CZ75 Police Trade Ins

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welcome back everybody this is Eric here with Iraq veteran 8888 today we're going to be doing something maybe just a lot bit different than what you're probably used to seeing we've got some cz-75 police trade-ins these are actually pistols that I bought last year and gave to you know a bunch of the crew and we've been kind of shooting on them and having fun with them and everything like that but these are cz 75 police trade ins that I picked up for like less than $250 and a grand and it's been a minute I don't think they're available anymore but we thought it'd be fun to go and and just shoot the mess out of these guns and have a little bit of fun and just see what you know a good old classic cz 75 can really do we've got a couple of different varieties of 75s here to show you one is just a good old classic 75 and one thing about these you can really tell was a rounded off trigger guard and the spurred hammer or two of your most distinct features on the early 75 s you've also got a ramp front sight post that is non-removable alright and then you get into a transitional Priebe model on the pre b's you can see there's a textured portion on the front of the trigger guard it's much more thicker and more defined you've got a hammer that has basically this kind of hole in it right here you know so instead of a a spur type hammer you have a I guess a different hammer whatever you want to call it and then on the front sight post here you can see that it is held in place with a roll pin so the front sight can be removed and the sights can be changed and everything like that so this is a pre B we'll be shooting it a bit we have a metric ton of magazines you saw here we've got our can arrange bag here that we brought out and you know it holds your magazines here and you got like this nice little spot here to put your your gun on and everything and I brought this out because I've got my trigger pull gauge and a couple of bits of oil and tools I mean we don't know what's going to go on so we want to be kind of prepared to be able to sort of handle anything we see right here on camera I think what we're gonna do is probably run the pre B that I've got here so alright a little kunai bag which I love wonderful little bag there we're going to just shoot this gun and have a little bit of fun with it one caveat I did respring all the guns so they all have fresh fresh Springs through and throughout and most of these magazines are brand new these are actually SPO one magazines that hold 18 rounds we have nearly 400 rounds of ammo loaded up in these mags so I think what I'm going to do is I'm just going to shoot this gun until we experience some kind of strange malfunction and something I want to know that it's really cool about this particular seventy-five I think I believe these are Egyptian police trade ins so they did come from overseas there's a huge Nick right here on the muzzle okay so how good could this gun possibly shoot right I mean the muzzles all nicked up the finish is missing off the gun it's been respawn it's a you know obviously not a good gun because it's like 250 bucks right well let's uh let's shoot the gun and see how well it does and guys this is a lot of magazines we're just going to go through we do have some original cz 75 magazines as well that are period-correct and that are the same age that the guns that we're shooting on so this particular gun we look at the date this one was made in 1994 we've got a compact Masada this is Chad 75 this one was made in 1993 and then our original 75 here has a date of 1987 this is a my 75 all right we're going to shoot this pre be a little bit and see how well she does with that nicked muzzle because you know it obviously ain't going to hit the right side of a barn with a nick muzzle we're gonna run some winchester brown-box Steelcase ammo this is 115 grain we also have some freedom 124 round those that will be running out of some of these magazines as well let's just have a little fun and we'll see if the gun chokes at all I mean we've got a lot of ammo to go through here hopefully we will see what happens here written to the right for me a bit but definitely not bad alright good trigger the guns respring seems to be running good it's gonna go through here and have a little fun as a gun is sprinting to the right so I'm gonna have to make some slight adjustment to my point of aim this is someone else's gun so obviously I'm not going to try to drift the sights I can see that the rear sight is drifted slightly to the right there so see if we look at the sights see if that rear sight goes right then what happens the front sight gets drifted over to the right so I can visibly see that the site is drifted to the right which is why the gun is sitting to the right I'm gonna so make some slight adjustments and see if I can get these rounds in the center of the target and then I've got a trigger pool gauge that we're going to pull out of the kenai bag here and we'll we'll check the single action trigger on this very nice you can't go wrong with a 75 guys not shabby just trying to get behind these sites and kind of figure what's what I'm going to try to pick up the pace and just have some fun here yeah I pulled that one if you do your part with these guns man I'm telling you they they shoot buddy all right I'm aiming at the bolts on the plates back there guys the guns are favoring just a bit to the right for me this one is yep very very nice accuracy I mean remember guys the muzzle on this business barrels like dinged and beat up but still shooting pretty good what I really wanted this video to be is just kind of a testament for how good these guns really are I know some people weren't cz-75 fans I am so it might be a little bit biased because I love these guns yep I'm gonna have to hold over to the left a bit this side is drifted there we go not shabby that want to swing in there got him alright what more does she need to be able to do alright we're gonna step out I'm I've got a popper way back there about 20 yards away he's pretty far see if we can hit him right in the center that's well outside of combat range for a handgun in my opinion me most of your combat shooting is going to be really close ranges and everything such a wonderful pistol we'll see look at that I couldn't do that again if I try this three rounds stack right on top of each other I'm just wrapping them out I have my moments all right I mean I'm not shooting slow I mean and this gun it's just grouping wonderfully I mean I'm sure you get a