5 Day Solo Primitive Survival Challenge 🏝

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foreign I'm going to Crazy Horse Island my life jacket stays here until the boat picks me up this is the only other stuff I've got with me on this trip uh Galaxy Ultra s22 which I'm forming with and currently filming with uh GoPro a couple of spare batteries that are full a charge unit gives me about 20 charges and my toothbrush and also the glasses I'm wearing that's it the GoPro I'm gonna switch on so you can see what's going on there and you can see the tripod that I'm filming with as well that was awesome rainbow here it rained a lot last night it's been raining for the last five or six days that means that the forest floor will be wet hard to make a flyer but the positive is there'll be plenty of water and we'll find it I'll show you how to get it from the forest floor when we get in there they look like little men running along with black raincoats on oyster catches I don't know if you can see that but there's a stingray coming up and if you're coming close enough I could spew it it's quite deep on the other side and he's keeping away from me but it's doable I need to make a spear never heard that noise before I must be sleeping under there yeah I'm not gonna disturb it just came out there he goes just in there look you can see you mate it's a wicker it was a wicker Big Pine trees that'd be full of reason it's a feeling itself oh yes this is good this is good this is a food source right here a slippery jack mushroom something said we bite of it but there's plenty of food in that and hopefully we can find more on the island right we need fresh water now I've walked right around the island has anybody seen where the water is some of you might be thinking it's in the trees and Vines I could cut and you'd be right if we're in a different Forest but this is Pine and Manuka and Tortura but actually it's right at our feet and I'll show you it's right through the forest floor and not that grass that you're looking at yes it's got one on it too but it's underneath it and that sphagnum moss and it's prolific there's heaps of it and this is why the native plants grow so well because they're constantly are hydrated even when there's no rain it's in that monster all this green forest floor is covered in it first of all I just want to give this a wipe to get my seawater out I learned this trick when I used to hunt in the mountains with my dogs up high there was no water for them and I would take the Moss and I'll do just this look at that plentiful plentiful what I'm hopeful is this is not going to be salty because if it is unstuffed oh it is fresh it's really good basic shuttle would be one long piece of wood like this and then two crossed over like this holding it up like that there with logs going down one side like this and then we will make it so the water can't come through with wood burst in bark and it would fill the gaps with moss and you'd have your feet there that would be a shelter for a very cold climate because you want to keep it small as you can you just crawl into that today I'm looking for trees that have got branches and that broke that doesn't matter so say you've got a branch out here and you've got a branch out there maybe and what I do is I put a piece of wood between like that and then I can put my shoulder from there and because it's not so cold I've got plenty of room to move around inside there that's a hard work for an old man to gather long because that's what I've got so far this is manuka and what we're going to use is we're going to use this back to make our roof waterproof strip it right around I'm doing this without any tools just my fingers New Zealand has a poisonous spider got the carpool and it lives in these logs by the beach but it is pretty nasty of a bite you again beautiful flat give it a good pile of bark but I'm gonna need a lot more and I'm going to start at the bottom that way the water will run off the next layer I'm going to put each layer on like that and overlap the layers that go above it like so so it drips down all the way hopefully this uh betting system is going to keep our back from flying away in the wind check all this out this is my mattress you can hardly fit in the Hut Gonna Keep Me well off the ground and there's plenty of it keep you well insulated and want a previous primitive challenge a few of you've asked about my clothes I'm wearing it's Mick Lagarde and you can get it from me and you'll get a 10 discount if you do get it from me if you use the link in the description box below so there you go if you want it it's waterproof fireproof and it keeps your bloody warm at night guys I'm only seven kilometers from my home this is closest civilization of course I can call anytime I need to come out of here this is a survival exercise not a true survival but you will hopefully gain some ideas and ways how to survive if you find yourself ever in a survival situation this is a big fire pit where someone's had a fire at some stage it's been dug out and it's actually quite good because I might be get some air she'll have a scratch around here and see what we can find but Ash you can make a fire if you mix Ash with other stuff I'm just gonna dig around in here this charcoal grind that down and use that it's actually quite that there's a power shell now that there is not natural