Gmod FNAF | Fredbear

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[Music] everybody welcome back to Garry's Mod five nights at Freddy's stuffs now today we're doing a special video kind of like the rightly well not the right leg roleplay thing but like making the model and today we're gonna make so we all know about fried bears like oh my gosh guys it's like everyone's reaction to just freaking thing has been insane there's like everyone is like wait a minute - so you're telling me tell me that this thing right here you're telling me this tonight you're telling me you're telling me tell me that mr. Fred bear is this boy right here you're telling me this right now oh oh my god I never saw that coming I never saw that coming whatsoever never okay we don't know I'm actually just making fun of people who are like Fred berry golden Freddy aren't the same thing aren't the same costume suits of thing whenever I that that's what I'm making fun of yeah you know anyway but this doesn't really look like the new Fred Bear thing so basically they're going Friday and then the Freddy everyone has a purple hat and these are a little bit of a different guy we're not gonna use we're not gonna use this guy cuz this guy here you can sit in the corner and have a participation ribbon you know I hear let me even get the other foot bare thing in here I'll have you in here okay I'll have you and we'll have you in as well see you guys get to participate you do have a meaning and that's I need to kill you and I mean kind of put you to run I got rid of the cloud behind you but that's fine I need to get the other model of you oh my gosh whatever so many add-ons I should probably unsubscribe to like 20 of them anyway there we go now you have your eyes so we're gonna make this guy we're gonna make all these gyres well I mean I guess I don't know it so for our first trick what we need is to go here and get this man right here and then we use this tool on him right and we and we just do that all right let's see here we steal this from and then let's see there we go there's fredbears hot and then with you and there's your bowtie you my friend you had I don't think that take care of your bowtie that go and you is ah there we go we got the fredbear crew yeah and then you know what I'm gonna make what are you here mr. pink rabbit it's like you know I actually you know I kind of wanna I took this I took that thing from funtime Freddy in the last video where is fun time Freddy man get back here I said I was going to use you more and I will but only for your materials so Rena do this we're gonna actually meet we're gonna change you into white rabbit from phenom or look at guy he's white rabbit oh yeah my actually it'll be better if I did it was shadow Bonnie but um oh well white rabbit spring spring spring white rabbit I don't know so okay you look really weird when you're not in the light you look you're weird I'm sorry it's true okay so anyway what we are going to use is you're going to get the duplicator duplicate this man put this boy right here alright and then we're gonna smack this on his nose and now we need to fix him so I mean you can see like this would be easy and all like if we does changed up it bowtie yeah and then that would be that simple right well actually to make a fredbear to make a real fredbear it's not that easy okay it's just not that easy okay it's just until I'm telling you it's not that easy so you have to do the secret fredbear mission alright so there we fixed his ears so fredbear I was kind of small years kind of I mean you can see a little thing in the picture of his ears being a bit smaller fredbear also has I'm too late I am stupid click right here I'm lazy and no no and fredbear so big is like that so that's that's fredbear right there is that this is the real fredbear this is this is the real Fred we're model i shagged legit I modeled it all by myself I know I'm cool so there you go there's Fred beer this is the real Fred bear right and in soon one day Fred Bear finally gets on the treadmill because he doesn't want to be a toy Freddy so he gets on the chew fixes himself up he then looks like this and then you can see how he goes - golden Freddy from there well yeah so ahh - Fred Bear is the ruler of all Fred bears so this is Fred bears pretty diner so he always stands into the center this man over here just stays right here that's his home oh my gosh you are the white rabbit ok so anyway I should he was like glowing stuff that's just said like a glow you got it there's an omen uh anyway then you have these guys on stage presenting he's like yeah and then ya know this guy's not like because he's old and broken but you had these three these three are the main three Fred bears and then this was the thrown out Freddy bear that nobody loved alright so yeah it's all about fredbear just fredbear fredbear fredbear fredbear all right so now in fredbear fred