give up sleep I can't sit here and lie and tell you that my faith has not helped me to get to where I am and I want you to listen to this word because this is a word that is used in the spirit realm is not a word that's using the flesh and while most of you will never be successful in your craft is because you're chasing a dollar and you don't honor your craft I honor honor what I do I honor is sacred the people are sacred and that's where most of you chasing money like you join us for the money you'll never blow it because it's not sacred to you when something is sacred you spend time with you but something is sacred you take them you take your dog on shoes off because where you stand is holy ground it's holy ground sacred it's your life it's your life you're putting your life in my hand you're sitting here listen to me I put words in your spirit I'm important ideas into your spirit that ain't no joke that ain't no game when I come into this place I didn't eat on the plane they serving me fooling like I can't eat it they're like you're in first class sir you ordered somebody one of the keys for you I can't eat the keys right now it's like why not I'm like it might be something in it I can't afford to get sick I can't eat I can't afford to put food in my mouth if I don't know where it came from I can't I can't afford this stuff just just the airplane you don't tell him what his stuff come from nobody watch their hands prior no I got four three gigs I gotta be ready when I get there don't give me that water by I need bottled water don't bring me no water no Cup I don't know where that came from I need bottle I needed to open it cuz I got people who spent money and I cannot say I'm sick I can't tell these people I'm sick your stuff needs to be sacred and I realize that one of the ways that this company blew up is because we legitimately honour the craft there are many of you that do not honor your craft like you do it when you feel like it you wake up on Monday you feeling that you do it look when something is sacred when something is sacred you don't get to say when you want to do it or not when something is sacred when it's spiritual when it's set apart you don't say I don't feel like doing TGIM I don't feel like waking up at 3 o'clock in the morning and sending the world like that I send the world of text not because I'm getting paid I don't get paid to do TV i up I don't get paid to put out that positive stuff I don't get paid to do the same success series so why are you doing all this for free because it's sacred because I've been giving life and a gift I've got to give back and so some of you will never get to the next level because what you're doing is about money when all you're doing is something for money when you get tired you can quit because money is not a strong enough factor right is not deep enough that when you're going through hell look I'm not telling I'm not lying to y'all when my wife got diagnosed with those seven lesions on her brain see you tell you I never flinched I never I said the Lord giveth the Lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord I had 20-some years with this woman in great health that's a blessing we're gonna get through this we're not gonna dishonor the Creator we're not going to dishonor him because I don't understand why he's doing this to her I'm about to show the enemy if you thought this was gonna break me look it's the worst thing you could have ever done because now I declare war I declare war now you thought you you thought I was going hard before I'm about to go harder than I've ever gone before you messed up and for some of you is nothing is sacred for you there are certain things you'll never have when you stop start stop start stop start and you wonder why everybody's getting blessed I'm not because you don't understand covenant and covenant means when do it you can't get out of it right and I'm trying to discourage people in general like stop do it stop getting in stuff that once you don't like it no more you come out of it that's selfish so when you start getting in relationship when you can come out come in child you can come out you can come in you're never gonna see the next level I had a strong mind a strong body I started studying I started putting in the work and I realized somebody else trying to exactly what I'm trying to do are you a gazelle or you align and let me tell you the difference between a gazelle and a lion when the gazelle wakes up it runs but if a lion ain't chasing it it stopped running but when the lion wakes up you don't need nobody to push it it pushes itself why because he realizes that if he does not catch that gazelle not only him but his family don't eat what are you playing this game for what's your passion what's your drive what's your purpose that's your purpose for playing this game why are you doing what you're doing and when you know why you're doing what you're doing you saw my t-shirt no alarm clock needed my passion wakes me up I got up at 3 o'clock this morning no clock I need the clock in 20 years my passion wakes me up my driveway Smee up my determination was my ability to be doing that whatever I want it wakes me up what would she want what drives you why are you playing this game is it just a game or do you eat do you sleep it do you drink it have you possessed the game do you want to change the game I'm sitting with a d1 basketball player this morning freshman he pull out a piece of paper and he showed me 20 goals what he wants to accomplish in big 10 18 year old kid 20 goes I see why you got these goals he said cuz right now my mama ain't eatin right now right now my grandma I can't afford to buy her a drink of water but I guarantee you next year this time I'll make my mark I said oh I feel sorry for all the guards they got to come up against this kid from this day forward I will give 120% for nothing at all strong my strong strong from this day forward I will give 120% or nothing