Gmod FNAF | Fredbear Takes Over

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[Music] the lien was really left I want a refund this place sucks I want to refund this bad trash mood you saw it shut up you oh all right oh and it's me Fred fair and you're probably wondering why I gathered you all together what if I Nancy you could talk okay I don't see why I have to sit down but okay look all right look it's me Fred bear now yeah oh yeah I should have planned out this speech better Christine Oh anyways I've gathered all of you together probably wondering why again I don't care I want to go home would you shut up I'm trying to do my speech but your speech sucks you wanna throw you out that window don't stop talking oh okay I have a question there's no questions well I'll come in no gets gets their hands hold it I want somebody holding my hand why won't anybody hold my hand oh I know why it's probably cuz I'm ugly I'm stupid and ugly or it could be that you don't have any hands oh oh yeah I guess you're probably right oh my gosh okay look all right I'll put the end escola leaning all right look so I'm Fred bear I've gathered you all together and you're and and because I'm the only one that's supposed to be liked not all of you no one's supposed to like any of you know they're only supposed to like me and me alone no one's supposed to like any of you well that's just mean you that is kind of mean and rude mean I don't think dude nobody likes you why are you here just go home go lay down go to sleep would you surprised um you oughta take me seriously okay fine you know what you don't go back and go to whatever you want to do I got work to do and take take these two idiots with you what who are you calling are you calling me in it cuz if so you're right I will go over here I don't know where I'm going where am I going now I'm just confused I just get out of my sight I got work to do I work to do okay shut up just go this thing staying with me you go okay I'm really confused as to what's happening right now all right I said get get you can't get out of here all right come on guys let's go yes let's chill out in the hallway zone the whole way the holy sucks oh sorry this is scary guy I'm scared he's nothing to be scared about just dudes probably high on something yeah okay I'm here I'm out of you see this is fun I'm out I'm out this place sucks anyways good I wanted to go home stupid freak oh all right guys let's go chill back down in the kitchen oh I could cook us some pizza okay I don't know why everyone's to note so the window but I would go to the window to man yeah come on Starbuck let's go through the kitchen I guess that's our new home front but we live in a kitchen from now on apparently Frutiger let's just go come on didja were you two still doing here get out here yeah yeah me too no just just go just go somewhere you go that way don't go that way I don't care okay I don't know I guess I'll see you later then oh okay close the door behind you okay right finally now it's time I finally take your powers from you but but like no I would not the produce oh my gosh look idiot alright that's how I'm taking your powers away from you because I need them for my self show that way I can be the ruler and I can do I can be special and stuff so that way everyone will like me and nobody else but no that's no are you questioning me okay that's it just I'm just gonna put my hand right here and go hey closer just gonna he's gonna pat you on the head pat pat pat okay work I feel powerful all right Oh which we do it with with the with the with this well just go give it to into one okay oh where is he isn't that room over there haven't you seen him hi I've been right here this whole time oh I didn't see you there me either you kind of scared me okay I got work to do just oh okay look dude I guess take this thank you I need this okay goodbye freaking creep oh he's creepy I don't like him yeah me either okay you too I've been a good help to me so I'm trying to think your services may not be needed anymore oh that's cool do we get to go on break now well maybe we should go to Hawaii oh well not yet not yet I still need you but yeah just just stay here I got I got I got I've got I got my power I got a start I gotta start getting stronger and Stan's stealing you're like whoa like a regenerant god generate all the powered stuff okay um I saw everyone else go downstairs maybe maybe they know why I'm here I'm confused as to why I'm here I don't remember what happened um I don't remember a lot of things home hello oh hello my name is bling money um Oh Tito eating this popular honey pizza you know if it's sister we got pizza down here OOP oh oh hello welcome to Freddy's kitchen we got tons of pizza down here I'm not sure why we need all this pizza so we can enjoy it and have fun okay come on through buddy snap out of it mm-hmm