"Anointing And Shekinah" James Kilgore BOTT 1992

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he is the assistant general superintendent of the United Pentecostal church international collectively we can say he is our friend individually you can say he is my friend I would like to introduce to you the pastor of Life Tabernacle Houston Texas Reverend James Kilgore would you stand and honor I want to live the way he wants me I want to just snow one two it was me I let's go to you Oh why I want to sing it one more time was me ah just ah I you may be seated there is a holy presence of God in this place there's something special going on here you are here in the will of God what we have been hearing is in the will of God I feel like we've been hearing from specialist them that have gone that extra mile to give us what we needed to hear and after hearing what I heard last night whether Mangan by the fuller brother ocean that song has been on my heart ever since I've got to live the way he wants me I want to give until there's just no more to give I want to love till there's no more love and doing that I could never out love the Lord thank God for these men that have a real insight and that's why you're here I'm going to try to do my little part it's not very much thank you brother Leroy for that beautiful introduction it's alright for you to say it if I believe it I'm in trouble and I told brother Barnes brother Barnes pulled a fast one on me I told him in the office I was going to get up and make an introduction and introduce the real specialist and he got up here before I did I forgive you brother Barnes but we're here in the will of God and we have heard from the Lord now you could go home now and feel like it was worth everything it was worth the expense it was worth everything worth the trip and sister and stirred my heart again she has that special way of just getting hold of your heart and squeezing it and just squeezing it some more I was so proud of Rani Becton this morning if you don't do anything just make sure you're here amen I could go home and say I was there did you preach no but I was there some of us wish we hadn't preached I didn't sing but I was there I was there and what a challenge and I feel like that we certainly have been challenged to do better to be better and some of us are going to be and thank you for that beautiful song that we just heard that was that was beautiful praise God I've been feeling after the Lord trying to find out for sure what he wanted me to do and I'll tell you like I told our committee I don't have the preacher's hitch now I can preach I heard one preacher say you wake me up at midnight just let me shake my head a couple of times and I'm ready to preach I can't relate to that I I'd like to wake up and have a cup of coffee and just sit there a little bit and and my wife not say anything to me she wakes up every morning she's so bubbly and she's as beautiful when she wakes up as she is when she goes to sleep that's the truth and she's ready to talk I'm not ready to talk and I'm not ready to listen finally I tell her honey just be quiet but I I'm always ready to preach when I feel God has spoken to my heart and the Lord definitely speaks to our hearts I like to be able to get up in my pulpit and say folks I have heard from the Lord and here is what God wants when I do that I'm not afraid of anything or anybody and what a refreshing to hear elder T W Barnes stand up here and and in prophetic tones give us what he gave to us thank God for men like that that have an insight that have that special touch from God and if ever a time in our lives we need that special touch that special touch that certain something that brings you out of the realm of the ordinary now I know that that we are just ordinary men and I want you to look at that every time you come into the service that's me I'm just an ordinary man I'm an ordinary man I have an extraordinary God an extraordinary gospel and the challenge of the hour is an extraordinary challenge but I'm just an ordinary man that's all you look in the book of Hebrews the eleventh chapter the heroes of faith and you look at these men and say they're heroes they're supermen they are men that that don't belong to this world but when you read their lives you find out that they were just ordinary men they made a lot of blunders and a lot of mistakes and they had a lot of failings in their lives but you know after they're all listed the Lord says I am not ashamed to be called their God if that be true and they're just ordinary men and some of them sins some of them failed some of them made a lot of mistakes then that gives me a lot of hope somehow I can make it so if you're just an ordinary man remember God used ordinary men just like you just exactly like you he used ordinary men and I feel like that he wants to use many of you and and there have been so many of you young preachers that have come here through the years to find a direction for your life and you left because of the times and you knew the direction God wanted you to go in there have been some of you that have come year after year seeking that direction and you really knew the direction God wanted you to go but somehow when you got back home and the humdrum of the everyday life you did not do what God wanted you to do and so you're here again now you'll never become what God wants you to be until you make up your mind there's got to be a determined effort not a resolution not a desire but a determined I am going to be everything that God wants me to be and when you make up your mind to do that you go home you will be different you will be changed you will have a different ministry you'll have a good direction you'll know where you've been why you're here and where you're going don't live in a confused state my wife and I can conduct it a minister and wives seminar a few years ago and I felt somewhat of a heaviness throughout the seminar there