Gloomhaven - 9 GAME CHANGING Items

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it's no secret that items in gloomhaven change the way you play the game so this is a list of nine items that are a either busted as in they trivialize scenarios and they're crazy and they probably should be nerfed etc and then the other items are really powerful and they change how you play the game even if they're not busted and the reason i wanted them on this list is that you know you can sometimes get these items very early in so they can really change how you play gloomhaven for a very long time and i think they deserve to be mentioned on an item powerlist even if they're not you know outrageously broken this video it's going to have spoilers so you know fair warning and then also i'm not including the solo items i'm going to do a separate video on that go check out my videos and see if it's up yet it'll be up in the next little while if it's not up right now and i just want to keep the solo items in a separate list they're kind of they're just in a separate place for me okay let's get started with number nine [Music] at number nine we have the cloak of pockets at early levels this substantially changes how many small items you can carry i mean at level one and two you go from one to three so that's a lot more items it does take your chest slot but that's okay there's lots of cheap good small items in early prosperity levels and i really like taking the cloak of pockets to you know just so you have potions galore and things like that and then at very later prosperity levels there's a ton of small items that are just outrageously powerful they're going to be on this list later on but the cloak of pockets is on the list because it just allows you to take more of those ridiculous items and things just get crazy when you're you know level 90 you've got seven small items at number eight we have the long spear and the reason this is so good is it's available at prosperity level three it's a spend item so you get it back by long resting or through any number of other cards or items so really easy to use it multiple times and this is huge with big melee attackers who have big single target melee attacks i have added over 80 damage in this scenario with this item yup for realsies no i just said for realsies i can't believe i said that i'm gonna keep this in though because it's so dumb um i don't want to spoil the class that i did it with anyone who's played the glass will probably know but for most you know single target high damage melee classes this is a must-take item and you get to have it so early because it's at prosperity level three at number seven we have the star earring and the reason it's not a little higher on the list is because it's prosperity nine you're probably not gonna have it for very long i think a lot of people don't even make it to prosperity level nine and that's why it's a little bit lower but it's i mean it's awesome it's a stamina potion uh recover two cards heal you know refresh all your spent items it's a very very good item it's probably not broken but it's very powerful at number six we have boots of levitation and this is another one that's not busted but man does it change how you play the game and it's a random item so you can get it very early and it will just ruin you for tactical planning because it makes everything so easy hazardous train whatever difficult train who cares traps they don't exist obstacles okay clogged up battlefield float around through everybody get behind them you never have problems with you know getting into the right position so it's great for melee classes to move around and make sure they're in you know let's say the most advantageous position when they're trying to do multiple target attacks stuff like that it just completely changes how you play the game at number five we have the pendant of dark packs and refreshing two consumed items is just ridiculous consumed items are sort of balanced around the fact that you can only use them once i mean that's kind of the point you just can't spam them over and over again and this allows you to get back to it's very very powerful i almost never took anything other than this once we unlocked it i always tried to make myself take something else from like oh get back to consumed items it's so good it's so much better than the empowering talisman even though you get cursed the curse is it doesn't matter but you know what this does is it breaks the game this is one of the first game breaking ones there's a combo with a solo item that completely breaks the game i mean it makes you immortal infinitely powerful whatever you want to say i'll talk about that in another video i don't want to spoil it but this item's really broken thanks for making it this far if you're liking the video please go ahead and hit the like button it really helps a video helps you to promote it and subscribe to my channel so that when i put out new content you're notified make sure you hit that little bell and also i work with noble knight games they're just they're amazing they've got the largest selection of games in the world i'm gonna put a link down in the description go ahead click on that anything you buy from them through that link i make a small commission and i really need your support to keep this channel going and they just have like they have so much cool stuff you want old d d stuff you want old card games you want old board games you want stuff that's out of print stuff that's really hard to find they've got it all okay let's get back to the list at number four we've got the cloak of phasing and so remember how i rambled on about how good the levitation boots were well this does exactly the same thing but it's even better so yeah it's very good you can do all the things that you could do with the levitation boots but if you stop on an obstacle you actually go invisible you can't attack but it's just a really good safety valve and it just makes for some you know a lot of utility uh when you don't want to get hit it does take up chest spot but still it's a it's a great item it just changes how you play the game at number three we have stamina potions the minor which is available at prosperity one and the major which is that prosperity four if you're playing with the new rules are not quite as good they're only one card recovered for the miner and they're two cards for the major but still they just allow you to do so much not only do they give you longevity which is useful they allow you to interrupt the balance of power gloomhaven is balanced around discard cards being used once per rest cycle when you can start reusing your best card over and over again and i mean there's some easy ways to get back consumed items so you can see you know what i was talking about like with pendant of dark packs get back both your major and your minor stand potions use the same card your best card five turns in a row by using you know both stem potions and the pendant of dark packs that's why it gets so crazy minor and major stamina potions are extremely powerful at number two we have the ring of haste and the ring of brutality and the ring of haste you can get this at prosperity five ring of brutality because it's a top action i guess considered more powerful it's at prosperity 7 but still these allow you to play extra cards when you play extra cards it allows you to accelerate your power curve when you accelerate your power curve you start outputting damage earlier damages king and gloomhaven and this pretty much breaks the game and then when you can get these back using pendant of dark packs or you know any number of other ways in the game it gets ridiculous you start playing a lot of cards uh and taking a lot of extra actions compared to the monsters and you can get your combos up and running really fast oh you needed you know a loss card to be played early on in combination with two other cards well you can now do it first turn instead of waiting till second turn it doesn't sound like much but it's massive they're totally game breaking they're extremely powerful and this is why i like the cloak of pockets i like to stack you know i was stacking up on uh stamp potions and rings and all these different things and just you know going crazy pretty much at number one we have the second chance ring and i won't go into all the ways this can we can break things but you're taking multiple turns in a row you're manipulating time we all know how powerful time travel is or manipulation of the space time continuum something along those lines it's extremely powerful it breaks the game i never even used it um not seriously anyways in my first campaign we never even made it to prosperity9 in the first like you know run through or whatever but this is just so broken it's an automatic pick and it's the most powerful item in my opinion make sure you comment below let me know what other items you think are super powerful are broken etc and thank you so much for watching the video you
Channel: Neural Net Games
Views: 5,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board games, table top games, gloomhaven best items, gloomhaven overpowered items, gloomhaven item prosperity, gloomhaven which item should I take, gloomhaven how to play, gloomhaven too hard, gloomhaven cant win, gloomhaving best class, gloomhaven guides, gloomhaven review, is gloomhaven the best game, gloomhaven common rules mistakes, gloomhaven rules errors, gloomhaven rules errata, gloomhaven overpowered, gloomhaven best game, gloomhaven tier list
Id: oWqjBpHJ7c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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