okay I'm did anyone know why I'm here no nobody knows why any of us are here and nobody really cares to be honest no I mean I'm not saying I don't care about you I'm saying nobody care like nobody cares like if we're here or not I guess he's right I mean I don't know what else I would be doing right now yeah okay what's going on outside what what do you mean what the freaky I don't even know why we're here well this is where that portal took it till it took us are you okay are you broken again no I'm not broken you're broken oh my gosh I just don't see how we got so many people with those doesn't matter if look apparently we're destined to come here do something I don't know what that something is but we're gonna find out what it is okay oh come on let's go what what you guys win for come on let's go okay oh you think we should split up no we got to stay together are you sure this huge group stay together who's that oh it's okay little child it's gonna be okay I'm not a little child I miss my friend I lost my friend so long to go bear for I haven't seen him in years I've been trapped here mm-hmm rupture what trapped hmm something must be going on well oh no well I guess we're splitting up I'm gonna all I'll stick with these guys yeah yeah well okay we I'm coming with y'all two guys I got no friends or family my full of toys my fellow toy Freddy kind we must go he is here I sense it sits to come along follow me I sense him over here wait for me I'm your leader come on okay [Music] [Music] [Music] this tree this tree is my only friend fall downstairs no don't go downstairs I'm sorry look come up here uh okay okay everybody okay come here give me oh you guys come here oh this must be to play out my face oh okay all right all right all right guys guys guys this is the place this door leads us to him it's Jeff all right y'all y'all looking good argh you look good your boat a [ __ ] you dope oh it's my hair good you're fine okay alright alright let's go well we are here yes we are here well what the who the heck are you guys what the Frick you're here for you toy Freddy what for me Oh No is this for the bills that I didn't pay I swear like swear I was gonna pay you back I swear please don't hurt me what no no bills it's about mr. hugs mister what about him he's in danger danger what do you mean in danger he so we could go you were checking on and on him stuff but then apparently somebody I'm sorry man you didn't you didn't what would he do you didn't give mr. hugs his daily dose of Cheerios ooh no buts Cheerios yes sir now mr. hutch has gone missing and so we came to you because you know a lot more stuff so yeah well I've done it see mr. hooks here mmm we got a TV mr. Cheerios mmm how did we solve this problem he's he's obviously on a rampage you'll definitely on the rampage and show your fault shut up sir don't meet you till you were how do we call him down hmm with my mr. Hogg tech expertise we just give him about tutorials you should be fine afterwards oh okay so what we gotta do is find him and get about the Cheerios oh I might actually husband tears let me go look in the back Oh dupa dupa to touch your pocket mmm oh look you're some Cheerios in this box oh it's it's it may or may not be off-brand Cheerios I don't know but instill Cheerios open it's fine oh I dropped the box my bad oh I'll brick all right here's your um here's the box pretty sure that it's filled with curious perfect all we have to do now is find mr. we have to find mr. Hodes now mm-hmm what the heck you still questioning why they all look like you yeah well anyways um this pizza that I'm not I dive a kind of sick of you - now I've eaten too much of it hmm well what do we do now I have no coil I guess we're just gonna have to wait for something epic to happen what did you - uh yeah yeah yeah that's that's what me mere for we're gonna do well that's just sad sorry you lost your friend yeah I don't know hmm well I don't know how to help you so I'm sorry good luck though okay I'll just sniff the plants I have no idea all right guys we got to figure out why why are we here oh no oh yeah there's nobody stirred a little toy Bonnie died yeah I guess nobody cares right him I care here's my friend oh I was about to make fun of them mmm does anyone know we're here mmm it's probably hmm I don't know okay that's our cue to get out of here okay oh my face Oh wait for me see you later have fun doing whatever you're doing yeah finally a break oh this the school stuffs hard I know right oh I need a break yeah me too look at the pretty cloud so the clouds are beautiful yeah oh my gosh no it can't be alright what's wrong with you is your is your bolts loose do we need tighten you up or something it's dumb who's dumb time to talk about it I have to find somebody there must also be here I shall return d'afrique oh excuse me sir what what out oh I can't