Is Jaws of the Lion Worth It? EVERYTHING You need to know!

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hey everybody it's james here from neural net games and today we're talking about jaws of the lion and is it worth it so i'm going to go through this in a multitude of different ways we're going to cover it from a bunch of different angles for all you experienced gloomhaven players who understand what jaws lion and gloomhaven are there's timestamps down below that can take you to the relevant section because first i'm going to go through exactly what jaws line is and then we're going to talk about new players is it worth it for new players should you be buying it for your significant other for christmas or for birthdays or something like that and then we're going to talk about experienced board gamers who have not played gloomhaven or jaws the line and whether it makes sense for you what are the pros and cons stuff like that and then we're going to talk about original gloomhaven players and whether or not jaw's the lion is going to be good for you and exactly what makes it good versus what makes it not good like for example forgotten circles even though it's a gloomhaven expansion definitely not for some people and i've actually got a link uh i'll put it down in the description you know whether forgotten circles is worth it and what you actually need to know about it so that you can make a good determination as to whether it's a good fit for you and your group and that's kind of the point of this video too is jaws of the line going to be good for you okay let's get started [Music] so what is jaw's lion well jaws of the lion is a mini version of gloomhaven with some changes it was created afterwards so it is a tactical dungeon crawler with euro influences there's no dice rolling you're essentially playing a hand of cards those cards are the abilities of your specific class you're part of a party you're part of an adventuring party you go through a campaign so it's an adventure you're doing different cool things in each scenario you're taking that hand of cards and it's got a really cool mechanic because as you play cards you put them in various piles there's a discard pile there's a lost pile and there's a can never be played again pile and so as you play more you have to keep putting cards in the in the lost pile so you won't have access to them so you may start off with 10 cards in your hand but you know two-thirds of the way through the adventure you only have five cards left and so there's some really good strategic decision making it's not a super easy game so if you're a super casual kind of person and you're just dice chucking and stuff like that it may not be for you but it's a fantasy it's a fancy medieval kind of thing there's there's an adventure it's got a more focused story than original gloomhaven it's less open world it's got a nice tight focused campaign you take four players through that campaign you level them up there's items there's powers there's you know all that good kind of rpg stuff so we're going to start out next i'm going to talk about new players is this good for new players people who don't play a lot of board games people who haven't played original gloomhaven okay so you're you're looking at this you're thinking maybe it's for yourself and you're like i've heard about this i kind of feel like getting into board gaming i'm looking for something fun to do with my friends so is this a good game for me if you know i've mostly played monopoly and stuff like that and i'm going to say yes but with one caveat you've got to go into this and go this is probably a little bit more complicated and a little bit more involved than everything i've done i'm going to go in i'm going to follow the instructions and i'm really going to go all in on this because it's a much simpler game than original gloomhaven and a lot of heavier weight games they trimmed a lot of stuff from the original gloomhaven out of this game so that it is more accessible it is in retail and that you know more people can play it and it's a little bit more streamlined so it has fairly low setup time and it's you know quite well laid out and so i think if you just decided to buy it for somebody if they've got you know even a little bit of experience with something like dungeons and dragons or even you know some board games they're gonna be just fine or if you know they're the person the kind of person that can just dive into something and be like all right i'm gonna learn this it's not insanely complicated this is not some super heavyweight game where it's got 8 000 different things you've got to think about it's reasonably straightforward and so i think you know going in with those mindsets you're going to be just fine it's a great gift for christmas it's a great gift for birthdays all that kind of stuff i've got links down in the description if you click on one of those links i make a small commission on the small channel i need your help so i'm going to link blue maven i'm going to link jaws line down there it'll be directly through amazon and they have it in stock and you know it's standard pricing that kind of stuff okay so the next person we're going to talk about is somebody who plays a decent amount of board games maybe they play some heavier weight games stuff like that but they haven't played original gloomhaven and so the weight on this game is 3.56 on board game geek which is not really that high compared to something like twilight imperium which is a 4.24 it's definitely a lot lower weight than that but if you've played a lot of other games a lot of games have less strategy and less tactical have a less tactical nature and so if you're just looking for a