were a number of preachers and their wives there finally the last session she was with the ladies and I was with the men and I had them to bow their heads for a moment I said I just like to ask how many of you are definitely positively sure that you're in the will of God and there were a number that raised their hand and I noticed that there were some that could not nobody looking but me I said now I want everybody you're not sure that you're in the will of God thirteen pastors raised their hand they were not sure I said do one of two things go home and renew your burden and your vision and let God really speak to your heart or go home and resign it's not fair to that church it's not fair to you it's not fair to your family to just a mess around and say I've got a good living I've got a good little Church and I'm making it fine don't have that attitude go home and say I'm going to renew my burden in my vision and I'm going to see something accomplished or I'm going to resign I'm going to get out of there that church will never progress as long as you have questions and you're confused and you are wondering whether God wants you there or not we just celebrated our 34th year as pastor and life turbine Akal and it has been a wonderful feeling every time I step to that pool to know beyond the shadow of any doubt that that's where God wants me that that's the will of God I have a faith when I preach that I could not have otherwise just knowing that I have renewed my faith and my vision and my burden and I can get up and tell those folks what I feel they need to do and they say that's my pastor he's in the will of God and I'm afraid to do anything else I'm going to do what he wants us to do please get a direction from the Lord here and go in that direction that's the purpose of because of the times when we met together brother Anthony Mangan brother Mike Williams for the Tinian herself and we began to talk about the very first meeting we wanted to lay a little groundwork we want this to be a place of inspiration and a place of challenge and a place where heartbeat could be with heartbeat and burdens could be shared and visions could be realized this was our desire not to grind any axes and not to have any pet peeves and and not to try to humiliate or embarrass anybody but just to try to give direction and through the years you've kept coming back because you knew this was the place where God wanted to give you something extra special for these last days and we are receiving it we are receiving it the very first year I'll never forget I was preparing to preach and I was in the spirit first time in my life God ever really gave me a vision and God gave me that vision and when he did I wept and I wept and and and I cried and and I got to talking in tongues and and I knew it was from God and I didn't intend to tell it but when I got up to preach that night I said I want to you tell you the vision God gave me today and the Lord reminded me early this morning that that vision is still alive amen he showed me the building over here where we were having the first meeting he showed how it was so packed with young men and young women they had their Bibles in their hands and all of a sudden the Spirit of God began to move in that congregation and I saw young people soar through the walls with their Bibles in front of them going in every direction and I saw them going into demon infested areas where the powers of darkness was prevailing and all of a sudden this book became a weapon in their hands and they begin to fight the demon powers and drive them back and I said God showed me that some of you young people are going to do that you're going to go places and this word is we gonna go to become a weapon in your hands and you're going to be able to defeat the enemy of your soul and have revival in time revival Holy Ghost revival I saw some of those young people as they began to soar into areas that was so dark that was so dark that you can feel the darkness you couldn't see a thing and all of a sudden this book became a life that began to penetrate the darkness I saw the darkness begin to roll back it began to flee to get out of the way I'm telling you nothing can stand in the way of the Word of God this is the most powerful book in the world it's a laugh it's alive it's a weapon for his God showed me young people that went into places where there were people locked up in prison there were walls they were changed there were bars and all of a sudden as these young people began to go toward these places all of a sudden this book became a key and it fit right into the lock and the doors were open and the captors began to run out and they were free I'm telling you God has used this meeting for young people have been able to get a good fresh touch from the Word of God and the God born with victory and with authority and with power and so here we are 1992 and we need a fresh anointing we need that fresh touch room time I don't mind to tell you well Anthony was preaching last night the tears flow I heard this Mack I said son I didn't realize how hungry I was for the word of God I've been giving it out and giving it out I was so hungry I heard brother Fuller's neck I said brother fuller I wept I cried I thank you for that powerful message how it thrilled my heart thank you for preaching to me we need to be preached to goddess has chosen by the foolishness of preaching to save those that believe and we've been hearing the preaching that we needed to hear and I was challenged by that my general superintendent challenged us again I don't know of anybody that can preach the gospel any better than he can when he preaches the gospel I'll tell you something stirs within your soul so we've been hearing it now we need that fresh anointing that anointing that takes you from the realm of the ordinary to the extraordinary we need that special touch and anointing that takes you from just the anointing to the Shekinah there