believe it can't believe it it's actually you can't believe you're actually here what what I've never met you in my life yes you have you have met me before and you've seen me you've even talked to me well I know not talk but mentioned me at least once or twice yeah yeah why don't you remember me it's me now I don't remember you it's me the lifeless toy Freddy remember you know that dead toy trainee in the desert or whatever that's me I'm that person oh hey nice to meet you finally came back to life that's that's cool that's cool I never knew talk to you you're alive or not yeah that's cool well but there's something I must tell you something really important you've been tricked what what do you mean you have been bamboozled what wait where's your other where's that chicken I need to talk to chicken too I don't know where chica went Christine we gotta find the chicken oh well the chicken will show up later we just gotta wait and then I'll tell both of you okay Wow why'd you just hit your head on the window no no no I'm bored oh this place is boring oh my head hurts now freakin smash it on the window you idiot mm-hmm there's got to be something to do mmm I'm just trying to figure out why we're here yeah wah wah and that is why I love cranberries wow that's wow wow okay oh yeah yeah that does good story good story oh good it was good oh yeah it was okay I guess thank you thank you know for port - okay no no okay all I'm sorry Oh nope nope can't nope nope nope yeah no yeah I'm a pass - what do we do now y'all what should we do now oh think yeah there's gotta be something to do mm-hmm you could go pick on those other kids again no too much no I know I don't do that here guys let's walk over here instead being that cramped hallway this it's more spacious over here okay yeah well oh boy a more spacious area okay yeah don't know Noel I all my head I did it okay wait sniff sniff sniff sniff sniffing each sniff sniff Worf why are you making all those noises because I can come on guys look alright um-hmm come on something wait I sense in the one he's here he's here and what's in the one you in here I don't know I mean we're here so he could be after us he's probably looking for us Oh oh no no we got to get him to join us y'all got him to be one of us be free instead of being a mean person yeah we don't want him to be a mean person yeah come on y'all let's go get into one a lot but then you're probably wondering why don't why aren't you doing so well well that's because I'm here to kill you well you see you took everything away from me well you have well actually no you haven't seen you before but you were the special one took everything away from me it was supposed to be me all I supposed to be special but no you're the one we'll just do powers and no you just so happened to be the one that was threw into the river yeah what would no everyone else had to like you you know hmm so that's that's right but then now I had to frame everything so that way I was special in that way of people like me I don't know what you're talking about okay it doesn't matter how you're gonna die now what why oh I'm just gonna kill you real quick it's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay come here Oh No Oh what are you doing and then it was ball ball ball well that was easy hmm my gosh let's go this way don't you touch it oh okay don't you dare to do it out for our head ow ow Frick did it editor who's that you must be somebody trying to gain superpowers from them or they could just be a slave I think he's asleep yeah he's asleep okay come on when yo okay what did did you do yeah all right all right gosh all right I think I've seen some in here are we sure are you thinking do one will like us and join us yeah I'm sure he will guys come on Oh Frick Oh stupid hex betrayed me I know what are you did to me I didn't do nothing do you do you're stupid what'd you do to him my brother my brethren and you lose my brother too ah you're all you've you all betrayed me you know monsters we're not the monster you're the monster [Music] you be oh and then he was dead ba ba ba ba you stupid heck I'll never be never be good as leader as I am now gone and then it was dead bump above all well that was easy I'm pretty proud of myself I just murdered a chum people now I'm gonna throw them in here doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo look it's a bunch of old broken parts oh well where's the where's too kind all right well I didn't like any of you so time for y'all to burn have fun dude you do I just go to weigh with murder doo doo doo doo doo doo oh well hey there go oh I just got away with murder oh good for you hooray well gotta come with we gotta do you know we can't just stand here and do nothing we should you know that man I think he trying to he's trying to do something there's no Polaroid yeah well uh no yeah that's