22 Gloomhaven Classes Ranked by Tier - Including Jaws of the Lion and Forgotten Circles

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if you're like me you want to know how your favorite character stacks up against the competition so what i've done is i've ranked all current characters that are out there so gloomhaven original forgotten circles and jaws of the line so i've ranked them into tears the first is going to be ester and this is just overpowered and broken these characters should probably be nerfed the next is a tier where they're overpowered but not broken and then b is balanced c is a little below average they're still good but they're maybe a little more situational and then d is they're only viable in certain situations and so overall they're not nearly as good as the other characters in this video there's going to be spoilers so if you see a class coming up that has a spoiler just pause it then you're going to go down into the description and in the description i've created timestamps and so you can just click on the next one that you know isn't going to be a spoiler for you or that you do want to see and you can go directly there and so before we go i would ask that you like and subscribe if you enjoy the content okay let's get started all right we've got the spell weaver and i'm coming out of the gate hot on this one with a con maybe a bit controversial i believe the spellweaver is a tier and so if you agree or disagree on this or any of my other rankings please comment below and here's why the spellweavers ate here one she's got reviving ether she can get back all of her lost cards early on at level one like especially really early on the spell weaver is absolutely the best character she can use impaling eruption twice she can use fire orbs twice each of those can easily do 9 to 12 damage throw a power potion on her and early on she can wreck anything um the one gripe i have against her is you know shielded enemies she has a bit of a tough time with shielded enemies and so you're going to want to get something like piercing bow but other than that she's absolutely amazing inferno at level nine is one of the best cards in the game and even at mid levels she's got some really good stuff she's got a summon uh living torch where she summons burning avatar it's got range three you could literally have that card back three times if you threw in like twin restoration at level seven so i know some people say she's got some scaling issues i don't believe she has scaling issues you can do an absolute ton of things with her because you can get those lost cards back and reuse them and when it comes to summon something like living torch it's got range three range is king for summons if a summon has range it can do really really really good things and so all the arguments against spell we were not scaling well etc it's not really true what's true is that she has trouble with shielded enemies because she hits a ton of targets and then even early on you've got a card like a cold fire at level three you can make frost and then you can repeatably stun in a three area range or like a three hex range and that's amazing so for that reason she's an a if you disagree please comment okay the elementalist the elementalist is awesome even though he's ranked you know quite lowly here and that's basically for one reason he is extremely difficult to play he is by far the hardest player character to play and unless you're very experienced and you've got a nicely tuned team he's going to be very weak because he's just he's so hard to use um he's so situational and he requires so much planning like you've got to plan two or three turns ahead and you've got to be coordinated with your team to actually get anything done um the best way to play the elementalist is with someone who generates elements and you play two characters yourself so that you have perfect information and you can go absolute beast mode um you know maybe the most powerful character like not game breaking but outside of the game breaking characters the most powerful character um and you need somebody who's going to generate elements with you he has terrible initiative it makes it really hard when there's so much middling initiative there's nothing that's really fast there's not a ton of stuff that's really slow so you can plan yeah you're gonna be in a tricky spot initiative wise a lot um don't let the guy who sits there and hangs out and muddles and mulls over his turn every time play this guy your games will never end there is so much like look at a card like malleable evocation it's like a book um so yeah don't let your friend who takes forever play this guy he will hate it you will hate it so much um so yeah you've got a plan far ahead and that's why he's so low is that he needs so much work to be good okay we've got the red guard the red card's pretty good um he's a solid b tier he's not a low beater he's he's definitely a beat here he's quite tanky he's better than the brood at tanking and he simply can't do enough damage and doesn't hit enough targets but he is a good tank so he can go up front and hang out and take some aggro and if you've got some other you know range damage dealers he can be a pretty good addition to a party which makes him a solid b class later on he's actually got some really cool mostly one card that's going to create a lot of elements so he does work in gloomhaven he has really good initiative he's got some nice early initiatives so that he can properly use his shields and tank up and not be totally useless um sand devil's a pretty decent card it's got good utility it's not super powerful but it's thematically