at all strong strong body and George Foreman admits that he gave Muhammad I leave everything he had and Muhammad Ali grabbed him and pulled him to him old man hadn't fought in years hurt and Muhammad Ali pulled into him and said is that all you got and George Foreman said when he heard the words is that all you got it penetrated his spirit and said I didn't gave my man everything I got I can't see him to knock him down and Muhammad Ali's hit when he said that to him he looked into the pupils of his eyes and he said at that point he knew George Foreman had lost hold of it you like hold of it and when that thing tells you to quit you look at it in his eye and say I ain't going nowhere I will break you before you fight me you will not defeat me you will not destroy me some of you are so ignorant you've been through so much he'll you're gonna quit now you should have quit ten years ago when you got raped you should have quit ten years ago when he walked out on you you should have been quit you don't quit now it's the tenth round you got two more to go and when you get the success it's not about skill when you get to a certain level success it's about stamina it's about stamina it's about you won't wake me you can't take me I'm far too long I fought too hard if I was going to quit Satan you should have got me a seventy homeless you should have brought me when I was eating out of trashcan it's too late now I'm in the ritz-carlton it's too late now I'm fine first class not too late it's too late I got people's lives I think it's too late you should have brought me alone time ago I'm done breakable now the only chance at this point is you got to kill me come on Luther King you got to kill me now and then when you kill me MLK my legacy will live I'm in legacy point y'all I died tomorrow this message still is and it'll get stronger are you here when I'm telling you you're not here when I'm telling you y'all thinking it's about talent is not it's about taking the gift you got and lay hold of it have you ever laid hold of something I ever had some in your hand before I've been there that's why I get on Jalen's I'm come on Jalen like dad why do you want me so hard cuz I was in the hospital room when he was born i'ma lay hands on you son I was the first one when you came out not your mama I was the first one I cut the umbilical cord I had like did I create it that's why I'm so you so meaningful to me son I laid hands on you I didn't see you from a video didn't nobody FaceTime I was in the room son when you came out I heard you cry I grabbed you before I knew what your name was I lay hold of you and you're special to me because I created you you created that thing this ain't no job that thing speaks about who you are as a person how you approach life no no gig this is the essence of Who I am this is my spirit this is my character this ain't no job why you treat it like a job it's your calling lay hold of it so I'm gonna read something to you I'm gonna help somebody now I'm get somebody to light tonight I'm gonna give your light tonight and you may not need it right this second but at some point of your life you're gonna need it greatness is remembering in the dark what God told you in the light I just want to help somebody out whatever the creator tell you in the dark listen to me whatever he tells you remember greatness is remembering in the dark what the Creator told you in the light I tell the little homies do me a favor you got three minutes little homie they can give me that little crying story you got three minutes tell me when you're ready and go you will not take ten minutes of my time whining and crying about it you give me three minutes and give me your story and not you you got ten fifteen minutes to give me a solution what about want to hear that because after the end of it my wife left me and what you're gonna do about it is she gone for good are you going to get her I'm talking from experience bro my junk my sophomore year in college doing my thing traveling the road not listening to my wife she packed up and came back to the D I said I'm through I'm sorry you might be but not without me coming down there you feel me you can tell me on the follow you through with me I'm cool with that you can write me a letter because we want no text back then you can write me a letter and tell me no hear what I'm saying you can tell me on the phone you through with me I invested too much I invested too much to quit I made too many sacrifices to give up no listen to me that's why I'm so easy for you to quit cuz you ain't paid none for it I've paid too much I stood before your momma and your dad and said till death do us part if you leave you will not leave me over the phone or through a letter I you will look me in my face and tell me you go after I bring you the roses let's do what you gotta hear what I'm sayin ain't talkin like somebody who ain't never been through nothing I'm telling you she got up and left I'm telling you she drove all the way back to Detroit from Alabama by herself and was through I got on the road so I will grieve this day with loving my all positively my see her I don't care what she say she will know in my heart I won't I'm sorry and I want you back that was 26 years ago so if you go outside and you see it's like dark dark dark and you see the stars out there listen to me you can't only see the stars in the what that's the only time you can see the stars you can't see the stars when the Sun is out you can only see the Soret stars when it's dark so you're gonna start doing me a favor it's some crazy stuff going on right now but what I will not do is allow that craziness to penetrate so we scan the street there you go I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil for thou art with me about my rod and my staff I come for me i prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies I've known my head without my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me when I