Glock 19 Gen 5 MOS

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how's it going guys Braxton here right now I'm in my apartment and I thought I'd take a moment while I have some time on my day off to do a quick review of a relatively new pistol that I have purchased it's a purchase that I'm a little bit excited about because it definitely is a game changer in terms of my training and what I use as my EDC the new gen 5 mos what's different about this gun a lot of you have probably seen other reviews where the subtle nuances and differences they're not groundbreaking or earth-shattering or anything extraordinarily different from what's already been put out on the market for a long period of time but I think it's a wonderful step forward for Glocks for people that enjoy shooting blocks and yeah I'm really happy with it so far so we'll go ahead and switch the camera angle I'll get more into a tabletop review I'll probably roll some b-roll of me actually shooting the gun will point out some of the differences I'll point out some of the things I like talk about some of my dislikes and then yeah we'll go from there oh yeah on the right here we have our Gen 5 MMOs and on the Left we just have our Gen 5 both of these are the model 19 and both of these are excellent firearms if you're wanting to purchase a Glock or if you've been considering be Gen 5 pistols I will say that the Gen 5 m OS for me personally has been a highly anticipated release mostly because of two things the ability to mount an optic while also having these front serrations now I'm a person that really enjoys press checking my firearm I done that for a long time and it's just personal preference and how I manipulate my firearm something that is new to me is using a red dot having the option of buying a factory OEM lock that I can concealed carry that is optic ready I absolutely love so back when glock release their gin four FS and the gin for MOS i had this thought you know the Gen fives gonna be coming out soon and I'm pretty sure if I wait and don't buy either one of those guns the gin five is going to come out with front serrations and it will be optic ready well lo and behold the Gen 5 was released and it lacked both front serrations and an optic cutout when I saw this the Gen 5 come out and it didn't have the front serrations or the optic cutout as well as this front little cutout in the front I kind of like most people was a little bit disappointed and I still purchase firearm because it definitely had quite a few upgrades that I personally enjoy but again I can't say that I wasn't disappointed so when Glock released the June 5 mos I finally got my my dream Glock from the factory exactly everything that I wanted so let's talk about some of the obvious differences that the gen 5 mos has over the regular Gen 5 my number one favorite difference is that they took the time to remove the little Halfmoon cut out here and you know for me it didn't really bother me that that was there my finger does go right over that my pinky finger does fall right over the Halfmoon but I don't feel it it's not something that distracts me in shooting when I feed a magazine in and out of the gun it doesn't pinch me when I'm shooting I I don't notice it whatsoever but the thing that would happen is I would go to feed in a magazine and you notice that there are two cutouts on this pistol there's one in the rear and there's also one in the front here and these are two different spots where the magazine could actually hang up when trying to load the gun so it sort of defeated the purpose of having a flared magwell with the MOS they completely got rid of that and the flare actually goes all the way around the mag well which is excellent when it comes to loading the gun you add a grip plug to that equation and I mean you you really do have something that is is useful at that point so good on Glock for listening to all of us that purchase their pistols and getting rid of that moving on from that another difference that it wasn't something that I necessarily even cared about but it's kind of nice to see is that they actually beveled the the frame here on the MOS compared to the June 5 which you know wasn't necessarily as aesthetically pleasing did it affect the functioning of the firearm or when it came to manipulate manipulating the weapon or holstering no did it make any difference to me no but it's kind of nice to see that they went ahead and did that another thing that I really really love are these front serrations I kind of touched on that already but I think it's about time that Glock made the step in putting these on all of their pistols they should just be there if you don't choose to use them so be it they don't affect you they don't take away from how you manipulate the weapon but with the new finish that they actually put on these these Gen 5 slides they are very slick and it is very difficult sometimes to get a grip on these slides when manipulating them and having the serration makes it incredibly useful so I really loved that they did that also having the option of using the modular optics system to mount a red dot is a complete game-changer for me this is my first time actually shooting a pistol with an optic on it so let me see if I can get this lined up here and you guys can see a little dot right there I love it I love having a red dot on my gun it's definitely taking a bit getting used to the height overbore when aiming is a little difficult to line up very