5 Days Solo Survival with No Food and Basic Gear

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foreign ERS down in ATV trail and it was a bit of a risk coming back here in my truck but probably a necessary one because I'm going to be pretty exhausted in the next couple days when I leave here because I brought absolutely no food with me out here on this trip no food whatsoever the goal is to forge fish and collect whatever I can from these Woods using the limited tools I have in this bag this is mostly camera equipment yeah I've never been to this Lake before I saw it on a map I saw the trail on a map and I really wanted to check it out hopefully it has what I'm looking for fish Origins and a great place to Camp it's kind of getting late in the day really happy to be here so let's get right into it honestly maybe not the best time to put on the on the water because that looks like rain over there foreign Birch over there contrary to what a lot of people believe this doesn't actually hurt the tree definitely don't want to strip all the way around it breaking off the loose pieces is totally fine just started coming down it's not too hard and uh I could keep on the lake if I wanted to but I figure might as well just get off for a little bit and make sure I don't get completely soaked because it wouldn't be the best way to start a trip check it out there's some blueberries here wow so sweet little candies of the Woods well there was not much to that rain and it looks like it's about to blow over there's Staghorn sumac right here so this here is Staghorn sumac unlike it's poisonous sister plant poisonous sumac this one's not poisonous it's actually edible you can pluck these these fruiting bodies here and you can kind of filter them out and smush them up and turn it into a lemonade type drink I thought it before it was actually pretty good I think these are a little bit too early for that you can see the red juiciness coming out of my fingers here but not enough to make drink from so that's another good find there's Cattails in this marshy area we can come back and use those for uh for something later so this here is pickerel weed it's at the perfect stage where the flowers are the flowering stage is just finished and uh it's about to seed you can see some of the bees around here pollinating a lot of the flowers around here I think this guy right here anyways this part of the flower the seeds are edible this is a little bit before the seed stage but uh I've eaten these before I wouldn't say they're tasty but they're edible so let me collect a few of these all right I really need to find camp and make a shelter because I gotta get a fire going because uh I don't have any way of filtering water and I don't have a ton of time left in the day he's trying to make camp I think this is the greatest spot as any for now I don't have too much light left and there's a couple things I need to do before I go before before the sun sets a rusty drum oh can I wonder if we could cook on that it's kind of rusty though all right this is as good a spot as any for now for Camp nice and flat here kind of protected decent resources in the area it's also just getting late so I don't have many options so I'll just show you what I got in my bag I'm going to set up a tarp and then get a fire going boil some water and get ready for the night here's all the stuff out of the bag right here's a tiny bit of clothing which I probably won't use other than for a pillow rain jacket that's my book this here is all camera equipment I don't really need to get all into it but mostly batteries and Equipment drone lens GoPro stuff inreach tripod and then this is for rain um and then here's all the equipment I plan to use for the shelter is kind of all this stuff we have a tarp we have a bunch of paracord and we have a bug net because the bugs are horrendous this year actually they're every every year in Canada we have a sleeping pad because I don't really feel like taking a whole bunch of spruce bows from that tree for insulation so instead we're just going to use the sleeping pad and then a little sleeping bag for the tools that we're going to use ax tiny saw cooking pot and then in the cooking pot we have a bunch of stuff including our fishing I have some line and some hooks this is about eight pounds it's like half a spool so I brought two two different gauges of wire don't need all that just kind of threw it in feral Rod P4 Leatherman headlamp bug net and for cooking to make things a little bit more enjoyable I brought a little bit of oil some salt and some tiny bit of coffee and uh you know what last minute I actually just grabbed this off the shelf at Canadian Tire and uh I think that'll just kind of make things a little bit nicer for me out here oh the other thing I have is my canoe two paddles in my life jacket that'll make things a lot easier as well as my bag am I here to learn and uh just uh we'll see how things go with what I got lots of blueberries around here um mm-hmm so the main reason why we boil water out here is because of a parasite called Giardia that's the main one at least Jordan is also known as beaver fever it comes