Denzel Washington - He Owes It All To This One Woman | Inspirational Interview | Goalcast

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[Music] my three closest friends did quite a bit of time i was what they call throwing rocks at the penitentiary had a 1.7 grade point average so i was flunking out of school and i mean how did you get back in again my mother was very aggressive and talkative and as i was turning around a hand was coming life has taught me to just try and be the best that i can be she never gave up on me never gave up on me and she had a lot of reason to my three closest friends did quite a bit of time really hell yeah in decades my mother i thought her purpose in life was to just embarrass me she'd come get me on the street at any time and everybody knew that you know i had to be home a little earlier and that my mother was always on my case so she came to get me and they were like yo then your mom is here man she's sitting here in driver's seat i'm here all the kids are over there i mean she's screaming at me going crazy so i turned the kids and just looked like like you know mom and as i was turning around a hand was coming pow and i just remember going down under the dashboard just had my head and i said mom just drive please yeah because i knew if i stood up and looked back out everybody was probably on the ground you know crying and laughing but uh and and you know i don't want to say who's laughing now but i know that she never gave up on me never gave up on me and she had a lot of reason to so in the ninth grade she she got me into a private school and my three closest friends started heading further and further in another direction and my mother had enough sense to get me out of that situation before it was going to be my turn [Music] we didn't land on plymouth rock plymouth rock landed on us denzel washington i want to thank the academy and god bless you my mother i love you my mom i didn't wear a tie i'm sorry i want to thank my mother she's 95 years old now [Applause] she's something else she's tough everything is because i'm your mother that's why shut up still still the other day what you think is a successful career i understand that it's hard work humility and a lot of love from family and all those who made a sacrifice so that i could be in this position at a certain point i realized how much my mother loved me and the sacrifices she was willing to make for me my mother taught me to just try and be the best that i can be i found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks nothing nelson mandela said there is no passion to be found playing small and settling for a life that's less than the one you're capable of living don't just aspire to make a living aspire to make a difference i never witnessed the happy years between my mom and my dad i only saw the downward spiral my dad almost killed me one time when i was younger i couldn't swim my dad said boy you better stop playing get in that water and swim there's no damn serious nobody ever told me how to swim my dad picked me up grabbed me threw me in seven feet as soon as i hit the water i started to die [Applause] immediately this is what my dad [ __ ] that's what my dad said hey you better not [ __ ] drown you have thrown your son in a pool in which he almost dies you steal a police dog you ruin your son's spelling bee competition all those true yeah were you stoned at the time my dad took me to the wrong to the wrong camp and left me there oh my god the reason why i'm the way i am is because my mind was strong as a single mother i think we never knew how hard she was struggling you know of course there was disappointment damn i thought dad was coming to pick us up today or damn man where i ain't seen dad and i don't know how long he's not picking up the phone he's not answering the calls it may have affected my mind but my mom was such a strong woman she said look regardless of what your father is doing and where he is i have a job to do in raising you she figured that if she can keep me off the streets then i wouldn't turn out like him she had more strength and fight in her than any woman that i've ever met she's obese she's a different animal and she helped you out financially didn't she she supported me i haven't paid my rent in like a month i'm like mom you know the rent where's the rent at she's like are you reading your bible i said mom come on i don't have time to talk about that right now mom i'm late like i need the rent money are you reading your bible mom no when you read your bible then we'll talk about rent a month go by i get eviction notice on my door they're about to kick me out i'm like mom i go to her house i got the eviction on she said talk to me when you read your bible i i can't talk to you right now i go home i said man let me open this bible up open the bible up six root checks fall out she put all my rent checks from that sixth month throughout the rest of the year they were all there just love your life mother's everything my mom is everything kevin's getting his act together he wants y'all to see how he danced he's gonna act stupid for you for a while ovarian cancer bad as a death sentence mom passed away so my mom never came to any shows never not one time my mom passed away five years ago we're at the funeral funeral's almost over so i'm on the right side i got the casket over here my brother's on the left side he's got the casket over there keep in mind it's my mother and it's a funeral so i'm emotional i'm crying i'm a mess no no she she wasn't ready she wasn't ready so this is what my dad's [ __ ] my dad see me crying my dad stood up punched me in the back of the head stop being a [ __ ] with my dad i've had the feeling of absent father i got to witness my mom want more and go after more there's a high level of success that goes behind the brand of kevin hart it's the best or nothing else that's my mindset your dad's on the road a lot uh i do miss him when he's not around i just wanted to call you and tell you happy birthday i love you man you having a good time yeah there is a way to do more to get more to obtain more but i personally don't want to lose all that i've been able to get so i need to make sure that i do everything to keep it he is not human he's a machine i will say that he can go on two or three hours of sleep you know the last time you showered when the day before yesterday my husband has not bathed in two days you ain't home you've been out there's times where i tell him to slow down but it's just in him he's a hustler he's not going to just sit down and be content he has to keep going would it be better for me and the kids if i would stop touring of course they want me home