Gloomhaven - 20 Common Rules Mistakes

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okay let's talk about some of the most common mistakes people make some rules that are misinterpreted and some rules that are maybe a little bit tough to understand so that you're playing gloomhaven the way it was intended and if you make any of these mistakes and i've made a lot of them don't feel bad happens to all of us and that's why you're here watching this video so the first one is players cannot tell each other initiative numbers if you are using perfect information you have to increase the difficulty because telling each other initiative numbers means you can make some very strong plays and it's going to make the scenarios a lot easier for you so you can use vague terminology hey i'm gonna go fast don't make up a secret code creating separate code words for every ten initiative from low to high number two summons do not follow your orders unless you've played a card they follow a move plus zero attack plus zero just like monsters do number three some cards have a refreshed consumed item and they've got a little bag symbol on them what this actually means is refresh only small items and i made this one myself you can't get back your weapons your armor all that other stuff and i think this one is easily confused or happens a lot because the bag it looks like an item symbol number four elements are empowered at the end of your turn and this means that you can never use an element you create yourself and that's why it kind of pops in at the end of the turn it's a rule that seems really weird and you know i've misplayed it myself and so you don't have to worry about you know the order that you create or consume elements on your turn number five monster focus rules monsters always find the closest person the closest ally first and focus on that taking into account and this is the tough part obstacles and traps and so they will focus on somebody that they can get to when taking those factors into consideration and also remember that traps are treated as obstacles they will always try and go around them even if that means trotting around the entire globe to get away from that trap you can't run them through that trap if there's even one possible pathway so just to clear this up really quick let's head to the table in this case there's no path anywhere for this monster to focus so simply goes here activates the trap attacks the craigheart but this is where it gets interesting let's remove this trap here now there's a path all the way around the outside so yes this monster is now focusing on the scoundrel instead of the craig cart because there is a free path to the scoundrel and the scoundrel is closer so yes this guard is going to go globe trotting around here make sure you use that to your advantage when you're planning your turns number six you can move through your own allies but you cannot move through monsters and allies include summons and monsters they can also move through each other but they can't move through you everybody's gotta end in an empty hex number seven shields shields only work on attacks they don't work on suffer damage abilities they don't work on traps they don't work on anything other than attack damage so make sure that you remember that when you're calculating how much damage you're gonna take number eight all monsters will take their turn after you open the door no matter what their initiative order is so you're gonna open a door you finish your turn you get to take all of your actions as soon as your turn is done the next ally or monster takes their initiative turn in order it doesn't matter if the initiative of one of the monsters is less they will go first they do not miss their turn this one's really this one's misplayed quite a bit and hopefully that clears it up for you number nine small items and how many of them you can carry this is a very rookie mistake happens to mostly rookies but you only get to hold a number of small items divided by your level rounded up which means at level three that's when you can have two potions number 10 advantage and rolling modifiers and this one gets really tricky whenever you're on advantage you pull two cards if you pull a rolling modifier and let me just quickly explain here so you pull one card let's say it's a plus one you pull a second card it's a rolling modifier you pull a third card it's another rolling modifier then you pull a fourth card and it's a miss you add up all the cards together so you will do no damage this is why a lot of people get messed up on advantage with rolling modifiers is you just keep pulling until you get something that's not a rolling modifier and you add everything together this means that if you've got poison or heal or any of those things those still take effect but if you pull a miss on your fourth or fifth card that's still a miss okay we've gone through our first 10 rules mistakes misconceptions misunderstandings whatever you want to call them but if you could at this point go ahead hit that like button it really helps me out a lot and if you could go ahead and subscribe and turn on notifications so that when i put out new content you're notified and also i've created a video i think you're really gonna like it i've ranked all 22 of the gloomhaven classes this is including forgotten circles and it's including jaws of the lion so go ahead i'm going to put a link up above i'm not sure which hand i'm going to go at this hand this time