good shooter like chat behind this thing and you know probably shoot a heck of a lot better than me but we're gonna let Chad shoot it in a minute here what in the heck having a hard time hitting the gofer there there we go can't believe this thing hasn't choked yet you must be hitting him low huh all right we're gonna step out with 35 yards Oh what sitting way to the right yep yet longer ranges that the fact that this site is drifted over a bit is definitely causing those rounds to hit way off to the right let me try holding off the left a good bit and see if I can land them back there at 75 yards yep I almost wonder if that site is trying to move right now it's not let's see yep all right combat distances things definitely working great all right got our first malfunction failure DeFede little guns holding it pretty good overall it may just not like this mag but hard to say not terrible we're not even close to running out of mags out either that's the funny thing about this I mean that group is favored to the right like I knew it would but gun shooting alright we got to try that gopher again he can't elude me failure to feed it's just weird holding off like his back of it because this thing's printing to the right but all in all not terrible not bad it doesn't really move that popper much does it max don't drop three that could just be as simple as the grip panels being a little bit too tight at this point the frame is yeah that's physically getting pretty hot here little gun is running pretty good failure to eject all right now we're getting out of the 18 round mags and we're down into the 10 round matter I believe these are 17 shot mags and I've got one Clinton mag I don't know why Chad owns a Clinton mag but hey I'll take it any day guys I mean the guns running not bad at all Nick and the muzzles still there just as much as it could be we've got three three mags left get rid of these and then kind of have a look at this gun is this a meltdown video I'm not sure if it is can this be considered that because this thing is hot the lower frame is hot yeah buddy that's what I'm talking about daddy like look at that the last mag is the slide doesn't want to must not be like in that particular magazine for some reason weird buddy I'll tell you right now we're out of ammo not out of time though but man I mean the guns got a nick in the barrel the finish is all jacked up on it now granted we put some fresh Springs in it had a couple of hiccups could be magazine related not sure but guys that was almost 400 rounds of a cz 75 now I'm shooting pretty dang fast okay I'm not trying to shoot tiny groups I'm trying to just kind of like look through the sights and just shoot the gun and one observation that that I can make I mean long range obviously because the sights are over a little bit they're not really set up for me you know the gun is hitting way off it further ranges to the combat ranges buddy this this thing right here is a tough contender I would take this over a modern gun any day if I have my choice now now granted the thing is I love Glocks and I love all different other types of guns as well I mean I'm not saying that you know Glock got make a good pistol or anything like that and I'm not saying sell every gun you have and go buy you know beat up cz-75 but uh there's nothing like a nice vintage piece a nice classic and I guess in the gun world this is considered a vintage piece guys it's getting a little bit older you know and there's a lot more modern guns that are out there but uh man things just working like a good old workhorse just holding up just fine we could probably take that barrel and maybe woo that's hot we could wreak Ram that barrel if we wanted to maybe drop some more modern sights on this gun you know VZ does grips for these guns so you could run like VZ grips fresh seracote night sights reground the barrel you know we already did fresh Springs you can obviously see the guns working just fine tell you what while we got the camera rolling my little kunai range bag and we're going to grab our trigger pool gauge and I want to see what the single action trigger is registering at on this pistol and then we're going to take a break here and reset everything and I want to Chad to have a go guys I know this is a long video but it's a lot of dang shootin four pounds and three ounces on that single action trigger so nice crisp single action gosh just a wonderful wonderful old-school pistol here we'll probably shoot the standard 75 a little bit as well and then we'll have Chad run as Masada here which is basically just a police gun guys I don't know what else to say here I mean I kind of like to let these kind of results just speak for themselves I mean the guns run great CC 75 s are wonderful they're definitely one of my favorite guns out there in terms of handguns I mean I've really really liked them a lot and really anybody that's ever shot one definitely agrees with me I believe if you've ever got especially like an SPO one or an SPO one phantom or any of the modern C's these guys these aren't even modern cz these are ones that have been rode hard and put up wet and and are worse for wear and they still just work wonderfully so anyway I'm gonna swap out let Chad have a few mags I don't know if he'll shoot quite as many as me but let's do it alright guys I'm gonna have a few shots with the old vintage C Z's here it's always a good day when we get cz-75 out to the range if you guys are you know strangers to the channel just know that Eric and I love these classic guns and just Czechoslovakian guns in general they're just awesome but one quick note we did take a mallet and we we we pushed over the sights just ever so slightly on the B model here and John and I and Eric all we're stacking them right in the center so it was just a sighting issue so that's good that's resolved now I'm gonna take a few shots with Eric's original 75 here now this one is the 1987 produced model and we're gonna use the modern-day SPO one mags I say that sometimes these modern mags don't really work very well with the older guns now those minor issues that we had earlier could have been ammunition related or they could be mating these old or new mags with the old guns so let's see if this one shoots straight for me thankfully shots about 12 yards here she still got it all right head shots let's see so your to extract Oh failure to feed oh man it may not like these SPO one mags Oh No so sad alright hey I got an idea let's try my Clinton magnet Eric's making fun of this is [ __ ] because this is a little Magnum research that's one of