Gmod FNAF | The Neon City [Part 3]

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buddy doop doop de doop doop doop doop are you making some dogs making some dogs just making some beautiful dogs too pretty to do pretty doop doop doop do doop alright I think I am I think I finished making some beautiful dog oil with this one for all let's just turn this dog up right there turn there we go there we go nice - dogs nice just flip over oh and there we go alright am i watching hot dogs is doing dang that took a while while cooking down considered actually I named a cooker I don't have a stove in here there's just uh we're just called dogs and I just put him on the bunch and put ketchup and mustard on them yeah this is gonna be rough getting some sales but uh oh well Oh finally I can take a nap though on this new couch I got from the storage area and I had to get all my materials from the storage area oh I'm so glad I'm finally setting up shop now I can finally take a nap and uh yeah all the way down on this couch I'm ignore that the window broke right there but I'm gonna sleep on the couch oh I deserve a nice little nap and wait wait oh oh oh oh oh oh that smells terrible that couch what is wrong with that couch what is what does it smell so bad oh I mean I know has a few stains up few stains what type of stains are they though wait a minute Oh hmm hmm hmm what is this what is this what is this this this will not allowed how I cannot sleep on this couch um oh it reeks oh oh why do I keep smelling it oh it reeks it reeks oh it smells like feet thick yeah you know what out out with this couch into the void you go oh oh and oh oh oh hopefully sure you won't get mad at me for that oh dang it where am I gonna sleep oh oh yeah do I could just sleep in one of these booths uh-huh we up dang stupid stupid holograms oh well someone take a nap dang it oh we have to find a new bed at least I got the hot dogs ready oh you know what let me go check on Bonnie and chica see how their wait a minute I'm Bonnie I'm gonna go check on chica and foxy oh I wonder how they're doing dupa dupa dupa de doop doop what do you do guys oh oh you're all chicken chicken first chica house together ah oh oh dang freaking tape it's all over the floor whoa this place has changed up a bit yeah no kidding I'm freaking out man I'm freaking out got to think of it uh don't fall over to other stacker Pete's got dang it oh uh you okay no I'm not okay I run the market I have like the busiest job ever in here cuz this is the only store that matters like and stuff mmm I guess more people would go to the market then hotdog store yes I have to stock up and that's what I'm trying to do a lot of all these pizzas ready and stuff but they keep falling over oh well like yeah well wait where's your bed at oh I I have it I just don't have enough room right now so I just leaned it up on there and I'll probably use it whenever it's night and all the people go to sleep and then I'll finally take a nap but but people are gonna start but now it's already turned in morning cuz took us all night to set everything up yeah it did take a while to get all those Daleks you ready and stuff whatever Fox he's doing should check on him soon but dang you even have shopping carts and bags and stuff dang you found all this in the store sure yeah it took me a while to find everything and then I had to bring it all over here by myself oh I mean I could've helped you actually did you I didn't want to help you oh oh oh what you got over there that's just it's just like peaches and eggplants just I don't know just some weird stuff I could find there's not many food items out there cuz you know a food tends to spoil faster so that's why I did that's why I did bake all these pizzas bake how did you bake the pizzas where's an open oh there wasn't there was an oven in the building down the street yeah I had to take all the pizza dough and all the ingredients down the freakin street throw them all in the oven wait for it to cook and make sure it all they all cook properly and then get all these boxes all these recycled pizza boxes and put them inside and bring them on the all the way back on over here not drop them and then when I get down I accidentally put them down to close to the edge of the counter all these fell on the floor you have to pick them up and I I knocked over some of the features that dang it I bought it I don't know I'm just stressing out yeah yeah maybe you should take a break yeah I can't take a break we're about the opened up shop uh-oh I'm just I'm just gonna go check on foxy um I guess yeah I mean I was pretty busy last night and I guess chicas pretty busy so I'm assuming Fox is busy too flexi oh yeah foxy uh funky funky or what oh uh hey you're buying it watch out pal watch out hey how is it going but yeah I see that you were sleeping oh yeah wait how did how long did it take you to set up your shop they're