Gmod FNAF | New Joy of Creation NPCs/Nextbots!

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hey guys welcome back to gmod five nights at freddy's now today we got some uh does something new yeah gmod there okay good alright anyways um welcome to gmod Finn F whatever episode this like episode 467 it's probably not but it's around 400 I think I don't know anyways we got some more net boxes and we got the joy of creation ones so these are dorothy the joy of creation a funny thing is like one of my last videos was to joy creation pill pack well for mr. golden boy but and now we got some net boxes for them and it's only the main for it sadly does not have it does not have ignited golden freddy and it or creation it's just a main for so yeah anyway they run like how they do in the game of joyful creation reborn or yeah cuz then reborn that's when they chase you around but um yeah freddy man he's just running down here and it's just running down the street so I mean that's Freddy boy and then just straights it kills you and then starts doing his ideal walk where is he okay there's a Freddy on the loose anyway next person we got is let's do Bonnie all right so we got ignited Bonnie here and you know as you can choose just running just like I'm gonna get you I'm going to get you I'm so gonna get you look at this man okay so um yeah he's just like in the game and he does his ideal walk afterwards from when he's in the basement so yeah oh there he goes by Bonnie are we doing hide and seek with these guys in the city there's Freddy over there okay anyways next up we got chica who's fast as heck like I actually had the V clip for chica yeah chica is fast she just won the faster ones because chicas in the forest and a chica likes to run okay chica you only come down here chica chica what are you doing jeep chica she gets crazy oh my gosh look at chica she comes staying over here how you have to go all the way back all this is a nice way to escape Wow okay anyways so there's chica going crazy and stuff so let's see next up we got is foxy look at fall oh my gosh Fox he's fast look at this man run Doh Doh Doh Doh Doh Doh Doh Doh Doh Doh oh yeah and then and that's his ideal walk wait okay let's try to spot an animatronic is still over here there's chica so you can kind of see chicas ideal walk so um just going and walking where you going chica where are you going you're just going down the street where it where it Fox me and go foxy oh there's foxy yeah um gosh where did Bonnie and Freddy go oh there's Bonnie all I hear they go they're going to interact with each other Oh or or not are they just gonna do circles around this whole area this chica going back down what's chica - chica what you doing chica where you goin chica so you guys just walking work Freddy go Freddy was over here right Freddy where is Freddie Freddie I think Freddie went over here actually Freddie weird Freddie yo oh that's not good okay anyways um let's see chicas right there Bonnie and foxy Bonnie's date word foxy go I'm losing them left and right oh wait there's foxy oh my gosh you were difficult away he spotted me yeah okay just kill me I don't want them to see me I just want them dude to be able to roam around peacefully that's all I wanted dear it's just an animatronic civilization that's what we're gonna do we're just going to spy on that oh gosh just makes them drop out of sky and then they're gonna be after me all right but this is gonna be their village okay we're just gonna die and then okay only a few of them saw me oh gosh the lag all right yeah so we're just gonna let them roam around the place I think some Foxy's and Bonnie's are after me that's not good good I should not have done it right on this one I did it right on this one okay now but first before we continue we're gonna go to this build and this is to build and we'll get a foxy Union damn look at that is creepy why are you just standing still okay I guess they stand still up here because it's like because I guess they're like not tracking or anything so I mean you could see them just standing up here that's pretty um it's pretty sure oh they're just looking at me yeah oh gosh oh gosh chica all right we're gonna see if these guys can be killed well let's get this I don't think they can can they not be killed maybe it's just cuz they're up here on the roof let's try killing this chica okay they can't kill I just heard T could die they're good they can be killed so what we're gonna do is we're gonna alright guys we are um alright guys it's your it's your it's your fellow mr. security guard man and we gotta stop these animatronics okay they ran out the pizza place they took it over our homes we got a fight back so that's what we're doing we're fighting back we're fighting against up we're bringing in the military where my tank go or the tank oh oh tank kaboom it's down there I'm going in my tank Joe Oh freak that's a rabbit be gone you animatronics I can't see another Oh Oh God too much smoke all right let's take them out i you Freddie see all frick ones charging us drive he's charging us charging us all Frick okay okay maybe you can okay just got it yeah make a turn I'll brick brick Oh what is happening all now my tank my tank down to tank a tank flipped repeat tank flipped uh we need to flip it over it out Frick okay there you go well there's rabbit it's coming for us i tacked the chicken feet attack the chicken can't see nothing what's happening drive I can't see nothing oh wait no I think the Rebbe we lost the rabbit oh gosh