Gw Movie- Security Breach The Movie

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[Music] thank you [Music] Bonnie what never mind all right you know what Bonnie how about you go check the mail for us please oh okay thank you thank you thank you no Freddy thank you it's cool code what's that hey Freddy uh this thing came in the mail it has your face on it but uh uglier ouch oh well open it open and read it all right let's see what this is you know it's it's kind of weird that they had your face on it but whatever yeah that looks like a letter well yeah no duh read it all right from Fazbear entertainment what okay congratulations you have been chosen to visit the new Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza play okay this is just a scam did it just say mega Pizza Plex Freddy I don't think this is a scam it says that the mega Pizza Plex has a go-kart place a Monty's Gator golf okay what the heck is that and a laser tag place an L chips wreck Freddy this is real congratulations you've been accepted to visit the new grand opening so this is a new place isn't it I guess so and I guess so look it says that we get to go behind the scenes and make the band starring Freddy Fazbear hey that's you Roxanne Wolfe Montgomery Gator and Chic of the chicken okay what you guys show or this isn't a scam Freddy there's something else in the envelope ah my gosh Freddy this place is real they have their own tickets and everything yo no way how many tickets are there one two um looks like there's six of them so all four of us can go in two more people not great so I heard you need two more people huh sorry guys it looks like there's only uh four so all of us are going except for YouTube I may be stupid but I can count and I can clearly tell that's five tickets Six six tickets fine you guys can come yeah on one condition you guys are not annoying Ah that's a hard promise to make but we'll keep it this place seems really cool it looks like they got a go-kart place a mini golf enough with the Chit Chat and let's get there already all right let's do this is thank you [Music] [Music] I think this is the place [Music] oh my gosh places huge Bonnie okay yeah it's just so beautiful I think I'm gonna cry wow how how does one build something this beautiful Freddy can we please go explore please please please please Goldie calm down we will we will just admire this place for a second Freddy come on come on all right all right we'll go we'll go hmm hey Freddy uh it says right here that we have to go to this place called Rockstar row and we have to go to an elevator to get to it and we can meet the gang over at Rockstar row there's an elevator it says there's about three floors at this whole Mega Pizza Plex wow that's a lot to explore so we better get moving I uh did you hear that Bonnie hey guys I found the elevator it's right down this hallway [Music] wait they have a daycare as well that's right that's where they keep the babies like you two not cool bro not cool at all oh this elevator's so tight calm down Bonnie we'll be out of here in a second press the button chica if I can foxy move your big face I'm trying [Music] thank you [Music] who did that my bad [Applause] oh hi Dior your Freddy Fazbear excuse me no he's not I'm Freddy Fazbear that's this is I don't know who you are what's with the makeup dude it's not Mako pits it's face paint but whatever uh I'm Glam Rock Freddy whoa that's kind of like a ripoff of Freddy's name can we just go play faster blast desert blast hey that's my attraction you have your own attraction of course we all have our own attractions mine's a laser tag place Monty has a golf course Roxy so does that mean there's like a version of Bonnie me and Chica that is correct except well for Bonnie but but there is a Montgomery Gator I'm sorry what yeah he's right next door if you want to go meet him it was nice meeting you Freddie but you know I'll be right next door you are you're really cool and all with your uh makeup and face paint but I'm gonna go meet the gator all right you guys go and do that at least you guys like me right no okay where's the gator oh [Music] oh this is amazing so this is Montgomery's Green Room and this is also his green room since it's literally green I don't know but where is he [Laughter] is right there I got you good let me help you out little fella he's already my least favorite character ah you're just Maya that I got you good oh hey there yeah you are you are I'm what yeah ah yes yes I am right so what's your name yes I did I did touch you my name is Monty hey what's up Mike I love you uh okay this dude is really weird so uh do you guys want to move on please not me I'm gonna stay in the room with I'm gonna stay in the room with Monty Ah that's my boy sorry about your door as well don't don't worry about it right next to Monty's room is Roxanne wolves great room oh it's supposed to be my counterpart except uh she's she's a girl and uh uh I'm a boy and what exactly is wrong with being a girl oh nothing it's just [Music] one you're beautiful oh sugar I already know that yep that's Roxanne she's kind of in love yeah what she's in love with herself oh that makes sense yes I am in love with myself because well I'm me and I'm awesome