fred bears family diamond all right and basically what they and also warner with but how could you forget Fred bear companion spring rabbit man you're right I did forget him I did forget him and I will fix it right now so this will become spring rabbit man so let me let me fix spring rabbit man so let me let me get you all right let me take this and where is your bowtie mister that is not your bow tie your bow tie is right here there we go and now we need to fix your colors so we take the golden Freddy suit this one replace it with Bonnie shoot one and okay maybe we shouldn't use that guy we'll use your colors Freddy one and this would be Bonnie one yes that's better and Freddy - Bonnie - yeah encho then there is uh and to make things easier we're just going to do this so then here is spring bonnie man yeah I am spring Bonnie spring bonnie mean so you have that no that's not spring bonnie that spring rabbit oh yeah spring rabbit we also need the other models of spring rabbit so there's this model of spring rabbit and then there's one more all right there's Coulee art all right we're Schoolyard set so we have this spring bonnie man and then there's their spring money man all right now we have to fix these guys as well so let me go ahead with that and this guy your eyes can I fix your eye okay we're just okay you just have to make things more difficult huh huh huh huh I glow what what did I do I think that means possessed we needed to get this man some weird eyes uh who has weird eyes no I don't want you know that's a glove I guess we'll still your eyes that's yeah I oh my gosh why are you guys so complicated okay look I thought a Freddy fazbear do you can you have I glow gosh dang it fair you mean who is normal in this pizzeria thing you don't have anything in life mmm try to think you would have in normal I glow you you would have one let's see actually no you don't have possessed like I don't see see this yeah oh my Bonnie let's see what happens when you make your eyes like this okay yours possessed as well ice dark possessed I just wanted to be gentle for greater loud eyes simple you're ugly okay we'll steal it from all these guys right here boy you might change your eyes yeah I glow said light what Freddy I just like I had it I'm so confused oh my gosh shot is just terrifying hi get this be more simpler for him oh my okay okay we'll figure it out eventually um who has normal eyes just a simple glow and I think look toy fat man like eyes I'm sure oh hey Freddie hey Freddie Oh Freddie you suck okay maybe maybe this No oh my gosh I hate all of you I can't y'all just have a simple freaking Zarkon possessed I why okay you know what we'll use toy this ready it's that I okay it is let's see if I work for you now I'm just a rabbit there we go Thank You toy fat man I mean toy kind man okay I've been threatened to delete the poor bear alone I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I might deserve to get slapped I didn't even get slot they just fell all right so now now we can continue okay so this guy we're gonna do I'm gonna do go to one with a gold suit one on whether gold suit to what they're told to do this is three I don't even know what that's for Bonnie okay Bonnie has some type of purple thing on him that's why I uh you need we need the withered bear hello mister with a bear I am going to steal from you so we have no gold suit line there is one and then wait where am I seat one to two so suit to and we have gold suit three oh wait no no three doesn't matter I'll body and all we need the freaking hat okay let's see there you go we have that guy down oh my gosh I missed his bowtie there's his bowtie this feels so tight right there and then also his buttons because spring bonnie has buttons and you need your button there we go now you're a cool kid alright and then I'm just gonna use this one this one yeah there we go so now we have all of these guys I'm going to do a save all right there you go alright so we have mr. so we have the rabbit crew alright so we're gonna send them up just like how we did the others so we had this guy in front all right of this guy and then you have this guy to the side and hold up mr. mr. Cooley art fredbear man I am going to use mr. I'm going to do this to you where is your eye at oh that's right here there you go now your look smart Thank You mr. bear you're lovely so voila there we go and then we have this rabbit man in the back side there's a bear right there so up there with there they go they're happy now so yes welcome to just afraid bear and this is their manager but he's never gonna be seen he's just gonna sit in his office and Aoife and be a good person I kind well hearted man he'll he plays minecraft yeah and and he gets his work done look he's writing down his packages he's he called the he called the the people he was seen damnit - so yeah so anyway here we have Fred beers family stuff and then one