Gmod FNAF | Funtime Freddy Meets Himself From The Future!

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[Music] foxy please let me in stop ignoring me i can see you i know you know i'm outside unlock the door please i want to hang out with you again please why are you ignoring me let me aim god god god dang it fun time foxy oh man she's been ignoring me for for so long god dang i think i think she's still mad at me oh that toll that i accidentally got her secret reveal even though it wasn't my fault but she's blaming me and now she won't even hang out with me anymore dang this is a a sad day for funtime freddy oh man i can't even hang out with bonbon today either because he's hanging out with his girlfriend i there's nothing for me to do dang it right now practically right now the best friend i got right now is um it's myself and now that i said it out loud that's kind of depression dang i guess everything is depression oh well um or maybe i can go see if i can hang out with that mr afton dude or whatever his name was and wait what that what that what is that in the sky what the what the heck is that and uh oh god i gotta take shelter something bad could happen ah i'm here i'm finally here yes yes it worked it worked i'm back i'm back oh i can see the green trees and the green grass oh it's all back it's all back all right yes ah feels so good i think i think it's still freaking stupid hard to move around oh it feels ah so weird to be back and oh my goodness it's wow look at this place it's it's been so long since i've since i've seen buildings oh man wow i forgot these things even existed all right but i don't have enough time to slack around i got i got a mission to do i gotta get it done quick before i get spotted by anyone i can't can't change anything from the past now oh man oh man oh that dude who is that guy oh my god he looks really scary is this is he an alien i think he's an alien i think he just got dropped off by his alien spaceship or whatever oh my gosh he's gonna take over the world and is he gonna attach whatever those like little spaghetti noodle arms he's got and he's gonna try to brainwash everyone and take over their minds oh my god oh no what do i do what do i do what do i do oh oh man oh man i'm so scared i'm so scared oh wait a minute or maybe maybe he could be friendly yeah that's right it's not nice of me to go ahead and judge somebody just based on how they look i got to be nice to them so uh i should go introduce myself to him that would be a smart idea um all right well here i go um uh excuse me mister okay that's enough okay gotta figure out where i'm at um yeah let's see i think i'm in the right area i know what oh oh my god hey i'm just going down it's me i'm so sorry you're just so ugly enough wait a minute wait wait a second is that oh no it can't be can it what do i know you you feel i don't know why but you seem familiar to me i don't know why i it's because i'm oh wait maybe maybe i shouldn't say that all right uh um hey wait a minute wait what the heck wait a minute at first i thought you were an alien but i think i figured it out i think my two brain cells just came together are are you from the future is that are you me uh uh no no no you you are me oh yeah wait you're me from the future but wait what the heck happened to me bro how did you look so ugly hey i'm better looking than you no you're not well at least during my time period i look half decent compared to everyone else wait really uh yeah definitely 100 so wait a minute me from the future are you here to like spread evil and kill people what no why why would you think that i i'm not evil i i i'm you why why would i do that all right i don't know i just don't know what happened hey but hey what what happens in the future i can't spread that information and oh i'm not even supposed to be talking to you i'm on an important mission all right the year wait wait a minute i just realized i'm wait hold on a second wait a second if if you're me uh-huh and my mission is to no no dang it no no no wha wha what's wrong i went dang it the portal worked but i went to the wrong time period i was supposed to go further back in time i have to stop the chaos oh god dang it i'm it's too late oh man this shocks now that means now that means i need to find a way back to the future to find another way to go further back in time to the past ah god freaking dang it i went to the went to the wrong stinking went to the wrong time period god god god dang it wait what what wait why are you here though i have to uh um what's your mission i i can't tell you what all that matters now is i need to go to the future i i need to go back to the future did somebody say back because i always come back wait who who are you i am afton i am the smartest creature in the entire world oh wait i i think i remember hearing some old things about you i i thought you oh wait no i'm back in time so it would make sense it would be wait you're you're you're a smart scientist right uh-huh could you get me back to the i need to i need to go back to the future can can you help me out well i will help you but i want to exchange for answers what happens in the future why does everyone keep asking me that question that's so annoying i i just got here you know you could be asking like hey how are you how you doing how's how's life going for you but no no everyone wants to know what happens in the freaking future no nobody cares about me ah oh man well i i don't think you're supposed to be here because the longer you stay here the vlog the more time gets messed up and stuff blah blah blah you know how it goes wait wha what the heck is going on i i'm so confused mr afton do you know this dude what no of course i don't know him well obviously he's he's you but he's not supposed to be here this goes against scientist rules look my scientist part is kicking in right now i'm an evil mad scientist but like a good scientist i know that time travel is messy and stuff so technically you two never met before so that means you just being here could screw up the future you know uh yeah i know i i know i know so we gotta get you back to the future before you completely screw up time so come on come on let's go to my basement ah god dang it luckily i have some blueprints around here and uh maybe i can change this into some type of portal ah typical typical tuesday for you whoa what this dude is really nice uh yeah he he is i'm kind of surprised that he actually he wants to help but uh can you please just tell me one thing that