um you won't be the only one that you fall in love with don't ever say that again sugar oh are you a vending machine cause you look like a snack did you come up with that on your own I did uh-huh yeah okay I think your friend has a little crush on my friend yeah you think I mean I don't really blame foxy she's hot like real hot hotter than the sun yep it's true me and Roxy are soul mates don't touch me unless you're a winner like me yeah guys we better get out of here I can't stand another second in this room she only talks about herself Glam Rock Freddy I agree we should get out of here before it gets any hotter [Music] Bonnie get your eyes off of my girl don't call me your girl cause I'm not nobody's girl it's official foxy is a simp and here's the final room Glam Rock chica Ah that's a lot of pink please tell me that's not her yep that's her oh hey oh I can see you like pizza and pink what now pizza's gross so I know everybody has like their own attraction but what's yours is it like a cooking area what no mine's like a gym like a fitness place a gym there's a go-kart place a mini golf and a baser blast and yours is a fitness place yeah yikes they did you dirty yeah yeah they they kind of did can we please get out of this room this is too pink for my eyes oh yes can you please leave because I just want to get back to eating my Pizza well that came out of nowhere attention Fazbear band it is nine o'clock and now time for your final show of the night please make your way to the stage well chica looks like it's showtime why don't you guys head over to the atrium for the show though I'll do anything to get out of this room all right sounds like a plan are we just gonna meet you guys at the atrium well we got a show to perform but we'll meet you there all right sounds like a plan not a very good one [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] he he definitely ruined the show might get up what what the heck just happened did you guys see Roxy weak at me yes Foxy we saw her wink at you I don't even know what happened [Applause] hey Freddy hey Mr Fazbear hey what happened out there I don't want to be rude or anything but you you kind of ruined the show do you even know what happened I I I don't but it might have been a malfunction or something I think my system's crashing was the reason why I fell down and ruined the show but I don't know how that happened now parts and service has me on reduced power they said it was a safety precaution oh well I'm I'm sorry to hear that it's fine I'll get over it it's just one more thing to deal with well what's all the other things you have to deal with I would rather not say Freddy you don't do that just tell me what's going on fine what the heck was that whoa Freddy you are you okay uh do you need help what's going on outside I'm okay I'm okay yeah I'm okay yeah you sure you're okay because you seem up not yes Bonnie I'm fine he's definitely not okay your performance was perfect tonight look at you you're so beautiful Your Eyes Are Beautiful your hair is beautiful everyone wants to be you you are the best you can come out of hiding now I can see you oh well I don't really need to try because I'm perfect just like you buddy I'm the only perfect one I deserve it whoa rocks I didn't know you felt this way hey buddy [Music] I should probably run I am just trying to help free we need to get you and your friends out of here but why what's going on before you need to answer me where are your friends I think they're all doing their own thing in the atrium why oh good we still have enough time friends out here before 12 A.M okay why if not you're gonna be stuck here the whole night now let's go [Music] careful Goldie watch out for the ghosts they could get you at any moment Bonnie I know Cody they're getting out to you watch out Cody watch Janie buddy you made me lose oh sorry Goldie I just wanted to help hey what time is it we've been here for a while I think it's 11 58. Goldie did you hear that yeah I did it was like a scream or something I think he wants us to run from that good idea to take care of the daycare hurry yeah that's right over there thank you come on come on come on no no [Music] me Temple rock and roll please no no one's getting the room right here foreign [Music] I am just trying to help [Music] Freddy they locked the doors and now we're trapped in here what do we do YouTube listen to me you guys to miss your only chance to get out of here we need to keep you safe and find your friends before the others do okay do you know where they are well I saw two of your friends go in the daycare earlier for protection and I assume that fox friend of yours is in Roxy Raceway you can have but you can't hide thank you if there is another way out I will help you find it I promise all right here's the plan Mr Fazbear you come with me to the daycare maybe we can get two of your friends from there and Bonnie you meet us at the atrium and try to find your friends the best way and quickest way to get there is through the kitchen okay so you guys are gonna go to the daycare and I'll go to the atrium through the kitchen yes if you want to get to the atrium as quick as possible go through the kitchen be careful okay Bonnie come on Freddy we