Gmod FNAF | Torturing Help Wanted Toy Freddy!

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oh it's just such a nice lovely day outside you know I think right now would be the perfect time to go for a walk yes you know what I'm go for a walk dupa dupa dupa I'm going for a walk because it's a nice day outside dupa dupa dupa and fairy brood a full doop Oh dope it's a very nice day outside today and it oh I stepped on so what's up steady steady pepperoni pizza oh why why would there be a pepperoni pizza laying on the floor well um I don't think this pewter belongs to anybody so don't mind if I chest off mmm that was was a delicious pizza and Nabu with what's this dish there's another pepperoni pizza on the floor Oh huh - well there's more there's more pepperoni pizzas am I am I in heaven oh boy oh boy if so I don't want to leave give me this delicious pizza oh there's more give me that mmm so cheesy and mmm so delicious oh my gosh oh my gosh it's my lucky day I knew something felt great about today Oh give me some more I need more more pizza so good oh my good I need more oh oh oh more pizza more deets oh I miss the pizza Oh No okay Oh delicious delicious pizza oh that was some pretty good pizza Oh mr. hugs what are you doing here you silly little fella oh it's such a nice day why why would you be sand in here huh huh What's Up mr. hugs how are you hey you want to play video [Music] [Music] all right hey guys welcome back to our video now today we're gonna be to be very very nice to toy Freddy today umm why toy Freddy I don't know because I haven't uh tortured toy Freddy I mean I've been nice to toy Freddy recently so it's time for us to be well I think we got to be nice to the toy Freddy man cuz everybody loves our gamer boy so yeah anyways today on toy Freddy it's tie Freddy's turn to go to the timeout corner and get a slap in so yeah we've tortured toy chica we've tortured Balloon Boy and today we're we're gonna pay the fat boy a visit I mean uh I mean you're not fat well did you cool be fat yes oh oh dare you oh I'm very sensitive to my feelings boohoo boohoo how could you do this to me boohoo and we go die no it's my friend Oh in the pain um I'm not gonna lie he fell very gracefully um I okay so anyways today we got toward Freddy and toy Freddy - a toy Freddy is your box of fun it's like oh boy I'd love to have Floyd yeah toy Freddy you like to have fun on let's go on this is a Disney World Disney World I thought they were closed well not today they're open just for you and we have all the fast passes all the fast passes on all the Disney rides at Disney yes yes let's go on this fun ride over here oh boy what is it um okay it's like a trust fall game or something like that but it's not trust well you just stand there and close your eyes and pray nothing bad happens to you oh so it's like a a a game that if like you know let's say if God decides if you're if you've been a good boy or not oh yeah yeah something like that okay just stand right there oh okay Oh hmm do you want me stand right here oh okay you don't know no first first or first all right you're gonna stand right there okay staying right look right here yeah stay right there and you're gonna put your leg behind you just one of my legs yes just one of your legs hold your leg yeah hold it in the air okay just like that oh it's worth the balance okay don't worry don't worry this will go quick all right we're gonna see if if God likes you or not so on oh oh oh no it was supposed to just chop off his leg god I guess God hates you um oh no oh man that last ride was it fun oh shut up toy Freddy are you sure oh sorry he got on my neck damn it oh boy oh boy oh that right there got kind of sucked uh yeah I'm not gonna lie it did kind of suck well look if we go well now um we could go on the swinging hammer the swinging hammer what's the swinging hammer well you know there's like swinging pirate ships you know that go up and down oh yeah no I know what you're talking about so yeah we're gonna strap you to it okay okay yeah all right let's see your um how do i how does one get on this beautiful ride excuse me um hmm I'm trying to think about that we can you can either sit on the hanger or you could be in front of the hammer ooh I'll be right here duct-tape me to it okay all right let's just uh just out here I'll tie some ropes up to you okay I Pam are we gonna put on your safety belt and you're gonna go on this ride okay okay yeah I'll be excited or I'm gonna get the right start up you just stay there okay so see the rights gonna rock you back and forth like we this is fun it's like I'm on a swing yeah it's gonna start going faster and up oh oh who can fight oh my face hmm okay it's fine it's fine we're gonna go faster oh oh