from the stool of animals getting mixed in with the water and while you can drink Lake water sometimes and not get jardia it's better that you boil it because it'll kill the parasite some people say boil it for five minutes others say get just flash boil and or some say like you know get it close to a boil I usually just let it get to a boil that's good enough for me there's other ways to deal with it Giardia tends to settle so you don't want to be collecting water from like moving water like rivers and stuff it's better to collect fresh water from say the middle of the lake because there where there's no current majority it tends to settle to the bottom or at least so I've heard in our case because we don't want to get sick in a couple weeks we're going to boil the water oh yeah it takes about two weeks for Jordy to hit so in a survival situation if you think you're going to be out in a few days you can drink the water and you can do it with a Giardia later I don't know that's your call yeah I hope I don't have to use this but the mosquitoes have been quite bad so the sun's setting and I haven't got everything I want to done for the day I'm gonna pour some into the lid so it cools down quicker because I'm thirsty that's so warm but that's so good oh I needed that oh wow dehydrated honestly I think I'm gonna jump in the water really quickly just because I feel disgusting and I know I'll sleep better if I'm just like not feeling disgusting hello neighbor Canadian crocodile wow that's nice all right we're gonna call that done for the night I'm gonna crawl into bed because the bugs are coming out aka the mosquitoes and they're actually uh quite horrendous right now so we've got Camp established seems like a pretty decent spot the prospects for food are pretty decent I wake up tomorrow and see if I can fish first thing I don't have a rod or a reel yet or any type of bait but I have some ideas that'll be uh first thing we do tomorrow until then I think it's imperative that I try to get a really good night's sleep so I have a good day tomorrow yeah I just don't understand how anybody would get through a night without a bug net when the mosquitoes are this bad it just doesn't make sense to me you would just suffer so greatly just like hold on to a tree and pray good morning everyone the sun's been up for over an hour now but I just wanted to let it rise to brighten up so some of these mosquitoes will clear out a little bit more because they're absolutely horrendous I'd love to say I slept well but that was not the case it's uncomfortable and these bugs are very loud it's gonna be my fishing rod this is about the extent of my carving abilities uh stump all right this will work get some line on it octopus hooks these things have just like a little bit better of a chance of holding the push fishing just because of the shape of them coffee look at that Saskatoon it is it isn't ripe yet but a little quite better the coffee's good all right I'm on the hunt for a frog Frogs make great bait I've been catching frogs since I was a kid and the trick is to spook them into revealing their position and then you'll know exactly where they are and then you can just grab them from behind I had my head down looking for frogs and I look up and the area is really starting to clear up it's my island or Peninsula back there I haven't just got to the whole thing yet so I'm not exactly sure but the fog's moving out it's kind of nice come on I found a nice patch of blueberries and a nice little sugar rush to get me uh going on the day got one he's dead got ourselves a frog now let's uh well let's eat those blueberries and then let's fish it's an extremely healthy Blueberry Patch here I feel like the Bears and uh whoever haven't got to it yet um I was able to collect quite a few with just a few uh grabs hmm gotta love it all right awesome campus over there I'm gonna take my uh my haul okay my frog back to camp get on a fishing come back for the blueberries later those are perfect look at those foreign nice all right let's put them out oh thank you thank you thank you little small mouth bass but uh to start up the Frog go for another oh I hope you guys saw that water snake right there that was awesome it was huge thank you no oh oh let's start it again okay this guy's bigger much bigger much bigger come here come here oh okay that's a big fish that's a big one all right that's a that's a good amount of food right there there we go nice looking fish lots of food there oh right away right away and another one found another very usable bucket couple shotgun holes though honestly the bite's too good right now to not keep fishing there's a limit of five per day with uh my license oh yeah okay what the heck oh this one's big okay that's a big one that's a big big big one okay come on that's like a that's like my biggest bath ever that's like a big bass it's like a big bass what okay okay all right well that's a lot of food right there all right you might be thinking that's a a lot of food to be taking and that's right it is but I'm gonna be here out here for a few days so uh I'm gonna smoke this Meats to preserve it so I have food for uh multiple