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well now that summer's in full swing i've been meaning to jump at any chance i can get to get back out here to this shelter get back out into nature life gets in the way sometimes i have other responsibilities other things i need to do but we want to get back out here and this is the perfect chance because i've partnered up with moosehead they're on a mission to inspire canadians to cross those tasks they've also been pushing off their to-do list to earn a beer with their name on it for real so maybe you're not an outdoors expert maybe you've never even pitched a tent before but you've been dreaming about exploring nature on your own i'm hoping that with a little extra encouragement and some tips from me you can do that outdoorsy adventure you've been meaning to do life will always be there things will always get in the way but that accomplished feeling of getting stuff done is worth it so i asked you all on instagram like a month ago what you'd like to see me do what you'd like to see me like help you walk through outdoorsy style i got a lot of good comments a lot of good suggestions but one that stood out a lot to me and moose said we got kept seeing that uh comment was how to do your first solo camp so stick with me on this video we're gonna do it together so first let's address the elephant in the room i got two backpacks i'm not very far away from home and not very far away from my car either right so this is a how to solo camp i wanted to give a few options of different things hence couple backpacks couldn't fit everything inside it first thing i want to say make sure someone knows where you're going to go again this is first time solo camping right you want to be safe you want someone to know so you leave a note with your loved one someone you can trust whatever the case may be at home you write down where you're going to be if they know that area you can be kind of vague if they don't know then give specifics right another option is you can also leave a note on your car there's pros and cons both of that right i'm camping means like hey i'm away from my car it's here but another another thing is like oh if like some of the authority sees it they understand like oh this guy's just camping everything's fine so who knows i know john leaves a note in his car i tend not to i'm not far away from my truck like i said so i can bail if i need to this is the thing that i want to stress more than anything if you're not having a good time if something wrong happens if you're getting allergic reaction to something whatever the case may be if it starts thunderstorming and you're not prepared for it you just don't want to be there it's okay to leave you know what i mean i'm not going to be unimpressed by you you don't have anyone to impress about yourself you're doing this for your own well-being you're doing this for your own safety and you're out here to have fun right so if you're not having fun bail come back better prepared next time or maybe camping's not for you who knows you know what i mean but you only help yourself if you have an easy way out that said my walk to the car is 10 minutes from here not rough at all i can carry both backpacks i carry one in the hand if i need to or make two trips i made two trips on the way in we're back at my um shelter that i built in this early spring when it was still like ice on the ground as you can see it fell the tripods behind fell the the the ridge pole is all good but um i wanted to come back out here and check on it this is part of the thing right like getting up off your butt and going and doing the things you need to do want to do i've wanted to come out here other things have been in the way i want i've been canoe tripping and uh belt of salmonella wasn't great but now i'm back out here right checking on this it's no good we can build it up again another time that's not for this trip with this trip is for solo tripping or sorry solo camping your first time so i'm going to set up a couple different shelters and kind of give you the the pluses and negatives of all of them i'm going to cook up some food show you how i do things in a little bit more involved way i'm just going to get a bit of bug spray on here beforehand because the mosquitoes i'm deep in the bush here and everything is situational and locational and seasonal dependent right right now it's middle of june in a thick bush where there's not really much breeze coming through right so there's going to be bugs there will be bugs so let's just dump everything out we'll talk about it all up pretty briefly and then into detail with some stuff so a backpack is super important right the backpack allows you to carry all your goods and it doesn't have to be anything fancy this is like a bushcraft style one but i used like a jan sport from walmart for the longest time and if you look on the bottom here a good way to attach your bed roll or your blanket whatever sleeping bag this bag is just with some knots with some paracord tied to the bottom and almost all backpacks have little loops on the bottom even if they're not outdoorsy backpacks and again that's what i did for the longest time i was using