it's cool and it's got pretty good utility to you know move guys around and that sort of stuff okay so we've got the mind thief he's a solid b tier um in the beginning he's actually pretty overpowered so if this is your first go at it you can definitely take him and he's gonna do really well he's got a card called the mind's weakness which is an augment that adds plus two to all melee attacks that's gonna be really powerful in the beginning and the pro but the problem is later on it's gonna peter out you know and it's not going to be nearly as good and it won't kind of last you through what you need to and some of the later cards for the mine thief just aren't really that good so later on you're going to struggle a little bit now that being said there are some builds where you can make it happen but you've got to be very specific use specific items and that sort of stuff to even get him to where he needs to be so for that reason he's a solid b tier he does do better in two player versus four player games just because the less the less monsters make it easier for him because he doesn't hit a lot of targets and so it would be a lot simpler for him to output some damage he does have great initiative he's got a really good mix of high and low initiative and i love that because it just makes your decision so much simpler and without perfect information it's way better just to go like hey i'm going slow and be in the 90s or 80s versus being in the 40s 50s 60s in that range where every decision is tough and so talking about scaling he's got a couple cards and i'll give you an example here so psychic projection heal five shield one stun it's just not that good a card it's just not it's not a very good card there's no way that should be a level seven card that should be a level one card and then mass hysteria you can have two augments active at once sounds great but your time you're using your it's a lost card and then you're tying up two augments so it's really gonna reduce your life so not nearly as good as it sounds so he struggles in the mid to late game uh but early game he's good so he's a solid d all right we've got the knight shroud the knight shroud is extremely powerful he's really fun to play he can be a bit of a pain to play with because he goes invisible a lot he's a bit of a lone wolf he's not really a character that's going to help anyone else out kind of hides in the shadows and comes out and kills things but that said he's very powerful i've even seen him ranked like top tier on other lists i don't think he's game breaking though which is why he's the top of the a list um he could you know i could be convinced that he's s but he's not game breaking so for for this list he's gonna be like a really high level a flirting with the s level so he can do a lot of killing a lot of instant insta killing um a couple cards for example spirit of the night early on you can kill a normal target just by spending a dark you fight like an earth elemental or something that has a lot of hit points or has really high shield or something like that done insta kill um another really insane card is a level six card called swallowed by fear you know spend consume two elements one dark one anything instantly kill any enemy even an elite anything outside of a boss that's insanely powerful he can go invisible a lot he comes out of the shadows and throws knives he uses dark a lot to get these things done but he can make quite a bit of dark as well just from his cars and they're from you know decent repeatable moves and stuff like that there's even a move ability that has a used dark insta kill i mean move and insta kill pretty insanely powerful his move is a little bit suspect early on he has some problems with move until he reaches about level six um so you know before that you're gonna have to be careful about how you move and that you don't fall behind in that sort of stuff okay it's the hatchet so the hatchet is a range damage dealer and he's in the b tier for a few reasons one is the main card he relies on the favorite it's kind of a pain to deal with he's got to go and pick it up all the time and there's a couple cards that help with that but as you go through the levels the scaling of the favorite isn't that great and if you don't go and pick it up um then it's essentially a loss for three damage and that's absolutely terrible especially considering you have to spend a turn to play it and then you use another turn so you've got to go get it all the time and positioning-wise it can make it quite a pain if it wasn't so heavily reliant on the favorite if the hatchet wasn't so heavily reliant it would be a better class like we just had a little bit higher attacks but because of the favorite the attacks have been nerfed a little bit and so it makes it a pain just to go around he doesn't have good initiative either lots of mentally initiative to deal with and that's definitely a pain and movement wise not great movement and you know there's some lower bottom attacks that you know you would need a couple good movement cards to deal with and you don't really have that um early on though the hatchet is decently overpowered we got power pitch and double throw you can easily knock out you know 12 to 14 damage and that's actually how i you know easily rolled through scenario five uh playing with my cousin um other than that uh level nine he's got a card you know executioner's axe it's just a worse version of another card that's already out there it's still pretty decent but it's an actual worst version of another card that's out there um and level eight cards i'm not i don't like them at all so that's why he's b tier pretty