but my response is ain't gonna be no goddamn home i'm doing it for you guys so i can't be content actor and comedian kevin hart had to be hospitalized after being badly hurt in a calabasas car crash kevin hart now recovers from back surgery he suffered three fractures in his spine basically what you realize that you're not in control no matter how much you think you're in control you're not in control and at the end of the day it can all be over me you know you're moving too fast you're doing too much sometimes you can't see the things that you're meant to see but after my accident i see things differently i see life from a whole new perspective i know what it's like not to be a good dad i learned that because of mistakes that my dad made i'm the same way with my kids i know what that is i know what it feels like because of that i bust my ass getting back to see my kids i don't know who my dad's dad was i could tell you that he is the way he is for a reason you got to understand your product of your environment you can kick an addiction that's evolving i have no grudge i have no hate i have no resentment the older you get the more you mature and i can say right now i'm at the highest level maturity i've ever been in my life and i got to say is because of this man right here you know me and my dad's relationship now has developed into an amazing relationship i'm proud of what he's become i'm glad god granted me the time to stay here to see and i remember the days when my dad was there when i was younger and those are some of the best days ever [Music] with my kids you know i make sure i nurture it from the ground up the weight of the child lights up i don't ever want to lose that light up so i talk i communicate this is our little family that last name heart right here if we don't try to make this last name mean something then we have nothing that's going to live on my last name means something now but it's because we made it mean something nothing beats the relationship that you have with your kids my father was an alcoholic we come home and we were scared to death man the story is about you hear the urge you hear the car pull up he's like man what are we going to do you're a big powerful man why didn't you say it as it is i think it's important my earliest memory is my father hitting my mother in the face as hard as he could and i remember seeing her on the floor and then looking at him this giant of a man who i thought my god he says he loves her what is he going to do to me and all i could think i want to protect her i want to protect her and i said i got to be strong and i got to get strength because nobody is going to do it's going to be my mother like that again but when i discovered working out and i went in that gym i was about 13. i stayed in there and two dumbbells and just kept doing it was what i wanted because i could control myself i could control my life a few years later this was years later i took my whole family back from l.a to flint we call this christmas from hell i brought them back and my girls were smaller than i told my father i said hey i said don't act up so do not get drunk and do not act up oh man i know i understand this come on back so we leave the kids with my my parents my mother father and we go out with some friends that we know and we headed to detroit and we're gonna have a good time i get a phone call [Music] terry father hit your mom [Music] conversation man what are you doing [Music] i got on the phone i said okay i'm going ass man now now i'm a grown ass man i'm not five anymore i already know what's up get everybody out the house take them over to our aunt's house when we get to the house first of all i told my mom to go he knocked her two sideways sideways it's okay mom go over to the aunt's house he's sitting in the bedroom like ain't nothing happening i said so what's going on oh no no didn't i tell you and i tell you not to act up then i tell you [Music] i hit him this is the thing now this is what i want everybody to get i didn't feel better i didn't feel better it didn't work i thought that was all i needed to do and i sat down on the bed i just started crying man i was just like it didn't work [Music] it didn't work i said man i thought if i could just if i could just make you feel what everybody else felt then you would understand and now everybody's cool then it would clean me up but it didn't ct it didn't i felt worse because the thing is with all this stuff with all this [ __ ] you have to rise above but i didn't and i beat his ass but my wife for years prepared me she said terry you cannot handle these kind of things with violence you can't hit back terry crews testified in front of the senate judiciary committee that was back in october that terry admitted that he was assaulted by a hollywood agent the assault lasted only minutes but what he was effectively telling me was that he held the power that he was in control i reached my hand out and he he takes his right hand and undermine and just and i'm jumping hey and he comes back again and grabs me again and i i slapped his hand away pushed him back more forcefully i felt nothing but rage the first reaction was to be violent and i immediately held back why weren't you you're a big powerful man why didn't you say it as it is i think it's important my wife for years prepared me she said if you ever get goaded if you ever get prodded if you ever have anyone try to try to push you into any kind of situation don't be violent the thing that calmed me down more than anything my wife kept holding my head she kept grabbing my arm and said i'm proud of you right now i'm so thankful that i went the other way you can choose the good or choose the bad you don't have to settle for well this is what we did this is how we are you didn't come from your parents you came through them so you do not have to take the stuff that they have you know and this is the deal this is the deal we have to speak up we have to speak up and i learned that strength is not about picking things up and throwing people around and knocking people out strength comes from standing up you
Channel: Goalcast
Views: 55,698
Rating: 4.959322 out of 5
Keywords: denzel washington, denzel washington interview, denzel washington motivation, denzel washington speech, kevin hart, kevin hart interview, kevin hart motivation, terry crews, terry crews interview, terry crews motivation, terry crews speech, goalcast, goal cast, motivational speech, inspirational video, be inspired, inspiration, success, speech, self improvement, inspirational, inspirational interview
Id: zSxAFS08F0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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