oh he's dead yeah oh oh no oh okay okay okay stop the ride stop the ride we need to bandage him up get off okay there we go all right toy Freddy are you having fun no I would off this road okay all right all right all right um but first you have to do extra turbo drive wood what's that it's the fastest mode possible no please ooh Oh his head fell off again open oh now he's dead oh hey it's raining blood from the heavens that's a good sign this place sucks I want to go home well too bad you don't get to go home oh all right let's see come on we have to go on that we are since we have all the fat don't you you little oh you can't go home but I don't like this place ah but I spent all my money on all the fast passes so do you really want all my money to be wasted well no because they know I'd feel bad all right so come on we have fast passes oh well - what rides at least to all the other rides we haven't gone in wood yet we have to go on all the other rides come on no okay hmm what's this Royd all right this right is - hey hey we have fast passes get the freak out of here don't lose it did you just say no to me you disgrace did you look you let go my face okay shut up you're fat free I mean okay okay okay okay okay all right you know what this is a this is a new invention it's a new ball pit bull pit yeah it's a ball pit oh they're gonna be any golden bunnies popping out of this ball pit no just go into the ball pit whoo Oh ch would you throw me all right come on in there look the road begins oh no please Oh somebody save me my legs oh good good but now his fat body jammed them machine oh my gosh freakin fat now the rides broken you broke down the ride cuz you're so fat freakin disgrace mm-hmm all right let's go on this ride what is it it's like that God that you know that God right but it's like a it's a kindergarten winner hey hey we have fast now get the freak out of here that's right you loser all right all right see since I'm since I'm your friend all right look you get to go first or you're gonna go on any of these rides but now oh oh just go on the ride home how does this one work all right so basically just put your head in it oh okay dude Oh too fat oh there we go all right just like this yeah all right let's see if God likes you oh I guess not normal normally this this trap normally sucks and it normally never chops off anyone's head but uh I toy a toy free I think um I think God doesn't want you a lot good freakin doing it I hate the stupid stupid place all right come on there's more rides like this ride ooh still throw me ouch what is this oh these things slicker hurt hey get out here we have fast passes look please help help me stranger danger don't leave the hurts please help me somebody help me okay you're taking too long all right way to go ma'am we've only been here for like ten minutes and you and you've already broken down like three rides oh I'm sorry all right whatever next ride hey hey fast passes only get out of your nerd oh my gosh these stupid hooligans think they can just hop to the front of the line because nobody else is in line freak out here ooh are you a murderer no just hop it get into the next one but there's a fire yeah cuz you broke the ride so shut up now get into the next road Oh what's this one this is the whirly whirlwind oh boy I like the whirly whirlwind all right I'm gonna hold your hand okay well okay go let go mmm see I'm not letting go oh it's scary you turn it off like if I turn it off I feel like over your hand oh well pull me pull me okay uh-oh you're really fat I'm sure all those beans I'm losing my grip no please don't let go I'm losing it mm-hmm I'm getting closer turn it off please it's gonna chop up my boo-boos please well that was very anti-climatic mmm good good way to go man you broke another ride what do you mean I broke it your stupid guts got in the thing now it's clogged up oh I'm sorry um all right you know what you know what um that's fine that's fine oh yeah all right let's turn this one off um let's see what's something you haven't done yet do you want a massage oh I'd love a massage right now I'm very tired and I'm very sore and I'm covered in blood and cuts I'm gonna cry hmm okay all right come on come on come on okay where are we going we're going to this right that's gonna give you a massage all right well okay well hey hey Fast Pass is only in stupid scientists nerds get out of here oh but since you guys are a scientist and since y'all are smart and trying to help the world and stuff all I'll spare your lives for now we would anyways just hop in here it's gonna massage your back okay Lord so just lay down here yep dang I didn't know Disneyworld head massage in beds uh yeah they've always had these what are you talking