"No Boundaries... Just Possibilities" T. F. Tenney BOTT 2009

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our next speaker does not need an introduction we all love brother tini very much the only reason why I'm introducing him is because he made such a do last year over at being his last year and he meant that and he was very sold on that and we got in our meeting and Jim Kilgore Mike Terry and myself prevailed on him to preach one more time so today will be brother Kenny's last sermon and because of the times for one year [Applause] but next year we will let brother tini off but if we get in the mind he'll be back the next year but he does feel like that he would like to he felt that last year we felt like then he preached one more year and I guess in about 55 minutes and now we'll find out which one was right but you're always safe and it's always anointed when my mentor one of them preaches to us we're glad to have his family here with us today we've glad that Vic here today Tommy brother teenie we love you come preach the word of the Lord [Music] god bless all of you thank you Pastor and he made the the explanation many years ago an actor by the name of Sean Connolly made movies in which he played a part of James Bond and we know nothing about that but if this is just an illustration he he made his what he said was his last movie is he told his wife I'll never do that again and she said never say never 10 years later they prevailed on him and he made another movie so I understand him and they called it Never Say Never so something all agreeing now I got the spirit of suspicion but anyhow I guess you never say never say never but I do want to follow the leadership of the holy spirit and I trust that God has spoken to me I love this meeting I love my pastor a bishop this year I became my sixtieth year of apostolic ministry this is all I know [Music] so I'm here to tell you one more time neither is there salvation in any other for there is none of the name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved lift up the wonderful name of His Majesty the Lord Jesus the purpose of this meeting then he might be drawn upon and we will leave here to continue to lift him up will you go with me to the book of Acts chapter 20 the knowledge the presence of my wonderful wife of 56 years and my son I'm so glad Tommy is here book of Acts the yellow pages of the New Testament if you want to check any Christian religions DNA you go to the book of Acts and if their DNA doesn't match the DNA of the book of Acts it's not apostolic I'm not being critical that's just biblical that's chapter 20 beginning with verse 22 and now behold I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem not knowing everybody say not knowing hmm he went somewhere not knowing the things that shall befall me there say that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city saying that bonds and afflictions abide me but none of these things move me neither do I count my life dear unto myself so that I might finish my course with joy and the Ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus to testify the gospel of the grace of God would you lift your hands and pray with me God's blessings on his word everyone father [Music] Naoko she animo hiya in the name of Jesus in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ list the spirit of Liberty loose the spirit of understanding loose a Congregational anointing Oh Lord not just a ministerial anointing but a Congregational anointing open us to receive the word my subject is simple this no boundaries just possibilities no boundaries just possibilities let's clinch it say that with me no boundaries just possibilities you may be seated Paul said he said I don't bound in the spirit one translation said I am drawn irresistibly now that's a small s his own spirit the sudden that irresistible e draws me and and he introduces as to what it is in verse 24 he said I received of the Lord Jesus this ministry and it's to testify of the gospel of the grace of God he said the thing that is irresistibly drawing me into the ministry is a revelation of a wonderful grace of God not the judgment gospel not a gospel of the judgment of God gentleman has boundaries but grace has no boundaries for the mercy of the Lord endureth forever and we're either driven by judgment or we're drawn by grace now when I say no boundaries I'm not speaking of the biblical boundaries of the book that were the Lord's forever settled in heaven you don't tamper with this I'm not talking about the boundaries of my wonderful apostolic message or the boundaries of our standards of righteousness that's not what I refer to but Jesus said into all the world to have a creature no boundaries whosoever will let it come no boundaries my spirit on all flesh No Boundaries no boundaries just possibilities you'll never reach the scene that God sent you until you're bound in the spirit to that city you got to get in covenant with a soul I preached home at here several years ago now the next verse he referred but what the Holy Spirit said big s Paul said I'm bound and spit a little S but he said the little is he's swallowed up in the big s and my spirit merges with the Holy Spirit and nothing is going to keep me from propagating the gospel of the grace of God because my spirit has integrated passionately passionately bound to the Holy Spirit and wherever the Holy Spirit goes my spirit goes even if my body's not there I feel the Apostolic working worldwide because my spirit is integrated into the Holy Spirit do you understand no boundaries just possibilities lucien our team blue shirt thinking blue shirt talent though will give us victory over our my optic thinking and our self-imposed limitations parlor that ever thing that happened to him we're just preparing him for what was ahead he said i don't know everything that's ahead of me he was a captive going into a storm but he said whatever happens to me it's for the furtherance of this gospel and i'm not gonna let it deter me from testifying of the grace of god circumstances are not going to rule my ministry and it's