the baby eagle like the Jericho type mags and it has this rivet in here and this long just thin spring that's attached to the follower so it just prevents the follower for going all the way down and loading 15 shots I'll cut that crap crap out of there works with that one alright let's finish my headshots here dude I mean come on never just what mag it's tight in there oh yeah else when I get from making fun of my magazine get out of there hey you got a you got a punch in this thing to punch this magazine out here hold down the mag release huh there you [Applause] they could take a beatin the other can see that's why we have the range bag yeah take a like a soft punch I'm gonna push that mag out here we go well we spoke too soon well at least at least Jones runs good at least John's runs by there you go you ain't seen nothing it happens all right I'm out of here let's see if we can avoid any further issues all right that mag fits fine maybe maybe Oh No Irie sprung these things I don't know it might be a did you respring the extracting everything really yeah hmm may this one may just not like this Winchester Emma it might not keep shooting whatever if you end up having an issue I got one that's even uglier ooh and those grips have a puma on them they have a legitimate tumor not a home engraved Puma yes sorry um you guys will know what that's a thing just washing the video I'm sorry it's okay you can hack it yeah it's uh the extractor is overcoming the rim on the spent cases so dang try the other gun if you want oh man the mag release could be all tanked up on that one or the the slide release I'm sorry yeah let's try the trust try the Masada real quick all right we'll try that one real quick yeah see I'm gonna go have a look at this to the wall all right let's try this this is a see this is just a regular 75 this isn't 87 as well and whoo boy freakin PAC Mayer Puma grips oh those are comfy I'm here for the bolt there let's try this one with some of the 18 rounders maybe that one works they're old oh yeah same thing that's a failure to feed hmm looks like the B model is the only one that likes these uh SPO one mags that's correct don't know unless you try to - like a shotgun pattern let me take my time real quick and just see if I can shoot a group of this thing I'll see I'll go for the bolt on this middle D 28 over here hey I know what the problem is you need a ding on the muzzle maybe watch shot hi I mean not bad all right I want to try out the Masada now this one is in my opinion this is the most kind of unique one out of the bunch this one has cz 75 SC Masada and has a little menorah on it and from everything I can gather about these it's kind of a semi compact it's a full-size grip frame but with a shorter barrel kind of like I guess maybe like a commander 1911 that sort of thing but these were actually as far as a no issue to Israeli police forces you know back in the day and these see this is a 93 so this is the early 90s gun it's got a little bit of rust on the slide stop and on the safety and the hammer is pitted the sights are pitted and rusty rusty duck and all but it's just cool alright let's see if this thing will run some of these 18 rounders the drop free but it fits in there let's see it's only ammo that we have left really so I love the way that gun points man oh yeah points good hey I got one clean target left back here about 15 yards up that was definitely me man shoot I probably pulled a couple of those shots but dude sucker stacks them right in there man for a defensive unit shoot dude the bad thing is like we come out here and shoot modern guns and we can't get him to hit the right side of a barn I mean come on all right look I got some sodas I've been neglecting the sodas I felt they were going to get away this time shoot up figure to feed wonder if it is that ammo Joey to feed ie hiding back there I don't think so alright you got to hit the egg Oh the egg oh man there's one egg left there's an egg down there just low you're right under it you got it yeah I only took seven shots I can't see where the shots were laying in there hitting the board yeah you'll see it's like some long-range shots here shoot I'm like shooting through that soda bottle Fareeda feed [Applause] dude all right 75 yeah at the bullseye just a little bit thank only got one more mag left oh I got ya I got a few mags out of you're having fun taking you guys along for the ride like usual dadgummit where those rounds going looks like they're hitting a little low Chad about the size of a basketball in a bed it's a long way for a little stumpy gun like this she looks like it any day of the week man there to feed oh that's a that's a good one there so there's one round in the magazine facing down and the other round is on top of it doing this look at that yeah well those that's one of the original magazines yeah yeah those max just might be getting a little bit more out gotta test your crap god that's like that's a crazy override right there oh man I got it chok that maggot I got I'm just getting your rod in case you need it yeah finish this mag and that's it well at least the first gun ran God thank you shoot I'll take that I mean for what these guns cost dude this hard to beat I mean I like 240 bucks for most of these things and this one's not something that I would consider carrying or anything like that it's just mainly uh I collector's piece more or less because I'm just a fan of Israeli military and police firearms I don't know why it's just one of those weird niches that I just like but hope you guys enjoyed this video that first model that B was good thing is the cat's meow man I mean 400 rounds ammunition nearly with what two stoppages come on I mean what more do you need but stay tuned guys we've got a ton more stuff on the way we always love getting up to the range with old classic pistols and rifles such and you know checkers lucky and Firearms like I said are just one of those things that we both just very very much love and enjoy you know taking out and shooting and collecting and such so hope you enjoyed this video stay tuned we've got a lot more on the way [Music] you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 327,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, cz police trade ins, cz75, cz75 B, cz75B, cz75 pre b, massada, cz massada, cz75 massada, cz-75, military surplus, milsurp, iv8888 cz75, iraqveteran8888 cz75
Id: Yz2W8JgK76s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 39sec (2199 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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