Vesta Layne Mangun - "Don't Waste Your Time"

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in this world in this troubled world what a message we have for this troubled world oh please be joyful in him tonight his joy he bequeathed to us just before he left and you know what his peace is in the midst of the storm his peace is when he was facing Calvary that was his joy he saw beyond all of this there's something we've come to church for tonight folks there's something that we're living for there's something great ahead for us this war may be seeking this war may be crumbling but you and I are on the solid rock and on Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking say and give him a Handclap of praise oh how beautiful thank you coming join me later thank you thank you and just keep standing for a minute just for a minute or so did they not bring us to the heavenlies tonight glared can't be he can't be beat just can't be beat he can sing he can play that whatever and he can preach and he can teach and he can't reach he can do it all what a man that God has given us but we are so thankful tonight yes and now you may be seated thank you we are so thankful tonight to have Marty Meili with us one of the finest men you will ever meet and he is the candidate for the Attorney General and how many of you will as he stands raised your hand toward him and say we will be playing for you Marty and we want God to lead you and guide you and direct you and give you faith and give you courage and let the blessings of the Lord rest upon you and may he have his way with Marty Meili give him a good hand clap Thank You Marty and I told him I said after we introduce you Marty it's a bad night please slip out so if he gets tired of your meeting slip out but you know who else I'm glad is here tonight it's little old sweet Martin's beautiful little sister and she's in the back back there with her wonderful sister-in-law karlie I'm going to ask you to stand if you don't mind she's such a pretty little thing too around and look at her that is our sweet that is our yeah is that he back there with you oh my goodness let's give let's give him a hand he got out of the hospital to come here tonight with his sister well that makes me think that you're prettier since I've seen your pretty sister pretty runs in your family pretty well here I am aren't you blessed when they don't have anybody else bless their little sweethearts and may God let me live thank you feel he drove all the way in here tonight to hear me he'd uh never come but he came tonight that's not true I don't have any miles he drives but he's here every time these church doors are open and never misses never but I want to confess to you tonight that I may not sound as prepared I may but I may not sound as prepared as usual because I always want to come to the pulpit totally prepared but my message I've prepared for tonight and Judah can tell you she stayed here after hours to complete it for me yesterday evening but at five o'clock last evening when I learned of that Isis burning alive that young handsome skilled pilot and then even hanging others with their intentions to come home I cannot tell you what came over me if I've ever felt like breaking my alabaster box on this generation it came on me yesterday evening at five o'clock I want to pour out my soul in prayer I want to pour out my love I want to spread everything that's left in me to my generation wherever I go and whomever I meet I want to give them all I've got because this is a sick sick world that's why the Attorney General is stepping up and saying I'd like to be your candidate so this is a marked generation and last evening I did a prayer for that boy's family because that would be something too overcome but I've come to tell you tonight we are in a special season it's my writing no typing it's too sacred to waste or to take for granted and I'm not going to if the devil is that bad and that mad I don't want to be less concerned or whatever I should say angry in the spirit when I look around on all that's going on in this world we ought to give all that we've got in this hour and I'm looking at you straight in the eye every one of you I hope you're sitting up and listening we ought to give everything we've got in prayer in love in witnessing in doing everything we can to encourage people inspire them this world is drowning in a sea of fear and hopelessness and depravity and promiscuity and godlessness the foundation of the righteous is being destroyed people people people for whom Jesus died they're looking for someone to throw them a life preserver a life jacket just anyone who will offer them hope or just a smile or just a look or just a shaking hand you've got to be wide awake folks that they're wanting to know even how to stay afloat they're not asking for much they just want somebody to help them they're hurting they're bruised they're forgotten they're lonely they're abandoned they're sick they're afflicted they're diseased and there are so many people living in despair and hopelessness all around us you don't have to be a foreign missionary you can go next door it's a mission and you're needed everybody under the sound of my voice and many many more and this campus is well populated tonight but we need God we need God like we have never needed God a doctor in this city talked to me last it was the system errand after sister barren towns funeral he called me and I was in the car came by here and he brother Mangan's office but he said that he fell down on his face and just buried his face in the floor and cried out to God and repent to God I'm telling you the pressure is on people and people are feeling that something is about to happen and they really want to