talking like less than an hour what I mean there wasn't that many guns and I'm a gun salesmen and I don't think people around here we're probably gonna buy guns anyway so there's no reason to buy a gun show I'm just I'm just gonna sleep I got the easiest job ever Bonnie I'm so glad I took the gun store y'all I got the easiest job ever there are well don't be shy bond you got that you got this second well you got the medium job you got the medium job uh I mean cuz I know people probably buy hot dogs every now and then but it's just hot dogs that you sell right nothing else yup just hot dogs then you're fine know what yeah I just yeah I mean people are doing it sick of hot dogs anyway then you'll be free too Oh with them poor chica there are whatever at least it's not one of us I guess so what type of guns got your arse just mainly shotguns I think not really any other guns out there in the storage area but you know okay wait where's Freddie I yeah I think he's still in the lounge what he's been allowance this whole time sleeping you're already up dang I named him in sleep last night neither did Chico Wow y'all done it dang not Chuck sure y'all I'm wide awake you know I'll have to take a nap but I had to throw my couch out I think some peed on it so now I'm gonna have to find a new bed alright I took for you I got me a nice little bow me it's not the best bed ever but I mean it's a bad nonetheless yeah oh yeah alright well you ready open up chomp foxy y'all yeah yeah yeah I'm already ready man I mean I'm just gonna lay here and if I see someone walking towards my shop I'm gonna be like oh snap and then snip snap would slide on over here and be like hello sir how may I help you get them give them the gum done and when they leave my storm like okay time to hit the hay and go back to sleep that's my strategy Bonnie dang that's pretty well strategy actually you are yep oh alright well I think we saw the few minutes till we open up till we officially open up so I'm gonna go back the only gray go back to sleep okay foxy see nuts here at the opening um all right hey chica Hank I think I've almost oh this is a mess oh this is no unorganized they're not stacking properly you need some help yeah just all right so okay so I think the peaches and eggplants don't want to stay on that thing over there so I was originally gonna have these shopping carts how so that way people could take them around and stuff but then I realized like where'd they take the shop if they can't take the shopping cart back to the hotel and I already have all these plastic bags so Bonnie I want you to kind of put all the peaches and eggplants into the shopping cart so that way that way that way it can be more organized and on the floor well I try to sort out the pizzas okay oh wait oh dang dinh just instead of helping chick I should look for a new bed oh well I'll be a good bunny Boing all chica I think these shopping carts are broken ah well that's what you get for when you go over to your Lane storage area oh dang it all the day all the peaches fell on the floor and all bit dang it they keep mixing up okay just put the pizzas on the counter oh dang it stupid oh no no don't fall oh dang it yeah I'm just you're just gonna have to leave it uh just just I don't think you're gonna be able stack all the moment it just scrambled them up together on the floor that's gonna look like a mess no one's gonna buy them we'll just wait till everyone buys all the others and then put him up on the counter okay good idea I guess so you can isolate the pizzas back here I can let's just yeah here I'll just put these pizzas back here for now like a little storage area yeah we go there we go and there we go dupa dupa dupa storing the beats huh good idea Bonnie yeah I'll just I'll just have these two aside just as backup pizzas instead and I'll just leave all the ones that are already on the counter and then oh oh where should I put these hmm I think here hang on you know let me go let me go over to the storage area and Bonnie goes over to storage area comes back is like okay well I found you could put them in this little carton thing okay excellent idea yeah here I'll just set this on the floor throw them all in to throw them all in dupa dupa dupa dupa dupa do doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa and do b'doop and do it the dupe and do padieu and dupe it up and do padieu there we go all done thing ok yeah that looks much nicer all right Thank You Bonnie alright well I think we're about to have to have the opening scene or whatever I'm gonna go talk to Freddie about that Oh all right wait fur you still in the lounge I think he's probably tidying up the lounge been in there for a while so yeah dupa dupa up she really has been asleep this whole time I was hoping foxy was kidding about that but I guess no I um Oh Freddie Freddie Oh what Freddie well oh hey buddy what's up good morning Freddie isn't