decent damage but not worthy of a tier the tanker i want to like the tinkerer so bad i do i don't know it's like this underdog kind of thing and i just want him to be good because he has kind of a lot of interesting stuff but none of it really works that well he does have the highest uh hand size so he can work a bit as an off tank and early on he's actually quite powerful because of those 12 cards and he can use his losses quite a bit and he can act as an off tank especially again somebody is going to give him who's going to deal high single target damage you know go in there throw away a card he can do that for a while very often early on he'll be the last character standing if you're playing him right um but yeah so early game he's awesome late game he's terrible he does not scale well his cards are just kind of middle of the road and you can get into some shenanigans with chimeric formula which i'll talk about here at the end but other than that he's not very great late game um he has a lot of timing issues take harsh stimulants for example it's initiative 27 and it adds plus to attack to everything to everyone else's attacks the initiative makes it terrible and and he's got to be adjacent to people so you know middling initiative having to be adjacent for people to discard cards means you're gonna need perfect information and so if you are a single player and you've got two characters he's actually probably close to an a tier i'd even you know i wouldn't dispute him being an a a bottom a or a high b because of that perfect information you can coordinate a lot better and have him adjacent to people and and he can be effective chimeric formula is the most broken card in the game it's really hard to pull anything useful off but you can literally do thousands of damage by allowing another character to have another character's loss like take the brute give him inferno pair it with a couple of his cards and you can do some crazy things you've made it this far thank you so much for sticking with me i would ask at this point if you could to like the video and subscribe to my channel it really helps me out a lot and you know helps youtube promote my content and i am putting out content on a consistent basis so if you're enjoying it please like and subscribe and i promised myself i wouldn't beg so i won't but i will ask one more time please like and please subscribe and also down in the description i've added a link back to my website and i've also added some links to some other gloomhaven stuff that i really like and even the game itself and jaws align so if you haven't bought it go ahead check that out even if you have bought it go and check out my other stuff and even if you don't want to buy it please click the link it still helps me out a lot okay onward and upward to more rankings okay it's the berserker he's game breaking but just slightly so um he can really rip bosses and that's kind of the main problem i remember this one boss who did no spoilers here but it was supposed to be epic and it was pretty sad because the berserker just rolled in and smashed him now he's not as game breaking as the other two s classes he's just slightly game breaking and he's really actually an awesome class with a couple just small tweaks he would be an amazing high level a class and he would be nicely balanced he does huge damage and with a couple items you can turn in multi-target damage and you can easily swing for upwards of 100 damage and it not being impossible to pull off or you know requiring a ton of you know preparation and that sort of thing um so he is game breaking but it's not at a at a ridiculous level and i really enjoy him a lot um when we played our campaign my one friend was playing him and he played him forever he purposely didn't retire because he loved the berserker so much and he was just out there rolling and smashing through things the berserker's health goes up and down a lot and i think that's really fun to manage um because it creates a lot of interesting opportunities and it's actually really effective and it's not as difficult as you might think um because he's got a bunch of abilities that allow him to essentially take no damage from attacks so you can get in there and tank and move your health up and down and do a lot of really fun things so that's why he's an s-class he can go in and yeah make boss is pretty sad almost a little bit disappointingly sad but he's still really good and he's really fun to play and that's why he's s-class all right we've got the summoner there's a lot going on when you're the summoner i hope you're a good multi-tasker and that you just absolutely love middle management maybe you work at a daycare or something that's kind of what it's like you're going to be wrangling a lot of things and so if you don't like managing a lot of things you know summoner's not going to be the class for you and it can actually take a lot of time and so one of the reasons why it's only beat here is that it's a problem to play it can really bog things down if you go look online you'll see a lot of people that are playing with a summoner they hate the summoner they think the summoner makes games worse and it doesn't really but it takes a lot of work to play and in the beginning especially at level one uh you know early levels it's pretty awful it really hits its stride later on especially at level 9 when you can really do some serious damage and so it's more a class for the theory crafter and you've got to be able to think quickly because essentially you could be running like three to six turns and so you've got to figure out where everybody's going if you have a fast tank somebody's