"They Continued Steadfastly" Vesta Mangun BOTT 1988

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the time has come in this beautiful sacred conference to hear the lady I have been asked to share the beautiful privilege of introducing and as she comes let me just serve notice and let me share with you for just a moment what you shall hear when you hear the lady you will not hear just a voice that will impact your ears for the moment you will be hearing you will be hearing the voice of a young lady years ago where's the an evangelist wife saw an anointing on her husband and cried and wept in midnight hours that God would share that anointing upon she who felt so unworthy who felt that perhaps it could never happen to her but yet while in a revival in the city in which our pastor in the midnight hours in the pastor's home she had that sacred encounter with God you will be hearing the voice of many hundreds of hours prayer you will be hearing the voice of many speaking engagements and you will hear the echo of the resounding worship of thousands but she has spoken to you will be hearing the voices of saints by the hundreds that she has helped struggled through a valley and over hill you will be hearing the influence of ministries literally by the thousands that she has encouraged to pray and the prey and the witness and the witness you will be hearing the teeming hundreds that she personally has one to God many of them stationed throughout this country yes you will be hearing the voice of a chosen handmaiden of God and for this hour as many have before you now is your chance to hear the lady God's chosen vessel one of the greatest best demanded sister man if every cell in my body were another one I'm going to give that woman to this cause if I had a thousand voices I'd want to lift those voices to proclaim this truth one little short life and oh how short only one little short life and it will so soon be past and only what's done for Jesus Christ is going to last you can believe that or not believe it only what you do for Jesus Christ is going to last I give honor today to distinguished leaders and to those men of revival and a faith and apostolic succession who are responsible for because of the times reluctantly I accepted the overwhelming responsibilities to speak again this year for this is no easy task for a man or a woman art Linkletter 's new book old age is not for sissies this is not for sissies this is a tough job but I do say thank you thank you and I'm honored today with all that Murrell said but I said God don't let me hear a bit of that I want to hear your voice they tell me that in basketball the home court advantage is worth 8 points they say the records of the NBA revealed that in the playoffs the home court is where the team is most likely to win I'm glad to be in my home court today that gives me an ED advantage of 8 points I need that but in your Bible of over 1,000 pages Acts chapter 2 verses 1 through 4 this mighty church that was built upon the foundation of the apostles and the prophets with Jesus Christ Himself being the chief Cornerstone and then Acts chapter 2 verse 42 will give you my burden today they continued they continued they continued they continued they continued they continued they continued they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in prayer they continued they never gave up they started they persevered they finished they never quit the measure of success that is ever achieved by statesmen educators scientists inventors professionals entrepreneurs are those in the sports arena is largely due to the fact they never gave up they never gave up they never gave up they continued remember the boxer by Paul Simon it was the song of a poor boy who went to New York on a dream and fell victim to the harsh life of the city penniless with only strangers as friends dirty ragged clothes looking for work and finding none trudging the sidewalks battling the cold dreamed of going home where the New York City winters aren't leading me leading me home he entertained thoughts of quitting going home giving up something he never thought he would do but just when he picks up the towel to throw it into the rain he encounters a boxer and then the words of the song in the clearing stands a boxer and a fighter betrayed and he carries a reminder of ever blow that laid him down or cut him till he cried out in his anger and shame I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving then that magnetic phrase but the filer still remains you don't have to win you don't have to win but the fighter must remain you got to hang in there you got to finish what you start you got to stick to this until you finish it too many stop before the cross the finish line even in small things apart the moon lawn a half red book letters begun but never completed and abandoned died a par upon blocks or in life's most painful areas an abandoned child or a soul hath one neglected parents and mainly a non evangelized world some of you have come here you're close to quitting you're close to quitting this conference cries out to you please don't some of you have come here discouraged we've come here to scream at you hang in there some of you are weary with well doing do just a little bit more some of you are all down and out we tell you to roll up your sleeves and go at it again go at it again go at it again the Potter must remain don't give up don't step aside don't run in hide don't give in go soon we're going to win the last chapter hadn't been written yet don't turn back keep running the race keep up with the pace keep holding on and keep your eyes on him or you are not finished until you think you are it's not the first smile that's important but the last mile it is important how your starch but it's how you finish that's all important it's not the one who start it's the one who finishes God didn't call us to be successful he called us to be faithful success is never final and failure is never total until you decide it's all over for me the one God's looking for it is the courage to go on didn't count with him force a versus that I'd like to read be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life and let us not be weary in well-doing for we shall reap in due season if we faint not the race is not to the Swift nor the battle to the strong but he that endures to