not gonna get in my spirit if something cannot affect your spirit it cannot affect your destiny he didn't let his circumstances prophecies or what friend said affect him his destiny was far more than death at the sea his friend said don't know circumstances said don't know and he said i don't really know what all i'm going into but he said all i know is i'm bound in the spirit of this ministry a wonderful grace of god Cinthia logical ask but I'm going out on it even the Holy Spirit forbade him read it it's there what and he went anyhow he was an apostle and an apostle can read the prophetic beyond the prophetic and he read not just the verbage but the Lord God was saying I'm gonna give you an option if you want to say I forbid you to go you can say it but he said I'm reading something beyond that that beyond that this is just the Holy Spirit giving my flesh an option but he said I am already bound in the spirit follow me I think our proof takes it there was a depth beyond the depth of the prophet and finally after they pled with him and after agamous came took his girdle you know tiny mom said the man that owns this it's gonna be bound in Jerusalem he said I'm not only willing to be bound but I've already crossed the line I'm willing to die and then they said the will of the Lord be done they concluded through the advice of friends through what appeared to be a valid prophecy that he saw beyond through circumstances finally they said this man is so tied up until always it says the will of God that's the magnificent obsession that has got to grip us if we do what God wants us to do we're not here to play God games we're not here to be entertained but that's got to be returned to a passion that drives us no boundaries just possibilities Hillel without boundaries physically he said I'm willing to spend and be spent geographically he live without boundaries he said I want to go to Tarsus and Tarsus was the farthest known port of his day spiritually he knew no boundaries oh if people didn't let boundaries you know God told Abraham to walk the length and breadth of the land is wherever his foot touched was his he could have walked to the tip of South Africa and think of how big the Promised Land would have been but he was confined to boundaries the only reason Israel is as small as it is today is that this man Abram who was a great man of faith could not see beyond the borders of his own periphery you know what if Paulette got offended all of this and turned inward he knew God gave him his vision even if a storm came he had a mandate and in chapter 27 we find him in the midst of that storm shackled and indicted as a criminal in under Peggle pagan legal system and on a freighter going to Rome for a trial but he had the peace and authority of a free man he didn't lose sight of the gold and he he lost everything on that trip sometimes doing the will of God you lose everything did you know he was already bound it was already captive a political system and then they got the storm and they threw his luggage overboard really everything he lost everything but he just kept sailing in the store instead of thinking about what you want to add to your ministry when you leave here you know the to-do list pray about what to add to you don't do list there's got to be some planned abandonment there's some things we may need to throw overboard in order to get down to the specifics of of declaring the gospel of the grace of God and getting to work but he made himself of no reputation so it says of our Lord the Apostle shed ever last drop of their blood and we protect ours it's time to get to lean and mean how many of us have been blown off of course for circumstances and negative prophetic voices and finally in the midst of that storm he said say they hadn't seen the Sun for days in the moon he said that means I have spiritual perception the storm did not blow his spiritual perception out of him he said this ship might be off course but my spirit is still on course I perceive you cannot let circumstances change your direction [Applause] your spiritual perception that's going to be lost often died before gain there's got to be loss but I don't understand that God called me here we're about to lose our built in it something don't happen in this meeting we're gonna lose our but you gotta make up your mind did God called you to a City or da called you to a building I perceive a lot of things we don't understand I don't know why Noah didn't swap those first two mosquitos while he had them [Applause] when they invented the first clock how did they know what time to set it a lot of things I don't understand that I accept but we won't fool disclosure from God you just better perceive is my spirit burns for the Holy Spirit and I'm I still got a mandate from God did we have prophetic insight for our generation detected in the crew thought they had more insight and this erstwhile prophet that was a tentmaker they listened to the professional and not the prophetic when he warned him he warned them even against his advice but his spirit stayed high he knew that he was still gonna testify the gospel of the grace of God you know sometimes we argue about navigators who's running the ship and whether they're qualified what title they have I've been in so many discussions about the fivefold ministry why don't we just accept that it's God's gift to the church let it operate and quit quibbling over names [Music] do you know they're on the church had to make some adjustments they knew prophets and priests so they can accept apostles and prophets but three more offices were added that were alien to them pastors evangelists teachers so they too had to climb a ties to the unique apostles and prophets are in the foundation there's only 12 apostles of the Lamb but there are apostles to the church today quit worrying about naming them if they do the work that's the important thing [Applause] controversial only God can ordain apostles and prophets we are authorized Paul said to ordain and elders in every city elders could be pastors teachers evangelists but when a man enters the these offices it's a