days okay so we got four fish limits five um I think I'm good I mean I could keep fishing and I could definitely get some more but I'm good for now I can maybe catch one later today I'm going to boil some more water and then I'm gonna use the pot to make stew with the carcasses and then I'm gonna use the fillets and I'm going to then smoke them to preserve them so I can have them for later got a lot of work ahead of me but uh should be good it's quite the platter this is my biggest bass I've ever caught and I caught it on the my hand line that's uh that's saying something I'm gonna scale the fish gut the fish put the guts in here and then I'm going to fillet them and then I'm going to take the inner bones and I'm going to make those into a soup and then use the fillets to smoke and preserve for tomorrow I'm gonna slice these thinner first but all these fillets are going to be smoked these carcasses are going to go in a soup well you can put the fish heads in a soup and you get a lot of nutrients from them as well as there's still quite a bit of meat on here or at least a little bit and you can eat the brain suck the eyeballs out I decided because I have enough fish I'm going to discard the heads because it'll just make the fish head soup fish headless soup more palatable which means I can just eat it easier looks pretty good fish carcass bone picking Bonanza in my first meal in well over 24 hours the seasoning salt definitely helps wasn't the best choice in seasoning salted was a cheap one but any advantage I can take to get this fish into my belly so I'm going for a bit of a walk to find some sort of hardwood hopefully a Punky Hardwood in order to smoke the fish with because currently there's mostly Jack Pine on this island and Jack Pine is very resinous and you don't want resinous wood because that cooks into the meat or smokes into the meat and it gives a really accurate disgusting taste so hopefully there's something on this little Island Peninsula that we can use otherwise we're gonna have to take the boat out and look at all these feathers it looks like some sort of bird was unalived here some more of them almost like a den in here this is a great spot for porcupine actually look over here there's some bullets those are edible oh those are edible letties we're gonna leave them because uh looks like some other animal's been eating at them and usually those animals are slugs and slugs often eat other poisonous mushrooms and last time I ate uh ballet that uh slug had been eating had I got liquid cool these are so good there's a birch bark at least it's a dead birch tree I swear I saw a standing dead Hardwood somewhere on my journey today so I'm trying to locate it because it turns out this entire Forest is mostly Pine raspberries are up too raspberry not as many as the blueberries but boy are those ever good here's a nice piece standing dead Hardwood I'm gonna take that and then I think there's a small little piece right there definitely not enough but it's a good start together foreign large filet is missing it seemed pretty secure in there so I don't know where it would have got to so hard I was originally planning to eat the skin but the way I've been slicing them thin they've just been kind of peeling off the skin and it's uh allow me to use this big piece of sheet metal as a cutting board without dulling my knife so no big deal oh this is gonna be smoke this is going to go in the Fish Head Soup pot and it's going to cook some more foreign of the trip because uh I got to use the tarp to smoke the fish but it's quite windy all right so that was a big fail this tarp is super light duty so I don't want to bring it anywhere close to the fire so windy that it's just blowing all the smoke everywhere it's really hard to contain it I think I scrapped this idea unfortunately in any case I'm going to try to preserve this fish another method I'm going to use the little Ziploc bag that I brought this oil and salt in I'm just gonna throw the fish in here and keep it in a nice cool place probably just like in the water or in some water or wrapped in a cloth in a wet cloth yeah feeling pretty beat so I'm uh just gonna hang out the rest of the day got an early night's sleep and then get after things tomorrow really proud and happy that I caught those fish obviously a bit upset that the smoker didn't work out but I have faith that the fish is gonna be fine to eat tomorrow it all will be good but what I really want to do tomorrow is just blueberry hunt just collect a whole ton of blueberries I've been snacking on those today and they're so delicious I just want to gorge on them tomorrow between that and the fish should have no trouble getting me carried over onto day four sometimes it's just nice to get out in the middle of the lake and there's ghetto get away from all the cover there's much more free out here that's bugs too you should get back though because uh there are still Sunset and there's a few things I need to do around camp oh this is pretty uh this is pretty grown in mostly dead branches but this is the path into my Camp so clear it out a bit now there's a lot more room I mean I got this tripod