the end men are always always always always to pray and not faint no man having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God but we are not all them that draw back unto perdition unless it is the man who perseveres under trial because when you stood the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those that love him you did run well what's hindered you let us hold fast the profession of our faith profession of our faith without wavering for faithful is he that is promised and having done all to stand stand therefore cast not away therefore your confidence which has great recompense of reward but he that shall endure to the end the same shall be saved Jesus talked about a man who began to build and was not able to finish jesus said he'll be mocked we've got to finish what we start they continued they continued they continued they continued they continued steadfastly unmovable we've got to finish what we start many are not able to finish because they don't lay a strong enough foundation some are too ambitious attempt too much and then they give up in despair some try to do too many things at one time Jesus said sit down count the cost beforehand and it is important how you finish Jesus never had any room in his vocabulary for almost with Jesus nearly has to become certainly sometimes has to become always if only has to become regardless and next time has to become this time almost made count in horseshoes but with Jesus Christ it is just as good as never and it runs all through the Bible God seems to detect the quitter he's always saying hold on hold fast key phone don't quit don't quit run the race fight the good fight begin persevere when press owned nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance by perseverance the snail got into the arm perseverance is not a long race it is many short racist one after the other while I continue why continued steadfastly because whether you believe it or preach it or not there is a hail literal hail that burns with fire where people will go forever and forever and where they'll make for one drop of water I'm going on I believe people are saved or lost I believe people are righteous or wicked I believe people are good or bad I believe they're on the broad water the narrow road I've got to go home I've got to go on too many hanging on me why continue because there is a city that live Foursquare where the tree of life for the healing of the nation's where the clock never strikes two but one eternal day good night to Saleh good night to sadness good night to sickness good night to pain good night to heartache good night to death and considering what Jesus Christ has already done in what John the Revelator describes that is one creation our plan to see I've got to go on I've got to continue we've got to go on above all else all must be saved but if there were no heaven or hell the blessing the fulfillment the joy of winning souls and working for God would be worth it and then having the best people in all of this world to associate with coming together is just a beginning staying together is progress working together is success we need one another oh yes we do everybody needs somebody oh yes we do they continued in fellowship everybody needs somebody the Apostle Paul needed the Apostle the Apostle Peter need the Apostle Paul to bump heads with him you need somebody to swear you in the eye you need one another we need one another we're in this together make us one make us one in him you are my brother you are my sister but it takes two people to make one brother they continued in one Accord why these meetings listen to keep this church on course we must continually continually continually continually have revival prayed down revivals the best authenticated physical law in the universe the second law of thermodynamics put simply things tend to run they are not up move from order to chaos from cohesive complexity to random simplicity the second law means that the energy of a system is transformed into a different less structured type of energy the measure of this disorder is called entropy therefore without constant continual investment of power power and ordering wisdom man left to himself will decay disorder and die revival is mandatory in your life in every church every church every church over and over and over and over we need and must have continuous reform and reawakening continually preacher's lady Layton leaders profits with bonus terseness unmistakable voice as of a trumpet continually continually reiterating supernatural truth an audit of the Holy Ghost hammering it into the consciousness of this people continually do not think God has done all he intends to do if we are truly apostolic succession God has too much investment in this endtime Church he's not going to hand her over to the fakers he's not going to hand her over to the pretenders he's not going to hand her over to the reprobates counterfeit money does not alter the purchasing power of the real point in the room Ananias and Sapphira did fall dead didn't they great fear did come on the people didn't it and the hands of the Apostles did signs and miracles and wonders and they were all in one Accord make us one in him make us one in him the laws and hypocrites will will this is apostolic succession I believe every bit of it I will not change all gone you won't destroy this you won't lift your voice if there's no time to retreat this is no time to soft-pedal this truth God has a destiny for this church that was begun on the day of Pentecost hallelujah now ray Johnson fantastic I won't forget it if I live a hundred years you're my time revival involves to awakening crimes the boss of the Lord awakening the church he's saying to us if you'll wake up you can wake me up and I'm not going to wake up until I get you woke up you know what he said awake awake and that's the cry you're hearing awake Oh Jose ayan awake and put on your sweet did you hear him dead anybody out there hear me I wake up that's what Joel said you better wake up God sent that army of bugs don't set that army of worms and the only way you can get rid of the sores and the and the caterpillars and the worms and the bugs is you got to wake up and call on God and then the boss of the church can awaken the Lord awake we are saying to him awake put on your strength o arm of Jehovah awake as in the