it we got to stop him he's probably do something bad something yeah I don't think we should worry about it you sure yeah it's probably just some crazy person you know like that yeah oh okay you know what you're probably right smell like a guess how pow powers or something like that or some oh no what up um but yeah I have no clue so well well okay look wait I got a used bathroom I'll be right back you tell them I'm not using the bathroom I'm gonna find the kitchen cuz I think there's cranberries Nick yeah little do we just gotta be cranberries in the kitchen it's over here Oh what oh all right oh gee what did I tell you Oh Oh buddy yeah hi mr. kitchen here well Dave cranberries oh no no they don't have cavities this place negative five stars I don't think you can do that well anyway you'll anyways um I'm here to tell you both something important what who is this guy I seen him before apparently is that dead toy for anything remember in the desert I'm sorry yeah it's yeah so anyways what what had okay all right I'm here to tell you I'm gonna tell you something you to some that y'all hopefully will believe and you know well what is it well remember back in the desert where all of us were together here's all all of us who all was there then there's me to respond you're new you're dead oh there's that endo person nervous Freddy you [ __ ] yeah what about them what about all of us being there well you see you two and that endoskeleton wait and found the Freddy and the Fox you remember that and you found me there right yeah well those two meet me up and paralyzed me what they want to do that well that's because it wasn't dumb not the people you knew what those weren't those real people those were imposters what are you talking about no they're both they're both dead remembered and then they fell off that bridge and died both of them protium Pollock you both died no they didn't die but the people who felt that bridge who word them didn't die no those were pasta two costumes those were tricks they only jumped off the bridge so they could get away to go form their boss I'm confused right now yeah no okay look that's Stosh that Fred even thought you were golden Freddy Freddy disguises dumb just to try to think that that way they were dead like that way to trick you all to you thinking that they were actually dead and also to spy on you so and then but then just to hide the fact that it's a real friend good night Freddy no box you're still alive and out there somewhere what okay yep alright well I just would do that okay i'ma head off you guys have fun or something okay I've confused what just happened yeah me too I mean maybe I don't know oh I gotta think about this one mmm Wow well and then something something unexpected happened snapped um over no times over oh well let's see which I smell something cooking Oh what's a bunch of dead people come here fellow dead people I need you I need all you dead people in here dupa dupa gotta butter just got it come you just come here and i'm going to throw beer on the roof throw you on the roof because i need you on the roof for some legal reason i need you to come up on the roof come up on the roof there come up on the roof oh you tell their little girls all right wish wish wish wish oh oh I'm up on the roof cause I'm a special little boy that's a little hole inside of my roof gosh dang it who did that oh well alright they're just trying it's time for the beginning struction to happen i just i'm i fully evolved to my truest form now I can now with my flying powers of me being able to flow okay yeah with me being able well which okay no no my palate and then come here dead people you're just gonna lay on the ground and be pretend to be and looked at so that way I look like I'm a true mastermind killer whoa huh-huh I'm so cool and crazy and everyone just dead down there huh pretty sure that mentally crazy with me don't even know what's happening oh this time everyone to perish so that way I can be the only one left I brought them all to this one place now I can destroy this place with diamonds oh well actually I can't destroy the play but I could destroy them well dice is happening it's time quick we must get into our positions up on the roof Alfred oh my we're gonna come with so we're gonna do what should we do y'all what should we do I have no clue I don't know what to do yo me either well what the Frick going on outside what oh my gosh dummy I'm flying I wanna fly what I told you he's doing something what she's doing what you do mister what are you doing out there I'm just here to take over the world okay have fun with that don't worry guys he's just trying to take over the world wait no I don't know dude all right go on everyone get to your sides oh I got to go a long way it don't it - OH - effort ohh oh gosh dangers tree in the way stupid tree mm-hmm this won't affect