Gmod FNAF | Torturing Help Wanted Toy Bonnie!

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all right hey guys welcome back to nerve video now today before this video starts I just wanted to say hey I just want to make sure you guys are you good you know you know because there's a 75% of y'all who aren't subscribed so make sure you are subscribed because you know it's not that's not that difficult if that's a prescribed button you know and also 43% of y'all have notifications on so you know make sure got your notifications on so you don't miss none of the videos and stuffs and also leave a like on this video if you want to see more more spicy videos so yeah I just want to make sure on that so make sure you subscribe turn notifications on and leave a like on the video or else or else Toby consequences I'm just saying alright so yeah but now that we got that other way oh oh don't worry about him he just didn't like can subscribe and turn notifications on so don't worry about him but I sure wouldn't want to be like that guy so I'd make sure I would subscribe with notifications on and like the video but uh yeah so anyways there you go I hope you enjoy the video uh once upon a time in a far far away land there was toy Bonnie for honey and this was not your ordinary toy Bonnie of the bunny toy I bought this toy Bonnie of the bunny was special for actually no actually yeah you know what no he's not special screw toy bomb anyways um toy Bonnie here he was a he was a sad rabbit he's sad he said because he just got done hanging out with his friends and then he got lost and he's like oh no I'm lost and he's like oh wait a minute I think I love I left my guitars over here and he and he saw in his guitar got stolen he was having a bad day he was hanging out with his friends he got kicked to the face and then he's got he's got his guitar stolen now he's lost in the lost in the strange world thing he's like I'm scared man I'm lost and I don't know where I am and then and then he sees the person who took his guitar he's like oh that dang bully took my guitar he's oh that's bad guitar you hasn't what the Freak why does he think he can have in toy bonnie was furious he's like and he straight-up came up to the main hey hey that's my guitar why he took my guitar and the man demand man looked at him he's like oh oh I don't know what you're talking about oh-oh-oh into when I confronted you criminal hand over my guitar is like okay I'm sorry I'll give you a good tour back in time I was like okay thank you sir Tori Bonnie went to get up to the thank you but then toy Bonnie stepped in a trap in a daze toes oh my toes but then his toes were so big they he's got his toenails stuck in the machine and now he jammed the Machine I mean it's like got three I want you to dawn dawn dawn dawn boy toy boy toy and then oh no toy behinds a guitar got stuck oh and enjoyed mine just died hohoho I killed the wabbit it's wabbit season oh oh I like I got me a new guitar away he said the man so then the man we're just gonna shoot him in the leg yeah yes yes yes yes yes so the man he got up he took toy Bonnie told like away I have a good tour and in toy Bonnie had had respawn on so he came back to life he's like look at the little er and so then the man threw the guitar he's like okay of Thor and he threw the guitar and it landed over there but then and then toy Bonnie had to go get his guitar he's like God dang it ma I'm like at or I got to get my guitar why'd you steal my guitar you big fat bully so then toy Bonnie went to get his guitar but then he died again oh sweat goes to a rabbit in the man's like ma I'm evil boy whoa-ho-ho-ho-ho and so he went to get steel toy bonnie's guitar again he's like stupid rabbit this is my guitars now we so then the man took the guitar and he ran away he's like wait I got me a guitar and in Taiwan you'd respond again but he had no idea where the man was like oh no the man's got away he killed me twice that's unfair that's not nice mmm boy bunny cry but then he's like no I gotta be a big strong man about this that and he said it with his stupid buck teeth like oh I gotta go over here to uh I got a thief who took my guitar so toy Bonnie decided go on an adventure toy bonnie was like I'm going to find the man who took my guitar and I'm gonna give him a big old spanking on the booty so then toy Bonnie decided to go on an epic quest toy Bonnie's like okay from this point on I will not be flying because I'm going on an epic quest and then toy Bonnie freaking died again because then this hammer came down and splat goes to rabbit and up it just chopped off his long hey we dealt with it oh and there goes the rabbit he died again but then he had respawns oh oh oh my legs oh my leg fell off who said the rabbit said the rabbit gotta be like no I must try oh and then he died oh so then toy Bonnie responding Oh toy Bonnie respond again there's a few those was cool Oh but luckily toy buyer he's funny I would but don't worry guys toy oh he's stuck hang on Oh No Oh toy Bonnie rese ma way Bonnie respond to keep body respond again oh very funny respond again after that it's okay okay okay stop oh my god toy Bonnie responded yet toy Bonnie respond after kite toy Bonnie toy Bonnie respond after that incident and you finally got past a hammer the second hammer of doom he's like phew well that was easy that was the easiest part of my quest it can only get difficult from here he lost all of his lives so now now was the that was the