days of old awake like you did for the Red Sea people awake like you did for the Goshen people awake like you did for Shamgar awake like you did for Gideon awake like you did for near mile why God gonna do for us what you did for the apostle say if God can wake us up we can wait gone up when you get woke up your cry God we're perishing the world's moving in on us the bugs are eating us up our backs are to the wall you know the results of that God said if you wake up I'll wake up and then revival and he didn't say it'd be up you under 2,000 years ago and one down here at the end if there's anything to joel he said i'll give both of them in the same month when I get this church woke up I'm gonna wake this world up with a sovereign move of God when I get my church woke up to tolling on me I will do a sovereign act and I'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh we're going to have a double revival in this end time the church and the world go away Caroline there is a spirit of expectancy in the air people around this globe are meeting regularly and their number is increasing to awaken the Lord for the spirit to be out poured you don't want it get out of the way look out you can't stop it it's going to happen this is conclusive proof God is awakening his church you believe it and burdening his choicest Saints for revival burdening his choicest Saints for revival look out after this after this after this after this after this I will I will all I want you to do is wake up they call on me say it's God's intention to send the revival he'll do the rest but what have we got to do stay continue they don't quit we've just begun continued steadfastly God is speaking again and again to our times who stand in the cap and just keep on standing saying just keep on standing like Moses Hezekiah Josiah Samuel Ezra Nehemiah Daniel and Mordecai oh so eloquently said it to Esther everything in the past is pointing to this hour Esther now it's hanging on you Esther don't you stop don't you step aside Esther he that tries to save his life is going to lose it any hell you're going to get killed along with all the rest of us you better wake up Church and stand in the gap if you perish for heaven build a bridge for somebody else build a fire that's the glory of the Lord God's chariots move swiftly he terrier for no man you catch their spirit while you're here or it'll go off and leave you we're gone God's purpose is hanging on us and his purpose is going on you kill one of us and a bunch of more jump up in their place God's purpose is going on you push this cork down and it'll pop up someplace else God bears his workmen but his work goes on you won't stop this revival you can silence this force but you won't you'll be hearing a thousand more because God is gonna do what he said it would God's done marvelous things in the past but every visitation of days gone by his only preparatory for the closing outpouring of the Holy Ghost whenever God is ready to move in revival he begins with a small remnant of people who cry out to him continually continually continually with prayer and fasting for instance the church age was begun with only 120 continually continually continually praying suddenly one hundred and twenty three thousand five thousand on and on it matters not to God whether he does it by hue or bimini God will do it if you'll just get one man to wake up now in the days preceding the great revival under Charles Finney who would get up long before dawn and wake up the believers in his village for the early morning prayer meetings a spiritual awakening fall of debt that affected the life of this nation for 50 years the Azusa Street revival was born out of desperate agonizing continual continual unceasing intercessory prayer that lasted for seven years as long as they prayed the revival lasted when they stopped praying the rowdy revival stopped once again prayer meetings are taking this nation and this world by storm this is the generation that's finally learning that the secret to the whole revival laws in what have you not heard that ever great revival in history from x24 own has been preceded by renewal of intensified prayer life of hungry thirsty desperate violent expected believers and strangely many of them found the early morning hours the most productive time to intercede corporately joe says after this after this after this therefore we can say with great assurance to you today revival is on the way but only as we continue to continually seek the Lord with all of our heart then and then only the Lord whom you seek shall come to his temple even the messenger of the Covenant whom you delight in or rejoice in be he shall come set the Lord of Hosts yes everything that can be shaken is going to be shaken get ready all hail is about is turning loose you're feeling the impact of it all hail is being turned to loose on everybody don't get scared and don't run in hard God's picture do his greatest things stand saying saying saying saying the Lord of the harvest regard is no man's person and you're going to see much debris and you're going to hear much much more shocking events but when it's all shaken proved tried tested God will have a glorious church without spot wrinkle or blemish or any such thing ready to take the torch of revival now that's the first half of this endtime revival the second half this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness and I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and then I'm coming back they keep at it we've only started we've got to finish you've only started you've got to get started if you haven't you've got to persevere you've got to continue and you've got to finish it's an amazing thing how many times continued our continually our continuing issues throughout the entire book of Acts with much frequency these all continued with one Accord in prayer and supplication they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine in prayer they continuing in one Accord in the temple and from house to house they continued to eat their bread with gladness and singleness of heart and the Lord added to the church daily we will give ourselves continually continually to prayer and to the Ministry of the word now there are several forms of this word continue or me no meaning to continue abide or heaven or mansion same as John in my father's house