to the island someone's actually eating power on the island they've died for it and this is a valuable thing because that straight away is a bowl and I use those look at this we might even find another one of this one here we might find more we'll keep looking decide we are going to but that's actually valuable that I'm taking that right now man let's say you can hold water on that you can use it for making a fire and you can even boil water on that that's a great find straight away so what I'm looking for is the stuff that's in the tree it's already got the sunlight hunt this morning it started to dry after the night's rain I want to hear as a crack like that you don't hear that crack it's too moist so this is a good we're gather enough of us this is a bit of flax just dried out and what I want is these tiny little fibers if you can see that lots of them and each fiber we're gonna make it into a wee ball if we can so I'm just going to break this down and see what we can do and I don't know why I'm not wearing the glasses because without them I'm a blind old man I'm talking that sort of fine that's what you want keep on rubbing that like that starting to look like this now foreign [Music] anyways and if you're on this island and you didn't have glasses your best bet would be a bow drill I could have done it but this video is for the average bloke the average bloke my age has got glasses yeah I've made plenty of uh for another video so you can see how to do it but this is your best bet and to be honest in A Primitive situation you don't really want to be doing the winter time if you can help it this is how I'm going to transport it lucky for me my jacket is fireproof it can handle a few bit of fry as you can tell this is what they use in Sweden in the fire brigade it's a pretty hot pine cone there this is what I'm going to be making my fort so it's gonna they're a bit of a patch and this ground is so deep gonna smack a bit of this down my pine cone on that and that's where I'm going to have my fire I was really hopeful to find oysters to eat but all of these oysters are pretty much eaten that have been taken maybe this one here is edible hopeful does it put mud just shell yeah they're all like this low tide I've got a good feed of mussels here heaps yum oh my heart look at a mate here that's what we call a bushing that's a wicker and a wicker tastes absolutely delicious it's a mixture of chicken and pork however on the mainland here we're not allowed to eat them and it's a good thing but I have eaten them on the Chatham Island Skillet mate is right by my Hut g'day what are you doing eh got any eggs around I think I'm going to call you Wilson okay give me uh Island mate there's more Slippery Jacks here too something's been already having it and I'm gonna guess it was uh Wilson the worker added it to my pile and this one here quite a bit that's been eaten but still there's plenty for us in preparation for eating our mushrooms first thing we'll do is I want to take the the skin off the outside it's the inside but we're gonna eat it's really important you know what wood you're skewing your food with some Woods have poisoned people very tasty [Music] if your Fire's not going very well and you want to get some oxygen to it rather than going make your fingers into a square like this I called them what I thought it would be last night pretty uh pretty cold night it was a very average sleep but uh asleep and shelter and no cheer on me that's kept me dry last night well I was hopeful I was going to catch some fish yesterday and I didn't and I only had some mushrooms teeth and a few mussels not much so hopefully we catch a fish this morning thank you [Music] foreign I want to get this shot enough that it can spear a flounder I'm not going to put a bobbin I'm just going to hopefully spear it and hold it down then put my hand underneath it when I take the flounder out that's the plan anyway that's pretty Sharp that's pretty good I thought there was any Hill at first it's just a bit of flex it's the middle of winter right now in New Zealand there's snow on the mountains so I don't know how cold is but it was about zero degrees last night getting some cold on your feet seems to somehow warm the rest of your body I don't know how that works maybe someone explain the slative here looks like it's blowing down on the Storm we can certainly use this uh not long been down either but looks at he's on a way out as you can see by the leaves it is dying that's to make it a toy I've just put these five bits together and what I'm going to do is I'm going to bind them here with the flax and holding that in there tight and pull that up like so put it through the split and down like that to tighten it up split that piece again and put a piece from either side between an overhand and then another one making it into a reef knot like that and we're putting a third one on here which I'm just tying off now these massive big pine trees all around and they are a source of resin which is a fuel on itself the shell of a cicada they come out in February but what I'm looking for is Pine set on this big tree here but here it is right here just like gold this tree has an absolute abundance of pine set look in there starting to soften up now I don't want to overcook it and I don't want to break the shell I just want to get it soft enough that I can put it