time of truth it was time toy Bonnie had to cept his fate he's like I've been a bad wabbit in the past and I gotta make it for my fins so toy Bonnie know what you must do he must chop off his toes he's like goodbye my little toys you'll be remembered so he goes up to this to the thing and he puts his toe down he's like I'm sorry I've lost toe privilege I gotta chop off my toes so to everybody said goodbye mr. toes and there goes history oh but then you just died because he sucks I'm so sorry toy Bonnie fans don't dislike the video I love toy Bonnie please and no homo though so toy Bonnie survived the the the the what she might come on we got the blade of death or so I don't know but he survived it whatever it's like her way I survived and I'm the only two I only broke one of my toes away but then you lost an arm buddies like I don't care but now but now he saw a man who looked just like the other man and you're pretty sure it was the same man in the man's eye Oh dupa dupa doing nothing with my life and toy binds like oh I'm gonna confront you hey big bully what are you doing you took my guitar in the man was like what I didn't take your guitar it wasn't means like you look like you took my cat toys like no but I did not take your guitar I think I saw a man with the guitar go though he's like show me he's like hey that's not nice he's like you bully me punched the man in the face and he said he said and then he was like oh my own him you know what you died for that and so he turned on the thing and toy bonnie's toes got stuck in the machine he's like no please my controller oh and then you just lost his head somehow his head just blew up uh-uh wait that wasn't supposed to have so toy bonnie looked up at the man and the man turned on the machine and toy bonnie's toes got stuck in there and the Machine started to consume toy Bonnie let the screaming baby where's Troy Bonnie's bleed and suffered she's like we owe and then toy Bonnie died oh no oh that's that's it no he's dead so then toy Bonnie died JK he's so he's still alive he's like oh my god though it's big scary I was really scared and I thought I'd died but I didn't die cuz I'm so cool but it's like but then the man who was there ran away it's like no not Leah took to my guitar I got to find the man I kind of kept like a taller bike shed toy Bonnie sits way Bonnie and got out of the pit and he's like hey there was that big stinky face he saw me and looking at a machine he's like oh and he's like oh no in toy Bonnie's like oh there's the man who took me get a little beatable like I love bullying if you if you bully bully book and so toy Bonnie went to go confront his bully and so you want to little man you've looked at her straight in the face and like oh yeah hey they're your big stupid bullies oh how you big bully you took to me guitars you took my guitar I'm gonna slap you in the face you big freak you big bully freak and let slap you in the face in the toy Bonnie died but then toy Bonnie's arm fell oh oh no oh no it wasn't me you didn't see me I'll just go toy so the man killed himself and then toy Bonnie but it screwed out of Baylor oh no oh no oh you're Teahupoo evil person chopped off my old on those so toy Bonnie took his army tried to put it back on and just didn't work it like no my arm is so gonna drag it with him he's like oh really really I'm so sad okay it's gonna be fine don't worry people if you ever in pain you've got to be strong you gotta be strong about it so they're not a toy toy Bonnie's so a scientist may like mr. scientist man oh my arm fell off can you fix my arm and the scientists said no toy Bonnie with would scientist man say come back in a minute I'll see what I can do and talk about like okay so then play toy Bonnie um he he he he saw this man in the man with Ono's that rabbit so he threw his guitar and he's like Boop and toy box play my guitar play get baby that's my good pour in there and the man's like oh no in toy box like like a toy I got a fave in he shoved the man other way he's like oh he's like like I'm gonna get my guitar and so toy Bonnie huffed into the machine and then and then toy guys like oh my toes he's like no my guitar it's going away he's like I gotta get my guitar in the man was like I gotta kill this rabbit once and for all so he press some buttons and chopped off his toes to my toes and chopped off his toes even more he's like go go done with the toes and toy Bonnie lost all of his toe privileges he's like evil but then um so yeah rip and rest rip and rush toy Bonnie guys rip and rest toy Bonnie's going to die buddy like oh please and stop the machines like I'm sure evil begone with your coach like screams like oh my toes and he's like any last words stupid Ravi he's like Oh No thank you and so we killed the rabbit statoil Bonnie toy bite and screen mmm mmm he stabbed toy Bonnie and there goes his guitar and toy bonnie was like we toy Bonnie died but then his arm grab his guitar before filling the man was like what and then toy Bonnie respawned he's like hey mister you're not a very nice fella he's like well how did you stop your guitar like my arm grabbed my guitar or attack that very bad man so then the arm got itself up and it picked up the guitar and smack the man on the face and it smacked him on the face and it did nothing like oh okay goodbye he picked up the guitar ran away he's like see you later near seems like Oh Frick so then after the man ran away toy bonnie was like Oh Gibby heck I'm 21 