are many mansions one for means to continue throughout another for means to continue with another means to continue upon and yet another continue in and last continue beside the message here today is they continued they continued they continued they continued steadfastly there is no greater characteristic in the life of any Christian than to keep on keeping on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on that's like heaven always continuing never stopping never ending in season out of season rain or shine not up and down in and out cold or hot now and then their predictable they never slack up they may never hit a home run but you can always count on them because they're going to get a hit they may not be a winner but they're not gonna quit the father remains the father remains the most wonderful thing about the day of Pentecost apart from the fact that 3120 received the Holy Ghost spoke in tongues is that they continued the wind the cloven tongues of fire all speaking in tongues the big crowd out of every nation under heaven the Apostle Peters powerful powerful sermon great but the greatest thing is they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine in prayer say they kept on doing it they kept on doing it they kept on keeping on they continued they started they persevered they finished they continued throughout after they experienced acts 1 in 8 and had come in full possession of their Commission uneducated unlearned unlettered few social graces no money undefined a leadership they became glorious foods on fire world changers totally abandoned to the purpose to the cause moved out into that old Roman Empire the most mysterious irresistible company of men and women that have ever attempted to turn this world upside down they did it Jerusalem Judea Samaria uttermost parts of the earth were impacted they shook the Roman Empire covered Asia covered Europe it all started with 11 stammering stuttering men to whom Jesus said tarry until you be endued ill from on high tarry until you be endued with power from on high as my father sent me and anything you lack whatever you need I can do it I can make you what you need to be to accomplish what I've sent you to do I wonder if anybody believes that go back up then don't back up this man didn't back up and so the power evangelism enthusiasm excitement expectancy fervor never lag they continued faithful in the beginning in the middle and on the way never played out no spiritual declension happy people with gladness of heart continuing heaven imagining abiding serving God rejoicing they were counted worthy never letting up never slacking off their secret was daily say daily hey daily say daily hey daily in the temple and from house to house cease not playing and preaching everyday everyday everyday everyday everyday everyday everyday not beatings not jails not threatenings not sword not dungeons not burning at the stake not stoning stonings not families not infirmities not necessities not persecutions not distress is not shipwrecks not weariness not hunger not thirst not pol not nakedness nothing stops them nothing stop them not distress nothing stopped them absolutely nothing not racial not geographical not social barrier stop them not the Harrods not the Caesars not the Nero's stop them they had a mandate they had a mandate you know what mandate means power to rule over a defeated area power to rule over a defeated area they were given a mandate with power to rule over a defeated area they went to those defeated areas and brought life and hope they were walking in another man's shoes walking in another man's Authority with another man's word with another man's name with another man's message with another man's goods nothing stopped him the fighter remained they continued throughout now always never quit never stopped never turned back kept on keeping on that was their assignment they continued they continued they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine fellowship in prayer until mission accomplished not only did they continue out they continued with they continued with him who in the days of his flesh offered up prayer and supplication with strong crying and tears are not you one of his disciples are not you your speech betrays you you act like one of them are you gonna back up now he the bodyguarding Christ who in the days of his flesh lifted up his force with strong crying and tears prayer head part in every area of his life Jesus prayed in all circumstances to you Jesus had Jesus prayed in all circumstances prayer had priority over his social life his physical rest you sound too tired Jesus was never too tired to pray had priority over his appetite Kate fast I get headaches when he was suffering he prayed to you he prayed in joy he played when popular he prayed when unpopular he prayed when facing great decisions he played with all prayer continually he was conscious of who he was and what he had come to do and he heard the screams of hell with every step that he took he didn't intend to stop he set his face like a flint you think he ever wanted to quit oh yes or he went to pray let this cup pass from me but aren't you glad he didn't aren't you glad he didn't quit aren't you glad he never stopped he prayed a final prayer forgiveness for a dying thief even when he was dying then hung his head and pride it is finished and the Great Creator went home but the fighter remained now he ever liveth he continued it he ever liveth he continued it he ever liveth to make intercession for us I pray not for these alone but I pray for all of them our children that will believe on me through your word I'm not talking about praying Heights penny Edwards moody urgent any amendment or any other mortal man I'm talking about the mighty God in Christ who in the days of his flesh his white-hot seal was so terrible to behold his disciples cried out Lord teach us to pray hence the Lord's Prayer and if you think that's a little prayer to be recited your own that prayer covers the whole purpose of God from the foundation of the world that's the warrior's prayer that lay hold of God's sovereign order that was determined before the world was begun the Lord's Prayer is this I accept the premise that God has decreed that certain matters ought to be and when I enter circumstances or situations where that decree is not ruling or