god thing and they're often misunderstood well I'm having a problem with that preacher look there could be no pastoring without pastors there could be no evangelizing without Vangelis there could be no teaching without teachers and we cannot be apostolic without apostles and we cannot be prophetic without prophets now get off this thing about name and who they are but if we are going to do what God wants us to do we need the full array from his armor everything he's got let me tell you about apostles they're God's GPS system that's Global Positioning System there are men that have a world view not a snapshot view of where the church is and where it's going and they keep us from vision leaks their vision driven not memory driven they have an overall picture now you can think of men now that had the big picture they spoke with apostolic authority and they spoke worldwide not parochially about what God was doing God's GPS system and in addition we need the prophetic the prophetic is the sonar you're familiar with the sonar it's kind of like radar you can be at a submarine and they got sonar and sudden readings send out the sonar signals and they hit something and come back with a ping ping ping the Apostolic and we need it gets the world view the prophetic sees what's in front of us immediately and gives a sound of ping to the church and a ping to those now there are men in this building whom I will not name that operate and many of you have had this experience many of you you're preaching and suddenly there's a ping just pick up something like that you didn't have a clue but ping and there's some men so gift until they can go right to you and tell you by word of wisdom and knowledge get quiet but we need the GPS and we need the sonar if we're gonna be apostolic I am picking up some negative pings but if it's in the book it belongs to us that's God gave to the church apostle that God gave to the church puppets and God gave to the church evangelistic pastors and teachers a new apostolic church and puppets real real bona fide prophets are strange dudes you cannot explain them they do weird things and if they don't fit our box one of them had to lay on his side for a long period of time another prophet got in an argument with God over whether to cook with cow dung or human dung one had to walk naked through the street one God told to howl like a jackal one had a donkey that had more prophetic insight than he did [Applause] he lost it the donkey Cody can't send us some more donkeys we gotta have prophetic then sign into the supernatural [Applause] we gotta have it if we're going without boundaries take the limits off of what God has given us and there will be questions we're sending out vibrations are we listening for response oh we understand that God puts no limitations on faith and faith it's no limitations on God y'all didn't get it God puts no limitations on faith and say it's no limitations on God God puts no limitations on faith and say what's no limitations on God God put no limitations on faith and faith buts no limitations on God God puts no limitations on faith and faith but no limitations Oh God loose the church day of resurrection for the Apostolic Church we're going to a new dimension the Samuel came to the prophetic the Bible said they feared God in the feared Samuel it's why some people are a little fearful because we can't explain it we don't ever want to lose our fear of the authentic remember he said touch not mine anointed do my new harm which means there's a human inclination the harm profits or it wouldn't be there you won't understand I'm forget it let me tell you what I want to watch the prophetic 10 with age lose it's an awning and go astray it's not careful Eli was supposed to be in the prophetic first thing you know he lost his sight he went behind in the tabernacle he lost his vision of what God was doing he and his sons took over him and then Eli got out of shape he became obese affluent livid and he lost his spiritual perception and then they got out of order and his sons got out of control and then they were out of authority and then they produced a Nicky bond that's what happens when you lose the prophetic the glory departs are we operating where God wants to stop reading we need and I mean let me pause to say this considering our boundaries that are limitless the ministry more than any other field needs transparent accountability this is not a day for lone Ranger's whatever your ministry is pastor evangelist prophet you need to be accountable to someone and I've had too many that said I'm accountable to you till you cross them and then they hunted somebody else it's dangerous if you don't have healthy insightful relationship proverbs 18 and 1 said he who isolates himself seeks his own desire and rages against wild judgment wise judgment when a man gets isolated all he wants to do is what he sees and he rages against people that have wise judgment and say they don't have any discernment we need one another need one another we don't need solo persons and don't need solo churches now we don't all operate the same way God hadn't designed us the same way Moses trained in the palace to rule in the desert and Joseph trained in the desert to rule in the palace and God used both of them you see you reach different people different ways these brethren that live in New York City and Manhattan when those high rises they they they have to use a different ball of wax and we do it bug tussle and we have to respect the diversity of how God has trained us and how we operate your Brooklyn waves wouldn't work at turkey creek opossum huh but we wouldn't work in Brooklyn either and we're gonna recognize that can I get a witness the Bible said Paul's still in his storm let me get back to it the bottle said a wind arose and they called it euroclydon and the word euroclydon means a storm from the east a new day anytime there's a new day coming from the east a storm comes been a lot said about 208 let me tell you some some of y'all stayed up on December the 31st to see 200 nine come in I stayed up to make sure 200 eight left [Music] but brother