canadian tire um and walmart gear jansport whatever the case may be so these are just canadian jam knots i've used them lots on my channel you can see them all over my channel i don't have a water source here so i brought my own water in that's another thing you have to think of if you're near a lake that's cool if you're not you're gonna have to lug your water in another reason to maybe not walk too far on your first trip again situational area seasonal dependent a lot of this stuff is going to be that i'm not going to sit here and bore you going through everything let's set some stuff up i got my new tent that i've never used before excuse me by z packs i've got a small sigma pad to go with it i've got a hammock and then i've got a tarp so let's set up three separate shelters i'm thinking that's a good spot for my tent when you're looking for a spot for your tent you want it to be as flat as possible right which is a good spot here here is even flatter but it's down it's about a half a foot below up here so if it's raining and rains any substantial amount this will pool more so than up there situational dependent also you want to look for any widowmakers that's live those are all live it's all good to go none of that is a concern because because in high winds things can fall down branches can fall down and dead tops of trees and stuff but all this looks good to me here so especially because this tent is very lightweight and made of pretty lightweight material and it's new i don't want to puncture the bottom it's always a good idea to clear out a space and or bring a ground sheet with it you can use something like tyvec or even like little plastic sheet would help but i don't have one with me so i'm going to clear out the ground as much as possible i found a root here that i didn't know was there so that's good too it's not good that the root is there it's good to find it so a roughly clear the size of a footprint that i think i roughly have with this tent looks about right here so i believe this is called the z-packs soloplex i bought this they did not send it to me because i've heard nothing but good things it's super lightweight it's made of cuban fiber and this is going to replace my big agnes tent that i always use on canoe trips it came with or i added a carbon fiber pole you could also use a trekking pole but i don't normally bring trekking poles on canoe trips or backpacking trips but this is the right size anyways got two little rubber pieces on it so we're good here's the magic i gotta fix that a bit oh this goes forward these tensioners are pretty cool let's check it out it's kind of leaning forward a bit i'm gonna have the angle a bit wrong but you can see out of it super lightweight i'll check the specs but look it's got a bathtub floor got ventilation all the way around letting bugs in like crazy but it's bigger oh popped out it's bigger than my uh bigger than my big agnes a little agnes next we'll set up the hammock a good practice is to get comfortable with a saw a couple different kinds of saws that you can use this is a silky big boy it's a couple benefits of this is that it's light it cuts very well and it's relatively packable small downsides is ninety percent of people break the tips off or bend these saws very easy to do that with they cut on the pull i believe cutting the pull and the push but mostly on the pull and if you only stop like say the log is log is this big around you want like say it's longer you want to stop like about there you don't want to go all the way to the end with the saw my point is you want to stop like there so you don't accidentally do one of these jam it get comfortable with the saw it's a lot safer to use than axe but in my opinion it acts as a very very very useful tool to know how to use and and get you farther than i saw but if you want to be by yourself and not have to worry about it and stuff a saw is the way to go so this is the silky and this is the agua canyon boreal 21 or 24 this is a 24 comes in 24 inch 21 inch and 15 inch or something along those lines i think the small one is uh i'd rather have the medium-sized one than the small one but if i could only have one i'd get this big bad boy benefits there's nothing to lose drawbacks is a little bit heavier but this is a freaking bad ass saw not necessary all the time so you can see that like for more serious wood processing i'd use that but for stuff like this like watch this like one one or two stripe uh saws and it's dealing with most of these twigs oh my goodness this is a big okay this is another bonus i'll show you this so all these limbs i'm cutting off already dead i'm just making way for my hammock to not get poked but check this out this is all pitch this is spruce pitch and this is good for starting fires nice that will help us to start the fire quite a bit oh he smokes nice another useful tip is just like collect things whenever you see them you know i mean if you're walking around you see a birch tree or something like good fire whatever if you're close to your camp just grab it some of the stickiest stuff on earth right there [Music] okay now i can use all this for kindling as well it rained quite a bit last night so anyways this