reigning I reach forth with fare to call it in to existence what God has already decreased should happen the reinstatement the repossession of his original decree which cannot be released on earth until someone here calls for it God is waiting for you to wake him up he has awakened us until someone here praise thy kingdom come Thy will be done it won't come it will come and it was determined before the foundation of the world but he's waiting for his church again woke up and lay hold on that sovereign order and bring it into thy kingdom come no wonder he prayed no wonder he prayed no wonder the Almighty God in Christ now I pray O God what you've will I want to call forth in Alexandria now just what if you chalked it all up to being inevitable or washed his hands of the whole stinking mess what hope would we have had but he didn't and you can't but he didn't and you can't maybe just maybe that's the reason his sweat became great drops of blood maybe that's why he tore the grace out with the roots in yet cemani he knew the hell he had to endure for saying thy will be done it costs to be a savior it costs to be an intercessor it costs to be a deliverer if you have wearied while running with the footmen during the years of Midian bountiful harvest which the church has been enjoying you will utterly fight in this hour when you are required to run with the footmen when all hell is turned loose are run with the horses when all hell is turned loose you'll never make it until you get your mind made up I'm going all the way now he hath made us kings and priests now he hath made us kings and priests as kings we rule as priests we intercede but we cannot rule his Kings until we intercede his priests we ruled by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving takes power to rule over a defeated area that's our mandate and it's locked in to prayer that's a kind of praying that contracts with God that's the kind of praying that repossesses the kingdom that's the kind of praying that invades the impossible God doesn't need to be convinced but hails gates do because the gates of Hell will prevail until we do it is entirely up to you and me the church militant terrible as an army with banners to lay hold to lay hold to lay hold of God's sovereign order and will that was begun before the world was you can bring it in judge you can bring it into your home your city your situation I'm gonna lay hold of it Oh God somebody in this place please wake up I'm not talking about with a with a noise or even a response it's hot that's all alright but I'm telling you if you ever do look out we're all God said you've walked you have awakened me and now I will wake up the heathen I'll wake up the mighty man I'll wake it all up I'll get it going in at all falling the place we hold a key to repossession the whole world lies in darkness dare we stop now Isaiah 56 4 through 7 bids us to take hold of the Covenant and those who will even them he says I will bring into my holy mountain and they will be joyful in the House of Prayer the only way you'll be joyful in the house of prayer is to take hold of the Covenant when God begins to answer that's why the new born church in acts 2 continued steadfastly in prayer until in the fourth chapter they prayed in to the place was shaken when they prayed and they were refilled and a refilling is for pouring out to some useful purpose this was their pattern gave their lifestyle they gave themselves to prayer and to the Ministry of the word disciples were multiplied not decreased multiplied whether you like it or not the disciples were multiplied greatly the word says greatly the word says greatly and great company of priests we're obedient to the faith because they continued they continued they continued in prayer do you know what I think I think we need more prayer you know what I think I think we need more plan I think we need more prayer continue in prayer reading about prayer preaching about prayer hearing about prayer knowing how to pray will not take the place of prayer we've got to pray we've got to praying we've got to pray we've got to pray pray without ceasing lay hold of the Covenant lay hold of the sovereign will of God that's the way it's got to be we're in a no-lose situation we're in a no-lose situation prayer determines whether your life is going to be a desolation or a delight abomination of desolation begins when prayer ends the Desolator the destroyer the Devastator waits to invade in this church and we'll if we ever let up praying it's gone it's gone the Desolator will come in here an abomination of desolation will set in everywhere we're here to take our standing when we've done all to stand we're going to stay we must keep this church praying above all else pray preachers pray Church pray parents pray pray pray Joe says that's where it starts with the pulpit blow you the trumpet in Zion you know what blow the trumpet means brother John son it means grab your guns everyone come a-runnin things are fixing to happen come a-runnin things are about to happen we're blowing the trumpet grab your guns come a-runnin things are about to happen Jesus gave two powerful parables on prayer and Luke records both of them one is the parable of the midnight petitioner persisting until he got Brandon as much as he needed the other is the parable of the widow and the unjust judge who continually troubled him until he had been sure of her adversary both carry the same message persist stone don't stop continue on don't quit until you get your petition continue steadfast and you'll get it who told that prayer is not a push-button proposition not spasmodically now and then prayer is prevailing prayer that continues relentlessly knowing that the waiting is not worthless prayer is binding on earth what is already bound in heaven if you don't allow it God said I won't allow it if you wait our way but if you won't wait I'll bind what you bind I'll lose what you lose prayer will do what hell is trying to do to you how much do you want to pray you want to pray today and stop tomorrow it won't work the Desolator will be on your trail prayer breaks the deadlock and stranglehold on any situation prayer can do anything God can do going to where God can go nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer but that that lies beyond the reach of God prayer is omnipotent prayer changes