going to be in the frontal lobe the summoner can be really effective because the worst thing that can happen to you is for you to you know lose a card and then your summon goes in and just gets you know wallop done because it's using ai and it's not you know under your control unless you're using cards to control which are quite a few like that so it can be handy everything becomes crowded when you have a summoner there's so much more going on that it makes it a real pain for everybody else and it's not a super fun class unless you're really good at managing those things you know take a card like unending dominance you can recover four lost cards or summon a lava gall don't summon the lava golem especially not early it's not going to be anywhere near as effective as that um you need something like level to make that card work you need something like intervening apparitions at level eight and which which is going to allow your summon to tank some damage and actually be able to do something useful so summoner be tier because of all the complexity because of all the issues because of the no funness at times unless you're really good at it okay it's the brute and the brute's gonna belong in the sea tour although he's definitely i would i would say a high c tier and you know he you could convince me that he's a b tier he's a solid starting character he doesn't do anything particularly well he can output some you know multi-target damage although he's better later on he does have some issues with scaling he's you know not super strong later on he doesn't quite do enough damage he doesn't quite hit enough targets he can push and pull which is you know helpful if you don't you're in a scenario with a bunch of traps or something like that so he can do a pretty good job there he's got you know his initiative is pretty middling it's not great it's you know gonna put you in some tough positions he's not really a tank but he kind of looks like a tank and pretends to be a tank uh but he's just yeah he doesn't have a ton of cards that make him a really good tank so he's kind of stuck in the middle a lot which is why i believe he is z-tier he could potentially be put in beat here depending on the scenario and you know somebody could probably convince me that he's low b tier but for right now i'm gonna put him in the c tier just because he is that jack of all trades and he does have one really kind of interesting combo or you know set of cards and that's balance measure and immovable phallics there's some pretty fun things you can do with that um even though they're you know generally harder to pull off especially when you're talking about the uh balanced measure and using the move for attack and stuff like that so fun but not super great still belongs in the c2 okay so what's the void warden the whiteboard confuses me it's a pretty interesting class but it's a c tier class and for a few reasons one doesn't do a ton of damage and the damage is pretty situational making enemies attack each other making allies attack and you know those things always rely on you know other players and positioning and things like that that being said the void warden is a pretty decent control class but it's got two opposing methodologies and one is making an enz attack and the other is cursing so the void warden's actually a pretty good cursor but if you're making enemies attack each other and they're using their deck then you're wasting all your curses and so they're kind of at polar opposition which means this class doesn't really make a ton of sense to me which is why it's you know a c tier now it does have some interesting stuff early aunt's got lure the void and frees the soul one is a stun at range three and one is a disarmament range three and they're both i mean reusable so early on some pretty good control there when you're able to you know take out two enemies especially in a two-player game um and so you know it could be a beat here but you've got to work at it you've got to make sure and align the cards to one methodology or another and that's why i don't want to understand why those two are in polar opposition move can be a problem and the class has fairly middling initiative and it also needs frost so for all those reasons it's a c-class or it's a sea tier okay we've got the plague herald the plague herald is awesome it's really cool looking and it can do a ton of damage to multiple targets in fact one of the strongest parts of the plague heralds game is hitting multiple targets and not only does it hit multiple targets there's a lot of effects where the enemies are going to suffer damage for example we've got accelerated end and we've got willing sacrifice you know these can these ignore shield it's suffer damage and that's you know what makes the plague herald so strong is you know fire demons whatever you have a plague herald you can crush a group of fire demons without even trying you know they have hardly any health and they're they're such high shield and it's super simple and so even though the playground doesn't do a ton of damage in bursts it can do it it ignores shield and it can do damage regardless and so really effective multi-target damage um they have good hand size and they've got a bunch of persistent effects uh so that you know you can play a card and have flying for the entire game which is super cool uh you can you know poison enemies you can do a bunch of different stuff with persistent effects and having a hand size of 11 allows you to do some of those things without you know reducing your turns by too much um it does poison a lot and you have to be careful not to poison all your friends but there are