be ready and many of them don't know how to turn they don't know where to go they don't who to ask they don't know what that they don't know how to handle all of this news that they're hearing all I'm telling you is that we are responsible we hold the key your name is on some persons life that only you could ever help or bless I can't do what you can do you say it Vesta manga that's Dominion can't do what you can do I don't even have the talents that many of you sitting out there have but I've offered myself to God every ounce of strength I said to make it going out the door and she'd been here all day and I said to her I said Miki don't eat just popcorn and get into skinny like you did when you first started this Messiah and all I was telling her that far was to just tell her we've got to spare ourselves if we possibly can because we're going to be needed in the next few weeks or months more than we are tonight and I hope you feel that there's a load there's a there's a whoa there's there's a something upon us and and people people are feeling it and they don't know where to turn and they don't know what to do so perhaps they have fallen into a satanic trail they don't know how to come out of it many have others have tasted of God's mercy and forgiveness but now they feel that the Lord has forsaken them others are enslaved by an evil habit or despairing over trouble in their home or personal life so many parents grieving over their children caught up in drugs or alcohol in with the wrong crowd no matter what they say no matter how bound they are by sin no matter their laughter or parity to spiritual things deep inside they're hurting deeply I'm crying on the tonight they need to hear that God loves them and is pursuing them and all they have to do is turn around and fall into his arms he's there they need to hear you say that to them you do not need to be in the you you're not the District Attorney or you're not that you're the defense attorney you're not the prosecutor we're not here to judge we're here to reach for anybody and everybody wherever they don't need that they don't need they don't need any condemnation they just need to hear that God loves them and that God is pursuing them and that God will forgive them and that God will help them and restore them he will heal I am so glad Martin's here tonight but Martin I'm going to ask you to help me pray for little old Terry Bollinger Keeton today crying over that phone and me talking in tongues and trying to play authoritative Lee because it was ringing me out she's had a portion of one of her kidneys removed because of cancer the cancer has come back on her I wish this whole church would join me in praying for that I'm telling Martin that because he would have a feeling for someone in that condition so they need to hear love and forgiveness and restoration not wrath and condemnation say we are agents of reconciliation say that loudly with me so you'll know that that's who you are we are agents of a reconciliation God not only reconciled us to himself through Jesus Christ but also committed to us the Ministry of reconciliation the ministry of reconciliation emphasizes contacts outreach and relationships verse 19 says God has also committed to us the message of reconciliation so that emphasizes content we are the company of the reconciled this church is a Center of deliverance I don't care how many in here are rotten or wrong I don't care how messed up I would be or you it is still a place of deliverance it's a place where people can be healed it's a place where they can be loved it's a safe place it's a place where they can be helped we must be examples of a reconciliation only a reconciled Church can reach an alienated anchor las' world and second Peter OH when I think about him I know that anybody anybody and he and even Paul thank God for their salvation but 2nd Peter 3:11 says seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of people are we to be in all holy conversation and godliness knowing what's going on in this world don't waste your time don't waste your hours don't waste a moment of time your family is hanging on you this church is depending on you this city this nation this this our state all of them are looking to us and you and I have something that we brag about but it's not yours to keep it belongs to everybody it's a hot commodity don't let the Lord come back with it in your hands get rid of it it belongs to everybody in this world God so loved the world save the world and there are 40 group peoples that have never heard they don't have an opportunity so you know what the Lord said and Ezekiel recorded it 34 and 16 the Lord said I will seek that which is lost here that the Lord God of heaven who incarnated himself that's what the Incarnation is all about the Incarnation the celebration of Christmas is all about God becoming a man to seek and to save the Lost and to die for the sins of this world and he says Ezequiel I will seek that which is lost and I will bring again that which was driven away anybody that was hurt and I will bind up that which was broken how the Lord God will do that and I was strengthened that that was sick but I will destroy the fat and the strong and I will feed them with judgment so you leave all of that in God's hands but say I will join my lord tonight I will join my Lord tonight yes I will feel yes I will I will join my Lord tonight and I will say to him I will go and seek the lost with you oh I'm moving my feet because I'm mourning I'm wanting to do that and I will say to him tonight I will help you bring that which is driven away is that not good and I will say with him I too will go with you to bind up that which was broken and I will strengthen that which was sick so