Gloomhaven - Prosperity 3 Item Tier List

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hey everybody it's james here from neural net games and today we're ranking all the items at prosperity3 i've also ranked all the items at prosperity one and two and i've got an item discussion video series where i discuss how each item works in more detail i'm gonna put links to both of those playlists down in the description so make sure you go ahead and check it out so let's talk about the rankings first we've got s which is overpowered and just broken then we've got a which is nice and powerful but you know maybe not completely game breaking we've got b which is reasonably powerful and works with the majority of classes we've got c which can be powerful but generally doesn't work with a lot of classes or maybe is a little bit lower power and then we've got b these are items that just don't really work at all and you know these are sometimes some of the worst items in the game okay let's get started with d tier [Music] our first item at d tier is the heavy greaves and the heavy greaves they solve a problem that does not exist forced movement is not a problem there's really only one scenario you'll probably love these in once in a while you know the monsters make your life tough by moving you but sometimes when they move you it doesn't even cause a problem what if they pull you into melee range and you get to double attack top and bottom and kill them i mean there's it's not a problem and when it does happen it's not always bad and there's so much opportunity cost you know you wear these boots you don't get to wear you know boots of striding boots of speed etc there's so much opportunity cost just not worth it for any reason at all our next item at d tier is the jagged sword and the jagged sword is just far too expensive for what it does and also it's very specific to certain builds i mean it's for melee classes mostly you want to have a long rest type of build where you're using spent items so that you know you can long rest and get it back and use it again and yeah the cost at 30 gold is just like it's slightly better than the poison dagger um but the poison dagger is 20 gold so you know they're pretty much even that's why they're at d tier they just don't really make sense for a lot of classes and when they do make sense they barely make sense our next d tier item is the amulet of life and prosperity 3 has a lot of ups and downs it's a bit of a roller coaster the amulet of life is no good it's just no good a healing potion only takes up one small item slot and it heals three very rarely unless you're very specifically specced for it will the amulet of life do more than three heal more than three it also costs twice as much as the minor healing potion and would you rather have eagle eye goggles and crush monsters by attacking with advantage and killing them or would you rather heal one hit point per use like eagle eye goggles spell weaver you know impaling eruption fire orbs you know add three four five extra damage depending on how the poles work or would you like to heal one yeah the eagle-eye goggles are a bit more expensive but the opportunity cost for the head slot when you're putting an amulet of life in i mean it's just way too high does not make sense definite d tier you know i actually considered putting this in a lower tier it's so bad for me it does and i know i know the argument is going to be well it removes poison and wound pretty consistently yeah that's true but so do a lot of things i mean it's not really that hard to do overall i mean maybe if you're in a two-player party and you don't have any i mean a very low amounts of healing you don't have somebody who's got a good way of removing poison and wound this could theoretically make sense but other than that situation no good okay moving out of the basement here and into sea tier but before that i just want to let you know i've started a magic the gathering arena channel make sure you go and subscribe to it i'm going to be putting out lots of videos on magic as well it's a completely separate channel i'll be doing frost haven and gloomhaven and i'll be doing magic the gathering arena a bit of a change of direction but it's gonna be really fun so make sure you go and check it out be one of the earliest subscribers get in on the ground floor so at sea tier we've got the major healing potion and it's actually ranked at the same tier as the minor healing potion and some of you may be thinking are you insane it heals drastically more it takes up the same amount of slots why wouldn't it be a higher tier and here's why the cost the cost the cost the cause the cost the cost it's three times as much you could be spending that 20 gold on an enhancement on another item etc so it's got an opportunity cost in another way where it costs you so much to take and let's say you have max reputation the minor healing potion is rentable you buy it for five you sell it back for five it costs you nothing you get to heal if you need it and you get to save your money for things that are going to make you better overall the extra two hit points is a slight buff but sometimes you don't even need it and it's just not worth it because of the cost three times the cost does not equal plus two hp doesn't scale very well et cetera et cetera it's at c tier at b tier we have chainmail chainmail pretty good item it's what i would say is in the sweet spot for number of charges um more charges is not always better because when you long rest you may not refresh the item if you haven't used up all of your charges so you know if you've got something with four charges you use up three of them and you need the long rest your armor is not going to refresh actually making it less effective not more effective compare you know i don't want to spoil things but there's armor with four charges we won't you know go any further than that but against height armor height armor you use it twice you long rest and so there's a bit of a sweet spot i think chainmail has found it however it's only b tier because of the minus one modifiers when you have that many minus one modifiers makes it pretty hard for classes who don't have the ignore negative item effects makes it pretty hard for those classes to use the armor that's why it's beat deer at a tier we have the moon earring and the moon earring it is so close i waffled for so long between b and a but you know what i was like you know what no i'm putting it in a because there are quite a few spend items and even if you're not trying to go for a long rest build it's still going to be quite useful for you to you know untap magic magic it's going to be you know good for you to refresh even if you have a couple items it can very often be worth it and don't forget there's a bunch of like tricky timing things that you can do to double use items and stuff like that make sure you watch my item discussion video series on it i go way more into detail on how it works there some pretty cool you know crafty kg kind of gloomhaven vet moves so it is i think it's eight here maybe by just this much it could definitely be b-tier though make sure comment below let me know what you think at s tier we have the long spear the long spear is just going to be good for a lot of classes and for those classes it's pretty much game breaking it will change scenarios for you if you've got a long rest built and use things like the moon earring and that's probably what pushed moon earring up into eight here is there's some stuff that when you get to use it more like this without long resting then things get crazy i mean lightning bolt loves the long spear so much and things can just get ridiculous when you start you know adding targets to these big damage melee attacks and it is game breaking this should probably have been a higher prosperity item you would pay 50 gold for this and be happy for this effect like 30 gold is an absolute bargain for the long spear it's definitely ester it's one of the top items in the entire game and it's gonna make scenarios quite a bit easier for you anyways thanks so much for watching the video and a special thank you to my subscribers and to my patrons i wouldn't be here without you you
Channel: Neural Net Games
Views: 1,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board games, table top games
Id: 3aiR0u7bAwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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