Gloomhaven Item Discussion - #3 Prosperity 1 Hand Slot

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hey everybody it's james here from neural net games and today we're talking prosperity one hand slot items and because there's four of them i decided i'd go ahead and rank them from worst to first i like ranked things i think it's fun i didn't do it with my other previous item discussion vids because i mean there wasn't enough items to write them i'm not going to rank two items but i think i mean four would be the minimum um minimum number of items to rank i think maybe three i don't know comment below let me know what you think also make sure and comment let me know if you like the format of the item discussion vid series it's a work in progress i'm gonna keep taking feedback and refining it until i've got it dialed right in and everybody is really enjoying it so we're going to talk about these items and how they interact with the starting classes we're not going to talk about unlockable classes but we're going to talk about each of these items how they relate to the starting characters you know is it good for this class is it bad for this class we're going to talk about general context you know how what situations does it work in in general power etc okay let's get started let's get to number four [Music] at number four we have the heater shield and the heater shield to me is the worst prosperity one hand item because it's got the worst ability in gloomhaven there's a hierarchy of abilities the lowest is healing you've got to take damage and put yourself at risk before you can use it next is defense shield you can prevent the damage but you're the monster still there and you haven't done anything about it next you've got you know stun disarm etc crowd control kind of stuff that stops the monster from doing anything for a turn or nerfs them in some way and helps you manage them but you know they're still there and then at the top of the heap you've got damage your permis done kill a monster put it in the grave and it never does anything again and so that's very often better than you know using something that has defense in gloomhaven you don't really need a tank archetype like you do in a lot of games you should just go out or you can just go out and you know focus on damage and dead monsters don't attack so you don't really need a tank and if you really spect right you can kill monsters very quickly and you know you can use your initiative to make sure that you get done what you need done so let's compare the heater shield to the uh iron to hide armor sorry let's compare it to hide armor height armor it has more charges but it gives you two minus ones and also with the heater shield sorry two minus ones into your attack modifier deck with the heater shield you don't have to worry about minus ones and you get to choose when to use it height armor you take one damage you use a charge it doesn't matter there is no discussion heater shield you get to decide sometimes you may want to take damage i won't get into any spoiler territory but sometimes you may want to take damage and so having a heater shield gives you that option now how good how long is the heater shield going to last for well not long at all no further basically if you buy it you're going to want to replace it pretty much at prosperity2 and 100 guaranteed by prosperity 3 it will not be worth it it's not like eagle eye goggles that you know are good throughout four or five prosperity and maybe even deeper right and some builds they can be good all the way through the game heater shield is never going to be that for you so that's why it's at number four oh and i forgot where i get to the next one this is probably best with mine thief or brute although i don't recommend it for either but if you are like i want a shield brood or mine thief are probably the best candidates never take it with a spell waiver never take it with a scoundrel and you know for a crag and a tinkerer it's mediocre at number three we have the poison dagger and the poison dagger is better than the heater shield because well damage i think i elaborated on that quite a bit in the last one and so i will leave it at that but you know damage is better it's going to be much more useful for you however this poison effect is generally not as good as you would like because you actually apply it on a hit it's much better when you can apply poison with one card and then attack with your other card and so unless you're doing a you know you're bursting with a bottom and top attack you're not going to be able to hit the monster that turn and take advantage of the poison and so it's not that great it would be much better to just have an effect that said apply poison to a monster and the way other items work i don't know why it couldn't be like that i mean it would have made more sense just chalk it up to probably too much to do for one guy i think it would have made more sense like that although thematically it probably makes more sense that it's attached to an attack so it is the best hand item at prosperity one for a long rest build that's a very small it's basically between this and heater shield so i don't know it seems a little bit redundant but if you are doing a long rest build the poison dagger can actually be okay because if you can use it three four five times in a scenario you're going to be able to output a reasonable amount of extra damage and it works best with classes that are not doing aoes but doing attacking with like a mainline attack ability multiple times around so classes like the mine thief that have a bottom that have a lot of bottom attacks so you can bottom attack and hop attack or that have even you know multiple attacks within an attack action