I will do every bit of that that I possibly can do because they're hurting the hurting so we cannot afford to miss our God appointed time and Commission to reach for the Lost the MIAA and pastor has especially as the announce that he has a special message for this Sunday he has a special message for this Sunday and he's warning us to be here safe full-fledged with everybody we can bring SE mi a's all of the back sliders and if they're even lukewarm and let me tell you of course this campus is full tonight and thank god but let me just tell you when people lose the desire to go to church they need the Holy Ghost that we brag about having if it's an apostolic command to be filled with it they filled even if you get low and you and a lessening of a desire to go to church and be with God's people there are people that drive 45 miles 30 miles of whatever to get here I want to be one that can sing with David I was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house of the Lord I want to be able to stay with David I'd rather be a doorkeeper I'd rather be a doorkeeper in this place than to dwell in the tents of the wicked for a day in our courts is better than a thousand elsewhere aren't you glad that you're in church tonight I'm so thankful that I've got an opportunity to be in church and even those of another persuasion I'd love to tell them you have done wonderfully well and what you have has worked but I want to tell you that there is still something more I tell myself there's something more for me and there's something more for everybody even if I just need a refilling of the Holy Ghost so we are each of us and I'm not going to be much longer - not really you're going to get out of here early but I wanted to unburden my soul and tell you how this was eating me up and I don't know whether I will ever be the same or not really because I thought that I'd put I played in front of this pulpit again today but let me just tell you I want my prayers I told the Lord this I said god I'm 89 years old oh that's what I said to make you when I was coming through I said Mick I'm 18 she said Lane will you be eight when will it be I said March the 3rd I'll be 89 I said that's 12 months from 90 I said let that grab you that's just 12 months from 90 look at me I want to go to church I want to go to church field I want to play I want to come to this house I want to come to this house and play Yvonne I want you to stand I'm not going to embarrass you but I just encourage for 9 years that woman has been in this church unless she was out of town you may be seated and has played a 3-hour prayer shift every day every day every day every day every day for nine years do you know what a lot of the feeling that you hear and ministers come to this pulpit and preach do you know that the players that have gone up as a sweet-smelling sava before the Lord and the clouds are full of players they're poured out on us in these why don't you just raise your hands and thank God for that that is an awesome thing to sit in this place where somebody has 23 hours a day for nine years in this place with all of the other pardon me with all of the other prayers that's going on in this place go ahead and clap your hands I that's what I feel like doing I really I really didn't even feel like speaking tonight I just I'm sorry I just felt like wailing I just felt like crying out and I know what David did I know his he cried out about it he said I cried out to the Lord and he heard me so he's hearing me tonight and he's pleading through me to you that we will join him in searching out that that's been driven away and that that's lost and that that's broken those that are sick and need strengthening so let us just continue to commit to carry out our commitment of Prayer say I've got a commitment come on raise your hand say I've got a commitment of Prayer Sarah you've never you've never failed say I'm not going to stop now say I'm going to get worse if they're getting what if the ices are getting worse see you don't win they'll hit Alexandra do you how would you like to be burned up how would you I would have shown the burning up of the boy because I had Gail to secure that that she's already shown but all I'm telling you I didn't want to frighten these children because it's a horrible thing can you imagine that and then hanging that beautiful girl that thought she was on her way home field did that tear any of you all up when you heard that then you don't know what's going to happen to all of these that we've got a chance with now we have the opportunity say the door is open it hasn't closed on us yet I've got the chance to go with my lord who said I will go and seek them out myself any years you know when they ran that boy out of the synagogue that that He healed and that's a wonderful thing to be healed it's a wonderful thing to have Matthew 25 but it's a greater after that we feed them to feed their soul and get them ready for the rapture so we're going to do all of that too but you know that Jesus followed that boy outside and completed that salvation with him all I'm telling you is that God's after people he doesn't care if you run him off he's going to chase them down he's been running out for since for four thousand years soon be six thousand years he's been running after me he split his feet his hands were split wide open all of that for every one of us that's why you get the promise of the Father in fact that's what I was going to speak unto now it's an awesome subject it's an awesome subject it was it was prophesied in joelle but when jesus just before he left him he said you go tarry until you the promise of the father the promise of the father was after Jesus had completed the atonement and the burial and the