is dry enough so again it's good to learn things different things for different scenarios for the longest time guys you know this i wasn't a hammock guy but there are applications where it's super useful i absolutely love it now and i would not have even had this experience if i didn't try it out but it's all about finding what works for you in what situation and part of that reason that i couldn't stand hammocks before was that i was using a sleeping pad inside the hammock because i couldn't even understand the concept of an underquilt there were so many strings coming off it and bungees and stuff i was overwhelmed as i often get but with just a little bit of practice and teaching i can understand that all of these are just a jumbled mess and you don't really even need to worry about them there's just hooks that you hook onto either side for the most part at least like obviously you do have to mess with them if you want to tighten it or loosen it or whatever the case may be but it's just common sense after a while and if you're not scared of it kind of like i was and it's not such a big deal so this makes all the difference in the world you just don't want to put all your weight on that obviously so when you're getting in sitting on the hammock itself this has a bug net this weighs not much and in on canoe traps and and things like that where it's hot hot weather this is going to keep you cooler than a tent is the tent is like a sauna this is off the ground and you can take the quilt off right the undercoat off and get that convection that breeze coming through and hitting you on your backside whipping through this don't put a tarp up if it's super hot or do put a tarp up if you want some shade whatever the case may be very versatile i'm actually able to fit my sleeping bag and my underquilt in this uh stuff sack so that's obviously lightweight ones but it's a bonus these are c to summit still nylon stuff sacks or compression sacks they're my favorite i've been using them for years they are not that durable to be honest with you but if you take care of them they'll last you a few years look at that compared to this stuff sack wild this weighs like feels like a piece of paper gearball okay let's get one more shelter up that's a cool setup [Applause] now under that possibilities are endless right you can put a bivvy bag in this type of weather you put a bivvy bag with a screen mesh and you can camp out under that and that's a pretty light setup for a trip right it's not the most comfortable thing to be honest with you to be stuck under a baby bag all night trying to escape bugs when you could be in a tent or a hammock that has more room but if weight is your super if weight is a concern this is a pretty good setup and it's slick if you like camping under a tarp which i do this is a slick setup and you can camp all year round under it you don't need a bivvy in three quarters of the year whenever the bugs aren't there you don't need it right but this is a nice setup and this can set up as an a-frame and be more of a tent as well you can close the sides in but this is a good size you can fit two people person and a dog easily ah piss you could also cook under here with a little stove like a little twig stove which i brought um stoves are cool for the longest time i didn't use them i just used fire but it's not always applicable sometimes there's a fire ban sometimes you're in a hurry sometimes wood is scarce sometimes sometimes you just got to be hurt quick so um nothing wrong with a twig stove and or a little butane stove isobutane stove a little pocket rocket msr type thing nothing wrong with that at all i use that often especially in the morning too like if you want to get stuff done but you can get your chair under here if it's raining chill out under here you know what i mean i can go way farther back especially i can pull this back if i wanted make a little button in there and pull it back get some more uh space this is pretty slick well i'm really hungry and i've got some good food to cook up so let's get that done i um i already showed you guys my saws these are two different axes i brought now axes can range big time you can get your own axe and fix it up and i've done that your old own old axe head picks it up put it on a handle that's a lot of fun it's very rewarding sometimes 90 of times if you get the right head you're going to have a better x than you could buy new but anyways if you are going to buy one top of the line in my opinion grants for his brook skin and even for his axe do everything you want with this thing except for like split a ton of wood with it i've marked mine up i've been out on plenty of day on plenty of dates with it and i've got probably about 15 or so notches in there for each day i've been out with it i've been out with it more but those were extended times but anyways that's a nice axe but that's like expensive man maybe upwards of 200 dollars i don't remember but a lot of money for an axe um you can get a fiskars axe a fisker's axe is great a little gerber axe all that stuff works really well this is something i picked up at the local hardware store this is a husqvarna uh 19 inch carpenters axe it's brand new