need to get to the daycare as soon as possible oh thanks for giving me directions on how to get to the kitchen [Music] okay okay buddy I think we're safe in here okay Cody so this place is supposed to be Goldie I want to get out of here thank you foreign [Music] how big is this place can they fit all of this inside one place this is crazy Cody are you sure there's like no other place we can go besides here Bonnie it's a daycare okay listen daycares are supposed to keep kids safe when the parents aren't around and right now we have killer animatronics coming after us so I think we're safe in here Goldie please I already hate this place look at this dude yeah there's another guy but he's a son instead of a moon that's weird oh buddy there's a ball pit this is so fun I feel like a little kid again Cody get out of there do you know how many boogers are in there look just let me live my life you know what you do you Goldie I'm just gonna go find the bathroom maybe that place will be a lot more cleaner than kids germs let's not forget your nine so technically you still are a kid oh what did you call me Bonnie come on when you're nine you are still a kid thank you [Music] hi wow wow wow what do we have oh new friends oh you guys are syrup like oh are we having a slumber party no we're just here oh so much we can do we could finger paint and tell stories drink fizzy fuzz until I had exploded and stay up all night hey Cody I'm just gonna leave you to be okay so you could just leave me oh I found your friends oh no no no no thanks uh I'm good well don't you wanna pop it so so how did you get right there lion put me down oh I have so much we can do oh I have glitter glue you guys like glitter glue oh is this guy I think he's the daycare attendant you mean this guy it's the one that looks like that guy right over there Cody I told you this was a bad idea we need to get out of here hey excuse me Mr Sun man what's the quickest way out of here and we need the quickest oh you can't leave just yet I just got the glass oh boy where of course I'd move to the other side okay okay where do I go where do I go [Music] it's most likely gonna be over here oh wow all right new friends I got us some glow sticks all right let's take one shot man listen we don't want glow sticks ugly eyes no no googly eyes either we just want to get out of here oh do you guys want a puppet show I guess you guys don't want to be my friends oh I'll go now oh no here comes the guiltiness no fine we'll do the glow sticks oh you're welcome yeah look we'll just turn off the lights and we'll get us going oh that reminds me there is only one rule rules the daycare keep the lights on on on okay it's the whole purpose of the glow sticks so they can glow yes we know that whatever hey Cody I'm gonna turn the lights off please don't all right new friends let's get this slumber party started I'm turning off the lights Bonnie don't come on Goldie the dark has never caused us any problems plus there's a flashlight right here no no hey where'd our new friend go I don't know ah new friend oh he's gonna be so mad and probably gonna leave us alone okay where's the lights where's the right here okay here we go lights off boom Oh oh no no I want you to do that I said it I said it lights on lights on I I warned you I'm argel I want now that was a bad idea Mr Sun Drop your bedtime you must be punished 99. what do we do what do we do Bonnie I told you I told you I told you I told you I know you told me Goldie now don't shove it in my face buddy this was the only safe place in the building turn the light back on the lights structure I'm coming come on come on I can hide I can hide come on come on come on where's Bonnie come on foreign Goldie where do I go bad children must be punished Cody it's just you are you okay no I'm not okay this is trying to kill me okay you need to find a way to turn on the lights since this was your fault uh again don't shove it in my face Goldie okay I'll go this way you go that way okay be careful I gotta find my way out of here okay okay I gotta find my way out of here um okay okay where's the front desk where's the front desk he's coming oh I don't want to do this okay hide it come on come on children must be found oh my gosh there's so many boogers oh no don't stay don't see that's you how do you hide away oh God [Music] guess who turned on the lights foreign [Music] thank God you found the lights Goldie now do you want to get out of here absolutely I got something even better go hey hey Sun Drop how's it win rule Breakers rule Breakers you are both banned from the daycare okay Freddy let's hurry up and get to the daycare it should be right right now uh hi we were split apart for 10 minutes how do you get kicked out of a daycare we broke the Only Rule don't turn the lights off you turn the lights off in the daycare well technically I did oh great now that guy is gonna be following us the whole night why would he follow us I mean we broke his only rule oh forget about it listen we need to get to the atrium Bonnie is probably waiting on us and who knows what could be happening right now all right let's head on over there foreign Freddy is that supposed to happen Bonnie did you turn off the lights again hey not