the opening about the starting for the stores well what the opening everyone's been panicking this morning release me and chica have in a rush to get ready for the opening so it's the opening isn't the opening about the start for the shops and stuff oh oh oh yeah the opening wait is it over that time uh yeah oh well I guess I slipped in oh well I was gonna cancel it anyways what you were gonna cancel yeah I mean I think they're already told them about Emily and there's no reason to go with me you know they could just meet you yourself there doesn't need to be assembly or anything I'm like that's too much effort to have an opening so I cancelled it so you know are you wished for all this market rushing and trying to get things ready okay well okay what have you been doing this one oh no I just woke up just woke up okay so you telling me this whole morning I could just been sleeping yeah I mean you could been prepping throughout the whole day but I guess it's even better that y'all already prepped up your jobs real thing no really or attend to his business all right well I should go check on the poppy also see you later Bonnie what I'm taking a nap I'm taking a nap oh I sleep at all last night Freddy told me it could too slow and you weighed it right now it said it I'm gonna sleep I'm gonna sleep dupa dupa do dupa do you do time to go on over here how do I get up there then I forgot oh shoot you have to jump off the way um oh this is a maintenance problem how do we did all the way up there oh but you can get across there but once you get across there you can get back up I think you can well I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can't oh wait no oh there we go oh okay oh there we go I got up but we're gonna need a better way of getting up here oh well dupa dupa dupa dupa dee doop doop for the doop doop ado going on in to the apartments or anyone here no one's in this room I forgot who's all staying here it's probably keep a list Oh Oh Fred Bear hey Fred damn good morning oh hey hey hope to go away way to go pal what a crazy night last night you man I'm still a little loopy oh good by the way all this attention everybody the hood the hotel all the shops are open so if you go to the show ups need anything like refreshments or stuff but yeah all right well just as long as you're enjoying your stay that's good yeah yeah yeah it was staying bed the lot of stay inside my bed a bit longer okay how's it going there let's go in there Balloon Boy company actually I'm here I really like it here this place last night was I just got the best sleep I've ever had in a couple few years that takes a lot to hear all right or me good morning uh-oh to Purdue who's in this room mingle Oh yep hole oh uh hi hey good morning hi am I still asleep in bed don't you can agree that you just walked in my room like that well good morning dupa dupa do do do do you do good morning hey where is he oh I guess no one's in this room Oh dupa dupa do mr. cupcake telling me mr. cupcake told mr. cookie Conway all right I think that's everybody all right well I'll be in the lounge area if you need me dupa dupa dupa dupa dupa dupa dupa - enjoy your stay and the neon City we're oh oh oh oh oh my full tee all right y'all are you scared me there Freddie what you doing sleeping you can't sleep on the job sorry but first sorry I was asleep in her y'all were completely then what were you doing making those snoring noises y'all hours I I was pretending to be a wild animal to practice shooting and stuff like that we would it's like I like pretending to be a wild animal out in the wild just sleeping and stuff and then and then kaboom I was trying to see what it feels like to be an animal for once you know trying to be hunted install I'm trying to master the ways at the guns ready don't touch what I was doing Oh oh okay you really your honor I'm going back to sleep come back to sleep y'all y'all know oh I should check on Chico dooba dooba do either cheetah how's it going oh oh hi Freddie welcome to the Mongoose or anything I can give you Freddie you know thanks for the thing this place looks good thing good job Chico keep it up okay Thank You Freddie if they tonight he'll be able to sleep but this rate we could stay up 24 hours no no please don't don't make that official all right she [ __ ] he's your chickens cool time to check on Barney dupa dupa do Barney's hot dogs bonnie bonnie bonnie hmm well he's got a hot dog dirty burger or he's boning at oh he should be on his back he could be using bathroom probably know that's what he's doing oh hey yeah I thought I told him to get a bed oh good old Bonnie Bonnie use a good pal he didn't get a bed he's a good bunny he didn't get about you he knows the memo work 24/7 no brakes so that's why you didn't get to bed dang I'm gonna have to give Bonnie promotion he's already writing stuff and everything well it worse blown yet duper do oh well I'll