anything hopefully okay industry should we be concerned what's going on so oh yeah we probably should hey hey what do you keep doing that's it Oh Li fell off the window Oh what oh I chopped them bad chopping him probably I'm scared oh hey I'm looking pretty cool like this what doesn't open oh oh I want to see I wanna see I need to be a part of this thumps putting money I don't know why everyone's going over to the windows but okay oh oh good boy what do you do about that I want outside now dang it no get back get back here okay why is everyone join me outside oh no it's probably important oh my window bet uh-oh well there's a door right here at or my best friend we look everyone just jumping outside we should do the same oh are you sure that's a good idea this is two stories you're only on one I'm doing it oh well if everyone's jumping off the building what do you do you jump off with them hurry up free oh no mom let me go and then we're all the little boys and girls outside well I guess we should go outside again for some reason let's go Lorraine yeah oh boy hurry I guess we're having a big old family meeting what's going on out here oh no I was just hanging out with my best friend mr. tree yeah yeah oh my face my beautiful face you're scared don't worry it will be weird we don't know what's happened here it's probably normally dead this happens every Tuesday right I don't think it's Tuesday though it's Tuesday oh boy what the freakish happened they know you're I can't you see I was trying to be with my people yeah get these dead people out of here yeah oh I like this my name is wood it's football Fred but we got this football do with the feel like I should know what's happening right now Oh weird the other bunny go Bonnie where'd you go sweet money I'm over here yeah oh okay and then oh dang it got a stupid a Dan line them oh whoops I forgot I don't actually live I can't just throw them around okay uh you go over there you go you go over there and you go right there okay all right everyone looking good everyone ready for the it's the big day all big day you know Alan don't confuse them what's happened you know just with my friend back I want my Series to come back oh are you things outside we must do we must do what are you doing oh I'm stuck oh my gosh your stupid chicken what do you mean - my type oh god what is happening outside okay fine go outside okay no no I'm not okay please save me out Frick from this will well what's going on Alfred oh no oh my face what the heck's happening out here it's the destruction of The Cranberries they're gonna know all the cranberries in the world what what thing palpable boom all right okay hey everybody everyone's here does everyone help you today sir go home young man go home go home and rest you stupid idiot yeah you're probably gonna hurt yourself up there you know what I'm I'm not crazy okay right there I think he's crazy yeah he's crazy you're crazy get down from there crazy we need look crazy it's big bear oh gosh oh you suck go get the life you idiot okay what alright alright so again I'm gonna be the only person left and everyone's gonna like me and none of y'all okay oh don't you know everybody loves this money money I don't know about what what do you tell you about me that's it that's it I have the power to eliminate y'all eliminate so are you a super superhero no I'm sure yeah yeah imma sue I'm gonna save all of you yeah whoo yeah whatever whatever crap you believe in yeah AJ super gyro I don't think it's a good superhero though oh all right that's it since none of you are believing me I'll just take the life of one of y'all and then you'll all be in panic so um Oh y'all so could you set up the portal so that way we can know so that way I can be able to go ahead and easily go on to the next place after I finish all these people because I know there's still I know there's still people out there I'm going I'm gonna go find them I'm going to combine them I'm going to combine if you're out there if you're out there and you're a special person like these I'm going to come find you I'm going to come find you look just open the DHing portal okay okay that's a good portal okay yeah that that portal definitely goes next place so we just have to jump in there afterwards okay great all right so this nun you believe me oh who wants to be a volunteer nobody about you mister what me yes you you you beautiful shadow person Oh what am i doing oh nothing except for for dying oh my beautiful microphone I need you to kill it's Percy cuz he was mean to me it made me cry in my sleep well I don't remember making you cry stupid dog da-da-da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-da-da oh he's dead so well now do you guys believe me no you guys put me oh yeah also by the way I'm gonna kill all you now so you know I think we should get out of here you know cute