obviously saw the tags on it was 100 bucks 99.99 you can see it there so it's still not extremely cheap but less than half the price of that one and check it out it's pretty cool it's got a carpenter head on it flat sharpen it up a bit because you could use a little bit more but we're going to test this out just as a different option today and use that with our saws so that's all that i wanted to mention to you about water one more time a good filter a good filter would be something that you can carry around easily and that you can rely on and this be free has been one of the better ones i've used personally anyways that said again there's no water here so i'm just drinking this home home brew you know i had a i got a disposable uh water bottle there too full so we won't go too hard on this um let's go get some firewood not a bad idea to keep some trail mix or cliff bar or granola bar energy so you can grab it pretty easily you don't really want to put off eating or drinking water if you can help it so there's some birch bark that's a score we don't have to rip it off a tree or anything got some here i'll bring it back and chop it up probably have to get some more but pretty easy something else i do is not in this situation because i'm right here i always take note of landmarks in case i get turned around i don't have my compass on me my gps or whatever um just different weird trees or broken off branches or things the way things are growing uh oddly are good reminders of uh points of interest wood selection is a question i get asked pretty often how do you know what good wood is or uh what what's dead or what's good to burn so this doesn't look like the greatest on the outside you saw when i broke it freaking when i got it just broke but you cut it and if you touch it with your lips you can feel if there's any kind of moisture in it it just feels damp on your lips and there is a little bit in this but i know that it will still burn so you cannot judge wood by its cover don't judge wood by its bark also i've got some questions or comments when i'm cutting wood like this you're seeing you're thinking it would pinch right because i'm pushing down here but i'm actually pushing on the outside of this putting pressure on the outside of this part when it's not too big of what it's easy to do i can do it with the back end of my hand see here it's not binding at all just falls but you can also obviously do it like this so that it just falls off the gravity tends to bounce or bounce around a little more a little bit more that way you can also do one of these wow not far from the highway you can do one of these or if you want to get fancy oh that's a there's a plane not a truck you can go oh that's that's really not great down there do one cut on that side one cut on that side one of these [Music] that works fine too just make sure your legs are far away see how i'm swinging there's no i'm not coming near myself all right if you do decide you want to use an axe and split wood down um it's not in the bush you're not going to find like a level splitting log like you do at home like you're gonna just put it here and it's gonna stay like this this doesn't normally happen so the process of going like this and splitting wood like that while sometimes you can do it nine times out of ten you're not gonna be able to find that but what you can do is lengthways either swing it down on it continue like that or you can it's nice to be on your knees when you do this to original head room you can hold it on itself the the wood on the blade bring them both down together as long as you keep your hand out of the way and just pop it pop lock and drop it batoning is also very acceptable depending on what crowd you run in i guess but as far as batoning you don't really want to get a piece of wood i don't know greater than half the length of your knife in diameter so try not to go through too many knots that way and if the wood's super dense maybe don't use the batoning method but again situational what it seems to be a theme seems to be a theme [Music] always a really good idea to brace up your fire um especially in this wet condition like this is this is wet this is wet so if we get our fire up off of the ground it'll give it a better chance to burn it'll get air under it like this too and yeah give ourselves every little chance we have getting it going i'll use this not so great wood as the base there we go okay spruce pitch that we got earlier remember the other piece went but anyways this will do look at that beauty look at that beauty [Applause] speaking of beauty i didn't bring her because it's supposed to be like a solo thing but i wouldn't uh worry about bringing a dog on a solo thing i think it's still considered solo for the most part so let's just mix this all up open it up a bit see if we can't light it up now i always carry a fire steel on me except for when i lose it but in the in the spirit of having this be a first time solo thing we'll just use a lighter you should always carry a lighter with your matches regardless before you start it's important to have all your stages laid out i've got the accelerant i've got some twigs to go on real dry twice going right after that