was something about the Shekinah glory of God I've never understood it I have looked to try to find it I have tried to explain it there is just something about the awesomeness that Shekinah glory the only way I'll know to describe it it was in the tabernacle in the Holy of Holies and I can see that priest once a year as he takes that little basin of blood he doesn't rush up to the labor he doesn't rest candlesticks in the showbread and the altar of incense and say I can hardly wait to get in to that Shekinah he was very careful he knew that he was anointed he knew that he was touched but he knew that there was something special that it took more than just the ordinary anointing and I think he was very careful and he took little steps and he took careful steps and he took consecrated steps and he took dedicated steps and he took steps that were cleansed and washed and he just eased that little vessel to that Great Dividing but between the holy and the holiest of Holies and he carefully put the blood in there and they he thought that's all right I'm all right now and he went right in to the very Shekinah of God and by sprinkling that blood the sins were rolled ahead for another year there was a cleansing there was a deliverance there was relief on that day the head of every family stood in the doorway of his little tent and every tent was situated to look straight at that Tabernacle and that man stood there trembling oh I hope the Lord approves this Day of Atonement and when they finally see the glory cloud that's another part of the Shekinah rest over the tabernacle they have our sigh of relief we can go on another year now we've been complaining and murmuring and we are falling in the wilderness and a lot of things have happened but God is allowing us to go on another year because we've been in the Shekinah we have been in that awesome presence of God I think the Shekinah was like when the temple was dedicated and temperatures and the seniors and the worshipers all of a sudden became one voice there were not different sounds but it sounded like one boy second that women to the mere presence of God high-level tone of a son I am hallelujah low Oh God hallelujah hallelujah hallelu 120 priests were standing at the altar the same numerical number that was in the upper room of the day of Pentecost they were standing there ready to minister but all of a sudden the glory of that Shekinah came down in that place and it welt in that place they couldn't new thing they had to just step back all stricken they couldn't understand it but oh they were feeling what they needed to feel this is so good we just can't leave this place no wonder Peter James and John said it's good for us to be here we saw the Shekinah that's something that was deep within him he was God manifest in the flesh and all of a sudden God began to go through that clay that temple of clay and through the clothing that he wore and there was a deep shining on the outside of that that was deep on the inside and it was the Shekinah glory of God hallelujah hallelujah no wonder they said it's good for us to be here every one of us have been anointed Oh what could happen before this meeting is over if all of us would forget about who we are and where we are and what we think and would not find one fault with anybody and all sudden we would come to that place of one mind and one Accord I'm telling you the anointing would become the Shekinah hallelujah and something would happen all over this building from one side to another it's got to be that way it's got to be that way my dad went into a place to preach the gospel for the first time he and my mother went on a 21-day prayer vigil praying 10 to 16 hours a day getting ready to go into a place that was hostile place that was full of opposition a place that was full of unbelief and skepticism yes sister Mangan prayer is still the key that will unlock every door so the first night came for his meeting and he just stepped to the Pope and the sinners looked upon his face and they broke down and began to weep with deep conviction 21 days in the presence of God 21 days fasting and praying and waiting something happened they saw the glory of God that night the very first night of that meeting 18 brand-new people received the Holy Ghost the second night the same thing happened he stood at the pulpit before he could preach they began to weep and cry they were in the presence of God they saw something and they felt something that they had never seen or felt before and eighteen more received the Holy Ghost that night before that meeting was over the saloons had to closed down they couldn't have a movie they couldn't have a picture show they called him in those days there couldn't there wasn't any other activity in all of that community because the glory was resting over that one place I don't want to be satisfied with just the anointing I want to go a little beyond the anointing I want to reach that place of the Shekinah I want the glory of to saturate my life to take hold of my life to turn me wrong server to make me one out to be to get the job done in this praise God no wonder no wonder the things that are happening in Ethiopia are happening no wonder sister Freeman described terms that I had never thought about said she was in the meeting and she felt such strength than such power and said it was like you were wading into something that that was deep been and you could feel it but she didn't quite understand and finally she turned to our leader there and what is this that I feel he said that is perfect unity ah oh I'm so hungry perfect unity that brought the shekinah into that place oh my no wonder the dead are raised no wonder the blind eyes are open no wonder they receive the Holy Ghost by the tens of thousands it's because they have gone beyond the anointing and allowed that anointing to become the Shekinah we're too satisfied to preach our little sermon and feel like even were anointed I