he's like oh no so then he decided like maybe I'm gonna burn this arm but before he burned his arms like honk I'm one of that scientists Maine over there had it's any uses for it cuz I got a new arm back you know what no I'm gonna you know what just for the sake of this for Bonnie you lost your armor yeah he's like oh my oh my would you do that ok anyways toy Bonnie's like onion go to scientist man to fix my always like hi mr. scientist do you think you can puts me arm back on me in time this man was like yeah sure just stand right here if you little whippersnapper into her bite like okay thank you mr. Johnny Jewish man he's like okay here I got my arm and then the scientist man press the button and toy Bonnie got brain surgeries like wait while they're getting brain surgery and go in there Donny died the scientist was like yes yes I got me should I got me a nice new arm got some fingers here let me shelf a lucky arm mmm you know how you have a lucky rabbit's foot will have a lucky arm in these fingers mmm [Music] but then toy Bonnie respawn he's like what the heck wait where's that scientist dude go I think this machine wait I think it worked that got my own guy it's like Oh what the Frick mr. scientist seems like yes this is all I need in life just some nice yummy succulent fingers that's all I wanted so I've never craved for it yes and now now no I won't let you get the satisfaction of taking it away from me so I'm taking myself out goodbye world I got my fingers we toy bonnie was creeped out he's like what though afraid that that creepy old man oh no that creepy old man took my army he licked my fingers and he jumped into a pit I did not that's the last thing I thought would that would happen today but oh no wait with my guitar go and then toy Bonnie saw a cute girl I thought oh cool the guy hits a goal the goal the toy Bonnie decided to approach the goal the girl and he thought oh my God he's so cute she thought cooties let the would want to go till tickle I thought oh my god you're so cute Bonnie was so ugly she snapped her neck toy Bonnie Clyde toy Bonnie Clyde you've like no I was so ugly I was so ugly she killed herself oh don't know what she's dead know if he's frickin dead look it's he dead she's always so ugly she freakin killed herself Oh No are you okay and now she she was she's dead all right she's dead entwined like oh wait a minute I can look up your skirt and just like no that's not a toy Bonnie so toy Bonnie Muskaan it's not okay it's not okay to do toy Bonnie bad toy Bonnie bad you're not supposed to do that you're not supposed to look at people's skirt so then toy Bonnie responding learned his lessons like okay avoided might listen the day maybe I didn't get a girlfriend because I could I'll never have a chance to get a girl phone cuz I'm so ugly and toy Bonnie accepted that fact in fact like I gotta fake it focus on my main to protective and die just getting my guitar back some toy bunny decided to go try to get his guitar back so toy Bonnie found the man who took this guitar it's like hey you looks my guitar he's like oh no no that's I'm sending your guitar in the space I'll see you later stupid rabbit and so he took the guitar and they flew away employee was like oh he took my guitar I gotta go after him so toy buying went after him but then he also died and they responded like oh well no I gotta go get him Oh like a toy like wait I wonder if we could get toy buying through this Michigan all right toy Bonnie it's what Bonnie's got jumped through this machine or don't oh no no no secret agent toy Bonnie okay no no no no no they do sport oh no she died like come on oh come on toy just get through the machine okay okay that's an old toy Bonnie told your toy Bonnie's dead okay it's a toy Bonnie respond oh I'm covered in my own guts so then toy Bonnie woke up from his nap he's like Oh what the what happened is like it's qlo Michael oh you're so cute you're so cute I will be you're so cute and adorable you're so cute I love you you're so cute and then she killed herself again you and in toy bunny guy because he sucks this is so sad so then toy Bonnie came back to life a like though I'm not gonna be special boohoo oh boy bands like okay whatever I need a [ __ ] evil man who took my cat or and he's like meh I'm evil man toy bike like oh I got to get my guitar back cause he's a big stinky fleas so totally Bonnie went up to the main floor hey mister I heard you took my kits holy man was like oh no oh toy Bonnie it's like kick hey hey I'm gonna strangle you sir toy Bonnie start strangle the man and the man was like oh my god you strength nothing's like oh I'm gonna throw angle you you stupid face and then but then the machine was activating to advise like oh like hahaha stupid rabbit guitars are for people yeah idiot and so to insert and he ran over here and you hid behind this machine and twig on a wreath spawned Eve like oh look good thing at the main got away but hey my guitar he left me my guitar he's like yeah I woke my guitar and the man was like ah ha ha you've fallen into my trap you stupid rabbit and like nobody's know and so Troy oh oh oh no oh no my calculations were incorrect oh no toilet ha ha I'm be free like no if I teach members like oh boy Bonnie screamed in pain and toy Bonnie died he's like I'm evil man and took the guitar and you ran away he's like mom I'm evil we so he took toy Bonnie's guitar man away from toy Bonnie spine oat Oh everything hurts like oh no the mayor got