Gmod FNAF | Help Wanted Glitchtrap Is In The Pizzeria!

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how the show will begin any minute hey kids welcome to Freddy fazbear's pizza vans all here to sing just for you so happy birthday yeah it's my birthday anyways kids the band's here does sing you a birthday song but first let's introduce the band as always I'm your host Freddy foz head and here's chica the chicken chica say hi to the kids chica she's a little deaf kids chica chica hi chica say hi to the kids come on oh hi can't i'm chica and this is my cupcake mr. cupcake can you see hi mr. cupcake mr. caca chica it's a stupid object this is no life you mean he's not alive let me know yeah yeah yeah chica he's alive just just taking his nap but Freddy his eyes are still open he's not asleep yes he is chica he sleeps with his eyes open oh why does he do that Freddy well chica some people sleep with their eyes open creepily for some reason but that's not normal Freddy well that's normal for him anyways kids let's let's go say hi to Bonnie the bunny hey Bonnie how's it going it's going good Freddy get you your guitars all in tune today yep sure is can't wait for my solo today oh yeah yeah kids make sure to hang around cuz Bonnie's gonna be you doing a solo just for y'all bye Freddy you make it sound like everything's just for them well that's because it is chica oh come on chica yeah chica well I'm sorry I'm late two things anyways kids um let's get them let's get ready for our birthday song mm-hmm okay kids well we well the band did not well me and the band talk for a second your kids go have fun enjoy some pizza stuff and make sure to meet back here and exactly uh five minutes so uh yeah yeah your cane time yeah yeah hey kids hey kids kids over here over here kids look at me Oh what dude I've never seen that one before hey kids y'all wanna it'sit's me spring Bonnie I'm a I'm a new fellow around here but uh oh yeah well I brought with me some arcades home during this back room um some of them don't work but uh there are some of these in here that do work and y'all could get some early access to them if you want Oh arcades want to play small Kade's yeah me too well come come come back here and uh all up and you can play some arcades it's there just in this room right here come along yay arcade early access arcades oh this is the best birthday ever I get early access to your new Freddy falls games hey come on kids in here hooray oh boy okay you telling the place huh well just in your little girl yay well I guess I'll give these a I guess I'll give it a shot but um I've never been back in this room don't worry fella the arcades are in there waiting for you to play on okay all right but we got to hurry because the band's gonna play in five minutes yeah yeah yeah whatever I need one more to come back here you you little girl over there you want to come place markets real quick I'll take less than five minutes uh okay I'll give it a try come on let's go let's hang out back here come on you're just in here uh okay okay kids it's bid five minutes surprisingly Freddie that's five minutes flew by fast shut up Chico nobody cares yeah chica Wow y'all are River rude no chica we're just excited because we're about to sing to the children but first we sing hat but before we sing happy happy happy happy birthday an old old friend has returned and and and and and now now now it's time for us to see him again but but but but while we were busy about Bonnie Bonnie wants to play his solo before we sing happy birthday isn't that right Barney of course Freddy I'll do my solo so you could go fine to kill I just play and eat pizza so you see guys this is why Bonnie's my best best friend but Freddy what about them now meme don't worry chica you can come with me you need some pizza find him pizza okay how do you like me some pizza so I'll go with that and kill them yeah so kids well me and chief chica go kill chip eat some pizza Bonnie will sing his solo distract sing solo yeah okay all right but Bob on coke to the main center stage all right thank you again Freddy for letting me for let me show the kids my my new my new guitar solo yeah yeah no no no problem what Barney come on chica it looks like Bonnie do a solo when you eat some pizza oh boy some pizza I can't wait I'll leave mr. cupcake here you kidding watch out for him while me and Freddy go eat some pizza Coco and chica look looks let's go find him okay Frick Freddy alright kids it's time for my rabbit solo I mean Mike I hung my guitar solo sorry kittens I'm a little off today anyways it's time for us time for me and do my guitar solo so uh I'm a little nervous aw okay I got it to my catarrh solo so I hope you kids liked it I've spent all night practicing it so uh I'm a little nervous but here we go did you know damp down you know oh whoops people nothing so much you know but do you think dinner you know do you did all my mom buy my guitar seems a little little wacky today uh hang on there's just a little nervous um aren't everyone else go where's the birthday boys there's no one watching this solo I mean I like it Oh Hickel and kids give me a second dang it dang I hate today a8 distracting people oh yeah yeah Daniel don't be like I don't think my guitars I've never heard my guitar make these noises before Daniel oh wait I didn't think this thing's possessed hey on kittens there seems to be a little problem like a tarp with you if you could just give me a sec you know guitar work with me I pray I wouldn't make myself look good that's do you do do do do do do mr. there's only um there's only one arcade back here yeah and it's on the sign it says out of order oh you whitewash guys I think I heared the the band singing no you idiot I hear no singing that's Bonnie playing his guitar oh he must be doing his solo right now I want to go see his solo well hanging hang on kids hang on hang on there's no need to get rally up and stuff um there is something I didn't want to show you although