5 Speeches That Will Put You The MINDSET To Face ANY Challenge | Goalcast

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the climb was pretty intense we keep climbing higher and higher the Khan gets steeper and steeper now the air on Mount Everest is one third of the oxygen that you and I are breathing here so my pace was one step four three breaths I thought man there's no way I'm gonna make it up to the summit this is too slow this is ridiculous I'm taking these steps and I get to a spot where I cannot take my leg out of the ice I look down they're not stuck on anything what's going on why can't I move my foot nuru he's a local to Nepal comes over to me and he takes his mid off and he knocks twice on my oxygen canister on my back normally it would make a noise like bunk bunk showing that there was oxygen in it but it was full he goes [Music] and he says sir very bad news you have no air maybe we go back maybe you die and I said not that one he says Oh more air up high and what he was saying was that previously in the expedition there had been oxygen bottles that were stashed up higher in case of emergency he could go get one and I would stay in place so he disappears off into the Himalayan black sky there's not a feeling like of loneliness in the world like sitting in the middle of the Himalayan mountains with no one around you at night I'm looking down at that red suit that I put on and it starts to turn gray and then almost black and I realized what's happening was my brain was shutting down I was actively dying because of the lack of oxygen remembering my hero Sir Edmund Hillary who said it's not the mountain we conquer but ourselves conquer yourself John conquer yourself John finally I see this light coming down towards me and I'm like please be nuru please be nuru and he says john sir I have air and I'm like yes he takes this oxygen bottle off of the regulator the old one he takes the new one screws it in I take a breath and as soon as I do my suit turns from gray to red again whoa my foot pops right out we start walking he says ready to climb I say yeah ready to climb let's do this absolutely so I start taking these steps one after the other three breaths one step Collins call her yourself [Music] so I see this pyramid shadow in the distance that shadow is Mount Everest being cast dozens of miles into the distance and that's when I realized that I was there I was standing on top of the world on top of Mount Everest I'm here now not to brag about myself or tell my own mountaineering stories if you leave here and think all that guy did was tell his climbing stories you've missed the point this is about you because every person should have his or her own Everest see in life bad things happen there are challenges but do not have a case of excuse itis where you have this disease that things are too hard too difficult or that you're not good enough for whatever reason the mountains will never lower themselves to your level but you must rise up to the demands presented to you by the climb the problems of the world are not going to get easier you must rise up bring out that leader within and rise up to the demands presented to you by the climate the greatest leaders of all time have come from the times of greatest turmoil the greater the problem the greater the opportunity for leaders like you to step up we are a generation that is disciplined we are generation that is productive we are a generation that is fighting to fix the mess that was given to us we are a generation that believes that this planet will not move forward unless we embrace kindness compassion and respect for all of life it is a choice that you will make whether or not you will let that leader out will you a week before I was due to deliver that speech tonight they said you've got cancer they see it if you don't get any treatment within the next three weeks you're gonna die and then they told me that I wouldn't be here tonight to deliver that speech but luckily that speech isn't about what's to come that's about what an amazing year it's been and you didn't really expect me to write a whole nother speech from a hospital bier did you so it started like this if I've seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants burn of charge for us compared us to Dwarfs perched on the shoulders of giants it pointed out that we see more and further than our predecessors not because we have keener vision nor greater height but because we are lifted up and borne upon the gigantic stature and knowledge my middle name is Ross I was given it not long before I was born because my great uncle Ross thought he drowned in Srilanka mr. Ross Bailey was a Christchurch based kidney transplant surgeon he was now making a serious difference to an extraordinary number of people's lives back when Oldham transplants for an amazing feat and all humility aside he was the best in the world in it we came for a working-class background the only one of his siblings to go to university and he will him to save numerous lives because he could because he sought higher things he dared to make a difference now we can't all save lives by transplanting organs well we can make a difference in our own way I want to share with you all some words which are hold particularly close to my heart words which means a lot more to me this year than ever could before it is not the critic who counts not the man who points out have a strong man stumbles or where the doer of Deeds could have done them better the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood who strives valiantly it is and comes short again and again because there is not if it was that era and shortcoming but who does actually strive to do the deed who knows the great enthusiasm the great devotion which spins himself in a worthy cause Who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least he fails while daring greatly so this place shall never be with those cold and timid souls that know neither victory nor defeat well we can't be the best