i got the rest of my twigs here and then i have my fuel and it never hurts to add a little bit of feather sticks to some of the uh some of the logs there some of the fuel sometimes i'll even do this and pop them off and then use these with the original kindling you can see it's going pretty good now already bubbling i wonder how long it would just go for but there you go nature's fire starter and there's nothing wrong with bringing your own fire starter or not using fire starter at all you could just use a fire steel and and uh feather sticks if you wanted but this is good to know and you could i could use a tiny piece of this this is like overkill right look at it go but anyways now you know knowing is half the battle the more you know with joe marino joe yeah oh almost forgot my birth partner that's gonna do much now another seriously legit tip i would give you is to get yourself a sit pad this is a custom one but for the longest time i just used one of those foam puzzle pieces cut to the size i needed and it's good for fanning the fire and getting your butt off of the wet damp ground or log or whatever you're sitting on but super super super useful blue foam pad man blue foam pad even if it's not blue it's a blue foam pad right kyle that's super old school blue foam pad i got some goodies to cook for brunch here and then i got a good supper as well but i wanted to show you a couple different greasy a couple different options of what i like what you can do um people always ask me too like how do you bring steak out it's it's very simple you freeze it until the morning you leave and then you eat it on the first night it thaws out during the day it's totally fine especially in the summertime in the winter it won't it won't fall out so don't freeze it doesn't need to be but in the summertime any other time other than the winter freeze it take it out that morning that you leave eat it the first night and you're golden it's perfect it's a nice little treat that said you can do hot dogs as well you know what i mean there's nothing nothing saying you can't put a wiener on a stick and roast that over the fire that's totally acceptable too to this morning i got some bacon just again i took it out of the fridge this morning put a few pieces in a bag and i knew i was gonna eat it quickly so it's fine it's not even that hot today but still it's fine not worried about bacon and then what i did was i have some stuff in this this is a little cook pot so i instead of putting the lid on it and trying to keep it on like that i put a handkerchief over top of it and elastic over top of that and that kind of holds everything in place then i have my handkerchief as like a pot holder or whatever i need to use as a handkerchief itself whatever inside this i have some leaks some wild leeks we picked so i'll cut those up and then i have paper towels and wrapped in the paper towels are eggs now these lasted a drive and a short hike in and they're fine and i've done it for a lot longer just like this wrap them in paper towels put it in a pot make sure they're secure call it good you want them snug but not overly snug lots of different options for cooking you can do dehydrated meals you can bring leftovers and literally warm leftovers up in a pot or a pan it's all good it's it's nothing uh rocket science if i can do it you can do it for sure you can use a grill you don't have to use a grill you can use logs as a grill or you can just throw this right up on the poles no worries and you don't have to use cast iron either for the longest time i just used a heavy duty steel one from home just make sure your mom or your significant other says it's okay all right i got my leeks all cut up i'm gonna put this bacon on soon okay let's see just like that oh bushcraft good idea to bring leather gloves for this um and or a handkerchief there you go so actually one piece of gear i do need to get again is a good decent quality pair of leather gloves all mine have burned right through okay this is looking pretty good pull it off for a second see all right pretty happy with that yep she's done i don't like it when it gets all brown like that we're good not too bad and then that one could use a little bit more a little more cooking but what do we got to put in here this is what we're gonna do we got our leeks we're gonna get cooked with the eggs so we'll take our bacon out now and we'll throw it back in here at the end just to warm it back up but we don't want to cook it anymore those fry up and you know what we'll do so i already showed you just cooking right on the coals and using the logs kind of for a grill get a grill out these are not hard to find this one i think is like canadian tire walmart special type thing so certainly not a hard item to get and you can just actually cook a little bit more even let's just put this here for a minute cook a little bit more even with it flat right it's hard to get hard to get the pan completely flat when it's just on the logs hard to get it flat regardless that's as good as i can get it now they don't have a spatula which if you want to have things not popped you should have but that's all right i'm not too fussy you can pop these yolks make a little