let's go oooh corte-real ruin everybody ruined okay nobody's gonna do nobody's spend money against today soon mm-hmm I'm out too ooh you idiots y'all aren't supposed to run okay I've gotta zap all of you oh yeah mmm new my fellow shuddering quick let's go zap oh oh zip mmm oh my gosh everyone's dying good who's the corpse use the corpse corpse in the shield corpse as a shield Zep quick everybody I gotta get out here this endoskeleton will give me all the cranberries in the world we've got to steal it I got us do it still in it I'm stealing it you freaky ghost do you everyone ran away gosh dang it you you idiot go protect the portal you idiots why do we even open the portal before we should open it after I kill everyone but you said you wanted to open it before so you could easily jump in there shut up just go do it just doing it fine I can stop him everyone else you guys yell - okay different [Music] oh all right we just got to protect this portal y'all aren't allowed jumping okay let's protect the portal the easy task yo uses good old Tosh all right that's it I stay behind protect the portal you two go up and fight Oh little fight okay I'm gonna fight extinct now I gotta move over here wish wish wish wish wish which happened down here what dodo dodo no what do we do we do what do we do oh no I'm scared you just showed up please bring money doesn't like this pretty money must come up with the plan all right I hope it's pretty money as a plan we need somebody to attack him oh you volunteer as tribute okay oh good a stupid Oh food bugs with food boy big boy go free bug what do you went through the portal I'm staying in ooh get over here I can't there's a fence of the way oh my boy showed me gosh dang it I can't believe Windham was able to get through I don't know where you just Oh what no brother brother no not you this is the end of me no we're supposed to go to Hawaii I'm going to die brother oh no brother no I'm making a run for do we look look everyone make a run for you it's fitting buddies on the way Fat Boy anybody's on the way oh no everyone's get through the portal it doesn't matter you idiot stop them I can't catch them when they're running dad - stand still so I can shout them my brother just stupid stop crying about your dumb brother zap boom it's time for me to go so rarely even know we're doing goos I'm on my way and freedom that's idiots I can't too much Fe dad just do your drug do everything by myself woo all right that's it nobody else is allowed nobody else is leaving no one on my watch yeah we gotta get everyone together yeah and how do we how do we stop him near the destruction a sacrifice yeah yeah there we go you coward staying out here I won't kill you instantly uh what I like to have fun before I kill my victims what the heck is wrong with you man yeah come on man yep Alfred oh gosh Oh where's the onliest oh you dainty golden endow tells me that there's cranberries over there I must go get it come with me golden it No what are you doing you idiot what's happening it's time Zeke what the Freak are you doing [ __ ] I'm gonna finally get the cranberries no job oops with the Freak wait where did fredbear go oh no guys that's sorry we should just go getting too freaked out of you so I guess we could just leave I guess so hmm well we did guys we defeated him boohoo Mabel defringe dead [Music] did you just die what something's happened something's not right well oh no but anyways I gotta go see mr. hook I mean I gotta go get you mister oh [ __ ] the box of cheer I've got buck I'll be right back I'm gonna go get that box of Cheerios from mr. Hogg's coop do doop go and get the bucket Cheerios for mr. lugs got my bout to Cheerios for mr. hugs your doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa like i'm a bunch for mr. hugs mr. Alex you wanna get his Cheerios doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa so what does that mean seems to mean it faker tried to kill people because he didn't feel special poor Fred bear it was probably cause he was really ugly ugly but ugh I thought I were still the ugly would know you're not ugly you're special but why is there a part two of my series out yeah it's been a year well go make a part - oh you mean it yes go make a part two and make it the best part two there ever was okay thank you mister I will I will fulfill my dreams oh but no I want you to make sure y'all leave safely first okay that's nice no noise all right well all you things where you go um alright well I guess I'm out um see you people later time to make the next man to Bonnie thing except for my friends are dead Hey look there's my friends corpses I'll just take these don't worry I'll get I'll find some somebody I don't know how to revive them don't worry over Frank all the puppy I'll get the puppet you stop by your place where do you live we work at a 7-eleven okay I'll