about okay I'm ready for a massage alright this is gonna feel really good to take a deep breath and except in exhale all right and then um and then we're gonna turn on okay I'm ready to roll what are you trying to kill me I mmm and you broke the ride well what do you mean I broke it gets clogged good hmm all right look look next right we're going on next ride okay what's this stride supposed to be is it going to get me killed no no no no no look look all right we we spare the scientists because they got big brains and oh you did it you just stand here okay just stand right here oh okay oh I think Oh Oh what was that well just be possessed by the demons all right and have fun oh hey what the Freak where am I going with the free hmm what the Oh what's this right supposed to be the walls are closing in Oh somebody get me out of here Oh hurt so much of the pain [Music] okay you're taking way too long fat boy all Footwear that can elf Rick God dang how then don't die know who's pretty real dude why are you immortal picking all now their eyes of fire all right so since you broke the last ride you're gonna have to cost a lot of money and I'm not paying for all the damages you've been causing today what well you can't force me to go on the rides okay whatever it well you won on the ride so all right come on we got more rides still on well what's wrong with this right they're still trying to get your dead body out there we would okay all right come here we're gonna do some fun all right we're gonna um we're gonna throw you into a cannon well I your cannon just getting the cannon okay we're gonna take like a photo Oh photos I love photos yep I fine oh my god could you shut up you stupid ugly thing oh my god ain't now you broke the cannon mm cannon couldn't shoot you anywhere cuz you're too frickin heavy oh my hands my hands my hands all right you know what you need shut up oh all right you know what today I'm gonna play bowling we're gonna see if we can hit the dummy all right let's see um any menu might move oh okay all right all right I still get one more one more go and boom bull's eye wait you don't you don't say that in in bowling Oh Frick oh I don't like this place oh wait I think I heard that thing open heard wood thing open what come over here Hey look they were able to the scientists were able to fix the machine that you got stuck in Hey look at your corpse oh well too bad all right come on let's see where you taking me now no please don't don't hurt me all right look let's see we're gonna try to kill these scientists with you cuz um wait didn't you say we should save the scientist well I changed my mind because you're annoying we're gonna see how many scientists we can kill with your body ooh ooh still this hurts my org and a one and A two and A one and A two and A three gah I only got one with your stupid God rigged game what you just you scientists what did you do look at me what did you do did you develop a potion to make them invincible you did didn't you all right toy Freddy so I couldn't help but notice but I saw your feet are really bloody because you stepped in some blood oh I think that's my own blood well yeah so um you know what we're gonna get you cleaned up okay okay well I'm very tired mmm dine hurts a lot well yeah don't worry this is gonna make you feel nice we got a car wash just for you but car wash well it's acts like a car wash but it's for like people you know oh boy I won't in all right hey we got fast patents get the Frick out of here freaking what do you mean no I'm here I'll be right back and let me drag this dead body weight you're freaking cool go into the hole and die piece of trash hope you burn alright sorry about that bestfriend what were you doing well she's murdered illegally okay come on we have to go on tell me all right you're gonna go on the next ride mmm or just get in here and sit okay Oh too big oh my arms fell off okay whatever it's like oh oh my boobs my toes are crammed oh I would oh my oh wait yeah I don't think you can fit in here you're so freakin bad yo I don't think you can fit oh it doesn't fit we're gonna have to chop off his toes no please don't chop up my toes say goodbye to your toes oh my toes Oh freaky fit in oh snap he got in oh great Oh what are these things they're stabbing me okay survive that let's see him thank you surviving everything oh never mind he just lost everything desserts I went off the road oh he's okay say goodbye to your face no please oh my labels all right um say goodbye to a friend you're gonna die now and I'm still no please don't go squishy squishy don't go squishy squishy oh my tummy look let me tell me tell me is stuck do you need help my tummy is stuck oh that's sad oh you can't get through oh look