what's happening learn to drive die you bear I'm making this much more difficult on myself I came and killing with the tank you know what just used the tank itself yeah it didn't work I'll freak it blew up um okay okay guys come up with something fast um I gotta get my speedy race car let's get out of your boys we got to go we got to get out of here well I can even go under here oh my gosh you can alright we're gonna have to get out of here and regroup somewhere else Oh Frick where am I oh I'll land it I'll land it up here okay I'm safe up here okay hang on and you know I'm gonna turn on SV cheats all right all right it just had to be stuck okay ah hmm I'm not so sure of what to do yet but um hmm we gotta come up with plan so the tank did not work and is this the main road wait hold up does that mean that they were like right over here where am i we look a parking place oh I need park my car I'm just gonna just got a park just gotta oh my gosh this cars big okay yeah wait boom perfect parking look at my parking skills y'all I'm a good Parker all right anyways one of them robots I don't even know where they are okay I'm gonna come up with a plan what should I do oh wait what about this thing I'm going wait let's see we got that we had the tank we have this this we have this we have this we have this and this what's this one like alright we're gonna go in with these vehicles alright we're gonna try this one first cuz I don't like this one that much alright let's go we got to go stop them holy Frick this thing's hard to drive break slow down okay you just had to crash this thing's pain to drive just got it got it okay now I gotta turn around and go all the way back just because it's cars so dumb car sure I'm getting different car oh my gosh okay I'm gonna take this thing back all right I'm gonna drive this thing back over there was that whose cars is that the yellow man's car like from freakin Curious George or whatever didn't he have a yellow car I knew his hat was yellow what the Frick okay alright we're back home alright let's try this one maybe this one's better let's try this one alright I saw a chicken earlier so we're gonna take a left here I said take up okay not okay hot we're gonna go see there's a chicken in the road over there there's a chicken up there I gotta go stop it it's chicken you are breaking the law we are going to stop the chicken chicken be stopped uh-oh Oh Frick its tacking me this car did not work abort mission abort abort mission abort Go Go Go Go freaking Drive bleep freak holy Frick that the angry chicken that's an angry chicken Oh turn wait where's my parking lot oh it's over there Oh brick brick brick okay I think we lost the chicken yell I'm pretty sure we lost the chicken alright now let's see here we got a gotta be something we can use what's this but that's pretty nice car umm hmm let me think let me think about this one you'll what something I can kill this thing you can put a gun on it but no it's not gonna work it's not gonna work of course it doesn't work the one time I freaking eat it it's not work get out of your dang car get out of here alright oh let's see what else do we got oh this is the car this is where this is what we're using y'all let's go let's go stop these robots where are they okay I think there's we're gonna go back the way we knowwe it let's just turn around we'll make it right all right we're gonna go stop them alright I am your city security guard and I will protect the city where that chicken go where did the chicken go [ __ ] oh is that the chicken I think I spotted the chicken yell alright there's the chicken holy Frick where did she go I thought that was the chicken up there okay okay alright we just gotta I just gotta okay that thing went in alley let's go cut it off we got to go stop it yeah stop I am your national security guard oh oh frigates charging um turn turn holy Frick holy Frick holy frickin Fricks okay just gotta make it turn uh okay this is not a good idea it's not this is not a good idea fully freaking okay Retreat retreat abort mission abort abort abort oh boy Oh Frick hold frickin Frick oh no oh no they're charging gonna turn oh gosh this was a mistake this was a mistake [Music] okay it's okay it's okay just try to cut them off uh oh wait I think up here's where my parking lot is oh I got to get back we'll wait there's a huge parking crusher oh forget crash turn drive learn to drive okay I think I'm losing them retreat yeah back home I'm going back home to my Kroger cars holy Frick always a mistake oh right that was a mistake Oh freak they're coming look getting the speed skating there Speed Racer in the Speed Racer drag learn to chicken Oh Oh Frick they're breaking my car I gotta go I gotta go they found my parking garage now my car flip they always broken mm-hmm okay okay they're extracted they're extracted Oh brick brick one of them knows one of them knows okay we gotta go sorry I think Ferrari uh okay avoid the chicken avoid the chicken Drive break their attack my car it's gonna blow up just like the other one aisle four okay I think I lost them whoo good thing we're out of it Oh brick did not want to go down here let's get on out let's get let's go back up all right it's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay just got over for it slow down afraid there's a chicken stop okay okay I think we lost those other chickens pretty sure we lost them hopefully they left my parking garage by now we can see this is my way to the parking garage because of that car up there okay let's