some benefits to them being poisoned too there are some cards where if your allies are poisoned you know you can buff them so that helps and when you're poisoning so many enemies effectively you're making your teammate better you're like a good point guard on the basketball team you may not be doing everything yourself but everybody is better around you and that's why the plague herald is so strong having a plague herald in your party is going to make everybody better and that's why it's all day all right we've got the doom stalker he's a long range damage the longest range damage dealer in the game he can output pretty good damage at very long range and that's basically all he does he has a summon build potential but it doesn't really work out that well and so mostly you're going to use your doom and you're going to shoot from long distance and i'll put some pretty good damage he has a good hand size he's got 12 so he could technically be used as an off tank later on if he needed somebody to go in there and soak up some hits because he's probably going to have quite a few cards left as you know most dooms are not throwaways or lost cards most doomstalker builds are going to be based off of exposed which means you get advantage a lot kind of you know pumping up your attacks as you're mostly going to want to be attacking doom uh doomed monsters um he does have fast initiative uh he's got some really good you know like 9 10 11 12 kind of stuff and he's got a couple good late initiatives so initiative overall is good he's pretty limited when it comes to movement you're you're really gonna do big moves and then sit still like kind of like a turret style and and shoot um without moving then you'll do another big move he's not going to be moving every turn as a lot of dooms are on the bottom but he can output a lot of damage and he does have fast initiative so he's going to be able to pick off guys ahead of time this makes him i would say a little bit lower on the a side he's pretty straightforward and he can be quite weak if you're not able to get your dooms out and attack the right enemies all right that's the doom stalker okay the beast tyrant he's actually really good that's why i've got him ranked this high he's better than most building he's just a bit hard to play which is why he's not higher than he is right now um you've got to know you've got to make a decision either you're going to be a puppeteer and you're gonna focus on laying your bear going out there and go out there to do a ton of damage or you're gonna just let him do his bear stuff and you're gonna go along with him and do your own stuff and he's just gonna sort of tank um so his strength he can attack a lot he's got consistent attacks and you're going to want to use especially early on concentrated rage um concentrated range and and something like disappearing wounds focused aggression early on uh vicious ally at level three uh rampage at level five all these are bottom commands that are gonna make him attack and you're gonna get a lot of benefit out of that the concentrated rage if you can play a couple bottom attacks in a map and he's going to do a ton of damage it's going to be worth 20 damage 30 damage whatever it's totally going to be worth a loss um so his he can put out a ton of damage round after round if you just stand there and let him do his thing and buff him and use bottom attacks um he does have a little bit of problems with scalability at really high levels um but early on absolute beast see what i did there uh yeah absolute beast early on really good even mid game struggles a little bit but still quite powerful great balanced character um timing wise he's really tough you want to take a big move you always need to have move boots with this guy so that you don't always have to use your swap cards to get there and put your be your bear in the back every three four turns something like that you should be doing a huge move move eight or ten using a card like relentless ally or another big move you must take those cards otherwise you're never going to be able to get up to where you need to be okay now the craigheart he's in b tier he could maybe make it to a tier um but i think he probably belongs more in b tier he's to me he's the funnest starting class though he's a really fun class there's a lot of really fun stuff you can do multi-target destroying obstacles i don't know i just like the thought of it you know this big stone guy running around you know making tornadoes and jumping on people and hurting them you have to be careful he does hurt uh he can hurt his allies so you've got to be careful around that that brings him down a little bit um obstacles he can do damage with obstacles he can you know make obstacles and push people into obstacles and do damage so there's some fun stuff to do with that he has a ton of utility he's got a pretty good hand size to at 11 so he can do some pretty good tanking and he's you know got decent hit points as well he does struggle a bit in single target damage he can hit a lot of enemies monsters but he struggles against people that have shield which brings him down for sure he can do a lot of damage to a bunch he kind of pings people right and does a little bit of damage to everybody um and he needs earth it needs a lot of earth to really be good and so you know that's pretty situational and you really have to build around that there's not going to be a ton of earth generated um he can generate some of his own but um and then the meddling initiative he has is is a bit tough to deal with his cards kind of just sit in the middle and i you know it's one of my pet peeves meddling initiative