onto my pine cones smells divine taking it off the main heat and just enough heat in the Shell to to break that down beautiful I'm going to add just a little bit of charcoal this is going to add like a binding agent and also help it burn better this could be used as a glue or it could be used as something that is a burning agent give that a good stir up it's really good now I'll get my pine cone and start filling it up with this stuff like this by putting the pine pitch in here the pine cone will burn for about five times as long you'll get about eight to ten minutes sometimes even 12 or 15 depending on how much you put in there and I'm going to do quite a few pine cones like this take your Pine pitch and just keep it stored on a stick like this for use later on it goes hard pretty quick that's gone hard now it's quite malleable too so you can shape it to things you want you can make a small container that could hold water that's my first one I've got I don't know maybe another eight to nine to do I want to have plenty so got plenty of light tonight and here I've got my torch holder and eventually these will burn down and you just move the flex down and keep on using it so that's why you make them quite long so you've got plenty to go this is my first point I'm going in which I'll be taking tonight just sits in here like that you hold it and when it's burnt down you stick another pine cone in I'll have the fire on the beach so I can charge the pine cones and fish right beside where my fire is there's a lot of I'll just pan around and show you where I am here I'll go in a big pan and you'll see over here where I'll be fishing tonight right from this point over here right through along here there's fish all along there that's why we're going I've looking this far on the beach where I'm going to be fishing so I can charge my torch each time that I've made with pine cones drenched in the pine pitch foreign just missed a bloody flounder this is the third torch I'm on they're burning pretty good visibility is clear in the water but just so difficult uh soon will be up soon well last night I didn't catch any fish and I tried for ages and it's freezing cold and I lost a lot of energy so tonight it's a full moon and the the weather looks fantastic to catch a fish so I'm holding on to that hope that I can spare one I've got to make a whole lot more pine cones and more fuel because I've burned all my fuel last night so I gotta go and gather resin and hopefully tonight we can change it and catch a fish because it is it's completely doable I just need luck to be on my side it's not much because I'm not eating much it's something we've all got to do so I take a little bit of Ash out of the fire and I cover my business up I'll be using this the whole time I'm here and eventually I'll cover it right back up and you won't even know it was there [Applause] as a rule generally The Flounder come on the outside of the channel as the tide comes in and as the tide goes out down the middle of the channel so as the Tide's coming in tonight that's our chance to maybe spare one because they come in very shallow and this is a Muddy Bottom here and every Estuary in New Zealand just about has flounder in it and it's a great food source spearing them is easy they lie there if you get a light on them they'll lie there and you can actually spare them they don't move they're not difficult to get and if you've ever spared flounder you know what I'm talking about fix my GoPro to the front of my spear in the hopes if I do get a flounder Oreo or something then it'll capture it I probably normally would have had it back further but it kept on slipping perfect nice Muddy Bottom what we're looking for as a sort of a diamond shape first they just sit there tonight there's not a ripple on the top of the water this is what we want this is probably as good a condition so I could ask for last night I saw three I'm going to know if you can see it I'm gonna put this guy over this misery some of you say don't do that use a rock there's no rocks around here and I've already dropped one in the path when I've been out floundering and just kill them oh it's a beauty well I have actually killed anybody still breathing but his head they don't die easy do they I'm pretty sure it's just Noobs that is giving out some heat oh I've never had such a feeling of satisfaction you can probably hear Wilson he's just by the campfire here hanging around me and uh well two fish tonight uh one that I got on film or one I didn't because the GoPro itself but we've got two for tomorrow so tomorrow's gonna be a cool day it's uh pretty awesome pretty awesome to be that hungry and I'm not gonna eat it now because it's too late and I'm cold I want to go to bed but I'm going to cook that tomorrow morning and I don't like having a lot of food when I go to sleep I sleep better without it but I can wait till the morning so that's really that's I'm excited and that's where we got it just out there straight up there's we've got our flounder and where's Wilson going where are you Wilson don't you eat too close that far otherwise you'd be roast boxing I had a bit of a sleep in this morning the sun's already up and I'm excited because I've got food to eat so it was a flounder the spine is on the top there where the eyes are and the belly's in the bottom where it's soft here that's where you got it see