look over there in the corner what is what is this yeah go look at it it's there's two Freddy's well I want to see this yeah me too yeah yeah yeah you all go look at that and not me uh what even what it's like a it's like a yellow Freddy yeah keep going over there and look at it oh yeah yeah y'all just look I mean I'll just look at it I'll just just just look don't worry you'll be painless it's a they they're they're old for friend remember us for Freddy I'm stuck in the door shut up chica oh you're back as you can see you're too late no not this time no you're actually late you you they're dead now but I still have the chance to kill you oh I kind of forgot about that um uh endoskeleton attack what oh my bare face I got to get out here oh you're not going anywhere mister until you give me my pizza pizza with those three I I want it that that I'd have fine stupid frickin cheek take a dead corpse to the face uh a bop cheek don't don't let them go go don't let her friend go it's doesn't cake hasn't happened yet I'm out of here scrubs I'm here Oh Frick there goes the dork uh adult kids I'm gonna have to go get a new bigger guitar from the from the back I'll be right back hope I hope you hope you okay I hope you don't mind if we meet me me me whoa dudes back hey there buddy you haven't had cake yet uh sorry pal uh I don't want any cake today um I got it I got a thing I can't go I got Cinque I gotta get out of this costume uh come on come on bud buddy buddy let's let's get some cake maybe you actually wants to give me a cake oh yeah sure I'll get some cake I'm kind of hungry okay if the fellow the cake cakes cakes over here fall follow me okay I'll take some cake yay all right kids Freddy and Jake I've gone long gone missing and but anyways it stood stick it's it's time to dig in to dig in to dig into the cake a cake because who needs to wait because I'm a sneaky rabbit and it's time to get get get some cake oh yes eating the cake before your friends show up classic I did that too pal uh hello who are you oh I'm I'm spring buying I'm just here to have a great time like you are okay alright kick you kids let me go go go go dig into the kick kick kick hey hold hold it hold hold it what Barney it's not time for cake yeah but but but but Freddy I already told the kids I would get the cake but it's not time for cake yeah we have we haven't even sung happy birthday yet poor Freddy Bonnie where's what about your good guitar solo uh uh I I did my guitar solo and and I all weren't showing up so I was like hey I just won't go into the cake Barney you should have waited just the itty-bitty longer yeah yeah yeah Bonnie oh sorry guys oh no were sneaking into the cake today maybe next time oh all right well are we singing happy birthday oh of course Barney we have to sing happy happy birthday before before before we killed did they can de cake oh boy I just love to sing happy birthday before we kill something I get into the cake okay kids time to sing happy birthday happy birthday wait where's the birthday wait where where's everyone else at oh they all got food poison and had to go to the hospital wait how'd it go to the hospital oh I hope they're okay should I go no no no it's fine it's fine don't you want some cake I mean cake does sound good stuff but what about my friend day was his birthday yeah he's fine wait what about him is he okay he looks past the role in the floor it's fine they probably forgot to put him in the hospital movie or something wait sure no we helped and they're about to sing happy birthday shut up and listen oh okay pea birthday oh so it's already kicking kids weekend singing that song because it's copyrighted those are that before line wait Freddie you're saying we didn't have to sing happy birthday dirt birthday yeah Bonnie we did we didn't have to sing it so you're saying I could have just gone ahead and dug into the cake by now yup dang it Freddie huh alright well let's go and dig into the cake now alrighty kids it's not time for cake chica would you could go go get the cake for us of course Freddie I'll go get the cake alright kids we have to wait for chica to get back telling us we have to wait and we can't go into the kitchen Freddie sorry Bonnie but we're not allowed in the kitchen we have to stay out here in the open so that way you won't get killed get get kidnapped get get lost okay Freddie I guess you gotta follow the rules you're kids we like to have fun here at freddy freddy fazbears but we also like to follow the rules here so please follow follow the rules and and don't kill any but don't go away from your parents oh don't don't touch me don't did to stay inside at all times and have a great time yeah yeah yeah yeah Freddy chica where's the cake it I'm hungry oh it's here for anything I just went and got the tank on it I don't get the gun if that stupid dump cake I got okay I got I got the cake Freddy I got the tank will brew bring it over in your cheek good I can't Frannie here's that here so here's the cake there you go kids there's your cake so now I can dig into a Freddy hold up Bonnie hold it hold it but Freddy you said I could get some cake I said they could get some cake not you you have to wait for everyone else to get a slice first and then you could get some Oh but Freddy go ahead kids get some cake but Freddy you said I could go ahead and get a slice no we're doing it Bonnie kids go first that's having manners manners what are those it's where you be light in let other people go first like let my other people die first let let let let let them save them what look look of course Barney oh my bad Freddy alright kids and enjoy joy joy your cake a cake what cake cake I would some cake I want some cake to get all the way kids Oh hurt me a little sorry kid huh I'm just really hungry I've been eatin lunch today I'm really want some cake oh let me just get a slice you just ate from the gate mmm that's a delicious cake okay I guess there's a little ice in here I could look and mmm it's just cake