happens in the future pretty pretty please just one thing uh i'm not supposed to tell you but you're me man come on just think of it through my eyes you know you i would be really curious to know what happens in the future man um what what could what's one thing i could tell you without screwing everything up um uh well i really shouldn't tell you anything because it's like the whole butterfly effect you know the butterfly effect you know you go back in time change one simple thing like like accidentally step on one blade of grass or something the whole future gets screwed up and me talking to you right now is already screwing everything up i really shouldn't really shouldn't tell you anything um please please please please please please please pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty please um okay fine fine i'll tell you i'll tell you one thing that happens in the future oh boy oh boy oh boy all right now listen very very carefully because the information i'm about to tell you is really really really important so i need you to focus okay okay i'm focusing i'm listening all right be very quiet and listen concentrate all right so in the future i uh this machine is stupid hey mr afton can you give me some legs what oh bye-bye oh my god i haven't seen you forever wait what get out my way oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god wait what in the world is this ugly thing what are you evil trash monster oh my god i missed you so much wait what are you doing look at me i bought i miss you so my god i much even please somebody save me don't worry bon bon i'll keep you safe ah what are you doing look at me oh my oh my head what what happened and what the hey what are you doing ah everybody help me don't worry bonbon i'm i'll keep you safe come on let's go oh what are you doing hey look at me all right hey bonbon oh my god what just happened oh what just happened oh my god what do i do what just happened well i think it's pretty obvious your friend just got kidnapped oh my goodness why how how do you know how are you so calm about everything today i look listen pal i've been through a lot in my life and when i say a lot i mean a lot so nothing really faces me anymore um and uh anything that happens that seems un unnatural is pretty common to me so anyways if we want to send that dude back or if we want to send you your future self back to where he came from so he doesn't destroy everything um then uh because i feel like that's probably gonna happen if he stays around here for a long time because he's a huge giant metal trash pile and that only means that he's probably evil or something um but anyways hey wait aren't you evil though i i i used to be i'm not really i'm not evil or good i'm just neutral all right i just i don't i just don't like to get involved these days i'm really old anyways i can i can make i can make a temporary portal uh to send him back but it'll only last like five seconds so we gotta make it quick and um just go get him and lure him back here and when i see you guys i'll activate the portal whatever you'll know what to do just just go get your friend all right okay mister don't worry bonbon i'll save you i have to save bon bon before that evil version of me eats him oh my gosh oh my gosh i don't have a lot of time and wait a minute wait a minute am i gonna have to go fight myself oh gosh i i look super strong and buff in the future oh man i i don't i think if i go in there i'm probably gonna get killed myself oh no oh no what i gotta come up with a plan to save bon bon but what can i do and uh oh i have a good i haven't i have an amazing idea oh my gosh don't worry bob i'm gonna save you aha yes the police station i'll get the police to do the work for me ouch out stupid door out um hello ow excuse me excuse me hello welcome to the police station how can i help you mr police officer i have an emergency why didn't you just call 9-1-1 why'd you come over here well i was just it was just a neighborhood anyways that doesn't matter you okay there pal i had to run all the way over here i'm out of breath mr police officer i need to report a kidnapping whoa a kidnapping oh my goodness i'm so sorry to hear that who got kidnapped my my best friend bon bon he's he's been kidnapped well who kidnapped him do you know the name of this individual who kidnapped your friend uh oh gosh wait that's a good question what what is that guy's name um what's his name what's his name and oh wait a minute it's me from the future uh yeah his name's funtime freddy um okay let me see let me look in our databanks for uh luckily we have a photo of everyone who lives in a neighbor so let me neighborhood so let me see let me look all right i think i found something all right one fine time freddy so this is this is what he looks like um so this is the person who kidnapped your friend this right here is a photo of fun time freddie and uh wait a minute wait a minute now that i'm i'm looking what wait a minute wait a minute wha what's up officer are you gonna go help my friend wait you're a fun time freddy uh yeah i am fun i'm freddy well then get on the ground you're under arrest why are you arresting me officer you're under arrest oh please somebody help me what are you gonna do to me evil trash monster bonbon it's me don't you remember me ponbon no you're just an ugly spooky trash monster although you do look kind of like funtime freddy bonbon it is me it is me i'm fun time freddy wait what's up freddy's is that you yashbanbot yes it is oh my goodness what happened to you today i thought you were i just saw you like five minutes ago you look completely fine all bonbon it's i'm funtime freddy from the future wait you're from the future what happens in the future oh my would everyone stop asking me that question it's so freaking annoying why can't anybody ask how i've been oh my goodness yo i'm filled with sadness to this day but anyways don't worry i will keep you safe i haven't seen you in show show long bon bon wait you haven't seen me in so long wait i'm confused wait if you're in the future and you haven't seen me a long time then wait does that mean i'm oh bon bon i'm so glad you're back oh but don't worry bon bon this time around i'll keep you safe i will protect you at all cost and and wait a minute oh i just i just i have an idea bonbon i'll just take you back to the future with me wait what i don't want to go to the future what type of future is it like is it like a nice future uh it's very um ah oh wait justin by the way you look i i can