everything is my fault Goldie oh I've never seen that before uh did you ever see that happen before what do you mean like still don't see anything red lights are you crazy I'm sorry I don't know what's going on what [Music] Freddy who is that [Applause] what the heck was that what was what what you mean you didn't see the dancing White Rabbit lady right in front of us when the lights turned red I've never heard dancing white I have it except for the Easter Bunny but they're there isn't one at the mega Pizza Plex anymore wait this is in the kitchen this isn't the kitchen didn't where the heck am I looks like a office of some sort okay okay [Music] what what you can only close the door for a certain amount of time it's opened I am just trying to help okay I'm in the kitchen where do I go where do I go how do I get to the atrium [Applause] foreign this area is up [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] it's so trash compactor I can use just a crushed chica how do I use it oh boy gotcha you're going where you belong Chica the garbage since you're the worst character out of them all foreign [Music] [Music] okay all right everyone we're here the atrium [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this place just keeps getting bigger bigger and bigger doesn't it yep it's free someone is hacking my system I need to get your boards and service immediately draw crap that rabbit lady must have hacked your system how do we get a parts and service okay what you need to do it ran over there it's right over there we could go we could go hey Bonnie I still need to get to parts of service oh when like right now because did I ask I am a 2 000 pound robot and could crush you with one foot do you really think you should be talking to me like that no sir yeah watch your mouth kid you're not the only brand I've dealt with how about this me and Bonnie will go play I mean search for people in fact eyes are blast while you guys go into parts and service I don't know if I'm good with that all right so it's a plan me and Goldie will go to faster blast to look for people and you guys go to parts and service I guess I'm fine with that but you guys need to be careful okay wow they going to faster blast it's Roxy Freddy come over here okay what do we do okay you see the stage right over there that is technically a lift to get to parks and service if we can get on there we can make it to parts and service okay one minor problem I don't know if you know this but Roxy is kind of blocking it over there You Can't Hide forever don't worry she'll move eventually he's not moving yeah you also can't stay in one place forever oh Fazbear you can't outrun me oh get to the left come on Freddy you can't outrun me here we are oh I don't think I can make it ready don't don't worry but how do I fix you what what's the deal okay parks and service is just on the other side of the room if you could get meet you there we should be able to fix whatever's happening huh okay I'll try just follow me be careful Freddie who knows what's lurking down here [Music] we'll be fine [Music] this place is weird foreign keep moving we need to get your parts and service immediately uh okay [Music] whoa is that what you look like on the inside I prefer you with your shell on Freddy don't mess with those they're new models they're not programmed right yeah I can see it where's the light okay let's keep going [Music] all right [Music] okay that was weird [Music] [Applause] what no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] I'm I'm in the sewers no no no what do I do how do I get out of here [Music] oh you just got the destroyed look at you oh I'm so pretty with the nah bro look at you you're missing your mouth loser can't don't mess with the Bonnie uh I should probably stop laughing because how the heck am I gonna get out of this place questions oh okay [Music] I gotta find my way out [Music] um this place is kind of getting a little more creepier but that's okay where do I go [Music] yeah that's right foreign okay [Music] [Music] get away from her I just need to get out of these sewers a sewage pipe who knows where it goes but it's my only way out of here it's either go through the pie poor I'm going through the pipe please don't be any poop okay come on free I can't I can't do this Freddy what do I do ready laughs Mr Fazbear where are you what no huh Freddy what do I do [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay yeah maybe we should maybe we should go yeah it's light gotta get to the end [Music] what is that music oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah oh I'm actually here I'm actually here excellent here oh where's Monty oh I gotta find Monty oh he's the coolest one year I gotta find him I gotta find him you know I shouldn't be here Freddie said to meet him at the atrium and I don't know how I ended up in Mochi golf how do I get out of here [Music] I knew you would be here you know Monty we could we can always talk about this I don't think he wants to talk foreign oh my gosh I can't wait to play this what color do you want oh you already know me Goldie I'm going with orange oh this is gonna be so fun let's go I get the orange one whoa what is that huh it looks like a ripoff of