might as well make a pot hanger look at this my clothes are filthy I'm filthy oh so nice we're gonna jump into our spare set of clothes well it's not like a full set it's just long johns and a shirt and then we're gonna get ready to oh and then we're gonna drink some tea so here on land it's quite warm down in the water is quite refreshing but now that I'm out of the water with wet clothing quite cool so I actually have an idea how to preserve the fish a little bit better tonight smells fine so I had a bit of an aha moment when I just got out of the water and I was really cold after swimming on land dry it was warm jump in the water nice and refreshing but when I got out I was kind of really freezing and I realized that due to the evaporation of the water on my clothing there's like a cooling effect instead of keeping all the fish in the water overnight because the water is only slightly cooler than the air it's actually getting a little bit cooler tonight too I'm gonna take my wet shirt that I went swimming in and uh cover the fish in it and just allow the slow evaporation process of the wet shirt to cool the fish fishes in here put my shirt on top it's actually quite cool to touch that's interesting I'm gonna wrap this up and I'm actually gonna hang it in a tree because uh there might be some scent on it and if uh problem bear comes around when I'm getting into it so it's quite cool to the touch we'll see what it's like in the morning thank you beautiful foreign day a little stressful at times trying to get that smoker up but holy cow we caught four massive bass this morning that's incredible I think our solution to preserving them to the morning is gonna work I have faith in it if not probably gonna get pretty sick bugs are out so it's a time for bed good night guys good morning everyone nice talk pretty well and it seems to be a pretty peaceful morning today I don't think I've ever been as stoked to pick blueberries as I am today that was so good still quite cool to the touch but is it yeah it's quite cool all right time to do the old smell test the 100 foolproof way to tell if something has gone bad or not smells good how we uh fry up some of this fish for breakfast and then cook the rest into a soup sounds good to me also got coffee on the way gonna go blueberry picking later I'm gonna explore the lake today's gonna be good excited do you should be definitely like low energy but not like depleted I've been eating I've been eating don't have much left let me try to stretch that out to three more coffees I think I shot half of it out that's good these balls were such a good find a little bit of oil that's good the seasoning definitely makes things a lot more palatable Edibles when you can eat the food without getting sick palatable is me means you can eat it in large quantities without kind of being disgusted by it there's lots of edible foods out there like reindeer lichen which aren't very palatable still got a lot of meat left just seemed to have uh cooked nicely and preserved well overnight I'm gonna grow up a couple more strips make the rest of the soup and uh be on my Merry weight again I'm cooking up the rest of the fish in the pot that'll uh hopefully extend its life a little bit longer in all honesty we probably wouldn't do what I'm doing but uh if you do it here's my warning in any case that should uh allow me to have that food a little bit later today which should be good I'm gonna collect some things and uh go explore a bit of this Lake because uh it's a big beautiful Lake and I've yet to see most of it yet so I'm gonna hop in the canoe explore and uh while I'm at it try to just absolutely gorge on blueberries they're so delicious out here right now they're like little candies of the Canadian woods and uh every bite I get of them just brings a little bit of happiness to me foreign but I'm gonna go down there check it out it's a juicy looking raspberry a couple here I think they're just coming into season get a sweet taste look no oh wow wow so this here is sweet Fern this is a natural insect repellent I've been looking for it everywhere because the bugs have been quite bad I don't have any in my neck of the woods so I'm going to take some of this back with me and uh toss it in the fire maybe occasionally and hopefully that'll ward off some of the bugs we'll see though right I've never used it this way smells so good you gotten bugs the blueberries here are outrageous those things are huge um all right we found the spot see if we can fill this up kind of lost track of time but check it out I filled it up well most of the way just gonna put them in my rope bag keep picking for a bit not sure exactly how long I've been out here but I don't think I want to stay out here too much longer maybe I'll try to fill up another one of these get back to Camp probably shouldn't have left my soup out maybe should have brought it with me just in case there's any uh big animals looking for a quick quick easy meal that's the second one full look at that those are all blueberries don't step on it pretty good haul this is full of blueberries is quite heavy and this is close to half full anyways I'm gonna head