bit of a scrambled thing going on but we'll just let it sit for a minute all those delicious leeks up in there and you know what spices spices are always good to have too i got some for my dinner tonight but these don't really need them with the leaks and this this cast iron is seasoned quite nicely [Music] these hot dogs need to be flipped a while ago fire's doing a really good job of keeping away the bugs as well get this stoked up a little tiny bit if you want to burn a hot dog though don't [Music] very nice obliques got a little brown which is nice oh wow the leakiest eggs ever old leaky egg joe leaky egg joe they call me oh man what a nice day [Music] cooking is one of the more enjoyable things i do out here i really do do enjoy the process of it when i'm not rushed fire going again oh it's a scrambled o medium hmm you know what somebody hot dog you know there is something about a hot dog oh it's a little smoky don't you smokey joe oh we don't live in my hammock right in and right now quite a bit and then fire's almost gone out but you don't need to start it again obviously there's a little bit of embers or smoke coming up you can just blow it into into flames so what i like to do is take all the pieces that are half charred and pile them tightly as close together as you can it seems to work the best get them all piled on top of each other all the half blown pieces and then put some new stuff on top and get blow on it or use a blue foam pad or a combination of the bow starting to smoke a little bit there the wind's blowing the same way i'm pushing it like the wind's blowing that away and i'm fanning it that way so i'm not combating against the wind the wind is certainly going to help it burst into flames i am actually pretty tired i think i'm gonna get a little nap in here that's a nice thing when you're solo camping you can decide what you want to do when you want to do it right if you want to go hard all day and you know get an early night sleep or get a nap and then get a really nice sleep if you want to go canoeing you know go walk around look for fungus do whatever you want right that's part of it for the whole solo experience and then once you get one night in you might like it you might not you might want to bring people the next time you might want to go longer by yourself the next time that's the whole beauty of solo camp but you can figure it out and fine tune it for yourself you gotta love it these hammocks you lay asymmetrical so kind of on a 45 and you go almost flat all right folks i will see you after my nap oh that's a nice little nap yep pretty warm in there to be honest but it's a little muggy today it's probably the hottest day it's been anyways we're gonna get this fire going again i'm hungry and cook up our food i got some good food to cook up talk to you a little bit more about certain things now in all honesty in the middle of the summer this might be a touch overkill but for every other time of year i always bring something like this for an overnight again maybe a bit overkill but any extended thing when you don't know what the weather's gonna be like specifically you gotta bring a puppy jacket or i do at least i gotta bring a puffy all the time this is a down primaloft works fine primaloft is synthetic down you're not supposed to get wet but you've got to wet tons of times let's see people always worry about getting burnt holes or poke holes through it yeah it happens you can tape it up or leave it it is what it is use your stuff and it gets dirty and used i got like a shamwow type towel which always comes in handy last uh trip will and i were on we got caught in the rain and this there's puddles in the tent and this helped clean it up and wipe off beauty a little neck chamog buff type thing keep the bugs off keep the sun off you dip it in the water and stay cool again this is i wouldn't bring that in the winter time but i have a merino wool one i might bring super lightweight pants just in case like you want to change all your wet pants at night or if your hands are just full of mud or whatever from doing portages super lightweight pair of pants very very lightweight merino beanie i've had this one since before alone and it shows like it's this is no joke but anyways i really like that it's one of my oldest pieces of gear and that i saved my butt a few times um long johns long sleeve under a shirt potentially or sorry preferably with a hood because if this is merino wool and if you don't have that other toque or a toque with you that you can substitute that cover your ears in the cold is always a good thing i get heavy-duty socks smart wool and a pair of underwear so all that or a variation of that or more than that but that's a safe bet and if it pours if i need extra clothes and put all that stuff on with what i'm wearing to up the rating on my sleeping bag or again if i get wet when i dumped in the water this year that was one of the saving graces that i had this spring is that i had a change of clothes with me all right we touched briefly on firewood before as you can see i've got a rock and fire going right now and i'm going to go try to find some more firewood i do have some some stacked up there now what i want