makes everything tough um he doesn't scale as well either he has pretty bad scaling not like as bad as the tinkerer or somebody like that but scaling wise that's a great okay it's saw bones i don't know why but this guy reminds me of like a civil war medic you just know he'd be hacking your leg off with like an old rusty saw or something like he's definitely not gonna put you under anesthetic and uh do a nice clean job for you he's gonna get the job done and get you back out into into battle but you're not gonna you're not gonna be looking good um so saw bones is a b class and or a b tier and and for a couple of reasons he always has to be adjacent to get good things done and so it requires a lot of timing and coordination between your team and without perfect information it makes it really tough and you've basically always got to go late when you're saw bones so that you can use positioning um to to make yourself as effective as possible and what happens is when you don't go early at least the majority of the time monsters get a turn to act and so they end up doing you know a lot more damage and they're more effective and saw blinds can come in and kind of clean up afterwards but it's still better to go out and deal damage right away and that's the main drawback of this class he does have mad packs and the med packs are actually pretty good because they give some longevity to the other the other players because you play them instead of one of your own cards and so that does help a bit overall and he's really good support um when we played we had a guy who was he was really into being support and he actually played him quite well just you can't try and be both you can't be a melee damage dealer and support you've got to just go all in on the support on this guy and he can be pretty decent but he's still only a solid you know a solid b tier the quartermaster my number one favorite character the character i played the most i had an absolute ton of fun with him he can loot a lot he's gonna go out there and steal loot from everybody and he's actually really motivated and you'll be really motivated when you play him because you need a ton of items go get yourself you know the cloak of pockets or whatever it is so you can carry a ton of items and you're going to be able to do some serious damn she's extremely powerful and extremely fun to play he is an s tier because of this and also because you can run an infinite loop on them and no character should have an infinite loop that's why he's as dear he's broken and he's broken in that case in a bad way you should never be able to have an infinite loop um when i played them i actually never infinite looped them i focused on a bunch of other stuff there's a really cool stun build you can do like i was an absolute stunning machine i would go in and just stun stun stun and even that was was asked here even though it wasn't completely game breaking i could stun constantly two three plus guys every turn and it really made it easier for everyone else um everyone is going to get annoyed at your looting and unless there's a scoundrel around there's going to be absolutely nothing they can do to stop you so there you go the quartermaster and asked here okay from jaws of the line we've got the demolitionist he is absolutely deter in fact he is the worst character in any of the games gloomhaven forgotten circles jaws of the lion he's just the absolute worst he doesn't really do anything well he's super situational he lots of times requires objectives or obstacles to to do a decent amount of damage he's not really a tank although at level five when you get mech suit he does definitely become a lot better um helps him a lot he he just can't do enough damage and it's it's too situational to get that damage done so he is the worst class and take like a card for ex for example like windup windup is ford extra damage spread out over two attacks and you have to forgo the damage that turn you can get other characters where you can easily do four melee damage even at level 1 with no drawbacks and you always want to do damage early on in gloomhaven because you have a chance of killing an enemy before they attack you back delaying for damage to add later on is just it's completely useless um it's one of the worst cards i've ever seen it's balanced okay for jaws line still absolutely the worst class in jaws of the lion but basically unplayable in gloomhaven this guy's right at the bottom of the barrel and there's nothing else to be really said except that mech suit makes them slightly better but it's still absolutely not enough okay we've got the acer diviner the acer diviner is really good and i'm talking about the second edition ace through diviner there was a lot of modifications made to the cards and made the diviner more diviney and less cursey and it's actually better because of it so the first thing is riffs riffs are really good you can cause a lot of you know status effects you can use them to teleport they can do a bunch of fun stuff and they're quite powerful and the more riffs you put out the better things get teleporting is really great too just by the way it's it's a great way of moving and it's better than any other kind of movement so that makes her really good as well she's a really powerful control class looking at any modifier deck and attack decks is quite powerful so that you can manipulate things it's not just about going to the monster deck and and saying hey i want to you know move this minus one modifier to the top instead of these plus zeros it's about going through your allies decks and quickly talking with them about you know what their plans are etc and