telling you on top positively you want me to talk positively willing to always a positively hell shape the price still reported for do day let the storm means there's a new day coming there's a new day coming there's a new day [Music] they were in the night nights a good time for vision if you don't have a vision in the night there's nothing to bill within the day through everything over I told you that Paul still at its mandate everything's gone Paul said wait a minute everything's not going the only thing that counts is still here what does he do the supernatural the storm did not cause him to lose the supernatural there stood by me this night this dark night when I saw everything thrown overboard and the masthead was ripped and the shuttin of rudder was smashed and and the sails were in shreds but they stood behind me this night something the storm couldn't blow away an angel of God whose I and whom I still serve huh oh no you don't wait for ideal position let me get real controversial since it's my last year we can get pushed off course by some things that apparently are so legitimate we got a lot of fads that have come and gone and we get so caught up chasing a fight and fads that are long-lasting yeah until very subtly our creative energies are drawn away from the main thing and we'll get very specific when I start preaching you could not use the word latter rain in the pulpit unless it was disparagingly and it's a biblical word because there was a group some of them very sincere but others that went to extremes in the operation of the so-called gifts and weird stuff so anybody that was a little different these latter rain and we I'm telling you we couldn't even use the word for years and it was a good word and we chased that for a long time wouldn't we ever learn that just because an acre and fell on the head of one chicken that the sky is not falling why if the whole barnyard in an uproar nope don't throw any shoes at me I'm not George Bush [Music] and you're not the Taliban money no we've been pushed out of shape over this so called emerge emergent movement let me read you what Christianity today largest evangelical magazine in the world said this month the emerging movement is either decentralizing or disintegrated it was just a buzzword it's if I had they didn't know what they meant I don't know what they meant I hope we emerge from this place a relevant Apostolic Church on our journey to the greatest revival we have ahead don't let a few idiots ruin some good words [Applause] [Music] how you know that because I've made that mistake so many times with a bro 10 you're gonna be criticized don't worry when you're criticized worry if you're not being criticized there they were still in the storm nothing to get navigate by all human navigation systems out of sync they couldn't see the stars of the moon that's what they navigated by and finally everything human was gone hey there are some people who are all flesh and no spirit but no one is all spirit and no flesh and all of us occasionally are gonna make a mistake and they couldn't see anything to navigate by and they had one prophetic voice that that knew and finally he said man you should have listened are you ready to listen now yeah we're ready we're ready but this whole thing is kind of crazy son you're right it ain't very far from glory to goofy [Applause] I've seen some people that began glory and ended up goofy that's why you need somebody in your life they can pull your coattail and say straighten up some of you fellas typing right now I pulled your copay off and I was raised by SL wise and CG weeks and they had never studied psychology or psychiatry and they thought that was the ending words of a pack [Applause] that's right is that right they didn't know a whole lot about it and pilot Paul said fellas you better eat eat know after the storms blown the professional out of us and the seminars are blown away from you and the books on psychology are blown off of you all the ill advice of your so-called friends have blown from you and trying to redefine the gospel has gone down the tubes you've been blowing off course some have a vision state but but no vision and finally you're ready and I'm ready to listen to the voice of God if you cannot hear God's voice you cannot lead God's people if you cannot hear God's voice you cannot leave God's people if you cannot hear God's voice you cannot leave God's people if you cannot hear God's voice you cannot leave and I'm not talking about anything they'll contradict this they'll coincide with this every time we've got to be sensitive to the Apostolic and the prophetic and what God is currently saved you know Peter mentioned this present truth I don't have time to go into an exegesis on that but there are some truths that surfaced from the present and I believe that returned to the Apostolic and an acceptance and a maturing and a passion Concord blow everything out of us except a passion for the gospel of the grace of God and the power of that just blow it all out of us Oh everything learn everything you can I thought a seminar there's nothing wrong with that but when the last line is written it's not by power not by might but it's by my spirit saith the Lord no boundaries just possibilities no boundaries just possibilities take the limits off the atonement and all of this don't forget your core values let me tell you something let me put in a plug for white steeple bookstore I've been teaching a lesson on core values I explain the difference between personal values traditional values core values and how they're necessary go get it now help you understand what we're operating in today and how to stay centered on the main things incidentally I got a new book water from an old well since I'm not preaching next year go read it
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 56,022
Rating: 4.6070318 out of 5
Keywords: Because Of The Times, BOTT, T. F. Tenney
Id: 4PEFcbkh9LM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 53sec (2453 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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