say believe I go slow I think they look oh wait no they're still they're still there I gotta give get my freakin cars I gotta get it on my area them dang chickens all right I'm going this way around okay all Frick oh right the chickens coming back up back up no they're going through my stuff you gotta come up with a plan stop them I need a gun uh brick ticket with the chicken spotted us bet retreat go down the stairs freak freak Oh freak oh no sorry guard guard car coffee cocoa don't let the chicken get you free elf break cars gonna blow up cars gonna blow up cars gonna blow up rich Oh chicken didn't this one this oh I got to get out of here oh my gosh they're all my cars are getting destroyed dang it this one flipped go go go go okay um guys we might have to say goodbye to our parking your stupid Jeep start young car places to hurt me okay Oh Alfred get away from my car you chickens oh my gosh okay uh we're gonna have to go into the parking garage yeah this is the only way to lose them this is the only way it might look like they're right on top of us but they will lose us I'm sure of it stop this go dry bleep brick wait that's not the way oh my gosh do you think chickens this cars gonna end up blowing up - go go go go okay we're on the roof around the roof Drive okay all right we're gonna have to pull a sick move already let's go Oh Frick holy Frick car crash it see tires gone far does it go on here I'll freak the chickens come I see the chicken we got it run uh uh um I'll frick frick and there's rabbits over there oh god jump up here Oh fresh okay okay I just gotta hide break this is bad I need something to shoot back at them uh wait a portal gun but we're right Frick wait let's use this to get out let's see all right what's down there uh break-ins all free I didn't want it out okay I don't like that the rabbit's charging at me okay okay different gun different gun uh okay have to put it down brick frickin run stop stop in the name of the wall you dang rabbit brick this man does not want to be stopped break there's also a beer after us okay okay just got it okay here's my supply of cars freight although most of them blew up okay um that's good we're gonna have to let's get in this one let's go I just want to get away fur up trying to protect the city but it can't alright I need to come with some type of weapon okay alright I'll be saving over here if I could I'm just gonna hang out over here they won't come looking for me over here I'm just gonna hide out back here in the darkness okay well alright that's too far sleepy car right okay um let's see what do I got what do I get oh yeah sci-fi weapons this is what we need um all right I'm going with this wait no not that one where is it this one okay I see you Freddy over there does it not work this I want you I'm gonna take my car I'm gonna drive over there and now I'm gonna have to get out to activate this all right that's my plan I'm gonna go stop that Freddy I see over there mister - Freddy and we gotta go stop it [Music] all right and be stopped brick is in work it didn't work abort abort oh oh oh get away from me Oh Frick okay that did not work um what else do we got wait let's try this gun I know what to do next I get to a better spot that let's get up this hill all right all right and we're gonna look at this time stop stop in the name of the law it's getting like no shots on it oh my car it crashed back up back up back up back up Oh turn turn Oh Frick okay all Frick stuck on him run him over dang it killed me oh hey friend you want to not kill me Oh Frick Frick Oh freak Oh Frick alright we need to come up with a plan all right gang I don't know well I bet I mean security maid outfit my leg okay all right we're gonna have to come up with some different plan let's see okay don't go do it I am the security guard that the city does not need but I'm here anyways so what we're gonna do is we're gonna snipe oh all right I'm a sniper now or these robots boom this is doing absolutely nothing Oh Frick I triggered him hey stop hitting him wait you stood still die kill him okay we got it guys we just got a sniper all right it'd probably be better if we did I think the parking garage is probably the best view so I just need to get in the car and drive over there let's see what car should I take only the best part let's go don't don't don't no don't wait I need to make a ramp because this car can fly all right guys we're gonna make him we're gonna build a ramp so that way we can get over there let's see do we have any ramps isn't there a thing as ramps and this that we got stairs it'll that's not gonna work um let's see what else do we got we got we got pipes this car fitting it I don't think wait well it's good how would what I'll fit my car oh well I wonder if I could drive through these pipes okay we're just gonna leave that thing down there um Wyatt taxi this is the testing car all right all right we're testing don't room room oh that's what we're gonna do we're just gonna build a bunch of these pipes that's what we're gonna do we're just to make it bunch of tubes across okay not little ones those are dumb oh here we go these ones right here these are the ones all right we're just gonna build a bunch of pipes so that way we could just get to a different building for some reason I'm not so sure why but uh yes all right here we go stop donor the donor the door dodo dodo dodo don't do i do what do i do Purdue Purdue oh do I don't dumb with dumb and dumb oh gosh yeah did you did you do them yeah all right we're getting