want to tell you I don't ever rush to the pulpit sister man can you set it so well here today I fear to tremble when I when I look I look at those dear people that have stood by me and that have sacrificed when I asked them to give over four hundred thousand dollars every year to foreign and home mission when I look at them some of those young people don't go buy a new car because they're afraid they can't meet their faith promised it slaves me it does something to me I'm not satisfied to get up there and just preach a little sermon and say I've been anointed and now I'm going home I want that anointing to live with me I wanted to go to the pool I wanted to go to the altar I wanted to go to the counseling room I wanted to go home with me I want to feel the effects of it everywhere I go I will paranoid thing to become a Shekinah that I can live hallelujah now tell you the key note in this meaning has been anointing and to know Jesus to know Jesus that relationship with him lord help us I want a relationship like I have never known you can have it I can have it the world can see it they can feel it they can know it I'm telling you something tangible it is something real Oh in his conversion on that road to Damascus that conversion became a deep conviction a conviction that that I am a debtor to the whole world that conviction became a commitment he said as much as in me is I am ready that commitment gave him a burning consuming desire to know the one oh you wrote about him oh you preached about it all you converted the heathen what do you mean oh I just I just want to know him I want to know him the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship of his salary if I want the Shekinah I've got to go a little bit feather I four years ago I had Daniel and Jen come back and work with I was tired I was burnt out that was half sick and I thought now I'll lay back he was like a son and that his heartbeat was right with my heart thank you for the mandiant for putting that picture as a memorial to him thank you and I thought I'm gonna lay back now I'm going to rest I'll just kind of guide things from the sidelines he was going to take the building program and go with it and all the programs and he was working so faithfully and so regularly and then all of us suddenly developed a hurting and his shoulder one doctor thought it was bursitis and begin to try to treat it and it got worse and finally went the specialist and the specialist said it's multiple myeloma and I refused to accept it when I stood here a year ago I refused accepting I was not going to lose him I it was not the will of God I said for him to go and I I wouldn't even let myself said I wouldn't let my wife talk about it I wouldn't let my daughter talk she tried to talk to Daniel he said wait a minute Jam Wham listen to me I want people who let me die you've got to let me die God was speaking to him evidently in a definite way of course he left us I was thrust right back on the firing line again feel tired in my body but it feels strong in my spirit I'm working longer than I've ever worked I spent more hours and I've ever spent I don't hunt I don't fish I don't play golf I'm not condemning anybody that does that I have a one-track mind I seem like I'm consumed with this I get up every morning and I think about it I go to bed thinking about it how to do more and the sun's going back the coming of the Lord is me got to do more got to do more and I keep pushing myself on and there are times for the man gonna feel like that I'm I'm just gonna fall and I'm so tired and all of a sudden there's an extra story and I think why do I feel this way then I think somebody just prayed for me somebody just called my name feel like going on but I'm telling you if we want that extra step we've got to be willing to go a little bit further you see in the Garden of Gethsemane Bible said he went a little further hallelujah someone said to really know him you have to be blind to see and deaf to hear and dead to live and die to live and suffer to feel and I really believe that I really believe it I preached the meeting many years ago for an old blind preacher such a sweet old man fact I don't know if I knew of any blind people that are full of bitterness I tried to think I've known a lot of blind people but all of those that I've known they've been cheerful and and you talk to them a little bit they don't complain they don't you know I'm sure they suffer there was there was no complaints in this man and when I got the preach and I said who built the church one of the members said our pastor brother per million built it I said you mean a blind man yes he laid it out he saw it all the board's he nailed the nails and it was a beautiful you couldn't find any imperfections it did it all living in a world of blindness he was seeing something though that could not be seen by ordinary vision he was going a little beyond the ordinary man if somehow all of us could get blind enough to the things around us and dead enough to ourselves we might really and that blindness behold him and see him and enter into a love relationship I read the scripture a while back where the Lord said be ye holy for I am holy and I said god I don't know what that means you're gonna have to tell me you're gonna have to teach me I hear a holiness from one angle from another angle and if I try to live by every man's holiness I'll end up pulling myself apart I said I'd really like to know what your holiness is he said if you really want to know follow me through my word and through my ministry and I saw him when he had compassion altitude God said that's homes when you can be touched and move other feelings of the multitude that's holiness I followed him to the little woman that was taken in the act of adultery and I saw him forgive her they were accusing her and condemning her if you look in the Bible and I searched diligently and I can only find one place where he ever condemned anybody