look at Twigg freddy guys look doesn't he look much much better now oh oh oh my alright toy Freddy says since you've been such a good boy today we're gonna we're gonna get you know what no you have to test your pain scale what pain scale yeah come here we're gonna test on this so um we're gonna go on this ride and um we're gonna see you got to try to put your hands up and you got to try the hold this metal thing up it's gonna try to put as much weight as possible but don't worry once you start once you like once you can't hold on any more I'll press this button and it'll stop okay oh okay so I just got to see how long I can hold it for it but what is it wait what if it comes down and it crushes me um well this sweet little person thinks that you can do it and stuff mmm-hmm okay fine I'll try all right what do I do just put your hands up in the air and hold and grab onto things like you're having to raise the roof well okay all right I can prove to you that I may be fit but I can be strong all right first a button I'll hold it up for how much how old up for at least 30 seconds okay get that time already okay I have a timer all right three two one go UH one um he didn't even oh oh my a freak is that dude looking over here what they'll freak who want to go home are you know a toy Freddy that's it that's it get out here stupid scientist stop you and your stupid fish sticks can't leave yeah that's right you go in there and burn oh wait no that one's waged I'm sure we'll figure something out are anyways um come here well what are we doing you're stupid okay oh no hurts my feelings oh he's dying over there look sure we hope them no look at me what you're stupid okay you're a disgrace in you're an idiot it hurts my feelings but don't worry don't worry don't worry look we're gonna I'm gonna help you okay whoa what do you mean we're gonna see if you have any brain day I'm pretty sure you have brain damage so we're gonna we're gonna use this scientist machine that's why the scientist was there and I just threw him away and we're gonna see if you have brain damage or not what okay so or you're you just got to do this and gotta like look up to the spike the spikes gonna make it small it's gonna just go slowly into your head like barely it's not gonna go into your brain it's gonna go it's gonna go and tap the top part of your brain and to see if the brain reacts and I and I'll determine you have brain damage or not oh okay but wait a minute should we have a scientist operate this machine and go oh hey wasn't that bad Oh again and very very um very anti-climatic his head just goes and then that's it that's um I am I am disappointed this does not satisfy me all right you know what toy phrase you've been such a disappointment today that's it I have no choice no please I'm sorry let me go home no that's it you're going into the torture device get in here fat boy no please I'm sorry I don't leave it I'm pretty sure this thing will squeeze your squeeze you to death oh I'm sorry please I just want to go home no too bad you've been a bad boy so you stay in there mm oh god dang it Chuck just look for you we'll see you later but we'll get back here oh my gos Oh for me I want to see you suffer oh boy whew wins all right come on there has to be something we haven't done yet come here come here come here come here mmm Boop shoot please help somebody help me Shh nobody here is gonna help you um hey hey we have fast passes get the freak out of here you stupid loser go dawn all right you keep killing people okay shut up all right look afraid activated trap okay um right now we gotta wait for it to reset or those spikes oh no no no it's like those uh things that make you feel good you stupid machine I hate you I hope you die all right come here Oh hmm what do you what am i doing and I have have fun oh he brought his fat body broke the machine again all the spikes are watching to his fat and they can't get out God dang it toy Freddy God dang it your arm you Betty now we have to unclog a machine okay and poop and that should unplug it and then there we go see I fix this machine all now it's on fire because now it's broken good job boy Freddy you broke another machine how many machines have you broken so far I don't know I've been keeping track look maybe maybe you guys who have been watching should have kept track and let me know in the comments also you can leave a like and subscribe too if you want alright toy phrase since I feel really bad right now because I feel like I hurt your feelings you did hurt my feelings oh I looked why Freddy toy Freddy guess what guess what I'm gonna do some nicer ones all right what do you mean all right so you know that that stranger danger from earlier who said they believed in you