to get my point across is that if you're looking for firewood that needs to be dry then you want to find dead standing firewood and what i mean by that is exactly what it sounds it's standing still it's dead it's dry it's not leaning over it's not laying on the ground when it's doing those things it can get full of water and sometimes that's okay but if you want it dry and nice good firewood and dead standing is the way to go since we're cooking we're gonna try to use hardwood as much as possible just creates better coals now all that said it's completely not necessary to have bone dry wood throughout the whole fire we know this is dry in season because the bark's peeled off and there's a natural check or crack in it and that's totally fine so we can bring that back with us as well so last night we had pierogies and bacon and stuff so we had leftovers i took them out of the fridge this morning put them in this tinfoil i was planning on just cooking in the temple but i do have that cast iron so i might cook it in that we'll see i might even do both i got my thought out steak i asked my wife to pick this up for me a couple days ago when she was out so i'm not sure what it looks like looks good looks good nice cut thought out completely and i got my montreal steak spice or actually this is the keg spice um yeah suit to taste i guess you don't have to even put anything on it you can put this right on the coals you can put this on a stick you could put this on a grill i'm going to put it on a grill sometimes i like it on the coals but um i prefer if players like oak coals or maple or something i do that on but all right the time has come this is bad boy on there i like to leave it with the seasoning on it for a few minutes before i put it on anyways let's do the sizzle light on the sizzle wow surprising light on the sizzle solo camping i just like camping but you rely upon yourself for everything and that's part of what i like about it so much you know i'm just going to try to move this flame off this snake right click there we go that's why i like it so much it's just you rely on on yourself if you mess up it's your own fault uh you have to have everything you need for yourself nobody's going to magically just have something that you need because there's nobody there so in in that vein of thought i have this possible coach i always bring with me i thought i'd show you things that are in it headlamp sometimes i bring two headlamps you know this one takes aaa batteries the other one takes a charger and i can charge it usb a little journal my bug spray butt wipe i keep that close to her uh i have an inreach here but you can use like a spot system or anything like that but it's a super good idea to have something like this especially if you find out that you do like this you're gonna go into the bush a little bit farther and more often and more remote and things like that it's it's saved my butt once already but a spot is a lot cheaper and works pretty much the same it's got like personal uh medications a cheap first aid kit i don't want to carry a heavy one it's just stuff that i know that i might need i might need to flip this steak actually whoop this grill man i don't know playing a crazy game here all right maybe it doesn't need to be flipped just yet yeah yeah oh yeah it does cool and if i do bring a headlamp that needs a charger or i want to watch a movie or if i'm using my phone for gps or anything like that a little portable power bank is super necessary i have and i always carry this a therm-a-rest patch kit for my sleeping pad you don't want to not have a sleeping pad sleeping pad is pad is paramount for camping things like a fishing license if that's what you need lotion and or sunscreen a backup water supply this is just drops that you can purify water with and if if i needed to if my if i needed to collect water and my other um filter messed up for some reason that's a good backup secondary headlamp a strop for sharpening my belt knife at night when i'm just sitting by the fire it's nice thing to do it's like a meditative almost for me extra gopro pro batteries even though i didn't bring it and then uh polysporin and sunscreen and or uh hand lotion so that's what i have in this sometimes it changes but that's pretty much what it normally is um again situational dependent but you have to personalize it for yourself knowing that you're going to be out there alone and knowing you need everything and you know what also camping near your your vehicle 10 20 minutes walk away from your vehicle you can have the luxury of leaving things in the vehicle for the first couple times if you feel the nut the need to and then go back to it like an extra clothes or whatever just things that you might think you might need but yeah i'm not looking down on you if you do that i can't lie i do that sometimes it all depends again what you're doing all right let's check out this steak it's got to be almost done this is another trick you can use if uh it's not working out too good cooking wise you get a little bit of air underneath it putting two logs or two sticks and it's kind of like a built-in grill just prop that up try and get it as flat as possible there we go