really setting up everyone's deck i mean essentially you're looking into the future and and making everything better for your your allies and works for enemies and it's actually really powerful um it it doesn't do much damage but that's okay it's it's definitely a control class so that's not the end of the world it's more about you know manipulating things and doing damage and she's got some cool stuff like regenerate and giving regenerate to everybody which is super powerful um she does take a lot of thought to play she's pretty complicated class it's gonna take a decent amount of work but she's not super situational she's just complex so for those reasons she's made here okay we've got the scoundrel and the scoundrel really is a scoundrel uh it's kind of a pain playing with the scoundrel even though they're really good and then let's just talk quickly about swift bow from the first edition absolute ridiculousness everyone hated the scoundrel but it's really good so the scoundrel has great single target damage you can do some pretty crazy combos and get upwards into the 40 50 damage range single targets not going to be a problem when you have a scoundrel around and like i said before even without swift bow being overpowered like it is in the first edition absolute loop machine hoovering up loot you're gonna have lots of money lots of items um you do have a fairly small hand size at nine and that can be a bit of a problem you can actually get yourself into some trouble the scoundrel because you're trying to pull these big combos off and losing cards and i've seen the scandal exhaust early quite a bit so that you know brings it down a little bit but still a pretty solid a tier and you know between that and the spell weaver they're both you know i would call them almost even spell weaver may be edging out i like the spell weaver a little bit better um just a little bit more longevity and things of that nature um high move scandal can move and go ultra fast and move really far so i mean another way you can get yourself into trouble to put yourself up too far in the front so you've got to be careful uh bad for multiple enemies but the positives outweigh the negatives and definitely an aide here okay the sun keeper sand keeper is a very good character she's an absolute tank and that's why she's an a-class she's relatively straightforward to play she can output pretty good damage and lots of times she has advantage and and so i would keep her rolling modifiers down but she's got advantage a lot she can usually put five or six damage per round and you can just throw her in the front and she's gonna absorb damage um she's got you know a card like defensive stance right where you're always gonna shield one up pair that with a little bit of armor and some defensive stuff and then she's got you know three four or five cards that you know can mitigate damage via shield or not taking damage at all so she's going to be able to go in the front and you know just soak everything up heal and reduce all that damage so you know you can have the rest of your parties just stand behind her and fire away she creates a lot of light like i said she uses that for advantage a lot um she can heal quite well um she is pretty slow but that's okay um the shield cards are relatively quick i mean they're usually in like the 15 to 20 range which isn't super fast but if she's in the front everyone's attacking her anyways and so you know just push her right up at the front keep everyone else back um so that's why she's eight here she's you know just a good straightforward powerful character she doesn't have a ton of nuance so if you like complicated characters you may not like her as much she's not game breaking but she is powerful all right we've got the sue singer he's an s-class and he's absolutely the most game-breaking class period um he's gonna make every scenario easy mode by doing a couple things one he's gonna throw out curses like some sort of you know evil mage even though he's a singer and he's gonna play a card called disorienting durge a disorienting dirge is gonna give all enemies disadvantage all the time so you're gonna throw 10 curses into their deck which means a third of the enemies modifier deck is going to be curses and then they're going to have disadvantage they're going to have to pull two cards every time they're going to miss 60 70 plus percent of the time and the math can change but functionally you're completely neutering all enemies they're gonna do you know one-third to half of their normal damage and you're just gonna be able to stroll through like it's a sunday and and maul everybody without having to worry about really healing or anything so the sue singer's actually not that fun i thought it would be fun um but it turns out that the class is pretty slow like move wise you don't move a lot initiative is fine he's got some you know quick initiatives that sort of stuff but all you do is curse and play this one song and it's actually pretty boring and it you know can take out some other classes uh can make them a lot less fun to play because essentially you're just controlling the entire match so that's why the sue singer's an s-class fun wise he's like a c he's not really that fun we made it to the end please like and subscribe watch everything else i have
Channel: Neural Net Games
Views: 18,525
Rating: 4.8584728 out of 5
Keywords: board games, table top games, gloomhaven, forgotten circles, jaws of the lion, tier list, ranking, classes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 53sec (2393 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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