day there was a child alright so one day there was a child that was not that guy alright so one day there was a little sterile respect the bear respect the bear be kind to the bear huh once upon a time there was a child [Music] there's children who came here they're like oh my gosh we we love you guys you guys are cool you me yeah you're cool and we and yeah this ain't violence whatsoever so right you kids can't be on stage get off the stage get off the stage mister get off the Caillou get off the stage you get off the stage stop playing stop playing doctor and get off the stage oh sorry I didn't really they'll step in on you hey get away no no don't touch fredbear no don't do it don't touch him what you little freaky kid get out here you what are you doing stop taking a nap Oh get away from the speakers ah hey hey hey you can't sleep on the equipment get down from there yep you idiot read it go over there with your other friends now chill children go sit down at the table all right come on you sit you down myself well stay stay right there okay okay now yes sit yes be a good person in hey don't don't stop being a cool kid get your feet off the table stop it okay come on like one all right yes sit down sit sit that's not how you sit hey mister okay you're fine you okay guys sit yeah stop stop it okay hey where do you think you're going where you think you're going that's right you stay stay in that chair staying that hey come on get up stop sleeping stop stop no cut no freaking get up move there there no come on you can be the best out of all of them Juiz oh damn I thought I put you in your chick get back in your chair no come you have to sit in the front don't touch Tommy don't touch him don't touch a hey get up stop moving that you freaking cute you've moved for Caillou Caillou come here Caillou come get back your defection well hey give back you know no timeout timeout for you come here come here timeout timeout for you you missed a table up there going in timeout okay you're going in timeout no stay stay in there Caillou and think about what you did believable all right Timmy Timmy okay okay okay you know it's tables the out of order okay we're putting that into putting this in the back room then there okay I'm gonna have to you guys are gonna feel to a different table here go go with these guys okay go over here sit good now is there anyone else I should know of who could be around here sir any more children around hey okay okay you thought you could don't you can sneak away to you huh you know what you're going in tie knot with hi you two but Caillou is gonna stay in there longer you're only have to stay there as half as long as Caillou does now stay stay in there are you kids kids now enjoy fredbear's song okay this is this is all about fredbears this is all about mr. Fred bear okay now you're gonna you're gonna like Fred beer okay now Fred bear is a cool person and everyone here at fredbear's loves Fred I'm Fred bear I'm Fred bear but these are my Fred bear friends and you will listen to him and they're gonna sing you a song so enjoy oh my gosh I hate wearing this costume I gotta make sure they work though I go you can stop okay okay gotta kill them okay there you go it's the kids how are you just keep something I got he won't see me right here III heard one of you the birthday person who's the birthday person who's dead uh did this anyone did anyone know who the birthday person is oh yes you you know who he is oh oh is that it's a freaking Caillou kidding this stupid birthday huh are you - you know what both of you can come out with detention both of you come even you Caillou yes I know even you know Epcot true um I I did not mean to close that the door on your arm man I mean what all right come on Caillou it was just a birthday prank now Fred Bear has a special song just for you and what are you doing don't touch don't touch the bear he's been feeling lonely lately and you need to respect him here since you're trying to touch the bear you sit out this table alone okay that's right you stay there now Caillou yes I Caillou all right so Caillou Fred bear do you have a special song for Caillou no yes you do nope but seeing him your special song I don't have a specialist phone the back room okay I do have a special song for you all right oh hang on I can't sing this song without a microphone well just be glad alright that I have a microphone in my dad's uh I have a lot of things from my back pocket okay what here's the microphone here you go sing sing for sing for the child you're you're a brat mm-hmm okay that's it yeah I take you're going in the bathroom no but I hate that kid I know so do i but don't you know what you know no no no no don't worry you later hey stop is it hey hey stop it and stop it and stop it Fred be calm now yeah hang on kid send us me back sit down sit down toy Freddy stop him sit on I mean uh respect the bear respect to