get in my funk over and OH all the days of my life over and over and over again greater is He that is in me and he that is in the world oh I got my stuff so when life happens I don't just sit there and cry I buck back I but back when I see stupid stuff on the news see I saw what happened in Vegas that's why I woke up the next day and I went to the school system with my church and my crew and we wouldn't there inspire you ah let's go let's go let's go love you and believe in God yep you took 50 lives now we bout to go inspire 50 lakhs and we Inc will talk I ain't gonna do a lot of talk people come every but do you think it don't matter what I think I'm past talking they don't eat when you talk they don't leave from news they don't eat from commentary and critique where I come from they even somebody going up to me and I ain't just talking the talk we will be at the school and we will videotape it while we're there and we'll put it up on YouTube so other teachers who don't know how to train our babies and bring the best out of our babies and engage and motivate our babies I will show them what it looks like so you took 50 injured 400 we come in for you that hate is not greater than love hate has never been greater than love hate has never conquer love conquers all love is the strongest force ever and so I will greet this day with love in my heart I will greet this day with love in my heart and I will overcome evil somebody talk to me you're up before a point what do you got to do to separate yourself yeah what time is that what time are they getting up good so you need to be up at least by what 7 and my better the other motivational speakers I don't know if I'm more talented to them I just know I get up at 3 o'clock and put my videos out first I just know I do 5 a day so if you're actually better than me nobody will know all right watch this Tony Robbins back in the day let's brown back in the day when you watch the two-minute video and you order it one of their videos how long you think it take for the CD to get to the creator or the DVD to get to your crib anybody how long you think it takes four weeks four weeks I did something nobody else did I gave away my content I put my content out every day you're probably in love with et at that point you bout to get a divorce you just fail your bar exam your team just lost in the championship you don't need motivation for weeks or not I saw a gap y'all I saw a gap in the industry and I said just get your stuff away for free and guess what when you give it away for free they will be endeared to you because I believe the content is sweet you know when you go to the grocery store or you go to the of to the mall and they say try fried rice you're like you know I'm good on that no no no right right right you like brown wanna try fried rice and in cases they like come come $5.99 right they gave it to you for free and then you did it for free and guess what happened you brought a whole meal so I'm being real what are you gonna do to separate yourself I separated myself I started getting up early three o'clock enough to get a kid from Chicago told me like yo E you're talking about thank God is Monday you release your videos on Sunday night I said brother it's Sunday and Chicago it's Monday in Singapore it's Monday in Australia baby we just getting American money we all over the world I'm separating myself I'm putting my stuff out on Sunday night in the shot but in the world it's Monday so me a coach was talking right and I ain't proud of it but I just like to keep it one honey I'm a high school dropout I am proud of it I dropped out of my senior year in high school and I'm just keep it real because I won cuz I was dumb it was because I left home in the early age and I don't have no other way to say it coaches forgive me but my boys was on the Block so while I'm in school from 8 to 3 they getting it in so they picking me up in Mustang 5.0 they picking me up in the Jeep with the top off and the silent no seat they didn't blew the backseat hot no backseat now yeah just got to eight and teens in the back in this room and I'm coming out of class getting in the car they coming right up to every four I'm from Detroit eight mile they come right up grabbing me you ready I'm getting a ride like wow am I still going to school they're like why you getting F Cindy that why you still going to school that's why I dropped out of school but guess what you know why I was so easy for me to drop out of school because my father dropped out of school my father had five kids by five different women and why was he easy for him to drop out because my grandfather dropped out of school but I did something unique I went got my GED got my 4-year degree got my master's degree and I'm a dissertation away from my PhD and I hate school so somebody said if you hate school so much why are you getting a PhD because I figure if I get a PhD I'm gonna create something in my family and my son gonna have to at least graduate from what come on come on honey come on if your daddy got a PhD you could at least do what you can at least graduate from high school let me tell you something my son I ain't trying to put no pressure on you but it's been 60 years since the Marilyn our family has graduated from high school so imma need you to take your seat here sit we got a lot riding on you and I'm telling you brightness is here but they don't can shoulders no more and they don't Farley shoulder more and they don't bow Jackson shoulder more now brain this is all who shoulder that's why I wake up every morning at 2 o'clock 2/3 cuz I got my mama counting on me I got my sister counting on me I got my son and my daughter counting on me I got a world that gets up every morning and watches me I got little kids who don't believe it they can do it when they saw me they thought now they can do it so I get up every morning in 2:30 3 o'clock Wow cuz greatness is upon me dr. King is dead Malcolm X is dead I'm that new