things anything it will be forever true the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much so much so much you know why the dynamics of God are released only in response to effective fervent prayer the impossible does not exist with God believe us how this the impossible does not exist with God believe us now this relentless prevailing prayer in Jesus name the impossible will back up it may require all prayer all kinds of praying at all times by all means but it will yield reluctantly angrily stubbornly but it will yield no wonder Samuel prayed god forbid that I should sin against God in ceasing to pray for you how awful a crime we commit when we abandon a soul to hell or let a church rock on without a revival when one more prayer meeting with a spare Souls and spare the church and smell a home by prayer we have our to rule over a defeated area don't give up praying about any individual situation or circumstance continue they they continued they continued Oh the revival days of Luther Feeny Wesley Edwards moody heaven Roberts the Wales revival the Azusa Street revival all began with prayer but they ended when they stopped praying the Desolator took over then even Evan Roberts if you read his biography that little coal miner model II used of God to bring revival somebody just talked about him intimidated him and he quit praying was heard off no more in here's a lifetime don't stop for nobody know God's got you in his hand he's walking in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks go back up don't be intimidated go again go again we've been called to pray and we're going to pray on i'm ashamed though that many groups are out praying us by the thousands i'm ashamed that many groups are out praying us by the thousands oh we don't need to criticize them we need to start praying like we've never been don't come behind in any of it don't come behind in prayer don't come behind and any gift don't come behind in power don't come behind in miracles I'm going to pray until every bit of it happens not only did they continue throughout not only did they continue with but they continued upon they continued on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on like someone building on a building or a job they continued until it was finished it's not finished yet we can only say we've just begun we've got to continue a diamond there's a piece of coal that just stayed on the job and in the face of opposition keep on praying keep on building keep on Bible study keep on bus routes say daily say daily daily it's the mundane that's going to get the most of us you get tired of that everyday stuff and you throw in the towel and you give up but let the final remain and get up out of it and go at it again it's a long way from 16th and day to Rapids and my our streets 38 years ago 35 was a big number then 100 and 200 was a big Sunday door-to-door evangelism until this city has been covered by person at least four or five times 38 years ago but the Mangan began through our prayer ships he and I had to double up cheyna fast every day hasn't ceased until now we had to use a business man's name to get on the radio they had to audition my singing and read his sermons even so with all of that there were times when it looked like the whole thing was over the boxer wanted to leave friend said we'd never stay said we were too young to shower city was too hard but the fighter remained somebody had a mandate and say I'm going to bring this rubbish up out of the heaps they interceded his priests and rubra power prayer they had power to rule over defeated area and the first ten years I humbly say there was continual revival until that little building up on little old something else it was shaken and the floor got knocked out of it somebody ruled as a king because they interceded as a priest and where the word of a king is there's power and somebody interceded as a priest and they could rule as a king and they set back up I'm coming through and city you're gonna see a day we bought the Jewish ladies little plot of ground here to build this on she said you Gentile asking me to come down on this property said I'm take a stock of bananas you can drop me off anywhere and I'll start a business brother Megan said look at me I'm about to buy you out ma'am this is my city this is my city this is my pea patch this is my patch he said this is what you talking to another one and I'm the star near the sand I'm fixing to buy the sand down say every day and again every day say Monday through Sunday Sunday through Monday started over on Monday with your Sunday didn't have a great revival or great weekend and forgetting didn't go in and out up and down pray five hours and then done tomorrow every day every day every day every day continued you don't get all fired up one week one year one conference one revival and then forget it at every day every day 38 years every day every day every day every day every day you don't just come here and shout and holler you don't just come here playing Street and bulking pitch you don't sit around in conferences and conventions talking about past revivals murmuring and complaining and gossiping and backbiting the moaning and be wailing what we are to do and what we ought to have been doing you do it you just do it you just go home and do it and then you get up and go home and do it again and then you get up on Monday and you do it again and then you're doing a game and then you're do it again so you continue day in day out so you preach it and you practice it and you do more practicing than you do preaching because your preaching is a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal if you don't pray if you don't pray I wouldn't wanna listen to you that's humanism that's humanism that's what you think about it that's humanism I don't trust a man that don't play I say it's time to pray everybody can't be a great preacher or singer with charisma know all the good things to do but anybody can pray and anybody can continue I don't care if you're crippled in a rolling chair you can continue anybody can do that when you've done all to stand stand there for don't go backwards just stand just stand until you can pick up courage to go again God told Israel you better go see what I did to Shiloh because she didn't continue God told the churches emphasis if you don't repent from