back to camp and uh check out my food I need some lunch foreign such a successful haul today hmm this is sugar sounds like rain much more enjoyable eating the pieces without bones in them that's for sure I feel rich with food right now but um pour with energy I'm quite tired probably gonna take a nap after this and then I think I'm gonna go fishing again a bit later tonight good day ah just a little scraps the winds are fairly strong right now so the bugs aren't too bad but there are still a few around I'm gonna add some of this sweet Fern to the fire I don't really know if it's gonna do much but uh at least gonna make the area smell nice quite like that all right might as well smoke ourselves up with it oh that is a punch I took a nap probably a little longer than I was hoping to it's getting close to Six now so I'm gonna hop on the water and uh see if I can catch some fish yeah so I just put the camera in the water and you can see that there's water behind the lens so it works it's not recording the audio probably keep it off okay okay well that changes things I gotta dry that off and hopefully that'll keep working because it's my my camera seems fine I got the backup lens on it the standard lens does not look good maybe that'll dry out doubtful it could be done Mike making weird noises trying to dry it out fingers crossed it works Mike one two one my microphone I think it's working maybe all right ladies and gentlemen we have figured out the camera situation got the mic working again I dried it out over the top of the fire and it seems to be working great I got my backup lens on it's just a fixed lens because uh I had to put it on because this one yeah it has water all behind it who knows maybe this thing will work again maybe it works right now I'm gonna leave it for now but uh I put this thing through some crazy rainstorm so I have High Hopes that'll be fine anyways like let's continue not a lot of time left in the day after taking that nap in the afternoon and then the whole camera debacle kind of only have a few hours of light left not even an hour and a bit I have hopes that it'll be fairly easy to catch a fish tomorrow so I'm just gonna get things ready around here it seems like it might rain tonight so I'm gonna get set up for that and uh get some water drinking water ready for tonight and tomorrow all right finally in bed mosquitoes are nearly as bad as they have been like this is so manageable anyways great day today a couple blenders but we cut we got so many blueberries that we're gonna be uh eating them for the rest of the trip rain's coming down now I love the sound of it music to my ears to fall asleep too anyways we got some cool plans for tomorrow so uh time for a good news rest see you guys in the morning I was wondering where my friends have been all day we're finally here guys good morning everyone oh I slept about as good as you can on one of these thin Matt's on top of uh just hard ground pretty poorly ready for a good push of the night last night so every existed boys okay that's all the coffee ration I have left no should have brought more but still luxury happy I have it so I'm just gonna have one coffee today and then uh tomorrow I'll be out coffee blueberries um oh let's fry up some of that pickerel weed that we picked the other day it's a little dried out who knows if this is still tasty might as well try it I'm gonna use a little bit of oil and just salt just kind of winging this not bad that's really not bad almost like a crunchier asparagus not really looking forward to oh okay hello bugs oh piece of fish all right on the cast and Rock nice cast doesn't look like a frog so let's see if they go for it I'll be honest I was kind of surprised that they didn't bite that on first go all right there's a pretty spot here great spot for bass eh foreign so I've been fishing for just over an hour now all around my Peninsula or Island whatever you call this place not getting any bites maybe it's the Sun I don't know the overcast just came out maybe I waited a little bit too late but uh yeah not biting I'm gonna I got another plan for some food today let's do that now here's the sumac again a little juice here but still not enough to get real juice out of we're gonna leave it the whole ground around here is a not attached I think we're on a floating heat mat so these are cattails different seasons yield different parts of the parts of the plant that you can eat but today we're actually going for the rhizomes which are the root like structure underneath the Cattail they're high in starches and quite edible all right let's see if we can dig one out there we go there's a good one yeah so these here are the rhizomes they are uh what connects the plants from one to another they're uh kind of orange on the outside and then they're like a white starchiness on the inside let's get a bunch more and uh get on a get on to Eden hmm so when it comes to aquatic plants you got to be careful in which the areas where you forge because aquatic plants especially things like Cattails and pickerel weed they're good at filtering toxins from the water so if you are forging in a polluted source of water then