guy I'm that new inspiration I'm the guy you look at when your daddy ain't in your life when your daddy in prison I'm that guy that comes to your high school and tell you you can make it happen greatness is upon you you've got to act like it well I'll promise you I love you bro listen to me very closely they pay me $50,000 to $100,000 when I speak to corporate America I go to a basketball program they pay me good I ain't getting a dime here I'm here because I love you but I'll be darned if I come here for free and you disrespect me I ain't 20 years old I 19 years old I'm a grown man I'm here because I love you I'm here because I love y'all gain pay me a dime as a matter of fact I came and use my influence to raise money so a group of kids can go to Costa Rica I'm not here to get nuts I'm here to give you something I'm not here to take nothing from you I'm here to give you something and listen to me closely when people love you you don't do them like dirt when people care for them you don't disrespect them you ain't got but a few people who care about you in this world then you hear what I just said you in the wrong place you won't be shot and killed and ain't nobody gonna go to jail for it ain't nobody gonna go to jail for it ain't nobody gonna do no time for it so the few people who you do have that care you can't treat them like garbage you can't disrespect the people that's trying to look out for you cuz you ain't got a whole bunch you ain't got a lot of dudes look me up you ain't got a lot of dudes that do what I do that's coming to your school no disrespect the dudes you listen to you listen to my man examine to his album he ain't coming here and I just heard we had a rapper here last night how many schools did he go - how many elementary school he came and took your money but he didn't invest back into you and your go ahead a know them to laugh and joke when teachers trying to teach you you got the nerve them to act a fool when somebody cares about you you talking while I'm talking do you know if I go to a Jewish school them kids quiet if I go to a white school them kids quiet if I go to a Latino school a quiet the only kids that disrespect me is black kids that's it my own are the only ones to disrespect me I walk in any other school they like they go et we taking notes I come home you talking you cap and jokes you think something funny look how we live and ain't nothing funny ain't nothing funny y'all they cute look when I got my PhD what embarrassed me I'm in there they asking me like what's wrong with our urban schools like why you asking me I'm in classes like you in class every other to print the teachers want to know professors want to know why are your kids what's the problem in the school system I'm embarrassed y'all I'm a grown man and I'm embarrassed if they talk about y'all and you know why I'm embarrassed because what they don't know is you ain't even trying when you take the test you didn't give your best they think you dumb you ain't dumb you can't take our people from Africa and put us in a diaspora and spread us all over the world and we survived slavery and we can't pass the test come on I stupid you take everything from us and we still survive and you don't tell me we can't learn how to write have you lost your mind we are survivors that's all we do is survive and you won't come and tell me you can't take a test no you can take the test the problem is when you take the test you barely take the test I challenge you to go in there and get that doggone piece of paper and that pencil and do your best I challenge you I challenge you to go to class and act like you got some sense anybody got put you on medicine you know how to sit down and shut up you do it when you watching videos so listen to me you must fight that other voice telling me that I would never get a PhD I did it anyway when lose or draw but do me a favor don't die not gotta fill me on this one [Music] [Applause] God told me to tell you to stop making plates for people who just trying to take it to go write that down no God told me to tell you stop making for poopoo for folks that just wanted to go plate he told me to tell you that there's somebody in the room your life is screwed up because you're making food for people who just wanted to go plate you you I'm come on you be it your life you you are a great person good person you phenomenal you got it going on you making all these great meals and it's a whole bunch of people coming your house and they got it to go container and they listen to me very closely my grandma taught me when I was young my grandma had 14 kids who all had kids and my grandma said I will cut you you can't eat as much food as you want at the house what if I swear one of the other Joker's takes them out this house are you getting the business in front of your mama in front of you because I used to whip day but I'm whipping your blood too with a switch don't take no food out of my house you can eat as much as you want when you hear but do not pack a plate and most of y'all running with people who when you fix food they come to your house and take it to go play they don't bring nothing they not trying to help you or lay in your life to do is take take take take take take take and you wondering why your life messed up cuz you with takers you didn't made a whole spray and they just coming in they can't even say they don't had a decency to say hi and thank you you so ignorant don't you just so geeked to had them coming again so on so came to my house [Applause] I'm so glad they came over listen to me I promise you there's some other folks we cook in or who would bring at least something to drink and some cups that would love to come to your house you ain't got to put up with that mess and so on 20:19 God let me tell you your life gonna go to a whole new level if you just get rid of folks with bringing in to-go containers you already know who they are too soon as I said it you already knew