you can add a little bit of air underneath and then those sticks might even catch and that'll add to the heat too all right let's get this off of here pro tip throw a bunch of wood on while your coals are still smoldering especially in bug season it will smoke for a while and then it will combust and your fire will stay strong all right let's dig in we got a little perogue oh how's the dickens it's very good oniony and bacony cheesy juicy agree easy now in all honesty it's a little overdone could have cooked it left that's okay though she's tender oh is it ever whoa i'm gonna have to move again smoking's coming in my face oh my goodness probably boy oh a leaf litter never hurt anybody cheers beautiful night birds are singing and this fire's stoked up again gonna be dark pretty soon i would imagine bugs aren't too bad i'm keeping this pretty smoky it's not so bad let me i like to make myself popcorn for a little treat little snack at night let's do that i'll show you how i do that we used to do this at home with my mom too but she would shake it on the stove shake it mom so you're gonna put just enough cooking oil in to coat the bottom just enough that it covers the bottom and i need a glove or a kerchief chicken i'll put this to warm up and we'll check on that right quick i got my popcorn kernels and this little nalgene container it's perfect size for them and the way to test it to see if the oil is ready is just to drop a kernel in and see if it sizzles oh i don't want it tipping no tipping on faux foes maybe not yet i don't even know if that's enough oil actually put the rest in not much not much there we go so that one popped pour the rest in put the lid on and we shall be proactive shake it mom shake it see i think shaking it actually is the way to go oh my god we lost the lid we lost the lid boys and girls oh man it's a tragedy all right gloves say gloves next time let's see oh i'm sorry my battery died halfway through let us see how it worked out okay we got no real burnt ones but we probably got some unpopped kernels but that's okay it smells delicious we got some salt vinegar dry rub put that on that nice little delicious nighttime snack hmm perfect it's all about the little things you know you gotta treat yourself right when you're out here no shame when downloading a movie to your phone bringing deck of cards playing solitaire reading a book any of that stuff totally fine i find when i go on extended trips i like to read i bring an actual book and read and write that's my big i like actually look forward to it in the morning at night time when i get to camp man but yeah gotta have fun while you're out here because why are you why else you coming out right i don't have nobody impressed i don't care if you go out it doesn't matter at all it's me if you like it you like it if you don't you don't but anyways another good practice is to get your headlamp out before it gets too dark what i like to do is just hang it around my neck so she works you know just do one of these then whenever i need it it's there that's not on my head because i don't like it on my head all the time anyway it's getting dark one last thing i wanted to mention is at night everything sounds louder than it actually is mice will sound like deer and little birds on the ground will sound like coyotes walking around you don't got to worry about it a little bit of nylon in a tent is not going to protect you any more than an open tarp it just is what it is you know what i mean practice good camp skills keep your food away from where you're camping as much as possible hang up in a tree use a kevlar bag use a barrel um and uh yeah everything's fine everything's totally fine go out have fun if you don't bail if you do do it again and go and be more adventuresome adventuresome adventurous but now that we're done for the day the thing i'm looking forward to most is cracking open a nice refreshing moose head beer not just because i want one but because i earned one and you could too all you need to do is complete that task that you've been putting off maybe it's your first solo camping trip or maybe it's something completely different it doesn't even matter all you need to do is go to instagram post what you've achieved and tag at moosehead or visit beerwithyourname.com and submit your accomplishment there because moosehead is a canadian beer for those who simply get things done well i hope you all liked the video i'd love to hear in the comment section below what you're all going to accomplish to earn a beer with your name on it thanks for watching i'll see you on the next one take it easy
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 227,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, winter, wintercamping, offgrid, adventure, off, grid, outdoors, wander, hiking, outside, steak, dog, tripper, scout, dutchshepherd, joerobinet, wilderness, forest, woods, fort, wild, wildcamping, tent, hammock, bivy, tarp, shelter, build, building, builder, cooking, cook, grill, bbq, food, skills, outdoor
Id: 2cXliOKBHo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 26sec (3506 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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