if we go with it our knife which is not really a knife but just a piece of stone once we get a hole in we can make a line you know there's a bit coming out where I speed them that's enough though and you can just push that up like this it's going to come out finger in there this guy has not got a lot inside here we go that save that for a fish trap or something that's pretty much the belly of the flounder little crabs and shells there's a weak tiny crab there and they park over the hole and they suck them up look there's all the wee feet of the crab he's been feeding on we've got kahawaii feeding on small fish in here you can see them Rising gonna let this burn down so we've got some nice hot Embers to do our flounder on I'm gonna get all the sand off as I can that's where the spear got him there so it was almost a kill shot that one this Manuka makes it really nice flavor to the fish we often use it to smoke fish we can lay on a bit of that and uh the heat will get underneath a bit of earache look at that nice smoke coming up through the fish be absolutely delicious and nicely in the Embers there look in the Little Brush down on top of that brush oh yeah it is well and truly cooked look at that beautiful yellow not even slightly burnt the brush has done the job and we've got nice hot smoked flounder perfect oh that's tough It's a bird going that's what I wanted oh this meal has been so long now I've done a lot of fasting in my life I've had three years of eating just one meal a day I'm dribbling what I'm trying to say this to you guys but fasting is one thing but when you're working all the time in cold water and you're doing stuff just survive literally and you've got nothing but uh the what nature around offers you and when you finally eat something like this oh that is perfect there's perfect smoke delicious you really really appreciate it massive big splash over there I think it's that eagle ray if we can get that we've got ourselves a feed gotta grab a spear grab it up here somewhere it's on the beach there's a sticker oh over here don't have time to get a GoPro it's charging and it's not been going pretty well so we'll see if we go oh I'll be filming this and also Spirit at the same time which is not going to be easy because I gotta hold this bloody phone oh here we go I don't fancy my chance it's bad if I get him he's a meal he's a meal and a half here he comes up in here he's a big boy he's a big boy oh I've just cut my foot on a Shelly these guys have a brutal sting of uh come close to being stunned quite a few times here he is once he sees me he's probably gonna leg it don't want to get stung I don't want to get him there he is here I'll get closer always a big big Stingray once he sees me he's gonna leg it got him I got him I got him I can get him on the beach he's big oh oh he's monster well looks like we've got Stingray to eat that's a big a lot of food right there that's a lot of food and uh just for a stick like that any movement you see is just nerves these guys are full of nerves I have completely stomped him on the head with a rock Wilson's eating their remains that's come out of the bottom of the stingray you like that Wilson eh now you're shy to come off this oh that's such a tough Style we've broken it and it's and it's sharp that's it there there's our knife right there finally and it's a nice piece to hold right let's start on this thing race here we go there we go there's the Barb this here can kill a orca killer whale a female washed up on the beach with one and it would Pierce through the heart this is also what killed Legend Steve Irwin they're deadly I've cut it off now so I can work on their flesh the stingray itself they get hunted for their livers and they wash up on the beaches in great drives oh yeah that cuts good oh just nerves catch really good [Music] to get this Wing off here no knife no problem Fantastic look at the flesh foreign I can keep this fish good for a few days that's been on my Nate okay and we'll get the uh cadmium layer the back off [Music] my stomach is rumbling to eat that Stingray I thought I was gonna have to go out tonight and get cold again and spear flounder but no such sometimes you gotta have some like a like you want to just keep on going until it goes sort of a white this is a life boys it's like crayfish gotta cut the rest up The Hangout showed it Wilson can't get it tonight yeah turn to that fantastic you're gonna love it you've got a good bit on your beaks I think you've already been into it um that sounded spoil yeah it's good of the stingray is a valuable asset to have we can use it to make all sorts of things and I think for me it's going to be a bowl if something can hold water it's the underbelly of the eagle ray that I've taken off the skin this is the tough part of it this is what you want to use if you're making something it's very very tough and you can stretch it quite far don't use the top I've made chunks of Flesh like this to break it down I'm probably going to smoke it with not sure yet Eagle Rays are plentiful they're the least concern as far as endangered species go there are many of them and it's quite sustainable to kill them and there's a lot of meat in them as you can see this is the other side what the skin looks like and we can't do much with that really other than just use it to protect the flesh before we flesh it out for smoking