that was the hypocrites he didn't he could be on anybody but the immigrants the Pharisee and I saw him as he lovingly said neither do i condemn thee go and sin no more this world needs somebody to love it I found out his holiness is love forgiveness mercy don't tell me you have holiness and you hold bitterness in your heart I don't care how you look I don't care what all you've given up and what all you've taken off if you have bitterness in your heart you don't belong to holiness that's about as plain as I know how to give it or five years ago here with Anthony a preacher came to me after service one night and he said by the Kilgore I've got to talk to you God has dealt with me in this meeting and he said I owe you an apology for eleven years I've had a bitter feeling and my heart against you and and he named a conference that I was in charge of and I had done something and he said you remember what it was I said oh my brother I'm sorry I don't but he said would you forgive me I carried it 11 years imagine carrying something 11 years but thank God his spirit can reach us I grabbed him and hugged his neck he said I said my brother I'm so glad to forgive you the Lord has forgiven me so many times I've just been looking for somebody to forget we better not hold bitterness is in our heart Lord journeyed with him to Calvary my brother the house travel fire took spurple East and Golden West the sunset and the Polar Star have lighted or that transit head thy path has led or pet or land and sea but has now been to Calvary if you really want to know what whom this is go to Calvary put a Calvary and I need to go there and I need to kneel you see there are no big eyes and little use at Calvary there is no swell at the ground at caliber we're all on level ground every one of us are the same when we stand at the foot of the cross Halla Bakura - hallelujah hallelu let us raise livable hello hallelujah you see you have to suffer to feel that's why you says if you're tempted I was tempted in all points as you are yet without sin you said I've been there appreciate it for the show he came to a little while ago and prayed for me and said I want to tell you something 12 years ago I lost my son my only son yes I think you said some adopted children that he loves like his on but this was the only flesh and blood that just a young boy he died he said it was so hard to understand what's so hard until he had a little boy that was not normal in his church and he died he could go right there he knew how to sympathize I've been there like a woman that lost her child and she held on to it she wouldn't let it go she just kept holding it everybody'd come in and say let's have your child the undertaker's here and she said my child is not dead but my child is here and she wouldn't let it go until finally a woman down the street that had lost a child came in and said honey I know what you're going through I went through it let me have the child and she did because somebody was there that had suffered right along the same man my dad and mother were great pioneer preachers they love their family they drugged them all over the country but it was not because they didn't love him we never had a home but it wasn't because they didn't love us they loved us that's you know I never had a house but I always felt I had a home because of the love that was there in our home and he was in a meeting at a place many years ago before I was ever born those six months old son contacted pneumonia they had this we had this they had to sleep on the floors and it was wintertime during that course of the winter that little fellow developed pneumonia my mother sat in the rocking chair for three days and rocked that little fella and praying all the time the Lambert told me that he was traveling with my family at that time a gospel worker and he said you know never he said I'll never forget that early-morning hour when brother kill work came your dad said brother Charles we need you to watch with us it looks like our little boys going and said then I saw him go to all the little pallets that were around of your brothers and sisters and woke them up and they came and knelt around that rocking chair and they started crying and praying and somehow the Lord saw fit to take the little fella home dad said to brother Charles Lambert said I don't know what I'm going to do I don't have any money I don't have a dime I don't I'm gonna bury him so later on in the day went to the lumberyard and and he's told the man said I'm not coming to borrow anything because I couldn't pay you back my little boy had died and we don't have a casket we don't have anything to bury him and him said would you just give me the man said gladly sure I will those days the law was not very strict and he said he watched my dad saw the boards and carefully nail that little box together and I saw your mother said in the same rocking chair and so the material to line that the little rough box then they put that little fella and it took it out to a lonely Cemetery and left him they suffered but down the road 25 miles God gave them a revival where they eventually baptized 1,500 people in Jesus name you have to suffer sometimes to feel Christopher come up here son this is one of the finest lawyers that ever lived when his daddy died he said I'm gonna change my name or I'm going to add a name Christopher Andrew Daniel talk his name was Andrew because whether Andrew ershon was in our home when Jan was a teenage girl and he made such a deep and lasting impression she said if I ever have a boy I want to make sure he's got Andrew on that name so that's a wonderful thing I never saw a boy love his daddy any more than this boy did the hardest thing we had to do was to go in and tell him Christopher we have some bad news and I never saw a boy cry as deep as this boy the deaths and wailing but we kept talking through the weeks and the Monson praying together and his suffering and his