an Apple Watch I'm keeping it Bonnie that's technically stealing you can't do that I got it Bonnie put that back and you're gonna get us in trouble so well we're probably not gonna be allowed to come back here Goldie who wants to come back here there's killer animatronics on the loose you're pretty much an idiot if you want to come back good point not keep it yes so yes yes yes all right what can this thing do oh it has a whole map of the building oh my gosh okay we get wow what this thing can do anything except tell the time what I mean except tell the time isn't that a Watcher's purpose yeah but it can check your heart rate it's all right let's just go in and have some fun you're looking to get your butt kicked Goldie all right let's go orange team time to kick some golden butt all right Green Team let's go this way oh I don't think I'm supposed to be here missing who went missing lawsuits as well what what's Fanny Fanny what kind of name is that hmm seems like vany's very boring he's can't play Pac-Man on this thing oh yeah you also shot me in the eye I can't see anything except for your ugliness no get a grip Bonnie you're such a sore loser I am not a loser okay I am just mad you shot me in the eye heavily loser I'm gonna go claim my prize also get some glasses while you're at it oh my gosh oh that's cool oh and it's gold just like me hey buddy look wow oh why me why oh sorry Bonnie I didn't mean to do that yes ow what even is that thing wow it's kind of like a laser gun but uh cook golden oh that sounds cool I would really love to see it but someone shot me in the eye I'll quit being a big baby you'll get over it this is why your dad Goldie what the heck is that sound what sound that sound oh foreign oh so that's what you look like with your makeup off tan you're ugly oh I might want to touch up your makeup while you're at it all right we got a rip off of an Apple Watch and uh and a real laser gun that can cause blindness if you give it to the wrong idiot Bonnie quit your complaining at least we have something to defend ourselves with yeah whatever here goatee I'm kind of getting hungry you want to go get something to eat you know all that fazer blasting is kind of working up an appetite [Laughter] well you know Bonnie this place is a mega Pizza Plex so you want to go get some pizza I'm not really feeling the pizza right now let's see I was kind of thinking of some please no hey Cody I hate you I need to ah that hit the spot it was terrible but still better than Taco Bell oh that bean burrito is starting to hit maybe we should go find a bathroom somewhere forget the bathroom Goldie let's go play some the heck what's going on with your watch it's so hard to memorize [Music] okay are you good now I think so wait what what's that I don't know what hello guys oh my gosh Freddy I think you guys fixed my communication signal where are you oh uh me and Goldie are at the atrium and we just won the fazer Blaster what a fazer Blaster how did you get a faster Blaster it was pretty easy yeah yeah pretty easy anyway me and Goldie really want to go play Monty golf or I mean uh look for people in Monte golf so uh how how do we get in there well well you're going to need a party pass to get it to Monty golf check the Dance Floor Security office they should have made some in there Bonnie fine we'll go to dinner floor bunny what did Freddie say uh he said we have to go to The Dance Floor's Security office or whatever to get a party pass so we can go to Monty golf I swear I just had it with this place oh why do we have to do so much in this place I swear it's like a video game thank you [Music] okay some people gotta be here I just know it oh [Music] it's Chico Chico oh my gosh chica are you okay foxy she she's she's here who's here oh oh my God I'm sorry whoa [Music] oh oh baby my baby don't you worry baby I will always love you for who you are [Music] oh [Music] it tastes like wires may you rest in peace my beauty well used to be Beauty [Music] what is that door all about oh baby my hair is ruined what no it's not you you just need a little work done [Music] ow you're strong oh no where are you uh I'm nowhere okay I gotta find a way out of here oh I know that hurt [Music] S I gotta go no no okay I gotta get back to the Raceway [Music] [Music] all right Freddy we're here at the little dance floor fast Cade whatever you want to call it so what do we do try and look for the security office in there oh my bad oh and also if you see the DJ say hello he is such a nice Villa what okay you mean that DJ oh he is such a nice fella he is not if that thing moves a centimeter I will blow its head off what is that thing and why is it play pain Cody I shouldn't have eaten that bean burrito Bonnie no yeah oh no yeah [Music] maybe if we don't wake the DJ up maybe he won't come Bonnie he has six legs what he has six legs let's just go find the office all right here's the security office try looking for this party Pat Bonnie how are you frozen from Fear I hate spiders all right help me find them party Pat never mind oh Bonnie there's two party passes that means we could go to Monty Golf and Roxy rate Roxy Raceway there we go what oh let's go all right here we go you take one I'll take the other hey let's