check on you later trying to go bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum hey there bunny pal what you doing there pal hey Fred you can win free were you sleeping on the job no no no no how I should prep what's your what's your stuff I was examining the sofas yeah I was just seeing that there was any tears in there at all let's just examine them Oh hmm okay we'll see you around what the Frick oh I really need to find a bed uh-huh so tired man I just thought least I got my way I just ah good morning hello there my friend Lichter ok hungry mr. big lunch food Stella it's not all you everyone you just complain about food all the time but I'm hungry I'm pleased to go pick want some food hurry well fine I'll get you some food I mean give me a wallet where's my where's my key where's my ball oh yeah I'm not wearing any pants yeah I don't have my wallet on me sorry pal I can't buy any food what hungry why don't you eat yourself you look pretty delicious let's go get some food mmm I'm getting kind of hungry too but I'm not really starting right now well mr. Koh do it rabbeinu like three days I'm really hungry mmm well sorry pal if you want food you're probably gonna have to go steal a shell not my problem I'm gonna go sleep with some more but mr. shut up and get out of here if you want some food go get it yourself mr. cake does it might be bullied oh don't worry mr. cupcakes but mr. cupcake doesn't have any money but Mr Cook take this one still stealing wait brother mr. cook is really hungry so we [Music] how's mr. cupcake supposed to get over there mr. Kosan wait point one one one one boy boy oh I'm mr. cupcake okay how do I go I have to jump again Boing Boing Boing Boing oh boy I'm gonna have to jump again [Music] oh no mr. cookie Oh mr. cookie going on individual Oh mr. cupcake really hungry where's the cupcakes gonna get you food food food mr. tux cakes really hungry you don't kick what to food what seafood markets hot dog huh mr. cupcake with hot dog mr. cupcake really hungry we point out mr. cupcake more junk food mr. cupcake would some food boy going going going going mr. cupcake oh no it's a prison Mitchell I'm a rubble I got my rubber mask going give me a hot dog please sir what he's asleep oh boy oh wait a minute if I want to be a Robert wait a minute wait a minute wait I mean if I want to be a whopper if I want to be a wobbler I gotta I gotta be a wobbler at the White Way I gotta love in the white way I got I got the mask I get the wobbler mask plate I need the gun guns one one one one one we're going in win-win-win-win lovely hello there sir oh my my my my my 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P holder sir you're alright you're alright a little boy how's it going mr. cook of it well I was snooping man and I would like to purchase I've been very grilled me and you know I would I would like the purchase when did you find your guns please you know are a customer you know I could make some money and by me I mean better bad y'all come on in come on in good sir our come on in through the window hurry mr. cookie I mean miss Dunn Bingham a big backs dog man I'm a big strong man of big strong man he's gonna protect his family don't Boreum put it up bricks a mask let me know it's not about excuse me I gotta get used to I'll be right back I just really got a pretty stop there.we I'm sorry come back okay hi guard your see you would like to purchase wanting me gun purchase yup if you want a gun you got to pay up like yeah money Oh mr. Kyle be a big strong man was wondering if you could just try out achill and she she would still like to have a gun there are I mean I mean I got a sec I like to try while watch which one would you like to try hmm mr. cupcake would like to try out the zap zap zap anyone I want oh sorry pal all those are on display I can't tell you any of those Oh Oh or let you touch any of outdoors for my favorites but there's a shelf behind you where you can get a gun oh okay oh boy watch this gun but oh this this guns too heavy for me oh boy oh no sir you're also heavy what the heck sorry about that all done my pretty much shotguns Joe yeah Oh Oh mr. cooker can't hold one these guys but mister mister I mean big strong man could hold one of those small will Oh sorry pal if you don't got money and you don't want to I'm afraid I guess I don't got you a deal so I'm gonna have to ask you to leave so not working for what you sleep on I'm just going yeah well I let you leave I'm just just going to take a quick nap she's gonna will you want any windows glides but mr. cook I can't have one mr. cook your knees be a wall Bert but guys that can't happen now oh just mr. cupcakes gonna have to spot wait a minute what if mister I mean mr. big strong Robert dude or took a kind without paying oh boy one one one one one point okay okay okay we gotta do this careful wait a minute we've got an Indiana Jones this what if it's a trap