away again so then toy buying went to the scientist he's like mr. scientist can you all make me super rabbit I want to live like yeah we can help you is like cool but then toy bunny accidentally hit a button it's like oh no what did you do is like what what do it all know the scientists the Orioles save you oh boy while he jumped into the page-width um and then oh he lived he thought oh I'm a special rabbit oh oh oh necktie bunny guide rip rip and rest guys rip and rest all that fat that's a big distinction grip oh oh oh oh no oh oh no so then toy Bonnie came back to life and he like we jumped out of the page like good thing I killed the scientist oh noes and you went to this scientist man it's like mr. scientist I need to be super rabid what do is like oh okay what you're gonna know is you gotta hope so whoops I hit this button when exiting is like no what did you do okay before I die how much tell you you got it you gots to like go to that machine oh where there's like no I'll save you my bunny went into the pinch like no my partner and Tory was like wait until then toy Bonnie and the scientists died oh no oh oh no Hey oh no no no no oh that's not what I wanted oh oh no the bushido all the like and then there was fire and blood in death and guts and in fatness because everyone died the end but then toy Bonnie Reed spike is especially like I came back to life he's like oh no I got to go to this machine's over here and the scientist said if I go in here I'll become super rabbit oh whoops I gotta open the doors all right guys don't worry soy Bonnie go oh my toes Oh what was there it just hit me in the face Oh oh he keeps hitting me no face oh I hate these doors oh my toy Bonnie won this lost his toes oh no oh my toes my toes fell off oh oh no and toy Bonnie became super rabid and the Machine started eating him alive Nate was thrown in there and then you guide so then toy Bonnie came back out of the machine and we both like I'm super rabbit now I like him floor like but then toy Bonnie couldn't fly and then he fell into the pit said then toy Bonnie respond again oh I gotta find the evil evil man oh I think you win over here I gotta stop him meanwhile with the evil man I'm evil I finally got this guitar I wanted because I'm evil and I'm so evil I'm a Eustace if this guitar to destroyed the good scientist people and the scientist people like now please don't let us die he's like my momma shoot you with this guitar die stupid sciences people die and it hit Billy in the face and Billy uh Billy well he's like Billy's like Billy saw his life flashed before his eyes he's like and Billy died and those were his last words there was like no boom you like we're home so evil so then you went back to get his guitar and now we'd like now evils oh wait I gotta put the bad thing just can't okay all right Oh No now I will put now this time evil scientist I will kill you all once and for all but then toy Bonnie came up like oh you mr. death like a toy what are you gonna do oh no the same these people and he's like no you know I need to make sure I kill these scientists keep people once and for all so then you put a spike ball in it and I was like oh no I have to save the scientists don't worry scientists I will protect you so then the man hit the button and toy bonnie was like so then toy bonnie respawn Tila all no health besides people are doing raha hai kill him again which I'm sure evil like that so then he put in another spike ball into the machine and then he closed it up into a pony like no ole save the day daily spike bolt and then Toyo an irresponsible I saved the scientists and scientists were like her ray we were saved by the blue rabbit man and toy bunnies like yeah he's like you stupid evil man evil man was like mmm that [ __ ] that [ __ ] I have my I've built my own couch guy stole this custom ball from the scientists people and the scientist people like oh no it's a special spike ball until it binds like why is it the special spike ball and the man with like yes it's the special spike ball because it's green and Tory bugs like oh no it's green it's like now it's a customer and I can control it with my mind and so the man took the evil man to control the spike ball and he sit in it hit toy Bonnie and the toes until he was like oh my toes and toy Bonnie fell to the ground and he's like no the scientists people and then the man took this bike bolts and they killed the scientists people and all those scientists people died and they ripped the scientist people guys and toy Bonnie with Floyd no the sciences people and toy Bonnie had his limbs chopped off and he's like where was it go oh no and the spike was don't know don't know don't know no toy Bonnie's like no this is my end but way I'm gonna do something super cool that I don't so I don't die but then guess what toy bond just dies anyways oh but then don't worry he can all wait that's then he can respawn Oh though her stupid spiteful oh it's right hit me in the face in the man was like oh noes I got stuff that [ __ ] I'm hopping in my cannon I'm going to the top of that building oh come on I'm taking this guitar with me you know I'm going to the top of the building and toy bonnie was like wait a minute what no come back you're evil man and like see you later Robert I was like hey stop no I got killed in the blast fire but then - everybody responds like oh no the can it's the damage and they went to the very top of the building how am I going to gets up there maybe