oh boy I wasn't making that part up they did believe in you and they want to take a photo with you so you can take a photo with them brouilly TV maybe if you are having a crappy day but hey just because you're having a crappy day doesn't mean that you can make someone have a happy day so yeah come on let's get the I'll take this photo for you well okay oh boy photo time alright alright so you just knew that you might want to sit down well okay over here I'm gonna take a photo with you alright oh boy choice it like right here oh yeah here hang on um there you stand right there and then you stand right here just sit down on the floor cuz you're a tall boy okay okay or a photo time boy alright I'm gonna take your photo from right here what why there that's just a skull is closer okay I got my camera out okay take the phone this is a bad angle but all right no more questions okay maybe I shouldn't run into the laser next time Oh God now there's oh whatever where Oh God heck you killed her you're a monster I'm gonna stop you doing peasant oh hey you want to fight me fight you know go die that's what you get for trying to mess with me fat boy already um-hmm I have an idea what are we doing now alright come in here come in here come here I have a fun surprise for you well okay all right all right just getting the elevator we're gonna go up there I said word one oh and all he lost his head that that's okay it's fine um hey it's fine okay oh oh hey we're here why did you bring me up here alright so we're gonna do a fun hey hey Fast Pass only boy Oh the exploding supplies will you kill doom yeah I know and no witnesses all right anyways come here oh okay oh it's a long ways down all right boyfriend we're gonna do some skydiving well skydive and we don't have parachutes don't worry uh there's a anti-gravity down there or something but we were just down there and then there was no anti-gravity well inside of that uh that space thing right see that giant it has a giant fan at the bottom it'll keep you up in the air so you have to try to land in that if you don't land in it you'll die but I'm just trying to land in that and those fans will kick in and boost you up oh wait those things should be on um Oh Frick all right there you go see the fans are on and they're gonna keep us up sorry we're gonna go skydiving I'm gonna let you go first because I'm very very scared and I'm gonna let you go first I'm also scared but don't you want to be a good friend and go first okay for go first on its long ways down so just for no pressure but if you don't linen that and a fan quote-unquote fan then then you'll die so it's just land in the fan you'll be safe and you won't die well okay if you say so um okay I'm gonna joke we I'm gonna leave ya fat bear soup fat bear soup likes to likes to legs dude all right toy Freddy well there you go um it seems that I'm out of fast passes and it looks like it's time for us to head home okay I'm movin friend and you I don't want to be friends anymore okay that's fine um so okay that's fine you're a big bully hood I know I am watching you suffer today just made me feel great so um makes me want to leave a like on this video and subscribe but uh hey that's that's that that's just me but maybe other people will follow my footsteps you're a big stinky face alright well anyways I'll let you be and I'll see you later alrighty see you towards Freddy mmm okay boy just glad that losers gone oh just I'm you know you're a good person or whatever he called me called me a loser so me that's it that's it that's it you know what toy Freddy I was gonna spare you but guess what you're gonna die now what is it No please spare my toes all over toes alright well there you go guys um I think that was very successful hmm and yeah so anyways make sure you leave a like also this isn't affecting the character so please don't get freaking upset about it it's just stupid fun stuff it's just a rag doll he's not really real sadly and he can't feel pain so don't be upset or anything like that but eh you can leave a like on the video and subscribe if you want to see more see I also let me know who who should be put through paint I mean who should who should we have a lot of fun with next leave a comment of someone who haven't had fun with yet so um yep anyways there you go toy Freddy um so yeah anyways make sure leave a like on the video if you enjoyed thank you I'll see y'all next time already good boy
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 1,532,558
Rating: 4.7545056 out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Torturing, HW, Help Wanted, FNAF 2, Toy Freddy
Id: ymKD-v-akhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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