resurrection and the Ascension said you can't receive the Holy Ghost till I get back because then you will get my ghost you will get my spirit my same resurrection power it's an awesome thing what you have sitting in this room tonight it's an awesome gift that God has risked you with and you know what he risked it in an earthen vessel that could break anytime and spill the contents and many do but let me tell you he risked it in this body I have a treasure I have a treasure in this earthen vessel so we we must do what I am begging you to do say do it now or we may never get to do it so I had to speak a little bit in Melbourne teens homegoing service it was there he led there singing and it was beautiful he should be on the payroll because he's starting every funeral now with singing he's wonderful isn't he we love you Phil but when I spoke and it just came to me you can it just came to me one knock on one door it came to me had my little remarks typed but it just came in one knock on one door and I wish you'd have seen all that family there and I was the one who knocked on that door and that that Colonel what was he feel lieutenant colonel and he and his wife and then he had gone on to be with the Lord transferred to plan them all out of here God stopped them by here to get saved but I just I looked at that family and so feel the reason that I called out Chuck he was there and heard me I said Chuck I'm for going all protocol and and everything but it was Jimmy's son Bobby and valve over here but Jimmy was sitting there and his lovely sister and the dad couldn't come because he's ill and I said Chuck and I spoke with him personally when I got through when we closed the service that day I went straight to Chuck and I hugged him and stayed with him awhile do you know I stayed with him and you know that that's going to last and you know if somebody would pick that up wherever they are and I won't name the place but if they'd pick that up and going with it Chuck and his sister would be right in there just like that that's what I'm talking about folks say I've got that opportunity here don't back up from nothing or nobody if you love people I haven't seen Chuck since he was a little bitty boy stirred there's a handsome man I just went right to him after I dressed him in the pulpit field and let me tell you what else I said to Bob in Bell and Velvets a grandson and here's the little girl that he's engaged to gorgeous she's beautiful and so I pulled him down and loved him and played over him I said now I don't want to be overbearing but I want to tell you you've been exposed to this but she hasn't promised me you'll give her a chance just to be exposed he said I will that's all I'm telling you that's all I told that for let me tell you I've risked myself a many a time just to reach in there for so I stopped on Chester Street many years ago saw a big crowd there it was a horrible wreck I elbowed my way through the crowd me excuse me ma'am sorry I was going to get to that car was going to meet that family and when I got there there was a priest standing there and I was very courteous and I said if you don't mind I'm going to just stand right here I want to pray a prayer and I reached in there and blood was gushing from this woman's head now you believe me I'm standing in the house they've gone behind the pulpit I laid my hand on that woman and I said in the name of Jesus Christ I command this blood to stop because this family is going to hear the truth and I want you to give them a chance that blood stopped just as sure as I'm standing here talking to you now does that make me great no don't even think about that anymore you know what you know what's great is that I've got a name that's above every name that can be named in heaven and earth I've got a treasure on the inside of me that lets power flow out of me so I'm going to use that and not waste it so if there's a place where I can without being intrusive or obtrusive and and overbearing I'm going to get in there and do whatever I can just to expose them and let them feel something this great man and it wasn't political I can tell you that because I felt it when I came out of the office and he was sitting there waiting for pastor and I shook his hand he said you know what tell them what you said he said I felt something come through you to me and I felt it and you know what I believe that I will tell you why I believe it I claim to have it and if I don't I sure want to get it because I believe you need it and it's so wonderful I don't want anybody to live without it so raise your hands right now and say I want to touch somebody with this I want to touch somebody tomorrow I want to help somebody here this weekend let this service redound to the glory of God and let us continually commit to this so hear the words of Isaiah 30 to 20 we must sow beside all waters a sower in Matthew 13 went forth to sow and he just went flinging his his seed just everywhere you go just just scatter your seed they're out there everywhere say they're out there everywhere the hurting and and just so beside all waters don't just pick and choose and Ecclesiastes this is Solomon smartest wisest richest Ecclesiastes as his assessment on life this is the eleventh chapter verse 4 and verse 6 he that observed it the wind will not sow and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap but in the morning so thy seed and in the evening with hole not thine hand for thou knowest not whether shall prosper either this or that or whether they both shall be alike good folks I'm telling you you cannot you cannot reap where you have not sown I can take every scripture we use even second Corinthians 9 about five and eight and long group of scriptures there it's about