bear well come on man don't have to do this yes go back here with the table no but the other do you I don't care stay fredbear that's what you did alright guys so I put fredbear and time and animatronic time out hey stop this with all my stuff hey no Hittite okay no that's mine it's my mask I mean uh that's my that's my special golden mask and I know you can't no you can't have it no give it back give it give it give me the mask that it's mine teii you okay freakin hey no don't touch no dad that's no no okay I just realized I gave them all stuff from other pits free get that freaking but no don't touch the Hat don't touch don't touch the Hat stop it hey hey where are you going hey no no hey what do you what do you think you're doing push the Act no no no no no don't touch the Hat don't touch the freaking hat no no no get back here with the hat Oh No give me my brick what are you doing no don't no no hey hey stop it no don't pick up the hook no no hey we're friends here at red bears right we're all friends right Oh brick okay um I think he's injured hey get back here you prick you freakin fish kill my gosh this is disaster okay okay I got I got the Hat here let me put this on dang it gosh dang gosh dang it's great Oh oh my god I don't care about you guys look new kite no no don't get inside the animatronic kite tie you leave the animatronic rabbit alone you man right there stop him okay let's stop in power bunny too oh my gosh not supposed to kill him he told me to get him away from him so I could I guess you're right but if we get sued it's your fault I'm like okay here you need it stand back out stand back up my head hurt I hit my head on the table I don't care okay here let me move to do my face I'm sorry my microphone no don't just a microphone child your child that's it that's it leave leave get out of here okay okay look think okay there's my mask here's the microphone where's all my other stuff guys guys find my stuff stop standing there stop looking stupid help me find my stuff okay I did not I definitely did not mean to take out my stuff you Fred well I see my hat over there go get it dude you my hug my hook my hooks right there beside my freaking gun mean person and there's a bowtie on the loose somewhere go find it hey here's your hook ah thank you see all right there's the hook now Fred where did you get the Hat go so I got the hook Thank You Fred there hey all right there's the Hat and I need to find out okay okay you come here come here for one second I'm going to make you useful for about five seconds okay there we go now there we go okay we need to find that bowtie or else we'll get exposed so the guys look for the bowtie okay let me move this table oh my goood our child told me to move no one didn't tell you to move I told you to look for the Botox that's what I'm doing I can't find it oh you're stepping on a child get off of him oh wait Oh Shari oh gosh oh okay I think oh no he's unconscious find that bowtie oh no if we're dead what's wrong with the Muto anyway oh nothing nothing's wrong with it nothing no one here let me put this here Caillou is unconscious as well and did you I think this guy doesn't conscious in oh wait hang on move stick a child oh I thought it's on my bowtie where the heck did my bowtie go what I hate all these tables get all these tables out of my way gosh dang okay here where's my guys help me find my bowtie well looking moon jeez what to be mean my gosh I bet you're hiding it well what no I'm not freaking revenuer where is it you know where it is know where it is you know where it is maybe you should just back away from him no he know he knows where did hey hey stop trying to escape get in the corner [Music] do you know where it is Oh what no leave him alone he doesn't know yes he does know he knows and I bet you're working with him huh huh where's my bowtie at where where's my bowtie where's my bowtie where's my bowtie okay maybe you should call me out no no no I know he has my bowtie he has my bowtie I'm getting him from you just calm down no he has my bowtie get off of him no I know where you get all over him freaking pre only Oh dad fredbear fredbear costume and spring locked spring the spring locked when off and uh I'm the man so I'm gonna become a Teletubby in the mean time but anyway so the spring-locks and the fredbear shoe so the spring-locks went off in the fredbear shoot so that guy died in the in the fredbear costings seed so he's dead and he's got a lot oh my gosh dude like are you okay yeah it was hurt me so so then this man went and got the actually no it wasn't him it was a fredbear this fredbear he went and got the manager he's like Oh Fred bird the first we have a problem Oh what no there's no problems at my diner uh well a problem kind of just occurred I don't believe you let me see let me see what happened oh my gosh what in the world did happen in here um well apparently your employee one ever