I need something to replace we replace it with I'm gonna have to take a gun you should sleep but I'm good what if an alarm goes off because you said these are really really rare valuable I need to find a replacement Oh what could replace your gun oh boy boy boy maybe something in here blowing rolling along going willing Oh quiet-like steal some from this Thor so I can steal something from that store so I can steal some food from that store sounds like a plan what can what mister what could what looks like it gone off this looks like a gun joint oh please don't be a war it wasn't me okay okay mister mister cupcakes got guts guts stuff and now mr. cupcake will pull an Indiana Jones move you will replace a gun with this strange-looking fruit all right which gun do I want mm-hmm I want that gun it's got cool-looking colors on it okay hey joint aha did it works you dong didn't go off uh-huh mister kill kick the robber man has a gun give me the gun give me the gun yeah you know I know it can go robbed a hotdog place and get me a free hot dog oh boy yay I love being a robber going in one wish to cook it oh that's a floating that's a floating gun no mr. cupcake ain't ready there we go now mr. cupcakes ready mr. cupcakes gotta be going I mean mr. robber man I'm mr. robber man I'm gonna Rob you he'll never see it you'll never see me coming I'm gonna Rob your blind mr. cupcake the big robber guy that's me whoa all right tons of time to get a hot dog don't don't don't don't don't don't row total I'm coming for your heart folks I'm gonna deny such stupid Matt of the Masters oh no no no no no all right put them up put them up I'm gonna rap yeah I'm gonna rub you oh you just like to uh no no no no no no no doughnut or did you wink I did it I have a hot dog oh oh I gotta get out of here point you wink oh oh oh I gotta get out of here the police will be after me soon don't figure out what I did oh boy oh look at it get out you don't fix it hey ouch Boing Boing uh-oh I'm stuck blowing oats booing I gotta get out of your porn fully booing booing boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy doctor told me he saw me did you get the hot dog boy oh no they're gonna know I cook here I'm a criminal now Oh Oh at least I told me a hotdog oh really hungry boy criminal I'm gonna be a coin oh no oh no I got to stay alarm the cops could be showing up in issue gotta get my gun ready okay get ready zip zop zip these up from where the cops were they were they if I'm a robber I'm a big bed Robert I think I want to go through a life of crime oh just really hungry where's the rock where's the cops the cops are coming soon I know it I know it ought to be through the cops they're coming they're coming the cops are coming no what the heck are you okay okay okay I'm freaked out I shouldn't freak out chef Rica everything's gonna be okay I should just use my hot dog enjoy it all I have it mister mister oh thanks for the thanks for the hot dog little fella mmm yummy yummy treat Thank You pal ah ah all right mmm mmm now it's time to begin with schemes of how I'm gonna take over this city it and become the evilest person in the city ha ha ha you will you're evil it uses anybody look I spent like 10 minutes trying to steal oh you mean yeah I'm more than a meanie but thanks for the snack yeah have us begin my investing how will I take over this city you took mr. hook you took big but you took mine you took my hot dog you took my hot dog took my hot dog you took my hot dog that's something that I can never forgive oh well mean we're all friends here you age my hot dog we can talk no more mr. nice cupcake II took my hot dog good thing I take another one stupid stupid man stupid me took my ribbon Hotel good stupid me Oh Willie Willie hungry I gotta go kid steal another one now I'm under what still although which the hall the hall you won Oh mr. cupcake there's no a 1 in criminal four for robbery and death I'm gonna have to find a secret mr. cupcake sole onee criminal now who mr. cricket you have to go into hiding Oh dooba dooba okay careful like sleep I'm gonna go to do the rounds and see if everyone's been the same old same old saying you old oh it's the leader of the county huh if I shoot him and take him out then then I can become superior by taking off the leader no thoughts will be mine he dupa dupa to walk down the street walking down the street minding my afternoon by walking down the street dupa dupa dying leader died [Music] prepared dang I didn't pull it kill time to go for the head huh well versed analyse hold on yeah fall asleep what's going on outside your fireworks I want to see the pretty fireworks fireworks Oh Oh Freddie wait for you happened oh oh good I think I just got shot we won time to die dad no we're intruders [Music] chica Oh faulty faulty get the guns get the guns foxy your your watch what's going on your oh hi gun lower where's my going huh y'all gotta get a gun