go all right Bonnie let's go ahead and get out of here what the heck happened I hate this point the security system okay then where the heck are the circuit breakers I don't know well that was helpful why does a stupid Mall need so much security I'm telling you dude this whole night could be a video game ah well crap what do we do now he said we gotta find a circuit breaker or something like that [Music] [ __ ] [Laughter] [Music] where is he he's right there oh my God okay I think we're safe never mind thank you okay okay I think we're safe are you sure godi I don't want to face that scene again we're fine fine boy I shouldn't have had that bean burrito [Music] it was nice knowing you Goldie I don't think those footsteps are coming from over there what do you mean they're not coming from over there [Music] laughs foreign [Music] yeah Freddy he's such a nice fella are we good now I think so [Music] ha we're just gonna pretend like that what's the most scariest thing but coolest thing of my entire life yeah I don't know about the most coolest thing I I'm pretty sure I just peed my pants [Music] a little weird to have a giant spider as a DJ I am your friend Cody calm down it's just Freddy I am so sorry it's fine it's just I get it well you gotta run up on us like that dude guys I'm 2 000 pounds of metal I can't control it oh thank God we guys found you [Music] heck is that oh did you guys say hello to him I told you he was a nice guy yeah such a nice guy Chico happened to you oh she took her makeup off let's go not you again okay a party passes right yep you don't want to go to Monty golf now yeah we're gonna Force you now let's go foreign Bonnie has to be here if you didn't find him in Faster blast he's got to be in here well help me find him come on Fajr blast is better Freddy I think Monty got the body first no [Music] no body [Music] body no Bonnie Bonnie please wake up Bonnie don't don't do that man please please wake up no [Music] no foreign [Applause] what did you say I nothing no no what do you mean by another one gone did other people come here too nobody he think he means other people died at the pizza Plex ready be honest there were other disappearances were there got an answer for nice voice crack I got an answer for you Freddy there were disappearances I know that because when we and godi went to phaser blast we saw missing posters in a little hideout how do you know about that okay yes there were other disappearances I knew it but I don't recall there being a hideout in fezzer Blast what did you guys see well in the fazer blast game there was a Hideout and there was missing posters everywhere on the desk I didn't think too much about it because someone shot me in the eye that would do it again too ladies ladies we have something bigger on our hands someone's controlling the other animatronics huh is that why they're out to kill us I think so and the reason why I'm not doing it is because I had a malfunction on tonight's show it all makes sense do you remember that white bunny that we saw actually I'm purple no not at you the other bunny that made the red lights go red yeah what if that Hideout was hers and she's the one that's making everyone disappear and she's getting the animatronics to kill us that is way too complicated which is the perfect reason why she would do it so everything that's happening in the pizza Plex is her fault you know you know guys there's one area we've not investigated and that's the Raceway why don't we go look for your friends and any other secrets that are hiding in the pizza clicks and we get you guys the heck out of here well you can come with us right no can't it's a safety precaution for me to stay here it is my design okay oh crap I'm stuck oh oh oh oh what [Music] oh [Music] this place seems very different from the rest what does this do instead of like close a door or something okay so so that's what it does what is that is that [Music] foreign [Music] Freddy where are we going I guess we can go look for everyone else in Roxy Raceway we haven't been there yet I'll tell you where I'm going I'm getting the heck out of here wait why are you kidding me right now why am I get why do you think why do you think I'm leaving Mr President you can't leave we just I have lost so much in this darn place it's 6 A.M now I have the option to leave what makes you think I'm gonna stay another minute Freddy we need you yeah so did Bonnie but we're just wandering around this place aren't we instead of actually helping our friends Freddy that's why we're trying to go to Roxy Raceway to help your friends I'm not staying another darn second in this place and that's final stay here Mr Fazbear please no ignore him ignore him Mr Fazbear Waits pretty why do you care so much if I leave huh if you don't want me to leave then just come with me that's the problem Freddy I want to go but I can't why I told you before Freddy I cannot exit this facility [Music] ah this is where I must stay but if you want to leave then leave but do not return it will never be safe [Music] I will miss you Mr Fazbear Freddy if I leave now nothing will change will it will there be more disappearances yes that's correct it looks like they want to stay so if you want to leave you