those uh those cat tails whatever it is that you're forging are going to be high in those toxins you usually feel it just following it look at that one that's a good one stuff oh yeah that's good Cattails are useful in a lot of other ways the leaves make for great material to weave baskets from we're not going to be doing that on this trip just that I would let you know let's get a few more let's get out of this sinky stinky place that's a good one honestly the way this peat moss swampy area kind of sticks below your feet it's really unsettling and so I can't wait to get out of here just don't know how deep it goes that's messy work all right let's uh pump in the water and go into the next thing more pickle weed I'm gonna collect some more of this whole ton of bunch berries out here these are all edible fairly delicious I don't think I've ever seen this many never really eaten these in quantity before okay but they got nothing on those blueberries or raspberries that's for sure there's a moose over here foreign once again way overslept it's like four o'clock should probably get efficient again because uh I don't want to Flay that up cook some dinner and get her to bed before the bugs so many blueberries about four and some hours until sunset so I'm gonna move oh we got one oh we got one we definitely got one huh okay foreign it's official it's one gotta love it sweet it wasn't too bad doing the handling from the boat it's got another one and call it dinner there we go I think that's good that's good eating we're gonna make two fish fillets and we're just gonna fry these up in a survival situation generally I'd eat this you can pluck a lot of the meat off the bones but it's definitely less desirable than just the cuts of meat that I cut out the fillets some other animal like a turtle will probably eat this and by probably I mean they will absolutely will so I'm going to discard these and uh just enjoy the fillets thank you thank you so much let's cook cocktail rhizomes figure it out it's like coconut white on the inside well you can eat all of this I'm just gonna take the centers and I'll just get rid of all the dirt off it and look there will still be starches in the outer shell I'm just gonna make this meal extra palatable for myself by taking just the intercourse oil salt done hmm yeah okay what does that taste like tastes like cocktail rhizomes that's what it is so familiar salt and oil makes everything so much easier to eat this is the first course of a four course Bush meal tonight second course at Xander's Backcountry kitchen is some pickle weed with some oil and salt let's try those pick our weed okay it's mornings was a lot better maybe letting it dry for a few days helped the third course on Xander's Backcountry cookout is bass Blaze now that's real food yeah the pickle weed and the Cattail Roots Cattail rhizomes that is just food to get by with this is like food to thrive with yeah that's really good third course done now final fourth course and dessert blueberries a little bit mushed up still good that was a successful meal I'll save those for the morning it's still nice to go for an evening swim good what a peaceful evening on the water the sun is warm it's dry it's like a comfortable temperature right now I have a full belly things are good things are good it's gonna be a nice spot to camp too a great View today was a good day today was a good day and you know what this whole trip was pretty incredible I didn't expect to have a full belly at any point but on more than one occasion I feel completely full I think it's due to the abundance of fish that I caught lots of bass here good time of the year to be out plenty of food and abundance lots of blueberries my God gorged on those yeah amazing trip salvation probably be up with the Sun and uh going from there anyways good night guys good morning everyone my Sun's up so I am too uh time to get packed up because uh we're heading on that today this Lake really provided for me I'm so grateful the pickle weed and the cocktails not to mention all the blueberries and all the bass fish that I was able to hook into and eat I was worried that I would be with an empty stomach for a majority of this trip eating lichen again but no the bass was plentiful my belly was full often and I had a diversity of food I was able to forge and eat and I'm just so thankful this place really provided for me and I couldn't have I couldn't think of a way this could have gone better I think with the abundance of food here I could have gone another couple days but I'm at a coffee and that's a big problem and camera batteries actually I'm out of those two so we'll have to go but we'll be back really grateful for this opportunity it was an incredible one I remember this one for a while hope you guys enjoyed that one as much as I did thanks for watching have a great day there's no way it's almost eight pounds
Channel: Xander Budnick
Views: 277,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0GlhJpBjzac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 23sec (4343 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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