she's dead now a nice spring long suit over there yeah he went he got mad at everyone he threw some children across the place well we're gonna get sued all right are there any witnesses there's there's this one girl who's just been sitting here but all but all the other children are on so hmm all right now a little child over there I know this might be a little frightful for you okay to witness all this stuff but don't worry it's over now but I'm gonna need your help you can help us I mean you will help us I mean you kind of have to go so just go um go with you'll come with me all right come with me you you okay you okay you just helped the animatronics here you rabbit man over there you go take care of this spring-locks cute man and the chill children now I actually know you take care of the spring lock you take care of the children you take care of this ring along too you know child that's unconscious coming here I have a prize for you oh boy a prize yeah oh yeah just tell them just just step into my office and I'm just going to have to talk with Jefferson oh boy yeah I want oh gosh I hate this freaking place so much like the thing I hate is that there's multiple versions of me same I know right see you know how I feel what am i doing you you're taking care of the children right the thing is I don't understand is one hears that it closed down white rabbit attraction who here you made that thing all no man it's not my pizzeria I guess you're right all right where should I put the children at just put them in the back of the kitchen like an idea just for now at least all right come here unconscious children all right here let me just throw let me just get them all by the door that will be the easiest thing for now oh all right here come here Oh believe me um you know we'll throw him back there with the children to that that seems like a good idea all right um right here now I'm back here are there any more children around I don't think so all right here I'll go I'll go throw these guys into the kitchen there we go that's one child that's two that's three and there's this one well yeah all right so yeah all right oh don't want to forget about this child now do we get back here all right now yeah all right there in the kitchen now so I'm gonna go on my break now I'm going to go and play in the arcade all right um I'm gonna pick up the tables well I guess you guys can just rest or something can't believe that employment crazy bowtie all right so this goes here this table goes here this one yeah that one can go here oh and then I'll here's this table right here and then that employee thing got rid of that I don't know where you put the other table oh um [Music] I'm gonna go hang out in the bathroom cuz I'm a cool kid I'm gonna hang out like right here in the bathroom holy well no I just need it I just OH what is wrong with you okay I'm just gonna lay down and rest yeah name your element face huh yep you know what this is that's a pretty good idea just to rest it lay down for a bit so that's what these guys did they all lay down and rest it up the day the white rabbit man was still unconscious but that's okay so yeah so now with the children don't oh no no no no children finally I mean shade Freddy fazbear's pizza walls hey you know I will discover their secret I'm kidding you I don't know where you're it's like whatever my plane why did you make us do this again man yeah it's just change it up - why did you - I hit my head really bad you know in Daniels not waking up Daniel wake up Daniel annual you see Daniels not waking up whatever oh I have an idea hmm all right here uh Dan come here what what what I still think it's funny that your name is Dan and his name is Daniel nobody cares okay all right here dan I need we're gonna take out there's guy in the suit all right and we're gonna take him out of it we're gonna put you inside of it well why me I don't want to die you're not going to die trust me right here she's got it she's gotta take the guy out of this you so we just gotta take him out of chute there we go there we go yeah just feels bad well done all right now I'll get in the suit get getting the fredbear shoe thing here I'll even help you well I don't want to do it spills smells bad it's kind of covered in blood I don't care just get in it I mean do there oh I feel stupid wearing this thing now we're gonna use you to talk to the animatronic okay yeah I'm pretty sure they are alive your whole conspiracy theories like really weird trust okay just trust me on this all right and then um when when you go out realest nique behind you and do that so yeah okay oh are you doing this now yeah here just get ready at the door oh okay here come on come on come on Suzanne yeah yeah oh you're here actually I've another idea you were gonna take us out on like this cart okay oh pretty sure that's not a court okay okay okay let me get right on right there go come on