just get the puppets in just take your friends corpses okay dupa dupa all right come on chica let's go all right well I missed and well that just happened all right who else is leaving I guess I'm gone pretty sure there's people everyone who died will probably end up coming back unless the series this fredbear takeover things continue because this thing was pretty lame and I gave so yeah hi well that's looked but dan doh doh doh doh doh doh uh forever up in bursts I'm back it's Doug Lee person he's back wait what'd you do with my friends I know we're going they've said I don't care about them I don't care about you kill with me Eloise you show me yeah you guys Oh oh my oh you think stupid kids big I got a bunch of Cheerios Oh run everybody run no zap Oh buoy buddy new my only friends that's it oh my stay here behind please oh yeah oh you will never win you never will win i poisoned stupid cheerio box oh no stupid frigde why are you doing this fredbear why I just woody be special it's always you the face of Freddy fazbear's well I can't be the face of Freddy air that sounds lame just turn you I know what I must do it's always about you Freddy fazbear's you looking like you on stage yeah like I'd do the same thing I've seen - I'm on stage - I don't have these ugly green arms when I'm on stage and I'm like hey I am fancy - and a num lock I mean I'm like I have my hand up - I'm like hey you teens and I'm dumb they're singing my song with my microphone and I'm just like the same thing like you and what I do not get any respect and then kaboom [Music] but did it that did something useful for once useful for once array well that that's special well I did it dududududu but dude okay Elmo I don't care about him I'm like i'ma just go home oh shoot you later doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo - do you do you do you kill me I'm gonna kill you back oh you stupid you murdered him you wish my really it was my boss it was everything to me it frees it oh look like creepy person oh oh you creep your weird person oh I'm a disco meets part two of my series oh this is weird let me in people's African portal Alfred Oh Oh I don't feel good good I'm going towards the light I'm going towards the light mr. hug is that you come here mr. Roach mr. hugs Oh mr. hugs oh I thank you for saving me please - mister I know mr. hugs I don't feel so good I don't want to go mr. hugs I don't I don't what they do I'm sorry well that's in that I don't know what the fridge has happened so I'm ripping rest oi Fred boy yeah that was a reference to fan india war don't hurt me okay I know I'm late um anyways um that's the end of this video um this was a really weird series I was trying to do about Fred beard taking over the world but then the series was supposed to be extended like it was there supposed to be a whole other section after this school part but now so all the characters will come back to life because the magical puppet has powers that bring people to life so yeah that's the end of that this school will not be remembered and I guess all these other people are diverse I don't freaking know nobody knows no more you know I just sent him into portal 2 they all must go all of them must go where's the other one they all must go so I guess that's the end of this I don't even know what happened with this but um yeah it's finally over here's something so and then this is all that will be remembered of mr. hugs and then you have fredbear fredbear elfric Freddie I tried to take over the world he was like no I'm special what no Fred Barrett you're not special so um yeah so oh don't go into ok he went into the pool and any other thing how did it this is unfrozen by the way how'd it be so perfect and then just dodged rip and rest look at this statue look at this beautiful statue what can I stand it back up or probably not oh I did get it stand up I'm doing I'm duplicating it because we could have a statue of it later ok well that's the end of that get and then we're gonna close this off boom so now nobody can get inside Oh Frick Oh like hell the props are the only thing that went through actually okay yeah okay so that's the end of this weird thing I don't even know what happened in this series but um yeah but all I can say is be prepared for a nightmare very very sad you think part two don't know when that's coming out but it will happen pretty soon so yeah um anyways um that's really it for this video I hope Joe did to joy and I will and I'll see you all next time yeah goodbye dang it portal closed for sign dang oh well rip and rest
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 97,730
Rating: 4.8776469 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Fredbear, Garry's Mod, Roleplay
Id: i3YNPryD64Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 13sec (3613 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.