i'm gonna put a link here go ahead check that out see how your favorite classes compare to the rest of the classes in the gloomhaven universe number 11 refreshing items that have not been fully spent like armor and we're talking about ones that have the low spend icon and that have charges so let's take hide armor for example you have one charge used on it and you long rest it does not get refreshed back to two charges so make sure that you've used up all of your charges before you long rest or before you use an item to get that back number 12 you don't know that you can discard cards from your active area anytime you want so let's talk quickly about summons you're at the end of a scenario you've been doing really well you've got lots of cards left but there's piles of loot everywhere because you are focused on you know putting monsters down you've got a summon out there the last monster has one hit point your summon is going to go and kill that monster and end the scenario before you can go rake in that sweet loot well you can discard that summon at any point in time summon disappears off the face of the earth at any point in time you can discard cards from your active area and it cancels the effects mind thief augments they're not lost cards so if you want to increase longevity you can actually choose to discard them before you rest and then when you rest you've got an extra card that you can choose from and you can go ahead and replay that card so that you can take a few extra turns in a scenario number 13 attack versus attack action and there's a big difference here so we're gonna talk about crackling air and something like fire orbs for every monster that you target with fire orbs you're gonna use up a charge of crackling air so it's good for four attacks so if you hit three targets with fire orbs you've used up three charges you don't get to use one in charge for the entire spell and turn crackling air into one of the best cards in the game when it's definitely a fairly low tier card you know if you don't use air on it you're getting plus one to four attacks make sure you're not using it for that number 14 you cannot trade items or share money for that sweet purchase of a new item you've just recently unlocked think of it this way your roommates but you don't really like each other you live in the same house out of necessity but at night you lock the door you don't share food everyone has their own section in the refrigerator you have a charge heart on your day it's your turn to do chores i'm going on endlessly here you get the point don't share things you're mercenaries adding targets to aoe spells nope you do not get to recast dirt tornado and hit 18 000 hexes at once you're adding one hex onto dirt tornado you're not recasting the entire spell number 16 taking experience on a card that has a target like an attack when you're not actually attacking things no you cannot go practice your sword play and chop through the air and take an experience point for it number 17 summoned enemies do not drop loot nope you cannot go farm a certain type of enemy that replicates just in case there's people who haven't gotten that far you cannot go and farm summoned enemies for their gold make sure you're keeping track of when something is a summon versus an enemy that was placed there for the actual scenario and stop trying to break the system number 18 summons act during a long rest yep they're separate people it's like having children they do whatever the hell they want you're resting and they're out wrecking things and making a mess of the house number 19 you get an extra perk when you start a new character for every previous character you've retired so if you're on your fourth character and you're starting at level five you're getting you know three perks plus all your level five perks as well that you would normally start out with it has to be in the same lineage and this is getting to it's getting pretty rules-y here so i'm going to just post up here uh the lineage part from the official faq so that you can take a look and get a good understanding of how it works number 20 summons act in the order they are summoned make sure you're keeping track of this especially if you've got a summon card that summons more than one summon you need to keep track because it's going to make a big difference in how things play out because they're going to follow monster summon rules like we talked about before so make sure and remember that when you're summoning when you're making your summon plans i hope you've liked the video and it's helped you to understand gloomhaven a little bit better so if you could go ahead and hit that like button and subscribe to my channel turning on notifications so that when i publish new content you're notified thank you so much for watching the video
Channel: Neural Net Games
Views: 12,297
Rating: 4.9020171 out of 5
Keywords: board games, table top games, gloomhaven rules, gloomhave rules mistakes, gloomhaven rolling modifiers with advantage, gloomhaven summons, gloomhaven consumed items, gloomhaven refresh items, gloomhaven small bag items, gloomhaven monster focus rules, gloomhaven character movement, gloomhaven shields, gloomhaven revealing a room, gloomhaven augments, gloomhaven attack vs attack action, gloomhaven sharing money, gloomhaven sharing items, gloomhaven summoned enemies loot tokens
Id: 0Vg5ZfqgHDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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