like a attack to move to attack to or you know move to a tattoo move to attack two stuff like that so this is going to be best for the mine thief followed up by the brute because the brute does have some later level cards so if you've leveled up a brute to five or six he's got a couple attacks that you can take advantage of you know using that poison and applying it and getting benefit out of it that round at number two we have the piercing bow the piercing bow allows you to ignore all shields for an entire attack action and remember that's for as many attacks as you have in one half of a card so you know you can do a lot of work with this when you're doing an aoe attack on a bunch of shielded monsters and so in certain situations it can be crazy powerful and you're just like yeah you're slaying monsters you're like oh my god and then other times you're like i did not use this so it's it's a bit all over the place and how you feel but it does absolutely decimate certain monster types and i don't want to spoil anything but yeah certain monsters you can completely erect with this and they basically become a non-threat they're essentially high shield low hit point enemies i don't want to spoil any more than that but yes this can be very very good for that and it's so funny because the item just doesn't make sense so when i was playing this in 2017 and you know there was no threads or anything on it i just said to my friend like what is up with this bow because i was the spell weaver and i think it recommends in the book to take the piercing bow and i'm like why why does the bow attack everyone only work one time it doesn't make any sense like and then um you know every time i do these videos i go and i make sure and i do my research just to cover my bases i have a lot of knowledge but you know there's sometimes things i miss and so somebody in the thread was like this makes no sense why is this item like this it should be one shot i'm like yes this person knows this person knows it should have been a spend item and that added maybe two pierce or something to an attack it would have made a lot more sense so who is this good for this is good for the spell weaver it's good for the tinkerer it's good for the scoundrel if you have a knife build it's the best for the spell weaver though absolute best for the spell weaver also it can be useful to credit card it's not useful really for the brute or the mine thief although mine thief can make it work anyways that's it let's get to number one before we get to number one i just want to let you know i have a patreon i'm offering exclusive access to myself come and play games with me on tabletop simulator watch campaign plays that are only gonna be for my patrons they're going to be raw unedited with my thoughts hopefully not too much swearing me showing you know you know all these strategies and different plays and things like that and also you get to vote on my next games there's tons of benefits link is down in the pin comment okay let's get to number one at number one we have the warhammer why is it number one because it can stun a lot of monsters and it's very useful and its power is going to carry through many prosperity levels all the way through basically it can be useful in certain builds so let's take the brute for example the bottom of trample if you have boots of striding you can stun five monsters with the warhammer and do 10 damage plus modifiers etc any class that has multi-target melee attacks the warhammer is going to be good for stun two three monsters that's gonna be worth it every single time and i know i say damage is king but um stunning is always gonna be useful where something like the piercing bow there's gonna be scenarios where it's a sad trumpet and other ones where you're like i am the king of the world whereas the warhammer's just always going to be good and it's pretty easy to pull off as well you don't have to work super hard to get two or three monsters to get five with trample you're probably gonna have to set something up pretty well um but to get two or three monsters is gonna happen pretty much every scenario especially if you're playing with three or four players really not that hard and stunning them is very good it's very good even with some unlockable classes i don't want to spoil it but it's going to carry its power through prosperity levels it's good for a variety of different builds it's best for the brute and then you know it's also good for the crag cart it's not as good for the mine thief because you don't really hit enough targets with the mine thief and it's not you know you don't really want to use it with anyone else like scoundrel is not hitting a lot of targets spell weavers using you know aoe attacks stuff like that tinkerer tinker is all over the place and yeah not super useful you know it's not going to work for ink palm it will work for flame thrower so if you use flames or with the tinker that might be useful anyways that's it for the video thanks so much for watching and a special thank you to all my subscribers i wouldn't be here without you you
Channel: Neural Net Games
Views: 2,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board games, table top games, gloomhaven best items, gloomhaven overpowered items, gloomhaven item prosperity, gloomhaven which item should I take, gloomhaven piercing bow, gloomhaven poison dagger, gloomhaven war hammer, gloomhaven heater shield, gloomhaven how to play, gloomhaven too hard, gloomhaven review, gloomhaven common rules mistakes, gloomhaven tier list, gloomhaven rules, gloomhaven cant win, is gloomhaven the best game, gloomhaven overpowered
Id: RhtdMt1gxzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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