at everything or even times at anything what we can choose to have is moral strength I wrote about this before I knew I had cancer in there I have a whole new spin on moral strength is about making a conscious decision to be a person who doesn't give up but it would be easy to to beat Lisa because the journey is less arduous Jim Rohn said let others leave small lives but not you let others argue over small things but not you the others cry over small hurts but not you the others leave the future and someone else's hands but not you of course doing this will mean at some point you have to face your fear of falling short a fear of looking like a fool a fear of not being enough and being so your monitor mate facing these fears every day but here's the thing none of us get out of life alive so we don't be great be gracious and be grateful for the opportunities that you have the opportunity to learn from the men who have walked before you and those who walk beside you by challenge to each of you and myself is to continue to grow and to develop the better the future is truly in our heads forget about long term dreams let's be passionately dedicated to the pursuit of short-term goals micro Bish's work with passion and pride on what is in front of us we don't know where we might have not all been it might end up I don't know where it goes free from here to any of us for me for you wherever we go and whatever we do may we always be friends form it again a Europe you know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this was the first time I'd seen my dad cry in my life it was May of 2010 working my summer job as a lifeguard living at home with my parents and this day happened to be just one of those days where it seemed like everything was going wrong one thing after another piling up the stress just building and I knew the second I walked in the door because I was driving home it was all just gonna evaporate I come and I say hey mom I'd give her a hug dad be in the living room in his chair hey Bry hours-a-day go give him a hug and when dinnertime rolled around we get up we fill our plates with food we go into the living room and do one of our favorite things together which was watching movie the stress is evaporating and I'm eating one of my happy places and at one point my dad went up to check on my grandfather who was taking a shower he'd been living with us for about ten years at that point it was 83 now so he needed a little more help getting around so about a minute after dad got up we're sitting there peace silence and serenity and all of that shattered in an instant before I knew it I grabbed the cordless phone and I was running up the stairs I turned into the bathroom and when I got in I saw he had pulled his father's naked still dripping wet body into his lap and was holding him my grandfather's arms were draped back his head was back his mouth was open and when all the emotions were rising it was like my mind split down the middle there were only two choices I had at that time and I knew no matter which of those two I chose my life was gonna change forever I knew that in that moment I had a choice between action and inaction have you ever been at a time in your life where it was so crystal clear that you had two choices for you it might not have been a life-threatening emergency for you it might have been that moment when you finally said I'm done and I'm walking out you said I'm leaving this job I'm not staying this unhealthy relationship when you finally decided to say I love you and I'm ready for this when you finally decided to look in the mirror for yourself and say today is the day we're doing it that day I decided to take action so I said dad we need to get him flat mom use the phone call 9-1-1 tell them where we are tell them what happened we lift my grandfather still dripping wet body naked out lay him flat on the ground I know I need to check his vitals so I come down I put my head by his mouth to listen and feel for breathing I'm looking down the plane of his chest to see if his chest is rising and falling and rising and falling and then I take my two fingers whose carotid artery to feel for a heartbeat and as I'm doing my vital check and down there's no breath there's no movement in his chest but there was the slightest little heartbeat still pumping so I got down and start giving rescue breaths I'm down there my body is shaking it feels like I can't keep going but I know this is all I can do until someone else an EMT a doctor gets here I have to keep going but my arms are shaking my legs are shaking when I'm gonna keep doing it the best I can until I collapse and then finally after what felt like 30 or 40 minutes it stopped on the shoulder and the EMT is there I tried to save a man's life that day but as the head EMT came downstairs and explained that he had had a massive heart attack he had likely died instantaneously and that the heartbeats that I had felt were nothing more than an echo or an aftershock you felt like I failed and saved anybody until later that night my dad looked at me and he said Brian if you hadn't been there I wouldn't know what to do and for the rest of my life I would have doubted that if I'd only known what to do that my dad would still be alive today because you were here and you acted and you didn't hesitate I know it was his time and I can let him go in peace sometimes you'll save exactly who you intend to sometimes someone you didn't even see or didn't expect will benefit from your efforts and sometimes the person you save will be yourself and I learned one of the most important lessons I've ever learned you never know whose life you might save by choosing to act became clear something was not quite right with me I fell over and had great difficulty getting up again my mother realized something was wrong and took me to the doctor I spent leaps and Bartz hospital and had many tests they never actually told me what was wrong but I guessed enough to know it was pretty bad in fact the doctor who