good old boy chuck dice have fun low risk of losing that sort of thing you may struggle a little bit with this like this is going to be definitely harder than something like uh descent journeys in the dark or stuff like that chronicles of droonigore it's going to be harder than the standard dungeon crawler because there's no dice and there's very low luck in the game you've got an attack modifier deck which is you know starting out is comprised of 20 cards there's you know a few minus ones there's one minus two like this is to damage and there's one miss in that deck so really you only have a five percent chance of missing in a standard deck so there's very low luck aspects i think if you've played other games of reasonable complexity maybe you've played spirit island you've played i'm trying i'm struggling here to think but like any of these you know fairly popular games wingspan if you can play wingspan if you can play scythe if you can play any that kind of stuff you can easily play this game i would suggest that you start with jaws of the lion even though it came after unless you really like open world games if you're more into open world games and making more of your own choices then original bloom haven is going to be better for you because it's more open world you can kind of meander around and do more stuff than you can in jaws of the lion which has a much more focused campaign and is even though it has side missions it's a lot more linear and it's a lot smaller too if we're talking just straight value here original gloomhaven is going to be a lot better overall value because it has 17 classes instead of four it has 95 scenarios instead of 25 or whatever there's a lot more content in the box and it only costs you know two two and a half times depending on what the costs are right now you click the links below and you can go check out the cost and i just want to let you know i've started a patreon so come play games with me on tabletop simulator i've got exclusive campaign plays you know voting like polls voting on my next kickstarter videos to cover all kinds of good stuff like that we're gonna have a great time there um i'm gonna put the link down in the pinned comment and also i have a twitter account i post board game news i break stories i do all kinds of fun stuff on there i have a low amount of followers because i just started it make sure you follow me do it please okay i'm not gonna that's enough that's enough let's move on to original gloomhaven players who are thinking his jaw's the lion for me all right original gloomhaven players is jaws of the lion for you of course it is if you've watched this whole video i don't think that's going to be a surprise but i want to bring value to you so let's talk about some important stuff because the mechanics and jaws of the lion have been pared down substantially so no prosperity no retirement no party reputation temple donations are gone and then we've got summoning is gone retaliate is going rolling modifiers praise the light the rolling modifiers are gone they're such a pain pain with advantage i've got other videos on that and then the last is negative item conditions are gone i've actually written an in-depth article on the comparison i go even more into depth in just the differences and also in that article i go over how you can port things over like which stuff from jaws of lion is compatible with original gloomhaven so make sure you check it out if you just go google is jaws of the line worth it that's the best way to get to the article so that you can go and see you know how you can get your jaws line stuff in original gloomhaven i don't think many people are porting classes from original gloom into jaws of lion just because it's you know like i said it's way more of a focused experience although i think you probably can do it maybe that's a good idea for me for a future video like how do you get you know original gloomhaven classes in and exactly what you do but for now mostly you take from jaws into regular glue so yeah it's a more focused experience it's more pared down but it still has everything great that is gloomhaven i actually think that most of the choices were for the good for just my personal taste i know that's going to vary for people but it is just a great experience if you love original gloomhaven you will love jawline i am guaranteeing it it's not like forgotten circles where some people who loved original bloom haven played forgotten circles and were like like i said i've got a video on forgotten circles and exactly why it's so polarizing so some people loved it some people hated it it was definitely not a dish that everybody who enjoyed gloomhaven would want to eat from such a weird analogy you know what i'm saying though forgotten circles was a gloomy of an expansion but it was just you know not for everyone jaw's line is for everyone i've talked enough hopefully that helps you make your decision and i just want to say thanks for watching the video and a big thanks to my subscribers and my patrons i couldn't do it without you you
Channel: Neural Net Games
Views: 2,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board games, table top games, gloomhaven board game, jaws of the lion, red guard, voidwarden, demolitionist, hatchet, jaws of the lion rules, how to play jaws of the lion, is jaws of the lion worth it, how much is jaws of the lion, jaws of the lion or gloomhaven, which is better jaws of the lion or gloomhaven, can i use jaws of the lion classes in gloomhaven, jaws of the lion classes, gloomhaven tier list, gloomhaven common rules mistakes, is jaws of the lion good
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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