quickly but once you get used to it it's the natural point aim comes very quickly now something else that I really wanted to talk about were was a difference I noticed on the internals of these two pistols I haven't really noticed anybody point this out when people talk about the mos versus the regular gin.5 everybody kind of coins or says that the internals are identical but they're not something that I've noticed and this isn't anything groundbreaking guys I know but it is one difference and there may be other differences that I have yet to pick up on but that is the extractor here if you notice the MOS is on the right well my regular gin.5 is on the left my gin.5 has had about a thousand rounds through it while i'm only have about 750 through my MOS and i not yet clean this firearm i've taken the time to polish the internals and you know the trigger and the mechanics of this kind of really broken in nicely I'm waiting to clean and polish all the internals on my MOS after a thousand rounds but moving on from that if you look at the extractors you'll notice a difference the one on the left the the gin.5 it's has this this curve to it where it actually seems to like twist you see that that little bit of a twist and the extractor there whereas on the MOS it's just straight completely straight its there's no twist in it it does bend to the right just like with the gin.5 where it bends off to the right but there's no real twist in it it's just a sharp angle downwards and i i'm not sure why glock chose to do that over just leaving it as it was maybe they've noticed a more consistent extraction great maybe they they've had less malfunctions with this design i'm not really sure i and i don't i thought well you know while I'm at it I'll go ahead and grab a gin four and we'll compare it to that so here is my Glock 43 which is had some modifications to it but the you'll notice the extractor on the 43 I do not have a Gen 4 Glock 19 so I'm not sure if this would change but you'll notice the extractor on this particular gin 4 is completely straight so I'm not sure if that's the same for other Gen 4 models if they have bent the extractor on any other models like the 17 or the 34 you guys will have to let me know down in the comments if that's the case but yeah I thought that was something interesting that I could point out a difference that I have found in the gin five MOS over the normal Gen 5 so another difference internally that I have noticed that actually has not been pointed out when comparing a Gen 4 barrel to the new marksmen barrel and we'll go ahead and use my MOS here because it has the least amount of rounds through it again this gun has not been cleaned since I initially bought it but like I said I've put about 750 rounds or so through this gun and if you look at the barrel there's quite a bit of wear on that finish right 750 rounds through it you can start to see some wear forming on the barrel whereas this my chin for which this is a Glock 43 you mind you it's had about 1,500 rounds pass through it and it doesn't have anywhere at all on the top when compared to this brand new barrel so that's something interesting I don't know if it matters but it's something that I have not seen pointed out on anybody else's review of the Gen 5 pistols but that's really it guys if you are in the market for purchasing one of these I completely recommend it just for the fact that they got rid of that little cutout and they added front serrations if you don't feel the need to purchase one of these if you're happy with what you already own and you just want to send your slide in to get milled that's a great option too so there you have it guys nothing really amazing I know I didn't really blow your minds by some of the things that I've pointed out but again there's not a whole lot to talk about it's just something that I'm excited about because this pistol is great in my opinion to finally have the option from block straight out of the box with all the features that I was personally looking for I'm very excited about that I'm very happy to be a customer of block and actually spend my hard-earned money on this tool and you know for me just to be able to take this gun throw the accessories that I find useful throw it in a holster and start training because that's what matters you know all these different things that people do to their guns don't really add up anything if you're not actually purchasing ammunition and getting out on the range and using your firearm so yeah this this thing's great I recommend it to anybody that's interested in buying it I hope my video was maybe a little bit helpful or insightful to people that are looking forward to purchasing this firearm and yeah I think I might have pointed out a couple things that some people may not have noticed so if you like the video let me know I hope to actually take the time to film more of these videos to do a bit more reviewing and I this is a hobby that I truly enjoy I'm very passionate about it and I want to share that passion with as many people as possible to not only spread education and awareness but to really be more unapologetic about my Second Amendment advocacy so yeah you guys take care of Happy Holidays and I'll see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Prepared Influencer
Views: 22,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0qsWsr0ajBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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