once you do okay here hang on let me get let me get Daniel one Daniel it's gonna be okay this is going to be okay all right can you we are Daniel Mayer yes okay all right I'm on my way out of my face I'm on my way and it it I don't think there's no room yeah okay there you go we're good or just push us out now oh okay just act like you're taking out the laundry all right Oh Frick oh I don't think that idea work too well Oh Oh No kidding up Oh No Susie are you okay no I'm gonna go hide all right well at least Susan got out all right here we'll just do it first right and I'll just walk on you all right so are you gonna carry Daniel or who cares about Daniel here look here um well put him we'll put him right here we'll come we'll come back for him okay but I don't think you're wanting to come back then we'll just trust me okay we're definitely gonna come back okay whatever you say you're let me just okay hang on all right all right dad come on man all right okay just sleep all right now go now go talk to them and be like a robot or something and I'll sneak around and stuff oh okay all right dude hey friends good we're just taking a nap just doesn't matter okay today really dude all right you know I'm gonna I think I'm gonna take a nap to you it's fascination it's nice whenever people let's uh get to let you take a nap you know I guess so see you see ya later I guess see you in the morning Oh put the where's that man doing she's sleeping full and you get nothing out of him master plan okay Suzanne is that I think I see saying oh yeah she's in like sure you're okay no you're not you're not glad to see me Oh thing how'd you know all right uh anyway Joe now there's probably now we need to go into the arcade and steal and we can steal tokens and plushies and stuff like that all right deal right here let's go all right but like yeah there's a golden rabbit man in there it's okay it's okay it's okay well he's distracted he's playing arcades okay we'll just think behind does it okay all right I'm gonna go first and I'll show you how it's done all right I sure you know what your ladies go first what Wow okay fine okay I did it oh hello somebody there hello I think that causes me to go insane mmm maybe there was somebody here mmm I think somebody's in here I smell blood smell blood I know somebody's in here come out wherever you are well look i think i heard i think i movement back this way el my face damn [ __ ] they went they ran out they run out well what I'm so confused we we do can you all right here I just need to distract him and I'll take care of the prize counter stuff okay yeah sure fine okay together okay I know there's somebody here were or you cut your children mmm hi mr. rabbit man oh hello there little girl would you like a kid no not really oh wait okay I don't care about you then good come on I'm too short I just gotta get the bloody and the plushy daddy received was this pleasure actually no is this placement where are you going I got it I'll throw you at the door huh what was that oh shoot yeah children in here mm-hmm better come out to save a friend you have five seconds before I step on their face and kill me don't kill me five four three two one wah mm-hmm so you going all or not I mean we don't come out if it's in one after I say one I'm gonna kill her one you're not gonna come out oh okay I guess it say goodbye to your friend yeah oh gosh hard just push its goal and I did there you go oh there we go I did it oh wait maybe there was anyone here yeah well um oh no I have to take you to the kitchen no no you look so weird Oh yuck all right look can you're coming to the kitchen to the kitchen with you get back in there alright um you know I think I'm all done with video against one day oh yeah I'm gonna go to the boy downs well yeah all right yeah I wish Suzanne was with a stayed here a bit longer that would have been made my next task easier but oh well alright now that I have this plushies plushie represents the suit I just need to figure out where this wherever this golden Freddy yellow bear suit man is just figure out I didn't prove he exists I know he does and this plushie will help me definitely alright here I should put this somewhere safe all right here I'm gonna put it right here this is a safe spot and I'll come back for you once I gathered the rest so now I need to another employee thing was spray-painted the hat and bowtie it's powerful to make it look like front here like this won't be helpful now if it's then I had this briefing about the black and the people with no abhi spray paint no one know what it originally looked like all right now figure out where where this guy is he wouldn't be there he would probably be in the room back here now mr. Colten frightening me I know you're here somewhere you're gonna be in here just gonna actually be back there but that's the Golden Bear minute oh I stopped the door huh you can't do that and