better get out of here now don't worry I [Music] were manipulated into thinking we were the bad guys but we weren't if they're not the bad guys vanity is but [Music] I've lost too much in this place I gotta get out [Music] uh what [Music] okay thank you um so uh how did it go Bonnie how do you think it went it's his decision if he wants to go I'll let him go touche anyway what now yeah what do we do well there's only one thing to do we go look for everyone else in Roxy Raceway it's the only place we haven't searched okay I'm down as long as you let me ride the go-karts same oh all right guys come over here what what's down this hallway Bonnie you Bonnie rocks your Raceway is over there not there yeah but this looks like looks like you're trying to say construction zone because that's what it looks like oh well Gody I didn't know that what the huh what did you guys find I don't know looks like a unfinished part of Roxy Raceway Roxy Raceway is closed for seasonal maintenance come back soon who knows what's behind that door ah Freddy if that says restricted area I don't think should be well okay you're doing that now come on Freddy use them bulging muscles come on [Music] this is totally normal so uh you guys just have this center around underneath the pizza plugs uh I guess so good gosh ow what the ow looks abandoned yeah you think breakfast Family Diner that creature Bonnie thing looks exactly like Fanny in some way up Glam Rock Freddy do you know if there was someone else before Vani more specifically a yellow bunny instead of a white one Freddy are you okay bro my friends here they are so angry but I could protect you guys you're weird oh I'm glad I'm not the only one I thought he was talking in tongues or something guys I I don't think we're supposed to be here yeah no duh this place is abandoned of course we're not supposed to be here what [Applause] foreign [Music] God knows what just took him down there honey do you want to lose another friend or not I I don't then let's go you stay behind me Bonnie what are you doing oh hey what's up Freddy I just realized I have a fast watch and so I could time you instead of actually going down there it is that cool are you kidding Bonnie come down here now uh why because there's something down here I don't know what it is yeah that's exactly why I'm not going down there whatever [Music] you can't see her let me install my night vision [Music] foreign [Music] Fiddlesticks is that Prince please let him go he's not gonna hurt you not like he did I promise you I'm gonna I'm a nice guy I may have cheated on one test but that doesn't mean anything please let him go how come hey Goldie hey what are you doing here did you saved your life no biggie hey Freddy yeah what [Music] huh what is this all about I have no idea and I am not liking it [Music] time has come for you to arrive [Music] Foxy [Applause] come alive come back [Music] hey are you okay what is going on he's trying to take control I do not think I can find it who is he shut the doors thank you that is the only way they can get in do not open them the door that's a bad chicken bad bad I don't know what does do something good for us what the [ __ ] I just set fire keep doing that Goldie Freddy they're breaking down the door keep holding it for a little longer Bonnie [Music] laughs foxy foxy wake up dude is it morning time already buddy I'll get you out of here don't worry no no no [Music] I'm ready what's going on [ __ ] we don't want to be heard by her we need to find a way out of here Freddy I think she's already found us [Music] so you're finally awake stand back who are you and why are you doing this I don't really I thought you would have known by now foreign because he always comes back however you won't you're the one manipulating the animatronics you're the reason why Freddy crashed on tonight's show no I'm not he is [Music] don't come any closer or he'll say goodbye to his head okay just don't hurt him what kind of request is this foxy run ready run laughs [Music] guys we we really need to get out of here yeah you think how are we supposed to get out of here when the only way in here was ah guys the place is gonna set fire if we don't get out of here the fire's not stopping this this bird trap thing and I don't know if you noticed this Goldie but they're covering the doors why can't we just have a break hey no bad bad tentacles thing Cody you had to keep that burnt butt out of here I'm already dealing with the problem I'm trying but the fire oh come on no no no no no what yay oh no [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no laughs okay for free I'm free what I'm not free this is the roof oh what do I do this place is on fire and I don't know cool here you are ready for your snap out of it I always [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you Manny no [Music] oh ready we'll see buddy are you okay speak to me foxy Freddy tell Roxy [Music] no [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gabe's World
Views: 638,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KBX23icnj_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 25sec (5845 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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