giving I can prove to you that if you will do that even for the reaching of people it'll work if financial rules will work about sowing in the kingdom financially sowing in the kingdom the love and the reaching and the sowing of the word for reaching of souls that it'll work in the name of Jesus let this little message tonight sink into your heart and soul and say tomorrow I'll be looking for somebody to pray for to love to say well let's pray about that right now and Solomon the wisest and the richest one will tell you that all else is what what did he wind up field say it out loud said again vanity vanity is all is vanity and he's just in his 50s late fifties when he leaves this world and had all of that you know what he said now look at all I've had it all had it all nothing under the Sun but he said it's not under the Sun so we want to share that with everybody and just know this the first day Jesus was ever announced he began winning souls study follow the pattern throughout the Gospels even going out of his way to win that woman of ill repute who had been married five times in the man with whom she was presently living she had no marriage contract so read her story in John the fourth chapter and guess what she's the first one that ever recognized him as Messiah Messiah you're the Messiah yes and I have water to drink that you've never you come here to get this natural water but I've got water to drink that you will never thirst again and I went out of my way to teach my disciples against prejudices I went out of my way to reach you oh my goodness he was reaching for even died on Calvary reaching for a thief a malefactor he was reaching for a man that was a no-good man all I want to tell you is say Christianity I'm a Christ entity Christianity I'm a Christ entity say that's what my Jesus did the first day was announced then goes out of his way to reach this woman and guess what she wakes up the city of Samaria where Philip is going to go to one of the seven deacons filled with the Holy Ghost started a revival citywide revival total joy filled the city but guess who triggered it this woman who'd been married five times that Jesus went out of his way to reach say there's nobody he comes I wish somebody'd shout with me like I do all these preachers when they're up here you do oh you're you're you're enthralled in what I'm saying that's what it is I thought I'd help you out a little bit I thought I'd layer there you are I didn't even know you were in here you're the best but you know what she woke that city up and prepared it for a citywide revival that little woman and the reason she wrecked her life she was looking for what Jesus brought her she don't ever wind up that way she was looking for something that she didn't have and there's a hole in every man's heart there's a hole in everybody's heart that doesn't that only he will feel and only he will fit nothing else will fit you can circumnavigate this whole world you will never find it see it feel it get it if the wisest richest most wonderful head at all said it ain't Under the Sun let me just use that it ain't under the Sun it's all above the Sun he said it's all vanity and vexation of the spirit so I've got to rush along here I didn't know I was going to go this long but it's a hold of you doesn't it so Jesus they offer brought him back a sandwich they'd probably had one of those McDonald's there and they brought him back one and they brought him back one and he said no thank you my meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work look at me by the helping grace of God I'm going to finish mine in his mediatorial high priestly prayer in John 17 about verse 4 or 5 he said I have finished the work thou gavest me to do and I've got a work yet to do I wouldn't be living God spared me and yes he did and my meat is to do the will of him that has sent me and the boy said oh he must have already eaten he said no you don't understand I'm telling you say not ye that there are four months and then cometh the harvest behold I say unto you lift up your eyes and look on the fields but there ready to be harvested if you can't see that it's harvest time if there ever was a great hour for the church it's now if this is not the finest hour for the church we've never had one people are looking for somebody to throw them help help you can hear them crying ship ahoy ship ahoy help stop by here okay I'll go on but he that reapeth receiveth wages and gathereth fruit under life what eternal when you reach somebody with the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ they have eternal life if they die without eternal life I'm not going to talk about all of that so here's my wind-up and listen to me closely I'm winding up let's go tell them why don't we go leave here tonight in a different mode than our coming here and weeping and crying and saying getting some so and I love all of that but let me just let me just tell you this number one I'm going to go tell them that their sins are born of another I'm going to go tell them that he bore their sins in his own body on the tree and that we being dead to sins we can now live unto righteousness I'm going to go tell them that I'm going to go tell them that their sins can be cast behind God's back and that he will never remember them again and why should we remember them if he doesn't I'm going to go tell them that he tests my sins and he will theirs into the depths of the sea and Micah said he will have compassion upon us he will subdue our iniquities and thou will cast all of their sins into the depths of the sea do you know what that's a long way down there five miles some places and that is how complete your forgiveness is that communion that you took today oh my goodness you