now it should be a lot yeah there you go I think I was the past reaction this locked dang it that's too slow least I was able to get in here mm screwdriver voila and their name I am definitely a technician okay I'll need this well I I'll need this probably as well all right I'll play some pokemons goes I need a needed keyboard so I can actually work that I'll need a chair cuz yes only the PC for the computer I'll need whatever it I'll need some files I'll need another computer I'll need some paint cans to repaint my traces I need some canned beans and that's good all right I'm ready I came to open this door no um okay let's see can't beans mmm those are good let's see let's see how the finesse communities community you doing um it could be better but oh well all right let's see no there's nothing useful there all right time to open this door in the magical pinion that lays behind there's no other and that true it's true that that's it's gonna take a bit there he is oh my gosh golden come here come here mr. bear before the time portal closes oh I like I just any gem style that Wow I don't even know if I need to do that but I did it all right now mr. bear mr. gold mere no now that I have to do it yeah I can finally expose these secrets huh back exit wait no I need the Freddy plush doe I need the Freddy plush so I can control dang it I knew I should have left it all right I need to go get it stay right here mr. golden for Elway hang on this probably won't be smart I mean use this that's so I can use this for to lock the door like that that should stop door there we go the door stopped now I can get back here Oh what the Frick okay here hang on keyboard keyboard the power the screwdriver okay there you go that the work is done and we'll get rid of this one well okay yeah yeah there you go that's that's fine now um yeah but meanwhile somewhere else attention units into the units there's a break-in there's our braking you're breaking I use my security cameras there's a break-in happening and go stop him go stop the break-in and yeah you know he's trying to find her secrets so go stop him friction while you're still sleeping wake up I told you to wake up we draw Oh what oh yes yes master okay Oh 3232 - oh I rather take a nap I'm still on myself I'm feeling headed Oh what okay sure oh no mr. [ __ ] I know huh after after I have to help him hmm wait a minute huh there are yes oh ha there we go and oh I liked myself huh huh there you go now you can't get here cuz I lock the door with my pop mine ha Oh Frick hey you intruder stop right there super powers activate what's that is that your favorite little dolly I mean it's so cute and dad Joe I'm awake I'm soaked yeah dang it oh hey who are you oh my vase and explosion noise I am the golden bear it's like what the heck the golden bear we only accept yellow people here mister oh my face mm-hmm yes I knew about the golden Freddy existence since my father worked here and then he died in one of the shoots and it was my destiny to find the golden bear so that's what I did even though I'm a young child I will avenge my father and I will get revenge on Fred bear - kids - do I I'm glad you're okay yeah yeah whatever all right now go go kill go fine and kill the the fredbear with the skinning years yes master the digit of the dip do dang it freakin fools couldn't stop you I think you're strong enough to defeat me No Oh coming Oh time for you to die no I'm the real fredbear I must have my own game your own game will never come congratulations you are dead alright now I'm going to go kill your minions as well oh my master the fredbear man is dead good now I'll kill and kill everyone else here or gather them up yes sir wah magical power some of them all here to the center fold oh the face oh wow but what the heck taken hold was just in the bathroom say fair oh let's see there's one two three rabbits and two bears dang it where's the other freaking bear at of the rare on known location I only found these guys damn they're still one of them loose and I know it's not you could stairs to spring watch you what all right well kill them all now yes sir come here and I will kill you guys with my bare hands because I am a strong man actually step up to the stage fight me one by one oh yes this is gonna be this is actual entertain you mate well I'll fight for my friends if sweet shown so you so you think you're brave enough to defeat me yeah yeah sure whatever mmm-hmm not dead this is a fight to the death no just get back up hmm I said get back up stop right there Oh Fred bird 27 with with some backup friends as well and we will stop you so you think you're strong enough to challenge me yes yes I am well maybe not just me but maybe us it is I one of the little swing bunnies and I am also here what withered and broken we are here this day Pia and we will stop you okay you know what yeah come on to the stage invite me you too we will we'll