tell it's not a very nice future no i do not want to go to the future i want to stay here thank you very much well you're going to the future with me bon bon wait what no i can't just leave what about bonnet i can't leave bonnet behind well too bad i never liked her god god dang it well well well fun time freddy things don't look too good for you uh clearly can you just let me go i'll figure something else out this idea was stupid no no not so fast one time freddy you have been charged with a crime of kidnapping how do you plead uh no i i didn't do it i didn't do it oh really then who kidnapped bonbon i did wait no i did not i did not oh he confesses he confesses all right funtime freddie i'm sorry but the court has found you guilty of all charges no wait what court i don't see no court the food court oh no i can't think stupid stupid ah so hard to program crap with only with only one freaking hand ah this is stupid but all right wait a minute if i do this calculate luckily luckily he dropped a little bit of he dropped one of his wires so i have his dna so that's good i can figure out what time period and uh holy holy freak that's oh my god that top dang i i i don't know how to react to that time period don't oh my oh my goodness i dang i makes me feel old oh man but anyways um i gotta do this and then open it up and then hopefully it works if i have a big big brain which i do think how am i gonna oh it works i'm so smart and wait with this new technology i wait with this technology i i could go into the future myself or even into the past i could go into the past and i could fix all my mistakes with this new technology right here oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness this is this is excellent all right well fun time freddy are you ready to serve a life sentence for kidnapping your best friend uh yeah but before i go in can i just take one last look at the sky before i get locked away forever oh yeah sure all right i just want to take one last little look at the nice beautiful blue sky [Music] oh man i still can't believe this i can't believe he turned at least he turned himself in you know that's that's a good part and he did admit to the crime maybe maybe i shouldn't give him a life sentence yeah a life sentence is too harsh i'll just um i'll give him 90 years instead 90 years sounds pretty good in jail yup sounds pretty pretty good all right well time's up fun's up freddy come back inside what what where'd he go please just let me go i don't want to go come on bon bon we're gonna have so much fun together bon bon give me back my friend wait for that pretty oh we gotta get out of here hey we gotta get back to mr afton's room uh okay friends are pretty bon bon it's up to you to save the day wait what bon bon go get him wait what oh ouch hey hey pal bonbon's over there get away from me get away i can't move the location it's right there out oh wait how are we going to get him in there i don't know he's huge there's no way we could shove him in there bonbon it's time for us to play bon bon time for us to play blind buying time for us to play i tripped oh no oh i'm getting shocked back in no well that's what you get for messing with bonbon fi find time freddie find out friend there's one thing i must tell you before i get sucked back or what is it beware circus baby she is not what she seems oh and he's gone yay we did it i don't even know what he said but i don't even know what that's supposed to mean but okay well he's gone but um huh well that was weird so i'm freddy how was it meeting yourself from the future uh it was weird it was weird i i can't believe in the future i'm becoming ugly trash monster i don't i don't understand how that's even gonna happen like how would i turn into a pile of trash i don't know friends are pretty um i guess that just means you've always been a huge pile of trash on the inside album by my feelings it was a joke friends everybody was a joke oh okay oh thanks thanks for uh thanks for saving me funtime freddy yeah no problem bon bon oh man but mr afton isn't this so cool we have this like portal we could we could go into the future afton or even the pash i know right it is a marvelous ah it is so beautiful oh ah yes uh the possibilities are endless with this technology so wait mr afton can you explain to us how you solved the how you figured out a time travel within like five minutes well you see i didn't i wasn't the one who figured out basically once that dude came in he dropped off the small wire and on it it had his dna and with his dna i was able to also get his memories from that dna and on it i could he had he knew how to travel to the past and the future so he knew time travel basically and with this information on this wire from his memory i was able to just plug into my computer and boom a portal well it was really just that easy yep just that easy so with this computer now we can we could open up portals to the past in the future but we probably shouldn't it's very very dangerous oh yeah i guess that that is true yeah we probably should have messed with time travel but it would be a lot of fun yeah it would be bon-bon hey bon bon later if we should sneak down to afton it's a basement when everyone just sleep and we go either into the pasture of the future oh my god that'd be so much fun fun time freddie yeah let's do it well anyways i should bet i better turn off this portal before something else bad comes through so let me turn it off and no it blew it up it blew it up no no no my work oh ah it's gone it's all gone i'm on fire put me out stop drop a girl stop drop and roll mister after what just happened i i i it got blue it blew up uh now we don't have access to time travel anymore no wow i can't believe all that just happened well i'm gonna go hang out with bonnet see you guys later wait pop on how can you act like nothing just happened i'm pretty old so it's time for a nap i'm gonna go take a nap wait guys guys don't leave me oh man man i don't know if we should have sent him back i'm because now i'm bored again now i don't have anyone to hang out with oh god god dang it oh man oh man but it does make me think what will happen in the future um only time will tell [Music] you
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 502,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Funtime Freddy, Bon Bon, Bonnet, Funny, Story, RP, Roleplay, Afton, SB, Security Breach, Molten Freddy, Blob
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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