you should have come in here like this tonight I'm free my sins are forgiven again I messed up last week but thank God I repented and now they're all washed away I'm going to go tell them that my sins are completely covered blessed are they whose iniquities have and forgiven and whose sins are covered don't sit here and think that you are little sweet something that's never had to have your sins covered everlasting one of us has told a lie sometime about yes you have or you've inferred one or you've stood there and yeah you told it I'm telling you folks we need God's we need God we need him I'm going to go tell them I'm going to go tell them that their sins can be totally forgiven and you hath he quickened together with him having forgiven you all your trespasses that's that's powerful to me I don't wake anybody up I'm going to go tell them and I'm just about through layered I'm going to go tell them your sins are no longer imputed because Romans foreign eight says blessed is the man in whom the Lord will not impute sin my sin isn't charged to me because it has been charged to somebody else and that somebody else is my Redeemer my Savior the Lord Jesus Christ it's just as if I had never seen he's justified me and I'm going to go tell them they aren't remembered any longer I'm going to go tell them they're blotted out I even the Lord have blotted out your transgressions I'm going to go tell them that you can be delivered you can be pardoned you can be purged it can all be put away I'm going to tell them it can be remitted and guess what David said David said in Psalm 103 and 12 as for me as far pardon me as far as the east is from the west so far hath he removed our transgressions from us now that's David he believed it he prayed it he wrote the most beautiful prayer of repentance in Psalm 51 just believe it tonight say I can be forgiven and anybody else wherever I see them tomorrow they've been pardoned they can be pardoned your sins can be cancelled erased removed cannot be found oh I know the enemies of your soul they search relent ashle to try to discover my trespasses and they filed charges against me their accusers of the brother but my justification depends upon God's ability to destroy all the evidence he doesn't even leave any evidence is that not wonderful let me tell you and I'm closing let me tell you say if when Peter whacked off that high priests servant's ear Malekith when he did that Jesus just picks that up and put it back on there because he knew that Peter was going to preach that message on the day of Pentecost and he removed the evidence there's no evidence that he ever cut that ear off is that not wonderful oh my word you ought to be Oh learn did I do good can I help you feel that I do good why don't you stand everybody all I wanna know the reason that I want to do good say I want somebody here tonight I wish you'd raise your hands and say you can count on me I'm not gonna bring you up here I want you to go out these doors yeah your hands are raised so you can count on me so I'm gonna be different I'm gonna be different I'm going to do what you told us to do this crowd you all done that look good lad go tell it on the mountain over the hills tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ want you to get over them don't tell it everywhere Oh tell me oh just my my did you everywhere go tell it on the pile Jesus Christ is born layer but over the years I want somebody to live there boys because I want to feel that prayer myself I want you to pray for every one of them somebody lift your voice and pray for every one of us I want strength to come into my body I want anointing to be on my face I want it to flow through my hands yeah shout it out I wish you would shout that out I wish you would shout it out I wish you would let the glory of the Lord feel you thrill you change you give you bonus give you strength to step forward and tell somebody Jesus Christ is Lord for Jesus Jesus I trust him singing ha with your sister for grace to trust oh let the ministers join me here feel a very close friend and keep singing it Laird I feel that sweet presence I feel that healer in the house I feel the man that supper 39 strived for our healing I'm feeling in the house oh I can't hardly stand it I can't my sympathy won't do it we do try Jesus Jesus I trust him hi grazie to try Oh I know how many of you will continue to play for this family but become more desperate like I did last evening at five o'clock I cannot tell you that turning wrong side outwards we need somebody to turn themselves as it were wrong side outwards for these families oh my god oh my god yes do you feel something here tonight do you feel that you've been that your desire is heightened it's heightened that you want to do more for those go to help I want to save this precious wife she knows she knows oh god don't ever lose Fame say keep on believing when there's life there's hope and I know people they've gone to death's door and they were healed and God can do it again god bless you but before you leave this house acknowledge the throne and say God you brought us into a holy place tonight you brought us into a holy place acknowledge the throne they keep us Lord go with us give us give us favor give us favor give us favor a blesses and help us you you
Channel: Azusa Street 1906
Views: 72,693
Rating: 4.8595371 out of 5
Keywords: upci preaching, apostolic doctrine, prayer and fasting, anthony mangun, BOTT preaching, Because of the times 2015, Gerald Archie Mangun (Deceased Person), vesta mangun, nayc, nayc 2019
Id: FyOA9DqmpNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 46sec (2866 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2015
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