who he likes to see they're never green eyed you didn't even notice it first history came in the atmosphere then all of a sudden you was like you're right they never they are always taken and I tell my babies all the time it ain't nothing wrong with helping but you can't help when you ain't got nothing you got to have some first before you can help somebody I couldn't do this if I was broke the plane tickets costs money the hotel I'm staying at in Buckhead cause money I couldn't do this if I was broke I couldn't be a blessing of you if I was broke and most of y'all are you broke and you trying to bless somebody when you broke you ain't that desperate for company you can't be that desperate to have somebody at your house and he keep eating at your house we're going to stay at her house I'm just trying to help somebody he's coming to get a plate for he coming to get a plate from your house but he's sleeping at her house she's coming to get a plate from your house but she's sleeping at his house ain't nothing wrong with getting to play pool but you won't have to you had to stay people had that least stay he's upset I'm just trying to make I'm trying to put it in yo so you can understand and so God is blessing you but the love resources you got you're giving them away and so what you gonna have to learn how to do is you have to learn to bring people in your life where it's mutual you've got a bunch of parasites in your life and what parasites do is suck up everything and then they move on once they kill you they move on to the next day Amy went to yo listen to me most of you in this room the people you call them friends and you close to you're gonna die ain't even gonna show up to your funeral they won't even be there you ain't as close as you thought you are work and how you know is when they bring it to go 20:19 when you see folks coming in with your girl boys you're like ah X you watch them come with that just lock the door like I'm good on that cuz you can't go you can't go to McDonald's with it to go container so I want to say to the entrepreneur that thinks it's over I'm not making this up it is literally at the darkest moment right when it dawns it is literally at the darkest moment so you don't really even get to the next level to your darkest moments so that's what I'm saying stop trippin when you get dark and you running you running from your success like that's what you running from so it took me 12 years to get a four-year degree I never quit because I realized like why would you do something for ten years then quit why would you do something for 11 years then quit so for a lot of you you if you was going to quit you should have quit when you put your first brand in it you might you like 20,000 deep now you like 9800 hours deep into it you only take 10,000 hours it is not the darkest moment that's the problem you the problem and your perspective is the problem you thought you were just going to have a dream and ago and you were just gonna wake up and just walk into the sunset you're like three boom it don't work like that you have a dream and then life Punk you life Punk she would say do you really want this I'm gonna give your wife a mess do you really want this you gonna lose friends do you really want this your momma gonna be pissed when you write the book about your family do you really want this do you really want this cousins gonna bandy people that you used to be like this with don't think you booze you don't want to deal with you that's it's a part of it but I paid too much if I was going to quit I would have quit in abandoned building when I wanted to commit suicide and take my life and I don't talk about that because I don't want to get nobody ideas I should have quit when when I heard my voice say your mama don't want you your own daddy don't want you take your life I got through that so while I'm gonna quit over grade F on the brain why would I quit because I didn't do well on the Masters - come on and so I'm telling y'all you have come too far to quit now you have invested too much to quit now you have lost too much to quit not get it get a reward for your pain don't cry about it don't whine about it get a reward for it so I had to realize I was delusional I thought if you're a good person and you do right by people that people will take your kindness and extend give you kindness back but what I realized is sometimes in this world the kinder you are the more they try to play you like a fool I was delusional I'm nice to you you nice to me don't always work like that sometimes it's nice to me and I take advantage of you so some of y'all you delusional I just need to do me a favor when you are delusional you can never get the outcomes you want because you the premise in which you're operating from is a lie so you got to work from truth and some of us don't want to do it because it's so difficult ET you dropped out of school ET you grew up in a certain community in order for you to be able to do what you need to do like a Tony Robbins there's some things that you don't have in your arson that if you can just admit you don't have it in your arson then you can go get it but until you admit that you don't have it you'll never be able to do it so I need you to me a huge favor I just need you to be real and the reason why a lot of y'all don't want to be real because some of you would rather be in a line and at least have a lie and not have anything at all you already know the reality about that relationship you already know that job you invited your boss name bout to cash you out you're just scared to quit and start your own business because you don't know if you're gonna do well or not you know you shouldn't come on be honest you know you still shouldn't be at that job right now let me see your hands just be real let me see you Hey you know you shouldn't raise it high don't play with me raise it high you still shouldn't be at that job but you're delusional that one day it's