there y'all holy Frick all right cuz then you just got okay that's not gonna work that's still not gonna work that might work and then and it's like thundering like crazy outside boom this is our tunnel system dawn dodo dodo dodo no no no all right cars alright alright Mike are you ready we gotta go this is the starting to a room I have to go through this tunnel so that way I can get to a bridge that way can snipe these robots let's go hey wait hold up hold up wait for a hang on just got it Oh my wheel is stuck yeah that car sucked okay uh uh starting over beep beep beep alright let's go it's gonna be epic let's go Doh Doh Doh Doh Doh Doh Doh no no no boom all right we did it y'all got to the next we got to the roof holy Frick that was awesome and really quick I want to do it again Oh yep but we're gonna go on uncharted with this thing yeah alright unnecessary coolness but let's go Ulfric let's go don't don't don't don't don't don't no no no no good okay back it up back it up back it up back it up Oh Oh we barely made it okay alright yeah we can make it with that one okay that's pretty cool Oh anyways now we can go and start sniping them all right I'm just gonna have my car oh oh freak he's here he found out I'm gonna snipe his friends oh it's boss battle don't wait brick I gotta go through the tube system wait no this is what I'll do I'll stay in the tube system now I want to snap him from here let's go don't go don't go doll dodo dodo dodo dodo hooah oh yeah okay let's see where it where's this man off Rick Rick I don't want to fall out there yes see he's running I'm trying to get covered there's no saving you how many Scots does it take wholly free there we go he's dead he did it he's dead boom we killed him alright let's see we're out to snipe these robots where are they Oh Frick okay wait I'm outta ammo alright now we can start sniping where is he gonna start with this one kaboom I am a sniper come on yes I am now exterminating the animatronics that one's dead I gotta reload Oh Frick Killian Tronics is not an easy job but it's my job oh there you go no thanks go now sight oh I gotta get him a port it goes out of sight boom got him alright let's see all day there's more in that alley I think I got the bear boom bears been exterminated there's a drive at charger me all Freddy's in the building Oh frig oh that's a chicken holy Frick that did not go according to plan uh uh brick brick okay we were killed we were able to kill a few of them we got like two foxes and two bunnies I think and maybe a bear I don't know oh why am I going through this alley what am i doing okay there's gotta be something else I can use to stop them wait what if I attach them to my car that way the car can kill them like dynamite yeah that would be good all right let's we're gonna go do that dododo we're going to space I stopped driving upside-down holy Frick all right let's go we're going to new places all right since this car is pretty much about the blow we're just gonna put some dynamite on it okay that's the stuff all right ready kaboom I'll freak all the dynamite just fell off Frick rip the rest dynamite okay we got attached to dynamite um let's see weld okay let's go we're going boys well this is a suicide mission but it's a mission that must be done where are they dang robots all free um Oh freak that do not get recording the plan um all Frick I'll pay that's chicken holy Frick Frick okay I don't think dynamite hurts it we gotta gotta put the dynamite where's the dynamite dynamite dynamite dynamite dynamite dynamite uh uh boom and then just weld oh I know I got plenty of time okay dupa dupa dupa do boom alright now that we got our dynamite we can go and stop them I'm pretty sure this won't kill me my car is indestructible dynamite but not to false walls okay alright here's the chicken we got to lure the chicken in alright hey chicken beep-beep you want to come poster all free do the dynamite oh great the dynamite was too much it crashed my game what the heck might freakin game crashed what the heck why why you did this to me games and it's still thundering outside my game crashed that sucks like what the heck and oh my gosh game why you do this to me game this needs to stop okay oh my gosh doop doop doop aduke 32 oh my gosh man that was um that could have gone better I'll go ahead and say that now all right you know I think I'm just gonna only have four of them in just the main four not gonna spawn in duplicates of them cuz that's way too many to try to kill all right and oh my gosh it's pouring outside oh gosh anyways we're gonna put a stout to these to these robots taking over my city all right just gotta just just hurry up please just are you done loading yet okay there you holy Frick it's still lagging why is it okay there you alright and also they updated this menu which is weird anyways um alright let's see here we got to get my car I get my car and spine these robots okay what are they it's sounder down here no I believe that uh all right I should spawn next my car I did not spawn next to my car Oh car you just want Oh Frick no car okay all right my car's gonna come to me and yeah wait is that gonna hit me [Applause] don't move a muscle good to cut off quick that's not afraid that's my hundun Freddie I spawned enough ready oh great we're gonna get rid of that extra Freddie all right now I'm ready time spikes to my car all right boo boo boo all right we're doing car simulator y'all advanced flight simulator all right let's see what do we need for we need some spikes we