or cooking whatever we're going to do and it's got this really black stuff that you you get on your fingers all the time it's quite messy I've broken some bits off and just made them into sort of rings like this and I want to make a tie I've heard this piece here and what I've done is I've just gone like this with it sort of tied it into a knot like that and just lift it for a while to allow the wood to sort of get that shape naturally so when you undo it it stays like it like that that's the first stage second stages with a bit of flex I want to tie this up basically you want to make a loop like this just to start the a simple Loop like that make a slip knot in one end like so pull that up tight and then start the tying process when we get to almost the end what we do is we split that there like this in half and we put one underneath and one on the top gone around there we can tie these off with a reef knot like so I'm gonna go here on the ground and another one the other way I can hear Paradise ducks flying over the island it's the second one that I've already made keeping it really tight just to start with it's got to be tight okay pretty rough it's taken me about three quarters an hour to make this much so far now we're going to tidy this up and put our skin on it this can go keep it nice and tidy I've got this uh sort of pattern going around the outside a bit like a drum just securing each piece of skin where the sticks come down and I'm almost ready to put my weight in to put to the bottom I think we can say we've done all of them the workers can't get up into the street because they don't fly and this rock is gonna bring that skin right down pick the inside piece right there that's what I want and we're going to plug it just like that and we're going to test it with some salt water no it's not leaking staying in good you can actually see through the hole there but it's not leaking out it's working good I don't know how much it's holding possibly almost a liter we went to the top well we've had rain now the first night and we're going to get rain tonight too probably so we'll put it out and test it if you're a hunter particularly a Pagano you'll know that sows often have their piglets under flax because it's waterproof and the runoff keeps them dry and that's what I've done here now we got some water not full as I would like and what is a premium here so we'll take what we can get at least it's a bit fresher than squeezing out moss and if I was staying here long term I'll probably make a setup like this a bit more elaborate with more skin well son well soon hey come back with that keep away from it mate it's not for you don't touch my pine cones are burnt down we've got this nice hot Embers and that's what I want to do my fish Drive Manuka on top like this here where the fish is on it it will smoke instead and it's sort of doing like a hot smoke on this putting it on there like that that it's the opposite to planking fish if you've seen fish cooked planking styles that's where you cook the fish on a piece of wood and burn it this way here we've got the whip wood on top and the smoke getting trapped in it it's a poor man smoker and it works really well let's put moss on that there beautiful smoking lovely I can tell you guys the smell coming off that is absolutely superb it smells like it's gonna be bloody good chewing this has had probably longer than it should have had but we're going to see what it's like the Bark's starting to catch fire and hopefully we're good oh we might overcooked it a bit eh I think I've overcooked this a little bit yeah weave it burnt it is hot smoke but anyway there's nothing wrong with that no that's delicious yum your wife over there Wilson I can see she's in the background there eh is that your wife over there you can see it just over there sneaking around a bit shy plenty of rain last night everything's wet here offering a lot of water I'm gonna smoke the last bit of a stingray that I put aside and the rest I'm taking home to feed friends and family I'm calling the boat in today the New Zealand eagle ray is of the least concern to the conservation department because they're so plentiful they are a food source to the Orca they eat their livers I hope you've enjoyed this video and you've gained something from yourself it was an exercise just to showcase the things you can do without taking anything in the clothes you're wearing thanks for joining me and I'll see you in the next video be good if can't be good be careful and hit the Subscribe button if you like the content and you'll get more of it oh yeah if you want to support and see more of these to help me make them jump on my patreon and get the inside scoop alright cheers Here Comes My Ride awesome absolutely awesome yeah fantastic and I bought you some fish too if you didn't hey thanks for picking us up welcome okay
Channel: Clay Tall Stories
Views: 1,432,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catch and cook, survival challenge, camping, clay tall stories, clay tall stories survival, clay tall stories fishing, new zealand, 2023 survival, how to survive on an island with nothing, how to survive a zombie apocalypse, how to survive without food, fishing, catch clean cook, lobster catch and cook
Id: 9co_UOZ0jB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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