brokenness he turned to the Lord and he learned how to pray I woke in his room I felt like I was walking into the very presence fifteen year old boy at that time but he was praying and crying and talking in times dedicating his life to the Lord and his suffering he learned to feel I want to say to brother well it's for the Paul well extend up wherever you are going through a building program suffering you're suffering now but the will CH but the day is going to come that building will be finished and the loss will come the dope addicts will come the prostitutes will come your suffering is going to bring a real victory you're going to really be able to feel through that suffering hallelujah glory to God we have to suffer if we really want to know Jesus this boy knew about him with the death of his father he really learned to know Jesus glory to God I wouldn't turn you loose and let you testify you have a testimony in her heart well just all I could say to y'all tonight is today's at the Lord is just soaked there is nothing like the strength of the Lord that you can feel every t it's no one like Jesus no one like Jesus I've learned there's a scripture it says proverbs 3:5 and 6 trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not until they don't understand and all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths not may be direct your paths he will direct your paths I'm thankful that the Lord has once again placed me on stable ground thank you Jesus hallelujah I've learned to give my life to God through the heartaches the good times and the bad times the Lord is still God and he's still on the throne and he knows every needs in our lives and he said he had never leave us nor forsake us and I hang on to that today praise God I don't want to take up the rest of my granddad's time give it my hand you can be seated in the days that are ahead if Christopher will walk with God you're going to hear a powerful young evangelist but it took the suffering we don't enjoy the pain the first time I met with a stone king he had just completed seven days of fasting through the years he's given himself to fasting in prayer he could have had a home in a family of his own but he was so sold out to God he was willing to suffer that's why when he preaches there's such a special anointing one of these days the glory cloud that Shekinah is going to shine through like you've never seen it I woke up with a burden this morning for preachers wives when preachers are pressed down there's always somebody to help them not so for preachers wives they have to hide their pain they have to hide their hurt they have to hide their suffering I'm burden for you because some of you are sitting out there in the crowd you're lost in the crowd but you're really hurting today and you need something from God this is more than just for preachers I'd like prefer preacher's wife in this congregation to stand please stand don't be ashamed of those tears because the Lord knows the hurt he's going to heal some broken hearts he's gonna let you you're going to go home a different way let it out sister that's all right turn it loose ladies that are hurting get your hands your help is from the Lord hallelujah hallelu hallelu hallelu Oh preachers would you stand up to the side of your wife and take her by the hand let the Lord flow through you today to help heal someone praise our God bless His Holy Name thank you Jesus Jimbo would you take your mother by the hand hey god that's it the Lord's doing something here today I feel it with all of my heart hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of raise our jam stand up honey God wants to give you extra strength here today hallelujah glory to God there's something sacred and special and precious here I just feel it a little ooh it's let's begin to feel after the Lord now the way everybody in the buildings standing and let's begin to open up as wide as we can and begin to feel after him I tell you he's here today halleloo halleloo halleloo we feel like everybody needs to be feeling after the Lord everybody everybody in the building the Lord's trying to do something special here now hallelu hallelu ha coming come on church let's reach a little bit further here I believe brother surety has a word from the Lord for us please forgive my boldness and even coming here I wanted brother Kilgore to do this I not long ago I was called to go to a place to speak to a a large number of people of different faiths and denominations people who had lost a loved one and I thought when I went there that I would just speak to them the words of David when he prayed for his child and God chose to take the child and David uttered the words that we've used so many times I can't bring him back but I can go to it that message was renewed to me just now and and I may have disobeyed God but not even standing up but when the child lay at death's door David fasted and prayed and laid on his face asking God for a miracle his servants feared for his health and sanity when the child died when God chose to take the child against the request of David David saw him whispering ask them and it was confirmed the child was dead he got up bathed himself changed his clothes and the first thing he did he went to worship and then he ate and they came to him and they asked him why did you do this and that's when David explained to him but the Lord said tell the people I said when I take something close to you against your will worship Me don't complain or question me but worship me and if you will worship me I will always have a Solomon standing in the wings let's worship the Lord together Oh
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 20,652
Rating: 4.8648648 out of 5
Keywords: Because of the Times, BOTT, James Kilgore
Id: KJYsmSvl_hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 56sec (3836 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2015
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