diagnosed me washed his hands of me and I never saw him again he felt that there was nothing that could be done at first I became depressed I seemed to be getting worse pretty rapidly there didn't seem any point working on my PhD because I didn't know if I would live long enough to finish it I had come to Cambridge to do cosmology and cosmology I was determined to and the condition develop more slowly and I began to make progress in my work after my expectations had been reduced to zero every new day became a bonus and I began to appreciate everything I did have and there was also a young woman called Paige whom I had met at a party getting engaged lifted my spirits and I realized while there's life there is hope there are many ambitious experiments land for her future we will map the positions of billions of galaxies and we will better understand our place in the universe but we must also continue to go into space for the future of humanity I don't think we will survive another thousand years without escaping beyond our fragile planet it has been a glorious time to me life doing research in theoretical physics the fact that we humans who are ourselves mere collections of fundamental particles of nature have been able to come as close to an understanding of the laws governing us and our universe is a great triumph and I'm happy if I'd have made a small contribution I want to share my excitement and enthusiasm about this quest so remember to look upon the Stars and not down at your feet try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist be furious and however difficult life may seem there is always something you can do and succeed at it matters and you don't just give up while there's life there's hope my wife and I suffered three weeks of turmoil which included losing a child how do i expedite that moment when we pick up ourselves basically how to push through so the pain that's going to come it's going to come in waves at first you won't even notice that their waves because all the waves are going to be so close together it's gonna feel like you are drowning in sorry you're not gonna get any air and like you're not gonna be able to escape that sadness that's what the waves feel like at first and then at some point there's gonna be a little break just a little break just a little bit of light in the darkness something is it make you smile something is gonna make you laugh something's gonna just show you just a little bit of light and then there's another wave of pain it's gonna come back again and it's gonna be strong it you won't have any control over all of a sudden you're gonna be just crying on controller you won't be able to say no no I'm done I'm in the right now I'm smiling right now I'm not gonna I'm not gonna go back there no you're not gonna do the controller that's scary you're at the mercy of this ocean of sorrow but don't let that scare you don't let that scare you because I'm telling you that that wave is going to subside again and this is going to go on it's gonna go on leaves they will become weaker and what you need to realize is just because the waves are becoming weaker this doesn't mean that you love your child less or you miss them less or that you aren't crushed at their passing it just means that you're starting to be able to deal with it which is what you're supposed to do [Music] when you feel a little bit of a break what you can do is you can row the boat you can row the boat well and what I mean by that is start doing something productive to get your mind moving forward let's sort out the drawers in the bedroom let's vacuum but do something productive if there's something distracts you that's fine do it let there be some calm in the water as the car comes sooner fine oh that's where it's like you can have things that are gonna bring on the waves and that's okay to bring on the waves go look at the pictures write down the memories read the letters read the notes read the emails remember [Music] and then there's that standard service you're gonna do the memorial you're gonna do the burial and when that's over let a little bit more time go by give yourself another week [Music] of washing around a feeling that sorrow of letting the waves toss you around the ocean [Music] but after another week what you do is you go and you write a letter you write a letter to your child and you explain to them explain to them how much they meant to you explain to them how heartbroken you are that they are gone and then explain to them why you are going to carry on and explain to them how in losing them you have learned without a shred of doubt how truly precious life is [Music] and that they have taught you the immeasurable value of your own life and your family's life and explain to them that you know then you know that they love you and that you know that they would want more than anything for you to be happy and productive and impactful in the world and explained in that letter what you will do to make them proud of how you live your life when they take that letter we go to their grave [Music] it cried kiss their soul and tell them that we'll see them on the other side [Music] go live your life those waves are still going to come and they're still gonna be and they're still going to be sorry but you go and live your life [Music] leave it well [Music] you
Channel: Goalcast
Views: 149,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goalcast, goal cast, life-changing speech, inspired speech in english, speech to change the world, most inspiring speech ever, top 5 motivational speeches, top 5 speeches, top speeches, top speeches of all time, best speeches ever, powerful speech, moving speech, Jake Bailey Speech, John Beede Speech, Brian Drury Speech, Stephen Hawking Speech, Jocko Willink Speech, greatest speeches, motivational speech, overcome the impossible, most epic speeches, #bestinspiration, mindset
Id: 4AkCbo0hfYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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