there's an elevator so toy Bonnie rein he's like oh there's got to be an O then he stubbed his toe and tripped and fell and then toy Bonnie did like six backflips and then fell over here and three was like oh my toes and he looked up he's like oh I see that you've a man on top of the building I have to stop him so toy Bonnie got up he's like okay how am I gonna get up here um wait a minute something tells me this elevators gonna be evil I don't have to climb up the shaft okay okay oh my face oat you stupid door oh I gotta climb up here oh okay maybe that wasn't a good idea oh you know what that I'm going back in boys I'm going back or attending up the elevator or do two new range of elevator music through photo supergroup I'm going up the elevator to stop this evil man who took my guitar and was a big stinky face to the scientist peaceful super duper - duper duper - you better like until hey we're here oh no you won't man but then toy bunny sell us the scientist and he's like no please you but it's too late his toy Bonnie or you push them all the scientists made with like no toy Bonnie freaking died again and toy Bonnie would like no I didn't mean to in the scientists was like no revenge and the scientists man felt he was death and so everybody's like me and then the scientist man died and know I've been tricked and the evil man was behind him all along the old oh you stupid rabbit you fell right into my trap now I have your guitar and now ever kill you want you for all in toy Bonnie was like no please and in toy Bonnie realized he was trapped on top of the building he had nowhere to go away toy boy with like mill please don't kill you mr. evil man an evil man things I'm so evil I'm gonna kill you and you're gonna die by your guitars and so then the man's like here you want this guitar you want this guitar you want it so bad in 20 miles like yeah that's my guitar toy Bonnie grabbed his guitars like give me my guitar give it to me and so they fought for the guitar they're like yeah my good talk it's my guitar my guitar is like you know the man was like you know what since it's your guitar you can have it any shell toy Bonnie toward building well they survived hmm but don't worry everybody cuz toy bonnie has respond well boy I survived and hey look I got my guitar book Oh what the heck why can't I grab oh my face bonk bonk OH oh no there's an invisible force field wait a minute where am I oh oh no I'm in a giant blender evil man was like ah ha ha ha now you will die enjoy boys like oh my gosh until we're gonna get his toes chopped off it's like oh my toes mmm oh wait the blades broke ha ha you stupid fool evilish may never all the toy bonnie's must die all toy bonnie's must die this wasn't just an evil man this was a toy Bonnie hater ha ha ha but don't worry everybody toward Bonnie responds like huh oh no the evil man hates me I gotta kill him like I'll put a stop to him until Bonnie found this guitar ok I got my guitar no I gotta kill that man he sell the man trying to run away like alright let's see how you do use this time machine that wonder scientist made in toy bonnie's like no you must still evil man and then oh oh oh and toy buns like yesterday believe this is what you deserve and the man fell to his feet he's like oh my toes and toy Bonnie oh and then he died seems like toy ones like yes die evil man and so toy Bonnie dragged its corpse out here with a whole stupid corpse get out of your nerd and toy Bonnie's like cool way I got my good tour look I got my guitar back and then but then toy Bonnie saw more people who looked just like me like oh that the that the time for all the humans to die so toy Bonnie took his guitar he's like come on mr. guitar we got to get back to the pizzeria and this happens to be the fastest way back and so uh let's help in mr. guitar and let's get back to the pizzeria we gotta go back for buying practice let's get back home mr. guitar Oh stupid nerds they died all right but seriously I gotta get back home so here let me get the guitar and I took picuture and bam I'm gonna get on the hop on this thing no way so then toy Bonnie hopped in his new car it's like away I got me my guitar I got my guitar back away now I can go home but then oh no there's so many people and floating me oh no I could easily just back up and go with a long way but I don't want to go long because it's the long way I gotta go the short way cuz I'm on a time crunch so uh sorry people what you gotta do wait time to get back to they'll be so real I got me my guitar I'm a good thing to all the children dippity-doo dollar to d-day this is what I do every Saturday away we go back home boys we thank you guys to all the guys who crashed oh no oh my gosh alright anyways thank you guys for watching the video make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you don't like and subscribe your toy Bonnie hater and you should not live like that other man who died earlier because yeah I'm so cool but anyways thank you guys so much for watching I really hope you guys did enjoy make sure you go to band practice like it subscribe notifications on leave a like alright boys go to get back to the future real let's go
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 973,374
Rating: 4.8657327 out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Torturing, HW, Help Wanted, FNAF 2, Toy Bonnie
Id: CYYadR3Ee1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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