not continuing I'm gonna move remove your lampstand did he do it there is no discharge in this war you've got to get going you've got to persevere you've got to go on finish the fight they finish the fight they run the race win the prize if you've got to crawl over the finish line if you got a dime that'll pull you over if you've got to go to San Antonio and let somebody put you on a pot and put you on the right side I'll help get you over there if you'll say I want to fight with you Sam Houston's mother told him son you fall in battle your mama don't want you to show the enemy your back you die with honor I don't want a dishonorable boy don't you never have to cower to run from the enemy you just stand out you fall it's a sin to turn back in the day of battle her she bitterly mirrors curse it be the boy that lies down and goes to sleep during the harvest time remember the turtle would have never won the race that the rabbit had to lay down and going to sleep here this seven deacons all I'm full of the Holy Ghost and faith only two of them went beyond the fifth chapter of the book of Acts 12 disciples started with him one betrayed him tn pursue commit death one had the staying power Samuel said Saul you have done so foolishly you should have continued and the Lord would have established thy kingdom upon Israel forever but now the Lord has sought him a man after his own heart David his kingdom will be an everlasting Kingdom and the Lord will sit on his throne and he will be called thou son of David because he continued he failed miserably he repented he got up and went on he got up and went on he got up and went home don't go home don't go sucking on your thumb don't run and hide don't destroy everybody else don't get better everybody's got a chance to get better everybody's got a chance to get mad just get up and go on play on hebrews chapter 11 ordinary men and women but they waxed say they waxed means they became strong in battle they waxed valiant but they never got strong if they had gone home but they stood and they fought and they fought and they said you ain't get my pea patch you're not getting my inheritance you're not getting my plata ground I'm not running from you and God's gonna stand with me he sent me to do this job and I'm getting stronger every day I'm getting stronger every day they became extra ordinary and they turned to flight the armies of the aliens and did great exploits because they fought on they fought on they played on oh yeah take a walk through any hall of fame and then stop feeling sorry for yourself the great ones endured hardness you're in the company of great people when you're enduring hardness read verses 32 and 39 of Hebrews 11 you'll find the fighter remained Nehemiah chapter 1 is a chapter of prayer look what all he did after chapter 1 but for 11 times in chapter 1 you'll find him kneeling to pray to God he didn't run to the king and ask for help he didn't seek political help he didn't seek no other kind of help from no other man he went to God and for 11 times in that first chapter he built the walls of Germany that took him four months of Prayer it took him 52 days to build the walls of Jerusalem and he said to send valid till by I got the first chapter right and I've continued on I don't need to talk to you I've talked to God God will do my fighting and say he preyed on preyed on Daniel would rather be thrown you know why Nehemiah built it on a foundation of Prayer say a foundation of Prayer it won't last if you don't this wouldn't be here built the walls in 52 days but prayed for months Daniel would rather be thrown into the Lions Den with hungry lions than amiss praying three times a day the fighter remained Enoch walked on and one day they looked for him but he had walked off at the mouth Noah went on and on for 120 years and heard God's voice one time built a boat in the sand desert where it never rained but he saved himself and his entire family you want to go home Abraham stagger not kept on believing against the odds against the impossible never wavered never stopped when he strayed got back on the track kept on believing offered Isaac kept on looking for a city maybe that's why the sands of the scene of the Stars were able to determine his seed oh yes when he failed he just got back on the track and said this is a low lose situation and kept on believing it's a no-lose situation even when God told Moses concerning Israel you leave me alone Moses prayed anyhow and the nation was spared don't trust any man who doesn't walk with a limp don't trust any man who doesn't walk with a limp Jacob wrestled on therefore he limped on and he went on he became the progenitor of the twelve patriarchs he is God said I'm not ashamed to be called and get this my father said to me this this week said this to me this week he's not ashamed to be called the God of Abraham Isaac or Jacob I don't know about anybody else but I know he's not ashamed to be called the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob they went on you'll have the chance to get bitter oh if you want a double portion you will be told to go back you can't handle it it's too big for you but just hang in there just hang in there don't get bitter don't go to talking just stay humble and sweet and obedient and keep a friend and go before God if you prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and nothing has happened go again go again go again go again go again the most important aspect of your calling is you're paralyzed failing this and you're a failure failing this in your failure if you've been beaten stolen left 4 dead hungry naked shipwreck if Dean was forsaken Alexander the coppersmith does you much harm if you fought beasts at ephesus cover to talk to us so well that you can sound free from every one of his blood I'll meet you at the judgement and then you find yourself in a prison with only one friend coming to see about your own mistress who's not ashamed of your chains and when the executioner comes for your head you shouted I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith my vision never faded mob Damascus Road experience never faded I kept the vision I kept the vision I continued say the father remains John the Baptist before they leave your headless body in a pool of blood you shout one more time behold the lamb of God never quit doing the great