your taste gun away what no first I plant what go Frick mr. cupcake will take over this city I just got to reload hang on your what why is there a neck point here and oh my [ __ ] me taste eggplant evildoers we would look phooey I'm so hungry oh they're gonna eat it Whistler pitch hard-hit you criminal I gotta get a big gun you know I don't worry Foxy's here to save the day or stop right there evil criminal okay all right stay on criminal stand down you're my [ __ ] she done that's my car or I'm a pirate and I'll save the city cuz I'm a pirate free chica oh okay don't worry I'm gonna get him out of here come on good boy or error your where's Bonnie gotta find Bonnie Barney Barney Barney get up Marty what's going on there's a shooting going on Freddy you've been shot we would y'all I could stay safe money I'm gonna go take care of the murderer just watch from the window but don't stand for too long cause you might shoot you just I just need a witness in case I got about what you can see how heroic I was we would what's goin on y'all are criminals I know you're over there somewhere in the storage area come out put your hands up and I won't shoot y'all just a render now it's a criminal I just wanted some food oh wait storage yeah a lamp Oh mr. cook except the lights up in the storage area to protect him y'all get back here's your tank that little thing just got away whatever that was what's got small major thing there's a [ __ ] among us it's a [ __ ] criminal y'all are lucky we'll save the day or work that criminal go boo boo do we do mooing we bleed we gotta find something I don't know wait a minute I could just shoot him never mind blowing blowing just y'all where's that criminal mr. cupcake tingle down ha ha ha at least I got some food I'm really I'm really hungry though oh I just want to food oh you're playing a good strategy kittens wait what there goes then his mass went flying which and so did his gun who's gonna fly shoot your your did you get lucky uh I don't ah [ __ ] see ya hello T she'll be ok funky gonna be ok I'm here my arms been shot my lines we shot it's ok funky it's ok it's ok come on Oh where's the hospital we don't have a hospital in this city dang it Oh Bonnie find some bandages I think I saw some in doc right behind you earlier when I was looking for a bed I think there's some bandages in there get them save us ok ok I'll get some we'll get some bandages oh ok here you go just gonna go check on gonna go check on pretty chica y'all go check on them please hurry Freddy hey where are they you are there in the market Freddie chicken Freddie chicken weak up look at guys it's over it's over daddy's over oh dude it's okay it's okay Freddie I'm here I'm here oh oh oh I took the beating Oh it's okay for you okay we're gonna get you fixed up we're gonna get you fixed up Freddie it's gonna be okay oh you go chica chica Jake oh my gosh chica come on come on get up chica chica chica get up yeah Boyle good stay with me Freddie stay with me it's gonna be okay gosh it's gonna be okay dang frickin criminals why why must you do this they are yeah you know what you're free nice place take a nap so didn't Fox he took his neck so then the cupcake became a wanted criminal but they still had no idea who the cupcake was or like they still had no idea that it was to Coke a basically so so they just reported they're gonna pull reports out saying that there's a criminal among us one building in the city and so that that will be concluded the elevated main plot apart for trying to figure out who did it who shot up the place who shot up the city who did it but that will have to wait unfortunately until part four I almost Park I almost said part three which this is part three so yeah anyways hope you guys somehow enjoyed part number I almost said part number four oh my gosh I'm so bad at numbers I hoped you guys enjoyed part three make sure you leave a like and let me know if you want a part number four and I will deliver it hopefully one day maybe not right away but later on so yeah anyways this has been the neon City we always have to end on this image because you can't escape it so yeah anyways I hope you guys enjoyed part 3 so yeah what will happen in part 4 well mr. cupcake finally be caught will glitch trap but come back from the dead and it's chica I'm Freddy and foxy gonna be alright and whatever happens to the other chica all that will be answered in part number 4 hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see y'all later
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 378,352
Rating: 4.808692 out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Neon, City, Part 3, Blacklight, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Roleplay, RP, Funny
Id: 38bGlfod1Qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 50sec (2630 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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