gonna be your day that one day you're gonna merge your job and you'll get your calling together it's not going to happen you gonna have to just leave right was that the last one son oh the dream will destroy you right let it the first version of Eric Thomas would never be able to stand in front of you guys the first version Eric Thomas is a high school dropout that guy would have never been able to standing here and help you I had to destroy that Eric Thomas that Eric Thomas that grew up in Detroit and had like that Detroit mentality while I loved it it doesn't transfer to every community I had to let let the dream destroy you let it strip you let it remake and mold you don't be afraid some of you are afraid listen to me wherever you from if that's where you from if you leave you can always come back I promise you I promise you when you come back you can get right back into conversation ain't none go change I promise you whatever world you're from if you go to other worlds you can always go back to that world are you listening to me let it destroy you they say alligator is so ferocious in a killer lion but I can kill it I can kill it out alligator with my bare hands little et ha they say when you want to kill a alligator you kill it right after eat because right after you eat it get satisfied and it goes to a state like it's almost paralyzed some of y'all in this room were you paralyzed you had a little success you've done with nobody else and your family is done and not you chilly come on you ain't hungry no more next hundred I need you to stay focused why you should still be hungry what have you eaten that's got you satisfied what have you done what have you accomplished that got you so full I'm a contender but the next hundred gonna change my life it's gonna change this world we're ordinary people doing extraordinary things if that's you and you feelin me just say I can come on come on can I can't come on more time I will I must all right come on come on put some context into I'm gonna put some contact they sent my mother-in-law home eight years ago the cancer metastasized throughout our whole body there like it ain't none we can do for you go home spend time with your family and people was like yup that's it first she says not in for me they said what do you mean is not over for you the doctor said she don't caring about a doctor I got to see my grandson graduate from high school he's a junior not Michigan State University he said I got see my granddaughter graduated my only two grandkids I see my granddaughter graduate from high school and she graduates in June she said after that I might die but up until then I ain't going nowhere are you hearing what I'm telling you and what we said to each other is I can't get through this I will get through this I must get through this so so I just need to think about three people in your family that you love three people three people that you love three people you got them they there you got this what I need you to do for me because some of you have a hard time staying motivated four straight hundred days so what I need you to do for me is I need you to think about those people every day when you're doing what you're doing you have some days where you just wanna hit the snooze button raise your hand for me you want to snooze but right so what's this this is what has to happen that person that you think about has to be louder than the snooze button so when you think about granny you I think about do I hit the snooze button or do I get up and make it happen friend are you hearing what I'm saying who are you doing this for so the days you don't feel like getting up just think about them somebody tell me in this room you think about your siblings when you think about mom and dad and grandma what do you think about your uncle my aunts when you think about those coaches those people who've been there for you just raise your hand and you say ET sleep is better than that raise your hand and tell me anybody in the room sleep is better than them here place your hands somebody tell me 18 you want you don't get it you'll know how hard it is e I probably don't I just lived in abandoned buildings hey I trash cans I probably don't maybe I never been through what you've been through but I've been through my go through and you don't you don't you don't get here by quitting when you tired you get here by quitting when you finish when you've done you don't stop when you tired you stop when you've done you stop when you completed when you execute execution is worship and so I exit you for my mom execute for my grandma I had secured for my sister I asked the queue for those kids in the hood who looking for a Walmart that's why I were in the Hat for the PhD that's why I wear the Jays so when the kids in the hood looked at me they say if he can do it I can do it that's why I can't quit and give up even though I get tired just like everybody else why because this is what I do this is my lane this is your way you got a murder you got energy don't play with me when I said when I said yeah you got that energy for the next bunch of day I need to feel your soul in his room I can't wish you best we love you we knew what it was gonna go you you
Channel: etthehiphoppreacher
Views: 862,412
Rating: 4.8999634 out of 5
Keywords: best motivational video 2019, best of eric thomas, best success advice, discipline motivation eric thomas, eric thomas, eric thomas motivation, eric thomas motivation how bad do you want it, eric thomas motivational speech, eric thomas success, eric thomas you owe you, gary vee, motivation for success 2019, motivation for success in school, motivational speech, motivational speech eric thomas, motivational speech eric thomas how bad do you want it, motivational speech workout
Id: SuP9wLuzOFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 48sec (2508 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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