need some things that actually hurt people what hurts people we got these saw blades yes Frick I fell okay just kind of the da da doop doop would you do we're gonna attach these to the front of the car we're gonna have I'll Freight no get back here brick okay they attacked my saw blade all right just cut we're just gonna put these in the front of the car we're gonna weld it weld boom and then we're gonna have what else hurts people see what would hurt you guys you touch what would happen oh wait no we should just spawn in a bunch of barrels that that's what we'll do well we're gonna make at our barrels it's gonna that's not Oh Frick they blew some of it up okay this is what we're doing y'all you ready 3 2 1 go hmm holy Frick holy Frick holy Frick what the what's chica doing what is Jake what the heck look at eyebrow chica how did I break eager hole he insisted stop moving oh I broke chica chica it's like attached to me no matter what I do chicas just detecting what the Freak I broke chica wait is that supposed that's not Swiss Oh Frick I just snapped my leg pretty sure that is not supposed to happen wait chica come here she come here chica chica no it's C chica just killed me that was asked what's happened okay all right this is the only way oh dang they also change the symbols too oh my gosh thundering I mean lighten it ah anyways okay I see Freddy we're gonna go put it we're gonna go stop Freddy first you guys do them in order all right Freddy Bonnie then foxy then cheek because chica was added to the joy of creation last all right holy Frick okay let's go what the heck that was not supposed to happen um excuse me um what oh where the heck did they all go now I gotta go track them all down I'm lost I need to turn on SV cheats again because this is dumb okay where are these dudes oh my gosh oh I think they're over there hang on I got to make a turn there go well there's a fox okay I see foxy well we just go for foxy foxy vibe but by the bridge it's right there brick okay here's foxy so what we're gonna do kids is work I don't know why I say kids Alton okay what we're gonna do is we're gonna spawn million of these barrels on so foxy there you go [ __ ] eat the bales take them take him foxy holy Frick burn burn foxy burn is he dead I think we killed him y'all we did it this is the strategy you just gotta put a bunch of barrels in front of it all right let's see where'd the rest I think Freddy and chica went somewhere over here holy Frick note to self do not drive into the barrels um oh I see one I saw one it's all one someone behind me I think that's Freddy yeah there's Freddy there's ready that means she gets probably over here too aw Frick learn okay fine we don't need the car just used to duplicate her Oh Frank its Bonnie pipe we're just gonna yes burn I think we did y'all a my my game crashed again bruh why my game oh my gosh I this is um how like what the heck why just why this is you're really doing this to me game really you just have to do this to be like come on me i I didn't do nothing to you oh dang I'm the noonas for 40 minutes oh I'll show you just kind of hidden in the video but oh well um we got to kill them all all right this time we're not gonna hit a barrel with a crowbar alright we learned our lesson alright alright you know what we're just gonna spawn them all in no we're gonna we already got rid of foxy and Bonnie this is just Freddy and chica left alright not you where's the car where's the car you know what screw it screw the ignited you know what hold up I gotta take care of something first alright you see just gonna I just got to do this real quick just make me feel like I actually have a point in living anymore alright we're just gonna put all the cheek is there and then we're gonna go all the way over here and we're gonna get in our freaking car we're gonna run them over all right y'all ready guys a speed wait hold up before we go just gotta the SV so that way we can do this in a better style let's go die you chickens holy Frick no car car don't don't lose to the chickens I'll save your card alright we actually have to stop them okay screw the I am this security guard of the city and we will not let these chickens invade this city like what the my car it lost a wheel well I'm up one of my wheels is this cars useless now look at what you did no if anyone's gonna kill me it's gonna be my car like why why it crashed again game why you do this okay you know I think it just wants me to end the video um well that was not oh gosh okay yeah we're just gonna in the video so um yeah um I guess thank you guys for watching make sure you check out the next the next box is the next the next box in the description below make sure you go check them out and yeah give it a lot of support and stuff like that so yeah but that's really it for this video um yeah um I will have to say the tunnel was probably my favorite part of this besides is actually net boxes himself I actually really like him and I like how they're based off of the joy Christian reborn and yeah but anyways that is it for this video so um I hope y'all enjoyed and I'll see y'all next time goodbye
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 616,991
Rating: 4.8340406 out of 5
Keywords: The Joy of Creation, TJOC, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Gmod, Garry's Mod, NPC, Nextbot, Reborn
Id: 79iA9l1J9N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 44sec (2444 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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