cakes kind of funny and it does taste a little funny but it was delicious it tasted good on an empty stomach is that food dye did they use fear dying this and probably this place is really cheap oh all right kids now that the cakes been eaten but me get a slice it's okay Barney there's always tomorrow tomorrow but Freddy how do we know if somebody's birthday is to tomorrow what are the odds of someone else coming here tomorrow on their birthday but don't worry Barney there's lots of people out there and there's lots of birthdays so don't worry the next one will surely happen soon oh okay Freddy if you say so no no no no no now now now kids get key kids know you could good good go have some fun now that the band is done for today uh okay I don't really feel good yeah all right yeah yeah you know what I am gonna do I am gonna go do something else I'm gonna go home chill relax come back tomorrow and stab some more kids and and what does the out of you how do you feel about that Freddy III III think that will will happen on our watch minute mister Afton dive creator Hey and you can't stop me you can't save them you're too slow you you you you you you might be baby right on that that bat pal but we used our brains for once right chica of course Freddie what you're talking about your robots are stupid you're broken malfunction I don't care if you're possessed or not you still can't kill me you're too slow you're just a bunch of robots I wanted to assault Freddie he doesn't like that Bonnie's right I don't like being insulted but that's why we had cheap Cheeka Cheeka Cheeka poisoned the cake right chica of course Freddie i poisoned the cake wait what I think I did chica it's either you did or didn't did you poison the cake or not uh either i poisoned the cake or I poison Carl I think it was the case it better be that me be the cake chica this could have been our last attempt to stop him well he was here uh-uh-uh I'm not gonna die mmm good anyway down oh that kid ate the cake - OH oh god I'm gonna die oh god I gotta get this outta my system uh-huh I stopped it uh-huh you you losers little lost lost again oh my gosh I'm starting to talk like y'all now hello that cake that was some pretty bad cake good thing else I will throw it up in time so that way it didn't poison me I like that error kid even though I ate it before him did you cheat Bonnie but it will avoid food sir should we do Friday we shouldn't let let let him and escape escape skate hey good good good idea to chica you go over that over there - did you ok Freddy Alton - what - - or Bubba buddy buddy buddy buddy bunny buddy uh uh hey there Freddy you man huh your stupid cake idea didn't work no oh I want to go home honey my med Shane what are you crying about shouldn't you be dead by now then you eat that poisoned cake no I just I just need my medicine cuz if I don't take my medicine once a day I forgot it at home so I didn't go call my mom but if I don't take my medicine once a day I get really lightheaded so yeah I should do y'all have a phone somewhere the phones over there at the main kick kick out her ah Thank You Freddy yeah excuse me guys let me go call my mom get my medicine wait wait wait wait wait wait wait does that mean the cake wasn't poison was it a healthy no chica the cakes not healthy didn't healthy it must not have been poisoned buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh about chloral then cut Carl well he he he he stays he is poison unhealthy all the time Oh Carl well I didn't know that you were poisoned healthy hmm does that mean we can eat coral - of course not Freddie we can't eat Carl your oh yeah you're right chica we're we're now well 2ek but the children are here you go child your cake don't freak I'm not even that Thanks just eat the freaking cake oh good cccc kids Freddie you know you're not supposed to feed the kid Carl to the kids well to it - too late for that I feel the poison I feel my arms dying I got it get oh I can't my body's too weak the poisons already spread through my body I'm gonna die in this rabbit suit oh no it's uh I just I see the light I see the light no wait where's the light going it's all dark scared well guys it looks like our friend has finally rested left to enjoy eternal torment no no no guys we can have our happiest day our happiest day happiest eyes but foxy well woody it's been so long since we last seen yeah sorry Freddie I bet a high perch end into the kid isn't that right little whippersnapper uh-huh hey how long is that kid been there alright been here for a while just been looking at foxy flexing my favorite I only come here for foxy not y'all whoa you hurt my feelings hey it's not nice to insult Freddie right he doesn't like it when he gets assaulted yeah Barney's right but I'll let this one slide because it's our happiest day now come on guys let's have her happiest day hooray our happiest day oh are you leaving now sharukh sorry kiddo but I gotta go have my happy day oh okay well I'm leaving this place sucks then kekulé on guys let's have her happiest day and let's not forget about her friend come on buddy it's time for us all to go together and to finally move on he's been dealt with and don't worry you're safe now friend or everybody let's sing our happiest day song happiest day happiest day happiest day happy day we're all together our friend has been killed and now we can go and rest now hooray oh boy I can't wait to go yarr oh boy I hope there's pizza I called my mom she should be here any minute to pick me up and up hey but this place is really weird I'm scared I'm a I'll just wait outside um mom please get your mom this place is weird and creepy Bob where are you
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 920,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Five Nights at Freddy's, Gmod, Help Wanted, FNAF, Garry's Mod, Spring Bonnie, Roleplay, Virus
Id: gFLaltu2JxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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