work God has called you to do you'll obtain a good report through faith you'll obtain promises out of weakness you'll be made strong keep on using your ox goad keep on using your slippered Shing and five stones play on give me children revival or I die get hold of the pillars one more time even if you die pull them down and slay more in your death than you ever did in your life get hotter oh don't leave here the same today don't stopped smarting the ground you will only destroy the enemy just keep on more and more vessels go home and borrow more vessels don't turn back because of the Giants the walls will fall flat you will utterly destroy the enemy you will slay the John the mill marrow will continue to fill up the oil will continue to flow the ploughman will overtake the Reaper souls will be safe revival is going to feel this land brother Mangan said to me the other day what if Joseph had have escaped out of Potiphar's house and gone home to his father God had to put him in a dungeon keep in 13 years to fulfil his purpose don't get shook about nothing just know you're right with God and go on when all things seem against you fast prey spoken the word believing obey prayer seem empty gold seemed unthinkable call things that are not as though they were and just face it on just face it on just face it on errand lost his two sons but the fighter priest own he few buried his wife but stout-hearted free soul as long as there's a lost coin although sheep a lost son a lost world we've got it alone we've got to keep home they continue throughout they continued with they continued on they continued in the word in the name in the faith in the doctrine and they continued beside him or near him don't quit until your weight in his likeness it won't matter then who you were how much money you had in the bank how many of you pastored whether you had a retirement or enough insurance it won't matter whether you were popular whether you own the building or swept it out whether you were the preacher or the janitor the only thing that will matter then did the fighter remain John gives you a preview of eternity when he says for he is Lord of lords and King of Kings and they there with him are called chosen and continued and continued and continued and continued that's all that will matter they started they persevered they finished jesus said it I believe it to him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne even as I also overcame I contend and now because I continued I'm sat down with my father in his throne in his son I dreamed I went to the judgment I dreamed I saw millions passing before him with such rapidity that I was there before I wanted to be I dreamed when I got there I saw the eyes that John had described in the book of Revelation and I woke myself up before he pronounced my judgment and I woke brother Meng up tearing my sleeping clothes and I was screaming if I have done well he can't say I continued he can't say well done if I haven't it has unfortunately but repeatedly in the story of the sea the law the seers SOS save our souls it has precedence over everything cargo profit difficulty language barrier shipping company any other signal ten miles away from where the Titanic was slowly seeking after scraping her giant hull against the spur of an iceberg was the SS California I'll repeat the SS California was only ten miles away 1513 passengers perished 2224 people on board the Titanic up whom 885 were crew a source a source a source filled the air the Titanic is sinking the Titanic is sinking but 1513 people perished because the wireless operator the SS California had quit had quit and although the crew saw the rocket shooting shooting into the skies from the Titanic they for some explain reason did not take them for distress signals the stricken ship those who remember stated that the noise of it when it sank at 2:15 that morning her keel horse it high in the air sounded as great and as terrible as the collision of 20 trains but it was reported by the 711 who were rescued that though they were in the distant boats after the roar of the crash if the vessel there had come across the waters the cries of the 1513 victims and then all was silence and they were gone forever because somebody quit and they were crying Atlas I saw us and those forces of despair are crying all around every one of us every day Cathars and then you've come here more to quit you've come here want to throw in the towel the fighters got to remain the Padres got to remain you must not quit when things go wrong as they sometimes will when the road you're trudging seems all uphill when the funds are low and the debts are high and you want to smile but you have to sigh when care is pressing you down a bit rest if you must but just don't quit life is strange with this twists and turns as every one of us sometimes learns and many of failure turns about when he might have won had he stuck it out don't give up though the pace seems slow you may succeed with just one more blow success is failure turn inside out the silver tin of the clouds of doubt and you never can tell just how close you are it may be near when it seems so far so stick to the fight when is your hardest hit when things seem worse you must not quit don't quit don't quit don't quit somebody claw that to me swim it to these ministers somebody say freeze Oh mother ocean breeze oval attiny reach over the Lumpkin we shall because of the town's creatures don't let us go to sleep wake us up so we can wake up no quit don't quit now that's all I have to say but before I go let me humbly say that would be a good epitaph best a man born March the 3rd 1926 died - - she continued steadfastly the fighter remained beyond the reach of more turkey someday god only knows just where and when the wheels of mortal life will all stand still and I shall go to the world Oh sire on Sunday the owner eShop for the kids someday god only knows just where or win the wheels o mortal life shall all stand still but I shall go Oh and he'll join me with this thought on TV you
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 60,737
Rating: 4.8274336 out of 5
Keywords: Because of the Times, BOTT, Vesta Mangun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 27sec (3987 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2015
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