fight you and we'll defeat you oh yeah Jade you asked for it now I guess they could have been pathetic fools you get all my face hmm and all of you you can go fly around you do it I don't like this game mmm you you look stupid there's no money feeling okay oh man you get off my stage I'm sorry and so do you get off my stage - oh there we go now they're all defeated and they can easily be killed with the snap of my few years well I didn't snap I just made the noise with my mouse but still they can't they can't and it's at your command master do you want me to kill him right now mm I would say yes but no not right now this is kind of fun and joining them suffer let's let them regain their strength a little and then after that you can defeat them again and then we'll do that whole process over and over and make them suffer for what they did to my father I think you're kind of insane yes master I will not destroy him no perfect it's time for my existence to come into reality well what the heck are you it is I the white rabbit man and I have been summoned here by myself what you can't do that yes I can actually look if you uh see look see this little Bonnie plush thing that I got from the price corner and then all I did was take some I took some of my spray paint all right I took some my spray paint and I did this and look it's a white rabbit to show does she's my little pushed off and that means I'm overpowered just like that golden Freddy man is hello wait you want to fight me actually no don't thank me go fight him yeah well go battle or something and I control him all right well I control myself so this is going into my back pocket that that's my back pocket right there I have full control over myself so you think you're strong enough so you think you're strong go through me well yes and I have full control over myself unlike you right he was controlled by human yeah whatever show him he was a real person golden Fred there yet man all right what do you want me to do master don't mean punch of kick Oh what do you want me to do master do you like pokemons right here I don't know punch him or something uh okay uh dot dodge who would you go to a punch as I knew and now I can do what I want good oh oh how are you able to do that because I have four all over myself cuz I own my own plushy full master what should I do now I don't know kick them okay oh oh my face I don't know that move Oh what Pokemon game sucks that is now copyrighted and you will now be destroyed oh no it's just time yep my face oh here we go the dolls um you know what maybe it would be better if he had a double but don't kill me man cuz I'm your friend okay I won't kill you but I'll get but actually I'm not gonna went to control him I'm going to set him free actually no wait wait to set him free I need to give him his pushy where is he yet where is the Golden Bear face that wherever yard there's your plushy hope you're happy okay he's free uh-huh yeah well that was fun I'm just going to head home no no you are going to stay [Music] mm what's this all right you can't touch the whoops I think I tore it a little oh well um come on come on come on come on Daniel let's go home there Dan I mean your date my name's Dan I'm sorry you've been picking on me for far too much Oh what and you think I'm scared think I'm scared I could literally just do this well all right well at least I get to go home you know what mm-hmm you're just a phone you know the actual fredbear and but the real fredbear dead I'm glad he's dead no no I actually wanted him dead for two reasons one reason was because he killed my father but the second reason was because he was fat man the he was just so fat and I I was really think he was gonna die from fatness but um yeah I guess he didn't what did you say about fat people that they're fat coffee machine coffee mr. coffee mug thing that mr. cupcake and cash register attack attack this insult you shall not say bad things about our kind species it's bill huh coffee on him face Annie he's dead alright well this place really sucks I was supposed to go out the window there we go that was better alright so yeah that's the end of the video hope you enjoyed I don't really know what I did that there's the I've been willing to make a video on the real free beer mile if you just like I kind of did it in my five nights at Keeney's fanaa forces for neck video I made a video like an that thing so um yeah but anyway um I just wanted to make my own thing and yeah so anyway hope you enjoyed I'll see you later oh yeah I'm still a Teletubby um oh well [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 161,020
Rating: 4.833415 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Garry's Mod, Fredbear, Roleplay
Id: 6PwatupHPNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 19sec (3799 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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